
安宁河联盟 2023-2024 学年度上期高中 2022 级期中联考
第一部分 听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
1~5:CAABC 6~10:BABCC 11~15:CACAB 16~20:BACAB
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
21~23:BDA 24~27: BACC 28~31:CDAB 32~35: DABC
第二节 (共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 完形填空 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
41~45:CBBAD 46~50:ACDBA 51~55:CBDCD
第二节 语法填空 (共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
56. a 57.which 58. Making 59. extremely 60. procedures
61. to master 62. for 63.brought 64. valuable 65. is
评分标准:有任何错误, 包括用词错误、单词拼写错误 (含大小写) 或语法形式错误,均不
第四部分 任务型阅读(共两节 满分 20 分)
第一节 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
66. had 67.happy 68. realized 69. throw 70. fortunate
71. priceless 72. recommended 73.excited 74. continue 75. disappointment
评分标准:有任何错误, 包括用词错误、单词拼写错误(含大小写)或语法形式错误,均不
76. He should have a dream.
77. Because he wanted to handle the work schedule.
78. He gathered his courage and knocked at his door. As expected, his face turned purple
immediately. He scolded him. With his head down, he stood silently before him. He realized that
it’s stupid to earn pocket money at the expense of his dream.
第五部分 写作(满分 20 分)
One of my favorite sportsmen is Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese professional football player.
Ronaldo has achieved remarkable success throughout his career, earning numerous honors and
breaking countless records. He has won multiple FIFA Ballon d’Or awards, showing his
exceptional skills and talent on the field.
There are several reasons why I admire Ronaldo. Firstly, his dedication and hard work inspire
me. He is known for his strict training rules and his commitment to constantly improving his game.
Additionally, Ronaldo’s charitable efforts also contribute to my admiration. He actively supports
various charitable causes and uses his platform to make a positive impact on society.
In conclusion, Cristiano Ronaldo is my favorite sportsman due to his remarkable achievements,
his determination, and his selfless nature.
档 次 要点数 要点分 语言要点表达情况划档依据
第五档 3 18~20 语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达清楚
第四档 3 14~17 语言有少量错误,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚
第三档 3 10~13 语言有一些错误,尚能表达
第二档 2 5~9 语言错误很多,影响表达
第一档 1 0~4 只能写出与要求内容有关的一些单词
1. 该运动员简介及成就;
2. 你喜欢的原因;
3. 恰当结尾。
虑。英、美拼写均可接受。凡多次出现非关键性单词拼写错误或其它同类错误,原则上每 4
处扣 1 分;
7.词数少于 80 或大于 120,扣 2 分;
8.书写潦草凌乱、但基本不影响阅卷的,酌情扣卷面分 1~2 分。
1.考生如果写出三个完整的要点,原则上定为第三、四档,即 10~17之间。语言错误相对
很多,则属于第三档,即在 10~13分之间。语言错误相对较少,但多数为简单句,则属于
第四档,即在 14~17分之间。如果考生使用了很多高级表达,且句式多样,则为第五档,
即在 18~20之间。不过,满分需慎重。
2.考生如果写出了全部要点,原则上分值不少于 10分。若实在无句子,则降一两分。
Text 1
W: Look at this picture. I must visit this island. It’s so beautiful. I’m going to take a holiday there.
M: I was saving for a holiday, but now I decide to spend the money on a car instead.
W: I prefer experiences that teach me something.
Text 2
W: This weather is perfect for a walk.
M: Yes, it’s a pity I have so much work to do.
W: Come on. You deserve a good break. Let’s go outside and enjoy ourselves.
M: OK.
Text 3
M:We do need another bookshelf for our daughter in this room. She loves reading books. But
the problem is that we need more space for it.
W: How about moving the old dining table to the kitchen
M: That’s a good idea.
Text 4
M: How do you feel about your performance in the exam I’m worried I might fail.
W: Oh, I’m pretty certain to pass. I think I’ll get a very high mark.
M: My parents will be so angry if I fail.
Text 5
W: Oh, it’s a surprise to see you catching a bus to work, Eric.Where’s your car
M: It’s under repair, so I had to decide between this and the train.
W: The bus is slower, but it’s a lot cheaper than the train.
Text 6
M: Good morning, Mrs. Evans. How are you enjoying your stay Is everything OK with your
room (6)
W: Oh, I love the room. I like the view of the beach and the castle.
M: It’s beautiful, isn’t it Glad you like it.
W: There’s just one thing I’d like to mention. I can’t open the window. (7) I tried several times.
Does it need a key or something
M: Oh, I’m not sure. I’ll send someone to check that for you.
W: OK, thank you. Apart from that, everything is great.
M: I’m glad to hear it.
Text 7 (第 10题为总结题)
M: OK, class, let’s do some paper folding art — we’ll be making a paper elephant. (8) First of
all, get a piece of paper and fold it like this.
W: Have I folded it correctly, sir
M: Yes, that’s right. Now, these next three folds are really important. You need to pay attention,
because if you get this wrong, it will totally ruin the wild elephant. Fold it like this, this and
W: It’s quite difficult making this elephant. (9) Maybe we should have started on something
easier, like a flower, sir.
M: Actually, flowers are quite hard — so are lions. A boat would have been better for a beginner,
as it’s not that difficult. Right, get some sharp scissors and cut it, like this.
W: Are these its ears
M: You’ll see. Now, open it up.
W: Oh, wow, an elephant! That’s brilliant, sir!
Text 8
W: Hi, Bob, (13) come in. This is my new office. (11)
M: Wow, it’s great. There is so much furniture, such as the sofa, the armchair.
W: How about my desk Isn’t it beautiful
M: Yes. Look at that! Is that a new computer
W: Yes, it is, the latest model.
M: But there aren’t any windows here. (11)
W: Yeah, it’s a pity.
M: Is that a new Times magazine on your desk (12)
W: Yes, it is. (12) There are some more copies in the cupboard.
M: That’s a great magazine. I love it.
W: I also have other magazines like Wealth, The New York Times in my house, not here. You can
borrow them anytime you want to. Would you like a cup of coffee
M: Sure. Is there a coffee maker here
W: Yes, there is. There is everything in this office.
M: You’re lucky.
W: Yes, I am. You are welcome anytime. Now, let’s make a coffee. (13)
Text 9
W: Ah, Paul. (14) (17) Thank goodness you were able to come in at short notice. I don’t know
what we would do without you.
M:Wow, the café’s busy today. What’s going on I’ve never seen it like this. (14)
W: There’s a big conference at one of the office buildings down the street, and I think everyone
has decided to come here for lunch.
M: It certainly looks like it.
W: It was too much for Jane and me to deal with, but now you are here to help. (15) Things
should be easier.
M: What shall I do first
W: Well, someone left the ham out of the fridge last night, so I’ve had to take that off the
menu. (16) If you could spread butter on some bread, that would be a great help. (17) I’ve
already cut some cheese and prepared the vegetables.
M: OK, I’ll do that right away. (17) Don’t worry. We’ll soon get everyone served.
W: I hope so. I started to get nervous when I saw all these people, but I didn’t want to turn anyone
away. That’s why I called you.
M: I’m glad I could help. It’s a good thing to have lots of customers. It shows the place is popular.
W: You’re right.
Text 10
M: Welcome back to Radio Glasgow, and now we have an unusual story. A woman from
Glasgow found an unexpected item in her suitcase when she returned from a holiday in
Australia. (18) It was a snake. When Maria Boxall first saw the snake, she thought it was a
toy snake, (19) which was placed there as a joke by a member of her family. But she quickly
realized it was not a joke — when she touched it, it moved. Without knowing, she had transported
the snake in her case on a flight from Queensland to Glasgow. She only discovered it hiding in a
shoe, as she started to unpack in her home. She was very frightened when she realized what had
happened and quickly ran out of the room. The snake was later taken outside, still in the shoe,
by a relative (20) and kept there until an animal charity arrived to deal with it. Experts said the
snake was not dangerous. The snake is now being held at an animal rescue center. When it has
been examined by experts and declared healthy, it will probably be given to a Scottish zoo. This
has been the news from Radio Glasgow. And now a look at today’s weather.
B.She didn't like the view.
C.She lost her key.
8.Who is the man
A.An animal expert.
B.A teacher.
C.A designer.
9.What does the girl think is difficult
A.To learn about all kinds of animals.
B.'To use the scissors correctly
C.To make a paper clephant.
10.What is the conversation mainly about
A.Wild elephants
B.School supplies.
C..Paper folding art.
11.What's the problem with the office
A.There are no chairs.
B.There is no cofTee maker.
C.There are no windows.
12.Which magazine docs the woman havc on her desk
C.The New York Times
13.What does the woman offer to do for Bob
A.Lend him her computer.B.Buy him a magazine.
C.Make him a coffee.
1.What does the man want to do with his money
A.Book a holiday.
B.Take a course.
C.Buy a car.
14.Why is Paul surprised
2.What will the speakers do next
A.The cafěis busy..
A.Have a walk.
B.He missed the notice
B.Finish their work.
C.A conferenee was canecled.
C.Watch the weather report.
15.How many people will work today
3.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Husband and wife
16.What has been removed from the menu
B.Father and daughter.
C.Waiter and customer.
17.What will Paul probably do next
4.How docs the woman feel aboul the exam
A.Butter some bread.
B.Cut some cheese
C.Prepare the vegetables
5.How does Eric usually get to work
18.Why did Maria go to Australia
A.By bus.
B.By train.
C.By car.
A.For studying animals.
B.For an expert meeting.
C.For a holiday.
19.What did Maria first think when she found the snake
A.It was not real.
B.It was dangerous.
C.It was dead.
20.Who first took the snake outside
A.An animal charity.
B.Maria's relative
C.A zoo keeper
6.Where are the speakers probably
A.On the beach.
B.At a hotel.
(In a castle.
7.What problemn did the woman have
A.She couldn't open the window




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