九年级英语(人教新目标)Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 词汇篇(含答案)

Unit 8 词汇篇
1.喜欢兔子 2.参加音乐会
3.去野餐 4.感到不安
5.一些狼 6.something unusual
7.something valuable 8.pick up
9.my pink hair band 10.be interviewed
11.在实验室里 12.感到困倦
13.和……交流 14.穿着西装
15.一个敌人 16.一个医疗目的
17.at the same time 18.prevent illness
19.the position of the stones
20.celebrate a victory
21.run after
22.a very long period
23.You will r a warm welcome when you come to our village.
24.—Miss Wang, I feel very nervous about the coming competition.
—Take it easy. As long as you can finish it, it is a v .
25.—Mr. White thinks his childhood is the happiest p in his life.
—I agree with you.
26.The p of the project is to help children learn how to live by themselves.
27.Exercise helps p heart disease(疾病).
28.Your fascinating speech is filled with positive e .
29.The thief was caught by a p .
30.Carla will go on a p with her family in the park this weekend.
31.I went to Shanghai on business. So I didn’t a the meeting.
32.They are doing chemistry experiment in the l .
33.Our teacher was glad to r the letter from his students.
34.Little kids are often e and they are never tired.
35.My aunt is busy every day because she is a l of the office.
36.Most girls like p clothes when they were young.
37.In the afternoon, many students will feel s in class.
38.The two (policeman) are helping the students cross the busy street.
39.She worked the whole night, and she feels (sleep) now.
40.It’s not easy to be a (lead) because you must work harder than others.
41.I can’t stand the (noisy) from the factory nearby.
42.He (expression) his thanks to his mother by buying some flowers on that day.
43.As we all know, (British) is a European country.
44.The (history) from Tsinghua University told us something about Stonehenge.
45.It’s getting dark, but Tom hasn’t come back. Mrs. Black feels (easy).
46.Every year the Great Wall (receive) tons of visitors from all over the world.
47.There are 10 doctors and 20 nurses in the (medicine) team.
48.Would you mind not (make) noises in the library
49.Thanks to the captain, the plane (land) safely in the end.
50.The dictionary must be (he). You can see his name on the front page of the dictionary.
51.Listen! Can you hear someone (cry) in the room
52.Our library (build) last year.
53.Tsinghua University was set up in 1911. It has become one of (famous) universities in the world.
54.Not only his father but also his mother (like) action movies.
55.Shirley is an early bird. It was (usual) for her to be late for school today.
56.Harry has told me all the (happen) here lately.
57.That English book must be (she). She put it here just now.
58.The noise-maker is having too much fun (create) fear in the neighborhood.
59.Listen!There must be someone (knock) at the door.
60. (who) truck is this Is it your uncle’s
61.The new shoes are not (suit) for me.
62.The Great Wall is one of the greatest (mystery) in the world.
63.This new sweater must be (Carla).
64.She could be (shop) in the supermarket.
65. (wolf) look for food mainly by smelling and listening.
66.There are many (laboratory) in our school. And the largest one was built last year.
67.Mr. Dean says there are so many (happen) in his life right now.
68.Of the two (coat), Wendy will choose the cheaper one.
69.What can we do to prevent bird flu from (spread)
70.You’d better not put something (贵重的) in the car.
71.The boss has lots of (精力). He often works all day and all night.
72.I don’t want to buy the house because the price is too high; what’s more, it isn’t in a suitable (位置).
73.Learning to (表达) oneself well is important part of education.
74.Finally he killed all the (敌人).
75.I wrote down the number 46 and drew a (圆圈) around it.
76.There are lots of (货车) on the road.
77.Sheldon always works in the (实验室).
78.It’s cold outside. You’d better put on your (外套).
79.You look really great in this (粉红色的) dress, Linda.
80.There were too many (噪声) in the room but he needed peace.
81.— (谁的) baseball is this —It belongs to Tony.
82.Dogs differ from (狼) in shape.
83.I love you more than (任何人)else .
84.Building (很有用的)skills is hard and takes time .
85.She went to London to (参加)a meeting .
86.If you describe something or someone as (发生的事情),you mean that they are exciting or lively ,and involved in the latest fashion or trends .
87.There is a lot of (噪音) in our neighborhood.
88.This has made me feel (不安的).
89.That means they’re often (瞌睡的)during lessons and may be learning less than they could .
90.My mother like to practice Yoga (在户外).
91.—Miss Wang, I feel very nervous about the coming competition.
—Take it easy. As long as you can finish it, it is a(n) (胜利).
92.—Learning to (表达) oneself well is an important part of education.
—I agree with you.
用could, must, might, can’t, mustn’t, needn’t, have to填空。
93.—Who is the man over there Is it Mr. Li
—No, it be him. Mr. Li is much taller.
94.When you cross the street, you be careful.
95.Liu Hai be in the street, because I have just seen him in the classroom.
96.—Must they come to the party at five tomorrow
—No, they .
97.It’s late. I go home now.
98.— I speak to Miss Green, please —Speaking.
99.It’s dangerous. You play football on the street.
100.The guitar be Alice’s. She plays it.
attend, express , receive , belong to, point out
101.This is my CD.It me.
102.Yesterday he a meeting and came back home late.
103.The teacher the mistakes in my homework already.
104.The letter from her son . Mrs. Smith was so excited.
105.We are having a class meeting and Jerry his idea about success.
land,attend,pick up,check,belong to
106.I a concert and had a happy time.
107.It is no doubt that this land China.
108.I saw your schoolbag in the music hall. It could by the staff here.
109.Lucy her homework several times. Then she finds the mistakes in her answer.
110.Look!The plane from Paris at the airport.
run after,land,catch,attend,belong to
111.The thief by the police last month.
112.I am sure this book Lucy.
113.What's that over there Oh,my God. An alien a man.
114.People believe humans on the Mars one day.
115.The students in Class 9 a concert and they really like it.
116.A long period of time ago people from cutting down the trees freely to protect the environment.
117.If people have the same background,they with each other better.
118.The girl her mother's letter several times since she entered the university.
119.The shy boy often his ideas with body languages.
120.—I am really hungry. —Wait a minute. Mum noodles for you.
1.like/love rabbits 2.attend a concert 3.go to a/the picnic 4.feel uneasy 5.some wolves 6.不同寻常之事 7.有价值的东西 8.捡起 9.我粉色的发带 10.被采访
11.in the laboratory/lab 12.feel sleepy 13.communicate with 14.wear a suit 15.an enemy 16.a medical purpose 17.同时 18.阻止疾病 19.石头的位置 20.庆祝胜利 21.追赶 22.很长一段时间
23.receive 24.(v)ictory 25.(p)eriod 26.(p)urpose
27.(p)revent 28.(e)nergy 29.(p)oliceman 30.(p)icnic
31.(a)ttend 32.(l)aboratory 33.receive 34.(e)nergetic
35.leader 36.(p)ink 37.sleepy 38.policemen
39.sleepy 40.leader 41.noise 42.expressed
43.Britain 44.historian/historians 45.uneasy 46.receives
47.medical 48.making 49.landed 50.his 51.crying
52.was built 53.the most famous 54.likes 55.unusual
56.happenings 57.hers 58.creating 59.knocking
60.Whose 61.suitable 62.mysteries 63.Carla’s
64.shopping 65.Wolves 66.laboratories 67.happenings
68.coats 69.spreading 70.valuable 71.energy
72.position 73.express 74.enemies 75.circle
76.trucks 77.laboratory/lab 78.coat 79.pink
80.noises 81.Whose 82.wolves 83.anybody/anyone
84.valuable 85.attend 86.happening 87.noise
88.uneasy 89.sleepy 90.outdoors 91.victory
93.can’t 94.must 95.can’t 96.needn’t 97.have to 98.Could 99.mustn’t 100.might
101.belongs to 102.attended 103.has pointed out 104.was received 105.is expressing
106.attended 107.belongs to 108.be picked up 109.has checked 110.is landing
111.was caught 112.belongs to 113.is running after 114.will land 115.have attended
116.were prevented 117.will communicate 118.has received 119.expresses 120.is boiling



