2022-2023河南省焦作市博爱县重点中学高一下学期6月期末英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

英 语 试 卷
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1 How much will the man pay for two pairs of glasses at a time
A. $50. B. $55. C. $60.
2. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a reception desk.
B. At a gym.
C. In a conference room.
3. What was the man doing when the earthquake struck
A. Watching TV.
B. Taking a shower.
C. Cleaning the bathroom.
4. What is the relationship between the two speakers
A. Husband and wife.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Chemist and customer.
5. What kind of life does the woman like
A. Dependent. B. Slow-paced. C. Challenging.
6. When does the express train depart
A. At 7 a.m. B. At 9 p.m. C. At 10 p.m.
7. Which is free of charge in the dining car
A. Steaks. B. Beer. C. Coffee.
8. What is the man going to do tomorrow
A. Visit a friend.
B. Take a vacation.
C. Go on a business trip.
9. What will the man probably do with his dog when he’s away
A. Send it to a pet hotel.
B. Take it to his company.
C. Deliver it to his friend.
10. How does the man feel lately
A. Encouraged. B. Worried. C. Confident.
11. What is the worker’s story mainly about
A. Perseverance. B. Migration. C. Desire.
12. What will the man do after the examination
A. Begin to write. B. Share the story. C. Go to buy a book.
13. Why does the woman call
A. To place an order.
B. To ask about food menu.
C To complain about a delivery.
14. Which do the woman’s family eat
A. Steamed fish.
B. Kung pao chicken.
C. Plant-based burgers.
15. What will the woman receive
A. Cash. B. A discount. C. A free meal.
16. How does the woman feel at last
A. Comforted. B. Cheated. C. Excited.
17. Why did Lydia win an award
A. She saved a baby.
B. She made an invention.
C. She performed well at school.
18. What did Lydia think of her award-winning news
A. It’s exciting.
B. It’s predictable.
C. It’s surprising.
19. Who helped Lydia most in-winning the award
A. Her mother.
B. Her brother.
C. Her sister.
20. What is Lydia’s message about
A. Trying to face problems.
B. Inspiring everyone around.
C. Accepting things as they are.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题:每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Copenhagen has GREAT public transport. It is reliable, safe, and easily accessible. Of course, like everything in Copenhagen, it is not cheap. The system can be a little confusing, even for locals, but we’re here to help simplify it all for you! And today our focus is Travelling with a Bike.
Bicycles can be taken on s-tog lines for free but you can’t take bikes through N rreport station during peak hours. To take your bike on a train, you need to put it on the first or last carriage, clearly marked with large signs of bicycles on the outside.
To take a bike on a regional train, which takes you to parts of Denmark outside Copenhagen, you must buy an extra ticket. The price depends on the distance and varies from 16 kr to 28 kr.
Bicycles can be taken on the metro for an extra 13 kr. You need to pay for the bike with its own ticket. You can’t take your bike on the metro during peak hours.
You can bring a bike on a bus but each bus is limited to two bikes, even if there is much space. Generally, people do not travel with their bikes on buses in Copenhagen.
Charges for bicycles depend on the company and the destination. You will need to check with the ferry companies. When you book the ticket, you must state that you have a cycle, even if it’s free of charge.
1. Who is this text probably intended for
A. Tourist guides.
B. Bike travelers.
C. Local citizens.
D. Ticket inspectors.
2. On which public transport can you take a bike for free
A. A peak time s-tog train.
B. A weekday regional train.
C. An off-peak metro train.
D. A weekend ferry.
3. What is the disadvantage of bringing a bike on a bus
A. Buses are too crowded.
B. It’s against the local custom.
C. Availability is not guaranteed.
D It’s not welcomed by other passengers.
An extremely rare manuscript(手稿) signed by English naturalist Charles Darwin is expected to fetch up to $790,00at a Sotheby’s auction next month. The document contains a passage from the famous 1859 work On the Origin of Species, in which Darwin put forth his theory of evolution.
The document was once thought to be a deserted page from an earlier manuscript of the work. But experts now understand it was written in 1865 and sent to the editor of the Autographic Mirror who had requested a signed writing sample from Darwin.
“While some of Darwin's notes and manuscript pages have survived over the last hundred or more years, he was known to keep revising his publications, often throwing away pages from working drafts as waste paper, making them extremely rare,” Sotheby's said in a statement.
On the Origin of Species was voted the most influential academic book of all time in a public poll held during Academic Book Week in 2015.The book offers Darwin's revolutionary idea that species evolve over generations in the process of natural selection.
Darwin backed up his theory with evidence collected during his 1831—1836 voyage on the H.M S. Beagle, during which he observed and collected specimens (标本) from a number of species. On the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador, Darwin noted that the finches(鸣雀)on the island were similar to finches on the mainland; however, the availability of different foods in each area had led to differences in beak shapes.
The manuscript will be placed on display at Sotheby's in New York between Nov.30 and Dec 8, and online bids will be accepted between Now.25 and Dec.8.The auction house estimates that the document will fetch between $600,000 and $790,000.
The auction, which is titled Age of Wonder, will also include a first edition of On the Origin of Species and a copy of scientific paper by Darwin and another naturalist.
4. What do we know about the manuscript
A. It’s a page of On the Origin of Species. B. It’s a draft of Darwin's scientific paper.
C. It’s a signed writing sample to an editor. D. It’s waste paper from Darwin's study.
5. What makes Darwin's On the Origin of Species the most influential academic book
A. His methods of research. B. His adventure on the sea.
C. The rare manuscript. D. His theory of evolution.
6. What does the underlined phrase “backed up” mean in Paragraph 5
A. supported B. explained C. declared D. created
7. What is the purpose of the auction
A. To put the manuscript on sale.
B. To display Darwin's works.
C. To vote the best academic books.
D. To release a new discovery.
Bilinguals are smarter, says science. But the idea is relatively new. Up until the 1970s, most educators had believed that learning two languages at the same time would confuse children and slow their cognitive growth.
Science disagreed with these opinions, says Ellen Bialystok, a professor of psychology. The arrival of new technology in the 1970s allowed scientists a new way to investigate how different brains process language.
Bialystok has been researching the bilingual brain for decades. She firmly believes bilinguals aren’t smarter than the single-language learners, but bilingual brains differ in their use of executive function-a system that both helps the brain access particular regions or memories and allows a person to switch between tasks.
Contrary to media reports, executive function is not the same as intelligence, Bialystok adds. Even if the relationship between bilingualism and actual intelligence is unclear, executive function can help people do a lot of things that may make them seem smarter, such as doing more things at the same time and cancelling out things that take their attention away.
Many people believe that knowing at least one other language makes it easier to learn a new one, and cognitive function may play a part in that-the equivalent of good study habits for your brain. But Bialystok thinks cognitive function has less impact on language learners than the similarities between languages’ structure and vocabulary. “In learning those patterns, you can get a bit of a free ride in learning a new language,” she says. Despite the overall cognitive benefits, bilingualism may present some disadvantages. When children learn vocabulary, monolinguals can spend more time remembering words in one language, while bilinguals have to construct two different vocabularies.
“The biggest advantage in being bilingual is the same as having great international friends: It allows a person to understand a different way of thinking, with unique philosophies and assumptions about how others see the world,” Bialystok adds.
8. What did most educators think of children’s bilingualism before the 1970s
A. It surely made kids smarter. B. It could be a terrible experience.
C. It should be taught separately. D. It may promote cognitive growth.
9. What can make learning a new language easy according to Bialystok
A. Executive function. B. Cognitive function.
C. Similar language patterns. D. Good study habits.
10. What is Bialystok’s attitude toward bilingualism
A. Skeptical. B. Conservative. C. Tolerant. D. Objective.
11. Which could be the best title for the text
A. Are bilinguals really smarter B. Should kids learn another language
C. Why do bilinguals have an advantage D. What factors affect language learning
According to a study done by University of Michigan researchers, shopping to relieve stress was up to 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were three times less sad compared to those who only browsed for items.
More than half of the 1,000 consumers participating in the survey said they have impulsively (冲动地) shopped to deal with feelings of stress, anxiety or depression. Twenty-three percent of respondents said they’ve maxed out a credit card in the past year. Millennials, 68 percent, responded by saying they have stress spent in the past, compared with 53 percent of Gen Xers and only 26 percent of Baby Boomers.
By gender, 48 percent of men and 31 percent of women who have stress spent said they had purchased alcohol when stressed. 82 percent of women stress spent on clothing compared to 52 percent of men. Women also lead stress spending for jewelry, 42 percent, compared to 22 percent for men, with men stress spending more for electronics, 44 percent versus 30 percent for women.
In fact, shopping to reduce stress can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. Shopping to relieve stress is also known as retail therapy (疗法) as a form of regulating stress. The survey found that 82 percent had only positive feelings about their purchases and that the positive mood boost that followed those purchases was long-lasting.
However, the side effect of retail therapy, for many, can start out as a relatively harmless mood booster but could possibly grow into an impulse that uses up money and cause conflict, thereby adding a significant amount of stress to a person’s life.
12. What can we know about Millennials according to the survey
A. They tend to max out their credit cards.
B. They bear more stress than Baby Boomers.
C. They are more likely to purchase to reduce anxiety.
D. They have an advantage over Gen Xers in managing stress.
13. Which of the following has topped the list when people have stress spent
A. Alcohol. B. Clothing.
C. Jewelry. D. Electronics.
14. What can be learned about retail therapy dealing with stress
A. It is harmless. B. It is highly recommended.
C. It promotes personal relationship. D. It can serve as a temporary solution.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. Can Shopping Relieve Stress B. Where is Your Money Going
C. Shopping Habits across Generations D. A New Cure for Depression
There’s a lot to cope with when you go off to university. ____16____ For most students, a completely new environment is waiting to be explored.
We recently drove our daughter Evie 150 miles to start life as a fresher. It was a struggle to find the car park, let alone explore the huge campus. Although we knew she had flatmates and phone apps to get her to fit in, the challenge ahead was clear—to find her way in an unfamiliar world. ____17____
In a recent study, volunteers walked around a virtual forest environment. Then some of them took the same walk again, while others explored a different forest.___18___ According to the researchers, that was because exploring the new environment stimulated their dopamine (多巴胺) system—setting up their brains for memorizing things. Thus, they scored higher.
So leaving home to study makes perfect sense. ____19____ But we may all be able to gain some of the benefits, even if it’s just by stimulating our senses and challenging our thinking skills. Here are three things to try:
◆ Go somewhere new to tackle an upcoming learning task—like memorizing a speech in the library, or revising for an exam in a park—and take an unfamiliar route to get there.
◆ ____20____To warm yourself up for learning, picture a city you know well, but imagine you’re tapped in a part of it that you’ve never visited. Then try to visualize exactly how you’ll get out.
◆ Play video games that get you moving through new landscapes. Then see whether it improves your success with other learning tasks, like practising a dance or mastering phrases for a foreign trip.
A. Get lost in your imagination.
B. Prepare yourself for a city tour.
C. But exploring places as such is beneficial to memory.
D. People prove to be more adaptable after new experience.
E. The latter group performed better in memory tests straight after.
F. There are new friends to meet and new responsibilities to accept.
G. Young minds seem to gain most from being in strange surroundings.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
Misty Copeland spends most days twisting, spinning and ___21___. She practices and ___22___ the graceful movements of her art. When she isn’t performing she is practicing. When she isn’t practicing, she is stretching. She takes classes almost every day. She takes care of her body so she doesn’t ___23___ it when she goes to work in a ballet theatre.
“I treat my body with the respect that any musician would to their ___24___.” says Misty. “I love my body,” she adds.
Was she ___25___ confident Actually, she was a ___26___ girl and avoided the spotlight. But Misty loved music and movement. When she was thirteen, Misty’s teacher suggested she ___27___ a free ballet class at the Boys&Girls Club. For two weeks, Misty sat on the gym bench watching the class, afraid to ___28___. Finally, she gave it a ___29___. At first, she felt ____30____in the class. She didn’t know anything about ballet, and she was ____31____ than most of the students. Over time, ____32____, she began to enjoy the lessons. She discovered that her body — especially her long legs and flexible muscles — was just ____33____ for ballet. After the class season ended, Misty received a scholarship to a nearby dance studio. Most ballerinas (女舞者) start their training much younger than thirteen. But Misty’s natural abilities and hard work made her improve quickly.
Over the next five years, ballet was Misty’s ____34____. She practiced, performed, competed and attended ballet programs. “Performing was my favourite part because I felt ____35____ and open onstage,” she says. “For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged.”
21. A. wandering B. leaping C. exercising D. dancing
22. A. perfects B. conquers C. examines D. describes
23. A. hurt B. injure C. spoil D. abuse
24. A. appearance B. voice C. techniques D. instruments
25. A. found B. made C. born D. trained
26. A. humble B. quiet C. cautious D. shy
27. A. attend B. register C. learn D. watch
28. A. stand up B. catch up C. cut in D. join in
29. A. rest B. chance C. try D. thought
30. A. out of place B. out of order C. out of mind D. out of control
31. A. younger B. older C. taller D. shorter
32. A. meanwhile B. however C. moreover D. thus
33. A. ready B. good C. right D. qualified
34. A. life B. major C. prospect D. stage
35. A. improved B. calm C. free D. secure
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
In a first of ____36____ (it) kind in China Shenzhen, a city that pioneered reform and opening-up in China, will allow fully autonomous vehicles ____37____ (run) on roads in certain areas without human control equipment. ____38____ city in Guangdong province revealed a new regulation tailored for smart connected vehicle management in China, which is scheduled to come into force on August 1.
The new regulation, which is set to fill the legal gap for domestic intelligent connected vehicles, said automakers don’t ____39____ (necessary) have to equip fully autonomous vehicles with manual driving mode and corresponding (相应的) devices, and nor do they have to have human drivers.
But such fully autonomous vehicles can only drive on certain roads and sections ____40____ (select) by Shenzhen’s traffic management department, according to the regulation, which was published on the official website of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress.
The regulation classified autonomous vehicles ____41____ three types: conditionally autonomous driving, highly autonomous driving, and fully autonomous driving. Conditionally autonomous and highly autonomous vehicles must have manual driving modes and corresponding devices, and ____42____ (equip) with drivers.
Meanwhile, the regulation ____43____ (clarify) rules for responsibilities and auto insurance coverage in the event of car accidents ____44____ involve autonomous driving, which is expected to promote the fast _____45_____ (develop) of self-driving vehicles.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你和几位英文爱好者在互联网上建立了一个名叫EasyEnglish的英语学习网站。请你在校英文报上写一篇短文,向你校学生介绍这个网站。要点如下:
EasyEnglish Is Waiting for You
第二节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
I love to play the piano and I greatly enjoy performing my songs, so when the annual winter recital (音乐演奏会) was canceled, I was disappointed. I had looked forward to it for a long time and had already prepared two of my best songs.
My mom had a wonderful idea, however, to turn this disappointing thing into something worthwhile. “You can perform your songs at Carriage House Senior Living,” my mom suggested brightly. “I’m sure the seniors there who do not have families to visit them that often, would really appreciate the music and you could play more than just two songs.”
I immediately thought this was a great idea. One of the things I did not like about the recitals was that I was limited to playing just a couple of songs. Playing the piano at Carriage House seemed like a win-win situation because not only could I play more songs, but I would also have the chance to cheer up the residents there with some lively tunes.
My mom called Carriage House and made arrangements for me to perform. In the coming including many old classics.
When the exciting day finally arrived, my family and I drove to Carriage House. Walking through the enormous double doors, we stepped into an entryway that overlooked the spacious grand dining room. Right at the entrance to the dining room stood the piano as if it were just waiting to make some music to liven the place up a bit. At nearly every table several gray-haired women or men were seated enjoying their dinner and the company that the crowded room provided. Despite the conversations going on at various tables, isolation hung like a dark cloud in the room.
Almost immediately, we were greeted by an old woman with a walker who introduced herself as Phyllis in charge of Carriage House. She welcomed me and led me to the stage.
As I sat down on the bench, I pressed a key on the piano and was surprised to hear no sound.
Nervousness melted away and I started to enjoy the performance with the old.
英 语 试 卷
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. How much will the man pay for two pairs of glasses at a time
A. $50. B. $55. C. $60.
2. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a reception desk.
B. At a gym.
C. In a conference room.
3. What was the man doing when the earthquake struck
A. Watching TV.
B. Taking a shower.
C. Cleaning the bathroom.
4. What is the relationship between the two speakers
A. Husband and wife.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Chemist and customer.
5. What kind of life does the woman like
A. Dependent. B. Slow-paced. C. Challenging.
6. When does the express train depart
A. At 7 a.m. B. At 9 p.m. C. At 10 p.m.
7. Which is free of charge in the dining car
A. Steaks. B. Beer. C. Coffee.
8. What is the man going to do tomorrow
A. Visit a friend.
B. Take a vacation.
C. Go on a business trip.
9. What will the man probably do with his dog when he’s away
A. Send it to a pet hotel.
B. Take it to his company.
C. Deliver it to his friend.
10. How does the man feel lately
A. Encouraged. B. Worried. C. Confident.
11. What is the worker’s story mainly about
A. Perseverance. B. Migration. C. Desire.
12. What will the man do after the examination
A. Begin to write. B. Share the story. C. Go to buy a book.
13. Why does the woman call
A. To place an order.
B. To ask about food menu.
C. To complain about a delivery.
14. Which do the woman’s family eat
A. Steamed fish.
B. Kung pao chicken.
C. Plant-based burgers.
15. What will the woman receive
A. Cash. B. A discount. C. A free meal.
16. How does the woman feel at last
A. Comforted. B. Cheated. C. Excited.
17. Why did Lydia win an award
A. She saved a baby.
B. She made an invention.
C. She performed well at school.
18. What did Lydia think of her award-winning news
A. It’s exciting.
B. It’s predictable.
C. It’s surprising.
19. Who helped Lydia most in-winning the award
A. Her mother.
B. Her brother.
C. Her sister.
20. What is Lydia’s message about
A. Trying to face problems.
B. Inspiring everyone around.
C. Accepting things as they are.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题:每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Copenhagen has GREAT public transport. It is reliable, safe, and easily accessible. Of course, like everything in Copenhagen, it is not cheap. The system can be a little confusing, even for locals, but we’re here to help simplify it all for you! And today our focus is Travelling with a Bike.
Bicycles can be taken on s-tog lines for free but you can’t take bikes through N rreport station during peak hours. To take your bike on a train, you need to put it on the first or last carriage, clearly marked with large signs of bicycles on the outside.
To take a bike on a regional train, which takes you to parts of Denmark outside Copenhagen, you must buy an extra ticket. The price depends on the distance and varies from 16 kr to 28 kr.
Bicycles can be taken on the metro for an extra 13 kr. You need to pay for the bike with its own ticket. You can’t take your bike on the metro during peak hours.
You can bring a bike on a bus but each bus is limited to two bikes, even if there is much space. Generally, people do not travel with their bikes on buses in Copenhagen.
Charges for bicycles depend on the company and the destination. You will need to check with the ferry companies. When you book the ticket, you must state that you have a cycle, even if it’s free of charge.
1. Who is this text probably intended for
A. Tourist guides.
B. Bike travelers.
C. Local citizens.
D. Ticket inspectors.
2. On which public transport can you take a bike for free
A. A peak time s-tog train.
B. A weekday regional train.
C. An off-peak metro train.
D. A weekend ferry.
3. What is the disadvantage of bringing a bike on a bus
A. Buses are too crowded.
B. It’s against the local custom.
C. Availability is not guaranteed.
D. It’s not welcomed by other passengers.
【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C
推理判断题。根据第一段“And today our focus is Travelling with a Bike. (今天我们的重点是骑自行车旅行。)”可推断,这篇文章可能是写给自行车旅行者。故选B。
细节理解题。根据BIKES ON THE TRAIN中的“Bicycles can be taken on s-tog lines for free but you can’t take bikes through N rreport station during peak hours. (自行车可以免费乘坐s-tog线,但在高峰时段不能通过N rreport站。)”可知,高峰时间s-tog列车上可以免费携带自行车。故选A。
细节理解题。根据BIKES ON THE BUS中的“You can bring a bike on a bus but each bus is limited to two bikes, even if there is much space. Generally, people do not travel with their bikes on buses in Copenhagen. (你可以带一辆自行车上公共汽车,但每辆公共汽车仅限于两辆自行车,即使有很大的空间。一般来说,在哥本哈根人们不携带自行车乘公共汽车。)”可知,在公共汽车上携带自行车不能得到保证。故选C。
An extremely rare manuscript(手稿) signed by English naturalist Charles Darwin is expected to fetch up to $790,00at a Sotheby’s auction next month. The document contains a passage from the famous 1859 work On the Origin of Species, in which Darwin put forth his theory of evolution.
The document was once thought to be a deserted page from an earlier manuscript of the work. But experts now understand it was written in 1865 and sent to the editor of the Autographic Mirror who had requested a signed writing sample from Darwin.
“While some of Darwin's notes and manuscript pages have survived over the last hundred or more years, he was known to keep revising his publications, often throwing away pages from working drafts as waste paper, making them extremely rare,” Sotheby's said in a statement.
On the Origin of Species was voted the most influential academic book of all time in a public poll held during Academic Book Week in 2015.The book offers Darwin's revolutionary idea that species evolve over generations in the process of natural selection.
Darwin backed up his theory with evidence collected during his 1831—1836 voyage on the H.M S. Beagle, during which he observed and collected specimens (标本) from a number of species. On the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador, Darwin noted that the finches(鸣雀)on the island were similar to finches on the mainland; however, the availability of different foods in each area had led to differences in beak shapes.
The manuscript will be placed on display at Sotheby's in New York between Nov.30 and Dec 8, and online bids will be accepted between Now.25 and Dec.8.The auction house estimates that the document will fetch between $600,000 and $790,000.
The auction, which is titled Age of Wonder, will also include a first edition of On the Origin of Species and a copy of scientific paper by Darwin and another naturalist.
4. What do we know about the manuscript
A. It’s a page of On the Origin of Species. B. It’s a draft of Darwin's scientific paper.
C. It’s a signed writing sample to an editor. D. It’s waste paper from Darwin's study.
5. What makes Darwin's On the Origin of Species the most influential academic book
A. His methods of research. B. His adventure on the sea.
C. The rare manuscript. D. His theory of evolution.
6. What does the underlined phrase “backed up” mean in Paragraph 5
A. supported B. explained C. declared D. created
7. What is the purpose of the auction
A. To put the manuscript on sale.
B. To display Darwin's works.
C. To vote the best academic books.
D. To release a new discovery.
【答案】4. C 5. D 6. A 7. A
细节理解题。根据第二段“But experts now understand it was written in 1865 and sent to the editor of the Autographic Mirror who had requested a signed writing sample from Darwin.(但专家们现在知道,这份手稿写于1865年,被寄给了《自传镜》的编辑,他曾向达尔文索要一份签名的写作样本。)”可知,这份手稿是一份给编辑的签名写作样本。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第四段“On the Origin of Species was voted the most influential academic book of all time in a public poll held during Academic Book Week in 2015.The book offers Darwin's revolutionary idea that species evolve over generations in the process of natural selection.(在2015年学术图书周期间举行公众投票中,《物种起源》被评为有史以来最具影响力的学术书籍。这本书提出了达尔文的革命性观点,即物种在自然选择的过程中经过几代人的进化。)”可知,达尔文的进化论使达尔文的《物种起源》成为最有影响力的学术著作。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据第五段“Darwin backed up his theory with evidence collected during his 1831—1836 voyage on the H.M S. Beagle, during which he observed and collected specimens (标本) from a number of species.(达尔文在1831-1836年乘坐英国皇家海军贝格尔号航行期间,观察并收集了许多物种的标本,以此来back up他的理论。)”可知,达尔文观察收集物种标本来支持自己的理论。划线词是support的意思。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第一段“An extremely rare manuscript(手稿) signed by English naturalist Charles Darwin is expected to fetch up to $790,00at a Sotheby's auction next month. (一份由英国博物学家查尔斯·达尔文签名的极其罕见的手稿预计将在下个月的苏富比拍卖会上拍出790000美元。)”可知,拍卖的目的是将手稿出售。故选A。
Bilinguals are smarter, says science. But the idea is relatively new. Up until the 1970s, most educators had believed that learning two languages at the same time would confuse children and slow their cognitive growth.
Science disagreed with these opinions, says Ellen Bialystok, a professor of psychology. The arrival of new technology in the 1970s allowed scientists a new way to investigate how different brains process language.
Bialystok has been researching the bilingual brain for decades. She firmly believes bilinguals aren’t smarter than the single-language learners, but bilingual brains differ in their use of executive function-a system that both helps the brain access particular regions or memories and allows a person to switch between tasks.
Contrary to media reports, executive function is not the same as intelligence, Bialystok adds. Even if the relationship between bilingualism and actual intelligence is unclear, executive function can help people do a lot of things that may make them seem smarter, such as doing more things at the same time and cancelling out things that take their attention away.
Many people believe that knowing at least one other language makes it easier to learn a new one, and cognitive function may play a part in that-the equivalent of good study habits for your brain. But Bialystok thinks cognitive function has less impact on language learners than the similarities between languages’ structure and vocabulary. “In learning those patterns, you can get a bit of a free ride in learning a new language,” she says. Despite the overall cognitive benefits, bilingualism may present some disadvantages. When children learn vocabulary, monolinguals can spend more time remembering words in one language, while bilinguals have to construct two different vocabularies.
“The biggest advantage in being bilingual is the same as having great international friends: It allows a person to understand a different way of thinking, with unique philosophies and assumptions about how others see the world,” Bialystok adds.
8. What did most educators think of children’s bilingualism before the 1970s
A. It surely made kids smarter. B. It could be a terrible experience.
C. It should be taught separately. D. It may promote cognitive growth.
9. What can make learning a new language easy according to Bialystok
A. Executive function. B. Cognitive function.
C. Similar language patterns. D. Good study habits.
10. What is Bialystok’s attitude toward bilingualism
A. Skeptical. B. Conservative. C. Tolerant. D. Objective.
11. Which could be the best title for the text
A. Are bilinguals really smarter B. Should kids learn another language
C. Why do bilinguals have an advantage D. What factors affect language learning
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A
推理判断题。根据第一段“Up until the 1970s, most educators had believed that learning two languages at the same time would confuse children and slow their cognitive growth.(直到20世纪70年代,大多数教育工作者都认为同时学习两种语言会让孩子感到困惑,减缓他们的认知发展)”可推知,20世纪70年代前,教育家认为学习双语是糟糕的经历。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第五段“But Bialystok thinks cognitive function has less impact on language learners than the similarities between languages’ structure and vocabulary.(但Bialystok认为,认知功能对语言学习者的影响不如语言结构和词汇之间的相似性大)”可知,Bialystok认为语言结构的相似性对于新语言的学习起到重要的作用。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第四段“Contrary to media reports, executive function is not the same as intelligence, Bialystok adds. Even if the relationship between bilingualism and actual intelligence is unclear, executive function can help people do a lot of things that may make them seem smarter, such as doing more things at the same time and cancelling out things that take their attention away.(Bialystok补充说,与媒体报道相反,执行功能并不等同于智力。尽管双语能力和实际智力之间的关系尚不清楚,但执行功能可以帮助人们做很多让他们看起来更聪明的事情,比如同时做更多的事情,消除分心的事情)”和最后一段““The biggest advantage in being bilingual is the same as having great international friends: It allows a person to understand a different way of thinking, with unique philosophies and assumptions about how others see the world,” Bialystok adds.( Bialystok补充说:“掌握双语的最大优势就像拥有伟大的国际朋友一样:它让一个人理解不同的思维方式,以及对他人如何看待世界的独特哲学和假设。”)”可推知,Bialystok对双语学习的态度是客观的、就事论事的。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“Bilinguals are smarter, says science. But the idea is relatively new. Up until the 1970s, most educators had believed that learning two languages at the same time would confuse children and slow their cognitive growth.(科学表明,双语者更聪明。但这个想法相对较新。直到20世纪70年代,大多数教育工作者都认为同时学习两种语言会让孩子感到困惑,减缓他们的认知发展)”以及第二段“Science disagreed with these opinions, says Ellen Bialystok, a professor of psychology. The arrival of new technology in the 1970s allowed scientists a new way to investigate how different brains process language.(心理学教授Ellen Bialystok说,科学不同意这些观点。20世纪70年代新技术的出现让科学家们有了新的方法来研究不同的大脑如何处理语言)”结合通读全文可知,文章主要探讨了双语学习能否使人变得更聪明这一话题。A选项“双语者真的更聪明吗?”最符合文章标题。故选A。
According to a study done by University of Michigan researchers, shopping to relieve stress was up to 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were three times less sad compared to those who only browsed for items.
More than half of the 1,000 consumers participating in the survey said they have impulsively (冲动地) shopped to deal with feelings of stress, anxiety or depression. Twenty-three percent of respondents said they’ve maxed out a credit card in the past year. Millennials, 68 percent, responded by saying they have stress spent in the past, compared with 53 percent of Gen Xers and only 26 percent of Baby Boomers.
By gender, 48 percent of men and 31 percent of women who have stress spent said they had purchased alcohol when stressed. 82 percent of women stress spent on clothing compared to 52 percent of men. Women also lead stress spending for jewelry, 42 percent, compared to 22 percent for men, with men stress spending more for electronics, 44 percent versus 30 percent for women.
In fact, shopping to reduce stress can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. Shopping to relieve stress is also known as retail therapy (疗法) as a form of regulating stress. The survey found that 82 percent had only positive feelings about their purchases and that the positive mood boost that followed those purchases was long-lasting.
However, the side effect of retail therapy, for many, can start out as a relatively harmless mood booster but could possibly grow into an impulse that uses up money and cause conflict, thereby adding a significant amount of stress to a person’s life.
12. What can we know about Millennials according to the survey
A. They tend to max out their credit cards.
B. They bear more stress than Baby Boomers.
C. They are more likely to purchase to reduce anxiety.
D. They have an advantage over Gen Xers in managing stress.
13. Which of the following has topped the list when people have stress spent
A. Alcohol. B. Clothing.
C. Jewelry. D. Electronics.
14. What can be learned about retail therapy dealing with stress
A. It is harmless. B. It is highly recommended.
C. It promotes personal relationship. D. It can serve as a temporary solution.
15. What is the best title for the text
A. Can Shopping Relieve Stress B. Where is Your Money Going
C. Shopping Habits across Generations D. A New Cure for Depression
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. D 15. A
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Millennials, 68 percent, responded by saying they have stress spent in the past, compared with 53 percent of Gen Xers and only 26 percent of Baby Boomers.”(68%的千禧一代回应说,他们过去有过冲动消费,相比之下,X世代和婴儿潮一代分别只有53%和26%的人会通过购物减压)”可知,千禧一代更有可能通过购物来减少焦虑。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“By gender, 48 percent of men and 31 percent of women who have stress spent said they had purchased alcohol when stressed. 82 percent of women stress spent on clothing compared to 52 percent of men. Women also lead stress spending for jewelry, 42 percent, compared to 22 percent for men, with men stress spending more for electronics, 44 percent versus 30 percent for women. (从性别来看,48%的男性和31%的女性冲动消费者表示,在压力大的时候会选择买酒;82%的女性和52%的男性选择买衣服;42%的女性和22%的男性选择买珠宝;而44%的男性和30%的女性选择买电子产品)”可知,当人们承受压力时,无论男性还是女性,选择买衣服是最常见的减压方式。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“However, the side effect of retail therapy, for many, can start out as a relatively harmless mood booster but could possibly grow into an impulse that uses up money and cause conflict, thereby adding a significant amount of stress to a person’s life.”(然而,对许多人来说,购物疗法的副作用可能是一种相对无害的情绪助剂,但可能会发展成一种冲动,耗尽金钱,引发冲突,从而给一个人的生活增加了大量的压力)”可推知, 购物疗法最终可能会带来更大的压力,所有它只能作为一个临时的解决方案。故选D项。
主旨大意题。通读全文,结合文章第一段“According to a study done by University of Michigan researchers, shopping to relieve stress was up to 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and shoppers were three times less sad compared to those who only browsed for items. (根据密歇根大学的研究人员所做的一项研究,与那些只浏览商品的人相比,通过购物来缓解压力给人的控制感要有效40倍,购物者的悲伤程度要低3倍)”、第四段中“In fact, shopping to reduce stress can actually help you live a healthier life by making sure that your blood pressure is lowered. (事实上,通过购物来减压实际上可以帮助你过上更健康的生活,确保你的血压降低)”和最后一段中“However, the side effect of retail therapy, for many, can start out as a relatively harmless mood booster but could possibly grow into an impulse that uses up money and cause conflict, thereby adding a significant amount of stress to a person’s life.” (然而,对许多人来说,购物疗法的副作用可能是一种相对无害的情绪助剂,但可能会发展成一种冲动,耗尽金钱,引发冲突,从而给一个人的生活增加了大量的压力)”可知,本文介绍了密西根大学关于购物减压的研究。研究发现购物确实能缓解压力,但它也可能会带来更大的压力。所有“Can Shopping Relieve Stress (购物能缓解压力吗 )”是研究的话题,也是文章最佳标题。故选 A项。
There’s a lot to cope with when you go off to university. ____16____ For most students, a completely new environment is waiting to be explored.
We recently drove our daughter Evie 150 miles to start life as a fresher. It was a struggle to find the car park, let alone explore the huge campus. Although we knew she had flatmates and phone apps to get her to fit in, the challenge ahead was clear—to find her way in an unfamiliar world. ____17____
In a recent study, volunteers walked around a virtual forest environment. Then some of them took the same walk again, while others explored a different forest.___18___ According to the researchers, that was because exploring the new environment stimulated their dopamine (多巴胺) system—setting up their brains for memorizing things. Thus, they scored higher.
So leaving home to study makes perfect sense. ____19____ But we may all be able to gain some of the benefits, even if it’s just by stimulating our senses and challenging our thinking skills. Here are three things to try:
◆ Go somewhere new to tackle an upcoming learning task—like memorizing a speech in the library or revising for an exam in a park—and take an unfamiliar route to get there.
◆ ____20____To warm yourself up for learning, picture a city you know well, but imagine you’re tapped in a part of it that you’ve never visited. Then try to visualize exactly how you’ll get out.
◆ Play video games that get you moving through new landscapes. Then see whether it improves your success with other learning tasks, like practising a dance or mastering phrases for a foreign trip.
A. Get lost in your imagination.
B. Prepare yourself for a city tour.
C. But exploring places as such is beneficial to memory.
D. People prove to be more adaptable after new experience.
E. The latter group performed better in memory tests straight after.
F There are new friends to meet and new responsibilities to accept.
G. Young minds seem to gain most from being in strange surroundings.
【答案】16. F 17. C 18. E 19. G 20. A
根据上一句“There’s a lot to cope with when you go off to university.”(当你离开家去上大学时,有很多事情要处理。),选项F. There are new friends to meet and new responsibilities to accept. (有新朋友要认识,有新的责任要承担。)补充说明了离开家去上大学时会面对的情况,与上一句是并列递进关系,承接上文,衔接合理。故选F。
根据前文“It was a struggle to find the car park, let alone explore the huge campus.”(找到停车场都很困难,更不用说探索这个巨大的校园了。)和“Although we knew she had flatmates and phone apps to get her to fit in, the challenge ahead was clear—to find her way in an unfamiliar world. ”(虽然我们知道她有室友和手机应用程序让她适应环境,但前方的挑战很明显——在一个陌生的世界里找到自己的路。)可知,前文表达了目前主要的挑战是适应新环境,而不是探索校园;但根据第三段“According to the researchers, that was because exploring the new environment stimulated their dopamine (多巴胺) system—setting up their brains for memorizing things. ”(根据研究人员的说法,这是因为探索新环境刺激了他们的多巴胺系统—建立他们的大脑来记忆东西。)可知,探索新环境对大脑记忆是有好处的,所以选项C. But exploring places as such is beneficial to memory.(但探索这样的地方对记忆是有益的。)与前文有转折关系,合理引出了下文,符合语境。故选C。
根据上一句“Then some of them took the same walk again, while others explored a different forest”(于是,他们中的一些人又走了一次同样的路,而另一些人则探索了另一片不同的森林)可知,前组的成员走的老路,后组的成员探索了新路;结合下一句“According to the researchers, that was because exploring the new environment stimulated their dopamine (多巴胺) system—setting up their brains for memorizing things. Thus, they scored higher.”(根据研究人员的说法,这是因为探索新环境刺激了他们的多巴胺系统—建立他们的大脑来记忆东西。因此,他们的得分更高。)可知,后组的成员在大脑记忆方面的测试得分更高,表现更好,与选项E. The latter group performed better in memory tests straight after.(后一组在接下来的记忆测试中表现更好。)句意相符,下一句是对选项E的具体解释。故选E。
根据下一句“But we may all be able to gain some of the benefits, even if it’s just by stimulating our senses and challenging our thinking skills.”(但我们也许都能从中获益,即使只是通过刺激我们的感官和挑战我们的思维能力。)中的“But”和“all”和句意可知,空处应该是指某一部分人会从中获益,选项G. Young minds seem to gain most from being in strange surroundings.(年轻人似乎从陌生的环境中获益最多。)表达了这层含义,与下文衔接合理。故选G。
空处为段落主题句,根据最后两段可知,应该为祈使句,故答案选自A或B;根据下一句“To warm yourself up for learning, picture a city you know well, but imagine you’re tapped in a part of it that you’ve never visited.”(为了给自己的学习热身,想象一个你熟悉的城市,但想象你身处其中一个你从未去过的地方。)可知,本段主要讲述要善于想象;选项A. Get lost in your imagination.(沉浸在你的想象中。)与其语意相符,符合语境。故选A。
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
Misty Copeland spends most days twisting, spinning and ___21___. She practices and ___22___ the graceful movements of her art. When she isn’t performing she is practicing. When she isn’t practicing, she is stretching. She takes classes almost every day. She takes care of her body so she doesn’t ___23___ it when she goes to work in a ballet theatre.
“I treat my body with the respect that any musician would to their ___24___.” says Misty. “I love my body,” she adds.
Was she ___25___ confident Actually, she was a ___26___ girl and avoided the spotlight. But Misty loved music and movement. When she was thirteen, Misty’s teacher suggested she ___27___ a free ballet class at the Boys&Girls Club. For two weeks, Misty sat on the gym bench watching the class, afraid to ___28___. Finally, she gave it a ___29___. At first, she felt ____30____in the class. She didn’t know anything about ballet, and she was ____31____ than most of the students. Over time, ____32____, she began to enjoy the lessons. She discovered that her body — especially her long legs and flexible muscles — was just ____33____ for ballet. After the class season ended, Misty received a scholarship to a nearby dance studio. Most ballerinas (女舞者) start their training much younger than thirteen. But Misty’s natural abilities and hard work made her improve quickly.
Over the next five years, ballet was Misty’s ____34____. She practiced, performed, competed and attended ballet programs. “Performing was my favourite part because I felt ____35____ and open onstage,” she says. “For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged.”
21. A. wandering B. leaping C. exercising D. dancing
22. A. perfects B. conquers C. examines D. describes
23. A. hurt B. injure C. spoil D. abuse
24. A. appearance B. voice C. techniques D. instruments
25. A. found B. made C. born D. trained
26. A. humble B. quiet C. cautious D. shy
27. A. attend B. register C. learn D. watch
28. A. stand up B. catch up C. cut in D. join in
29. A. rest B. chance C. try D. thought
30. A. out of place B. out of order C. out of mind D. out of control
31. A. younger B. older C. taller D. shorter
32. A. meanwhile B. however C. moreover D. thus
33. A. ready B. good C. right D. qualified
34. A. life B. major C. prospect D. stage
35. A. improved B. calm C. free D. secure
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Misty Copeland的芭蕾舞团梦之旅,除了天赋以外,她的刻苦努力也是成功的一个重要因素之一。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:Misty Copeland大部分时间都在扭动、旋转和跳跃。A. wandering流浪;B. leaping跳跃;C. exercising锻炼;D. dancing跳舞。根据下文“She takes care of her body so she doesn’t ___3___ it when she goes to work in a ballet theatre.”可知,Misty Copeland在努力练习舞蹈,此处指扭动、旋转和跳跃。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她练习和完善她的艺术优美的动作。A. perfects完善;B. conquers征服;C. examines检查;D. describes描述。根据下文“When she isn’t performing she is practicing. When she isn’t practicing, she is stretching. She takes classes almost every day.”及常识可知,Misty Copeland不断地练习,是为了完善自己的舞蹈动作。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她很注意自己的身体,以免在去芭蕾舞剧院工作时伤害到自己的身体。A. hurt伤害;B. injure使受伤;C. spoil破坏;D. abuse滥用。根据上文“She takes care of her body”可知,她很注意自己的身体,是为了避免伤害到自己的身体。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我对待我的身体就像任何音乐家对待他们的乐器一样。”Misty说。A. appearance外观;B. voice声音;C. techniques技术;D. instruments乐器。根据上文“musician”可知,此处指音乐家们的乐器。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她天生自信吗?A. found发现;B. made制造;C. born出生;D. trained培训。根据下文“Actually, she was a ___6___ girl and avoided the spotlight.”可知,此处在问她天生就自信吗。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实上,她是一个害羞的女孩,回避聚光灯。A. humble谦逊的;B. quiet安静的;C. cautious谨慎的;D. shy害羞的。根据下文“avoided the spotlight”可知,事实上,她是一个害羞的女孩。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:13岁时,Misty的老师建议她参加男孩女孩俱乐部的免费芭蕾课。A. attend参加;B. register登记;C. learn学习;D. watch观看。根据下文“a free ballet class at the Boys&Girls Club”可知,此处指参加课程。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:整整两个星期,Misty都坐在体育馆的长凳上看这门课,不敢加入其中。A. stand up起立;B. catch up追赶; C. cut in切入;D. join in加入。根据上文“For two weeks, Misty sat on the gym bench watching the class”可知,Misty仅仅是观看,不敢加入其中。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后,她试了一下。A. rest休息;B. chance机会;C. try尝试;D. thought思想。根据上文“For two weeks, Misty sat on the gym bench watching the class”和下文“At first, she felt ___10___in the class.”可知,最后,她试了一下。故选C。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:一开始,她觉得在班里格格不入。A. out of place格格不入;B. out of order发生故障;C. out of mind心不在焉;D. out of control失控。根据下文“She didn’t know anything about ballet”可知,她对芭蕾一无所知,所以感到格格不入。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她对芭蕾一无所知,而且她比大多数学生都大。A. younger更年轻的;B. older年龄更大的;C. taller更高的;D. shorter更短的。根据下文“Most ballerinas (女舞者) start their training much younger than thirteen.”可知,大多数芭蕾舞演员在13岁之前就开始训练了,她13岁才参加训练,所以她比大多数学生都大。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,随着时间的推移,她开始喜欢上这些课程了。A. meanwhile同时;B. however然而;C. moreover此外;D. thus因此。根据上文“At first, she felt ___10___in the class. She didn’t know anything about ballet”及下文“she began to enjoy the lessons”可知,前后句意存在转折关系,应用转折副词。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她发现她的身体——尤其是她的长腿和灵活的肌肉——正好适合跳芭蕾。A. ready准备就绪的;B. good好的;C. right合适的;D. qualified合格的。根据下文“especially her long legs and flexible muscles”及“After the class season ended, Misty received a scholarship to a nearby dance studio.”可知,她发现她的身体正好适合跳芭蕾。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的五年里,芭蕾是Misty的生活。A. life生活;B. major专业;C. prospect前景;D. stage阶段。根据下文“She practiced, performed, competed and attended ballet programs.”及“For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged.”可知,此处指芭蕾已成为Misty的生活。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“表演是我最喜欢的部分,因为我在台上感到自由和开放,”她说。A. improved改进过的;B. calm平静的;C. free自由的;D. secure安全的。根据下文“For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged.”可知,她在台上感到自由和开放。故选C。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
In a first of ____36____ (it) kind in China, Shenzhen, a city that pioneered reform and opening-up in China, will allow fully autonomous vehicles ____37____ (run) on roads in certain areas without human control equipment. ____38____ city in Guangdong province revealed a new regulation tailored for smart connected vehicle management in China, which is scheduled to come into force on August 1.
The new regulation, which is set to fill the legal gap for domestic intelligent connected vehicles, said automakers don’t ____39____ (necessary) have to equip fully autonomous vehicles with manual driving mode and corresponding (相应的) devices, and nor do they have to have human drivers.
But such fully autonomous vehicles can only drive on certain roads and sections ____40____ (select) by Shenzhen’s traffic management department, according to the regulation, which was published on the official website of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress.
The regulation classified autonomous vehicles ____41____ three types: conditionally autonomous driving, highly autonomous driving, and fully autonomous driving. Conditionally autonomous and highly autonomous vehicles must have manual driving modes and corresponding devices, and ____42____ (equip) with drivers.
Meanwhile, the regulation ____43____ (clarify) rules for responsibilities and auto insurance coverage in the event of car accidents ____44____ involve autonomous driving, which is expected to promote the fast _____45_____ (develop) of self-driving vehicles.
【答案】36. its
37. to run 38. The
39. necessarily
40. selected
41. into 42. be equipped
43. clarified
44. that##which
45. development
考查非谓语动词。句意:作为中国改革开放的先驱城市,深圳将允许全自动驾驶汽车在特定区域的道路上行驶,无需人工控制设备。短语allow sb./sth. to do sth意为“允许某人或某物做某事”,此处动词不定式作宾语补足语。故填to run。
考查副词。句意:新规将填补国内智能联网汽车的法律空白,称汽车制造商不必为完全自动驾驶汽车配备手动驾驶模式和相应设备,也不必有人类司机。此处修饰动词短语have to应用副词necessarily。故填necessarily。
考查非谓语动词。句意:根据深圳市人大官网公布的这项规定,这种全自动驾驶车辆只能在深圳市交通管理部门选定的特定道路和路段行驶。分析句子成分可知,此处填非谓语动词,动词select与其逻辑主语certain roads and sections存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处用所给动词的过去分词作后置定语。故填selected。
考查被动语态。句意:有条件自动驾驶和高度自动驾驶的车辆必须有手动驾驶模式和相应的装置,并配备驾驶员。动词equip与主语Conditionally autonomous and highly autonomous vehicles存在动宾关系,又因为前面有情态动词must,故填be equipped。
考查定语从句。句意:同时,该规定明确了涉及自动驾驶的交通事故的责任和车险范围,这有望推动自动驾驶汽车的快速发展。分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是一个限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词是car accidents,故此处用关系代词that/which。故填that/which。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你和几位英文爱好者在互联网上建立了一个名叫EasyEnglish的英语学习网站。请你在校英文报上写一篇短文,向你校学生介绍这个网站。要点如下:
EasyEnglish Is Waiting for You
【答案】one possible version:
EasyEnglish Is Waiting for You
As everyone highlights the importance of English, we have founded this website — www. — to boost your taste for English learning.
Various English materials are available here, like English exercises, foreign cultures, English novels, etc. And you can also enjoy chatting in English to improve your oral English. Furthermore, if you’d like to compare notes on your English writings and learning experiences, this website is a good choice. Meanwhile, your English can get improved by corrections from others.
Hopefully our website can be beneficial to your English study. Everyone is welcome to our website and your advice for any improvement will be greatly appreciated.
【详解】1. 词汇积累
各种各样的:various→all kinds of
2. 句式拓展
原句:Various English materials are available here, like English exercises, foreign cultures, English novels, etc.
拓展句:Various English materials, which include English exercises, foreign cultures, English novels, etc. are available here.
【点睛】[高分句型1]As everyone highlights the importance of English, we have founded this website — www. — to boost your taste for English learning. (运用了as引导的原因状语从句)
[高分句型2]Furthermore, if you’d like to compare notes on your English writings and learning experiences, this website is a good choice. (运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
第二节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
I love to play the piano and I greatly enjoy performing my songs, so when the annual winter recital (音乐演奏会) was canceled, I was disappointed. I had looked forward to it for a long time and had already prepared two of my best songs.
My mom had a wonderful idea, however, to turn this disappointing thing into something worthwhile. “You can perform your songs at Carriage House Senior Living,” my mom suggested brightly. “I’m sure the seniors there who do not have families to visit them that often, would really appreciate the music and you could play more than just two songs.”
I immediately thought this was a great idea. One of the things I did not like about the recitals was that I was limited to playing just a couple of songs. Playing the piano at Carriage House seemed like a win-win situation because not only could I play more songs, but I would also have the chance to cheer up the residents there with some lively tunes.
My mom called Carriage House and made arrangements for me to perform. In the coming including many old classics.
When the exciting day finally arrived, my family and I drove to Carriage House. Walking through the enormous double doors, we stepped into an entryway that overlooked the spacious grand dining room. Right at the entrance to the dining room stood the piano as if it were just waiting to make some music to liven the place up a bit. At nearly every table several gray-haired women or men were seated enjoying their dinner and the company that the crowded room provided. Despite the conversations going on at various tables, isolation hung like a dark cloud in the room.
Almost immediately, we were greeted by an old woman with a walker who introduced herself as Phyllis in charge of Carriage House. She welcomed me and led me to the stage.
As I sat down on the bench, I pressed a key on the piano and was surprised to hear no sound.
Nervousness melted away and I started to enjoy the performance with the old.
【答案】As I sat down on the bench, I pressed a key on the piano and was surprised to hear no sound. Feeling as if the whole world was watching me, I was struck dead with embarrassment. How could I perform the song without the piano I was on pins and needles when Phyllis slowly made her way to the front of the crowd of dinners and announced in a comforting tone, “This girl has come to sing for us but the piano seems to be a little nervous.” Almost immediately, there was scattered applause and several people stepped forward to help me plug in the piano and set the microphone. With everything ready, I took a deep breath and commenced my performance.
Nervousness melted away and I started to enjoy the performance with the old. One woman got up and began to animatedly dance in the room. Some of the people swayed in their chairs to the beat of the music while others tapped theirs toes. The performance ended up with a storm of applause from the crowd. I realized that it was far better than a piano recital because almost everyone seemed to truly appreciate my music and I’ m proud that I have the power to spread kindness to them. It ended up being a blessing in disguise that the recital was canceled, leading to me sharing the gift of music with those who needed it most.
①.深呼吸:took a deep breath/ breathed deeply
③.拒绝:shake his head/decline/refuse politely
①.尴尬地:with embarrassment/embarrassedly
②.紧张的:nervous/on pins and needles/on edge
【点睛】[高分句型1]. I was on pins and needles when Phyllis slowly made her way to the front of the crowd of dinners and announced in a comforting tone, “This girl has come to sing for us but the piano seems to be a little nervous.”(由连词when引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]. I realized that it was far better than a piano recital because almost everyone seemed to truly appreciate my music and I’ m proud that I have the power to spread kindness to them.(由连词that引导的宾语从句,because引导的原因状语从句)



