Unit4 I can play basketball测试卷(含答案含听力原文和音频)

班级 姓名 __ 学号 成绩 _____
(  )1. A. pencil B. crayon C. lion D. pear
(  )2. A. mango B. woman C. pineapple D. banana
(  )3. A. swim B. sticker C. monkey D. skate
(  )4. A. car B. cat C. key D. card
(  )5. A. Helen B. Hurry C. cherry D. chair
(  )6. A. dog B. bag C. doll D. door
(  )7. A. any B. either C. many D. some
(  )8. A. Mike B. like C. kite D. bike
(  )9. A. basketball B. football C. table tennis D. ball
(  )10.4. A. fly B. fruit C. floor D. try
( )1.A. 她会踢足球。 B. 她会踢足球吗?
( )2.A. 麦克,请看一下。 B. 麦克,请试一下。
( )3.A. 我能看到一些动物。 B. 我能说出一些动物。
( )4.A. 爸爸有五个有趣的男孩。 B. 爸爸有5个可爱的男孩。
( )5.A. 他也会打篮球。 B. 他也不会打篮球。
(  )1. A. It’s cool. B. They are nice. C. It’s lovely.
(  )2. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, I do.
(  )3. A. Yes, she can jump. B. No, he can. C. She cannot swim.
(  )4. A. No, I’m not. B. No, I don’t. C. No, I can’t.
(  )5. A. I like dogs. B. Yes, I do. C. I have three dogs.
( )1. Tom is 11 years old.
( )2. Tom can play basketball.
( )3. Lucy is Tom’s sister.
( )4. Lucy can play table tennis.
( )5. Peter can run, but he can’t swim.
A: Look! A ____________. B: Do you ____________ it
A: Yes , I do. What ___________ you B: Me, too. I _____________ play it very well.
A: ____________ go and play. B: Great!
( ) 1. Lucy _________ in the classroom.
A. is B. are C. can
( ) 2. Wang Bing can’t _________, but he can __________.
A. dancing; singing B. dance; sing C. to dance; to sing
( ) 3. ________ drink my milk.
A. Not B. Don’t C. Can’t
( ) 4. What’s _______ over there
A. this B. those C. that
( ) 5. How many _________ can you see Five.
A. a ball B. ball C. balls
( ) 6. The bird isn’t in the desk. It isn’t under the chair _________.
A. too B. either C. and
( ) 7. Mike can swim, _________ he can’t skate.
A. but B. too C. and
( ) 8. — Can your brother play football — _________.
A. No, I can’t B. Yes, he can. C. No, he isn’t.
( ) 9. — Can you see ________ chairs — Yes, I can.
A. some B. any C. a
( ) 10. ________ can you sing We can sing “Do you like purple grapes ”
A. What B. Where C. How
( ) 1. magic log ( ) 2. hurry have
( ) 3. five breakfast ( ) 4. blue like
( ) 5. four funny
八、情景匹配。 从II栏中找出能回答I栏的选项。(共8 题,每题 1分,满分 8分)
( ) 1. Look, this is my doll. A. Thank you.
( ) 2. Do you like that monkey B. No, thanks.
( ) 3. I’d like that kite. C. Yes, I do.
( ) 4. Where’s my rubber D. No, he can’t.
( ) 5. Here’s a ruler for you. E. Here you are.
( ) 6. Would you like a pie F. I have many stickers.
( ) 7. What do you have G. Under the book.
( ) 8. Can Mike skate H. How cute!
1. Bobby and Sam are _______________ friends.
2. Mary can skate very _______________.
3. I can swim, but I can’t _______________.
4. Birds can fly, and ducks can _______________.
Hi, I’m Paul. I’m twelve. I have three good friends. They’re Jim, John and Frank.We like sports very much. Jim can play football ________ . John can skate and ________. ________ me I can’t run fast(快地), but I can ________. Let’s do some sports(运动) together.
A: Hello, Peter. B: Hello, Alice.
A: Look at my doll. B: 1._________ I like it. 2._________
A: It can sing and dance. Look! B: Wonderful! 3._________ It’s cute.
I have a parrot too. It’s clever.
A: 4._________ B: It can walk and run.
A: 5. _________ B: Yes. It can talk very well.
十、阅读理解,根据要求完成任务。(共9 题,每题 1分,满分 9分)
Hi, I’m Sam. I have a big family. My father is Mr Black. I have two brothers and two sisters. My brothers like kites. My sisters love balloons. The balloons(气球) are nice. They are red, green, blue, orange … I like toys. There are many toys in my bedroom. My hobby(爱好) is skating,so I can skate very well. Can you
(   )1. Sam’s mother is Mrs Black.
(   )2. Mr Black has four children(孩子).
(   )3. The balloons are colourful.
(   )4. Sam’s sisters like kites.
(   )5. Sam likes skating.
Hello!I’m Tom. I have a big family. This is my father. He can play basketball and swim. But he can’t play football. Look! This is my mother. She can make cakes and fruit salads. My brother Peter is 11 years old. He can skate very well. The little girl is my sister. She can sing and dance. She can skate too. I can play football. I have five footballs.
(   )1. Tom’s father can __________.
A. play basketball B. swim C. both A and B
(   )2. Tom’s mother can make __________.
clothes B. cakes and fruit salads C. fruit cakes
(   )3. Peter can ___________ well.
A. jump B. dance C. skate
(   )4. Tom’s sister can ___________.
A. sing and dance B. make fruit salads C. play football
十一、看图完成句子或对话。(共10空,每空 1分,满分10分)
A、 看图完成句子。(共4空,每空 1分,满分4分)
第1题图 第2题图 第3题图 第4题图
I can see five _______________ in the playground(操场) .
Look at the boy. He can _______________.
Would you like a ________________ Yes, please.
My brother can _______________ well.
B、 根据上下文和图片提示完成对话。(共6空,每空 1分,满分6分)
Lily: Hi, Bill. _______________ do you have
Bill: Look! I have a _______________ .
Lily: Can you play _______________
Bill: No, I _________ . What _____________ you
Lily: I can. Have a ___________, Bill.
Bill: OK.
Hello,I’m Steven.
I’m seven years old.
I can play basketball and jump.
But I can’t play football.
I can’t ride a bike either.
Unit 4
听录音,将所听到的单词的序号填在题前的括号内 (每小题读两遍)
1. lion 2. pineapple 3. skate 4. car 5. cherry
6. doll 7. either 8. like 9. basketball 10. try
1. Can she play football
2. Mike, have a try please.
3. I can name some animals.
4. Father has five funny boys.
5. He can’t play basketball either.
1.Look at my new robots .
2.Do you have any oranges?
3.Can she jump
4.Can you play table tennis
5.Do you like dogs
Hello! My name is Tom. I’m eleven years old. I can play football. I can’t play basketball. This is Lucy. She’s my sister. She’s nine. She can play table tennis. She can’t swim. That’s my brother Peter. He’s four. He can’t play football. He can run and swim.
----Look! A football.
----Do you like it
----Yes, I do. What about you
----Me, too. I can play it very well.
----Let’s go and play.
good B. skate C. well D. swim
have a try B. very well C. What about D.play basketball
Can the parrot talk B. I have a toy cat. C. How lovely!
What can your doll do E. What can the toy cat do



上一篇:浙江省温州市平阳县苏步青学校、平阳县实验中学2023-2024七年级上学期11月期中数学试题 (图片版无答案)

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