人教版九年级英语Unit8It must belong to Carla单元话题完形填空练习(含解析)

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.
Have you visited any wonders Now let me tell you something about the Niagara Falls, one of the wonders of the 1 world. They’re 2 Canada and the United States. The falls are on a river that connects two of the Five Great Lakes. The Niagara Falls has 3 parts: the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side, and the American Falls on the United States’ side. They are about 4 , 1240 metres wide.
The Niagara Falls has three special falls. The tallest are the American and Bridal Veil falls on the American side. The falls are colourfully lit up 5 night, and many people say they’re even more beautiful in winter, when the ground is covered with snow and water turns to 6 .
Most visitors go to the falls as 7 as possible, and watch the waters thundering down. The Niagara Falls 8 the waterfalls in mountains, where a thin stream of water comes down a mountainside, half-flying.
Above in the air, you will understand the real different between the American and 9 Falls. The American Falls only gets about 10% of the water, while the Canadian Falls gets 10 .
1.A.natural B.modern C.ancient D.animal
2.A.among B.between C.with D.on
3.A.three B.five C.two D.one
4.A.50 metre high B.50-metres-high C.50-metre-high D.50 metres high
5.A.on B.at C.in D.at the
6.A.rain B.snow C.water D.ice
7.A.more closely B.closer C.close D.closest
8.A.is different from B.is the same as C.is just like D.is compared to
9.A.the United States B.Canadian C.the Unite Kingdom D.Mexico
10.A.100% B.80% C.90% D.50%
(2022秋·天津武清·九年级校考阶段练习)A 14-year-old boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a girl in another country.
Dean Bluey was a schoolboy from Dallas, Texas, who has much 11 in computer. One day, he was 12 an email to a friend on the Internet. Suddenly he received a message saying “Help! Pain! Help!” The message was from Finland, thousands of kilometres away 13 America.
“I didn’t know 14 I should do,” Dean said to a reporter afterwards. “It was really difficult to tell if the message was real. So Dean did nothing at first. 15 the message kept coming.”
“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,” Dean explained. He 16 and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library. She was ill. What was 17 , there was no phone was around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean got in touch 18 the police in America immediately. And they realised that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance rushed to the library. 19 , she was still alive and was sent to the hospital quickly.
“I’m glad she’s OK,” Dean said. “It’s hard to believe— 20 saved her life.”
11.A.interest B.degree C.wonder D.victory
12.A.receiving B.accepting C.sending D.offering
13.A.to B.from C.of D.at
14.A.how B.what C.where D.when
15.A.So B.And C.But D.As
16.A.telephoned B.replied C.found D.talked
17.A.better B.worse C.harder D.easier
18.A.with B.on C.to D.at
19.A.Hardly B.Happily C.Luckily D.Carefully
20.A.a boy B.doctors C.the police D.emails
(2023·湖北鄂州·统考中考真题)We can’t remember clearly since when we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table. This happens a lot, especially 21 we go out to have dinner. Once a dish comes, instead of lifting our chopsticks, we take out our 22 and click. Later, we post the photos onto Weibo or WeChat, waiting to be “liked”. Then we check our mobiles from time to time during the meal, to see 23 we get “liked” or not. We just cannot leave our mobiles for only a meal.
Does that sound 24 to you Do you do that often If not, how do you 25 when others do that when having dinner with you
A recent study suggests that what we are 26 to doing is not so good. Spending time taking photos of 27 makes the food less pleasant. To test this, some researchers did an experiment. Some people were asked to take photos before they could enjoy food. As a result, it showed that the more photos they 28 , the less delicious the food seemed to them. So, why not stop taking photos and just enjoy the food in front of you
Besides the scientific result, there are also some other 29 influences of taking photos of food before meals. After 30 the photos onto the Internet, one will not be able to control himself and check his mobile many times. “Does everyone like my photos I hope a lot of people like 31 !” It seems that your mobile secretly calls your name all the time, even when you are 32 real people.
So, next time you 33 with your family or friends, how about not taking photos of food Let the food be delicious as it is, and 34 your life with people around you. Trust me, it will be a 35 time.
21.A.when B.until C.since D.because
22.A.books B.mobiles C.cameras D.watches
23.A.when B.how C.what D.whether
24.A.new B.similar C.kind D.lucky
25.A.do B.hope C.feel D.say
26.A.allowed B.used C.supposed D.expected
27.A.friends B.family C.food D.people
28.A.took B.take C.have taken D.are taking
29.A.bad B.good C.small D.large
30.A.taking B.posting C.throwing D.giving
31.A.them B.it C.me D.us
32.A.around B.to C.from D.with
33.A.eat out B.set out C.come up D.have fun
34.A.treat B.avoid C.talk D.share
35.A.busy B.hard C.wonderful D.safe
One day, Miriam got a letter along with a watermelon seed from Uncle Esai. The letter said:
This is a magic seed for you. Plant it, and it will grant 36 three wishes. Remember to be patient: the world has its own rhythm.
Uncle Esai
Miriam thought, “A magic seed Maybe it’s Uncle Esai’s 37 , but why not have a try ” She planted the seed in the yard, and made her 38 wish, “I want the watermelon to grow as big as a mountain!”
The next morning, Miriam was very 39 to see a huge watermelon in the yard. She couldn’t believe it. “I must 40 it at once!” She hurried to cut the watermelon, but it was too hard. She became angry. “This is a silly watermelon! I don’t want it!”
Immediately the fruit became a seed again. Miriam 41 her second wish had been granted. “Humph! This is not fun!” she cried.
A few days later, Miriam found Uncle Esai’s 42 and read it again. She stopped when she saw the words “be patient”. How could she forget it She rushed out of the door and 43 ran to the yard to find the seed. This time, she promised she would make the best use of the third wish.
She thought for a while. “I hope my 44 could spend more time together.” But her parents needed to work. How could the seed help Although it seemed impossible, she still decided to 45 the seed with patience.
Miriam got some information about 46 to plant a watermelon, and then followed the steps carefully. When the seed turned into a normal-sized watermelon, she 47 it with her friends and neighbours. Everybody liked its taste.
Miriam’s family got the seeds 48 the watermelon and planted more afterwards. They were so delicious that the neighbours offered to buy some. The watermelons brought extra money 49 Miriam’s parents didn’t have to be away for work as much. They had more family time.
Miriam finally knew what Uncle Esai meant—be patient, and life will be as 50 as a watermelon!
36.A.me B.you C.him D.her
37.A.rule B.joke C.choice D.example
38.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
39.A.bored B.afraid C.relaxed D.surprised
40.A.eat B.wash C.climb D.draw
41.A.heard B.explained C.realised D.imagined
42.A.book B.postcard C.letter D.newspaper
43.A.calmly B.carefully C.politely D.quickly
44.A.class B.family C.teachers D.neighbours
45.A.put away B.talk to C.look after D.search for
46.A.how B.why C.when D.where
47.A.watered B.protected C.watched D.shared
48.A.for B.from C.behind D.beside
49.A.so B.if C.but D.unless
50.A.new B.big C.sweet D.quiet
Long ago in India, there was a wise mathematician(数学家)named Sessa. He invented a new game “chess”. His friend the king loved chess and told Sessa to ask for 51 he liked when they played every day. But instead of gold, he told the king that he wished only some grains of wheat(麦粒).
“ 52 !” said the king in surprise.
Sessa answered, “I want few. Since you 53 my chessboard so much, give me a grain of wheat on the first square, two grains on the second square, 54 grains for the third one, and so on. For each square double, I will be the 55 man in the world.”
The king told his treasurer(财务大臣), “If the wheat is all he 56 , give it to him!”
The first day Sessa was given a grain of wheat, which made the court(王室人员)laugh. The second day he got two. On the ninth day, he received 256 grains, enough to make a small handful. He kept his 57 —to himself. It took him 16 days to get enough wheat to fill a large 58 . But only one more day he got two bags.
The treasurer and his court stopped 59 . By the end of the month, wagons(马车)filled with grain were driving to Sessa’s house and the treasurer began to look 60 .
Then he decided to tell the king, “By the simple doubling, Sessa has already collected all our wheat! What should we do if the thing 61 I doubt there is enough wheat in the whole world to pay him!”
“ 62 !” said the king. But he checked and checked, and there was no doubt, he saw that by square 64, he would owe(欠)18, 446, 744, 073, 709, 551, 615 grains of wheat That much wheat could not be gathered in all of India for next 2000 years.
There was nothing for the king to do but call Sessa, and take back what he 63 . Sessa was happy with what he had already got—he did not ask the king for the second half of the 64 .
With that, the king and Sessa remained the best of friends. And the clever Sessa got a 65 and more mathematical king.
51.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
52.A.What B.Who C.Where D.When
53.A.draw B.watch C.enjoy D.make
54.A.four B.six C.eight D.ten
55.A.kindest B.hardest C.happiest D.richest
56.A.plants B.wants C.eats D.has
57.A.problem B.lesson C.idea D.job
58.A.box B.basket C.cup D.bag
59.A.laughing B.thinking C.talking D.working
60.A.angry B.afraid C.worried D.excited
61.A.turns on B.goes on C.have on D.look on
62.A.Sure B.Great C.Impossible D.Right
63.A.advised B.reminded C.encouraged D.promised
64.A.country B.people C.chessboard D.gold
65.A.wiser B.busier C.kinder D.lazier
(2023·湖北武汉·校考模拟预测)Last month, Koch went to make breakfast and found a(n) 66 guest using his pool. A large moose (驼鹿) was 67 in the deep end, stuck by the solar cover (太阳能覆盖膜). “I looked out in the backyard and there’s the moose 68 and struggling (挣扎),” Koch told the reporter. “She stepped on the solar cover and put her 69 through it and she was 70 every effort to get free.”
Koch has noticed more wildlife around his home in Ottawa, 71 he had never seen an animal this impressive before. He rushed outside and 72 the solar cover off the poor moose, who 73 swimming around the pool, turning out to be a 74 skilled swimmer.
The wild moose seemed to be having trouble finding her way out of the pool, so Koch called the police and wildlife services to see if they could 75 a hand. “She looked so pitifully sad out there that I want to give her a 76 ,” my wife said.
Workers from wildlife services planned to get her to a safer place, but they couldn’t 77 it until she was out of the water. “The 78 thing that happened was that after 3.5 hours she climbed out of the pool and 79 the fence,” Koch said.
The moose ran away without being hurt, but the same can’t be said for Koch’s pool—which now has two hoof (蹄)-sized holes in the 80 .
66.A.usual B.great C.unexpected D.friendly
67.A.walking B.swimming C.running D.shouting
68.A.scared B.worried C.embarrassed D.annoyed
69.A.nose B.feet C.back D.face
70.A.trying B.putting C.having D.making
71.A.for B.so C.or D.but
72.A.drew B.pushed C.put D.dropped
73.A.stopped B.continued C.liked D.allowed
74.A.surprisingly B.successfully C.luckily D.simply
75.A.get B.show C.lend D.support
76.A.lift B.smile C.hug D.present
77.A.see B.cancel C.follow D.manage
78.A.worst B.best C.funniest D.strangest
79.A.watch out B.cut down C.broke into D.jumped over
80.A.top B.wall C.bottom D.cover
(2023·安徽·校联考一模)Nature is the most creative artist. Daocheng Yading is such a place in which nature has put a lot of work. It is a magical and mysterious land in the southwest of Sichuan Province. It is well 81 as “the last pure(纯净的) land on the blue planet”.
Daocheng Yading is a kingdom of beauty, and even the best painter can’t draw it 82 . Tall mountains stand in the snow, clear lakes shine in the sun, animals walk 83 in the large pastures(牧场), and trees sway(摇摆) in the wind in the forest. Everything is beautiful in its own way, and at the same time they build a wonderful picture together.
There are three famous snow mountains standing in Daocheng Yading, protecting the people around them. Yangmaiyong is the greatest one. It is about 6,000 meters in 84 and has the shape of a perfect pyramid(金字塔). Back in 1928, an American named Joseph Rock first 85 photos of it and introduced it to the world. “She is the 86 beautiful snow mountain my eyes have ever seen,” he wrote. Next to it, stand 87 other great mountains: Xiannairi and Xianuoduoji. For most visitors, they are the most beautiful. The locals say that if one can 88 around these great mountains three times, then his wishes for life will come true. It is a big 89 to do so, but many visitors like to give it a try. Why They may tell you: Life 90 gets better when you walk on such a pure land!
81.A.know B.knews C.known D.knows
82.A.good B.well C.better D.best
83.A.quickly B.easily C.freely D.slowly
84.A.height B.depth C.width D.length
85.A.drew B.got C.saw D.took
86.A.much B.many C.most D.more
87.A.one B.two C.three D.four
88.A.run B.jump C.rest D.walk
89.A.hope B.challenge C.wish D. chance
90.A.naturally B.actually C.really D.carefully
If you have never watched the sun rise up in the morning, then you really should do so. It is good for your spirit. You need to go out early when the 91 is still dark and full of stars. Then find a comfortable place to stand or sit in. Then black sky slowly begins to 92 into a dark blue while the stars are getting to disappear. Then as the 93 of the sky begins to become lighter, and then red, pink and purple clouds slowly appear. Just as you enjoy the 94 , the sky changes again. It becomes orange, then yellow and you must be 95 as the sun slowly climbs over the sea level. At the same time, the sun makes the world bright 96 we can see everything. And the sun makes the birds 97 . Some sing with joy and others fly to the sky. When you watch 98 , the morning light wind kisses your face and makes the leaves dance and the trees wave. Take your time to watch the sun rise up. Keep it 99 in your heart forever. Be a sunrise as well. Send your light when you laugh and sing. 100 your light when you help others. Share your light with the world. Then you will live the happy life your expect.
91.A.street B.light C.house D.sky
92.A.put B.through C.turn D.cut
93.A.size B.shape C.color D.smell
94.A.beauty B.meal C.party D.book
95.A.talented B.excited C.worried D.tired
96.A.so that B.in order to C.even if D.as soon as
97.A.get lost B.fly away C.wake up D.hang out
98.A.us B.her C.them D.him
99.A.waiting B.singing C.walking D.shining
100.A.Make B.Spread C.Keep D.Hide
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C
natural自然的;modern现代的;ancient古代的;animal动物。根据“the Niagara Falls”及常识可知,尼亚加拉大瀑布是自然界的奇观之一。故选A。
among在……当中;between在……之间;with有;on在……上。根据“They’re ... Canada and the United States.”可知,尼亚加拉大瀑布位于加拿大和美国之间;between ... and“在……和……之间”。故选B。
three三;five五;two二;one一。根据“the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side, and the American Falls on the United States’ side”可知,由两部分组成。故选C。
50 metre high表达错误,metre要用复数形式;50-metres-high表达错误,metre要用单数形式;50-metre-high50米高的,形容词;50 metres high50米高。根据“1240 metres wide”,D选项符合语境。故选D。
on在……上;at在;in在……里;at the在。根据“night”可知,此处应用at;at night“在夜里”,固定搭配。故选B。
rain雨;snow雪;water水;ice冰。根据“in winter”及“the ground is covered with snow”可知,此处指水凝结成冰。故选D。
more closely更密切地,比较级;closer更近的,比较级;close靠近地,原级;closest最靠近的,最高级。根据“as+形容词/副词的原级+as possible”表示“尽可能……”可知,此处应用close。故选C。
is different from与……不同;is the same as与……相同;is just like就像;is compared to与……相比。根据“the waters thundering down”和“a thin stream of water comes down a mountainside, half-flying”可知,尼亚加拉瀑布与山上的瀑布不同。故选A。
the United States美国;Canadian 加拿大的;the Unite Kingdom英国;Mexico墨西哥。根据上文尼亚加拉大瀑布位于加拿大和美国之间,所以比较的应是美国与加拿大两部分瀑布的不同。故选B。
100%百分百;80%百分之八十;90%百分之九十;50%百分之五十。根据“The American Falls only gets about 10% of the water, while the Canadian Falls gets ...”可知,尼亚加拉大瀑布位于加拿大和美国之间,10%在美国,那么在加拿大的部分应是90%左右。故选C。
11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D
11.句意:来自德克萨斯州达拉斯的Dean Bluey是一个对计算机非常感兴趣的学生。
interest兴趣;degree学位;wonder奇迹;victory胜利。形容词much后接不可数名词,根据“has much… in computer”可知,此处指对计算机感兴趣。故选A。
receiving收到;accepting接受;sending发送;offering主动提供。根据“email to a friend”可知,此处指给朋友发送邮件。故选C。
to到;from从;of……的;at在。away from“远离”,固定搭配。故选B。
So所以;And和;But但是;As作为。根据“Dean did nothing at first…the message kept coming.”可知前后为转折,应用but引导。故选C。
telephoned打电话;replied回复;found发现;talked谈话。根据“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble”可知他发现确实有人遇到了困难,于是回复了邮件。故选B。
better更好的;worse更糟糕的;harder更硬的,更难的;easier更容易的。根据“She was ill.”以及“there was no phone was around her.”可知她生病了,因此没有电话是更糟糕的事情。故选B。
with和;on在上面;to朝;at在。短语get in touch with sb表示“与某人联系”。故选A。
Hardly几乎不;Happily高兴地;Luckily幸运地;Carefully仔细地。根据“she was still alive and was sent to the hospital quickly”可知她还活着,很快就被送进了医院,因此这是幸运的。故选C。
a boy一个男孩;doctors医生;the police警察;emails邮件。通读全文可知,女学生通过邮件与外界联系,从而得救,因此是邮件救了她。故选D。
21.A 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.A 30.B 31.A 32.D 33.A 34.D 35.C
when当……时;until直到……;since自从;because因为。根据“we go out to have dinner”可知指外出吃饭时,应用when来引导时间状语从句。故选A。
books书;mobiles手机;cameras相机;watches手表。根据上文“we started to take our mobiles to a dinner table”可知此处指把手机带到餐桌,因此此处是指拿出手机。故选B。
when当……时;how怎么样;what什么;whether是否。根据“or not”可知此处应用whether…or not表示“是否”。故选D。
new新的;similar熟悉的;kind善良的;lucky幸运的。根据下一句“Do you often do that ”可知,这件事应该是经常做的,因此应是询问是否熟悉。故选B。
do做;hope希望;feel感觉;say说。根据“when others do that when having dinner with you”可知此处表示当别人和你一起吃饭时也那样做时,你会有什么感觉,应用动词feel表示“感觉”。故选C。
allowed允许;used习惯于;supposed应当;expected期待。根据“Spending time taking photos of”可知,此处指花时间给食物拍照这件事,这是我们习惯做的事情。应用be used to doing表示“习惯做某事”。故选B。
took拍照,过去式;take拍照,动词原形;have taken已经拍照,现在完成时;are taking正在拍照,现在进行时。根据“seemed”可知句子应用一般过去时,因此应用过去式took。故选A。
bad不好的;good好的;small小的;large大的。根据下文“one will not be able to control himself and check his mobile many times”可知,拍照后,一个人将无法控制自己,多次查看手机,这是不好的影响。故选A。
taking拿,取;posting发布;throwing扔;giving给。根据“the photos onto the Internet”可知此处指把照片发布到网上。故选B。
them它们;it它;me我;us我们。根据“my photos”可知此处应用人称代词them指代“我的照片”。故选A。
around在……的周围;to到;from来自;with和。根据“real people”可知此处应用介词with表示“和……在一起”。故选D。
eat out外出就餐;set out出发;come up上来;have fun玩得高兴。根据上文“we go out to have dinner”可知此处指外出就餐。故选A。
treat款待;avoid避免;talk谈话;share分享。根据“your life with people”可知此处应用动词短语share sth with sb表示“和某人分享某物”。故选D。
busy忙碌的;hard困难的;wonderful美好的;safe安全的。根据上文“how about not taking photos of food ”可知作者建议下次外出就餐时,不要给食物拍照,就跟周围的人分享你的生活,由此可推测那将会是一段美好时光。故选C。
36.B 37.B 38.A 39.D 40.A 41.C 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.C 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.A 50.C
me我;you你;him他;her她。根据“This is a magic seed for you”可知,满足“你”三个愿望,故选B。
rule规则;joke玩笑;choice选择;example例子。根据“A magic seed ”可知,认为这只是一个玩笑,故选B。
first第一;second第二;third第三;fourth第四。根据下文“Miriam … her second wish had been granted”可知,此处指许下了第一个愿望,故选A。
eat吃;wash洗;climb爬;draw画画。根据“She hurried to cut the watermelon”可知,要立刻把西瓜吃掉,故选A。
heard听见;explained解释;realised意识到;imagined想象。根据“Immediately the fruit became a seed again”及“her second wish had been granted”可知,看到水果变成了种子,意识到她无意中说的一句话,成为第二个要实现的愿望了,故选C。
book书;postcard明信片;letter信件;newspaper报纸。根据“Miriam got a letter”及“read it again”可知,重新读了一遍信,故选C。
calmly冷静地;carefully仔细地;politely礼貌地;quickly快速地。根据“She rushed out of the door”可知,快速地去找种子,故选D。
class班级;family家人;teachers老师;neighbours邻居。根据“But her parents needed to work”可知,希望家人能有更多的时间在一起,故选B。
put away放好;talk to交谈;look after照顾;search for搜索。根据“and then followed the steps carefully”可知,耐心地照顾种子,故选C。
how怎样;why为什么;when何时;where哪里。根据“got some information about… to plant a watermelon”可知,得到了一些关于如何种植西瓜的信息,故选A。
watered给……浇水;protected保护;watched观看;shared分享。根据“Everybody liked its taste”可知,与她的朋友和邻居分享,故选D。
for为了;from从;behind在……后面;beside在旁边。根据“got the seeds … the watermelon”可知,从西瓜中得到了种子,故选B。
so因此;if如果;but但是;unless除非。“The watermelons brought extra money ”与“Miriam’s parents didn’t have to be away for work as much”是因果关系,遵循“前因后果”,故选A。
new新的;big大的;sweet甜美的;quiet安静的。根据“as a watermelon”可知,像西瓜一样甜,故选C。
51.B 52.A 53.C 54.A 55.D 56.B 57.C 58.D 59.A 60.C 61.B 62.C 63.D 64.C 65.A
【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了很久以前印度的 一个数学家和国王之间发生的一个故事。
something某物;anything任何事物;everything每件事;nothing没有什么。根据“His friend the king loved chess”可知,此处表达国王告诉Sessa,他可以 要任何他喜欢的东西。故选B。
What什么;Who谁;Where哪里;When什么时候。根据“But instead of gold, he told the king that he wished only some grains of wheat(麦粒).”可知,此处表达 国王听到后很吃惊,故问什么,表示不相信。故选A。
draw画画;watch观看;enjoy喜欢;make制作。根据上文“His friend the king loved chess”可知,此处表达既然你很喜欢我的棋盘。故选C。
four四个;six六个;eight八个;ten十个。根据下文“For each square double”可知,每一盘要加倍,所以第三盘是四粒。故选A。
kindest最善良的;hardest最努力的;happiest最高兴的;richest最富有的。根据“For each square double, I will be the...man in the world.”可知,每个方格加倍所以我将会成为世界上最富有的人。故选D。
plants种植;wants想要;eats吃;has有。根据“If the wheat is all he...”可知,此处表达他想要的只是小麦,want“想要”定语从句中作谓语。故选B。
problem问题;lesson课程;idea想法;job工作。根据“He kept his...—to himself.”可知,此处表达他保密自己的想法。故选C。
58.句意:他花了16天的 时间才弄到装满一大包的小麦。
box箱子;basket篮子;cup杯子;bag袋子。根据下文“But only one more day he got two bags.”可知,此处应填bag“袋子”。故选D。
laughing笑;thinking思考;talking谈论;working工作。根据上文“which made the court(王室人员)laugh”可知,此处应填laughing“大笑”,stop doing sth“停止做某事”。故选A。
angry生气;afraid害怕;worried担心;excited兴奋。根据上文“The treasurer and his court stopped...”及下文“Sessa has already collected all our wheat”可知 ,此处表达财务大臣开始担心起来。故选C。
turns on打开;goes on继续;have on掌握;look on旁观。根据下文“I doubt there is enough wheat in the whole world to pay him!”可知,此处表达如果事情继续下去。故选B。
Sure当然;Great太好了;Impossible不可能;Right对的。根据“But he checked and checked...”可知,此处与上文表达转折关系,故上文表达国王觉得这是不可能的。故选C。
advised建议;reminded提醒;encouraged鼓励;promised承诺。根据“There was nothing for the king to do but call Sessa, and take back what he...”可知,此处表达国王要收回他的承诺,promise“承诺”,宾语从句中作谓语。故选D。
country国家;people 人们;chessboard棋盘;gold金子。根据“Sessa was happy with what he had already got...”可知,此处表达Sessa不再向国王索要棋盘的下半部分。故选C。
wiser聪明的;busier忙碌的;kinder善良的;lazier懒惰的。根据“...and more mathematical king”可知,此处表达更聪明的。故选A。
66.C 67.B 68.A 69.B 70.D 71.D 72.A 73.B 74.A 75.C 76.C 77.D 78.B 79.D 80.C
usual普通的;great极大的;unexpected想不到的;friendly友好的。根据“A large moose (驼鹿) was...in the deep end, stuck by the solar cover (太阳能覆盖膜).”及下文可知,驼鹿是野生动物,它闯入了Koch的院子,掉进了泳池,因此它是不速之客,故选C。
walking行走;swimming游泳;running跑步;shouting叫喊。根据“guest using his pool”和“who 48 swimming around the pool”可知驼鹿应该是掉进了泳池。故选B。
nose鼻;feet脚;back背部;face脸。根据“She stepped on the solar cover”和“...every effort to get free”可知,鹿蹄踏穿了太阳能覆盖膜。故选B。
trying尝试;putting放;having有;making制作。结合语境可知,空处考查make every effort搭配,意为“尽一切努力”,她正在尽一切努力获得自由。故选D。
for因为;so因此;or或者;but但是。根据“he had never seen an animal this impressive before” 可知,本句与前句之间为转折关系,虽然Koch在家周围看到过更多野生动物,但是他从未见过如此令人印象深刻的动物。故选D。
drew 拖;pushed推;put放;dropped掉落。根据off可知,空处考查draw off短语,意为“抽出,去掉”,即Koch把太阳能覆盖膜从驼鹿身上扯下来。故选A。
stopped停止;continued停止;liked喜欢;allowed允许。根据“The wild moose seemed to be having trouble finding her way out of the pool”可知,驼鹿似乎找不到离开泳池的方法,所以它继续在泳池里游着。故选B。
surprisingly吃惊地;successfully成功地;luckily幸运地;simply仅仅。根据“who continued swimming around the pool可知驼鹿一直在泳池里游动,所以它是一位惊人的游泳高手。故选A。
get获得;show展示;lend借;support支持。结合语境可知空处考查lend a hand固定搭配,意为“伸出援手”。故选C。
lift电梯;smile微笑;hug拥抱;present礼物。根据“She looked so pitifully sad”可知Koch的妻子觉得驼鹿很可怜,所以她想安慰它,give her a hug意为“给它一个拥抱”,故选C。
worst最糟糕的;best最好的;funniest最滑稽的;strangest最奇怪的。根据“The moose ran away without being hurt”可知,三个半小时后驼鹿成功从泳池里爬了出来,因此这已经是最好的消息了,故选B。
watch out小心;cut down砍倒;broke into破门而入;jumped over跳过。根据“The moose ran away without being hurt”可知,驼鹿跳过围栏,最终离开了Koch家,故选D。
top顶部;wall墙;bottom底部;cover覆盖。根据“two hoof-sized holes”可知泳池的洞是驼鹿的蹄子踏破的。故选C。
81.C 82.B 83.C 84.A 85.D 86.C 87.B 88.D 89.B 90.A
know“知道”,动词;knews表达错误;known“知名的”,形容词;knows“知道”,动词三单形式。be known as“被称为、以……著称”,故选C。
good“好的”,形容词;well“好”;副词;better“更好”,比较级;best“最好”,最高级。根据“Daocheng Yading is a kingdom of beauty, and even the best painter can’t draw it...”可知,稻城亚丁是一个美丽的王国,即使是最好的画家也画不好。用副词well修饰动词draw,且没有比较的意思,用原级。故选B。
quickly“安静地”;easily“容易地”;freely“自由地”;slowly“缓慢地”。根据“animals walk...in the large pastures”可知,动物在大牧场里自由行走,故选C。
height“高度”;depth“深度”;width“宽度”;length“长度”。根据“There are three famous snow mountains standing in Daocheng Yading...Yangmaiyong is the greatest one.”可知,央迈勇是一座山,所以大约6000米是其高度。故选A。
drew“画画”;got“得到”;saw“看见”;took“拿”。take photos“拍照”,故选D。
much“许多”;many“许多”;most“最、最多”;more“更、更多”。根据“my eyes have ever seen”可知,形容词用最高级,故选C。
one“一”;two“二”;three“三”;four“四”。根据“Xiannairi and Xianuoduoji”可知,还有另外两座山。故选B。
run“跑”;jump“跳”;rest“休息”;walk“步行”。根据“Life...gets better when you walk on such a pure land”可知,是绕着大山走。故选D。
hope“希望”;challenge“挑战”;wish“愿望”;chance“机会”。根据“It is a big...to do so, but many visitors like to give it a try.”可知,这样做是一个巨大的挑战,但许多游客喜欢尝试一下。故选B。
naturally“自然地”;actually“实际上”;really“真正地”;carefully“仔细地”。根据“Life...gets better when you walk on such a pure land!”可知,当你走在路上时,生活自然会变得更好。故选A。
91.D 92.C 93.C 94.A 95.B 96.A 97.C 98.C 99.D 100.B
street街道;light灯;house房子;sky天空。 根据“full of stars”可知,天空中会出现星星,故选D。
put放;through通过;turn变成;cut切。根据“Then black sky slowly begins to…into a dark blue”可知,此处指变成深蓝色,turn into“变成”,故选C。
size尺寸;shape形状;color颜色;smell气味。 根据“become lighter, and then red, pink and purple clouds slowly appear.”可知,此处指颜色。故选C。
beauty美丽;meal饭;party聚会;book书。 根据“and then red, pink and purple clouds slowly appear.”可知,天空中出现各种不同颜色的云彩,应该是美的。故选A。
talented有天赋的;excited兴奋的;worried担忧的;tired疲惫的。根据“the sun slowly climbs over the sea level.”可知,当太阳慢慢爬过海平面时,应该是兴奋的,故选B。
so that为了,后跟句子;in order to为了,后跟动词原形;even if即使;as soon as一……就。 根据“we can see everything.”可知,空后为句子,此处表目的,故选A。
get lost迷路;fly away飞走;wake up醒来;hang out闲逛。 根据“Some sing with joy and others fly to the sky.”可知,鸟儿醒来唱歌,故选C。
us我们;her她;them他们;him他。根据“Some sing with joy and others fly to the sky.”可知,此处使用them指代那些鸟,故选C。
waiting等待;singing唱歌;walking步行;shining照耀。根据“watch the sun rise up.”和“Be a sunrise as well.”可知,日出是太阳刚升起的时候的景象,应该是在你的心中闪耀,故选D。
Make制作;Spread传播;Keep保持;Hide隐藏。根据“Send your light when you laugh and sing.”可知,帮助别人,是把光芒传给别人,故选B。




下一篇:6.4 密度与社会生活 同步练习(答案) 2022-2023上学期吉林省各地八年级物理期末试题选编