九年级英语上册(牛津译林版)Unit 6 TV programmes 单元测试(扬州专用含解析)

Unit 6 TV programmes单元测试(扬州卷)
1.全卷满分120分。考试时间为100分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
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第I卷(选择题 共60分)
1._______ exciting news! We will have a _______ holiday after the exam.
A.What an; two weeks B.How an;two weeks
C.What; two-week D.How; two weeks’
2.—It is a very sunny day, isn’t it
—Yes. A bit cold, ________.
A.yet B.instead C.though D.however
3.________ kinds of plants and animals are disappearing (消失) every year.
A.Many hundreds of B.Many hundreds
C.Hundred of D.Eight hundreds of
4.Very few people spent as much time ______ Hepburn did _______ for charities.
A.like ;to work B.as; to work
C.like; working D.as; working
5.—I like the story of Murder in a Country House better than ________ of Unusual Weekend.
—I agree. The actors act better than ________ in Unusual Weekend.
A.that, that B.that, those C.those, those D.those, that
6.—You mustn’t go there on your own, because you ________ get lost in the mountains.
一OK. I will wait until you have time.
A.might B.should C.need D.must
7.________ of the seven directors came to attend the important meeting.
A.Everyone B.Anyone C.Every body D.Every one
8.Do you have enough courage to ________ all the difficulties.
A.have B.make C.face D.do
9.What do you think ________if the car________ ,on the way to the mountain
A.can we do, is broken down B.can we do, breaks down
C.we can do, breaks down D.we can do, is broken down
10.—Amy, do you know if Daniel _______ to the farm with us tomorrow if it _______
—Sorry, I have no idea.
A.will go; will rain B.will go; rains
C.goes; will rain D.goes; rains
11.The girl won the ________. We’re all ________ of her.
A.prize; proud B.proud; prize C.pride; proud D.prize; pride
12.The boy ________ in the teachers’ office was found ________ yesterday.
A.standing; smoke B.standing; smoking
C.stand; smoke D.stood; smoking
13.Children found the lecture so hard _______ that they felt sleepy.
A.to be understood B.to understand
C.understood D.to understand them
14.—Would you like to play tennis with me _________ it doesn’t rain tomorrow
—Sure, _________ I am busy.
A.if; since B.whether; but C.if; unless D.because; until
15.There were many people ________ at the painting ________by this painter.
A.looked; painted B.were looking; painted
C.looking; was painted D.looking; painted
The TV show China in the Classics(《典籍里的中国》) has been very popular since it first 16 on CCTV on the first day of the Chinese New Year 2021. Not only has it made people learn a lot about classic Chinese books, but it has aroused (激发) their 17 in reading these classic books. On Douban, China’s most active media review website, it got 9 18 out of the total 10.
The TV show 19 11 parts and each part is about one classic Chinese book. It meets people’s needs for 20 at a deep level. The first part 21 Shangshu, or The Book of Documents. It is one of the most 22 classic Chinese books of ancient times. Through the TV show, people can know 23 it is about and how it has been passed down from one generation(一代人) to another.
A man named Fu Sheng (260 BC-161 BC) made a great contribution to 24 and passing down the book. He took the risk of losing his life to 25 it in the wall of an old house during the Qin Dynasty. He didn’t take it out until the Han Dynasty was 26 in 202 BC. Thanks to Fu Sheng’s hard work, people today can still 27 this book, though some parts were lost at that time. He will 28 be forgotten. Many people in 29 times, especially young people, know little about the book Shangshu. From the TV show, they can learn a lot about the events which happened more than twenty-two 30 ago.
16.A.scored B.allowed C.appeared D.connected
17.A.progress B.pride C.peace D.interest
18.A.points B.clues C.roles D.choices
19.A.reminds B.includes C.discovers D.invents
20.A.change B.wealth C.culture D.success
21.A.introduces B.develops C.encourages D.announces
22.A.careful B.important C.delicious D.comfortable
23.A.what B.which C.when D.where
24.A.noticing B.touching C.protecting D.respecting
25.A.record B.hide C.contact D.report
26.A.set up B.made up C.looked up D.picked up
27.A.create B.read C.control D.imagine
28.A.always B.often C.usually D.never
29.A.ancient B.modern C.difficult D.happy
30.A.months B.seasons C.years D.centuries
Reality TV is very popular in the UK. These programmes give us a good look into the lives of different people in Britain. Also, they are a very cheap way to make programmes. Here are some of them.
Strictly Come Dancing In the show some famous people learn to dance with a professional dancer. Four professional dance experts give them scores and comment on their dances. After that, the public vote for their favorite couple. The two least favorite have to dance again and judges decide who stays in the competition and who leaves.
Come Dine with me Each week four people prepare dinner in their home for the other players. Each player then gives the cook a grade out of 10 for the food. The winner gets 1,000. Sometimes the food is terrible and the players are very rude to each other.
World’s Strictest Parents Badly behaved British teens are sent abroad to live with a super strict family for a week. The teenagers have to follow the rules of their host family and go to the local school. After seven days the teenagers return home and their parents tell us whether their behavior is better or not. This show is full of crying and shouting but it can be worth watching, too.
Shattered A group of young people live in a house for a week and must stay awake. Each day there are tests to see how well they can work even though they are totally tired out. They must leave the house if they fall asleep. Viewers vote on those who stay in the house and text their comments every day.
31.In which programme do the public vote for their favourite couple
A.Strictly Come Dancing. B.Come Dine with Me.
C.World’s Strictest Parents. D.Shattered.
32.What does the underlined word “Dine” mean
A.To grade. B.To taste. C.To eat. D.To cook.
33.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.It usually cost less money to make Reality TV.
B.Not all the food is delicious in Come Dine with Me.
C.Some teens dislike their host family’s rules.
D.You will have to leave Shattered if you feel really tired.
There are many TV cook shows where you wish you could reach through your screen and taste the delicious recipes (食谱) yourself.
Now, Japanese scientists have taken a huge step towards making that a reality, with the development of a lickable (可舔的) TV screen.
The device is called Taste the TV (TTTV) and has 10 taste boxes that can put taste samples (样本) onto the surface of the screen. The different tastes in the cans can then mix to create tastes similar to those being shown on screen, for example, coffee or pizza.
It is a technology under test, produced by Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan, with its developers expecting a commercial version to cost about 650.
Japanese professor Miyashita and 30 students have developed all kinds of taste types. In his version the 10 taste cans spray a mixture of samples on to a roll of hygienic (卫生的) film that is placed over a flat TV-screen.
“During the COVID-19, this kind of technology can improve the way people connect and communicate with the outside world,” said Miyashita.
“The goal is to make it possible for people to have the experience of something like eating at a restaurant on the other side of the world, even while at home,” he said.
Miyashita has also been in talks with companies about using his spray technology for applications like a device that can apply a pizza or chocolate taste to a piece of toasted bread.
34.The passage tells us the invention of _________.
A.tasty cans B.TV cook shows
C.a film technology D.a lickable TV screen
35.Paragraph 3 talks about _________.
A.what the device includes B.how the device works
C.what the device is called D.why the device is invented
36.The writer uses what Miyashita says to express the _________ of the invention.
A.ways B.purpose C.conditions D.difficulties
37.From the passage, we know that the device is _________.
A.widely used now B.popular with the Japanese
C.still under test D.liked by restaurant owners
Me: Hello, Television Viewers! I am Aziza Bellamy, and thanks for watching. I want to especially thank you, Ms. Bertha, for agreeing to this interview on live television. It’s a pleasure to meet you, the first-known trans-galactic visitor to Earth. Now, I understand that you are from a planet called Zadernol
Bertha: Just call me Miss Bertha or Bertha, please, but not “Ms.”
Me: Okay, sorry about that. So, you’ve been on Earth for about a week now. What have been your biggest disappointments or challenges so far
Bertha: It’s not the worst planet I’ve ever been to. Mercury was much worse. The aliens— oops, I mean humans, have been unkind, overall. The family I’m staying with, for example, were nice at first. But now they roll their eyes whenever I open my mouth to say anything. They’re not interested in any of my stories. And I think they may be trying to avoid me. Worst of all, they make me wash my own dishes and bathe myself. They’re so rude.
Me: Oh um. . . wow. That’s just. . .
Bertha: I am used to having high standards when I choose where to stay, by the way. I have stayed with royalty and presidents on other planets. And they all adored (崇拜) me and begged me not to leave. But I gave this human family a chance to host me. I mean, really, they should be grateful that I selected them, of all the people on Earth, to wash my clothes and cook my meals and entertain (款待) me.
Me: Well what you’re saying is surprising, Bertha. Do you think it’s possible that this family just wants you to pitch in a little, to be a good guest
Bertha: It’s odd to me that you’re not agreeing with me. If you were smarter, you’d agree with me. That’s another thing. Everyone on Zadernol is smarter than the smartest person on Earth. Earth is below me.
Me: You know what. Bertha I’m starting to see why you’re so unhappy here on Earth. You’re just a boastful (自夸的), spoiled alien.
38.Which of the following sentences from the passage is an opinion
A.Well, what you’re saying is surprising, Bertha.
B.So, you’ve been on Earth for about a week now.
C.I have stayed with royalty and presidents on other planets.
D.But now they roll their eyes whenever I open my mouth to say anything.
39.From the passage, we know that Aziza is ________.
A.proud of Bertha B.interested in Zademol
C.dissatisfied with Bertha D.scared of Bertha’s words
40.What might Aziza write in his diary about the interview
A.Talking to Bertha was great fun. I now know much about Zademol.
B.We should try to improve our earth as Berthas hometown is much better.
C.The interview was interesting. But I dislike the family Bertha is staying with.
D.It was an unusual interview, and an unexpected experience as well.
41.We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.being boastful will win us few friends B.there are many good reasons to be boastful
C.people who boast a lot are better than others D.boasting a lot is a good way to get people to like us
①Many people believe that toys are mainly made for kids. When we grow up, we should put away such childish things. But now many grown-ups are getting them out again.
②According to data from the market research firm NPD Group, toys bought by people over the age of 12 account for 23 percent of the European market. Among them, adults are still the main force. In 2019, Beijing’s Toy Show drew tens of thousands of visitors, including many grown-ups.
③But why are adults interested in these seemingly “childish” things
④Toys can “bring back happy childhood memories”, noted website SWNS Digital. Many adults are under a lot of pressure at home and at work. Items that they were familiar with in childhood can remind them of easier times.
⑤Rob Willner, 25, is one such person who finds comfort in items from the part. At his home in London, he keeps two boxes of childhood Lego under a bed, as well as different large models on shelves in his house. When he comes home after a hard day, he often plays with the toys. “It reminds me of the playful side of life, but also helps me to keep perspective (客观判断力). Lego isn’t great, but it’s fun, and helps you to think about what’s really important.” he told The Telegraph.
⑥There is another reason for the rise in popularity of toys among adults. This pastime offers pressure-free creativity. Even hobbies such as baking and painting can be shadowed by the worry that the results will fail to please other people. Dressing up a doll or playing with a model train set doesn’t come with a lot of pressure to please others.
⑦It seems that adults are no longer taking their childhood freedom for granted. After all, just as UK artist David Hockney said, “Play is serious.”
42.Why are toys popular among adults according to website SWNS Digital
A.Because they don’t want to grow up at all.
B.Because playing helps develop and improve social skills.
C.Because they want to get along well with their kids.
D.Because toys can bring back positive memories.
43.In Rob Willner’s opinion, playing with toys after work ________.
A.makes him more creative at work
B.helps him increase his pressure in life
C.makes him think more about the past
D.helps him connect with other people
44.Paragraph 6 mainly talks about ________.
A.the rising pressure to please others that adult face
B.how playing with toys can increase creativity at work
C.another reason why adults love to play with toys
D.the reason why young people don’t cook nowadays
45.The best title for the passage may be ________.
A.Remaining a Kid at Heart
B.Let’s Put Away Childish Toys
C.How to Go Back to Childhood
D.Adults Are Under Lots of Pressure
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共60分)
46.The famous Chinese film Ke Ke Xi Li is about a (真实生活的) event of protecting Tibetan antelopes(藏羚羊).
47.My son can’t understand the (对话) in the film Frozen, but the pictures and the music make him interested.
48.Kim Soo Hyun has millions of (狂热爱好者) in China. Most of them are teenagers.
49.We  (录制) yesterday’s party on video. You can watch it if you like.
50.In America, it’s not against the law to keep (枪) at home.
51.Christopher Nolan is my favourite (direct). His Batman movies are really wonderful.
52.There is lots of  (late) news on hot movies in the magazine Movie View.
53.Stephen Chow used to be famous for his  (comedy), such as Fight Back To School and The God of Cookery.
54.The police are sure to catch the (murder) and he will pay with his life.
55. (Asia) film stars now have more chances in Hollywood.
Many famous actors and actresses, including Wang Kai, Jin Dong, Wang Yibo and Zhao Liying, have taken part in a new TV series. People show great interest in it and have a warm discussion.
The TV series is called Faith Makes Great and was debuted (首播) on May 4. It tells 40 unknown but exciting stories of people who have given their contributions to the founding (建立) or development of the Communist Party of China (CPC中国共产党) over 100 years.
The 40 stories all have something in common: expressing characters’ strong belief (信念) in communism (共产主义) and devotion to the Party, the country and its people. The first episode (集) tells us about the famous educationist and translator Chen Wangdao (played by Jin Dong). Chen devoted himself to translating The Communist Manifesto (共产党宣言) into Chinese, which brings the birth of the CPC.
In another story, nurse Du Fujia fights against COVID-19 on the frontline (前线). Du was encouraged and supported by her elder brother, Du Fuguo, a hero who lost hands and eyesight because of a bomb explosion (扫雷爆炸). Both of them fell in love with our country deeply.
“These characters stand for the Chinese people’s excellent qualities. They’re worth our respect and pride,” chief screenwriter (总编剧), Liang Zhenhua said.
56.When was the TV series called Faith Makes Great debuted
57.How many stories are there in the TV series
58.Did Chen Wangdao translate The Communist Manifesto into Chinese
59.Who lost hands and eyesight because of a bomb explosion
60.What does Liang Zhenhua think of these characters
What’s the purpose of education How does school life influence a teenager’s character and life choices A new documentary offers some p 61 answers. Dare to Grow Up f 62 three students for eight years, from their first day of high school to their graduation from college.
Zhou Ziqi, Chen Chuqiao and Li Wenting all went to Beijing National Day School. When they e 63 in 2012, the school was at a turning point. It was changing from exam-oriented education to a f 64 on students’ all-round development. The students got to have more freedom to develop their own i 65 and show their personalities.
Zhou was a straight-A student, but a rebellious (反叛的) one. He a 66 with teacher about historical questions. He even wrote a 10, 000-word letter to his school principal, throwing out the suggestion on how to reform the students’ military training (军训) as he felt it was a 67 human nature.
W 68 Chou was more than willing to speak up, Li was shy and quiet, but she knew well what she wanted. Meanwhile, Chen was a sensitive girl who enjoyed Chinese and art. At first, she w 69 because she didn’t know what she’s good at and what job she could do in the future. Later she gradually developed a clearer g 70 to be a movie director.
“The documentary shows us the variety of the world and the young generation,” an internet user wrote his review on the Douban film website.
A. 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)
B. 写作(计20分)
76.请以 “My Favourite TV Programme”为题, 写一篇80词左右的短文。要求表达准确并包括以下几点:
1. 你喜欢的节目名称;
2. 你喜欢这个节目的理由;
3. 看这个节目对你有什么启发?
【详解】解析:句意:——多么令人兴奋的消息啊!——考试之后我们就将会有两个月的假期。根据exciting news,可知这个感叹句的中心词是news,意思是新闻、消息,是一个不可数名词,exciting是修饰news的,所以引导词应该用what;再根据holiday,可知这里缺少一个修饰它的词,two-month中间加一个连字符,合成之后是一个形容词,而且month必须用单数,意思是两个月的,在这里做定语修饰后面的名词holiday;由于two months不能做定语,故答案选C。
考查副词辨析。yet还;instead反而;though不过,但是;however然而。根据“Yes. A bit cold”可知,天气很晴朗,不过有点冷,though符合语境。故选C。
考查大数的表达。hundred与具体数字连用时,通常不加复数词尾-s,也不后接介词 of,故排除D;hundred不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾-s,而且要后接介词 of,然后才能接名词,故排除C;hundred与 a few、several、many 等数目不很具体的词连用时,带不带复数词尾-s 均可,若不带复数词-s,其后的介词 of 可以省略;若带复数词尾-s,则其后介词 of 不能省略,故排除B。故选A。
考查介词辨析和非谓语动词。like“像”;as“作为”。根据“Very few people spent as much time ... Hepburn”可知,as much time as“尽可能多的时间”;再根据spend…doing sth.“花……做某事”可知,第二空应用working。故选D。
考查情态动词词义辨析。might可能;should应该;need需要;must必须,一定。由句中”because you...get lost”可知,此句是说可能会在山里迷路,故选A。
考查不定代词。Everyone每个人,不与of连用;Anyone任何人,不与of连用;Every body每一个身体;Every one每个,既可指人也可指物,可与of连用。根据“... of the seven directors”可知,是七位董事中的每一个人,且与of连用。故选D。
考查动词辨析。have有;make使,制作;face面对;do做。根据“have enough courage”可知,此处是“有足够的勇气面对所有的困难”。故选C。
考查宾语从句及时态。根据do you think是插入语,后用陈述语序,排除AB;第二空是if引导的条件状语从句,遵循主句含有情态动词,从句用一般现在时态,主语是the car是单数,谓语动词变第三人称单数,排除D,break down“抛锚”。故选C。
考查名词和形容词辨析。prize奖;pride骄傲;proud自豪的。根据“win”可知,应该使用“prize”,表示“获奖”;根据“be proud of”“以……为傲”可知,应该使用“proud”。故选A。
考查非谓语动词。stand站立;smoke吸烟。第一空作后置定语,“站”与“the boy”之间是主动关系,因此用现在分词standing。第二空用“find sb doing sth发现某人正在做某事”的被动结构,即“sb be found doing sth某人被发现正在做某事”,所以第二空用smoking。故选B。
考查非谓语动词。这是find sth+形容词+(for sb) to do句型,故选B。
考非谓语。根据“there be sb doing sth”“某地有某人正在做某事”可知,第一空应该使用“looking”;根据“the painting”和“paint”之间构成被动,且作为后置定语可知,第二空应该使用过去分词。故选D。
16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.A 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.B 30.D
scored得分;allowed允许;appeared出现;connected连接。根据“...on CCTV on the first day of the Chinese New Year 2021”可知,电视节目第一次出现,故选C。
progress进步;pride骄傲;peace和平;interest兴趣。根据“it has aroused (激发) their...in reading these classic books”可知,节目激发了人们的阅读兴趣,故选D。
points分数,得分;clues线索;roles角色;choices选择。根据“...it got 9...out of the total 10.”可知,此处指的是在豆瓣的评分,故选A。
reminds提醒;includes包括;discovers发现;invents发明。根据“The TV show...11 parts”可知,节目包括11个部分,故选B。
change改变;wealth财富;culture文化;success成功。根据“each part is about one classic Chinese book”可知,节目满足了人们对文化的需求,故选C。
introduces介绍;develops发展;encourages鼓励;announces宣布。根据“The first part...Shangshu”可知,节目的第一部分是介绍《尚书》,故选A。
careful仔细的;important重要的;delicious美味的;comfortable舒服的。根据“The first part...Shangshu, or The Book of Documents.”及常识可知,《尚书》是中国古代最重要的经典书籍之一,故选B。
what什么;which哪个;when何时;where哪里。根据“Through the TV show, people can know...it is about”可知,通过节目可以知道《尚书》是关于什么的,故选A。
noticing注意;touching感动;protecting保护;respecting尊重。根据“He took the risk of losing his life to...it in the wall of an old house during the Qin Dynasty...”可知,他保护《尚书》,故选C。
record记录;hide隐藏;contact联系;report报告。根据“it in the wall of an old house during the Qin Dynasty. He didn’t take it out until the Han Dynasty was...in 202 BC”可知,他把书籍藏在墙里面,故选B。
set up建立;made up编造;looked up查阅;picked up捡起。根据“during the Qin Dynasty. He didn’t take it out until the Han Dynasty was...in 202 BC.”可知,直到汉朝被建立,故选A。
create创造;read读;control控制;imagine想象。根据“Thanks to Fu Sheng’s hard work, people today can still...this book”可知,人们还可以读到这本书,故选B。
ancient古代的;modern现代的;difficult困难的;happy开心的。根据“Many people in...times, especially young people, know little about the book Shangshu.”可知,此处说的是现代人的情况,故选B。
months月份;seasons季节;years年;centuries世纪。根据“A man named Fu Sheng (260 BC-161 BC) made a great contribution to...it in the wall of an old house during the Qin Dynasty. He didn’t take it out until the Han Dynasty was...in 202 BC.”可知,《尚书》介绍的是古代的事情,距今应是2200多年,故选D。
31.A 32.C 33.D
31.细节理解题。根据表格第一栏“Strictly Come Dancing”和“After that, the public vote for their favorite couple.”可知,在Strictly Come Dancing这个节目中,公众可以为自己最喜欢的一对表演者投票。故选A。
32.词句猜测题。根据表格第二栏“Each week four people prepare dinner in their home for the other players. Each player then gives the cook a grade out of 10 for the food.”可知,该节目是通过试吃食物给做饭的人打分,从而评选出最后的获胜者,由此推知划线部分单词dine意为“进餐”,与“to eat”意思相近。故选C。
33.细节理解题。根据表格第四栏“They must leave the house if they fall asleep.”可知,如果你睡着了,你必须离开这个节目,D项“如果你真的累了,你就得离开Shattered。”表述错误。故选D。
34.D 35.B 36.B 37.C
34.细节理解题。根据第二段“Now, Japanese scientists have taken a huge step towards making that a reality, with the development of a lickable (可舔的) TV screen.”可知,文章介绍的发明是可舔电视屏幕。故选D。
35.主旨大意题。根据第三段“The device is called Taste the TV (TTTV) and has 10 taste boxes that can put taste samples (样本) onto the surface of the screen.”可知,此段主要介绍了这项发明是如何工作的。故选B。
36.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The goal is to make it possible for people to have the experience of something like eating at a restaurant on the other side of the world, even while at home...”可知此句话介绍了这项发明的目的。所以作者运用Miyashita所说的话来表达本发明的目的。故选B。
37.推理判断题。根据第四段“It is a technology under test, produced by Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan, with its developers expecting a commercial version to cost about 650.”可知这项发明还处在测试阶段,未投入使用。故选C。
38.A 39.C 40.D 41.A
38.细节理解题。根据“I am used to having high standards when I choose where to stay...to wash my clothes and cook my meals and entertain me”可知,前文外星人伯莎表明了自己的观点,后文主持人的话“Well what you’re saying is surprising, Bertha.”对外星人的发言作出了评价,这句话属于主持人的观点。故选A。
39.推理判断题。根据 “You know what. Bertha I’m starting to see why you’re so unhappy here on Earth. You’re just a boastful, spoiled alien”可知,主持人对Bertha很不满意。故选C。
40.推理判断题。伯莎没有讲述自己星球的生活,A选项“I now know much about Zademol”表述错误;B选项“We should try to improve our earth”文中没有明确的线索,表述错误;根据“Do you think it’s possible that this family just wants you to pitch in a little, to be a good guest”可知C选项“I dislike the family Bertha is staying with”表述错误。根据“what you’re saying is surprising, Bertha.”“It’s odd to me that you’re not agreeing with me.”以及“I’m starting to see why you’re so unhappy here on Earth. You’re just a boastful , spoiled alien”可知主持人觉得和一个外星人访谈是很不寻常的与预料之外的经历。故选D。
41.推理判断题。根据“You’re just a boastful, spoiled alien”可知Bertha的自夸让主持人很不满,A选项“自夸让人没什么朋友”符合题意。故选A。
42.D 43.C 44.C 45.A
42.细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Toys can ‘bring back happy childhood memories’, noted website SWNS Digital.”和最后一句“Items that they were familiar with in childhood can remind them of easier times.”可知玩具受欢迎是因为它们可以带回成年人快乐的童年回忆,更轻松的时光,即玩具可以带回积极美好的回忆。故选D。
43.判断推理题。根据第五段中Rob Willner 的话“It reminds me of the playful side of life, but also helps me to keep perspective (客观判断力)…”可知玩玩具能让他想起生活中好玩的一面,结合选项可知推断出Rob Willner认为下班后玩玩具可以让他更多地思考过去。故选C。
44.主旨大意题。根据本段内容,尤其是第一句“There is another reason for the rise in popularity of toys among adults.”可知本段介绍了成年人喜欢玩玩具的另一个原因。故选C。
【详解】句意:我们录制了昨天的聚会。如果你喜欢的话你可以看一下。record“录制”,动词,在句中作谓语。根据空格后的“yesterday’s party”,可知时态用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填recorded。
【详解】句意:Christopher Nolan是我最喜欢的导演。他的蝙蝠侠电影真的很精彩。根据“His Batman movies are really wonderful.”可知,Christopher Nolan是一位导演;director“导演”,名词。故填director。
【详解】句意:周星驰过去以他的喜剧而出名,比如《逃学威龙》和《食神》。根据后半句“such as Fight Back To School and The God of Cookery.”,可知此处列举了周星驰的喜剧代表作,周星驰演过多个喜剧,名词用复数。故填comedies。
【详解】句意:警察一定会抓住凶手,他将付出生命的代价。根据“catch the”可知,此处指抓住凶手,murder“谋杀”的名词murderer“凶手”,故填murderer。
56.On May 4. 57.40./Forty. 58.Yes, he did. 59.Du Fuguo./Du Fujia’s elder brother. 60.They’re worth respect and pride.
56.根据“The TV series is called Faith Makes Great and was debuted (首播) on May 4.”可知,这部电视剧于5月4日首播,故填On May 4.
57.根据“It tells 40 unknown but exciting stories of people”可知,这部电视剧包括40个故事,故填40./Forty.
58.根据“ The first episode (集) tells us about the famous educationist and translator Chen Wangdao (played by Jin Dong). Chen devoted himself to translating The Communist Manifesto (共产党宣言) into Chinese, which brings the birth of the CPC.”可知,陈望道把《共产党宣言》翻译成了中文,故填Yes, he did.
59.根据“In another story, nurse Du Fujia fights against COVID-19 on the frontline (前线). Du was encouraged and supported by her elder brother, Du Fuguo, a hero who lost hands and eyesight because of a bomb explosion (扫雷爆炸).”可知,杜富国因为炸弹爆炸失去了双手和视力,即杜福佳的哥哥,故填Du Fuguo./Du Fujia’s elder brother.
60.根据“ ‘These characters stand for the Chinese people’s excellent qualities. They’re worth our respect and pride,’ chief screenwriter (总编剧), Liang Zhenhua said.”可知,梁振华认为这些人物代表了中国人民的优秀品质。他们值得我们的尊重和骄傲,故填They’re worth respect and pride.
61.(p)ossible 62.(f)ollowed 63.(e)ntered 64.(f)ocus 65.(i)nterests 66.(a)rgued 67.(a)gainst 68.(W)hile 69.(w)orried 70.(g)oal
61.句意:一部新的纪录片提供了一些可能的答案。根据“A new documentary offers some ... answers.”和首字母可知,应填possible,表示这部纪录片提供了一些“可能的”答案。故填(p)ossible。
62.句意:《真实生长》对三个学生进行了八年的跟踪调查,从他们第一天上高中到他们大学毕业。根据“Dare to Grow Up ... three students for eight years”可知,纪录片的拍摄“跟随”三个学生从高中入学到大学毕业;结合首字母可知,应填follow,时态为一般过去时,动词要用过去式。故填(f)ollowed。
63.句意:当他们2012年入学时,这所学校正处于一个转折点。根据“When they ...in 2012”可知,此处指他们2012年入学时;结合首字母,应填enter,时态为一般过去时,动词要用过去式。故填(e)ntered。
64.句意:它正在从应试教育向注重学生全面发展转变。根据“a ... on students’ all-round development.”可知,聚焦学生全面发展;结合首字母,应填focus,focus on“聚焦”。故填(f)ocus。
65.句意:学生们得到了更多的自由来发展自己的兴趣和展示他们的个性。根据“all-round development”和“show their personalities”可知,学生有更多的自由来培养他们的“兴趣”;结合首字母,应填interest“兴趣”,此处要用名词复数表示泛指。故填(i)nterests。
66.句意:他和老师争论历史问题。根据“Zhou was a straight-A student, but a rebellious (反叛的) one.”可知,他会和老师争论历史问题;结合首字母,应填argue;时态为一般过去时,动词要用过去式。故填(a)rgued。
67.句意:他觉得这是违背人性的。根据“He even wrote a 10, 000-word letter to his school principal, throwing out the suggestion on how to reform the students’ military training (军训)”可知,他甚至给校长写了一封一万字的信,就如何改革学生的军训提出了建议;由此推知,他认为现在的军训是反人性的;结合首字母,against符合语境。故填(a)gainst。
68.句意:虽然周非常乐于表达出来,但李很害羞,很安静,但是她很清楚自己想要什么。根据“Chou was more than willing to speak up”可知,此处是与下文“Li was shy and quiet...”形成对比;结合首字母,while“而,然而”符合语境。故填(W)hile。
69.句意:一开始,她很担心,因为她不知道自己擅长什么,也不知道自己将来能做什么工作。根据“she didn’t know what she’s good at and what job she could do in the future”可知,此处表示她很担忧;结合首字母,应填worry;时态为一般过去时,动词要用过去式。故填(w)orried。
70.句意:后来她逐渐明确了当成为一名电影导演的目标。根据“to be a movie director”可知,这是她的目标;结合首字母,goal符合语境。故填(g)oal。
71.You might/may find the film directed by him is worth watching.
【详解】“you”意为“你”,“might/may”意为“可能”,“find”意为“发现”,“the film”意为“这部电影”;“他执导的”作为定语,“the film”和“direct”之间构成被动,应该使用过去分词表被动作为后置定语;“be worth doing”意为“值得做某事”,根据情境可知,应该使用一般现在时,主语为“the film”,“be”动词应该使用“is”,“watch”意为“观看”。故填:You might/may find the film directed by him is worth watching.
72.This article isn’t as interesting as that one.
【详解】“this article”意为“这篇文章”,“not as …as”意为“不如”,“interesting”意为“有趣的”,且为形容词,谓语动词应该使用“be”动词,根据情境应该使用一般现在时,主语为“this article”,为单数,“be”动词应该使用“is”;由于主语提及“article”,所以应该使用“that one”表示“那篇”。故填:This article isn’t as interesting as that one.
73.What do you think of the film directed by Li An
【详解】“what do you think of”意为“认为……怎么样”,“the film”意为“这部电影”,根据情境可知,“由李安导演的”作为后置定语修饰“电影”,且“电影”和“导演”之间构成被动,所以应该使用过去分词作为后置定语,即为“directed by Li An”。故填:What do you think of the film directed by Li An
74.After you watch the documentary, you’ll realize the importance of protecting wild animals.
【详解】根据中文句意可知,After “之后”;you“你”;watch the documentary“看这部纪录片”;realize “认识到”;the importance of “……的重要性”;protect wild animals“保护野生动物”。本句为after引导的时间状语从句,遵循“主将从现”,从句使用动词原形,主句结构为:will+动词原形,介词of后跟动名词。故填After you watch the documentary, you’ll realize the importance of protecting wild animals.
75.I will never get bored with watching football games.
【详解】“I”意为“我”;根据情境可知,应该使用一般将来时“will+do”;“never”意为“永不”,“get bored with doing sth.”意为“对做某事感到厌烦”;“watch football games”意为“看足球比赛”。故填:I will never get bored with watching football games.
My Favourite TV Programme
I like watching TV in my spare time. The programmes about animals such as The Planet of the Animals on Discovery Channel and The World of the Animals on CCTV-10 are my favourites.
By watching these programmes I can see a lot of lovely and beautiful sometimes strange animals. I have never seen them before. Also the beautiful scenes of the world before me are on the screen.
But what shocks me is that it is said on TV that thousands of kinds of living things disappear every year on the earth, and numbers of animals are among them. How terrible it is! Just imagine what the earth would be like if only human being lived alone on the earth some day.
Animals are our friends. We must try our best to protect them. Protecting animals is just protecting ourselves.
① 题材:本文是一篇话题作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意本文内容包含的三个方面:名称、理由和启发,不要遗漏要点。
① in one’s spare time 在某人空闲时间
② by doing sth. 通过做某事
③ thousands of 成千上万
④ try one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事
① But what shocks me is that it is said on TV that thousands of kinds of living things disappear every year on the earth, and numbers of animals are among them. (What引导的主语从句作主语)
② How terrible it is! (How+形容词+主语+谓语!)
③ Just imagine what the earth would be like if only human being lived alone on the earth some day.(if only引导的条件状语从句)




下一篇:上海市市北初级中学2023-2024九年级上学期期中考试物理试卷(pdf版 无答案)