
满分:120分 时间:120分钟
()1. A. helpfulB. besideC. dessertD. review
( )2. A. publicB. undergroundC. punishD. business
()3. A. backgroundB. pronounceC. poundD. humorous
( )4. A. dealB. speakerC. deadD. east
()5.A.secretB. centralC. correctD. score
( )6. There'small near my house.mall sells the best clothes.
A.a;AB. the; TheC. the;AD.a;The
()7. -Hey, Ben! You'd better keep your dog on a leash(皮带)public.
-Oh, yes. Thanks for reminding me.
A.inB. onC.atD. for
()8. -Where were you when I called you last night -I was taking a shower in the
A.kitchenB. classroomC. toiletD. bathroom
( )9. -You should say sorry to your brother for the mistake you made, Tom.
-I don'tto meet his eyes.
A.needB.dareC. refuseD.have
( )10.you listen to the teacher carefully, you won't understand the storycompletely.
A.BecauseB.IfC. WhetherD. Unless
( )11.English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.
A.ReadingB.ReadC.ReadsD.To read
( )12. Chinese scientists havea kind of special flower. It is so "shy"thatit closes quickly after you touch it.
A.inventedB. discoveredC. repeatedD. created
()13. My friend Lily is such a(n)girl that everyone in our class likes hervery much.
A.proudB. nervousC. absentD. humorous
( )14. -Peter, you got to school by taxi
-Oh, Itake a taxi to school, but my bike needs repairing today.
A.seldomB. alwaysC. usuallyD. sometimes
( )15. --Is the question difficult
—Itwho you ask. Jack must know the answer.
A. leads intoB. gives upC. depends onD. passes by
()16.-do you like best about the Mid-Autumn Festival
-I enjoy the delicious mooncakes.
A. WhatB.WhyC.WhenD.How
()17. --You speak English so well. Could you tell me
-You'd better communicate with others in English as much as possible.
A. where do you often practice it
C. who you get help from
B. how I can improve my English
D. what should I do to improve my English
( )18. Tom became interested in books at a very young age. He read every book hecould find and bought books of all kinds. Today Tom has a big collection ofbooks. His favorite books are mystery novels and books about detective stories.The story mainly tells us.
A. why Tom does the readingB. how Tom learned to read
C. how much Tom likes to readD. what Tom's favorite books are
()19. I usednewspapers and watch TV after dinner. But now I'ma walk with my father.
A. to read; used to takeB. reading; used to taking
C. to read; used for takingD. to read; used to taking
( )20. --This park used to be full of trees,it
--Yes. But now it has turned into buildings.
A.didB. didn'tC. wasD. wasn't
There was a great teacher at a university. He was famous in his city for his wisdom(智慧). 21 he was old, he never stopped learning and thinking.
One day, when he knew that his life was coming to an end, he called his five favorite22 to his home. "I have some money that I'll give to the poor in our city, but to you,I'll give the greatest 23 of all. It's far more valuable(珍贵的) than money, a large house,or an expensive car. It's the secret to all the wisdom that I've 24 in my life.”
Then he pointed at the dining table, and there were five small wooden boxes under it."There's one box for each of you. Take them home, but don't open them!
The students all 25 each other. What did their teacher mean
"The boxes will give you great power, but if you ever open them, all the power will begone," the teacher said.
You're 26 wondering if the old man was crazy. But 27, he was a man withgreat wisdom. Perhaps, there was something in each box. And perhaps there was 28. If the students opened their boxes, they would know the answer, but then, they would stopthinking.
"If there's one thing that a person must never stop doing, it's thinking," the teachersaid.
The students all took their boxes home. They 29that they would never open theboxes. In this simple way, they had just learned another30from the great teacher.
In fact, thinking is the seed of action. It makes people move on.
( )21. A. BecauseB. AlthoughC.IfD. Unless
( )22. A. brothersB. sonsC. studentsD. neighbors
()23.A. planB. questionC.giftD.service
()24. A. pletedC. learnedD. expected
( )25. A. looked atB. looked forC. looked overD. looked after
( )26. A. usuallyB. recentlyC.widelyD. probably
()27.A. lookB. rememberC.sayD.leave
()28. A. nothingB. anythingC. everythingD. something
()29. A. foundB. decidedC.addedD. forgot
( )30. A. skillB.secretC.lessonD.trick
Could you please tell me where the City Library is Do you know how to take the busif you want to go there Look at the bus route map and answer the questions.
( )31. There are four bus stops from Anna's Bookstore to City Library.
( )32. The bus passes Park Street.
()33. The bus crosses three bridges in the city.
( )34. You can get off at Stop2 to visit the Hat Factory.
( )35. The City Library is on River Street.
In China, Teachers'Day was really set on September 10, 1985. Now people celebrateit on September 10 every year. On this special day, students usually give their teachers thank-you cards, flowers, fruits and other small gifts to show their respect(尊重) and appreciation(感激).
In the United States, Teachers'Day is known as "National Teacher Day". It's on Tuesdayduring the first full week of May. The day is celebrated by students to show their appreciationfor their teachers with flowers, thank-you cards and other gifts.
In India, Teachers' Day is celebrated on September 5 in honor of(为了纪念) the secondpresident of India. September 5 is his birthday. Traditional songs are sung, poems are recited(吟诵) and dramas are performed by students.
In Russia, Teachers'Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October between 1965and 1994. Since 1994, the day has been celebrated on the 5th of October, the same day asWorld Teachers' Day. Students usually show their respect and appreciation with games,competitions, dramas, dance or little presents. Besides the activities, some schools reward(奖励) their teachers for their efforts.
Teachers' Day is celebrated in Vietnam(越南) on November 20th. It was first celebratedin 1958. Since 1982, the day has been named "Vietnamese Educators' Day". Students holdthe Teachers' Day parties at their schools to celebrate it.
()36. When was Teachers'Day set in China
A. In 1958.B. In 1965.C. In 1985.D. In 1994.
( )37. In India, students celebrate Teachers' Day by doing the following thingsEXCEPT .
A. singing songsB. reciting poems
C. performing dramasD. playing games
( )38. In ,people celebrate Teachers' Day in September.
A. China and IndiaB. India and Russia
C. India and the United StatesD. China and Vietnam
()39. Which of the following is NOT true
A. Five countries are mentioned in this passage.
B. Teachers' Day is known as "National Teacher Day"in America
C. Teachers' Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of October in Russia now.
D. Chinese and American students give their teachers thank-you cards onTeachers' Day.
( )40. What may the text be from
A. A novel.B. A magazine.C. A guide book. D. A notice.
A young man with excellent grades wanted to get a job. in a big company. He met themanager(经理) for the interview. The manager asked, "Who paid for your education "
"My parents," the young man replied.
"Where do they work "
"They work as clothes cleaners."
Then, the manager asked the young man to show his hands. He found the young man'shands were so smooth(平滑的), and asked, "Have you ever helped your parents wash theclothes "
"Now go home and clean your parents' hands, then see me tomorrow morning.
The young man felt upset. When he got home, he asked his parents to let him cleantheir hands. They felt strange but happy. While the young man was cleaning their hands, hefound his parents' hands were so wrinkled(起皱的), and there were so many bruises(淤伤)in their hands. His tears(眼泪) fell. After cleaning his parents' hands, he quietly washed allthe rest of clothes.
The next morning, he went to the manager's office. The manager asked him, "Can youtell me what you did and learned yesterday in your house "He told the manager all he didwith tears in his eyes and added, "Now I know what appreciation is. Without my parents, Iwould not be who I am today... By helping my parents, I realize how much they've done forme. And I also realize the importance and value of helping one's family.
The manager smiled and said, "This is what I'm looking for."
( )41. Why did the young man meet the manager
A. Because the manager was his friend.
B. Because the manager needed his help.
C. Because he wanted to find a job.
D. Because he wanted to ask for information.
()42. What did the young man's parents do
A. Street cleaners.B. Clothes cleaners.
C. Factory workers.D. Farm workers.
( )43. What did the manager ask the young man to do after going home
A. To wash the clothes.B. To talk with his parents.
C. To clean the house.D. To clean his parents' hands.
( )44. What can we infer(断) from the last paragraph
A. The young man got the job.
B. The young man failed the interview.
C. The manager laughed at the young man.
D. The manager was angry with the young man.
( )45. What does the text mainly tell us
A. We should face difficulties bravely.
B. We should learn to be thankful.
C. Excellent grades are the most important.
D. It's hard to get a job in a big company.
hardly, afraid, change, how, but, used to, think, thin, with, breakfast
I have two good friends. They are Jim and Alice. We are in the same class. We oftenspend time together. They have 46.a lot in the last few years.
Jim used to like junk food very much. He didn't use to like fruit or vegetables. He didn'tuse to drink milk. He 47.eat a lot of fast food, such as hamburgers,fried food and burnt meat. He used to be very fat and unhealthy. When we climbed themountains, he couldn't reach the top. 48.now he likes to eat muchhealthier food. He doesn't eat junk food any more. For 49.he eatseggs and drinks milk. For lunch, he eats vegetables and chicken. And for dinner, he eatsnoodles, vegetables and some fruit. He 50.eats ice-cream. He alsotakes more exercise now. Every morning, he gets up early and runs on the playground. Inthe afternoon, he plays soccer with our friends. Now he is much 51.and healthier than before.
Alice used to like most subjects, but she didn't use to like math. She 52.math was too difficult. She couldn't learn it well. She used to be 53.of the math test. She couldn't pass it. But now she doesn't mind the math test.54.the help of our math teacher, she has become more and moreinterested in math. When she has problems, she always goes to our math teacher for help.Last week, she got an A in the math test. 55.happy she was! You see,if you work as hard as you can, nothing is impossible.
One afternoon, a woman visited her neighbor. When she was about to knock(敲) at thedoor, she heard someone talking in the room.
A little girl said, "Would you like some chicken today " Another girl said, "No, I wouldlike some beef."
Hearing the words, the woman knocked at the door and went into the room. She sawthem sitting at table. To her surprise, there were only some pieces of dry bread and two coldpotatoes and a glass of water on the table. The woman 'said, "I heard you talking aboutchicken and beef, but..." One girl said, "I just imagined that. In this way, I think simple foodwill be ① .”
The other girl said happily, "When you imagine the bread as cakes, the bread will bevery tasty. If you consider the bread as ice-cream, it will be even more delicious.'
After leaving the family, the woman realized that she had a new understanding of life.She found that the key to happiness is not from substance(物质), but from people's heart.②She also learned that the active attitude(态度) creates wonderful life while the negative(消极的) attitude wastes life.
Life is like a book. Everyone has two pens to write this book. One is picturing happinessand the other is showing sadness.
56. How did the woman feel when she entered the room and saw the foods on the table
58. In the woman's opinion, the key to happiness is from .
60. What do you think of the two girls
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest bank
B: 61.You can ask the woman over there.
A: Thank you all the same.
(After two minutes)
A: Excuse me. 62. .
C: No, there isn't. But there is one near the People's Hospital.
A: 63. .
C: It's about fifteen minutes by bus.
A: 64. .
C: The No. 10 bus.
A: 65. .
C: It is over there, across from the bookstore.
A: Thank you very much.
C: You're welcome.
A. Is there a bank near here
B. How far is it from here
C. Where is the nearest bank
D. Which bus can I take
E. Sorry, I'm new here.
F. Where is the bus stop
G. How can I get there
66. The more exercises you do, the(few)mistakes you'll make.
67. There are many English(novel) in Judy's bookcase.
68. My friend(mail) me a box of oranges a few days ago.
69. I have some problems and I decide to talk to my father for(suggest).
70. Role-play is(help)in developing communication skills.
71. Learning every day brings something new.(改为一般疑问句)
learning every day bringnew
72. Could you tell me where I can buy a magazine (改为简单句)
Could you tell mebuy a magazine
73. I used to take a walk in the morning. (对画线部分提问)
did you use toin the morning
to turn your back on someone who is speakingto you.
She advised them to talk with their son .
人非圣贤,孰能无过?作为一名学生,在学习或生活中你是否也曾犯过错误,做过傻事?在认识到自己所犯错误或明白所做的傻事后,你又是如何改正的呢?请根据写作要点提示,以"The Mistake Made Me Grow Up"为题,用英语写一篇短文。
The Mistake Made Me Grow Up
6-10 DADBD11-15ABDAC16-20 ABCDB
21-25 BCCCA 26-30 DBABC
46.changed47. used to48.But49. breakfast50. hardly
51. thinner52. thought53. afraid54.With55.How
56. Surprised.
57. delicious/ tasty
58. people's heart
60. They have active attitude towards -life.(开放性试题,言之有理即可)
66. fewer67.novels68. mailed69. suggestions70. helpful
71. Does; anything72. where to73. What; do74. It's impolite75. in person




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