期末专题复习--翻译(含答案) 人教版英语八年级上册

期末专题复习--翻译(含答案) 人教版英语八年级上册
1.Stop riding in cars.
2.I gave away my bike to a children’s home.
3.Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up.
4.Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday December 20.
5.Ask the teacher for it.
6.Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke.
7.Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.
8.My aunt promised me a bag.
9.I look forward to hearing from you.
10.Hamburgers are a kind of junk food and I never eat them.
11.First, cut up the vegetables. Next, put them into a pot and then add some water.(译成汉语〉
12.When they get older, they will have to do housework so there is no need for them to do it now.(译成汉语)
13.I used to be able to see stars in the sky.
14.As long as we work hard together, our China dream is sure to come true.
15.Where did you go on vacation (翻译成汉语)
16.Call me at 374-3435.
17.Our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.
18.In order to improve my English, I read every day.
19.She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.
20.Mulan dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army.
21.Mr. Li is one of the most talented teachers in our school.
22.As I was waiting in line with the other office workers, I heard a loud sound.
23.Ask children not to stand close to the pool.
24.As long as we work hard together, our China dream is sure to come true.
25.Is he Uncle Bob’s friend
26.How do you like it so far
27.Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don’t use a flash
28.For Chinese, one of the biggest events of 2022 will be the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.(译成汉语)
29.Unless we talk to someone, we will certainly feel worse.
32.今晚凯莉(Kelly)不想工作到很晚。 (feel like)
38.过去这儿的街道很脏,但是自从我们几年前来到这里后,它改善了很多。(used to)
39. (句子翻译)
40.只要他有时间他就在公园散步 (as long as)
41.她的书包和我的不一样 (be different from)
42.我的短裙和你的一样。 (the same as)
43.事实上,我们语文老师很严格。(in fact)
44.我堂弟和我叔叔很相像。(be similar to)
48.你的新书什么时候出版?(come out)
54.在1990年,以安全起见它向公众关闭了。(public, for safety reasons) (汉译英)
57.— 你认为调幅970怎么样?
— 我认为调幅970相当糟糕,它有最糟糕的音乐。
【详解】分析句子成分可知本句为祈使句的肯定式。stop doing sth:停止做某事;ride in cars:乘坐汽车。故填:不要乘坐汽车。
【详解】 gave away表示“捐赠”;my bike表示“我的自行车”;to表示“给”;a children’s home表示“一个儿童之家”。结合汉语的表达习惯,故填:我把我的自行车送给了一个儿童之家。
【详解】Everyone in this town:镇上的每个人,in this town作后置定语,修饰主语;should:应该; play a part in:应该参与,固定搭配;clean it up:清理,固定搭配。故填“镇上的每个人都应该参与清理工作。”
【详解】本句为祈使句,reply to this invitation“回复这个邀请函”,in wrting“用书面形式”,by Friday“星期五前”,December 20“12月20号”。故填:请在12月20号,星期五之前回复邀请函。
【详解】ask sb for sth“向某人要某物”,teacher“老师”;it“它”,故填:向老师要它。
【详解】Teenagers青少年,should not do sth不应该做某事,be allowed to do sth被允许做某事,smoke吸烟。故填:青少年不应该被允许吸烟。
Sharing a problem意为“分享一个问题”,is like意为“像”,cutting it in half意为“把它分成两半”,故填分享一个问题就像把它分成两半。
【详解】My aunt我姑姑,promised me a bag答应给我一个包。故填:我姑姑答应给我一个包。
【详解】look forward to doing sth期待做某事,hear from sb收到某人的来信,故此处为:我期待收到你的来信。
【详解】Hamburgers:汉堡包;are:是; a kind of;一种;junk food:垃圾食品;and:和;I:我; never:从不;eat:吃;them:它们。故填:汉堡是一种垃圾食品,我从不吃它们。
【详解】First“首先”,表顺序,cut up“切碎”,动词短语,the vegetables“蔬菜”;Next“接下来”,put them into a pot“把它们放进锅里”,and then“然后”,add“添加”,some water“一些水”。故填:先把蔬菜切碎。接下来,把它们放进锅里,然后加入一些水。
【详解】When当……时;they get older他们长大;they他们;will have to将不得不;do housework做家务;so所以;there is no need for them to do it now他们现在没有必要做。故填:当他们长大后,他们将不得不做家务,所以他们现在没有必要做。
【详解】I我;used to曾经……,过去……;used to后接动词原形;be able to do sth.能够做某事;see stars看到星星;in the sky在天上;stars in the sky天上的星星。故填:我过去能看到天上的星星。
【详解】根据题干As long as we work hard together, our China dream is sure to come true.可知,As long as只要,引导条件状语从句,work hard together一起努力;our China dream我们的中国梦,be sure一定,come true实现,故答案为只要我们一起努力,我们的中国梦就一定会实现。
【详解】where哪里,疑问副词;did助动词,无实义;you你,人称代词,作主语;go on vacation去度假,动词短语,作谓语。故填:你去哪里度假了?
【详解】“call sb. at+电话号码”是固定搭配,意为“拨打……联系某人”。“me”译作“我”,作宾语。故填:拨打374-3435联系我。
【详解】Our actions:我们的行动;can:可以,能够,后加动词原形;make a difference:产生影响,固定搭配;lead to:导致;a better future:更美好的未来。故填“我们的行动可以产生影响,带来更美好的未来。”
【详解】In order to“为了”,表目的;improve my English“提高我的英语水平”;I“我”,作主语;read“阅读”,作谓语;every day“每天”,作时间状语。故填:为了提高我的英语水平,我每天都阅读。
【详解】hepl sb. to do sth.:帮助某人做某事;work out the answers:算出答案;yourself:反身代词,你自己; no matter how:无论如何;they were difficult:它们难。根据英文提示可知,“no matter how”引导让步状语从句。故填“无论它们有多难,她都能帮助你自己算出答案。”
【详解】dress up打扮;like a boy像一个男孩;and和,连接并列结构;take one's place替代某人的位置;her father她的父亲;fight打仗;in the army在军队里。本句用不定式表目的,根据句意结构,故填:木兰乔装打扮成男孩,替父从军。
【详解】Mr. Li李老师;one of the most talented teachers最有才能的老师之一;in our school在我们学校。故填:李老师是我们学校最有才能的教师之一。
【详解】句中As意为“当……时候”,引导时间状语从句;wait in line排队等候;other office workers其他办公室职员;heard听到;a loud sound巨响。故填:正当我和其他办公室职员排队等候时,我听到一声巨响。
【详解】ask sb. not to do sth.“不要让某人做某事”;children“孩子们”;stand“站着”;close to“靠近;接近”;the pool“水池”。故答案为:不要让孩子们靠近水池站着。
【详解】句中As long as引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”;we“我们”;work hard together“一起努力”;our China dream“我们的中国梦”;is sure to“一定”;come true“实现”。故填:只要我们一起努力,我们的中国梦就一定会实现。
【详解】本句是be动词Is引导的一般疑问句,he翻译为“他”;is翻译为“是”;Uncle Bob’s friend“鲍勃叔叔的朋友”。故填:他是鲍勃叔叔的朋友吗?
【详解】how为特殊疑问词,意为 “怎么样”,How do you like it意为 “你觉得它怎么样”,so far意为 “到目前为止”,作句子的时间状语。故填:到目前为止你觉得怎么样?
【详解】Do you think你认为;we我们;may可以;be allowed to take photos被允许去拍照;if如果;we我们;don’t use a flash不用闪光灯。故填:你认为如果我们不用闪光灯的话,我们可以拍照吗?
【详解】For Chinese译为“对中国人来说”;one of the biggest events of 2022译为“2022年最大的赛事之一”;will be译为“将是”; the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games译为“北京2022年冬奥会”。故填:对中国人来说,2022年最大的赛事之一将是北京2022年冬奥会。
【详解】句中Unless是引导的条件状语从句,意为“如果不,除非”;talk to someone“与某人交谈,与别人交流”;we will“我将(会)……”; certainly“肯定”; feel worse“感觉更糟”。故填“如果我们不和别人说话,我们肯定会感觉更糟。”
30.I think it/it’s difficult to work out the maths problem in such a short time.
【详解】根据题干所给中文可知,此处考查it的固定句式:It’s+adj.+ to do sth.“做某事是……的”,且此处要与I think结合使用,作think的宾语从句,it在句中作形式主语;若不用从句,也可用it作think的形式宾语,to do不定式作宾语补足语,构成think it+adj.+to do sth.;同时考查短语work out“做出,算出”以及单词such“如此,这样”的应用,后加名词短语。故填I think it/it’s difficult to work out the maths problem in such a short time.
31.What fresh air (it is)!
【详解】句子是感叹句,中心词是不可数名词air“空气”,用感叹句结构What adj. n.+(主谓),新鲜的:fresh;主语用it,句子用一般现在时,be动词用is。故填What fresh air (it is)!
32.Kelly doesn’t feel like working very late tonight.
【详解】今晚凯莉(Kelly)不想工作到很晚。根据feel like doing sth喜欢做某事;故答案是 Kelly doesn't feel like working very late tonight.
33.Although the pollution is very serious now, I don’t think it’s hopeless.
【详解】根据“现在”可知用一般现在时。尽管although,引导让步状语从句;污染the pollution,其后用be动词is;很严重very serious;现在now;我I;不认为don’t think;it作形式主语;是is;没有希望的hopeless。故填Although the pollution is very serious now, I don’t think it’s hopeless.
34.If you are free, please call me
【详解】if“如果”;be free“有空”;please“请”;call me“给我打电话”。if引导的条件句,主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在时,从句主语是you“你”,be用are。故填If you are free, please call me。
35.He has been to many countries such as England and France
【详解】根据标点符号可知,该句为陈述句。he他,many countries许多国家,such as例如,England and France英国和法国。根据语境可知,句子应用现在完成时,have been to意为“曾经到过某地”,且主语为he,故have应用第三人称单数形式。故填He has been to many countries such as England and France。
36.Autumn is a busy season. Farmers are busy harvesting crops.
【详解】秋天autumn,作主语,其后接be动词is表示“是”;一个繁忙的季节a busy season;农民们farmers;忙于做某事be busy doing sth.,主语farmers是复数,be动词用are;收获庄稼harvest crops。句子开头首字母大写。故填Autumn is a busy season. Farmers are busy harvesting crops.
37.He learned so quickly that his father was very surprised.
【详解】根据汉意可知,时态为一般过去时,动词要用过去式;他“he”,作主语;学习“learned”,作谓语;快地“quickly”,副词修饰动词;如此……以至于……“so ... that ...”,that后接结果状语从句;他的爸爸“his father”,作从句主语;系动词为was;很意外“very surprised”,作从句表语。故填He learned so quickly that his father was very surprised.
38.The street here used to be dirty, but it has improved a lot since we came here a few years ago.
【详解】过去这儿的街道很脏the street here used to be dirty,句子是过去时,表达过去的事情;但是but,表示转折;自从我们几年前来到这里后since we came here a few years ago;它改善了很多it has improved a lot,此处是since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时,从句用一般过去时;故填The street here used to be dirty, but it has improved a lot since we came here a few years ago.
39.I studied until midnight last night so I didn’t get enough sleep.
【详解】我:I;昨晚:last night;学习到半夜:study until midnight;所以:so;睡眠不足not get enough sleep;根据“昨晚”可知,此句应用一般过去时,谓语动词study要用过去式,助动词要用did。故填I studied until midnight last night so I didn’t get enough sleep.
40.He walks in the park as long as he has time. 41.Her schoolbag is different from mine. 42.My skirt is the same as yours. 43.In fact, our Chinese teacher is very strict. 44.My cousin is similar to my uncle.
【解析】40.as long as当“只要”讲,引导条件状语从句,时态为一般现在时,因为主语是he,注意动词用三单形式,故答案为He walks in the park as long as he has time.
41.be different from与……不同,主语是her schoolbag,注意from后要用名词性物主代词mine,相当于my schoolbag,故答案为Her schoolbag is different from mine.
42.be the same as与……一样,as后要用名词性物主代词yours,相当于your skirt,故答案为My skirt is the same as yours.
43.in fact事实上,实际上,常放于句子的开头,用逗号隔开;strict严格的,严厉的,此处放在be后作表语,故答案为In fact, our Chinese teacher is very strict.
44.be similar to意思是“与……相似”,时态为一般现在时态,主语是第三人称单数形式,be要用is,故答案为My cousin is similar to my uncle.
45.Thanks for telling me. No problem.
【详解】动词短语thanks for:为……而感谢/因……而感谢,后接名词或动名词;tell:告诉,动词;me我,人称代词宾格,作宾语。No problem可用来回答感谢,译作“别客气”。故填Thanks for telling me. No problem.。
46.People will live to be more than/over 100 years old.
【详解】根据句意可知,这句话说的是将来的事情,应用一般将来时,主语为People,live活;more than与over同义,表示超过…。
47.I will do more exercise every day and I hope some day I’ll be able to take part in the Olympic Games.
【详解】do more exercise“多锻炼”;every day“每天”;hope“希望”;some day“有一天”;be able to do sth“能够做某事”;take part in“参加”;Olympic Games“奥运会”,and连接两个并列句,前半句用一般将来时will do的结构;后半句是宾语从句,主句用一般现在时,从句用一般将来时will do的结构,故填I will do more exercise every day and I hope some day I’ll be able to take part in the Olympic Games.
48.When will your new book come out
【详解】根据中英文提示可知,此处应用when引导特殊疑问句,询问时间。时态是一般将来时,结构是will do。your“你的”,物主代词;new“新的”,作定语修饰名词book;come out“出版”,动词短语。故填When will your new book come out
49.Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles
【详解】根据所给汉语意思可知,句子是there be句型的一般疑问句,vegetables“蔬菜”是可数名词复数,所以be动词用are,句子是疑问句,所以用any修饰vegetables,in the beef noodles“牛肉面”,故填Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles
50.Don't look out of the window and listen to the teacher carefully.
【详解】向外看look out of ;窗户the window;仔细carefully;听人讲话listen to sb.;老师the teacher。根据句意可知,本句是并列复合句,前后是并列关系,需用and连接。两个分句都是祈使句,动词需用原形;但前半句是否定祈使句,句首需用Don't。根据句意结构,故填Don't look out of the window and listen to the teacher carefully.
51.Everyone needs vitamins to keep healthy.
【详解】everyone“每个人”,need“需要”,vitamins“维生素”,to keep healthy“来保持健康”。时态是一般现在时,主语是不定代词,动词用三单,使用动词不定式作目的状语。故填Everyone needs vitamins to keep healthy.
52.When you do DIY, you make, repair things or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it
【详解】做DIY:do DIY;而不是做某事:instead of doing sth.;花钱雇人做某事:pay someone to do sth:你亲自制作物品、修理物品或者装饰物品:you make, repair things or decorate things yourself。结合语境可知,此题是when引导的时间状语从句,且时态为一般现在时,主语you,第二人称,主句谓语动词用原形即可。故填When you do DIY, you make, repair things or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it.
53.I will wait till(until)seven o’clock.
【详解】until / till到……为止,后跟时间状语,意思是“截止到某个时间为止”,谓语动词必须是延续性动词,表示动作一直持续到某个特定的时间,句子的时态为一般将来时。答案为I will wait till(until)seven o’clock.
54.In 1990, it closed to public for safety reasons.
【详解】根据汉语句子可知时态用一般过去时。在1990年:in 1990,作时间状语;它:it,作主语;向公众关闭了:closed to public,谓语动词用过去式closed;以安全起见:for safety reasons。故填In 1990, it closed to public for safety reasons.
55.The storm broke many things apart.
【详解】考查汉译英。根据句意可知要用一般过去时。“这场暴风雨”译为“the storm”;“摧毁”译为“break sth. apart”;“许多东西”译为“many things”。事情已经发生,用一般过去时,break的过去式是broke。故答案为:The storm broke many things apart.
56.How much does this brown jacket cost
【详解】how much“多少钱”,引导特殊疑问句,结构为“How much+助动词+主语+动词原形+其他”;句子时态是一般现在时,且主语是单数,助动词用does;this brown jacket“这件棕色的夹克”;cost“花费”。故填How much does this brown jacket cost
57.What do you think of 970AM
I think 970AM is pretty bad. It has the worst music.
【详解】第一个句子,主要考查句型What do you think of…?“你认为……怎么样?”的用法,调幅970:970AM,“你认为调幅970怎么样?”翻译为What do you think of 970AM ;第二个句子,我认为:I think,相当糟糕:be pretty bad,最糟糕的音乐:the worst music,主语it是第三人称单数形式,所以“有”用has,所以翻译为I think 970AM is pretty bad. It has the worst music.,故填What do you think of 970AM I think 970AM is pretty bad. It has the worst music.
58.Sam is smarter/cleverer than Tom.
【详解】萨姆:Sam;汤姆:Tom;比:than;更聪明的:smarter/cleverer,为形容词的比较级,故句中需be动词,句子是一般现在时,主语Sam为第三人称单数,be动词为is。故填Sam is smarter/cleverer than Tom.
59.You’d better read the instructions carefully.
【详解】最好做某事had better do sth;仔细阅读说明书read the instructions carefully,副词carefully修饰动词read。故填You’d better read the instructions carefully.
60.The children will not go to school
【详解】孩子们:the children,作主语;去学校:go to school。分析题干可知,此句时态为一般将来时的否定句(其结构是will not do sth.)。故填The children will not go to school。
61.I haven’t been very successful yet, but I’ll keep trying.
【详解】结合题干可知,句子为并列句,前后存在转折关系,以but来连接。我还没有很成功:I haven’t been very successful yet,结合此句语境,应用现在完成时;我会坚持努力:I’ll keep trying,时态应用一般将来时,谓语结构用will do。故填I haven’t been very successful yet, but I’ll keep trying.
62.Are these your pencils
【详解】these“这些”;your“你的”;pencil“铅笔”,此处应用复数。主语是复数,be动词用are,此处是一般疑问句,需要把are提到句首。故填Are these your pencils
63.His grandfather/grandpa used to tell us fun/funny stories to/in order to/so as to make us laugh.
【详解】“他爷爷”为His grandfather/grandpa;“过去常常做某事”为used to do sth.;“给我们讲有趣的故事”为tell us fun/funny stories;“为了”为to/in order to/so as to do sth.;“逗得我们哈哈大笑”为make us laugh,故填His grandfather/grandpa used to tell us fun/funny stories to/in order to/so as to make us laugh.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



