2022-2023安徽省无为重点中学高二上学期11月期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

(时量:120分钟 总分:150分)
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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15.B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a restaurant. B. At the airport. C. In a classroom.
2. What will Paul do next
A. Go to bed. B. Take a walk. C. See the doctor.
3. Why does the woman want to return the T-shirt
A. It’s too large for her. B. She doesn’t like the color. C. There’s a quality problem.
4. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Driver and passenger. B. Mother and son. C. Couples.
5. Who is Mr. White
A.A secretary. B.A manager. C.A salesperson.
6.Why is Vera making the call
A. To ask for the subway information.
B. To find the owner of the passport.
C. To find her way home.
7. What day is it today
A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday.
8. What are the two speakers doing now
A Having an interview.
B. Introducing their workplace.
C. Sharing their work experience.
9. What kind of person is Mr. Johnson
A. Confident. B. Boring. C. Humorous.
10. How many hours does the woman work a day
A. Five hours. B. Eight hours. C. Nine hours.
11. How does the man feel about the doctor’s advice about exercise
A. Encouraging. B. Ineffective. C. Demanding.
12. What is Jacob’s research about
A. How much exercise lowers the risk of heart attack.
B. Why people should exercise every week.
C What exercise lowers the risk of heart attack.
13. How long does the man exercise a week
A.300 minutes. B.150 minutes. C.75 minutes.
14. Where will the reception desk be later
A. At the corner of the second floor.
B. At the center of the first floor.
C. Near the main gate.
15. What part of the shopping center is not mentioned in the survey
A. The parking lot. B. The location. C. The product price.
16. What does the woman think of the shopping center
A. It’s convenient. B. It’s large. C. It’s beautiful.
17. What does the August example show
A. The effects of weather on people’s health.
B. The effects of weather on people’s feelings.
C. The effects of weather on people’s intelligence.
18. What might make people’s IQs higher according to the 1983 report
A. The wind. B. Cold weather. C. Very hot weather.
19. What might happen when there’s low air pressure
A. People become stronger.
B. Thin people are unhappy.
C. People often forget things.
20. What does the passage talk about
A. The effects of weather on people.
B. Different weather in different seasons.
C. How people feel about different kinds of weather.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Football: Designing the Beautiful Game
Whether you are a crazy fan or sideline supporter, visitors to this exhibition will enjoy discovering the remarkable design stories behind the world’s beautiful game.
What to expect
The exhibition explores the story behind football, showing how design has been used to push the game to new limits. Take a journey through over 500 objects, films and interviews in sporting performance, equipment development and stadium design, and involve yourself in the stories of clubs and game legends(传奇人物)including Messi, Pelé, George Best and Diego Maradona.
Held by the Design Museum and the National Football Museum in Manchester, the show reveals the master planning of the world’s most significant football stadiums, the design innovation used in today’s equipment, how the graphic design of team badges(徽章) and posters shapes a club’s identity and how grassroots’ efforts are pushing the sport’s commercialization.
Ticket information
※Online booking is advised but tickets will also be available in the booking office. Last entry to the exhibition is 90 minutes before the museum closes.
※Adult tickets are charged from 16 and student tickets from 12. Meanwhile, you can save 25% on family and group tickets.
※Present your exhibition entry ticket for 10% off food and drink at London Grade Coffee on the ground floor.
1. What can visitors do at the exhibition
A. Design a team badge. B. Interview master designers.
C. Put on football equipment. D. Learn about famous football players.
2. How much should a couple with their 11-year-old son pay at least for admission
A. 33. B. 36. C. 44. D. 48.
3. What will visitors enjoy with the ticket
A. A special discount on goods at a cafe. B. A photo of a significant football stadium.
C. A free visit to the National Football Museum. D. An invitation to a club’s sporting performance.
【答案】1. D 2. A 3. A
细节理解题。根据 “What to expect”部分中的“Take a journey through over 500 objects, films and interviews in sporting performance, equipment development and stadium design, and involve yourself in the stories of clubs and game legends including Messi, Pelé, George Best and Diego Maradona.( 通过500多件物品、电影和体育表演、设备开发和体育场设计的采访,让自己沉浸在俱乐部和比赛传奇传奇人物的故事中,包括梅西、贝利、乔治·贝斯特和迭戈·马拉多纳。)”可知,参观者在展览会上可以了解到包括梅西、贝利、乔治·贝斯特和迭戈·马拉多纳在内的足坛人物的故事。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据 “Ticket information”部分中的“Adult tickets are charged from 16 and student tickets from 12. Meanwhile, you can save 25% on family and group tickets.( 成人票16英镑起,学生票12英镑起。同时,你可以节省25%的家庭和团体票。)”可知,家庭团体票可以享受七五折优惠。因此一对夫妻(2名成年人)和一名11岁儿子(1名学生)至少应支付的费用为(16×2+12)×0.75=33(英镑)。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据“Ticket information”部分中的“Present your exhibition entry ticket for 10% off food and drink at London Grade Coffee on the ground floor.( 出示参展门票,可在一楼的伦敦高级咖啡享受9折餐饮优惠)” 可知,参观者在一楼咖啡厅购买食物和饮料时凭门票可享受折扣优惠。故选A项。
I. M. Pei, one of the world’s most famous building designers, died at age 102. Mr. Pei created buildings which are known and appreciated around the world. Mr. Pei’s style of architecture is called “modern” or “modernist”. This style of architecture makes use of newer building materials, such as concrete(混凝土), glass and metal. Modernist buildings are often designed with straight lines, without a lot of decorations. Modern architecture appeared at the end of the 19th century from changes in technology, engineering and building materials, and from a wish to break away from historical architectural styles and to invent something that was totally functional and new.
Mr. Pei designed many different kinds of buildings, including libraries, concert halls, office buildings, hotels, hospitals and skyscrapers. But he’s probably famous for some of his museums, like the East Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Perhaps Mr. Pei’s best-known building is the Pyramid he created as a new entrance to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Like many of Mr. Pei’s designs, it wasn’t all that popular at first, but over time, people came to love it. Now it is one of the main reasons why people visit the museum. Another famous building of his is the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong, China. Mr. Pei said he wanted it to look a bit like bamboo.
Mr. Pei put a lot of thoughts into his designs. He studied carefully before he designed each building. For example, he didn’t like rock and roll music, but he went to rock concerts before he designed the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. He read books, studied music and visited many musicians. He preferred his students or teammates who came from different cultural backgrounds.
Not all of Mr Pei’s buildings were triumphant. The Hancock Tower in Boston is one example. The huge glass-covered skyscraper was nearly finished when the bad thing happened. Some glass began falling out of the building. They had to be replaced with plywood(胶合板) until a solution could be found. The problem was a headache and took years to fix.
4. What does Mr. Pei’s architecture look like
A. Simple. B. Strange. C. Traditional. D. Classical.
5. Which building designed by Mr. Pei is like a kind of plant
A. The East Building of the National Gallery of Art.
B. The new entrance to the Louvre Museum.
C. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
D. The Bank of China Tower.
6. Why did Mr. Pei go to rock concerts
A. To enjoy the music. B. To meet the singers.
C. To ask for advice on his design. D. To prepare himself for a design.
7. What does the underlined word “triumphant” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. Unique. B. Successful. C. Completed. D. Famous.
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. D 7. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“Mr. Pei’s style of architecture is called “modern” or “modernist”. This style of architecture makes use of newer building materials, such as concrete(混凝土), glass and metal. Modernist buildings are often designed with straight lines, without a lot of decorations. (贝聿铭的建筑风格被称为“现代”或“现代主义”。这种建筑风格使用了较新的建筑材料,如混凝土、玻璃和金属。现代主义建筑通常设计成直线,没有很多装饰。)”可知,贝聿铭的建筑风格是很简单的设计。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Another famous building of his is the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong, China. Mr. Pei said he wanted it to look a bit like bamboo. (他的另一座著名建筑是中国香港的中国银行大厦。贝聿铭说,他希望它看起来有点像竹子。)”可知,他的著名建筑中国香港的中国银行大厦看起来有点像竹子。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Mr. Pei put a lot of thoughts into his designs. He studied carefully before he designed each building. For example, he didn’t like rock and roll music, but he went to rock concerts before he designed the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. (贝聿铭在他的设计上花了很多心思。在设计每栋建筑之前,他都仔细研究过。例如,他不喜欢摇滚乐,但在克利夫兰设计摇滚名人堂之前,他参加了摇滚音乐会。)”可知,贝聿铭参加摇滚音乐会是为了他的设计做准备。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据最后一段“Not all of Mr. Pei’s buildings were triumphant. The Hancock Tower in Boston is one example. The huge glass-covered skyscraper was nearly finished when the bad thing happened. Some glass began falling out of the building. They had to be replaced with plywood(胶合板) until a solution could be found. The problem was a headache and took years to fix. (并不是贝聿铭的所有建筑都取得了triumphant。波士顿的汉考克大厦就是一个例子。当坏事发生时,这座巨大的玻璃覆盖的摩天大楼快要完工了。一些玻璃开始从大楼里掉出来。在找到解决方案之前,它们必须用胶合板代替。这个问题令人头疼,花了好几年时间才解决。)”可知,这一段讲述贝聿铭的设计也有失败的情况,所以他的设计并不都是成功的,所以,triumphant的意思应该是“成功的”,和选项B意思一致。故选B。
A librarian, Jennifer Williams’s mother read to her three children every day. “Not until we went to kindergarten,” Williams said. “Until we went to college.”
When Williams, now 54, became a primary school teacher in Danville, Virginia, she wanted her students to fall in love with reading just as she had. But she realized that some kids had limited access to books.
“It’s very obvious to teachers of young children which kids are read to versus kids who are not,” she said. To Williams, the solution was simple: Give kids books. In 2017, as part of an event called Engage Danville, she gave away 900 used children’s books over three days. Most people would be satisfied with that. Most.
“My husband was like, ‘Wow, congratulations,’ and I was like, ‘Well, anybody can do that,’” she said. “I told him, ‘I want to give away a million books.’”
It sounds like an unreachable number, but as Williams posted on Facebook: “Don’t complain in the bleachers (露天看台) if you aren’t willing to work hard out on the field.”
So she got to work, first by roping in friends to donate books or money to buy books. “I’ve lived in this town for 35 years,” she said. “My community has come together and said, ‘You’ve always helped us; now let us help you.’”
Before long, as news of Williams’s project spread, strangers started leaving books on her doorstep. As quickly as the books come in, Williams gives them to local schools and little free libraries in Danville.
In the four years she’s been doing all this. The Book Lady, as Williams has come to be known, has given away more than 78,000 books — only 922,000 more to reach her goal! And she’s not slowing down. It’s too important for kids with few choices.
“Reading can take you anywhere,” she said. “You can travel in time and space. If you can read, you can learn almost anything.”
8. What did Williams notice when she encouraged her students to read
A. Some of them disliked reading.
B. Some of them had few books to read.
C. Some of them preferred to read themselves.
D. Some of them began reading in kindergarten.
9. How did Williams feel about her achievement in 2017
A. She was sad. B. She wasn’t confident.
C. She wasn’t satisfied. D. She was nervous.
10. How did Williams’s community respond to her project
A. They were rather uncertain.
B. They were ready to lend a hand.
C. They thought it was unachievable.
D. They believed it would win high praise.
11. What does Williams plan to do
A. Set up a free library. B. Travel around the world.
C. Keep doing what she does. D. Ask her students to take learning trips.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Jennifer Williams喜爱阅读,在成为小学老师后,发现有些孩子很难接触到书籍,于是她开始赠送图书,并立下了送出100万本书的目标,在朋友、社区和陌生人的帮助下,她已经送出了78000多本书,她打算继续进行这个项目。
细节理解题。根据第二段“When Williams, now 54, became a primary school teacher in Danville, Virginia, she wanted her students to fall in love with reading just as she had. But she realized that some kids had limited access to books. (现年54岁的Williams成为弗吉尼亚州丹维尔的一名小学教师后,她希望自己的学生能像她一样爱上阅读。但她意识到,有些孩子接触书籍的机会有限)”可知,当Williams鼓励她的学生阅读的时候,她发现他们中的一些人几乎没有书可读。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Most people would be satisfied with that. Most. (大多数人会对此感到满意。大多数人)”和第四段““My husband was like, ‘Wow, congratulations,’ and I was like, ‘Well, anybody can do that,’” she said. “I told him, ‘I want to give away a million books.’” (“我丈夫说,‘哇,恭喜你。’我说,‘好吧,任何人都能做到,’”她说。“我告诉他,‘我想送出100万本书。’”)”可知,虽然大多人会对这样的成就感到满意,但是Williams觉得这很普通,她想做的是送出100万本书。由此可知,她对这个成就并不满意。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第六段中Williams所说的话“My community has come together and said, ‘You’ve always helped us; now let us help you.’ (我的社区聚集在一起说,‘你一直在帮助我们,现在让我们来帮你。”)”可知,Williams的社区愿意为她的项目提供帮助。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“The Book Lady, as Williams has come to be known, has given away more than 78,000 books — only 922,000 more to reach her goal! And she’s not slowing down. (Williams被称为“书女”,她已经送出了78000多本书——距离她的目标只有92.2万本书了!她并没有放慢脚步)”可知,Williams计划继续下去,努力实现自己送出100万本书的目标。故选C项。
Felix Ruppert and Alexander Badri-Sprowitz at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, designed a half-metre-high robot called Morti and gave it the ability to teach itself how to walk, rather than to perform a pre-programmed step. The four-legged robot took only an hour to learn how to walk steadily, roughly the same amount of time as newborn horses need. And it’s the first time that a machine learning technique has been so successfully applied to four-legged robots.
Morti is controlled by an artificial intelligence(AI) algorithm(算法)that doesn’t have much information about the robot’s legs, such as the exact shape of each element. “The AI, working like the central nervous system, gives walking instructions for Morti to follow. It then adjusts them based on readings from foot sensors that signal when the robot falls and loses contact with the ground. Initially, Morti falls down, but after about an hour the AI finds the best way to make it walk,” said Ruppert.
Because the AI learns rather than calculating details of each leg’s movement in advance, which can use a lot of energy, Morti walks using 42 percent less energy than when it first starts at the end of an hour-long learning process. Morti’s process copies the way baby animals learn to move, as they also find the most efficient way to use their muscles by trying and initially tripping.
Dhireesha Kudithipudi at The University of Texas at San Antonio said that AI robots can often learn a specific task very well but can’t readjust when the environment changes and that Morti’s design, which relies on continually adjusting the robot’s movements, may perform better in that regard. Ruppert said he and the team are working on adding more sensors and range of motion to Morti to make it a more animal-like robot.
12. What is special about Morti
A. It is pre-programmed to walk. B. It can learn to walk by itself.
C It is the first four-legged robot. D. It can help teach the newborns.
13. Which aspect of Morti is stressed in paragraph 2
A. Its body structure. B. Its design concept.
C. Its learning process. D. Its working conditions.
14. How does the AI’s learning ability benefit Morti
A. By predicting Morti’s leg movements. B. By training Morti’s muscles to the best.
C. By lowering Morti’s energy consumption. D. By strengthening Morti’s bond with others.
15. What is Dhireesha Kudithipudi’s attitude toward Morti
A. Doubtful. B. Concerned. C. Subjective. D. Favorable.
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. C 15. D
细节理解题。根据文章第一段“designed a half-metre-high robot called Morti and gave it the ability to teach itself how to walk, rather than to perform a pre-programmed step.(设计了一个半米高叫做的Morti机器人,并让它拥有能够教它自己走路的能力,而不是执行预编程的步骤。)”可知,Morti的特殊之处在于它可以教会自己走路,故选B。
推理判断题。根据文章第二段““The AI, working like the central nervous system, gives walking instructions for Morti to follow. It then adjusts them based on readings from foot sensors that signal when the robot falls and loses contact with the ground. Initially, Morti falls down, but after about an hour the AI finds the best way to make it walk,” said Ruppert.(Ruppert说道:‘这个人工智能像中枢神经系统一样,它会给Morti发出行走指令。然后,当Morti摔倒,(脚)和地面失去接触时,它会根据脚传感器的读数调整指令。一开始,Morti会摔倒,但大约一个小时后,人工智能找到了使Morti行走的最好方式。’)”可知,本段强调的是Morti学习走路的过程,故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Because the AI learns rather than calculating details of each leg’s movement in advance, which can use a lot of energy, Morti walks using 42 percent less energy than when it first starts at the end of an hour-long learning process.(因为人工智能学习而不是预先计算每个腿部运动的细节(这可能会消耗大量的能量),Morti在一个小时的学习过程结束后,比刚开始走路时少用了42%的能量。)”可知,人工智能的学习能力减少了Morti的能量消耗。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Dhireesha Kudithipudi at The University of Texas at San Antonio said that AI robots can often learn a specific task very well but can’t readjust when the environment changes and that Morti’s design, which relies on continually adjusting the robot’s movements, may perform better in that regard.(Dhireesha Kudithipudi表示,人工智能机器人通常可以很好地学习一项特定任务,但无法在环境变化时重新调整,Morti的设计依赖于不断调整机器人的运动,因此它在这方面可能会表现得更好。)”可知,Dhireesha Kudithipudi对Morti应是持肯定的态度的,是支持的,故选D。
第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Green architecture is designed in an environmentally-friendly way. Many people think interest in green architecture has only begun in recent years. ____16____Our ancient ancestors were intelligent. They also knew the fact that green architecture is more able to fit in with nature and more practical.
____17____ These include heating and cooling, water usage, environmental quality and energy usage. Architects can deal with all of these in various ways, all of which are designed to increase efficiency without affecting the function of the building.
To make it much of green architecture focuses on building intelligently. For example, plumbing systems (管道系统) may be designed to use less water while still functioning normally. ____18____
Many architects build environmentally to show people that it’s possible. And they want to show the fact that being environmentally-friendly does not have to make a building bad-looking. ____19____A courtyard with plants, for example, can be nicer to view.
The green design can be kept in mind when we build various future buildings, ranging from a private home to a tall office building. Green designs can also be applied to remodeling (改造) and repairing existing buildings. ____20____ Many governments are thus encouraging remodeling and repairing instead of building new ones.
A. The goal is to make a building prettier.
B. Not many buildings have great green designs.
C. A green building’s design need solve many problems.
D. In fact, humans have tried green architecture for thousands of years.
E. After all, pulling down a building can quite damage the environment.
F. Actually, many of the green designs can make a building more beautiful.
G. And smart lighting would turn off when people are not around to save energy.
【答案】16. D 17. C 18. G 19. F 20. E
根据上文“Many people think interest in green architecture has only begun in recent years (许多人认为对绿色建筑的兴趣是最近几年才开始的)”,下文“Our ancient ancestors were intelligent. They also knew the fact that green architecture is more able to fit in with nature and more practical. (我们的祖先很聪明。他们也知道绿色建筑更能适应自然,更实用。)”可知,下文提及左舷们对绿色建筑的使用,因此否定了上文中人们的观点,故设空处与上文为转折关系,D项“In fact, humans have tried green architecture for thousands of years. (事实上,人类已经尝试绿色建筑几千年了。)”,下文顺接D项,上下文衔接连贯,故选D项。
根据下文“These include heating and cooling, water usage, environmental quality and energy usage. Architects can deal with all of these in various ways, all of which are designed to increase efficiency without affecting the function of the building. (这些包括供暖和制冷、用水、环境质量和能源使用。建筑师可以用不同的方式来处理所有这些问题,所有这些都是为了在不影响建筑功能的情况下提高效率。)”可知,下文中提及的heating and cooling, water usage, environmental quality and energy usage都是在建筑师要注意的问题,他们通过诸多的方式来解决这些问题,C项“A green building’s design need solve many problems. (绿色建筑的设计需要解决很多问题)”,下文的These指代C项中的many problems,上下文衔接连贯,故选C项。
根据上文“To make it, much of green architecture focuses on building intelligently. For example, plumbing systems (管道系统) may be designed to use less water while still functioning normally. (为了实现这一目标,许多绿色建筑都专注于智能建筑。例如,管道系统可以被设计成在使用更少的水的同时仍能正常运行。)”可知,本段介绍智能建筑的运用,G项“And smart lighting would turn off when people are not around to save energy. (当人们不在时,智能照明会关闭以节省能源)”,G项中的智能照明和上一句的管道系统为具体的两个例子,为并列句,故选G项。
根据上文“Many architects build environmentally to show people that it’s possible. And they want to show the fact that being environmentally-friendly does not have to make a building bad-looking. (许多建筑师建造环保建筑是为了向人们展示这是可能的。他们想要展示的事实是,环保并不一定会让建筑看起来很糟糕。)”可知,环保建筑不一定很糟糕,也许很漂亮,F项“Actually, many of the green designs can make a building more beautiful. (事实上,许多绿色设计可以使建筑更漂亮。)”,F项承接上一句,语意连贯顺畅,故选F项。
根据上文“Green designs can also be applied to remodeling (改造) and repairing existing buildings (绿色设计也可以应用于改造和修复现有建筑。)”可知,绿色建筑的设计也可用于改造和修复旧建筑,下一句将提及与existing buildings相关的信息,下文“Many governments are thus encouraging remodeling and repairing instead of building new ones. (因此,许多政府鼓励重建和修复,而不是新建。)”,根据thus可知,下文为设空处情况的结果,E项“After all, pulling down a building can quite damage the environment. (毕竟,拆除建筑物会严重破坏环境)”,E项承接上文,与下文为因果关系,上下文衔接连贯,故选E项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
15-year-olds Jake and Aidan have been in a program for junior lifeguards (救生员) since 9. Despite those years of experience, what they went through recently was a____21____for the teenagers.
They were walking on the____22____full of people when a small plane____23____before their very eyes. The crowd were____24____. Aidan and Jake had only seconds to register what was happening. They had been____25____to deal with just about every possible situation —____26____a plane crash in water! But that didn’t stop them from ____27____. Aidan swam towards where the plane was. Jake took a board and____28____him.
The pilot____29____out of the plane, but he was in shock and had an injury. Jake went straight to him and put him onto the_____30_____. Aidan looked around at the site to make sure it was safe when Jake_____31_____the guy.
But Jake felt_____32_____. As a lifeguard, he knew he should keep the pilot_____33_____and get as much information as possible, but the man sat silently._____34_____, he was too scared to speak. Luckily, soon an ambulance arrived and he was taken to hospital and was expected to get well. Young as these lifeguards are, they’re_____35_____and have our admiration.
21. A. chance B. first C. risk D. necessity
22. A. beach B. street C. grass D. stage
23. A. flew B. landed C. crashed D. turned
24. A. angry B. shocked C. stressed D. unlucky
25. A. trusted B. required C. helped D. trained
26. A. except B. through C. including D. regarding
27. A. learning B. escaping C. acting D. promising
28. A. protected B. encouraged C. watched D. followed
29. A. jumped B. climbed C. ran D. pointed
30. A. boat B. board C. floor D. plane
31. A. cared for B. looked for C. replied to D. picked up
32. A. tired B. touched C. worried D. amazed
33. A. breathing B. focusing C. moving D. talking
34. A. Obviously B. Generally C. Surprisingly D. Hopefully
35. A. creative B. smart C. patient D. brave
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. D
考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管经历了这么多年,但他们最近经历的事情对这些青少年来说还是第一次。A. chance机会;B. first第一次、最初;C. risk危险、风险;D. necessity必需品、需要。根据下文“They had been____5____to deal with just about every possible situation —____6____a plane crash in water!”可知,他们从未处理过这样的突发事件,因此,这件事对他们来说是第一次。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:当一架小型飞机在他们眼前坠毁时,他们正走在挤满了人的海滩上。A. beach海滩;B. street街道;C. grass草;D. stage舞台。根据下文“a plane crash in water”可推测,事故发生时,他们俩在海滩上。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:当一架小型飞机在他们眼前坠毁时,他们正走在挤满了人的海滩上。A. flew飞;B. landed降落;C. crashed撞击、坠毁;D. turned转变。根据下文“a plane crash in water”可知,一架小型飞机坠毁在水中。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人群震惊了。A. angry生气的;B. shocked震惊的;C. stressed有压力的;D. unlucky不幸的。根据常识可知,当面前突然发生飞机坠毁的时候,人们会感到震惊。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们受过训练,可以处理几乎所有可能的情况——除了飞机在水中坠毁!A. trusted相信;B. required要求;C. helped帮助;D. trained培训。根据空后的“to deal with just about every possible situation”可推测,空处指的是他们接受过培训,所以才能处理几乎所有可能的情况。故选D。
考查介词词义辨析。句意:他们受过训练,可以处理几乎所有可能的情况——除了飞机在水中坠毁!A. except除了;B. through通过;C. including包括;D. regarding关于。根据上文可知,这个事故对他们而言是第一次遇到;而空后“But that didn’t stop them from ____7____.”中的“but”可推测,他们受过的训练可以处理几乎所有可能的情况,除了飞机坠毁。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但这并没有阻止他们的行动。A. learning学习;B. escaping逃避;C. acting表现;D. promising承诺。根据下文“Aidan swam towards where the plane was. Jake took a board and____8____him.”可知,他们俩立刻开始了行动。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Jake拿了一块木板跟在他后面。A. protected保护;B. encouraged鼓励;C. watched观看;D. followed追随。根据下文的“But that didn’t stop them from ____7____. Aidan swam towards where the plane was.”可推测,看到这一切俩人立刻开始行动,而随着Aidan的出发,Jake也是紧跟其后。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:飞行员爬出了飞机,但他受到了惊吓,受了伤。A. jumped跳;B. climbed爬;C. ran跑;D. pointed指向。根据空后的“out of the plane”以及当时飞机坠毁这一事实,可以推测出飞行员是“爬”出飞机。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Jake径直走过去,把他放到了木板上。A. boat船;B. board木板;C. floor地板;D. plane飞机。根据上文的“Jake took a board and____8____him.”可知,Jake将飞行员放到了带去的木板上。故选B。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:Aidan环顾了一下现场,确保Jake照顾他的时候是安全的。A. cared for关爱、照顾;B. looked for寻找;C. replied to回复;D. picked up捡起、偶然学会。根据上文“Jake went straight to him and put him onto the____10____.”可知,Jake此时在照顾飞行员。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是Jake感到担心。A. tired劳累的;B. touched感动的;C. worried担忧的;D. amazed吃惊的。根据下文“As a lifeguard, he knew he should keep the pilot____13____and get as much information as possible, but the man sat silently.”可知,飞行员的状态不太好,所以Jake此时应该是感到担心。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一名救生员,他知道他应该让飞行员不停地说话,尽可能多地获取信息,但那个人却一言不发地坐着。A. breathing呼吸;B. focusing专注;C. moving移动;D. talking谈论。根据下文的“but the man sat silently.”以及Jake感到担心可推测,Jake此时希望飞行员能说话。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:很明显,他吓得说不出话来。A. Obviously明显地;B. Generally一般地;C. Surprisingly令人惊讶地;D. Hopefully有希望地。根据上文的“but the man sat silently.”以及下文的“he was too scared to speak.”可知,飞行员吓得说不出话是很明显的。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些救生员虽然年轻,但他们很勇敢,值得我们钦佩A. creative有创造力的;B. smart聪明的;C. patient有耐心的;D. brave勇敢的。根据全文内容可知,这当事故发生时,两个救生员毫不犹豫地行动,表现得非常地勇敢。故选D。
第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day falling on the last Saturday of April is an annual event organized ____36____ (promote) Tai Chi and Qigong across the world. ____37____ it started in 1999, the movement has witnessed people in over 80 countries taking part in its celebrations.
The first form of Tai Chi as apractical tradition ____38____ (document) in Northern China in the 17th century, ____39____ the most widely recognized form was the “Yang style” spread by Yang Luchan in the 19th century. In the 20th century, Tai Chi’s various methods were standardized, helping it gain ____40____ (wide) recognition. The event that inspired World Tai Chi & Qigong Day took place in Kansas City, Missouri in 1998, where the local Tai Chi club held a public exhibition ____41____ (aim) to spread the Chinese martial arts (武术). Gradually, the event ____42____ (catch) people’s interest, beginning in other American cities and eventually spreading worldwide by 1999.
The goals of the event today are to educate the world about the medical and spiritual benefits both arts offer, and the benefits of including____43____ (tradition) Chinese ideas in health, education etc. These are taught through events ranging from educational seminars ____44____ exhibitions. By doing so, the movement helps encourage _____45_____ (cooperate) that goes beyond geopolitical borders.
【答案】36. to promote
37. Since 38. was documented
39. but 40. wider
41. aiming 42. caught
43. traditional
44. to 45. cooperation
考查非谓语动词。句意:4月的最后一个周六是世界太极和气功日,这是为了在全世界推广太极和气功而组织的一年一度的活动。空处在此作目的状语,应用不定式。故填to promote。
考查时态和语态。句意:太极拳作为实用传统的第一个形式是在17世纪的中国北方,但是最为广泛认可的形式是杨露禅在19世纪传播的“杨式”太极。根据句中的时间状语in the 17th century可知,此处陈述发生在过去的事情,空处谓语应用一般过去时;document与句子主语The first form of Tai Chi之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填was documented。
考查形容词比较级。句意:在20世纪,太极的各种招式被标准化,使它获得了更广泛的认可。此处与上文中的the most widely recognized... in the 19th century形成对比,应用所给形容词的比较级形式。故填wider。
考查时态。句意:渐渐地,这项活动引起了人们的兴趣,从美国其他城市开始,最终在1999年蔓延到全世界。根据语境可知,此处陈述发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时,所有空处谓语动词应填caught,catch sb.’s interest为固定搭配,表示“引起某人的兴趣”。 故填caught。
考查形容词。句意:如今该活动的目的是让世人了解这两种艺术在医学和精神上的好处,以及将传统的中国思想纳入健康、教育等方面的好处。空处在句中作定语修饰名词短语Chinese ideas,应用形容词traditional,表示“传统的”。故填traditional。
考查介词。句意:通过从教育研讨会到展览等各种活动来教授这些知识。空处涉及固定句型range from sth. to sth.表示“从……到……之间范围内波动/变化”。故填to。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的英国好友Jim上周给你发来一封邮件,他听说在中国人们经常使用微信APP,而他没有使用过。请你给他回复一封邮件,介绍微信并告诉他你对微信的看法。
参考词汇: WeChat 微信; Moments 朋友圈
【答案】Dear Jim,
I’m glad to hear from you. I’m going to give you a brief introduction of WeChat.
As you know, WeChat is a popular social media app in China. We mainly use it to keep in touch with people by sending messages and giving video or voice calls. Besides, it is quite convenient to pay with WeChat. And Wechat Moments is where we post pictures or videos to share our mood with others.
All in all, I think WeChat plays an important role in our daily life. What apps do you use in England Please write back soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
简要的:brief→ concise
使用:use → make use of
此外:besides → what’s more
重要的:important→ essential/crucial
原句:As you know, WeChat is a popular social media app in China. We mainly use it to keep in touch with people by sending messages and giving video or voice calls.
拓展句:As you know, WeChat is a popular social media app in China, which we mainly use to keep in touch with people by sending messages and giving video or voice calls.
【点睛】【高分句型1】As you know, WeChat is a popular social media app in China.(运用了as引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】And Wechat Moments is where we post pictures or videos to share our mood with others.(运用了where引导的表语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
One day, 8-year-old Mary and her 10-year-old sister, Jane, had to go to a beauty salon (美容院) on Clinton Street to have their hair cut. Mary’s dad asked them to reach there by themselves on the public bus. Mary and Jane had a 5:00 appointment (预约). Their dad couldn’t go with them because he worked until 6:00 pm.
Their dad told Mary to wait outside the school at 4:30 pm for Jane so they could take the bus to the beauty salon together. Then he would pick them up at the salon after he got off work. Mary was nervous, thinking, “What if someone tries to follow us What if we miss the stop I have never ridden the bus without my dad before.” Her dad took a look at her and said, “You’ll be just fine. Listen to your sister and help her look out for your stop.” Then he gave Jane some money and went off to work.
All day at school, Mary kept looking at the clock, afraid of the end of the school day. On the other hand, Mary’s dad was also nervous. The whole time in his office he kept looking at the clock, thinking about his daughters. He actually left work at 4:00 pm that day. But after reaching Mary’s school, he considered it a good chance for them to overcome fear in life. He decided to stay in his car to see whether his girls could get on the bus safely.
When it was 4:30 pm, Mary went to the school gate and waited for Jane. Jane got there in a few minutes, and they walked quietly to the bus stop. A few high school teenagers and a woman stood at the bus stop. Jane asked the woman if the bus stopping there was the Number 2 heading toward Clinton Street.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The woman nodded her head and said with a smile, “Yes.”
After getting off the bus, Jane took Mary’s hand and led her across the busy street to the beauty salon.
【答案】 The woman nodded her head and said with a smile, “Yes.” Mary could tell that Jane relaxed a little and they boarded the bus. They stood all the way so that they could look out of the windows for their Clinton Street stop. Their father followed the bus to make sure the girls got off at the right stop. When they were almost there, the woman who spoke to Jane earlier tapped her on the shoulder and told her that their stop was next. They thanked the woman.
After getting off the bus, Jane took Mary’s hand and led her across the busy street to the beauty salon. Their dad arrived shortly after they sat down. He said he was proud of them and that he wanted to teach them a lesson — life isn’t lived without fear; instead, it’s the fear that pushes a person to be strong. Hearing that, Mary and Jane smiled back. They sat in the salon’s chairs and forgot how nervous they had been — especially Mary. They both grew more confident and daring.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:父亲要求Mary和Jane结伴去美容院——Mary感到担心——认真的按照父亲的吩咐做——Mary和Jane成功到达美容院——克服了对生活的恐惧,
3. 词汇激活
①上车:board/get on
【点睛】[高分句型1] They stood all the way so that they could look out of the windows for their Clinton Street stop.(so that引导的目的状语从句)
[高分句型2] He said he was proud of them and that he wanted to teach them a lesson — life isn’t lived without fear; instead, it’s the fear that pushes a person to be strong.(it is+强调部分 that的强调句型)
听力答案:1-5CBCCB 6-10BBAAB 11-15BACCB 16-20CAACA襄安中学2022-2023学年第一学期期中考试高二
(时量:120分钟 总分:150分)
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将答题卡上交,本试卷自己保留。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15.B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1 Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a restaurant. B. At the airport. C. In a classroom.
2. What will Paul do next
A. Go to bed. B. Take a walk. C. See the doctor.
3. Why does the woman want to return the T-shirt
A. It’s too large for her. B. She doesn’t like the color. C. There’s a quality problem.
4. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Driver and passenger. B. Mother and son. C. Couples.
5. Who is Mr. White
A.A secretary. B.A manager. C.A salesperson.
6.Why is Vera making the call
A. To ask for the subway information.
B. To find the owner of the passport.
C. To find her way home.
7. What day is it today
A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday.
8. What are the two speakers doing now
A. Having an interview.
B. Introducing their workplace.
C. Sharing their work experience.
9. What kind of person is Mr. Johnson
A. Confident. B. Boring. C. Humorous.
10. How many hours does the woman work a day
A. Five hours. B. Eight hours. C. Nine hours.
11. How does the man feel about the doctor’s advice about exercise
A Encouraging. B. Ineffective. C. Demanding.
12. What is Jacob’s research about
A. How much exercise lowers the risk of heart attack.
B. Why people should exercise every week.
C. What exercise lowers the risk of heart attack.
13. How long does the man exercise a week
A.300 minutes. B.150 minutes. C.75 minutes.
14. Where will the reception desk be later
A. At the corner of the second floor.
B. At the center of the first floor.
C. Near the main gate.
15. What part of the shopping center is not mentioned in the survey
A. The parking lot. B. The location. C. The product price.
16. What does the woman think of the shopping center
A. It’s convenient. B. It’s large. C. It’s beautiful.
17. What does the August example show
A. The effects of weather on people’s health.
B. The effects of weather on people’s feelings.
C. The effects of weather on people’s intelligence.
18. What might make people’s IQs higher according to the 1983 report
A. The wind. B. Cold weather. C. Very hot weather.
19. What might happen when there’s low air pressure
A. People become stronger.
B. Thin people are unhappy.
C. People often forget things.
20. What does the passage talk about
A. The effects of weather on people.
B. Different weather in different seasons.
C. How people feel about different kinds of weather.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
Football: Designing the Beautiful Game
Whether you are a crazy fan or sideline supporter, visitors to this exhibition will enjoy discovering the remarkable design stories behind the world’s beautiful game.
What to expect
The exhibition explores the story behind football, showing how design has been used to push the game to new limits. Take a journey through over 500 objects, films and interviews in sporting performance, equipment development and stadium design, and involve yourself in the stories of clubs and game legends(传奇人物)including Messi, Pelé, George Best and Diego Maradona.
Held by the Design Museum and the National Football Museum in Manchester, the show reveals the master planning of the world’s most significant football stadiums, the design innovation used in today’s equipment, how the graphic design of team badges(徽章) and posters shapes a club’s identity and how grassroots’ efforts are pushing the sport’s commercialization.
Ticket information
※Online booking is advised but tickets will also be available in the booking office. Last entry to the exhibition is 90 minutes before the museum closes.
※Adult tickets are charged from 16 and student tickets from 12. Meanwhile, you can save 25% on family and group tickets.
※Present your exhibition entry ticket for 10% off food and drink at London Grade Coffee on the ground floor.
1. What can visitors do at the exhibition
A. Design a team badge. B. Interview master designers.
C Put on football equipment. D. Learn about famous football players.
2. How much should a couple with their 11-year-old son pay at least for admission
A. 33. B. 36. C. 44. D. 48.
3. What will visitors enjoy with the ticket
A. A special discount on goods at a cafe. B. A photo of a significant football stadium.
C. A free visit to the National Football Museum. D. An invitation to a club’s sporting performance.
I. M. Pei, one of the world’s most famous building designers, died at age 102. Mr. Pei created buildings which are known and appreciated around the world. Mr. Pei’s style of architecture is called “modern” or “modernist”. This style of architecture makes use of newer building materials, such as concrete(混凝土), glass and metal. Modernist buildings are often designed with straight lines, without a lot of decorations. Modern architecture appeared at the end of the 19th century from changes in technology, engineering and building materials, and from a wish to break away from historical architectural styles and to invent something that was totally functional and new.
Mr. Pei designed many different kinds of buildings, including libraries, concert halls, office buildings, hotels, hospitals and skyscrapers. But he’s probably famous for some of his museums, like the East Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Perhaps Mr. Pei’s best-known building is the Pyramid he created as a new entrance to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Like many of Mr. Pei’s designs, it wasn’t all that popular at first, but over time, people came to love it. Now it is one of the main reasons why people visit the museum. Another famous building of his is the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong, China. Mr. Pei said he wanted it to look a bit like bamboo.
Mr. Pei put a lot of thoughts into his designs. He studied carefully before he designed each building. For example, he didn’t like rock and roll music, but he went to rock concerts before he designed the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. He read books, studied music and visited many musicians. He preferred his students or teammates who came from different cultural backgrounds.
Not all of Mr. Pei’s buildings were triumphant. The Hancock Tower in Boston is one example. The huge glass-covered skyscraper was nearly finished when the bad thing happened. Some glass began falling out of the building. They had to be replaced with plywood(胶合板) until a solution could be found. The problem was a headache and took years to fix.
4. What does Mr. Pei’s architecture look like
A. Simple. B. Strange. C. Traditional. D. Classical.
5. Which building designed by Mr. Pei is like a kind of plant
A. The East Building of the National Gallery of Art.
B. The new entrance to the Louvre Museum.
C. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
D. The Bank of China Tower.
6 Why did Mr. Pei go to rock concerts
A. To enjoy the music. B. To meet the singers.
C. To ask for advice on his design. D. To prepare himself for a design.
7. What does the underlined word “triumphant” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. Unique. B. Successful. C. Completed. D. Famous.
A librarian, Jennifer Williams’s mother read to her three children every day. “Not until we went to kindergarten,” Williams said. “Until we went to college.”
When Williams, now 54, became a primary school teacher in Danville, Virginia, she wanted her students to fall in love with reading just as she had. But she realized that some kids had limited access to books.
“It’s very obvious to teachers of young children which kids are read to versus kids who are not,” she said. To Williams, the solution was simple: Give kids books. In 2017, as part of an event called Engage Danville, she gave away 900 used children’s books over three days. Most people would be satisfied with that. Most.
“My husband was like, ‘Wow, congratulations,’ and I was like, ‘Well, anybody can do that,’” she said. “I told him, ‘I want to give away a million books.’”
It sounds like an unreachable number, but as Williams posted on Facebook: “Don’t complain in the bleachers (露天看台) if you aren’t willing to work hard out on the field.”
So she got to work, first by roping in friends to donate books or money to buy books. “I’ve lived in this town for 35 years,” she said. “My community has come together and said, ‘You’ve always helped us; now let us help you.’”
Before long, as news of Williams’s project spread, strangers started leaving books on her doorstep. As quickly as the books come in, Williams gives them to local schools and little free libraries in Danville.
In the four years she’s been doing all this. The Book Lady, as Williams has come to be known, has given away more than 78,000 books — only 922,000 more to reach her goal! And she’s not slowing down. It’s too important for kids with few choices.
“Reading can take you anywhere,” she said. “You can travel in time and space. If you can read, you can learn almost anything.”
8. What did Williams notice when she encouraged her students to read
A. Some of them disliked reading.
B. Some of them had few books to read.
C. Some of them preferred to read themselves.
D. Some of them began reading in kindergarten.
9. How did Williams feel about her achievement in 2017
A. She was sad. B. She wasn’t confident.
C. She wasn’t satisfied. D. She was nervous.
10. How did Williams’s community respond to her project
A. They were rather uncertain.
B. They were ready to lend a hand.
C. They thought it was unachievable.
D. They believed it would win high praise.
11. What does Williams plan to do
A. Set up a free library. B. Travel around the world.
C. Keep doing what she does. D. Ask her students to take learning trips.
Felix Ruppert and Alexander Badri-Sprowitz at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany, designed a half-metre-high robot called Morti and gave it the ability to teach itself how to walk, rather than to perform a pre-programmed step. The four-legged robot took only an hour to learn how to walk steadily, roughly the same amount of time as newborn horses need. And it’s the first time that a machine learning technique has been so successfully applied to four-legged robots.
Morti is controlled by an artificial intelligence(AI) algorithm(算法)that doesn’t have much information about the robot’s legs, such as the exact shape of each element. “The AI, working like the central nervous system, gives walking instructions for Morti to follow. It then adjusts them based on readings from foot sensors that signal when the robot falls and loses contact with the ground. Initially, Morti falls down, but after about an hour the AI finds the best way to make it walk,” said Ruppert.
Because the AI learns rather than calculating details of each leg’s movement in advance, which can use a lot of energy, Morti walks using 42 percent less energy than when it first starts at the end of an hour-long learning process. Morti’s process copies the way baby animals learn to move, as they also find the most efficient way to use their muscles by trying and initially tripping.
Dhireesha Kudithipudi at The University of Texas at San Antonio said that AI robots can often learn a specific task very well but can’t readjust when the environment changes and that Morti’s design, which relies on continually adjusting the robot’s movements, may perform better in that regard. Ruppert said he and the team are working on adding more sensors and range of motion to Morti to make it a more animal-like robot.
12. What is special about Morti
A. It is pre-programmed to walk. B. It can learn to walk by itself.
C. It is the first four-legged robot. D. It can help teach the newborns.
13. Which aspect of Morti is stressed in paragraph 2
A. Its body structure. B. Its design concept.
C. Its learning process. D. Its working conditions.
14. How does the AI’s learning ability benefit Morti
A. By predicting Morti’s leg movements. B. By training Morti’s muscles to the best.
C. By lowering Morti’s energy consumption. D. By strengthening Morti’s bond with others.
15. What is Dhireesha Kudithipudi’s attitude toward Morti
A. Doubtful. B. Concerned. C. Subjective. D. Favorable.
第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Green architecture is designed in an environmentally-friendly way. Many people think interest in green architecture has only begun in recent years. ____16____Our ancient ancestors were intelligent. They also knew the fact that green architecture is more able to fit in with nature and more practical.
____17____ These include heating and cooling water usage, environmental quality and energy usage. Architects can deal with all of these in various ways, all of which are designed to increase efficiency without affecting the function of the building.
To make it, much of green architecture focuses on building intelligently. For example, plumbing systems (管道系统) may be designed to use less water while still functioning normally. ____18____
Many architects build environmentally to show people that it’s possible. And they want to show the fact that being environmentally-friendly does not have to make a building bad-looking. ____19____A courtyard with plants, for example, can be nicer to view.
The green design can be kept in mind when we build various future buildings, ranging from a private home to a tall office building. Green designs can also be applied to remodeling (改造) and repairing existing buildings. ____20____ Many governments are thus encouraging remodeling and repairing instead of building new ones.
A. The goal is to make a building prettier.
B. Not many buildings have great green designs.
C. A green building’s design need solve many problems.
D. In fact, humans have tried green architecture for thousands of years.
E. After all, pulling down a building can quite damage the environment.
F. Actually, many of the green designs can make a building more beautiful.
G. And smart lighting would turn off when people are not around to save energy.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
15-year-olds Jake and Aidan have been in a program for junior lifeguards (救生员) since 9. Despite those years of experience, what they went through recently was a____21____for the teenagers.
They were walking on the____22____full of people when a small plane____23____before their very eyes. The crowd were____24____. Aidan and Jake had only seconds to register what was happening. They had been____25____to deal with just about every possible situation —____26____a plane crash in water! But that didn’t stop them from ____27____. Aidan swam towards where the plane was. Jake took a board and____28____him.
The pilot____29____out of the plane, but he was in shock and had an injury. Jake went straight to him and put him onto the_____30_____. Aidan looked around at the site to make sure it was safe when Jake_____31_____the guy.
But Jake felt_____32_____. As a lifeguard, he knew he should keep the pilot_____33_____and get as much information as possible, but the man sat silently._____34_____, he was too scared to speak. Luckily, soon an ambulance arrived and he was taken to hospital and was expected to get well. Young as these lifeguards are, they’re_____35_____and have our admiration.
21. A. chance B. first C. risk D. necessity
22. A. beach B. street C. grass D. stage
23. A. flew B. landed C. crashed D. turned
24. A. angry B. shocked C. stressed D. unlucky
25. A. trusted B. required C. helped D. trained
26. A. except B. through C. including D. regarding
27. A. learning B. escaping C. acting D. promising
28. A. protected B. encouraged C. watched D. followed
29. A. jumped B. climbed C. ran D. pointed
30. A. boat B. board C. floor D. plane
31. A. cared for B. looked for C. replied to D. picked up
32. A. tired B. touched C. worried D. amazed
33. A. breathing B. focusing C. moving D. talking
34. A. Obviously B. Generally C. Surprisingly D. Hopefully
35. A. creative B. smart C. patient D. brave
第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day falling on the last Saturday of April is an annual event organized ____36____ (promote) Tai Chi and Qigong across the world. ____37____ it started in 1999, the movement has witnessed people in over 80 countries taking part in its celebrations.
The first form of Tai Chi as apractical tradition ____38____ (document) in Northern China in the 17th century, ____39____ the most widely recognized form was the “Yang style” spread by Yang Luchan in the 19th century. In the 20th century, Tai Chi’s various methods were standardized, helping it gain ____40____ (wide) recognition. The event that inspired World Tai Chi & Qigong Day took place in Kansas City, Missouri in 1998, where the local Tai Chi club held a public exhibition ____41____ (aim) to spread the Chinese martial arts (武术). Gradually, the event ____42____ (catch) people’s interest, beginning in other American cities and eventually spreading worldwide by 1999.
The goals of the event today are to educate the world about the medical and spiritual benefits both arts offer, and the benefits of including____43____ (tradition) Chinese ideas in health, education etc. These are taught through events ranging from educational seminars ____44____ exhibitions. By doing so, the movement helps encourage _____45_____ (cooperate) that goes beyond geopolitical borders.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的英国好友Jim上周给你发来一封邮件,他听说在中国人们经常使用微信APP,而他没有使用过。请你给他回复一封邮件,介绍微信并告诉他你对微信的看法。
参考词汇: WeChat 微信; Moments 朋友圈
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
One day, 8-year-old Mary and her 10-year-old sister, Jane, had to go to a beauty salon (美容院) on Clinton Street to have their hair cut. Mary’s dad asked them to reach there by themselves on the public bus. Mary and Jane had a 5:00 appointment (预约). Their dad couldn’t go with them because he worked until 6:00 pm.
Their dad told Mary to wait outside the school at 4:30 pm for Jane so they could take the bus to the beauty salon together. Then he would pick them up at the salon after he got off work. Mary was nervous, thinking, “What if someone tries to follow us What if we miss the stop I have never ridden the bus without my dad before.” Her dad took a look at her and said, “You’ll be just fine. Listen to your sister and help her look out for your stop.” Then he gave Jane some money and went off to work.
All day at school, Mary kept looking at the clock, afraid of the end of the school day. On the other hand, Mary’s dad was also nervous. The whole time in his office he kept looking at the clock, thinking about his daughters. He actually left work at 4:00 pm that day. But after reaching Mary’s school, he considered it a good chance for them to overcome fear in life. He decided to stay in his car to see whether his girls could get on the bus safely.
When it was 4:30 pm, Mary went to the school gate and waited for Jane. Jane got there in a few minutes, and they walked quietly to the bus stop. A few high school teenagers and a woman stood at the bus stop. Jane asked the woman if the bus stopping there was the Number 2 heading toward Clinton Street.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The woman nodded her head and said with a smile, “Yes.”
After getting off the bus, Jane took Mary’s hand and led her across the busy street to the beauty salon.
听力答案:1-5CBCCB 6-10BBAAB 11-15BACCB 16-20CAACA




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