
英语试卷 答题卡
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正确填涂 缺考标记
第 I 卷 选择题
1 A B C D E F G 7 A B C 13 A B C 19 A B C
2 A B C D E F G 8 A B C 14 A B C 20 A B C
3 A B C D E F G 9 A B C 15 A B C 21 A B C
4 A B C D E F G 10 A B C 16 A B C 22 A B C
5 A B C D E F G 11 A B C 17 A B C 23 A B C
6 A B C D E F G 12 A B C 18 A B C 24 A B C
25 A B C 31 A B C D E F
26 A B C 32 A B C D E F
27 A B C 33 A B C D E F
28 A B C
29 A B C D E F
30 A B C D E F
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题
34 35
36 37
39 40
41 42
ID:2878483 第 1 页 共 2 页
44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51
52 53
ID:2878483 第 2 页 共 2 页
{#{QQABQYQUggAAAhAAAQhCAwWiCEEQkACCCKoGgFAAIAABARNABAA=}#}2023-2024学年第一学期11月初中联考 初三英语考试
1-6 CBEADG 7-11 CBACA 12-16 CABAC
17-20 BCBC 21-24 AACC 25-28 CBAB 29-33 BDEAF
34. today’s spaceships
35. (burning) fuels
36. enough/ a lot of/ lots of water
37. (much) cheaper
38. I’ll get there in a spaceship powered by water.(开放性问题,答案合理即可)
so that 40. Whether; not 41. What an
42. used to 43. aren’t allowed
wisely 45. the 46. with 47. encourages 48. making
49. meaningful 50. to celebrate 51. ability 52. sentences 53. who/that2023-2024学年第一学期 11月初中联考 初三英语考试
1. 全卷共 4页,满分 90分,考试时间为 100分钟。
2. 一律在答题卡相应位置作答,在试卷上答题视为无效。
第 I卷 (选择题,共 50分)
第一部分 完形填空(共两节,16小题;每小题 1分,共 16分)
第一节 阅读下面一篇短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。
A. attention B. shy C. interviewed D. succeed E. explained F. time G. top
Young World magazine 1 a 19-year-old pop star Candy Wang. She said that she used
to be shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. As she got better, she dared to sing in
front of her class. Now, she is not 2 anymore and loves singing in front of crowds.
But life changed a lot after she became famous. She 3 that there are many good things,
like being able to travel. However, too much 4 can also be a bad thing. She doesn’t have
much private time anymore.
As for the things she wants to say to all young people, Candy Wang said that one should
really require a lot of talent and hard work to 5 . Only a very small number of people make it to the 6 .
第二节 阅读下面一篇短文,从各题所给选项中选择可填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。
As a university student, I decided to learn German. For some reasons, I really liked
the language, but I was not very good at learning it. The grammar 7 me a lot and
even drove me crazy. My only advantage was 8 —I got an A on every word test I
took. After two years of studies, I struggled (挣扎) to communicate in German and
signed up to study in Germany to complete my degree. It was the 9 term I would
ever have.
The moment l arrived in Germany, I felt like I was starting from the beginning. The German I had learned in
university wasn’t 10 for everyday conversation. I was often nervous at school, and worried about whether the
teachers would call on me in class and whether I’d understand their questions. I only felt a little 11 with my
eight roommates, who were willing to speak German slowly to me and didn’t seem to mind my 12 .
I chose to study three courses—reading & writing, grammar and history. All were in German and 13 ,
and the history class was the worst. The teacher spoke so 14 that almost everything he said flew over my
head. I sat in the front, took notes and even recorded every single word he said in class, but 15 helped. I had
no idea what the class was really about.
Years have passed. I can finally speak German, but I still remember how it felt to struggle so hard at 16
another language. That trip was a difficult but valuable lesson. I think my failure taught me just as much as my
7. A. gave B. helped C. troubled
8. A. listening B. spelling C. reading
9. A. hardest B. shortest C. happiest
10. A. easy B. meaningless C. useful
11. A. relaxed B. surprised C. worried
12. A. purposes B. progress C. mistakes
13. A. difficult B. interesting C. different
14. A. loudly B. quickly C. clearly
15. A. nothing B. anything C. everything
16. A. creating B. teaching C. learning
第二部分 阅读理解 (共三节,17小题;每小题 2分,共 34分)
第一节 阅读下面三个短文,从每题所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。
第 1页,共 4页
Let’s Explore The Nature! Are you interested in
animals and nature Want to enjoy your summer holiday
and learn something interesting and useful
Here comes your CHANCE! Youth Explorer has
prepared you with a THREE-DAY SUMMER PROGRAM!
You can take part in many hands-on activities and meet with live animals—giraffes,
pandas, tigers and so on! More information about the program is as follows:
Age: Students aged 8—16
Groups: There are 2 programs for you to choose from. Each program needs at most 15 students.
Program A Program B
Dates: July 10—12, 2023 Dates: August 9—11, 2023
Days:Monday to Wednesday Days: Tuesday to Thursday
Time: 10: 00 a. m.—4: 00 p. m. Time: 10: 00 a. m.—4: 00 p. m.
Program cost: $ 230 for members; $ 260 for non-members.
How to do: Simply come to our center to get an application form(申请表). Send your completed form on or
before 7th July, 2023 (Friday).
1. No free lunches are provided because of personal food differences. You may either bring a lunch-box or
pay for lunch at our restaurants.
2. Both program will start 1 DAY later if there is a warning of rainstorms.
17. can join the three-day summer program.
A. A kid of 6 B. A boy of 15 C. A girl of 18
18. If there is a warning of rainstorms on August 10th, program B will start on .
A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday
19. Two members and one non-member should pay for the program.
A. $490 B. $720 C. $750
20. Free lunches aren’t provided because .
A. there are many restaurants
B. the lunches cost too much
C. people have different tastes
“Dong” is one of China’s 55 ethnic minorities,with a population of less than three
million, mainly living in South China. The ethnic group is well known for its
traditional embroidery (刺绣 ), which has long been passed down from generation to
generation (世代相传).
Qin Naishiqing is a master of Dong embroidery in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous
County in the southern part of Guangxi. At the age of 91, she is still good at cutting
paper patterns, which she says is the spirit of the handmade art. “You should be very
skillful in embroidery to become good at paper cutting. When you get a piece of paper,
you should form a picture of the patterns in your mind without actually drawing them, ” Qin said.
Teaching embroidery is a family tradition, and Qin’s two daughters-in-law usually join her in teaching
youngsters. Phoenixes (凤凰), dragons and flowers are common patterns featured in folk art, which are reproduced
on embroidered products. Spider flowers, seen as a symbol of good wishes, are very important in Dong people’s
embroidery patterns.
Every Dong girl is encouraged to learn the skill at an early age, around 9 or 10 years old. When she gets
married, she will traditionally receive a whole set of clothes, including a wedding dress, made by her mother.
There are now thousands of women in the country taking up embroidery— an art form that has remained
unchanged over the years. Qin hopes she can help make sure the tradition continues for future generations.
21. The purpose of the first paragraph is to ________.
A. introduce the topic of the passage B. tell us the population of Dong
C. show us how Dong people embroider
22. According to Qin Naishiqing,________ is an important part of embroidery.
A. paper cutting B. a great skill C. drawing pictures
23. What can people find on embroidered products
①flowers ②dragons ③wedding dresses ④phoenixes
A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①②④
24. In which column of a newspaper can we most probably find the reading material
第 2页,共 4页
On June 9th, 1870, Charles Dickens died at the age of 58. The next day, a headline in The New
York Times read: “Death of the Great Novelist…Will Be Remembered by the People...”
The headline was not overstating (夸大) the popularity of Dickens. Even today, the British
novelist is loved by readers all over the world. Dickens created some unforgettable characters. You
must have heard of or even read some of his novels:Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol and A Tale of
Two Cities. A Tale of Two Cities has sold more than 200 million copies. Since 1897, there have been
more than 300 films and TV adaptations of Dickens’ works. A Christmas Carol alone has had nearly 50.
Natalie Mcknight is a literature professor who studies Dickens and his works. She explains why the novelist
has remained so popular. One important reason, she says, is that Dickens wrote from his heart. He tried hard to
produce emotional effects (情感效果) among his readers. In his works, he paid special attention to the "little man"
at the bottom of society in the UK, which deeply mirrored the social reality at that time. A Christmas Carol, for
example, was written to make every reader think about how they could make a difference to their society. People
always enjoy works that make them laugh, cry and think. Many other 19th-century novelists wrote entertaining
works. However, few of them worked as hard as Dickens to touch the readers deeply.
Dickens wrote about situations and emotions that still interest people today. He used his pen to fight social
inequality and gave voice to the poor. His works led to many important social changes. Readers always enjoy
seeing poor people rise and succeed.
This year marks the 150th year of Dickens’ death. It’s another chance to remember this great writer. Will you
read or reread some of his famous works
25. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about
A. The personality of Dickens. B. The appearance of Dickens. C. The popularity of Dickens.
26. As a novelist, why has Dickens remained so popular
A. He wrote for fun. B. He wrote from his heart. C. He mainly wrote for the upper class.
27. What does the underlined word “inequality” mean in Paragraph 4
A. 不平等 B. 不现实 C. 不稳定
28. The writer’s purpose of writing this text is probably to _______.
A. introduce Charles Dickens’ life and death
B. encourage readers to read or reread Charles Dickens’ works
C. present the similarities between Charles Dickens and other writers
第二节 根据短文内容,从短文的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。
You’ve been learning words since you were a tiny baby. At first, you learned them only by
hearing other people talk. Now that you’re a reader, you have another way to learn words. What
should you do when you come to a word and you think you don’t know what it means 29
●Say it.
First, sound it out. Then say it to yourself. It might sound like a word you know. 30
But you don’t know what it looks like in print. So if you match up what you know and what you
read — you have the word!
●Use context (上下文).
31 Look at the context — the other words and sentences around it. Read this sentence: When it
rained, the dog looked for shelter in the doorway. If the word “shelter” doesn’t look familiar, look at the words
around it. “Rain” and “in the doorway” might give you helpful information.
● 32
If the context doesn’t help, look at the parts of the word. Does it have any parts you know These can help you
understand what it means.
●Look it up.
If the three steps above don’t work, you can look it up. 33 Nobody knows the meaning of every word,
but good readers know how to understand words they don’t know.
A. Use word parts.
B. Following some easy steps can help you.
C. You can only search the Internet for help.
D. Sometimes you know a word in your head.
E. If the first step doesn’t work, take this step.
F. You can find the word in a dictionary or online.
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共 40分)
第三节 阅读下面一篇短文,根据其内容填空, 并将答案填写在答题卡上指定的位置,其中 34-37题每空不能超过
3个词。(每小题 2分,共 10分)
In the future, people may travel to Mars in a water-powered spaceship! Today’s spaceships are fine for getting
things into space, but they are not so good at traveling long distances. These spaceships burn chemical fuels (燃料),
第 3页,共 4页
and they are very expensive. Scientists say that a water-powered spaceship could make the trip to
Mars much cheaper. The idea is just in the planning stages now, but scientists think such a
spaceship could be developed soon.
The key to the water-powered spaceship is the engine (发动机 ). Regular engines push
spaceships by burning fuels. The water engine will use steam, created by solar panels that heat
water to a high temperature. Of course, the spaceship will have to carry·a lot of water for the long
trip to Mars.
One US company has already developed a spaceship like this. These spaceships are made of a strong material.
Two of them have already been sent up into space, using rockets and then later filled with air. “Balloon” spaceships
could be very large and carry enough water for a long trip. With the “Balloon” spaceships, enough water could be
carried to power the engines and grow food during the trip. And the people on the spaceship might even be able to
take a hot bath!
Scientists say the biggest advantage of such a spaceship would be cost. The “Balloon” spaceship uses water to
push it through space and costs about one thirtieth of a normal spaceship. Such savings naturally encourage
continued research into balloon spaceships and water engines. If these scientists are correct, we may soon be on our
way to Mars in a spaceship powered by water.
34. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 refers to “ ”.
35. The water engine will use steam to push spaceships instead of .
36. “Balloon” spaceships need to carry for a long trip.
37. The biggest advantage of a water-powered spaceship is that it is than a normal spaceship.
38. If you want to travel to Mars one day, how will you get there
第三部分 语言运用(共三节;共 16题,满分 30分)
第一节 根据中文意思,补全英语译文(每空限填一词,每小题 1分,共 5分)
39. 学好英语,以便我们能够与世界分享中国故事。
Learn English well_________ ________we can share Chinese stories with the world.
40. 你是否可以学好取决于你的学习习惯。
________ or________ you can learn well depends on your learning habits.
________ _______exciting movie The Battle at Lake Changjin is!
42. 现在我的家乡比过去美丽得多了。
Now my hometown is much more beautiful than it _______ ________ be.
43. 根据新规,学生不被允许携带手机进教室。
According to the new rule, students ________ ________ to bring mobile phones into the classrooms.
第二节 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。(每空 1分,共 10分)
Gifts are a way for people to show love. If you can send gifts 44 (wise), it will make receivers happy and
surprised. Getting a gift can make you feel the love. A handmade gift is 45 best way to show your love. And on
the day of making a gift, you can share love 46 someone you care about.
Make a Gift Day is on December 3th. It 47 (encourage) people to make handmade gifts for their loved ones
on this day. The day is coming. If you don’t know what to but, why not make a gift on this day In the past,
gift-givers would spend time 48 (make) gifts for their friends. Whether it’s a simple handmade wallet or a new
skirt, it is regarded as the most 49 (meaning) gift.
You may wonder how 50 (celebrate) Make a Gift Day. You can have a gift-making party and DIY some
gifts with your friends. Do you have the DIY skill You all have the 51 (able) to make gifts for people you care
about. For example, you can make a card, and write some 52 (sentence) on it to express your love.
There are so many kinds of gifts you can make and you need to think and create by yourself. People 53 get
your gifts will know how much you love them.
第三节 书面表达(满分 15分)
某英文网站正在开展以“How I Have Changed”为题的征文活动,请根据以下思维导图和要求写一篇不少于
1. 文中必须包含思维导图内的所有信息,可适当发挥;
2. 重点谈谈最重要的改变的原因或影响;
3. 文中不得出现真实的个人信息。
Appearance Hobby
How I Have Changed
Personality The most important change
第 4页,共 4页



