辽宁省县级重点高中协作体2023-2024高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

英 语 试 题
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What color sweater does the boy wear
A. Red. B. Black. C. White.
2. What will the woman do
A. Have fast food. B. Cook breakfast. C. Pick up her brother.
3. Whom is the woman talking to
A. A salesman. B. A painter. C. A house agent.
4. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Ask the conductor. B. Get off immediately C. Check the map.
5. Where does the conversation take place
A. In a hospital. B. In an office. C. At the man’s house.
6. How many students are there in the school
A. 700. B. 500. C. 200.
7. What is the woman’s problem
A. She isn’t sure whether she will be employed.
B. She can’t find a foreign teacher for the school.
C. She doesn’t know how to put an ad on newspapers.
8. What happens to the woman’s watch
A. It goes ten minutes fast every day.
B. It goes ten minutes slow every day.
C. It goes one minute slow every hour.
9. How does the man deal with his watch
A. By putting it back ten minutes every day.
B. By putting it ahead ten minutes every hour.
C. By having it mended every week.
10. What will the woman probably do with her watch
A. Do as the man asks her to.
B. Set it by the radio every morning.
C. Throw it away and buy a new one.
11. Why does the man come here
A. To make an appointment. B. To keep an appointment. C. To cancel an appointment.
12. What information does the woman need to get from the man
A. His health insurance number.
B. His home address.
C. His identify card.
13. What’s wrong with the man
A. He has a backache. B. He has a stomachache C. He has a toothache.
14. How long has the man been in the US
A. About two weeks. B. About three weeks. C. About six weeks.
15. Where is the Sears Tower
A. In Chicago. B. In New York. C. In Mexico.
16. What places does the man advise the woman to visit
A. The museums. B. The Mayan ruins. C. The theaters.
17. At what time does the sports center close
A. 9:00 p.m. B. 7:30 p.m C. 5:00 p.m.
18. What can the listeners do from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
A. Do special exercises. B. Play basketball. C. Do fitness training.
19. Which of the following is open all day
A. The swimming pool. B. The gym. C. The badminton courts.
20. What will the speaker do next
A. Show the listeners around.
B. Answer some questions.
C. Help the listeners use the equipment.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B, C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Tenerife might seem like a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, but you will be surprised by how diverse and beautiful it is. There are lots of unique places in Tenerife, so be ready to explore!
Mount Teide
Mount Teide, a famous volcano, is the tallest peak (峰) in Spain and a UNESCO world heritage site. Several routes can lead one to the peak of Mount Teide. While permits are required to hike the mountain, you can have an easier choice—an eight-minute cable car (缆车)that takes you far enough up the top for appreciating views. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and a jacket as it can get cold.
Siam Park
The famous Siam Park was named as the best water park in the world for the second year in a row. You can visit the park at any time of the year, as the pools are heated to a comfortable 24 Celsius. Be sure to choose a sunny day for your visit if you’re heading over in winter.
Casa de Los Balcones
A visit to the Casa de Los Balcones might be a great idea if you’re looking for a first class cultural adventure. It’s a 17th century house with fine carved wooden balconies. The inside has a typical patio (露台) that shows the islands’ handmade traditions.
Playa de Benijo
Playa de Benijo is one of the fascinating beaches in Tenerife. The surface is a large area of black sand with rocky areas mixed in between. The volcanic sand covering the beach, as well as the rocks and the cliffs (悬崖), makes Playa de Benijo a destination for landscape photographers. If you have the chance—go there!
21. What do we know about the Mount Teide
A. It has a warm climate.
B. There is only one way to climb it.
C. Free equipment is offered for sightseeing.
D. Permits are needed to climb to the top.
22. In which place can you experience handmade traditions
A. Mount Teide. B. Siam Park.
C. Casa de Los Balcones. D. Playa de Benijo.
23. Who prefers to visit Playa de Benijo probably
A. A middle-aged man who loves taking pictures.
B. A traveler who wants to buy some local souveniors.
C. A retired elderly couple who plan to go mountain-climbing.
D. A 6-year-old boy who likes playing on snow-white beaches.
Debinha means “little Debs” in Portuguese (葡萄牙语) and she’s 1.57 metres tall. But she has no intention of getting too big for her football shoes. “Never go above someone else.” is her philosophy (人生哲学). Instead, she says, it’s better to be a mirror for someone else, and to always be learning from your teammates in whatever you choose to do. After all, she says, “I didn’t get here alone.”
From street football in a provincial town in southeast Brail to one of the stars of the US National Women’s Soccer League and a mainstay of the Brazilian women’s team, Debinha, 31, has come a long way. She has appeared for her country more than 130 times and in 2022 was shortlisted for the Best FIFA Women’s Player award, the only South American to be nominated (提名). In addition to Brazilian clubs, she has played for teams in Norway and China, and is now with the Kansas City Current in the US. The greatest moment of her career so far has been standing for Brail in the 2016 Olympic Games, when they were held in her home nation. This summer she was working hard for her second World Cup.
“I always liked to play ball,” says Debinha, who first started playing it at eight in the square outside the candy factory where her mother worked in their home town of Brasopolis. If she wasn’t playing in the street, she was taking extra physical, education classes after school. Her mother always supported her. “Today, as always, my mother is my number one fan. Seeing my family cheering for me on the field, and seeing my family experiencing that along with me, you couldn’t put a price on it,” she said.
24. What can we know about Debinha in paragraph 1
A. She always wants to beat others.
B. She is open-minded and likes to learn.
C. She is very proud and goes above others.
D. She has too big football shoes on matches.
25. How is the text developed about Debinha’s success
A. By space. B. By giving examples.
C. By comparing. D. By listing reasons.
26. What made Debinha a football player
A. Her strong interest in ball. B. Her family’s suggestions.
C. Her strong wish to win. D. Her love to her motherland.
27. What is the text mainly about
A. The difficulty Debinha met. B. Support from a player’s mother.
C. A short introduction of Debinha. D. The secret to success.
A small study out of Skidmore College examined the advantages of morning vs evening exercise for both women and men. Paul, professor for health at Skidmore, led the study.
“We had the groups divided into evening and morning groups,” he says. “We found women and men answered differently to different types of exercise depending on the time of the day, which surprised us.”
The study showed that for women who want to lower blood pressure (血压), the risk of heart disease or reduce fat, morning exercise works best. Those women hoping for upper body muscle (肌肉) gains or mood (心情) improvement should consider evening exercise. For the men, the findings were somewhat different: Evening exercise lowers blood pressure, the risk of heart disease, and feelings of tiredness. But similar to women, they burn more fat with morning exercise.
“For many people, the best time to exercise will depend on their chronotype,” says Heisz, author of Move the Body, Heal the Mind.
“Chronotype is your body’s natural habit to sleep at a certain time—it’s what decides whether you’re a night owl or an early bird. For the 25% of the population that considers themselves a night owl, getting both enough sleep and enough exercise can be difficult,” adds Heisz.
He continues, “Sleep—which provides your body the necessary time to recover and make gains from exercise—should always be the first choice. When it comes to exercise, regardless of research on the advantages of certain exercises at particular times of the day, your results will not be good if it doesn’t allow enough time for sleep.”
28. What can women get by doing evening exercise according to the study
A. A fat loss. B. A good mood.
C. A lower blood pressure. D. A smaller risk of heart disease.
29. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 5
A. Give an example. B. Tell the difference.
C. Do an experiment. D. Explain a term.
30. What does Heisz think is important to achieve good results of exercise
A. Enough sleep. B. Low-fat food. C. Plenty of water. D. Lots of exercise.
31. What is the best title for the text
A. A Night Owl or an Early Bird
B. Why Fitness Plan Being Important
C. How to Change Your Exercise Time
D. The Best Time of a Day to Exercise
Nature is like the mechanism in a big clock. Everything is arranged in order and interconnected. Every part has its place and its function. Take the wolf for example. As meat-eaters, wolves regulate the number of plant eaters so that they do not reproduce too rapidly. All animals and plants are held in a delicate balance.
The wolves remind me of a story from my childhood when my grandfather gave me an old clock. The first thing I did was take the clock apart to find out how it worked. Even though I was convinced that I knew how to put it back together in working order, I couldn’t do it. After I rebuilt it, there were a few cogs (left over and a grandfather who was not in the best of moods. In the wild, wolves play the role of such cogs. If we remove them, not only do the enemies of sheep and cattle disappear, but the mechanism of nature also begins to run differently, so differently that rivers change course and many local bird species die out.
And things can also go wrong when a species is added. For example, the introduction of a nonnative fish leads to a massive reduction in the local deer population. Because of a fish The earth’s ecosystems, it seems, are a bit too complex for us to draw up simple rules of cause and effect. Even conservation (保护)measures can have unexpected results. Who knew, for example, that recovering crane (鹤) populations in Europe would affect the production of Iberian ham
So it’s high time we took a good look at the interconnections between species both large and small. It’s important for us to realize that even small interventions (介入) can have huge consequences, and we’d do better to keep our hands off everything in nature that we do not absolutely have to touch.
32. What does the underlined word “regulate” mean in paragraph
A. Control. B. Count. C. Record. D. Increase.
33. What does the author want to show with the story in paragraph 2
A. Curiosity kills the cat. B. Grandfather’s love lasts.
C. Clocks are complex. D. Every part counts.
34. Why can things also go wrong when a species is added
A. Local species die out due to the nonnative one.
B. Rules of cause and effect are obvious in nature.
C. The interconnections in nature are complicated.
D. Conservation projects are too hard to complete.
35. What does the author suggest people do
A. Pay more attention to small animals. B. Stay away from conservation.
C. Take a new look at meat-eaters. D. Think twice before stepping in.
How to prepare for an exam is a big question that you always ask yourself. Here are some tips that may help you.
Never fear or hate exams and be confident.
Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get upset and won’t be able to get marks. 36 You have to be confident and it is of great help for you to gain success.
Prepare a good timetable.
Prepare a timetable before starting the study. 37 Difficult subjects can be given more time and easier ones less, but most importantly you should spare some time for rest.
Select a proper atmosphere for studying.
Studying atmosphere plays a very important role. 38 So pick a place where you feel comfortable. That is where you feel relaxed and can pay attention to what you are doing. Make sure that while you are studying a subject you are focusing on it only. So keep the books of other subjects away from your eyesight so that you won’t be upset about all the things you have to learn.
Make notes while studying.
This is a very important point. While studying, make small notes. The note should be short and clear to make the review easier. 39 Yet don’t try to cover everything in it.
On the night before an exam you have to sleep well, at least 6 hours and not more than 8 hours. Remember this will have a great effect on your exam. And have your food as in your daily diet.
A. Sleep well and eat well.
B. Try to present answers in points.
C. This should include all the subjects.
D. This will be of great use to your coming exams.
E. A good note shall include the most important points.
F. Can anyone study well while others around are watching TV
G. So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
As an eldly man with dementia (痴呆), Gene MeGehee was finding his golden years to be his loneliest. That all 41 one day when he heard children’s 42 right outside his room.
When Gene 43 outside, he couldn’t believe it — a group of lively young kids were playing. The children were more than 44 to include Gene in their fun. They nicknamed (取绰号) him Big Gene, and a special, long-lasting friendship was 45 between Gene, the kids and Megan, the daycare teacher.
Gene’s 46 disease means he now has only short-term memory. For the last three years, Gene has been 47 kids and Megan but he thinks it to be the first time. “I always tell the kids that his 48 is kind of sick, but his heart remembers us.” Megan said.
Gene’s daughter, Cathy, said he suffered from 49 until the kids came into his life and 50 his days. Every afternoon for an hour, Gene spends time 51 with the children. He sometimes even 52 their games. Even though the day’s good memories 53 as the sun sets, something remains in the depths of Gene’s mind. It is a 54 feeling that makes him go outside as soon as he hears the children’s laughter once again.
What a beautiful way these children and Megan have been spreading love and 55 in Gene’s life!
41. A. began B. changed C. developed D. happened
42. A. laughter B. cry C. story D. breath
43. A. rushed B. left C. stepped D. stayed
44. A. afraid B. willing C. annoyed D. curious
45. A. expected B. paid C. damaged D. born
46. A. secret B. wild C. serious D. simple
47. A. meeting B. impressing C. missing D. caring
48. A. leg B. eye C. arm D. brain
49. A. defeat B. loneliness C. punishment D. hate
50. A. broke B. designed C. brightened D. explored
51. A. safely B. quickly C. carefully D. happily
52. A. breaks in B. sets up C. makes up D. joins in
53. A. rise B. disappear C. move D. fall
54. A. common B. necessary C. special D. specific
55. A. light B. courage C. convenience D. determination
MOOCs are short for Massive online learning courses. They are free online courses 56 are open to an unlimited number of learners. Generally, there 57 (be) no requirements and learners are able 58 (learn) at their pace in their own home. It is 59 new way of learning and many consider MOOCs to be the latest generation of distance learning.
Nowadays, people benefit a lot 60 MOOCs. MOOCs can meet nearly everyone’s interest. Almost every subject can be found in MOOCs, and groups can 61 (create) for students who have the same interests. Besides, MOOCs can benefit you personally. You have the choice to try something new without 62 (have) to pay.
MOOCs influence the teaching around the world 63 (great). Teachers and students both have different 64 (role) in learning, making learning become an easy and 65 (interest) thing.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 事件的描述;
2. 你的感受。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
October 11, 2023 Sunny
When I was a teenager, my mother had a hard time finding me onstage (在舞台上) in the dancing show. I was always in the back row, out of sight, out of mind. Sometimes the stage lights didn’t even reach me, and I ended up dancing in the shadows.
I didn’t start out that way. As a kid, I was a confident dancer. At eleven, though, I put on weight. I still danced through my routines with energy, but I was always placed in the back row. My teachers didn’t remember my name half the time.
In high school, I put on weight. I wanted to join the dancing club. However, “You need to lose weight, “my teacher said. I walked out of the class and never returned. Dance was still part of my life, though. I took classes off and on at another school and at my university. Finally, I decided to start performing in flash mobs (快闪行动). While I had no interest in making it a career, I enjoyed my projects. I danced well, and I was chosen. The show kept inviting me back. More often than not, I was placed in the featured dancers’ group.
There was only one problem: Though I had fun, I still believed in those teachers from childhood instead of myself. Deep down, no matter what anyone said to me, I still thought that I was a terrible dancer.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右:
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
At one performance, the director of the flash mob company, Staci, finally called me out. ____________________
I found my courage and stopped hiding in the back. _________________________________________________
1-5 ACBCA 6-10 ABBAC 11-15 BABCA 16-20 BACCA
A篇 本文为一篇应用文。 文章主要介绍了Tenerife的几个最点。
21-23 DCA
21. 根据文章Mount Teide部分While permits are required to hike the mountain可知,选D。
22. 根据文Casa de Los Balcones部分handmade traditions可知,选C。
23. 根据最后一段the volcanic sand covering the beach, as well as the rocks and the elifts, makes Playa de Benjo a destination for landscape photographers.可知Playa de Benijo吸引风景摄影师。故选A。
B篇 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了球员Debinha,介绍了她的个性、个人经历以及所取得的一些成就。
24-27 BBAC
24. 根据第一段Instead, she says, it’s better to be a mirror for someone else, and to always be learning from your teammates in whatever you choose to do. After all, she says, “I didn’t get here alone.”可知,Debinha思想开放,喜欢学习。故选B。
24. 根据第二段可推知,文章列举了Debinha一系列的成就,即关于Debinha成功的文章通过举例展开。故选B。
26. 根据最后一段可知,对球的强烈兴趣让Debinha成为了一名足球运动员。故选A。
27. 根据第二段以及结合整篇文章,文章主要介绍了球员Debinha,介绍了她的个性、个人经历以及所取得的一一些成就。可知,文章主要是Debinha的简短介绍。故选C。
C篇 本文是说明文。本文讲述了一项关于早晚锻炼对女性和男性不同的受益,研究表明对于男性和女性根据需求不同最佳锻炼时间不同。
28-31 BDAD
28. 根据第三段的Those women hoping for upper body muscle (肌肉) gains or mood (心情) improvement should consider evening exercise可知,根据这项研究,女性可以通过晚上锻炼改善情绪变得情绪好。故选B。
29. 根据第五段内容“Chronotype is your body’s natural habit to seep at a certain time—it’s what decides whether you’re a night owl or an early bird. For the 25% of the population that considers themselves a might owl, getting both enough seep and enough exercise can be difficult,” adds Heisz. 在本段作者解释了一个术语——生物钟。 故选D。
30. 根据最后一段的When it comes to exercise, regardless of research on the advantages of certain exercises at particular times of the day, your results will not be good if it doesn’t allow enough time for sleep. 可知,海兹认为要达到良好的运动效果,足够的睡眠是重要的。故选A。
31. 根据文章第一段以及整篇文章,因此推断D项“一天中锻炼的最佳时间”为最佳标题。故选D。
D篇 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了大自然就像一个巨大的钟里的机械装置。每样东西都排列整齐,相互联系。作者建议人们在干预自然界之前要三思而后行。
32-35 ADCD
32. 根据划线单词所在句子可知,狼作为肉食动物,吃食草动物,这会控制食草动物的数量,这样它们的繁殖速度就不会太快,由此可推知,划线单词regulate意为“控制”,故选A。
33. 根据第二段可推知,作者想用第二段中的故事来表达自然界中的每个部分都很重要。故选D。
34. 根据第三段中可知,当一个物种被别的物种加入时,事情也会出错,这是因为自然界中的相互联系是复杂的。故选C。
35. 根据最后一段,即使是很小的干预也可能产生巨大的后果,我们最好不要触碰自然界中我们绝对不必触碰的任何东西。作者建议人们在干预自然界之前要三思而后行。故选D。
七选五 本文是说明文。 如何准备考试是你经常问自己的一个大问题。文章就此问题给出了一些建议。
36-40 GCFEA
36. 空处承接上文,指出该如何应对此问题,G项“所以在开始学习之前,放下你所有的恐惧,释放你的思想。”符合,和下文一起呼应本段小标题,故选G。
37. 上文指出在开始学习之前准备一个时间表,下文指出简单和困难的科目都要留复习时间,C项“这应该包括所有的科目。”符合题意,subjects是关键词,故选C。
38. 上文指出学习氛围很重要,空处承接上文,应该指出为什么说学习氛围很重要,F项“当周围的人都在看电视的时候,有人能学好吗 ”用反问的方式指出学习氛围很重要,故选F。
39. 上文指出做笔记时,要简短明了,即要记下重点,E项“一个好的笔记应该包括最重要的几点”,故选E。
40. 此处是本段小标题,根据下文指出要吃好睡好,A项“睡好, 吃好。”能概括本段内容,故选A。
完形填空 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了患有阿尔茨海默病的老人吉恩麦吉在孩子们的陪伴下变得开心的故事。
41-45 BACBD 46-50 CADBC 51-55 DDBCA
41. 吉恩本来很孤独,但这一切在他听到屋外孩子们的笑声时改变了。故选B项。
42. 孩子们的笑声让吉恩发生了变化。故选A项。
43. 此处表示吉恩走到外面,看到了孩子们在玩耍。故选C项。
44. 孩子们非常愿意让吉恩加入到游戏中。故选B项。
45. 他们给他起了个绰号“大吉恩”,吉恩孩子们和托儿所老师梅根努内兹之间形成了一种特殊而持久的友谊。故选D项。
46. 吉恩的病症很严重,现在只有短期记忆。故选C项。
47. 表示吉恩每天都会见到梅根和孩子们,但他认为每次都第一次见面。故选A项。
48. 我总是告诉孩子们,他的大脑有点生病了,但他的心记得我们。故选D项。
49. 吉恩的女儿凯西说,在孩子们走进他的生活并使他的日子变得有乐趣之前,他一直很孤独。故选B项。
50. 见上一题解析。选C。
51. 吉恩和孩子们每天下午度过一小时快乐的时光。故选D项。
52. 古恩有时候甚至参加孩子们的游戏。故选D项。
53. 太阳落山时,这天的美好记忆会消失。故选B项。
54. 正是这种特殊的感觉让他一听到孩子们的笑声就再次走到外面。故选C项。
55. 这些孩子和梅根在吉恩的生活中传播了爱和光明,这是多么美好的方式啊!故选A项。
语法填空 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是网络课程MOOCS的相关情况。
56. that/which。此处是定语从句中,缺少主语,指物。
57. are。根据requirements可知,此处用谓语动词用复数形式。
58. to learn。be able to do sth.
59. a。此处表示泛指。
60. from。benefit from是固定短语,意为“从……中获益”。
6l. be created。此空格处是be created。
62. having。介词后面用动名词。
63. greatly。此处作状语用副词。
64. roles。根据different可知用名词复数。
65. interesting。修饰名词thing,thing是物,用ing结尾的形容词interesting修饰,意为“有趣的”。
October 11, 2023 Sunny
Today I was deeply touched by what had happened between my deskmate and me. I was in a bad mood because I made a lot of mistakes in the math homework. Noticing my situation, my deskmate comforted me sincerely. Then he offered to help me with maths problems. He explained them patiently until I fully understood them. Apart from that, he promised whenever I had any maths problems, I could turn to him for help.
It was such a great help that I was moved to tears. I will always remember what my deskmate did for me and treasure our friendship forever.
At one performance the director of the flash mob company, Staci, finally called me out. She told me, “You’d better not hide in the back row this time, if you know the dance. You’re not doing anyone any favors back there!” Those words surprised me, but after a while, I realized she was right. In most of the flash mobs I’d done, I’d always gone to the back. Nobody had placed me there; we picked our own spots. Staci had correctly pointed out that I was selling myself short.
I found my courage and stopped hiding in the back. And the more I stayed in the front row, the more confidence I had. I finally got back the true dancing spirit that I’d lost when I was eleven. It brought joy back to my performance. I hope my old dance teachers have seen me on TV and wondered, “Wait, wasn’t t that girl in my class ” I am not a highly skilled dancer, and there’s always room for improvement, but I’m the best I can possibly be. I’m a good dancer.
Text 1
M: Can you describe the boy you saw What does he wear
W: A red sweater and black jeans.
Text 2
M: I missed breakfast this morning and I’m starving. How about having some fast food
W: I’d love to, but I need to pick up my brother from school.
Text 3
M: If you can make up your mind about the color, I can start on the outside of your house early next week.
W: Well, right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls, but I’ll let you know tomorrow.
Text 4
W: Do you know if this train stops at the Carlisle Street stop
M: There’s a route map over there by the door.
Text 5
M: I want to get a private room as soon as possible. Also please put a “No Visitors” sign on my door when you leave.
W: I’ll take care of both things, but first put this in your mouth so that I can take your temperature.
Text 6
M: Oh, dear! Nice to see you! I heard you started a new school, didn’t you
W: Yes, quite right. There are 200 girl students and 500 boy students in our school.
M: That’s great.
W: Er... Everything is good if I can employ a foreign teacher.
M: I think you should put an advertisement on China Daily.
Text 7
M: My watch always gains ten minutes a day.
W: That’s funny. My watch always loses ten minutes a day.
M: No kidding
W: I’m serious. Every morning I set my watch by the radio, but it still loses ten minutes.
M: You know what you can do
W: Throw it away and buy a new one
M: No. You only need to put your watch ahead ten minutes every day.
W: So you put your watch back ten minutes each day
M: Yeah, that’s what I’m doing.
W: Oh, it takes too much trouble. Just buy a new watch. It doesn’t cost much. Besides, I just can’t put up with this thing any more.
Text 8
M: Hi, I think I have an appointment with Dr. Wang this afternoon.
W: OK. Alan Whitaker, is it two o’clock appointment
M: That’s right. This is my first time here, so...
W: Yes, I just need to get some information for our files.
M: OK.
W: What’s your telephone number, please
M: Its555-9117.
W: OK. I need your date of birth and health insurance number.
M: Uh, May 24th, 1960, and my health insurance number, let me see... 78524-403.
W: 78524-403. OK. And what seems to be the problem
M: Well, I’ve been having stomach pains and...
W: OK. That’s all I need for now. Please take a seat over there and the doctor will be with you shortly.
Text 9
W: Mr. Li, how long were you in the US
M: Umm, I was there for about one and a half months.
W: Great! And did you go to Chicago
M: Yes, I stayed there for three weeks.
W: What is it famous for
M: The city is the main business and cultural center in the Midwest. It is famous for its music, opera, and theaters as well as for its excellent museums and architecture.
W: Yeah, I hear that one of the world’s tallest buildings, the Sears Tower, is there. By the way, have you been to Mexico
M: Yes, I stayed there for two weeks.
W: Well, can you tell me when is the best time to visit
M: Umm, you should go in winter or spring. The weather is nice then.
W: Really And does Mexico have good beaches
M: Yes, the beaches are excellent.
W: Oh, good! And what places should I see
M: Well, you should go to Mexico City. And you shouldn’t miss the Mayan ruins. They are nice and interesting.
W: Great! I can’t wait to go there.
Text 10
M: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our sports center. Here, between 9 o’clock in the morning and 9 o’clock in the evening, you can enjoy a number of different sporting activities. The outdoor tennis courts are open all day, and the running track is used for various forms of athletics, also all day. Most visitors of course, come to use our Olympic-size swimming pool. The hours for swimming are 9 o’clock to 12:30 and 2 o’clock to 9:00 pm. Then there’s the gym. There, we have special exercises for women from 9:00 am to 10:45 am, and for men from 11:45 am to 1:00 in the afternoon. You can play basketball in the gym between 1:00 and 5:00, or do fitness training in the evening between 5 o’clock and half past seven. Then we also have two badminton courts that are open all day.
And now I’d like to walk with you around the center and show you the facilities we offer.



