专题04 阅读还原(原卷版+解析版)2023年辽宁省中考英语真题分类汇编

专题04 阅读还原(原卷版)
Have you ever forgotten where your socks are when you wake up in the morning Can you remember what you ate for lunch a week ago 41 But now you should be thankful.
Scientists from the University of Toronto found that forgetting is actually a key part of learning. Clearing out unnecessary information can help our brains work better. 42 Scientists say that this may have something to do with the environment we live in. 43 For example, a supermarket cashier (收银员) meets many people every day and will probably only remember them for a short time. But a designer who often meets his or her customers will remember longer.
That’s because our brains keep making new neurons (神经元) from stem cells (干细胞), said Paul Frankland, a professor at the University of Toronto. There is a special area in our brains called the hippocampus (海马体). 44 When new neurons go into the hippocampus, they renew our old memories.
However, sleep has a great influence on our memories. 45 Sleep helps the brain store and keep new facts and information, said Matthew Walker from the University of California.
A.What kind of information is unnecessary
B.It is important for us when we learn and remember things.
C.You may think that being forgetful is not a good thing.
D.When we don’t have enough sleep, we may have a hard time remembering new information.
E.In an environment that is always changing, our brains may require us to remember less.
We all know that paper-making, gunpowder, the compass and the art of printing are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China. But have you heard of another important invention—the abacus(算盘)
It’s said that Li Shou(隶首) invented the abacus. 36 Some researchers believe the abacus has a longer history than the other calculators(计算器) in the world. In China, people used abacuses to do calculations for thousands of years before people use electronic calculators in daily lives.
37 It has many beads(珠子). Each bead above the abacus stands for five, and each bead below stands for one. By moving the beads up or down, one can do all kinds of calculations.
It is a joy to watch a skilled hand use an abacus. Fingers move, beads knock, and after a few seconds, the result comes out. 38 So it was taught in many schools. Wherever there was a need for calculations, an abacus would come into sight.
Today, because we are used to using electronic calculators, we don’t have many chances to see an abacus in our daily lives. 39 However, the abacus still plays an important role in certain situations.
The abacus is one of the important inventions in Chinese history. It used to make a big difference to Chinese people’s lives. 40 It is our national treasure. It is one of the reasons why we are proud of China.
A.Many young people have not even heard of the word “abacus”.
B.So the abacus is a symbol of wealth for traders in China.
C.It shows the great wisdom of the ancient Chinese people.
D.The abacus is usually made of wood.
E.It has been around for over 5,000 years.
F.In the past, the use of the abacus was a necessary skill.
G.More and more people are using abacuses nowadays.
The right way to breathe(呼吸)during exercise
Exercising is great for your health-everyone knows this. However, simply exercising isn’t enough. It needs to be done properly.
While exercising, making sure your breathing is correct is very important. Naturally, we breathe through our nose. 34 Not really.
Breathing through your nose has its advantages. Your nose hair acts like an air filter(过滤器). Breathing through your nose also warms and moistens(使……湿润)the air. However, when you exercise, you should always make sure that you are taking in enough oxygen(氧气). You can breathe through your nose while doing lighter exercise like yoga. During more heavy exercise, such as running, it is better to breathe through your mouth.
However, most people usually take quicker breaths while doing any heavy exercise. 36 Quicker breathing is not a proper way of breathing. This can cause dizziness(头晕)and other health problems.
In fact, while doing exercise like running, one should breathe in a 3:2 ratio(比率). This means that for the first three steps, the person should be inhaling(吸气)deeply. For the next two steps, the person should be exhaling(呼气)fully. In this way you can take in the largest amount of oxygen.
37 While we often breathe through our nose, breathing through our mouth is a good choice as well. Sometimes people use both their nose and mouth to breathe. While doing any exercise, your breaths should be deep, rather than quick. This will help you to burn more fat and keep you fitter.
A.Let’s go over the basic points one more time.
B.Generally speaking, simply exercising isn’t enough.
C.This is one of the most common mistakes that people make while exercising.
D.However, do you know the right way to breathe during exercise
E.By doing so, you can take in a higher amount of air and thus oxygen.
F.But when you exercise, is breathing through the nose always the best choice
It is 600 years old and has become a popular snack around China. You can buy it every morning at small street stalls(摊位) for around 5 to 10 yuan in most Chinese cities. 31
But it is cooked in many different ways. 32 The Tianjin Catering Industry Association(天津餐饮行业协会) made standards for jianbing guozi to keep the traditional taste on May 25, 2018. 33 According to the new rules, jianbing guozi should be made of ingredients(原料) that include green bean flour(面粉) and eggs. It should be 38 to 40 centimeters in diameter(直径).
34 They have pointed out that everyone has different tastes and that it is useless to create the standards for food. “The jianbing guozi with no standard is the one I like eating.” One Sina Weibo user wrote.
The association has explained that it doesn’t want to make everyone cook the snack the same way every time. 35 It just aims to better regulate(规范) the cooking process, techniques(做法) and food safety than before.
A.It depends on where you buy it.
B.The reason of making standards is to pass down the cooking skills.
C.The snack is called jianbing guozi.
D.It’s not its aim(目标) to make it standard.
E.But some people are wondering if it’s necessary to create such standards.
Elephants are the largest of all land animals. However, there are not many of them left in the world. Today, the earth is home to three kinds of elephants, the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant. World Elephant Day falls on August 12 each year. 33
In Yunnan, China, a monitoring (监控) system keeps an eye on elephants with the help of cameras and drones (无人机). Elephant observers (观察员) are also important. 34 They also pay attention to the animals’ health. When an elephant gets hurt, elephant doctors will come to help.
35 Sometimes, they visit villages and eat corn, rice and fruit. Although people can get money from the government for their losses, it’s still a big problem. In recent years, China set up many “elephant canteens (食堂)” in different places. There, people plant food that elephants love to eat.
Thanks to China’s hard work, the number of elephants in China rose up to about 300 by the end of 2021. 36 Chinese government is now building a national park for elephants. China has made a great home for these big friends!
A.In the past 10 years, the number has been increasing.
B.They follow elephants in cars and tell people where elephants are.
C.The Asian elephants eat 400 kinds of food!
D.It calls on people to care more about elephants.
Do you have a sleep problem 56 You may need to see more sunlight, especially in the morning, according to a study.
A team of researchers from New York, US did the study, reported Yahoo News. The team did a study on 109 office workers across the US. Some of the workers saw lots of light during the morning hours, between 8 a.m. and lunchtime. 57 They also fell asleep more quickly at night.
58 Researchers say it helps us set our “body clock”. When there is less and less sunlight at the end of the day, our body starts to make melatonin (褪黑素). It makes us feel sleepy so that we know it’s time to go to bed. 59 But during the day, sunlight tells our body to make less melatonin so that we can stay awake and do our work.
Researchers suggest that we should see 15 minutes of sunlight in the morning. 60
A.Why is sunlight so important to our sleep
B.The researchers found that these workers had a better sleep than other workers.
C.If you do, here is a simple way to help you improve your sleep.
D.It can help balance the melatonin in our bodies.
E.Our body makes the most melatonin at night.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题04 阅读还原(解析版)
Have you ever forgotten where your socks are when you wake up in the morning Can you remember what you ate for lunch a week ago 41 But now you should be thankful.
Scientists from the University of Toronto found that forgetting is actually a key part of learning. Clearing out unnecessary information can help our brains work better. 42 Scientists say that this may have something to do with the environment we live in. 43 For example, a supermarket cashier (收银员) meets many people every day and will probably only remember them for a short time. But a designer who often meets his or her customers will remember longer.
That’s because our brains keep making new neurons (神经元) from stem cells (干细胞), said Paul Frankland, a professor at the University of Toronto. There is a special area in our brains called the hippocampus (海马体). 44 When new neurons go into the hippocampus, they renew our old memories.
However, sleep has a great influence on our memories. 45 Sleep helps the brain store and keep new facts and information, said Matthew Walker from the University of California.
A.What kind of information is unnecessary
B.It is important for us when we learn and remember things.
C.You may think that being forgetful is not a good thing.
D.When we don’t have enough sleep, we may have a hard time remembering new information.
E.In an environment that is always changing, our brains may require us to remember less.
【答案】41.C 42.A 43.E 44.B 45.D
41.根据“But now you should be thankful.”可知but表示转折,前面应该是和“心存感激”相反的内容。选项C“你可能认为健忘不是一件好事。”符合语境,故选C。
42.根据“Clearing out unnecessary information can help our brains work better”可知此处讲的是清除不必要的信息可以帮助我们的大脑更好地工作。选项A“哪些信息是不必要的?”符合语境,故选A。
43.根据“Scientists say that this may have something to do with the environment we live in. ”可知此处讲述的是环境的影响。选项E“在一个不断变化的环境中,我们的大脑可能会要求我们记住更少。”符合语境,故选E。
44.根据“There is a special area in our brains called the hippocampus (海马体)”可知说的是人大脑里的海马体,选项B“当我们学习和记忆事物时,它对我们很重要。”符合语境,故选B。
45.根据“However, sleep has a great influence on our memories”可知睡眠对记忆力有很大的影响。选项D“当我们没有足够的睡眠时,我们可能很难记住新的信息。”符合语境,故选D。
We all know that paper-making, gunpowder, the compass and the art of printing are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China. But have you heard of another important invention—the abacus(算盘)
It’s said that Li Shou(隶首) invented the abacus. 36 Some researchers believe the abacus has a longer history than the other calculators(计算器) in the world. In China, people used abacuses to do calculations for thousands of years before people use electronic calculators in daily lives.
37 It has many beads(珠子). Each bead above the abacus stands for five, and each bead below stands for one. By moving the beads up or down, one can do all kinds of calculations.
It is a joy to watch a skilled hand use an abacus. Fingers move, beads knock, and after a few seconds, the result comes out. 38 So it was taught in many schools. Wherever there was a need for calculations, an abacus would come into sight.
Today, because we are used to using electronic calculators, we don’t have many chances to see an abacus in our daily lives. 39 However, the abacus still plays an important role in certain situations.
The abacus is one of the important inventions in Chinese history. It used to make a big difference to Chinese people’s lives. 40 It is our national treasure. It is one of the reasons why we are proud of China.
A.Many young people have not even heard of the word “abacus”.
B.So the abacus is a symbol of wealth for traders in China.
C.It shows the great wisdom of the ancient Chinese people.
D.The abacus is usually made of wood.
E.It has been around for over 5,000 years.
F.In the past, the use of the abacus was a necessary skill.
G.More and more people are using abacuses nowadays.
【答案】36.E 37.D 38.F 39.A 40.C
36.根据“It’s said that Li Shou(隶首) invented the abacus.”可知,据说是隶首发明了算盘,此处介绍算盘的历史,选项E“它已经存在了5000多年。”符合语境,故选E。
37.根据“It has many beads(珠子). Each bead...”可知,此处介绍算盘的结构,选项D“算盘通常是木制的。”符合语境,故选D。
38.根据“So it was taught in many schools.”可知,所以很多学校都教这个,所以这是有用的技能,选项F“在过去,使用算盘是一项必要的技能。”符合语境,故选F。
39.根据“Today, because we are used to using electronic calculators, we don’t have many chances to see an abacus in our daily lives.”可知,今天,因为我们习惯于使用电子计算器,我们在日常生活中很少有机会看到算盘。此处介绍算盘在现在很少见,选项A“许多年轻人甚至没有听说过’算盘’这个词。”符合语境,故选A。
40.根据“The abacus is one of the important inventions in Chinese history. It used to make a big difference to Chinese people’s lives.”可知,算盘是中国历史上重要的发明之一。它曾经对中国人的生活产生了很大的影响。此处介绍算盘的重要性,选项C“它显示了中国古代人民的伟大智慧。”符合语境,故选C。
The right way to breathe(呼吸)during exercise
Exercising is great for your health-everyone knows this. However, simply exercising isn’t enough. It needs to be done properly.
While exercising, making sure your breathing is correct is very important. Naturally, we breathe through our nose. 34 Not really.
Breathing through your nose has its advantages. Your nose hair acts like an air filter(过滤器). Breathing through your nose also warms and moistens(使……湿润)the air. However, when you exercise, you should always make sure that you are taking in enough oxygen(氧气). You can breathe through your nose while doing lighter exercise like yoga. During more heavy exercise, such as running, it is better to breathe through your mouth.
However, most people usually take quicker breaths while doing any heavy exercise. 36 Quicker breathing is not a proper way of breathing. This can cause dizziness(头晕)and other health problems.
In fact, while doing exercise like running, one should breathe in a 3:2 ratio(比率). This means that for the first three steps, the person should be inhaling(吸气)deeply. For the next two steps, the person should be exhaling(呼气)fully. In this way you can take in the largest amount of oxygen.
37 While we often breathe through our nose, breathing through our mouth is a good choice as well. Sometimes people use both their nose and mouth to breathe. While doing any exercise, your breaths should be deep, rather than quick. This will help you to burn more fat and keep you fitter.
A.Let’s go over the basic points one more time.
B.Generally speaking, simply exercising isn’t enough.
C.This is one of the most common mistakes that people make while exercising.
D.However, do you know the right way to breathe during exercise
E.By doing so, you can take in a higher amount of air and thus oxygen.
F.But when you exercise, is breathing through the nose always the best choice
【答案】34.F 35.E 36.C 37.A
34.根据“Naturally, we breathe through our nose.”以及“Not really.”可知,此处应是提出质疑:一直用鼻子呼吸是否好,选项F“但是当你锻炼时,用鼻子呼吸总是最好的选择吗?”符合语境,故选F。
35.根据“During more heavy exercise, such as running, it is better to breathe through your mouth.”可知,此处应是说用嘴呼吸的好处,选项E“通过这样做,你可以吸入更多的空气,从而吸入更多的氧气。”符合语境,故选E。
36.根据“However, most people usually take quicker breaths while doing any heavy exercise.”以及“Quicker breathing is not a proper way of breathing. This can cause dizziness(头晕)and other health problems.”可知,此处指出这样的呼吸方式是错误的,选项C“这是人们在锻炼时最常犯的错误之一。”符合语境,故选C。
37.根据“While we often breathe through our nose, breathing through our mouth is a good choice as well...”可知,本段应是总结上文,A选项“让我们再复习一遍基本要点。”符合语境,故选A。
It is 600 years old and has become a popular snack around China. You can buy it every morning at small street stalls(摊位) for around 5 to 10 yuan in most Chinese cities. 31
But it is cooked in many different ways. 32 The Tianjin Catering Industry Association(天津餐饮行业协会) made standards for jianbing guozi to keep the traditional taste on May 25, 2018. 33 According to the new rules, jianbing guozi should be made of ingredients(原料) that include green bean flour(面粉) and eggs. It should be 38 to 40 centimeters in diameter(直径).
34 They have pointed out that everyone has different tastes and that it is useless to create the standards for food. “The jianbing guozi with no standard is the one I like eating.” One Sina Weibo user wrote.
The association has explained that it doesn’t want to make everyone cook the snack the same way every time. 35 It just aims to better regulate(规范) the cooking process, techniques(做法) and food safety than before.
A.It depends on where you buy it.
B.The reason of making standards is to pass down the cooking skills.
C.The snack is called jianbing guozi.
D.It’s not its aim(目标) to make it standard.
E.But some people are wondering if it’s necessary to create such standards.
【答案】31.C 32.A 33.B 34.E 35.D
31.根据“It is 600 years old and has become a popular snack around China. You can buy it every morning at small street stalls(摊位) for around 5 to 10 yuan in most Chinese cities.”可知,它有600年的历史,在中国已经成为一种受欢迎的小吃。在中国大多数城市,每天早上你都可以在街边小摊上花5到10元买到它。此处介绍一种小吃,选项C“这种小吃被称为煎饼果子。”符合语境,故选C。
32.根据“But it is cooked in many different ways.”可知,它有很多不同的烹饪方法,选项A“这取决于你在哪里买。”符合语境,故选A。
33.根据“The Tianjin Catering Industry Association(天津餐饮行业协会) made standards for jianbing guozi to keep the traditional taste on May 25, 2018.”可知,2018年5月25日,天津餐饮行业协会制定了煎饼果子保持传统味道的标准。此处介绍该规范,选项B“制定标准的原因是为了传承烹饪技术。”符合语境,故选B。
34.根据“They have pointed out that everyone has different tastes and that it is useless to create the standards for food.”可知,他们指出,每个人都有不同的口味,制定食品标准是没有用的。所以有些人认为这种标准是没用的,选项E“但一些人怀疑是否有必要制定这样的标准。”符合语境,故选E。
35.根据“It just aims to better regulate(规范) the cooking process, techniques(做法) and food safety than before.”可知,它只是为了更好地规范烹饪过程、技术和食品安全。此处介绍的是该标准的目的,选项D“它的目的不是使它成为标准。”符合语境,故选D。
Elephants are the largest of all land animals. However, there are not many of them left in the world. Today, the earth is home to three kinds of elephants, the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant. World Elephant Day falls on August 12 each year. 33
In Yunnan, China, a monitoring (监控) system keeps an eye on elephants with the help of cameras and drones (无人机). Elephant observers (观察员) are also important. 34 They also pay attention to the animals’ health. When an elephant gets hurt, elephant doctors will come to help.
35 Sometimes, they visit villages and eat corn, rice and fruit. Although people can get money from the government for their losses, it’s still a big problem. In recent years, China set up many “elephant canteens (食堂)” in different places. There, people plant food that elephants love to eat.
Thanks to China’s hard work, the number of elephants in China rose up to about 300 by the end of 2021. 36 Chinese government is now building a national park for elephants. China has made a great home for these big friends!
A.In the past 10 years, the number has been increasing.
B.They follow elephants in cars and tell people where elephants are.
C.The Asian elephants eat 400 kinds of food!
D.It calls on people to care more about elephants.
【答案】33.D 34.B 35.C 36.A
33.根据“World Elephant Day falls on August 12 each year”可知每年的8月12日是世界大象日,接下来应说这个节日的意义。选项D“它呼吁人们更多地关心大象。”符合语境,故选D。
34.根据“In Yunnan, China, a monitoring (监控) system keeps an eye on elephants with the help of cameras and drones (无人机). Elephant observers (观察员) are also important.”可知此处是对大象的监视。选项B“他们开车跟着大象,告诉人们大象在哪里。”符合语境,故选B。
35.根据“Sometimes, they visit villages and eat corn, rice and fruit.”可知介绍的是大象吃的东西。选项C“亚洲象吃400种食物!”符合语境,故选C。
36.根据“Thanks to China’s hard work, the number of elephants in China rose up to about 300 by the end of 2021”可知截至2021年底,中国的大象数量已增至约300头。选项A“在过去的10年里,这个数字一直在增加。”符合语境,故选A。
Do you have a sleep problem 56 You may need to see more sunlight, especially in the morning, according to a study.
A team of researchers from New York, US did the study, reported Yahoo News. The team did a study on 109 office workers across the US. Some of the workers saw lots of light during the morning hours, between 8 a.m. and lunchtime. 57 They also fell asleep more quickly at night.
58 Researchers say it helps us set our “body clock”. When there is less and less sunlight at the end of the day, our body starts to make melatonin (褪黑素). It makes us feel sleepy so that we know it’s time to go to bed. 59 But during the day, sunlight tells our body to make less melatonin so that we can stay awake and do our work.
Researchers suggest that we should see 15 minutes of sunlight in the morning. 60
A.Why is sunlight so important to our sleep
B.The researchers found that these workers had a better sleep than other workers.
C.If you do, here is a simple way to help you improve your sleep.
D.It can help balance the melatonin in our bodies.
E.Our body makes the most melatonin at night.
【答案】56.C 57.B 58.A 59.E 60.D
56.根据“Do you have a sleep problem ”可知要针对这个问题引出下文,C项“如果你有,这里有一个简单的方法可以帮助你改善睡眠。”符合语境。故选C。
57.根据“Some of the workers saw lots of light during the morning hours, between 8 a.m. and lunchtime.”可知要讲这些工人的睡眠质量如何,B项“研究人员发现,这些工人比其他工人睡眠质量更好。”符合语境。故选B。
58.根据“Researchers say it helps us set our ‘body clock’.”可知此处讲阳光对我们身体的作用,A项“为什么阳光对我们的睡眠如此重要?”符合语境。故选A。
59.根据“But during the day, sunlight tells our body to make less melatonin so that we can stay awake and do our work.”可知夜里分泌的褪黑素多于白天,E项“我们的身体在晚上分泌的褪黑素最多。”符合语境。故选E。
60.根据“Researchers suggest that we should see 15 minutes of sunlight in the morning.”可知要讲看15分钟阳光的作用,D项“它可以帮助平衡我们体内的褪黑素。”符合语境。故选D。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



