
4 Kid-Friendly Campsites for a Fun Family Vacation
Bryce Canyon in Utah
With the largest concentration of hoodoos(石林) on Earth combined with certified dark skies, this camp will make your family fall in love with our world and nature. Hiking is the most popular activity at this scenic park, with the best day hikes being Mossy Cave (0. 8 mile) and Navajo trail (1.4 miles).
Acadia National Park in Maine
Acadia National Park gets 3. 5 million visitors a year, and for good reason too. From its famous fall leaves to beautiful winter landscapes, it’s the perfect place for scenic drives and hikes. In the winter,cross country skiing and snowshoeing are very popular activities. In the summertime, you can go swimming in the Atlantic at Sand Beach. But if you would rather hike, Wonderland Trail is a 1.5-mile hike that is perfect for families and beginner hikers. Remember to bring your binoculars to take in all the wildlife.
Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona
Not only is it probably the most iconic(标志性的) and scenic National Park but it offers very comfortable wooden houses with modern conveniences. After you take in the amazing views of the world’s largest canyon, there are many things to do with your kids. You can watch Native American dances that are absolutely beautiful.
Herkimer KOA Park in New York
It offers beautiful rustic treehouse cabins. This park is a stargazer’s dream because they offer an Astronomy Lodge with its own observatory that has a high-powered telescope. You will also find hammocks(吊床) to sleep under the stars.
1、Where is the park featuring Mossy Cave located
A. In Utah. B. In Maine. C. In Arizona. D. In New York.
2、What can visitors do in Acadia National Park
A. Go through hoodoos. B. Hike on Navajo trail.
C. Go swimming at Sand Beach. D. Watch Native American dances.
3、Which park will appeal to travellers fond of observing stars
A. Bryce Canyon. B. Acadia National Park.
C. Grand Canyon National Park. D. Herkimer KOA Park.
“I’ve been beat up by wildlife my whole life,” Dean Newman, a wildlife photographer, told the media. A large bird once charged at Dean in Brazil, knocking him to the ground. In South Africa not long ago a lion sent him running back into his jeep. Dean doesn’t take it personally.
And when the time came to save one particular member of the wild kingdom, the 68-year-old photographer from Southern Maryland sprang into action. He stepped into Beltway traffic to rescue an osprey(鱼鹰) that lay on the road,helpless.
This was on Friday afternoon. Dean and his wife Sandy were driving home when they spotted the osprey. Dean said, “Right there in the middle of the traffic,this osprey was just sitting. Thank goodness he hadn’t been run over.”
Dean pulled his pickup truck to the side of the busy road and tried to make eye contact with other drivers, signaling that he wanted to walk in front of them. “Luckily this guy in a VW Passat, he caught my eye and stopped,” Dean said.
Dean ran over, reached down, grabbed the osprey, then ran back to his truck. Sandy searched for wildlife rehabilitators(复健员). Then they called Molly Moore, the president of Southern Maryland Audubon. She suggested calling the Owl Moon Raptor Centre in Boyds, in Montgomery County. It was a bit out of their way, but Owl Moon’s director, Suzanne Shoemaker, said she’d send someone to meet the Newmans. They met with volunteer Bill Lamoureux in the parking lot of the College Park Ikea and the transfer(转交) was made.
Dean has photographed plenty of mammals —lions and jaguars, bison and bears —but he has a special fondness for birds. “I like birds because they show up well in most cases,” he said. As close as he was to that osprey, surely he got some great photos
“Unfortunately,it never even crossed my mind to do that, believe it or not, ’’ Dean said. “I’m embarrassed to say that. I was too busy avoiding traffic. But I was lucky to have the experience.”
4、What do you think of Dean’s job according to the first paragraph
A. Interesting. B. Serious. C. Boring. D. Dangerous.
5、Why did Dean make eye contact with other drivers
A.To require them to save the bird.
B.To signal them to stop their cars.
C.To order them to obey the traffic rules.
D.To warn them about the danger ahead.
6、Who is in charge of the Owl Moon Raptor Centre
A. Dean Newman. B. Molly Moore.
C. Suzanne Shoemaker. D. Bill Lamoureux.
7、Which of the following can best describe Dean
A. Caring and brave. B. Talented and sincere.
C. Polite and determined. D. Smart and independent.
In its eight centuries the Crouch Oak of Addlestone in Surrey has gained many titles. It is known as the Queen Elizabeth I Picnic Tree after a story that she stopped there for a meal once. It is known as Wycliffe’s Oak after John Wycliffe chose it .as shelter during sermons(布道) .Now it is hoping for yet another title: tree of the year 2023.
The oak, which has survived not merely Baptist preaching but also attacks, is one of 13 trees shortlisted by the Woodland Trust, which is now accepting votes in its annual competition.
The purpose of the contest is to highlight special trees, along with their role in our culture. This year the charity has focused on urban trees, in part because some remain under threat from local councils.
“Ancient trees in towns and cities are vital for the health of nature, people and planet,” Naomi Tilley, from the Woodland Trust,said. “They give thousands of urban wildlife species essential life support, boost the UK’s biodiversity and bring countless health and wellbeing benefits to communities. But most ancient trees aren’t protected by law and those in urban areas are particularly vulnerable, like one of this year’s nominees (提名), which narrowly escaped being cut down by Sheffield city council.”
That tree is the Chelsea Road elm(榆树). Some 60 million elms were lost to Dutch elm disease, but this one was one of fewer than 1,000 that were resistant. But in 2017, when Sheffield engaged in a controversial(有争议的) tree-cutting plan, its 2. 8 m-girth trunk was marked for removal. It was only saved when local campaigners spotted the eggs of a butterfly in its branches, meaning that it provided a habitat for a threatened species.
8、What is the goal of the annual competition organized by the Woodland Trust
A.To find the oldest tree in the UK.
B.To stress special trees and their role in our culture.
C.To raise public awareness of the importance of ancient trees.
D.To protect ancient trees from being cut down by local councils.
9、What does the underlined word “vulnerable” in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A. Weak. B. Defensive. C. Common. D. Dominant.
10、Why was the Chelsea Road elm marked for removal
A. It was infected with Dutch elm disease.
B. It was involved in a tree-cutting plan.
C.It was dangerous for the eggs of a butterfly.
D.It didn’t provide habitats for a threatened species.
11、What is the main idea of the text
A.The Crouch Oak is competing to become tree of the year 2023.
B.Ancient trees in urban areas are important for the environment.
C.Tree of year contest highlights treasures at risk of being cut down.
D.The Chelsea Road elm was saved thanks to local campaigners’ efforts.
In nature, smaller animals often “take a ride” on larger ones to save energy on long-distance movements. In paper published in the journal Current Biology, researchers show how fine Caenorhabditis worms can use electric fields to “jump” across Petri plates or onto insects, allowing them to go through the air and attach themselves, for example, onto naturally charged bumblebees(大黄蜂) .
“Pollinators(传粉昆虫), such as insects and hummingbirds,are known to be electrically charged, and it is believed that pollen(花粉) is attracted by the electric field formed by the pollinator and the plant,” says Takuma Sugi, a co-senior author on the study. “However, it was not completely clear whether electric fields are used for communications between different land animals.”
The researchers first began studying this project when they noticed that the worms they developed often ended up on the lids of Petri dishes. When the team attached a camera to observe this behaviour, they found that it was not just because worms were climbing up the walls of the dish. Instead, they were jumping from the floor of the plate to the top.
Next, the researchers rubbed flower pollen on a bumblebee. Once close to these bees, worms stood on their tails, then jumped aboard. Some worms even piled on top of each other and jumped in a single post, moving 80 worms at once across the gap.
“Worms stand on their tail to make it easier for themselves to attach to other passing objects,” Sugi says. “In a post,one worm lifts more worms,and this worm takes off to move across the electric field while carrying all the post worms.”
Researchers observed jumping in other worm species closely related to C. elegans, and they noted that mutants(突变体) who are unable to sense electric fields jump less than their normal counterparts. However, more work is needed to determine exactly what genes join in making these jumps and whether other microorganisms like bacteria can use electricity to jump as well.
12、Which is certain according to the research
A.Bacteria use electricity to jump.
B.Smaller animals are often free riders.
C.Electric fields are used for land animals.
D.Pollen genes lead to making these jumps.
13、Why did the researchers apply pollen to a bumblebee
A. To form stronger posts. B. To increase the surface energy.
C. To get electricity and jump more. D. To show a natural electric charge.
14、What can we know about the worms in the experiment
A.They are electrically charged.
B.They attach themselves to the walls.
C.They are equipped with team spirits.
D.They communicate with each other with tails.
15、What is the best title for the text
A.Worms Use Electricity to Jump
B.Worms Takes off Carrying Others
C.Pollen Helps Worms Survive Longer
D.Smaller Animals Ride onto Bigger Ones
16、Five Tips to Develop Leadership Qualities
Know about yourself to develop your self-awareness. A good leader is in tune not only with their team members but with themselves as well. ①_______ Think about how your personality will affect your team members.
Learn as much as you can about your field. ②_______ Knowing what you’re talking about will build your confidence and earn your team’s trust. While it’s impossible to know everything,your team might doubt your abilities if you say “I don’t know” to every question they ask.
Find a consultant who can teach you new skills. There’s always room to grow, even if you’re in a top leadership position. ③_______ Ask them to chat over coffee or lunch, or see if they’re open to being a long-term mentor. When you meet, ask them things like, “What qualities do you look for in a leader ” “How do you gain people’s respect ” and “What’s the most challenging part about being a leader ” and see what they have to say. Look for role models who’ve overcome challenges and reached goals similar to your own.
④_______ A good leader is able to resolve conflicts between others at work without taking sides. If there’s a heated disagreement between team members, work with them to identify the root of the issue and listen to both sides of the story. After that, open up a dialogue to begin looking for a solution that will benefit both parties.
Go into things with a positive mindset. Positivity is great for boosting your team’s morale(士气), increasing productivity, and forming healthy relationships between team members. Discouraging gossip(流言蜚语) amongst team members can go a long way towards creating more positive environment. ⑤_______
A. Learn how to manage conflicts.
B. Take every opportunity to increase your knowledge.
C. Reach out to others you admire who have strong leadership skills.
D. Let others know you disapprove of gossip if they try to bring it up.
E. It’s wrong to think that spreading gossip will help make you stand out.
F. Being a consultant requires special skills and a desire to constantly learn.
G. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses to figure out what kind of leader you are.
Jack was active and he had been training for weeks for the upcoming school sports meeting.
On the day of the competition, Jack was ready to give his best 1 . He was running in the 400-metre race, and he was 2 to win. However, during the race, Jack suddenly 3 and fell down. He injured his 4 badly, and he couldn’t get up.
When the other 5 saw what had happened, they 6 to run, leaving Jack behind. But there was one boy named Jim who 7 Jack’s injury. Jim ran over to Jack and stopped to help him up.
“Are you okay ” Jim asked Jack, 8 .
Jack shook his head, and tears 9 his face. He was disappointed that he couldn’t finish the race. Jim saw Jack’s swollen(肿起的) foot and decided to 10 him. He helped Jack to the side of the track and asked if he needed any 11 attention.
As Jim was tending to Jack’s injury, another boy 12 them. The boy’s name was Tom, and he was one of the top 13 in the school. Tom had won the 400-metre race, but he had noticed what had happened to Jack.
Tom was 14 with Jim’s acts of kindness towards Jack. He walked over to them and praised Jim for his sympathy and support towards Jack. Tom told Jim that he was a true 15 , and that he had made a difference in Jack’s life.
17、A. solution B. gift C. performance D. effect
18、A. determined B. nervous C. bound D. willing
19、A. pressed B. smiled C. collapsed D. tripped
20、A. foot B. leg C. arm D. hand
21、A. audiences B. participants C. judges D. coaches
22、A. continued B. stopped C. pretended D. refused
23、A. commented B. noticed C. checked D. inspected
24、A. confused B. fearful C. concerned D. careless
25、A. welled up B. poured on C. flowed on D. streamed down
26、A. inspire B. support C. educate D. train
27、A. public B. medical C. media D. constant
28、A. warned B. scared C. called D. approached
29、A. doctors B. leaders C. athletes D. workers
30、A. bored B. satisfied C. filled D. impressed
31、A. hero B. friend C. pioneer D. gentleman
32、Giving the Lion Dance More Bite
Expertise and various cultural elements combine to add to the wonder and attract new enthusiasts. The lively and strong beat of gongs and drums from Yang Feilong’s training facility can ①______(hear) more than a kilometre away.
As the door is pushed open, the sound ②______ (flood) the air and is suddenly overpowering, while a group of young people ③______ (dress) in multicoloured lion-shaped costumes jump into view.
They quickly move on the ④______ (careful) arranged iron piles fixed to the ground, of varying heights,while completing complex flips(空翻) and twists(旋转) ⑤______ (show) an extraordinary performance that shows the charm of local folk culture.
Through their movement, the dancing lion takes on a life of its own, ⑥______ (display) a variety of poses, from sitting and crouching(蹲) to drinking water and licking its tail.
“The key lies ⑦______ cooperation among the performers,” says Yang, ⑧______ observes the lion dance practices and gives his ⑨______ (instruction).
“You also have to know how to show force and put your heart into the performance,so the lion can be presented in a way that it looks real,’’ adds Yang. He was recently named as ⑩______ model young inheritor(继承者) of lion dance in Xitao town, Wuzhi county, Jiaozuo city, Central China’s Henan province.
Dear Terry,
Li Hua
One day, Sam was on his way to a nearby town when his car broke down in the middle of nowhere. He tried to fix it but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Just then, a middle-aged woman passing by saw him struggling and approached him. She asked if he needed help,and Sam felt relieved.
The woman inspected the car and found out that the engine had blown up. She told Sam that she knew a mechanic in the nearby town who could repair the car.
The woman took Sam to the mechanic, and he got his car repaired. When Sam asked for the bill, he found that he left his wallet at home and didn’t know what to do. The mechanic told him that the middle-aged woman had already paid for it. Sam was surprised and didn’t know how to repay her.
However, the woman refused to accept any payment from him, simply smiling and saying, “You don’t have to pay me back. Just promise me that you’ll pay it forward to someone else in need when you can.” Sam was touched by her kindness and accepted her help.
Feeling grateful and inspired, Sam continued his trip to the town. Going through all these things, he felt a bit tired and stopped at a nearby cafe to have a rest. When he was about to leave, he noticed that the waitress was pregnant(怀孕的) and struggling to carry a tray of food to a table. He sympathized with her very much and went to help her carry the food without hesitation.
The waitress was surprised and thanked Sam for his friendliness. She asked him why he was being so kind to her, and he told her about the middle-aged woman who had helped him earlier and how he wanted to pay it forward.
When he arrived home, his wife asked him how his trip went.
Sam felt proud of the chain of love that he had started, which had spread far and wide.
解析:细节理解题。根据 Bryce Canyon in Utah部分的内容“Hiking is the most popular activity at this scenic park, with the best day hikes being Mossy Cave(0.8 mile)”可知答案。
解析:细节理解题。根据Acadia National Park in Maine 部分的内容“In the summertime. you can go swimming in the Atlantic at Sand Beach.”可知答案。
解析:细节理解题。根据 Herkimer KOA Park in New York 部分的内容“This park is a stargazer's dream”可知答案。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的描述可知,Dean Newman作为摄影师,在拍摄过程中遇到了很多危险。
解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“'Luckily this guy in a VW Passat, he caught my eye and stopped.' Dean said.”可知答案。
解析:细节理解题。根据第五段“It was a bit out of their way, but Owl Moon's director, Suzanne Shoemaker”可知答案。
解析:推理判断题。Dean Newman步入繁忙的公路交通去拯救一只落在路中间的鱼鹰,说明他是有爱心的,勇敢的。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“The purpose of the contest is to highlight special trees, along with their role in our culture.”可知答案。
解析:词义猜测题。根据下文“which narrowly escaped being cut down by Sheffield city council”的提示可知,这句话的意思是:但大多数古树不受法律保护,城市地区的古树尤其脆弱,就像今年的一棵被提名的古树,险些被谢菲尔德市议会砍伐,故此处“vulnerable”的含义是:脆弱的;易受……伤害的。
解析:细节理解题。根据第五段“But in 2017.when Sheffield engaged in a controversial tree-cutting plan, its 2.8 m-girth trunk was marked for removal.”可知答案。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“In nature, smaller animals often 'take a ride' on larger ones to save energy on long-distance movements.”可知,较小的动物经常依附在较大的动物身上“搭便车”。
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的“pollen is attracted by the electric field formed by the pollinator and the plant”和第四段可知,研究人员将花粉涂在大黄蜂身上,使其表现出自然带电。
解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的“Some worms even piled on top of each other and jumped in a single post, moving 80 worms at once across the gap."和第五段的“In a post, one worm lifts more worms. And this worm takes off to move across the electric field while carrying all the post worms.”可知,一些蠕虫相互堆在一起,跳成一个柱子。在一个柱状结构中,一条蠕虫举起多个蠕虫,然后这条蠕虫起飞,携带所有柱状蠕虫穿越电场。由此推断,蠕虫具有团队协作精神。
解析:考查形容词.根据上文“he had been training for weeks for the upcoming school sports meeting”的提示可知,他正在参加400米赛跑,他决心要赢。
解析:考查名词。根据下文“Jim saw Jack's swollen foot”的提示可知答案。
解析:考查动词。根据下文“Jim ran over to Jack”的提示可知,但是有一个叫吉姆的男孩注意到了杰克的伤。
解析:考查名词。根据下文“Tom had won the 400-metre race”的提示可知,这个男孩的名字叫汤姆,他是学校里最优秀的运动员之一。
32、答案:①be heard②floods③dressed④carefully⑤to show⑥displaying⑦in⑧who⑨instructions⑩a
①be heard考查被动语态。从杨飞龙的训练设施传来的活泼有力的锣鼓声,一公里外都能听到。主语和谓语之间是被动关系,情态动词后接动词原形,故此空填be heard。
⑤to show考查非谓语动词。不定式作目的状语。
Dear Terry,
I hope this letter finds you well. I recently went on a vacation to Nanjing during the National Day holiday and I want to share my travel experience with you.
Nanjing is a city filled with beautiful scenery and delicious food. One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the famous Purple Mountain, where I had the opportunity to hike and enjoy the breathtaking views of the city. The historic sites, such as the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum and the Nanjing City Wall, were also incredibly impressive.
In terms of food. Nanjing is known for its local cuisine, such as Nanjing salted duck, whose delicious flavour made my mouth water.
Give a visit to Nanjing during your free time. I'm sure you'll like it.
Li Hua
When he arrived home, his wife asked him how his trip went. Sam told her about the middle-aged woman, the mechanie, and the waitress. His wife was touched by his story and suggested that they start a chain of love, where they would do something kind for someone else every day. Sam and his wife started their chain of love, and soon, it spread to their friends and family. They all realized that a small act of kindness could make a big difference in someone else's life.
Sam felt proud of the chain of love that he had started, which had spread far and wide. Many people perform random acts of kindness to help others. Sam realized that kindness was the greatest gift that one could give, and it was something that could be passed on from generation to generation. In the end. Sam knew that his life had been meaningful and fulfilling, and he was happy to see the positive changes in the world.



上一篇:安徽省六安市顶级中学2023-2024高三上学期第三次月考 物理(答案)

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