
班 级 哈尔滨德强学校 2023—2024 学年度(上) A. cooked B. have cooked C. was cooking( )12.-Could you tell me _________
-Well, you can listen to music and take more exercise, like running.
姓 名 A. how can I relax
B. what I can do to relax
九年级英语学科 C. how I could relax
考 场 ( )13. -I think the _______ of education is to make all the students ready for the future life.
(分值:100 分 总时间:100 分钟) - I can't agree with you more.
一、单项选择(本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分) A. project B. purpose C. product
座位号 ( )1. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters have the same sound ( )14.-The person you saw at the bookstore ________ be Sam. I just talked to him on the
A. local mobile B. tiny lift C. enter prefer phone and he studies abroad right now.
( )2. Which of the following words has a different sound as the underlined letters of the - Oh, he looked so much like Sam, though.
word “doubt” A. must B. might C. can’t
A. blouse B. proud C. country ( )15. -I wonder if the exchange student Tony _______ to his country next week
( )3.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others -Yes, but I’m not sure when he ________exactly(确切地). Maybe next Friday.
A. Pardon. B. Private. C. Polite. A. returns; will return B. will return, will return C. will return, returns
( )4.Christmas is _________ unusual time for spreading joy, so everyone will find some ( )16. -Although there was heavy traffic last night, we still managed____ the airport in time.
spare time to spend with their loved ones. - Lucky you.
A. a B.an C. / A. to get B. getting to C. to get to
( )5. Parents and students _______ to the school concert and they were so moved by the ( )17. We all remember the days _______ we took part in the activities and won the first
sad and beautiful music. prize together.
A. were invited B. are invited C. invited A. on which B. that C. which
( )6. Boys and girls, always remember that the ________ you work in your study, the ( )18. In 1936, basketball became an event at the Olympics in ________.
________ it’ll become. A. America B. China C. Germany
A. harder, more easily B. more hardly, easier C. harder, easier ( )19. Since Japan has poured(倾倒) out polluted water into the sea, we should avoid ______ for
( )7. -Look at those trees, they can ________ very good apples in a couple of days. our own safety in recent years.
-Yes, I can nearly sense the smell. ① buying the seafood from Japan.
A. produce B. grow C. plant ② swimming in the sea between China and Japan
( )8. -Was Harry Potter too busy _________ his friends during the vacation ③ eating fish no matter where it comes from
-I’m afraid they didn’t hear from him just because he couldn’t get out of his room to ④ doing exercise to strong our body
mail them. ⑤ traveling to Japan
A. writing to B. to write to C. to write about A. ①③④ B. ①②⑤ C. ①④⑤
( )9. -Is ________ here ( )20. After the exam, all the students will have their favorite things to do. There are 46
-No. We still have two group members on their way to the park. students in Class Eight. According to the survey below, _____ students will choose to do sports.
A. anyone B. everyone C. someone Watching Playing ball Having parties Travelling with Swimming and
( )10. In many western countries, teenagers are allowed to move out _________ eighteen. movies games with friends parents going boating
A. in B. on C. at 8 14 6 12
( )11. -Why didn’t you answer my phone last night
-Oh, it was you! I ________ when you called.
八年英语 第 页(共 10 页) 八年英语 第 页(共 10 页)
班 级
A. 6 B. 14 C. 20 ( ) 31. What does Tina want to be when she grows up
姓 名 二、完形填空 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
This year I decided to adopted(收养) a 21 and that’s because life can be lonely when we Yeah, thanks for your words.
So do you have any career choice
live alone. But the 22 was more difficult than I expected. There are many abandoned(被弃养的)
Yeah, I want to become a banker.
考 场 cats all over Beijing. Some of them are abandoned because their owners have recently had a child. This is a very good and popular profession right now.
Others are abandoned because their foreign owners have moved back to their home countries, 23
Good bankers and experts are important to keep
their pets in China. And the rest are abandoned 24 because their owners no longer want the economy(经济) strong in a country.
座位号 them.So pet adoption agencies(领养机构) are very 25 with the people who they allow to adopt Yeah, that’s true.
pets. 26 I could adopt a cat, I had to answer many questions, including “Are you single ” and What’s your reason for wanting to be a banker
“How much money do you make each month ” Actually I wanted to become a banker when I was
But it didn’t 27 there. I still had to travel to a different part of the city to see the cat reading in Class Five. I found a famous book writer, who
28 and talk with the adoption agency face to face. They wanted to make sure that we would get was a banker in his professional life. I read a lot about
along and I would take good care of the cat. him and it inspired me a lot to become a banker. I know
And even then, the cat you want to adopt 29 be gone by the time you can adopt him or her. being a banker is not easy and one needs to work really
For my case, a worker who took care of the abandoned cat adopted the animal ahead of me. But I’m hard even after becoming one.
just glad that these cats can find good homes. And 30 the end, I did finally find a sweet Yeah, I think you have a pretty good sense of this.
kitten(小猫) of my own. Yes, I have. That was a very good conversation with you.
根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 Take care. See you soon, bye.
( ) 21. A. cat B. dog C. animal ________________ __________________
( ) 22. A. process B. product C. progress
( ) 23. A. to leave B. left C. leaving A. A doctor. B. A baker. C. A banker.
( ) 24. A. nearly B. simply C. really ( ) 32. What inspired Sarah’s future dream job
( ) 25. A. careless B. polite C. strict A. Her father’s childhood dream.
( ) 26. A. Since B. After C. Before B. Her childhood experience.
( ) 27. A. divide B. complete C. end C. The popularity of the job.
( ) 28. A. in person B. in total C. in public ( ) 33. What does Tina think of being a doctor
( ) 29. A. must B. need C. may A. She agrees.
( ) 30. A. in B. on C. at B. She disagrees.
三、阅读理解(本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分) C. We don’t know.
(A) ( ) 34. What does Sarah think about being a banker
A. It’s the most popular profession.
Tina B. It’s easy to become one.
Hey Sarah. What were you doing just now C. Bankers are important to the economy.
I was talking with my father about my future dream job. ( ) 35. Which reply is suitable for the blank(空白处)
What’s that A. Take care too.
I want to become a doctor. My dad has inspired me a lot today.
B. That’s all right.
That’s great. Why do you want to become a doctor
C. Nice to meet you too.
Well, I lived in a village when I was young.
八年英语 第 页I (sa共w m10an页y)people not getting enough treatment. 八年英语 第 页(共 10 页)
Your idea is great and I hope you will become a doctor and
serve more people. Doctors are an asset to a country. We need more and better doctors.
班 级 (B) also gave him more confidence. Now he tries to continue getting more creative ideas and hopes the art
Felicia Grimmenhag from Sweden doesn’t let anything get in her way, even a life-changing accident. forms will reach more people.
After a serious car accident, Felicia had to get used to getting around in a wheelchair(轮椅). But “I think we Chinese people should pass on our own treasure and tradition, ” Zhang said. The
姓 名 that didn’t stop her from following her dream of becoming a top horse rider. In early June 2011, house of Zhang stands there in the middle of the crowded Drum Tower Street, and inside Zhang is
17-year-old Felicia got hit by a car. When she woke up in the hospital, she found both of her legs were knitting his love for heritage into a beautiful dream.
missing. However, Felicia didn’t give up trying to achieve her dream. She wanted to get back on the 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
考 场 horse. She had ridden as a little girl and decided to try again in the hospital. She wasn’t sure if she ( ) 41. What does the underlined word “armor” mean in Chinese
would be able to. But after ten weeks’ training, she could ride once again. “The horses have meant a A. 头盔 B. 同盟 C. 盔甲
lot to me, ” Felicia said. “When I sit on a horse, I am not like the disabled Felicia, I feel like the ( ) 42. According to Zhang Canjin, what is more important for copper coin knitting
座位号 confident Felicia. ” She has taken part in competitions around the world ever since, showing she A. Being wealthy. B. Being patient. C. Being creative and thinking big.
doesn’t need legs to win. Last year, she won silver at the Swedish Championships(瑞典冠军赛), and ( ) 43. What is Paragraph 4 in Zhang’s story about
now she is preparing for the Tokyo Paralympics(东京残奥会). “What I have learned from all this is A. Zhang’s achievement. B. Zhang’s future plan. C. Changes Zhang made.
( ) 44. What does Zhang think about copper coin kintting
that you should dare to challenge yourself, and remember that you are the only person that sets your
A. It is an easy skill to master.
own limits(限制), ” Felicia said.
B. It is a great cultural treasure to pass on.
C. It makes his life wealthy.
( )36. Felicia didn’t give up her dream until she had the accident. ( ) 45. The best title for this passage should be .
( )37. Felicia was a girl who was born in 1994. A. A story about coins.
( )38. After the accident, she woke up, finding both of her arms were missing. B. Passing on the Chinese culture.
( )39. The horse meant a lot to her because she can get around on a horse instead of in a C. Linking coin- a symbol of wealth.
( D )
( )40. According to the passage, we know that people should dare to challenge themselves and never
Imagine you are studying English, then you feel the need to check your phone. Perhaps you are
give up.
learning new words and expressions on your phone. This process, when repeated many times, could
reduce your ability to learn new materials. It is what you might call a bad habit. ____46_____
In ancient times, copper coins meant wealth. Linking(连接) the copper coins (铜钱) one by one
_____47_____ In her book Good Habits, Bad Habits, she points out that repeatedly checking the
had the good meaning of collecting wealth. With coins, people can knit (编织) them into different
phones is one of the bad habits. She offers some ideas on how people can cut back on their cell phone
shapes, from armor worn by the soldiers to protect their bodies from enemies and swords(剑), to
animals and plants. As a traditional skill in China, copper coin knitting was listed as an intangible use.
cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产)in 2018. _____48_____This will give you no excuse for looking at the phone-checking the time.
Every day at 9 am, Zhang Canjin, 58 , comes to the Drum Tower Street in Ningbo and walks into a Another suggestion is to increase the number of steps you need to take in order to use your cell
small house of less than 10 square meters. Sitting at this desk, the inheritor (继承人)of copper coin phone. “Silence it. Turn it off. Turn on Flying Mode,” she writes. She says that you can move your
knitting(铜钱编织) starts his day. phone to a place that is more difficult to reach. ____49_____
“Knitting the coins into different shapes doesn’t sound difficult, but the key is to be creative Wood also suggests another way to reduce the use of your cell phone. She says you can ask one of
and think big, ” Zhang said. your family members to watch you and remind you every time you check the phone.
So since he started his own copper coin knitting store in 2014, he has tried very hard to think big. Finally, Wood suggests one kind of reward(奖励) you could give yourself for not looking at your
Zhang added, “As I keep on making different works, I have more creative ideas in my mind,” Zhang phone--reading a good book.
said. Today, we discussed ideas for reducing your cell phone use. ____50____Habit changes take time.
To try something challenging, Zhang spent two months making armor with more than 8,000 coins in But with planning, repetition(重复) and insistence(坚持), you can do it.
2017. It got great public attention and even got Zhang a national patent for design(设计专利). This 根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项
八年英语 第 页(共 10 页) 八年英语 第 页(共 10 页)
班 级 只能用一次) B: Hmm, I like watching movies ___58___ on which kind. I only like movies that are funny. I just want
to laugh and not think too much. You know what I mean
A.For example, you can put your phone inside a backpack. A: Oh, ___59___ that case, I’ll ask someone who likes serious movies.
姓 名 B.You can also use these ideas to break other bad behavior. B: ___60___ the movie about
C.Today we will discuss how you can break such a kind of bad habits. A: It’s about World War II. I prefer movies that give me something to think about.
56.__________ 57. __________ 58. __________ 59. __________ 60. __________
考 场 D.Wendy Wood is a psychologist and an expert on habits. 五、任务性阅读(本题共 20 分,每空 l 分)
E.One suggestion is to wear a watch. 先阅读(A)、(B)、(C) 三篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务。
46.__________ 47. __________ 48. __________ 49. __________ 50. __________ feel discuss look for total social add close twelve
四、交际应用(本题共 10 分,每空 1 分) The sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table. When I was still little, my whole
(A)从 A-G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的) family would get together on different traditional festivals to have dinner. We kids would be sitting
A:Morning, Jack! What’s the matter around or playing hide-and-seek under the table while the grown-ups were having a
B:51. __________ I’ll have speech contest ___61___. When I got a bit older, my aunt brought back her boyfriend and my grandma cheerfully
A. That sounds great.
next week. ___62___ another seat to the round table. It seemed a little more crowded, but we all felt much
B. Good for you.
A:52. __________ ___63___ to each other. After my ___64___ birthday, my grandpa passed away. That made us feel sad.
C. I’m a little worried.
B:But I’m so shy that I can’t express However, when the whole family got together once again, we ___65___ agreed that his chair, his
D. The more you practice, the better grades you’ll get.
myself well in front of so many people. bowl and his chopsticks should remain the same, even though his seat was empty, we felt like that he
E. Could you give me some advice
A:Oh, just relax yourself! You can do it! had never left us.
F. It takes time.
B:53. __________ We all have a table like this in our homes. It is a sign of reunion(团聚) of our family. Although the
G. No problem.
A:Well, you can look at something instead of reason why we come together may be different, the ___66___ behind it are the same. Usually different
the audience during the speech. It seems that there is nobody else but yourself. cultures are accepted by us around the table. What’s more, we express the love not only for our
B:Wow! Sounds like fun! But if I forget my words, what should I do then family, but also for a ___67___, our nation and even the whole world.
A:Take a deep breath and count to ten, and then you can become better. The history of our nation has been the stories of ___68___ or running to the round table that we
54. __________ However, it works. belong to. The round table has been a symbol of the Chinese emotion(情感). It was, it is and will always
B:Thanks so much! be.
A:55. __________Of course, you must prepare for your speech ahead. (B)
51.__________ 52. __________ 53. __________ 54. __________ 55. __________ A Frenchman, Niepce, needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he
invented a simple camera in 1826. He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden.
(B) 填入一个适当的词补全对话.(每空一词) That was the first photo.
A: Are you very busy this weekend, Scott The next important date in the history of photography(摄影) was in 1937. That year, Daguerre,
B: Not ___56___. I suppose I’ll just listen to this new CD I bought. another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room. He used a new kind of camera in a different
A: Oh, what CD is this way. In his picture you could see everything clearly, even the smallest thing.
B: Well, it’s all music ___57___ singing. I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long In 1840, photography was developed once more. Then photographers(摄影者) could take pictures
week at work. of people and moving things. But the photographers had to carry many machines. With the development
A: Sounds nice. Well, if you have spare time, do you want to watch a movie with me The director is of science and technology, a Chinese young man, Wang Mengqiu, invented Hover Camera(无人相机). It
really famous. can record people and things more wonderfully. He once studied at Stanford University in the United
八年英语 第 页(共 10 页) 八年英语 第 页(共 10 页)
班 级 States. He became famous overnight because of the invention. ___________________________________________________
In the future, cameras will be designed(设计) better and better. People can take more lively photos 75.Who invented a simple camera in 1826, Daguerre or Niepce
and videos. ___________________________________________________
姓 名 (C) 任务 5:根据短文(C)内容完成表格,每空一词。
Moscow offers a mix of old and new buildings with many of the city's buildings dating in the years 76.___________ 77.___________ 78.___________ 79.___________ 80.___________
between1400 and 1500.The whole city looks like a wheel.Over 75 museums,many art galleries(美术
考 场 馆)and theaters are located within the city. The oldest part of the city,Kremlin,is in the center.It is 六、书面表达
also the busiest area including many shops as well as cultural,and governmental buildings.Just outside 假如你是李华,在外教 Mr. Smith 的指导下,你和你班的同学们合作在学校组织的英
the Kremlin walls is the famous Red Square,which takes its name from an old Russian word meaning
座位号 语戏剧大赛(English Opera Competition)中获得了一等奖。请代表同学们给 Mr. Brown 写一
beautiful and red.St.Basil's Cathedral is also on Red Square.Built about 400 years ago to honor 封感谢信,并说一说你们在此次比赛中的收获。
success,it is now a part of the State Historical Museum. 写作要点:
1. 非常感激 Mr. Brown 的帮助。
The City of Moscow 2. 介绍你们参加比赛的情况
* ____76____ a mix of old and new buildings with many of the city’s (1)参加比赛时的心情:紧张
Features of the city buildings dating in the years between 1400 and 1500 (2)比赛时表现良好。
* Looking like a wheel (3)比赛的结果。
Kremlin *The oldest part of the city in the ___77____ of Moscow 3. 说一说你们在此次比赛中的收获。
Places of Red ___78___ * Named after an old Russian word meaning ___79____ beautiful and red Dear Mr. Brown,
interest St. Basil’s *Built about four ____80____ ago to honor success ________________________________________________________________________
Cathedral * A part of the State Historical Museum at present ________________________________________________________________________
任务 1:阅读短文(A),用方框里所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。
Li Hua
61.__________ 62.___________ 63.__________ 64.__________
65.__________ 66.___________ 67. __________ 68.__________
任务 2:阅读短文(B),根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。
69. m___________ a piece of equipment(设备) with moving parts that is designed to do a
particular(特定的) job
70. l_____________ full of life and energy; active
任务 3:阅读短文(B),同义句转换,每空一词。
People can take more lively photos and videos.
More lively photos and videos can be_____71_____ _____72_____ people.
任务 4:根据短文(B)内容回答问题。
73.How was Daguerre’s picture when he used a new kind of camera in a different way
74.When could the pictures of people and moving things be taken for the first time
八年英语 第 页(共 10 页) 八年英语 第 页(共 10 页)



