
本试卷共 8 页, 满分 130 分。考试用时 120 分钟。
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分 50 分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、和 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
Best Places to Visit in the UK
The United Kingdom has long been a favorite European tourist destination for many because of its beautiful countryside, historic cities, top museums and outstanding theaters. Here are some of the best places to visit in the UK.
Cambridge is a charming English city located on the River Cam just north of London. As the home to one of the world’s top universities, the Universities of Cambridge, it has all of the cultural and entertainment options you might expect from a college town.
Located on the River Dee in Cheshire, England, Chester is more than 200 years old, which means there is plenty of history, culture and architecture on hand lasting several centuries. The Roman and medieval (中世纪) walls around the city are one of Chester’s biggest tourist attractions.
One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge consists of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones in southwest England. It is also home to some of the most important Neolithic and Bronze Age structures in the UK. It was not until 1600 BC that Stonehenge came to be completed.
Lake District
Located in northwest England, the Lake District is the second largest National Park in the UK. The main attractions are the lakes, mountains and hills carved by glacial erosion (冰川侵蚀) and providing dramatic and inspiring scenery. It is England’s famous destination for hiking and climbing. 1.Which destination will you choose if you are interested in a university
A.Stonehenge. B.Lake District.
C.Cambridge. D.Chester.
2. Where should you go if you want to see the Stonehenge
A.A college town. B.Southwest England.
C.Northwest England. D.A National Park in the UK.
3. What can we learn from the passage
A. Chester is a modern city with a short history.
B. The Lake District is the largest National Park in the UK. C.Cambridge is on the River Cam south of London.
D. Lake District is well-known as a destination for hiking and climbing.
Jamil Jan Kochai, the author of 99 Nights in Logar, searched for more than ten years for Susan
Lung — the second-grade teacher who had changed his life over 20 years earlier. On Saturday night, the two were finally reunited at one of his book-reading events.
The writer was born in a refugee camp (难民营) for Afghans in Peshawar, Pakistan, and his family moved to California when he was just a year old. At home, they spoke mostly Pashto and some Farsi, so by the time he reached first grade, he was at a total loss because he could hardly speak English. Then came Mrs. Lung, who quickly realized that Kochai was deeply struggling at Alyce Norman Elementary School.
The two got to work, meeting for one-on-one lessons nearly every day after school. At the end of the school year, Kochai won reading-comprehension competitions.
Lung and Kochai lost contact when Kochai’s father got a job in another city and the boy moved on, with a new love of reading and writing. When he grew older, Kochai’s parents encouraged him to find his former teacher to thank her. But despite his efforts, he failed to track her down.
“I didn’t know her first name. She was always just Mrs. Lung to me, so when I called places to ask about her, they couldn’t find any records of her,” Kochai said.
Then, while promoting his first novel, he wrote an essay for Literary Hub magazine touching on the transformative impact that Lung had on his life. Lung’s doctor happened to read it, and told the now-retired educator about that.
Lung’s husband saw a Facebook post about Kochai’s reading event on Saturday in Davis, California and suggested he drive his wife there.
“I had no idea they were going to be there,” Kochai said. “It was just like a sweet dream. Mrs. Lung was sitting in the front row. She was just the same Mrs. Lung. Just as sweet, kind and warm as ever.”
Kochai and Lung hugged, and Kochai finally got the chance to express to her how much he still thought of her and how much she meant to him.
4 How did Mrs. Lung help Kochai
A. By dropping by his house regularly. B. By asking him to read more in class.
C. By spending extra time teaching him. D. By saving him out of a refugee camp.
5. Why did Kochai have difficulty finding Mrs. Lung
A. There were few records about her. B. His parents provided little support.
C. He was too young to remember her. D. He had few information about her.
6. How did Kochai feel when seeing Mrs. Lung at his reading event
A. Surprised B. Disappointed C. Curious D. Uneasy
7. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A. A Distinguished Guest Showed Up at a Reading Event
B. A Writer Was Finally Reunited With His Former Teacher
C. A Famous Teacher Saved a Poor Student’s Whole Life
D. A Book Changed a Celebrity and a Retired Teacher
In the rush of day-to-day life, we don’t always have the time to slow down and move at our own speed. Even on vacation, we always try to visit, do and taste as many things as possible in a new place or many places.
“I’ve heard countless times how tired people are when they come back from their vacation and feel like they ‘need a vacation from their vacation,’ and that’s because many times we pack so much
into a very short time,” said travel blogger Esther Susag. “We want to see everything, do everything, and not waste a minute.
There is, however, another method that many experienced travelers suggest: slow travel. But what exactly is slow travel, and how do you take full advantage of this kind of trip Below ,travel experts break it down.
As the name suggests, slow travel generally needs travelers to slow down and enjoy each moment, rather than rushing to check off the list items. “Slow travel may mean different things to different travelers, but I define (定义) it as staying in one place for longer and going deeper into the local culture,” said Paul Jacobs, general manager and vice president of Kayak North America. “It’s taking the time to make real connections with locals instead of packing a schedule full of tours.”
For travel expert and author La Carmina, slow travel allows people to stop and smell the roses- quite directly. “It’s about being fully present in the moment and experiencing the sights, sounds and sensations ( 感 觉 ) around you completely “letting the experience develop at its own speed and without expectations,” she said. “To me, slow travel doesn’t have a strict definition or certain things to do, but rather focuses on the feeling of being a visitor to a place.”
Slow travel is becoming more and more popular now, because it can do good to us in many ways.
8. Why are people tired when they return from their vacation
A. They have no place to rest.
B. They are on a busy schedule when traveling.
C. They travel to some places far away.
D. They feel quite excited and enjoy their trip fully.
9. What does La Carmina think of slow travel
A. It can let travelers experience the place deeply.
B. It can make travelers connect with locals.
C. It can allow travelers to explore more places.
D. It can save travelers much more time.
10. What might the author continue talking about
A. Other ways of travel.
B. The definition of slow travel.
C. The proper places for slow travel.
D. The advantages of slow travel.
11. In which part of a newspaper can you probably read the text
A.Life. B.Society. C.Sports. D.Education.
In an ideal world, we would be able to devote as much time to sports as we feel we need. But in reality, with growing demands in both work and family, we can only jump at the chance for our physical exercise when we can. Making the most of that time to practice Yin Yang yoga, which mixes the dynamic and slow-paced elements of yoga, helps keep you active and relaxed.
Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts representing a balance of opposite forces which are also interconnected. Yin is inactive, cooling, and negative, associated with the female force. Yang is
active, warming, and positive, associated with action and movement. They are complementary to one another, as one cannot exist without the other.
Yin Yang yoga is a combination (结合体) of high-energy movement which builds energy, increases strength and promotes stamina (耐力), followed by the more restful practice of Yin to give us a deeper stretch (拉伸) and calm the nervous system.
If you have a busy and active life you may feel more in Yang, so taking some cooler, slower Yin yoga practice into your routine may help you feel calmer and more balanced.
If you are practicing for an hour, divide the time in half. Warm up with sun salutations (拜日式瑜伽), continue into a dynamic flow and then move on to some standing postures. After half an hour your heart will be pumping, muscles tighten up and you are hopefully feeling energetic, but ready for a rest. Then pick five Yin postures to hold for 3-5 minutes, or even longer if you are enjoying them!
As ever with yoga, if you are a beginner or have health issues, always attend a class with a trained instructor first to guide you safely through the yoga practice and avoid injury.
12. What can be inferred from paragraph 1
A. Most of our sports time should be spent on Yin Yang yoga.
B. We’d better devote as much time to physical exercise as we can.
C. Busy schedule makes it impossible for us to do any form of sports.
D. Yin Yang yoga can be a choice of physical exercise when we are busy.
13. What does the underlined word “complementary” probably mean in the second paragraph
A. Independent from one another.
B. Competitive against one another.
C. Similar to each other but unable to work together as a whole.
D. Different from each other but together making a good combination.
14. Which of the following might be the advantage of Yin postures
A. Relaxing muscles. B. Building stamina.
C. Strengthening the body. D. Quickening the heartbeat.
15. What suggestion does the writer give in the last two paragraphs
A. Hold each Yin posture for longer than 5 minutes.
B. Do not practice yoga when you are not in good health.
C. Start your yoga practice with an expert trainer.
D. Spare half an hour for five Yin postures in every yoga practice.
第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
How to Encourage Your High School Students to Do Their Best
Encouraging your high school students to do their best isn’t as hard as you may think. It should become part of a daily routine that both you and your teen can enjoy more than fear. The following tips may help you:
◆ 16 Know what classes he/she is taking, what does your teen think of the teacher or ask if your teen feels he/she is learning anything. This is an excellent dinner table conversation if you can keep it light and relaxing.
◆ Set the expectations. 17 You would not do your teen any favors by not telling him/her what grades you will be expecting. Send a clear message to your teen about the grades you expect to see in each class. Keep your expectations in line with what your teen feels he/she can do.
◆ 18 While your teen will need to keep his/her goals in line with your expectations, he/she may have a goal that he/she feels important too. Learning to establish goals teaches independence, one of the things your teen needs to learn to become a successful adult.
◆ Have what they need at home, or a way to get it. Resources(资源) are important for high school students. Your family should have library cards or a way to access the Internet for homework.
19 It is also a good idea to set up a mobile homework center.
◆ Stay involved. Show support for your teen’s school by attending parents’ meetings and other activities. 20 Always respect your teen’s teachers but do not be afraid to ask them tough questions. Please be your teen’s advocate (拥护者) when necessary.
A. Help him/her establish goals.
B. Talk to your teen about school.
C. Set up a good dinner table conversation. D.Sign up for the school’s online grade reports.
E.Teens need a clear map of what you want them to do. F.Without these things, your teen could be at a disadvantage. G.Parents should care about teen’s outdoor activities.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共四节, 满分 45 分)
第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
It happened in Knoxville (a city in Tennessee in the US). A mother said she was feeling 21 as she tried to comfort her autistic (自闭的) son. But a stranger’s act of kindness turned both of their days around.
Ashley Fox was 22 at Walmart with her son Norris, three. Norris picked out a toy dog at the store. 23 , it cost more than Fox had 24 , so she put it back.
“That’s when Norris’s feelings got out of control. I rushed out of Walmart as fast as I could. He was screaming and 25 ,” said Fox. She was struggling to get Norris into his car seat when a woman approached her with the 26 her son had wanted in the store.
“The lady came up behind me and she pulled this toy out, and she said, ‘Is this what he was wanting ’ and I said, ‘Oh my god, yes it is.’ I gave it to him and he just 27 . It was great. I expressed my 28 to her and offered to pay for this toy. She 29 to let me do it, 30 saying that she understood that because she has 31 , too. I just really wanted her to know that it made his night and made his 32 . He loves it and I just think it was a really 33 thing that she did,” said Fox.
She posted on Facebook that Norris and the toy are inseparable. Thousands of people have liked the 34 and hundreds have appreciated the act of 35 .
“This woman, she didn’t judge. She just helped me. If more people were like that, I feel like we have much less negativity,” said Fox.
21.A.regretful B. surprised C. helpless D. comfortable B. working C. chatting D. cooking
23.A.Otherwise B. Besides C. However D. Therefore
24.A.returned B. doubted C. lost D. expected
25.A.smiling B. crying C. running D. fighting
26.A.toy B. food C. cellphone D. money
27. A. broke down B. calmed down C. looked out D. gave up
28.A.thanks B. pity C. regrets D. sadness
29.A.forgot B. refused C. wished D. chose
30.A.bravely B. angrily C. coldly D. gently B. parents C. pets D. friends
32.A.rule B. way C. day D. mark
33.A.stupid B. beautiful C. frightening D. disappointing
34.A.diary B. notice C. warning D. post
35.A.worry B. courage C. kindness D. politeness
第二节 语法选择 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
请根据题目要求,从标号为 A、B、C 和 D 的选项中选出正确答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
36. Which of the following sentences is not used to talk about a future plan
A. The plane takes off at 12:00.
B. I am leaving for Jiuzhaigou tomorrow.
C. The children are sleeping at the moment.
D. The queen is to visit China next month.
37. He never trained hard to join the table tennis, he
A. was B. wasn’t C. did D. didn’t
38. We will be happy if you could join us in the party.
A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than
39. I think it’s very unkind of you to m ake up stories about him.
What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase?
A. 构成 B. 作出补偿 C. 编造 D. 和好
40. It is requested that guests out by noon on the day of departure.
A. check B. to check C. checking D. are checked
第三节 单句语法填空(共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)
阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
41. Landing on the moon’s far side is (extreme) challenging.
42. I feel highly (honour) to be given such a good chance.
43. my view, it’s a waste of time arguing with him.
44. Rather than (cut) out the foods I enjoyed, I added healthy foods to my meal.
45. Whether you are good or bad, you are unique your parents.
46. Always try everything even if it (turn) out to be useless.
47. The book The Dream of the Red Mansions (recognize) as a great work of literature.
48. Losing games taught Jordan to practice even (hard) than before.
49. She fought the illness with courage and (determine).
50. You can spend a day driving along the new highway (connect) Cusco to Lake Titicaca.
第四节 语法填空(共 10 小题, 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 15 分)
阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Gulangyu, which is also called “piano island” or “museum of global architectures”, is an island off the coast of Xiamen, southeast China’s Fujian Province. The little island 51 (think) of as a name card of Xiamen Cityand of Fujian Province as a whole.
Gulangyu saw rapid growth in 52 (it) culture and education in modern times, with schools, hospitals, newspaper offices and libraries 53 were built by people from both home and abroad.
The island became 54 famous tourist destination in the late 1970s. Unfortunately, efforts to protect the local historical sites and cultural heritages ( 遗 产 ) fell behind when 55 (tourist) flooded to Gulangyu island. As a result, the 56 ( protect) of Gulangyu became necessary.
Bagua Mansion (八卦楼),or the Eight Diagrams Mansion, was built in the early 20th century and is one of the attractions on the island. Later on, it was 57 ( bad) in need of repair but there was no enough money to do it.
In 1986, the Xiamen government decided 58 ( repair) the mansion. After that, Bagua Mansion became the only museum of pipe organs ( 管 风 琴 ) , a kind of 59
(tradition)instrument in China and the largest of that kind in the world. The mansion, along 60
52 other historical sites, forms a whole part of Gulangyu’s multicultural heritage, and this made it a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2017.
第三部分 词汇应用
请根据首字母或中文提示,用必修第一册 Unit 2-Unit 3 单词表中单词或短语的正确形式填空,
一空一词。(每道题 1 分,共 20 分。) 注意:漏写首字母不得分
61. Jack r the flat at a price of 500 dollars a month last week.
62. John made two researches and was (惊奇的) at the results.
63. He ran into the room with his face covered with (汗水) .
64. His father got i in a car accident and has been in hospital for weeks.
65. Humor has a (积极的) effect when we are in difficulties.
66. Revise your draft according to your partner’s (评论)
67. When you arrive, we will make an (安排) for you to be met at the airport.
68. We should learn from f and never give up.
69. Mr. Wang is so responsible that his students a him from the bottom of their hearts.
70. China’s economy has survived the most difficult period, an (官员) said at a forum on Saturday.
71. We c against each other to see who is the fastest rider.
72. All the workers should be prepared to discuss (细节) of the plan.
73. When his mother came in, he p to be doing his homework.
74. The girl can perform with confidence in front of a large (观众) now.
75. M a foreign language is of great importance to our future.
76. If you always yourself others, you’ll never feel good enough. (与…比较)
77. A balanced diet will m in our physical and mental health.
78. The athletes never even if they come across great challenges. (泄气)
79. My sister has just a driving license. (申请)
80. It to work on the problem before it gets out of control. (有道理)
第四部分 应用文写作(满分 15 分)
假设你是李华,你的美国朋友 Jack 知道你校下周有一个关于中国传统文化的讲座,他想来参加,并发邮件向你询问有关讲座的信息。请你给他回复一封邮件,内容包括:
1. 讲座的时间和地点; 2.讲座的内容; 3.欢迎他参加。注意:1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;
请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Jack,2023-2024学年度第一学期高一英语期中考答案
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 20道题,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
1-3.CBD 4-7. CDAB 8-11 BADA 12-15 DDAC 16-20 BEAFD
第二部分 英语知识运用(共四节, 满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21-25 CACDB 26-30 ABABD 31-35 ACBDC
第二节 语法选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
36-40 CCBCA
第三节 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。与答案不一致则不得分。)
41. extremely 42. honoured/ honored 43. In 44.that 45. to
46. turns 47. is recognized/ is recognised 48. harder 49. determination
50. connecting
第四节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) thought 52.its 53.that/ which 54.a 55.tourists 57.badly repair 59.traditional 60.with
第三部分 词汇应用(共20题,每题1分,满分20分。61-75单个单词,形式错误扣0.5;76-80短语,搭配错误不给分,主要动词形式错误扣0.5)
61. rented 62. amazed 63. sweat 64. injured 65. positive ments
67. arrangement 68. failure 69. admire 70. official 71. compete 72. details
73. pretended 74. audience 75. Mastering pare to/with 77. make a difference 78. lose heart 79. applied for 80. makes sense
第四部分 应用文写作(满分15分)
Dear Jack,
Knowing that you are interested in the lecture on traditional Chinese culture to be held in our school,I am more than glad to share with you the detailed information.
The lecture is scheduled at 7:00 next Monday evening at the Student Center,which will be delivered by Mr Wang,a famous expert on traditional Chinese culture. According to the plan,he will first introduce some influential Chinese operas,and following that,he will give us a live performance of Yue Opera,which is popular in Zhejiang Province.
You are warmly welcome to attend the lecture. I am sure you’ll have a great time.
Li Hua
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 20道题,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
A篇 1.C 2.B 3.D
1.细节理解题。根据第二段中“As the home to one of the world’s top universities, the Universities of Cambridge, it has all of the cultural and entertainment options you might expect from a college town. (作为世界顶尖大学之一剑桥大学的所在地,它拥有你可能期望的大学城的所有文化和娱乐选择。)”可知,如果你对大学感兴趣,你应该选择剑桥。故选C项。
2.细节理解题。根据第四段中“One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge consists of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones in southwest England. (巨石阵是世界上最著名的遗址之一,位于英格兰西南部,由围绕着圆形巨石的土方工程组成。)”可知,如果你想看巨石阵,你应该去英格兰西南部。故选B项。
3.细节理解题。根据最后一段(Lake District)下列段落中“It is England’s famous destination for hiking and climbing. (它是英国著名的徒步旅行和登山胜地。)”可知,选项D“湖区(Lake District)是徒步旅行和登山的好去处”是正确的。故选D项。
【答案】4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B
【导语】本文为一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了Jamil Jan Kochai花了十年时间寻找改变了他一生的老师Susan Lung,最后老师惊喜地出现在了Jamil Jan Kochai的读书会上的故事,表达了Jamil Jan Kochai对老师的感谢。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The two got to work, meeting for one-on-one lessons nearly every day after school.(他们两个开始工作,每天放学他们进行一对一教学。)”可知,Mrs. Lung通过利用课余时间来辅导Kochai来帮助她,故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章第五段““I didn’t know her first name. She was always just Mrs. Lung to me, so when I called places to ask about her, they couldn’t find any records of her,” Kochai said.( Kochai说道:“我不知道她的名字。对我来说,她就是Mrs. Lung,所以当我打电话去找她时,她们找不到她的任何记录。”)”可知,Kochai找不到Mrs. Lung是因为它不知道她的名字,只知道她的姓,因此关于她的信息是有限的,故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段““I had no idea they were going to be there,” Kochai said. “It was just like a sweet dream. Mrs. Lung was sitting in the front row. She was just the same Mrs. Lung. Just as sweet, kind and warm as ever.”(( Kochai说道:“我不知道他们会在那里。这就像是一个甜美的梦一样。Mrs. Lung坐在前排,她就像原来一样,那么可爱,善良,温暖。”)”可知,Kochai不知道Mrs. Lung会来,所以对Kochai来说,Mrs. Lung的到来令他很惊讶,且他感觉到就像是一场甜美的梦一样,因此是高兴快乐的,故选A。
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Jamil Jan Kochai, the author of 99 Nights in Logar, searched for more than a decade for Susan Lung — the second-grade teacher who had changed his life over 20 years earlier. On Saturday night, the two were finally reunited at one of his book-reading events.(《洛加尔的99夜》的作家Jamil Jan Kochai花了十年的时间寻找——她是20年来改变了他一生的二年级老师Susan Lung。周六晚上,两人终于在他的一次读书活动中重聚。)”可知,本文通过对Jamil Jan Kochai花了十年时间寻找改变了他一生的老师Susan Lung,最后老师惊喜地出现在了Jamil Jan Kochai的读书会上的描述,表达了Jamil Jan Kochai对老师的感谢,故B项“一位作家终于和他以前的老师重逢了”符合文章标题,故选B。
8.推理判断题。根据文章第二段““I’ve heard countless times how tired people are when they come back from their vacation and feel like they ‘ need a vacation from their vacation,’ and that’s because many times we pack so much into a very short time,” said travel blogger Esther Susag. “We want to see everything, do everything, and not waste a minute.(旅游博主Esther Susag说:“我无数次听到人们度假回来后有多累,觉得‘假期结束后需要度个假’,这是因为很多时候我们在很短的时间内塞了太多东西。我们想看所有的东西,做所有的事情,不要浪费一分钟。”)”可知,人们度假后觉得累是因为我们旅行的时候想看所有的东西,做所有的事情,行程安排过紧。故选B。
9.细节理解题。根据文章第五段“For travel expert and author La Carmina, slow travel allows people to stop and smell thet roses-quite directly. “It’s about being fully present in the moment and experiencing the sights, sounds and sensations (感觉) around you completely “letting the experience develop at its own speed and without expectations,” she said.(对于旅游专家兼作家La Carmina来说,慢速旅行可以让人们停下来,直接闻一闻玫瑰的芬芳。她说:“这是关于完全活在当下,完全体验你周围的景象、声音和感觉,让体验按照自己的速度发展,不带任何期望。”)”可知,La Carmina认为慢旅行可以让人们能够完全体验你周围的景象、声音和感觉,也就是深入体验一个地方。故选A。
10.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Slow travel is becoming more and more popular now, because it can do good to us in many ways.(慢旅行现在变得越来越流行,因为它可以在很多方面对我们有好处。)”可知,作者接下来将会继续讨论慢旅行的好处。故选D。
11.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“In the rush of day-to-day life, we don’t always have the time to slow down and move at our own speed. Even on vacation, we always try to visit, do and taste as many things as possible in a new place or many places.(在匆忙的日常生活中,我们并不总是有时间放慢脚步,以自己的速度前进。即使在度假时,我们也总是尝试在一个新的地方或许多地方参观、做和品尝尽可能多的东西。)”以及第三段“There is, however, another method that many experienced travelers suggest: slow travel. But what exactly is slow travel, and how do you take full advantage of this kind of trip Below, travel experts break it down.(然而,许多有经验的旅行者建议还有另一种方法:慢旅行。但究竟什么是慢旅行,如何充分利用这种旅行呢?下面,旅游专家对其进行了分析。)”可知,文章主要介绍了慢旅行的相关内容,和我们的生活相关。由此推知,我们很有可能在报纸的“生活”版面读到这篇文章。故选A。
【答案】12. D 13. D 14. A 15. C
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“But in reality, with growing demands in both work and family, we can only jump at the chance for our physical exercise when we can. Making the most of that time to practice Yin Yang yoga, which mixes the dynamic and slow-paced elements of yoga, helps keep you active and relaxed.(但在现实中,随着工作和家庭的需求不断增长,我们只能在可以的时候抓住锻炼身体的机会。充分利用这段时间来练习阴阳瑜伽,它混合了瑜伽的动态和慢节奏元素,帮助你保持活跃和放松)”可知,当时间紧张时,阴阳瑜伽是一种体育锻炼的选择。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据划线处上句“Yin is inactive, cooling, and negative, associated with the female force. Yang is active, warming, and positive, associated with action and movement. (阴是不活跃的、冷却的、消极的,与女性的力量有关。阳是活跃的,温暖的,积极的,与行动和运动有关)”以及后句“as one cannot exist without the other. (因为一个人离不开另一个)”可知,他们彼此不同,但在一起形成了一个很好的组合。故划线处和D项:Different from each other but together making a good combination(阴是不活跃的、冷却的、消极的,与女性的力量有关。阳是活跃的,温暖的,积极的,与行动和运动有关)故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章第三段“ followed by the more restful practice of Yin to give us a deeper stretch (拉伸) and calm the nervous system. (然后是更安静的阴练习,给我们更深的伸展和平静的神经系统)”以及文章第四段“If you have a busy and active life you may feel more in Yang, so taking some cooler, slower Yin yoga practice into your routine may help you feel calmer and more balanced.(如果你的生活繁忙而活跃,你可能会感到更多的阳气,所以在你的日常生活中进行一些凉爽、缓慢的阴瑜伽练习可能会帮助你感觉更平静、更平衡)”可知,阴的姿势可以放松肌肉。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“As ever with yoga, if you are a beginner or have health issues, always attend a class with a trained instructor first to guide you safely through the yoga practice and avoid injury.(和瑜伽一样,如果你是初学者或有健康问题,一定要先参加有训练有素的教练指导你安全地进行瑜伽练习,避免受伤)”可知,作者建议在教练的指导下开始你的瑜伽练习。故选C。
16.B 17.E 18.A 19.F 20.D
16.【B】空处位于段首,是段落主旨句,需统领段落内容,且需和其他段落首句一样使用祈使句的句式。后文“Know what classes he/she is taking, what does your teen think of the teacher or ask if your teen feels he/she is learning anything. This is an excellent dinner table conversation if you can keep it light and positive. (了解他/她正在上什么课,你的孩子对老师有什么看法,或者问问你的孩子是否觉得他/她学到了什么。如果你能保持轻松和积极的态度,这将是一次很棒的餐桌谈话。)”具体介绍和孩子谈论学校中发生的各种事情,B项“Talk to your teen about school. (和你的孩子谈谈学校。)”符合语境,建议谈谈学校,契合后文内容。故选B。
17.【E】前文“Set the expectations. (设定期望。)”建议设定期望,后文“You would not do your teen any favors by not telling him/her what grades you will be expecting. Send a clear message to your teen about the grades you expect to see in each class. (如果你不告诉你的孩子你期望的分数,那对他/她是没有任何好处的。明确地告诉你的孩子,你希望他在每节课上取得怎样的成绩。)”说明父母应明确告知孩子自己期望的成绩,E项“Teens need a clear map of what you want them to do. (青少年需要一张清晰的你想让他们做什么的地图。)”符合语境,说明父母的要求应该清晰,承上启下。故选E。
18.【A】空处位于段首,是段落主旨句,需统领段落内容,且需和其他段落首句一样使用祈使句的句式。后文“While your teen will need to keep his/her goals in line with your expectations, he/she may have a goal that he/she feels important too. (虽然你的孩子需要让他/她的目标与你的期望保持一致,但他/她可能也有一个他/她觉得重要的目标。)”说明应让孩子设立自己的目标,A项“Help him/her establish goals. (帮助他/她建立目标。)”符合语境,建议帮助孩子建立目标,契合后文内容。故选A。
19.【F】前文“Resources are important for high school students. Your family should have library cards or a way to access the Internet for homework. (资源对高中生来说很重要。你的家人应该有借书证,或者有办法上网做作业。)”说明应让孩子有充分的资源,F项“Without these things, your teen could be at a disadvantage. (没有这些东西,你的孩子可能处于不利地位。)”符合语境,表明没有资源的坏处,承接前文,其中的these things指前文的library cards or a way to access the Internet for homework。故选F。
20.【D】前文“Show support for your teen’s school by attending parents’ meetings and other activities. (通过参加家长会和其他活动来表达对孩子学校的支持。)”列举通过参加活动来表示支持,后文“Always be respectful to your teen’s teachers but do not be afraid to ask them tough questions. (总是尊重你孩子的老师,但不要害怕问他们尖锐的问题。)”说明与孩子的老师的相处方式,D项“Sign up for the school’s online grade reports. (注册学校的在线成绩报告。)”符合语境,建议关注成绩报告,和前后文是并列关系。故选D
第二部分 英语知识运用
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
第二部分 第一节 完形:21-25 CACDB 26-30 ABABD 31-35 ACBDC
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是Ashley Fox带着孩子购物时,因没有满足孩子的需求造成局面失控,一位女士帮助她给孩子买了礼物,使得Ashley Fox非常感激,发帖子到网上引起了成千上万人的点赞和欣赏。
21.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一位母亲说,当她试图安慰她的自闭症儿子时,她感到无助。A. regretful遗憾的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. helpless无助的;D. comfortable舒服的。根据下文中的“…as she tried to comfort her autistic (自闭的) son.”以及“He was screaming…”可知,安抚她的儿子真的很无助。故选C项。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Ashley Fox和她三岁的儿子Norris在沃尔玛购物。A. shopping购物;B. working工作;C. chatting聊天;D. cooking烹饪。根据下文中的“…at Walmart with her son…”以及他儿子想要买的玩具可知,她们是在超市购物。故选A项。
23.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,它的成本比Fox预期的要高,所以她把它放了回去。A. Otherwise否则,要不然;B. Besides此外;C. However然而;D. Therefore因此。根据空前的“Norris picked out a toy dog at the store.”和空后的“…it cost more than Fox had __4__, so she put it back.”句意可知,空前空后表示转折关系。故选C项。
24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,它的成本比Fox预期的要高,所以她把它放了回去。A. returned归还,返回;B. doubted怀疑;C. lost丢失;D. expected期望。根据下文中的“…so she put it back.”可知,玩具的价格应该是超出了Fox的预料,所以才会将玩具放下。故选D项。
25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“就在这时Norris情绪失控了。我以最快的速度冲出沃尔玛。他在尖叫大哭,”福克斯说。A. smiling微笑;B. crying哭泣;C. running经营;D. fighting战斗。根据上文中的“That’s when Norris just had a meltdown (情绪突然失控).”可知,她的儿子应该是大哭大闹。故选B项。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她正在努力让Norris坐上他的汽车座椅,这时一个女人拿着她儿子在商店里想要的玩具走近她。A. toy玩具;B. food食物;C. cellphone手机;D. money金钱。根据下文中的“…her son had wanted in the store.”可知,她儿子在商店想要的是玩具。故选A项。
27.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我把它给了他,他就平静下来了。A. broke down累垮,分解;B. calmed down冷静;C. looked out当心,向外看;D. gave up放弃。结合语境可知,她的儿子因为没有得到玩具而哭闹,所以把玩具给他后,他就平静了下来。故选B项。
28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我向她表示感谢,并提出要为这个玩具付钱。A. thanks感谢;B. pity同情,可怜;C. regrets遗憾,后悔;D. sadness伤心。根据常识可知,被人帮助时,当然要表达感谢。故选A项。
29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她拒绝让我这样做,委婉地说她理解这一点,因为她也有孩子。A. forgot忘记;B. refused拒绝;C. wished希望;D. chose选择。根据下文中的“…saying that she understood that because she has __11__ , too.”可知,这位女士很理解Fox的感受,所以拒绝让她支付。故选B项。
30.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她拒绝让我这样做,委婉地说她理解这一点,因为她也有孩子。A. bravely勇敢地;B. angrily生气地;C. coldly冷漠地;D. gently温柔地。结合语境可知,Fox处于无助的时候,一位女士相助,由此推断这位女士很温柔地对Fox说话。故选D项。
31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她拒绝让我这样做,委婉地说她理解这一点,因为她也有孩子。A. kids孩子们;B. parents家长;C. pets宠物;D. Friends朋友。根据上文中的“…she understood that…”以及语境可知,之所以理解此时的Fox,是因为自己与Fox有同样的遭遇。故选A项。
32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我只是真的想让她知道,这造就了他的夜晚,使得他很开心。A. rule尺子;B. way方法;C. day日子;D. mark标记。短语make one’s day意为“使某人开心”符合语境。故选C项。
33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他喜欢它,我只是认为她做的是一件非常美好的事情,Fox说。A. stupid愚蠢的;B. beautiful美丽的;C. frightening令人害怕的;D. disappointing令人失望的。根据语境可知,此处讲述的是Fox觉得这位女士做了一件很美好的事情,帮助到了孩子和她自己。故选B项。
34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:成千上万的人给这个帖子点赞,数百人赞赏这种善举。A. diary日记;B. notice注意到;C. warning警告;D. post帖子,邮寄。根据上文中的“She posted on Facebook that Norris and the toy are inseparable.”可知,人们给这个帖子点赞。故选D项。
35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:成千上万的人给这个帖子点赞,数百人赞赏这种善举。A. worry担心;B. courage勇气;C. kindness善良;D. politeness礼貌。结合语境可知,本文讲述的是一位女士的善举,帮助了Fox和她的孩子。故选C项。
语法填空 thought 52.its 53.that/which 54.a 55.tourists 57.badly repair 59.traditional 60.with
51.考查时态和语态。句意:这座小岛被认为是厦门市乃至福建省的名片。考查本句谓语动词,根据上下文可知,本句时态为一般现在时;主语为“the little island”,单数,和动词“think”之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填is thought。
52.考查代词。句意:近代以来,鼓浪屿文化教育事业迅速发展,中外友人纷纷兴建学校、医院、报社、图书馆等。根据空后的“culture and education”可知,空处为形容词性物主代词,修饰空后的名词。故填its。
54.考查固定搭配。句意:这个岛在20世纪70年代末成为一个著名的旅游胜地。固定搭配:in the late 1970s,意为“20世纪70年代末”。故填the。
58.考查非谓语动词。句意:1986年,厦门市政府决定修复这座大厦。非谓语动词担当动词“decide”的宾语,用动词不定式形式,构成短语decide to do sth.表示“决定做某事”。故填to repair。
60.考查固定搭配。句意:这座八卦楼与其他52处历史遗迹一起,构成了鼓浪屿多元文化遗产的一部分,并于2017年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。固定搭配:along with,意为“和、也”,符合句意。故填with。



