广东省江门市新会区会城镇城南小学2023-2024三年级上学期11月期中英语试题( 含答案及听力原文无听力音频)








) 三年级英语科(全卷100分) 家长签名 成绩
( ) 1. A. GMP B. DNW C. EMN
( ) 2. A. UVW B. WYU C. UWY
( ) 3. A. nice B. name C. meet
( ) 4. A. this B. that C. and
( ) 5. A. it B. in C. an
( ) 6. A. cat B. at C. hat
( ) 7. A. ruler B. book C. pen
( ) 8. A. What’s that B. What’s it C. What’s this
( ) 9. A. Nice to meet you . B. His name’s Tony . C. Her name’s Jenny .
( ) 10. A. It’s a bird. B. It’s a hat . C. It’s an elephant .
二、听音判断,对的打“T”, 错的“F”。(10分)
1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )
6.( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( )
( )1. A. Yes, it isn’t. B.Yes, it is. C. No, it is.
( )2. A. This is hat. B. It’s hat. C. It’s a hat.
( )3. A. Hi! B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!
( )4. A. It’s an rabbit. B. It’s a bird. C. It’s panda.
( )5 . A. My name’s Tony. B. His name’s Tony. C. Her name’s Bonnie.
1. Nice to meet ____________ ( your you ).
2. ___________ ( What’s What ) is this It’s a panda.
3. _________ ( It Is ) this a rabbit No, it is a _________( dog bird )
4. What’s ________ ( her his) name Ben.
笔 试 部 分(60分)
1. Nice to meet you, Gogo . 2. Is this a panda
And this 4. Oh, it’s an apple .
5. What’s her name 6. Her name’s Ms.Black .
( )1.What’s this a ruler .
A.It B.Is C. It’s
( )2. this It’s a desk.
A. What B. what’s C.What’s
( )3. A:Nice to meet you. B:
A. Goodbye. B. Hi. C. Nice to meet you, too.
( )4. What’s this It’s an .
A. dog B. lion C. elephant
( )5. Tony想对新同学介绍自己时,会说:
A. Hello, Tony! B. I’m Tony. C. What’ s your name
( )6 . A: And this B: .
A. Hello. B. I’m Gogo. C. It’s a book.
( ) 7. Is this a panda Yes, ________.
A. is it B. it isn’t C. it is
( ) 8. What’s your name _________ name is Gogo .
I B. My C. me
( )9. Is this _______ ice cream No, it’s _____ hat .
A. an / a B. a / an C. a / a
( ) 10. I ______ Jenny .
A. am B. are C. is
( ) 11. It’s the king of the forest(森林之王). It’s the ________.
elephant B. lion C. monkey
( ) 12. I do homework (做作业)on the ________.
A.hat B. ruler C. desk

t an Hello My is And your meet rabbit this
1. A:Hi ! B: ______________ !
2. A: What’s _________ name B:________ name is Ben.
3. A: Nice to meet you . B: Nice to _________ you ,too.
4. A: What this B: It’s elephant.
5. A: this B: Oh, it’s a .
6. A: Is_________ a lion, Tony B: No, it_______. It’s a monkey.
Jenny: Hello, I’m Jenny. 1.
Ben: (
No, it isn

your name

And this
Is this a lion

s a tiger.
)I’m Ben. 2.
Jenny: No,it isn’t.
Ben: Is this a panda .
Jenny: 3.
Ben: What’s this
Jenny: 4.
Ben: 5.
Jenny: Oh! It’s a monkey.
1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( )
My name is Jenny!
What’s this

s a small table.
Look! This is a rabbit. It

s lovely
. It has long ears.
It is a tiger. It

s in the zoo.
The elephant has a long nose.
This is my classroom. It

s big.
1. Is this a
_________ , it is .
__________ is this
It’s a __________ .
Is this a table
No, it isn’t. It’s ______ _________.
4. My________ is Tony.
1. EMN 2. UVW 3. name 4. this 5. in
6. hat 7. pen 8. What’s this 9. His name’s Tony. 10. It’s a bird.
二、听音判断,对的打“T”, 错的“F”。(10分)
1. Is that a cat Yes. 2.This is my apple.
3. Look! This is a yellow banana. 4. Hello! My name is Ben.
5. What is this It’s a tiger. 6. Is this a chair Yes, it is.
7. Is this your hat Yes, it’s my hat. 8. Hello!
9. What’s that It’s a pen. 10. Is this a dog No, it’s a bird.
1. Hi! Ben! Is this a monkey
2. What is this
3. Nice to meet you!
4. Hello! Jenny! What’s this
5. What’ her name
1. Nice to meet you ( your you ).
2. What ( What’s What ) is this It’s a panda.
3. Is ( It Is ) this a rabbit No, it is a bird ( dog bird )
4. What’s his ( her his )name Ben.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A
二、听音判断,对的打“T”, 错的“F”。(10分)
1. T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F 6. F. 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. T
1. B 2. C. 3. C 4. B 5. C
1. you 2. What 3. Is bird 4. his
C 2. C 3. C 4.C 5.B 6.C
7.C 8.B 9. A 10.A 11.B 12.C
Hello 2. your My 3. meet
4. is an 5. And rabbit 5. this isn’t
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C
1. C 2. D 3. F 4. B 5. E 6. A
1. pencil Yes 2. What fish 3. a chair 4. name



