人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit4 Space Exploration SectionⅡ Discovering Useful Structures夯基提能作业(原卷版+解析版)

Unit 4 Space Exploration Section Ⅱ Discovering Useful Structures
1.I'm not sure about his ability to complete (complete) the task alone.
2. To solve (solve) the problems, measures must be taken right away.
3.More wind power stations will spring up to meet (meet) the demand for clean energy.
4.In my family, my mother is always the first one to get (get) up.
5.I am writing to invite you to be a judge at our English dubbing contest to be held (hold) in our school.
6.The German girl has the ability to learn (learn) Chinese well.
7.I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train to catch (catch).
8.The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy to watch (watch) anything that happened to be on.
9.To tell the truth, everyone thought she was the most suitable woman to take (take) the job.
10.Tu Youyou became the first Chinese scientist to win (win) the Nobel Prize in Medicine
1.He is the teacher to teach us English next term .
2.I have nothing to say on this question .
3.The whole family went to beach to spend their weekend .
4.We shall be very happy to cooperate with you in the project .
5.The next plane to arrive is from New York.
6.He is always the first to come to and last to leave the office.
7.There are enough chairs for the guests to sit on .
8.We are delighted to know that you're going to visit us next month.
9.The tea is too hot to drink .
10.He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet .
With rounds of pioneering space flights that could set the stage for future space tourism, it is worth looking at what might be involved for the human exploration of Mars, though it's likely decades away.Technological challenges aside, as we continue to expand our exploration of Mars, there is a question:What might be the lessons of past voyages of discovery that we should think about
Human exploration has led to many extraordinary new discoveries, but it has also led to the exploitation of resources.Not long after early European settlers arrived at America, they declared their independence and created the constitution by which modern American society functions.However, this did not prevent the settlers from referring to native people as savages and taking away their rights to liberty, happiness, and even survival.Native Americans were quickly killed by wars and new diseases as the new settlers expanded their land.The natural environment, with which they had established a harmonious relationship, was similarly destroyed by the settlement.
Mars certainly has an impossible environment for human life, but on Mars, humans will be the invasive species.Will our landing on mars break the ecosystem on Mars It is possible that Mars has ideal minerals for future development.But apart from technology challenges, will the mining have a disastrous environment impact on this red neighbour as it has already had on Earth
The achievements of space exploration are certainly to be applauded.The contributions of the related researches on chemistry, medicine and many others are potentially limitless.However, as we look to exploring worlds beyond our own, we need to begin now to look at history to consider how best to engage with different life forms, cultures and environments.We may be capable of writing a law, but we first need to clear our potential invasive impact on another planet that may be completely defenseless.
1.What does the underlined word“this”in Paragraph 2 refer to? B
A.Modern American society.
B.The creation of constitution.
C.The settlement of Europeans.
D.The exploitation of resources.
解析: 指代判断题。根据画线词上文“Not long after ... functions.(早期的欧洲殖民者到达美洲后不久,他们宣布独立,并制定了现代美国社会运行所依据的宪法。)”以及下文“did not ...even survival”可知,虽然欧洲殖民者到达美洲后制定了宪法,但这并不能阻止殖民者将土著人称为野蛮人,剥夺他们的自由、幸福甚至生存权利。由此可推知,this指“宪法的制定”。故选B。
2.What's the author's concern about the exploration of Mars? C
A.Humans cannot survive on Mars.
B.Humans may bring new diseases to Mars.
C.The exploration may destroy Mars' ecosystem.
D.Technology challenges will make mining on Mars hard.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But apart from technology ...already had on Earth?(但是除了技术上的挑战,采矿是否会对这个红色邻居造成灾难性的环境影响,就像地球上已经造成的那样?)”可知,作者对火星探索的担忧是探索可能会破坏火星的生态系统。故选C。
3.What's the author's suggestion for future space exploring
A.Making relevant laws properly.
B.Conducting more scientific researches.
C.Predicting its impacts on other planets.
D.Learning from past exploration experiences.
解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Technological challenges ...that we should think about?”以及最后一段中的“However, as we look to ...environments.”可知,作者建议未来的太空探索借鉴以往的探索经验。故选D。
4.Which column is this text most probably taken from A
A.Opinion. B.History.
C.Technology. D.Environment.
解析: 推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要说明了人类探索太空造成的影响,对此作者表达了自己的观点和建议。由此可推知,这篇文章最可能来自“观点”一栏。故选A。
It took humans thousands of years to understand our own planet, and centuries to 1.A  our neighboring planets.Nowadays, new worlds are being 2.B  every week.
Up to the present time, astronomers have 3.C  more than 370 “exoplanets” —planets orbiting (绕……运动) other space stars (恒星) other than our sun.There is a“hot Saturn (土星)”260 light-years from Earth that orbits its parent star so 4.D  that a year there lasts less than three days. 5.B  another star 150 light-years out is a burning “hot Jupiter (木星),” where upper atmosphere (大气层) is being burning to form a huge comet-like tail.Astronomers have found another three 6.C  orbiting a pulsar (脉冲星)—the remains of a once huge star shrinking (收缩) into a small atomic nucleus, the 7.D  of a city.Some planets have obviously fallen into their suns.Others have been thrown out of their 8.C  to become“floaters”that float in the darkness of the universe.
Among all these, scientists are eager to find a clue of the 9.A :planets like the Earth.That is, planets orbiting their stars at just the right distance—neither too hot nor too cold—to 10.D  life as we know it.We have not yet found planets that are quite like our own, 11.C  because they're inconspicuous (不起眼的).To see a planet as 12.A  and slim as ours among the brightness of its star is like trying to see a firefly in a fireworks display. 13.B  by pushing technology to the 14.A , astronomers are rapidly approaching the day when they can find another Earth.And when they do, they can examine it for 15.D  of life.
1.A.explore B.separate
C.forget D.defend
解析: 句意:人类花了数千年的时间才了解了我们自己的星球,并花了数百年的时间探索我们邻近的星球。故选A。
2.A.revised B.discovered
C.saved D.created
解析: 根据上文“new worlds”可知,随着人类的不断探索,应该是有新的世界被发现。故选B。
3.A.travelled B.damaged
C.recognized D.ignored
解析: 句意:到目前为止,天文学家已经识别了370多颗“系外行星”——围绕其他的太空恒星而不是太阳运行的行星。recognize“认出,识别”。故选C。
4.A.slowly B.easily
C.wrongly D.rapidly
解析: 根据下文“a year there lasts less than three days”可知,在那里一年的持续时间不到三天,由此可知,“热土星”绕其母星运行的速度是很快的。故选D。
5.A.Removing B.Circling
C.Lighting D.Showing
解析: 句意:环绕150光年外的另一颗恒星移动的是一颗燃烧的“热木星”,在那里上层大气正在燃烧,形成一个巨大的彗星状尾巴。circle“转圈,环行”。故选B。
6.A.stars B.moons
C.planets D.satellites
解析: 此处指天文学家还发现了另外三颗围绕脉冲星运行的行星。star “恒星”;moon “月亮”;planet “行星”;satellite “人造卫星”。故选C。
7.A.type B.distance
C.power D.size
解析: 根据上文“a once huge star”可知,此处介绍的是恒星的大小。故选D。
8.A.authorities B.species
C.systems D.facilities
解析: 句意:其他行星则被赶出它们的系统,成为漂浮在宇宙黑暗中的“漂浮者”。authority“权力,权威”;species “物种”;system“体系,系统”;facility“设施”。故选C。
9.A.familiar B.previous
C.unknown D.distant
解析: 句意:在所有这些中,科学家们渴望找到一条熟悉的线索:像地球这样的行星。familiar“熟悉的”;previous“以前的”;unknown“未知的”;distant“遥远的”。故选A。
10.A.hide B.discover
C.injure D.support
解析: 句意:也就是说,行星围绕恒星运行的距离恰到好处——既不太热也不太冷——足以支持我们所知道的生命。hide “隐藏”;discover “发现”;injure “伤害”; support “支持”。故选D。
11.A.luckily B.instantly
C.probably D.officially
解析: 句意:我们还没有发现与我们自己的行星非常相似的行星,很可能是因为它们不起眼。luckily“幸运的是”;instantly“立即”;probably“很可能”;officially “正式地”。故选C。
12.A.small B.bright
C.blue D.clear
解析: 句意:在明亮的星光中看到一颗像我们这样小小的行星,就像试图在烟花表演中看到一只萤火虫。此处应用small,与后文的“slim”意义一致。故选A。
13.A.And B.Yet
C.So D.Thus
解析: 上文说我们还没有发现与我们自己的行星非常相似的行星,下文说天文学家正在迅速接近找到另一个地球的那一天,由此可知,上下文为转折关系,应用连词“yet”。故选B。
14.A.limits B.ends
C.opposites D.beginnings
解析: 句意:然而,通过将技术推向极限,天文学家正在迅速接近找到另一个地球的那一天。limit“限制,极限”;end “结尾”;opposite“对立面”;beginning“开端”。故选A。
15.A.examples B.designs
C.means D.signs
解析: 句意:当他们这样做时,他们可以检查它是否有生命迹象。sign“迹象”。故选D。
Busy Colombians living in a city can be pressured.But there is a place for people to relieve stress in Bogota. 1.Sitting (sit) at the top of Monserrate Hill,east of the city, the place is a protected park for hummingbirds.The area contains a forest that has turned into a peaceful and
2.harmonious  (harmony) world for both people and birds.
With the hummingbirds flying from flower to flower,some people study them through binoculars (双筒镜) and 3.others  (other) take pictures with cameras or phones.
“Sometimes it doesn't seem real because we are close to a city of eight million residents 4.that/who  generate noise every day,” says Camilo Cantor, a caretaker in the park, whose job is to mix water and sugar and put it in bird feeders along a 300-meter path.“The park is 5.truly  (true) special place, like an oasis (绿洲).It is a place where people can go 6.to ease  (ease) stress,forget about troubles and get 7.a  break from busy city life,” he added.
Ten years ago the hill 8.was destroyed (destroy),mercilessly and completely,meaning there were no trees left on it.But workers began to replant local trees and flowers to bring the forest back 9.to  life.Presently,visitors to the park can see over 100 species of birds there.
Hummingbirds can 10.be found  (find) only on the American continent and Colombia is home to many different kinds.
1. 考查非谓语动词。句意:它坐落在城市东部的蒙塞拉特山顶上,是一个受保护的蜂鸟公园。分析句子结构可知sit在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语the place构成主动关系,故应用现在分词作状语。句首单词首字母要大写。故填Sitting。
3. 考查代词。句意:蜂鸟从一朵花飞到另一朵花,一些人用望远镜观察它们,其他人用相机或手机拍照。空处作主语,后文take为动词原形,可知表示“其他人”应用others。故填others。
4.考查定语从句。句意:“有时它看起来并不真实,因为我们靠近有800万居民的城市,每天都会产生噪音。”公园管理员Camilo Cantor说,他的工作是将水和糖混合,并将它们放入300米长的路径上的鸟类喂食器中。此处为定语从句修饰先行词residents,先行词在从句中作主语,指人,故应用关系代词that或who引导。故填that /who。
6.考查非谓语动词。句意:它是人们可以去缓解压力,忘记烦恼,从繁忙的城市生活中得到休息的地方。结合句意表示“去做某事”可知,短语为go to do sth.。故填to ease。
7. 考查冠词。句意:它是人们可以去缓解压力,忘记烦恼,从繁忙的城市生活中得到休息的地方。结合句意表示“从……得到休息”可知,短语为get a break from。故填a。
8.考查动词时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:十年前,这座山丘被无情地完全摧毁了,这意味着山上没有一棵树了。根据上文“Ten years ago”可知,应用一般过去时,且主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为the hill,谓语动词用单数。故填was destroyed。
9. 考查介词。句意:但工人们开始重新种植当地的树木和鲜花,使森林恢复生机。结合句意表示“使……恢复生机”可知,短语为bring sth.back to life。故填to。
10.考查动词语态。句意:蜂鸟只生活在美洲大陆,哥伦比亚是许多不同种类蜂鸟的家园。此处主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且can后跟动词原形。故填be found。Unit 4 Space Exploration Section Ⅱ Discovering Useful Structures
1.I'm not sure about his ability   (complete) the task alone.
2.   (solve) the problems, measures must be taken right away.
3.More wind power stations will spring up   (meet) the demand for clean energy.
4.In my family, my mother is always the first one   (get) up.
5.I am writing to invite you to be a judge at our English dubbing contest   (hold) in our school.
6.The German girl has the ability   (learn) Chinese well.
7.I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train   (catch).
8.The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy   (watch) anything that happened to be on.
9.To tell the truth, everyone thought she was the most suitable woman   (take) the job.
10.Tu Youyou became the first Chinese scientist   (win) the Nobel Prize in Medicine
1.He is the teacher   .
2.I have nothing   .
3.The whole family went to beach   .
4.We shall be very happy   .
5.The next plane   is from New York.
6.He is always   and last to leave the office.
7.There are enough chairs for the guests   .
8.We are delighted   that you're going to visit us next month.
9.The tea is   .
10.He lifted a rock only   .
With rounds of pioneering space flights that could set the stage for future space tourism, it is worth looking at what might be involved for the human exploration of Mars, though it's likely decades away.Technological challenges aside, as we continue to expand our exploration of Mars, there is a question:What might be the lessons of past voyages of discovery that we should think about
Human exploration has led to many extraordinary new discoveries, but it has also led to the exploitation of resources.Not long after early European settlers arrived at America, they declared their independence and created the constitution by which modern American society functions.However, this did not prevent the settlers from referring to native people as savages and taking away their rights to liberty, happiness, and even survival.Native Americans were quickly killed by wars and new diseases as the new settlers expanded their land.The natural environment, with which they had established a harmonious relationship, was similarly destroyed by the settlement.
Mars certainly has an impossible environment for human life, but on Mars, humans will be the invasive species.Will our landing on mars break the ecosystem on Mars It is possible that Mars has ideal minerals for future development.But apart from technology challenges, will the mining have a disastrous environment impact on this red neighbour as it has already had on Earth
The achievements of space exploration are certainly to be applauded.The contributions of the related researches on chemistry, medicine and many others are potentially limitless.However, as we look to exploring worlds beyond our own, we need to begin now to look at history to consider how best to engage with different life forms, cultures and environments.We may be capable of writing a law, but we first need to clear our potential invasive impact on another planet that may be completely defenseless.
1.What does the underlined word“this”in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Modern American society.
B.The creation of constitution.
C.The settlement of Europeans.
D.The exploitation of resources.
2.What's the author's concern about the exploration of Mars?
A.Humans cannot survive on Mars.
B.Humans may bring new diseases to Mars.
C.The exploration may destroy Mars' ecosystem.
D.Technology challenges will make mining on Mars hard.
3.What's the author's suggestion for future space exploring
A.Making relevant laws properly.
B.Conducting more scientific researches.
C.Predicting its impacts on other planets.
D.Learning from past exploration experiences.
4.Which column is this text most probably taken from
A.Opinion. B.History.
C.Technology. D.Environment.
It took humans thousands of years to understand our own planet, and centuries to 1.  our neighboring planets.Nowadays, new worlds are being 2.  every week.
Up to the present time, astronomers have 3.  more than 370 “exoplanets” —planets orbiting (绕……运动) other space stars (恒星) other than our sun.There is a“hot Saturn (土星)”260 light-years from Earth that orbits its parent star so 4.  that a year there lasts less than three days. 5.  another star 150 light-years out is a burning “hot Jupiter (木星),” where upper atmosphere (大气层) is being burning to form a huge comet-like tail.Astronomers have found another three 6.  orbiting a pulsar (脉冲星)—the remains of a once huge star shrinking (收缩) into a small atomic nucleus, the 7.  of a city.Some planets have obviously fallen into their suns.Others have been thrown out of their 8.  to become“floaters”that float in the darkness of the universe.
Among all these, scientists are eager to find a clue of the 9. :planets like the Earth.That is, planets orbiting their stars at just the right distance—neither too hot nor too cold—to 10.  life as we know it.We have not yet found planets that are quite like our own, 11.  because they're inconspicuous (不起眼的).To see a planet as 12.  and slim as ours among the brightness of its star is like trying to see a firefly in a fireworks display. 13.  by pushing technology to the 14. , astronomers are rapidly approaching the day when they can find another Earth.And when they do, they can examine it for 15.  of life.
1.A.explore B.separate
C.forget D.defend
2.A.revised B.discovered
C.saved D.created
3.A.travelled B.damaged
C.recognized D.ignored
4.A.slowly B.easily
C.wrongly D.rapidly
5.A.Removing B.Circling
C.Lighting D.Showing
6.A.stars B.moons
C.planets D.satellites
7.A.type B.distance
C.power D.size
8.A.authorities B.species
C.systems D.facilities
9.A.familiar B.previous
C.unknown D.distant
10.A.hide B.discover
C.injure D.support
11.A.luckily B.instantly
C.probably D.officially
12.A.small B.bright
C.blue D.clear
13.A.And B.Yet
C.So D.Thus
14.A.limits B.ends
C.opposites D.beginnings
15.A.examples B.designs
C.means D.signs
Busy Colombians living in a city can be pressured.But there is a place for people to relieve stress in Bogota. 1.   (sit) at the top of Monserrate Hill,east of the city, the place is a protected park for hummingbirds.The area contains a forest that has turned into a peaceful and
2.h    (harmony) world for both people and birds.
With the hummingbirds flying from flower to flower,some people study them through binoculars (双筒镜) and 3.    (other) take pictures with cameras or phones.
“Sometimes it doesn't seem real because we are close to a city of eight million residents 4.    generate noise every day,” says Camilo Cantor, a caretaker in the park, whose job is to mix water and sugar and put it in bird feeders along a 300-meter path.“The park is 5.    (true) special place, like an oasis (绿洲).It is a place where people can go 6.    (ease) stress,forget about troubles and get 7.   break from busy city life,” he added.
Ten years ago the hill 8.   (destroy),mercilessly and completely,meaning there were no trees left on it.But workers began to replant local trees and flowers to bring the forest back 9.    life.Presently,visitors to the park can see over 100 species of birds there.
Hummingbirds can 10.   (find) only on the American continent and Colombia is home to many different kinds.




下一篇:5.3 凸透镜成像的规律 同步练习 2022-2023上学期吉林省各地八年级物理期末试题选编(含解析)