
说明:1.满分:120分 时间:100分钟。
2.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签宇笔或钢笔在答题卡填写自己的准考证号、姓名、 考场号、座位号。用 2B铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。
4.非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答、 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 总 分
得 分
1.A.This is a cup.   B.That is a cup.
C.It's a cup.
2.A.No,that isn't. B.Yes,it is.
C.No,it is.
3.A.Yes,it's his. B.Yes,it isn't hers.
C.No,it isn't hers.
4.A.Yes, I can. B.It's a watch.
C.W A T C H.
5.A.Yes, that is. B.No, they aren't.
C.Yes, those are.
6.A.It's blue. B.It's brown.
C.It's black.
7.A.Linda.     B.Mike.    
8.A.Paul's mother. B.Paul's aunt.
C.Paul's teacher.
9.A.Bob's. B.Dale's.
C.We don't know.
10.A.886 4572. B.897 3527.
C.897 5468.
11.Is the bag Tom's
A.Yes,it is.  B.No,it isn't. C.No,it is.
12.What color is Lily's bag
A.Green.  B.Red.  C.Green and red.
13.Who lost the keys
A.Mike.  B.John.  C.Jenny.
14.Does Jenny see the keys
A.Yes,she does.   B.No,she doesn't.
C.No,she isn't.
15.Where(在哪) are the keys
A.In the bag.
B.In the box.
C.In the Lost and Found.
Found:A black schoolbagIs this your schoolbag ________(16) Alan Brown at ________(17).
Lost:A set of ________(18) ________(19)name is Tony Smith.Please call me at ____________(20).
21.This is ________ eraser and that is ________ ID card.
A.a; an B.an; an
C.an; a D.a; a
22.—I can't ________ you in the photo. Where are you
—Hah, I'm not in the photo.
A.lose B.thank C.find D.ask
23.You can call your English teacher ________563 7896.
A.up B.in C.of  D.at
24.—________ do you spell it
—B A S E B A L L.
A.How B.Where
C.What D.Who
25.—Is this your schoolbag
—No,it isn't.________ is under the desk.
A.My B.Mine C.Me
26.It's seven now.You ________ get up,or(否则) you will be late.
A.can't B.can C.mustn't D.must
27.—Could I have ________ coffee
—Sure,help yourself.
A.some B.any C.no D.none
28.—________.What's this in English
—________, I don't know.
A.Excuse me;Sorry
C.Excuse me;Excuse me
D.Sorry;Excuse me
29.—I don't like the green coat.
—________ the red one
A.What's B.Where's
C.What about D.How
30.—Jim, I don't know this word (单词).
—Well, here is a ________ and it can help you.
A.watch B.ruler
C.schoolbag D.dictionary
31.—Are these________ erasers
—No, they aren't.They are the two ________ erasers.
A.Bob;girl's B.Bob's;girl's
C.Bob;girls' D.Bob's;girls'
32. I don't like ________ watch.I like ________.
A.me;your B.my;your
C.me;yours D.my;yours
33. Our teacher asks us ________ to school on time (准时).
A.come B.comes
C.to come D.coming
34.—Are those her pencils
—________. They're mine.
A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn't
C.Yes, they are D.No, they aren't
35.—Thank you for helping me with my physics.
—________.I hope you can do better in it.
A.Good idea B.See you
C.I'm not sure D.You're welcome
I have a good friend. ________(36) name is Eric. He has ________(37) sisters. Here is a ________(38) of his sisters.
The first one in a green jacket is his sister, Julia. Julia is 14. The ________(39) one in a yellow jacket is his sister, Ann. Ann is ________(40) , too. They're twins (双胞胎). Eric and his ________(41) are in a middle school. Eric is in Classroom 7A, ________(42) his sisters are not in. They always ________(43) their friends. They're good. Their parents are good, ________(44) . They ________(45) a nice family.
36.A.My B.His C.Her D.Our
37.A.one B.two
C.three D.four
38.A.dog B.school
C.photo D.room
39.A.first B.next
C.middle D.last
40.A.12 B.14
C.13 D.11
41.A.brothers B.friends
C.sisters D.teachers
42.A.and B.but
C./ D.now
43.A.find B.lose
C.help D.know
44.A.too B.two
C.and D.but
45.A.am B.is
C.be D.are
Is this your baseball Call John at 597 4393.
Is this your computer game in the lost and
found box?Robert
Found:A gold ring.
Is this your ring?Please call Mary.
Phone number:235 0285.
Lost:My school ID card.
My name is Steve.
Please call 685 6034.
46.________ lost his school ID card.
A.John B.Robert
C.Mary D.Steve
47.If you lost your baseball, you will call John at ________.
A.597 4393 B.235 0285
C.685 6034 D.597 0285
48.You can find a________ in the lost and found box.
A.baseball B.computer game
C.gold ring D.school ID card
49.235 0285 is ________ telephone number.
A.John's B.Robert's
C.Mary's D.Steve's
50.“Lost and found” means “________” in Chinese.
A.失物 B.拾物
C.失物招领 D.拾金不昧
Hi, friends! I'm Linda. My family name is Green. I'm a student in Chaoyang Middle School. This morning I found a black schoolbag on my way to school. In it, I see three books, a dictionary, a pencil box and an orange. The pencil box is blue. A brown eraser and a red pen are in it. Is the schoolbag yours You can call me at 222 8282.
51.Linda's last name is ________.
A.Green B.White
C.Brown D.Black
52.In the morning Linda found ________.
A.an ID card B.a schoolbag
C.a baseball D.a telephone
A.道路 B.习惯
C.时间 D.天气
54.You can see ________ in the pencil box.
A.a pen and a pencil
B.a pen and a ruler
C.a ruler and an eraser
D.an eraser and a pen
55.Which of the following is TRUE
A.An apple is in the schoolbag.
B.The pencil box is brown.
C.Linda's phone number is 222 8282.
D.Linda is in the library now.
Alice:Hi,Peter,is this your schoolbag
Peter:Yes,it is.
Alice:It's blue,and I like it. What is in it
Peter:Look,these are four books and this is my pencil box.
Alice:And the English dictionary?Is it yours
Peter:No,it's Helen's. What is in your schoolbag
Alice:Five books,a red pencil box,my school ID card and six keys.
Peter:What color is your schoolbag
Alice:It's yellow.
56.Peter has a blue schoolbag.
57.Four things are in Peter's schoolbag.
58.The English dictionary is not Peter's.
59.We can't find Alice's school ID card in her schoolbag.
60.Alice's schoolbag is red.
八、补全对话 (每小题1分,共5分)
A.What about the ruler
B.I have her phone number.
C.Is this your eraser
D.You're welcome.
E.Is she in the classroom now
A: Excuse me, Tom. ________(61)
B: Yes, it is. Thank you.
A: The eraser is yours. ________(62)
B: It isn't mine. You can ask Mary. Her ruler is green.
A: ________(63)
B: No, she isn't. She is in the library. If you can't find her, you can call her. ________(64) It's 326 4589.
A: OK. Thank you.
B: ________(65)
A) 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。
66.Is this your computer g________?
67.You can write(写) it on your n________.
68.Our c________ is very big and clean(干净的).We like it very much.
69.I get an e________ from my friend on the computer.
70.There is a l________ in my school.We can borrow(借) books from it.
71.—Is this Jack's book
—Yes, it is.It's ________(he).
72.A set of ________ (key) is in the classroom. Are they yours
73.My mother is an English ________(teach).
74.I have two nice ________(watch).
75.You can see two ________(box) there.
I found a red schoolbag this morning.________(76)Please call me at 476 7812. ________(77) She lost her new MP5 in the library yesterday(昨天).________(78) If(如果) you find it, please call her at 261 9876.My friend David found a set of keys in the classroom.________(79) You can ask him for them.His telephone number is 470 2564.My classmate (同班同学)is John.________(80) It's a yellow notebook.Please call John at 148 2579 if you find it.
A.He can't find his notebook.
B.It's a white one.
C.They are some black keys.
D.My sister is Sandy.
E.Is it yours
Hi, boys and girls. My n________(81) is John Miller. This is my schoolbag. It's blue. I like the c________(82) very much. Oh, what's this i________(83) English It's a dictionary. I can s________(84) it. It's D I C T I O N A R Y. Is that an eraser No, it isn't. It's a key. That is my pencil b________(85). You can f________(86) a ruler, two pencils and three pens in it. W________(87) is my ID card I l________(88) it in the morning. My name is on the card. I m________(89) find it. Pleasec________(90) me at 655 4887. Thanks.
十二、书面表达 (10分)
一、1.What's that in English
2.Is this your computer game
3.Is it her notebook
4.How do you spell it
5.Are these your books
二、6.W:Tom, is this your new schoolbag
M:No, it's Eric's.My schoolbag is blue, but this one is black.
Q:What color is this new schoolbag
7.W:Good afternoon! My name is Linda.Are you Mike
M:No, I am not.My name is Jack.
Q:What's the boy's name
8.W:Hi, Paul! Is she your mother
M:No, she isn't.She is my aunt.
Q:Who is the woman
9.W:Dale,are these your pencils
M:No, they aren't.They are Bob's.
Q:Whose pencils are these
10.M:Is 886 4572 your telephone number
W:No.Please call me at 897 3527.
Q:What's the girl's telephone number
三、Text 1
W:Tom,is this green bag yours
M:No,it isn't.Mine is red.
W:Is it Lily's
M:Yes,it is.Here is her name.
Text 2
M1:Excuse me,Jenny.I can't find my keys.Do you see them
W:No,I don't.You can ask John.
M1:Thank you.John,do you see my keys
M2:Look,Mike!A set of keys is in the Lost and Found.Are they yours
M1:Yes,they are.Thank you for your help.
M2:You're welcome.
四、Found:A black schoolbag
Is this your schoolbag
Call Alan Brown at 890 4668.
Lost:A set of keys
My name is Tony Smith.
Please call me at 660 8367.
四、16.Call 17.890 4668 18.keys
19.My 20.660 8367
五、21.B 点拨:eraser与ID card都是以元音音素开头,其前用表示泛指的不定冠词an。故选B。
22.C 点拨:本题可用词语辨析法解答。句意:——我在这张照片里没找到你。你在哪里?——哈,我不在照片里。find意为“找到”符合句意;而lose“丢失”, thank“感谢”, ask“询问”均与句意不符。
23.D 点拨:“call sb. at+电话号码”表示“拨打电话与某人联系”。故选D。
24.A 点拨:How do you spell it?意为“你怎样拼写它?”,其中How意为“怎样;如何”。
25.B 点拨:本句缺少主语,应用名词性物主代词作主语,mine相当于my schoolbag。
26.D 点拨:由or(否则)you will be late可知选D。
27.A 点拨:coffee为不可数名词,可用some或any修饰,在表请求或建议的疑问句中,some不用变any。故选A。
29.C 点拨:句意:——我不喜欢这件绿色的外套。——这件红色的怎么样?What about...?用于提出建议,意为“……怎么样?”。
30.D 点拨:由句意可知这有一本词典,故选D。
31.D 点拨:第一个空后有名词,故应该用名词所有格,可排除A和C;第二个空是说两个女孩儿的橡皮,此处应该用名词复数的所有格,应为girls',故选D。
32.D 点拨:第一空watch前缺少形容词性物主代词my,故排除A、C;第二空缺少名词性物主代词yours,相当于your watch,故排除B,答案为D。
33.C 点拨: 本题考查ask的用法。ask sb. to do sth.意为“要求某人做某事”,故选C。
35.D 点拨:由Thank you可知答语应为You're welcome。
六、36.B 点拨:Eric是男孩名,故用形容词性物主代词His。
37.B 点拨:本题可用联系上下文法解答。由下文可知,Eric有两个姐姐,她们是Julia和Ann。故选B。
38.C 点拨:由下文介绍可知,这是一张她们两个人的照片,故选C。
39.B 点拨:此处next与上句的first呼应,意为“下一个穿黄色夹克衫的是他的姐姐安。”
40.B 点拨:由下句“她们是双胞胎。”可知,Ann今年也是14岁。
41.C 点拨:句意:埃里克和他的姐姐们都上中学了。故选C。
42.B 点拨:句意:埃里克在7A教室,而他的姐姐们不在。前后是转折关系,故用but连接。
43.C 点拨:本题可用词语辨析法解答。由句意“他们总是帮助他们的朋友。”可知,help“帮助”符合句意;而find“找到”,lose“丢失”,know“知道”均与句意不符。
44.A 点拨:句意:他们的父母也很好。too放于句尾,意为“也”。
45.D 点拨:本题可用主谓一致法解答。主语They是复数形式,be动词用are。
七、A 46.D 点拨:由第四则启事可知是Steve丢失了学生证。
47.A 点拨:由第一则启事可知John的电话号码是597 4393。
48.B 点拨:由第二则启事可知。
49.C 点拨:由第三则启事可知Mary的电话号码是235 0285。
B 51.A 点拨:由“My family name is Green.”可知,Linda的姓氏是Green。故选A。
52.B 点拨:由“This morning I found a black schoolbag...”可知,Linda捡到了一个黑色的书包。故选B。
53.A 点拨:猜测词义题。由语境可知,Linda是在上学的路上捡到东西的,故选A。
54.D 点拨:细节理解题。由“A brown eraser and a red pen are in it.”可知,铅笔盒里面有一块棕色的橡皮和一支红色的钢笔。故选D。
55.C 点拨:由“You can call me at 222 8282.”可知,Linda的电话号码是222 8282。C项与此相符。
C 56~60:TFTFF
九、A) 66.game 67.notebook 68.classroom
69.email 70.library
B) 71.his 72.keys 73.teacher
74.watches 75.boxes
点拨:做此类句子还原题型的阅读理解,需要注意关键词,此篇76、78易混,但从76题前一句I found a red schoolbag this morning.可知不可能是白色的,故B不对,应该选E;77题从后句中She可判断选D;79题从上文关键词a set of keys 判断选C;80题的关键词是下文的notebook,故选A。
十一、81.name 82.color 83.in 84.spell 85.box
86.find 87.Where 88.lost 89.must 90.call
I lost my notebook on the playground.It is black.Do you see it?Call me at 15811583511.
Thank you.



上一篇:安徽省2023-2024高三上学期十月联考英语滚动卷(含解析 无听力音频 无听力原文)
