
Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar
Ⅰ. Choose the best answer. (13)
He published his way through the crowd.
Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence
A) /kru:d/ B) \krud\ C) \kraud\ D) \kraud\
The music in the supermarket sounded so that i want to leave at once.
A) beautiful B) loudly C) sadly D) noisy
Long long ago, people wrote numbers many different ways.
A) with B) in C) at D) for
Peter’s ambition is an actor in the future.
A) to become B) to becoming C) becomes D) became
The robot can help me sweep the floor. smart invention it is!
A) What B) What a C) What an D) How
people have seen the strange animals when they went across the forest.
A) Thousand of B) Three thousands C) Three thousands D )Thousand of
32.People found it easier_____after the invention of zero.
A)calculate B)calculating C)to calculate D)calculated
33.He____be in the classroom now.I saw him raeding magazines in the library just now.
A)can’t B)must C)need D)may
34.Abacuses were ______accurate____they helped people a lot in ancient times..
A)too;to B)so,that C)such;that D)enough;that
35. If Jackie_____tomorrow,we____him to get more information.
A) comes…will interview B)will come…will interview
C)comes…interview D)will come…interview
36.Shanghai Students’ Post_____a great help in my English learning since three years ago.
A)will be B) was C) has been D)had been
37.” Who ____the sports meeting next week ” The class teacher asked our monitor.
A) is interested in B)is careful with C)is responsible for D) is good at
38. -I’m terribly sorry. I have broken your mobile phone.
A)That’s all right B)All right C)Not at all D)Of course not
II. Fill in blanks with the given words in their proper forms
39.He has decided to study in America to be an_____.(account)
40.With the help of his friends, he was finally able to _____the problem.(solution)
41.Football fans like to enjoy ___about the result of the football matches.(argue)
42.Some people call the brain a _____computer.(live)
43.Can you see the electronic____(calculate) on the desk
44. He came home later than usual that day. That’s quite ____(usual)
III. Rewrite the sentences as required:
45.Tom went to school in a hurry.(保持原意)
Tom ___________ school.
47.Myparents go travelling abroad once a year.(对划线部分进行提问)
__________do your parents go travelling abroad
49. The little boy seldom has lunch at school.(改为反义疑问句)
The little boy seldom has lunch at school,________
51.The boy is six years old, He can’t go to school.(保持原句意思)
The boy is ____ young _____ go to school.
plete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box.(8分)
A.only B.name C.around D.send E.before
In the1950s and 1960s, Russia and America were both very interested in space exploration. Each country wanted to be the first to ____53____ a man to the Moon.
In 1957, Russia sent the first satellite into space. The ____54____ of the satellite was Sputnik. It was ____55____ as long as a basketball, but it was the start of the space race! In 1959, the Russian sent a spacecraft to the Moon. Its name was Luna3. It went ____56____ the Moon and took photographs, but it didn’t land on the Moon. There weren’t any astronauts on Luna3.
A.wish B.safely C.heart D.before E.real
In March 1961, the Russians sent an astronaut called Ivan into space. He wasn’t a ____57____person----he was only a toy. The Russians wanted to test the spacecraft and the astronaut’s spacesuit ____58____ they sent a real person into space. Ivan returned to the Earth ____59____. (He’s now in a museum, and he’s still wearing his spacesuit! ) In April 1961. The Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to travel into space and go around the Earth.
A month after Gagarin’s flight, President Kennedy of the USA made a famous speech. He wanted an American astronaut to walk on the Moon, and return to the Earth, before the end of the 1960s. When he made the speech in May 1961, Russia was ahead in the space race. However, winning was very important to the Americans. They spent a lot of money on new spacecraft. In July 1969, Kennedy’s ____60____ came true. Two American astronauts walked on the Moon. Their names were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
Part 3 Reading and Writing
A. Choose the best answer(6分)
Alfred and Mary Walker and their son, Robert, live in England. They are visiting Hong Kong on Holiday. They will send postcards home. Now read what they are writing.
Dear Richard,
We arrived in Hong Kong three days ago. We are having a wonderful time, but every day is very busy. We get up early and go the bed late. It’s rather tiring.
Yesterday we took a bus to the Park. It was a very clear day. From the top, we saw the whole of Hong Kong. We took lots of photos. Some of them will be really good. I will buy a video camera for you because I know you want one. I’ll get it tomorrow because we are going shopping.
Your brother,
Dear Mum and Dad.
We are having a lovely time in Hong Kong. Two days ago, we went to a place called Ocean Park. We saw lots of sharks and dolphins there. Robert enjoyed it very much. Today we are going to Lantau Island. We will see the huge statue of Buddha there. Tomorrow we are going shopping on Hong Kong Island.
Hong Kong is very different to our hometown in England. The streets are more crowded and there is more traffic on the roads. It is noisier than at home as well, and everything is more expensive here!
See you soon.
Lots of love,
Hi Dan!
Hong Kong is a great city! There is so much to see and do here. We went to a great place called Ocean Park. I saw lots of tropical fish and some sharks. I also went on a roller-coaster and a cable car.
I loved the roller-coaster and I went on it four times! Mum and Dad thought I was lost, but then they saw me at the top of the roller-coaster.
Tomorrow will be a shopping day, the worst part of the holiday!
See you soon!
Your friend,
61. The Walkers have been in Hong Kong for ________.
A.three days B.two days C.a week D.five days
62. Richard will probably get a ________ as a present from Alfred.
A.CD player B.video camera C.traveling bag D.computer
63. The walkers are going to visit _______.
A.the Peak B.Ocean Park C.Lantau Island D.a shopping centre
64. Dan is a friend of ________.
A. Alfred’s B. Mary’s C. Richard’s D. Robert’s
65. Robert’s parents thought he was lost when he ________.
A.spent much time watching fish B.went on the roller-coaster four times
C.played with dolphins for a long time D.stayed in the cable car for long
According to the passage, which of the following is not true
The Walkers’ trip in Hong Kong is tiring but wonderful.
Mary doesn’t think the prices in Hong Kong are attractive.
Mary’s hometown is probably quiet and not very crowded.
Robert is looking forward to going shopping in Hong Kong.
B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage:(共6分)
This winter holiday, I have a wonderful trip in Jilin. We even managed to make a micro film (微电影)there. The experience was so happy that I cannot wait to ___67____it with you.
We arrived in Changchun (长春)in the evening. With snow and ice everywhere, we suddenly realized that we had come to a kingdom of snow! It made us all___68____.
However, we came to Jilin not only for sightseeing. We had an important mission-to take a short film! Every one of us needed to be the host or hostess of one part of the film.
When we visited the Rime Island, It was my turn to be the hostess. At last, I was very nervous when facing the camera. I took a deep breath and looked around. The trees covered with magic rime, white snow and crystal ice, and the happy crowd immediately made me relax. I___69____finish my hosting task.
Have this picture in your mind: you lie down on the soft snow, with the white coated trees around you. Your___70____is filled with snow. It is pure and quiet. All your worries and sorrows will be gone.
Nowadays, the pace of life in modern cities is getting faster and faster. But why not___71____down and enjoy the magic of nature
This trip brought something new to me. I learned how a film is made; I learned how important teamwork is; I___72____understood how to enjoy life.
Travelling is a good thing that can broaden our horizons and improve our abilities. When enjoying the pleasure of travelling, you are also learning something beneficial for your future life.
( )67.A. share B. tell C. speak D. say
( )68.A. nervous B. excited C. unhappy D. sad
( )69.A. possibly B. quietly C. hurriedly D. successfully
( )70.A. coat B. heart C. mind D. world
( )70.A. put B. write C. slow D. sit
( )72.A. also B. always C. only D. just
C: Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words:(共6分)
Where has the Time gone is the hottest song that has moved thousands of Chinese. Chinese parents give their children endless love and ask nothing in return. However, sometimes, daughters and sons are too busy growing up and forget that their parents are getting older and older. What should we do Let’s have a look at a l___73____ of a father’s.
Dear son,
One day if you see me old and I am not myself, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating…, if I cannot dress…, have patience. Remember the hours I spent t___74____it to you.
If, when I speak to you, I say the same things one thousand and one times, do not stop me and l___75____to me. When you were small, I had to read to you one thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep.
When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame(羞辱) me nor scold(责备) me. Remember when I had to chase you with a thousand excuses I invented, in order that you wanted to bath.
When you see me meet something n___76____, give me the necessary time and don’t laugh at me. I taught you how to do so many things… to eat well, to dress well… to face life.
If I do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my legs do not allow me to walk, give me your h___77____ the same way I did when you gave your first steps.
When sometimes I lose the memory during our conversation, let me have the necessary time to remember. And if I cannot do it, do not become nervous b___78____the most important thing is not my conversation but to be with you and to have you listen to me.
D.Answer the questions:(12分)
He is always in my heart. I couldn't believe I lost him. As I think of my father, tears fill my eyes and stream down my face.
My dad always wanted to go to Canada, so he wrote a letter to one of my uncles in Canada for help. My uncle successfully got a visit visa(签证)for my dad. So he flew to Canada, looking for a better life for his kids. That year, I was six.
After a few months, dad wrote us a letter saying he was fine and happy. That letter, and its many fellows(伙伴)down the years, all with the same words, kept coming to our doors for 11 years. Yet, even as he lived here in Canada, his health was failing him―but fearing we would worry he never let on about his ill health. He spent these years in Canada working hard; finally after 11 years when he got his landed immigrant(永久居民)paper, he wrote us saying all of us could move to Canada.
We were all happy that we would finally be together. It was to be a huge family reunion(重聚).Sadly my father did not live to see his family reunion as he suffered a serious heart attack.
Yes, Canada is a wonderful country. So many times I can't help thinking it was here that my dad was taken away from us. When I miss him, I want someone to hold me and give me a hug. And when I see how everyone gives his father gifts on Father's Day, wishing them a long, happy life, I want to do the same. But to whom can I give my Father's Day gift and card Where can I get the same warm loving hug again
Which word can best describe the writer’s feeling when he was writing the passage (1分)
Why did the author’s father want to go to Canada (2分)
What do the underlined words “the same words”refer to (2分)
How old was the writer when he moved to Canada (2分)
The writer’s father died before his family moved to Canada, didn’t he (2分)
What can we know from the last paragraph (3分)
V. Writing(10分)
Write a composition in at least 60 words according to the situation given. (根据所给情景写一篇短文,字数不少于60词)
Situation:Suppose your class are having a discussion about what kind of pen friend you would like to have. Please write about your opinion(s) and give reasons. (假设你们班里正在进行一项讨论,主题是关于希望拥有怎样的笔友,请谈谈你的想法和理由)
Part two Vocabulary and Grammar
I: 26~30 DDBAB 31~35DCABA 36~38CCA
II: 39. accountant 40.solve 41.arguing 42.living 43.calcurators 44.unusual
III: 45.hurried to 47.How often.49.does he 51.too to
Part 3 Reading and Writing
C: letter ; teaching ; listen ; new; hand ; because
79. Sadly
80. Because he wants to look for a better life for his kids.
81. He was fine and happy
82. Seventeen years old.
83. Yes, he did.
84. The writer misses his father very much.



