
( 本试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟)
Part 1 Listening
(第一部分 听力 25分)
I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)
A. Listen and choose the right picture. (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (5分)
) (
) (
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (6分)、
( )6. A. Red. B. Black. C. White. D. Blue.
( )7. A. Noodles. B. Pizza. C. Dumplings. D. Bread.
( )8. A. Tommy. B. Sam. C. The father. D. The mother.
( )9. A. By train. B. By plane. C. By ship. D. By car.
( )10. A. At a post office. B. At a school. C. At a cinema. D. In a bank.
( )11. A. Five minutes. B. Ten minutes. C. Fifteen minutes. D. Twenty minutes
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F ”表示) (6分)
( )12. People living in Water Bay are from different countries.
( )13. There are many rich people living in Water Bay.
( )14. Mr. Lee can’t speak English very well.
( )15. In January, a lot of people go to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
( )16. No one works much at Christmas.
( )17. You can only experience English culture in Water Bay.
Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (8分)
If you want to do well in an exam, you need to know something as follow.
18. Don’t write before you read over the whole exam paper.
19. If comes to you , just the hard problem and go on to another one.
20. If you before you hand in your paper, correct the mistakes you find.
21. Finally, do remember to write as as .
Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar
(第二部分 词汇和语法 39分)
II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (15分)
( ) 22. Choose a word with a different sound.
A. stone B. wonderful C. another D. someone
( ) 23. There is exhibition center near my flat.
A. the B. / C. a D.an
( ) 24. People built the Great Wall bricks and stones.
A. in B. on C. with D. use
( ) 25. Peter is ill, and his mother had to stay at home and him.
A. look after B. look out C. take care D. look for
( ) 26. Beijing is a great city for travelling, and it has quite places of interest.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
( ) 27. Sarah was late for the film she fell off her bike on her way.
A. so B. if C. or D. because
( ) 28. Our Art teacher let us crayons and paint to class next time.
A. take B. to take C. taking D. takes
( ) 29. Many young people think shopping on the Internet makes their life much .
A. easy B. easily C. more easily D. easier
( ) 30. There are over people in Shanghai now.
A. 24 millions B. 24 million C. 24 millions of D. 24 million of
( ) 31. I often see an old lady bread from a bakery on my way to school.
A. buys B. to buy C. buying D. bought
( ) 32. It ________ them a lot of time to do volunteer work .
A. spent B. took C. cost D. paid
( ) 33. The self-driving plane is useful in many ways. smart plane it is!
A. What a B. What C. What an D. How
( ) 34.Tom went to the library a few minutes ago and he back yet.
didn’t come B. hasn’t come C. won’t come D. doesn’t come
( ) 35. ----I’m going to visit Canada on a study trip next week.
---- __________.
A. Have a wonderful time. B. You are welcome
C. That’s right. D. The same to you.
( ) 36. ---- You look so weak these days. You’d better see a doctor.
---- __________.
A. You are all right. B. That’s all right.
C. Thanks. I will. D. That sounds interesting.
plete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each can only be used once (将方框内单词的代码填入空格,每词只能填一次) (5分)
A. what B. On the other hand C. being D. more often E. in front of F. too
The expression “Excuse me” is 37 used in the United States than in China. An American says “Excuse me” when he wants to pass 38 someone, to leave a party or a dinner or when he finds himself late for an appointment. “Thank you” means to appreciate ( 感 激 ) 39 someone has done for you. An American says “ Thank you” all day long. For example, he will say “ Thank you ” to the cashier when he had paid for his food. He will say “ Thank you” to a student if he has just answered the question. At home the husband will thank his wife if she brings him a cup of tea. 40 , the wife thanks her husband for helping her with her housework. So the American people’s idea of 41 polite is quite different from ours.
37.________ 38. ________ 39. _________ 40. _________ 41. _________
plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词) (7分)
42. That __________ can speak both English and French (Canada)
43. With the help of the policeman, John arrived at home __________. (safe)
44. The lady had a __________ leg for about two years. (break)
45. He needs more__________ to put all his things in.(shelf)
46. Please help __________ to some fish, children.(you)
47. We must do something to keep animals from __________ (dangerous)
48. Some people are __________ to their puppies. They leave them in the street. (kind)
V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子) (12分)
49. The old man could swim across the river when he was young. (改为一般疑问句)
__________ the old man __________ across the river when he was young
50. She gave me a violin as the birthday present two days ago.(对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ she give you as the birthday present two days ago.
51. The policemen caught the thief yesterday. (改为反意疑问句)
The policemen caught the thief yesterday,
52. Grace goes to the movies twice a month. ( 对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ does Grace go to the movies
53. This morning Jack was late for school and Jane was late for school, too.
This morning ________ Jack ________ Jane were late for school.
54. you, in , which country, read about, magazines, have(连词成句)
Part 3 Reading and Writing
(第三部分 读写 36分)
VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共25分)
Choose the best answer (根据所给篇目,选择最恰当的答案) (6分)
The worst tourist in the world is Nicholas Scottie of San Francisco. Once he flew from the U.S. to his hometown in Italy to see someone at home. The plane made a one-hour stop to get oil at Kennedy Airport of New York. As he thought he had arrived home, Mr. Scottie got off the plane. He thought he was in Rome. When nobody was there to meet him, Mr. Scottie thought maybe they were held up by heavy traffic. While looking for their address, Mr. Scottie found that the old “Rome” had changed a lot. Many old buildings were replaced by high modern ones. He also found that many people spoke English instead of Italian and that many streets were written in English. Mr. Scottie knew very little English, so he asked a policeman the way to the bus station. He happened to meet a policeman who was also born in Italy and answered him in the same language. After twelve hours’ traveling round on a bus, the driver handed him over to a second policeman. He asked the policeman why the Rome police employed so many people as policemen speaking English instead of Italian. Mr. Scottie did not believe he was in New York when he was told so. To get him on a plane back to San Francisco, he was sent to the airport in a police car with sirens (警报) on. “Look,” said Scottie to his interpreter (翻译), “I know I’m in Italy. That’s how they drive.”
( ) 55.Mr. Scottie’s hometown was in ________.
A.New York B.Italy C.England D.America
( )56.Mr. Scottie got off the plane because ________.
A.he thought he arrived at his hometown
B.he took the wrong plane
C.there was something wrong with the plane
D.the plane needed to add some oil
( ) 57.Mr. Scottie went to a policeman for help because ________.
A. he wanted to know more about the streets
B. he was far away from the bus station
C.he wanted to go back to the airport
D. he wanted to ask the way
( ) 58.When he was sent to the second policeman, Mr. Scottie________.
A. realized he was in a wrong place
B. still thought he was in his hometown
C. realized it was an English-speaking place
D. still didn’t know where he was
( ) 59. The underlined word “employed” probably means “________” in this passage.
A.asked B.helped C.gave work to D.looked after
( ) 60. What can we learn from the passage
A. More and more people can speak English.
B. There is always something wrong with planes.
C. Mr. Scottie was a careless man.
D.Policemen are ready to help people.
Choose the best words or phrases and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文) (6分)
Daniel and Hazel visited Africa! But they did not fly to the continent of Africa. They visit Africa at the zoo. They saw a lot of African animals. The first ___61 they saw was a giraffe. The giraffe is the world’s 62 animals. A male giraffe can grow up to 5.5meters. Giraffes are related (有亲戚关系的)to deer and cattle.
Do you know that zoo also has an animal 63 Zoo animals get a check-up at the zoo hospital every two years. The veterinarians(兽医) take care of the animals. If an animal is ___64 sick, it will get an X-ray and maybe have surgery(外科手术).
Daniel and Hazel also saw the world’s largest land animal, the elephant. These big animals can be 65 in Asia and Africa! The last African animal they saw was a bird. It was black and white. It was a penguin. Some penguins live in the most southern part of Africa. ___66 animals come in all shapes and sizes and you can see them at the zoo.
( ) 61. A. giraffe B. animal C. penguin D. deer
( ) 62. A. tallest B. taller C. longer D. longest
( ) 63. A. hotel B. school C. hospital D. zoo
( ) 64. A. ready B. really C. only D. also
( ) 65. A. found B. looked C. felt D. watched
( ) 66. A. Asian B. Africa C. African D. Asia
C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(6分)
Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school If you do, you need to take control of your feelings. Getting angry with others can cause you to 1 67 friends.
Cary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has written a book named My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animal to help you control your feelings. The book tells how to stay cool when bad things h 68 .
The book says that getting angry only makes problems more serious. It can never make them better. “Getting angry is not a natural way to act, ” the book says. “It is just a
h 69 , like smoking.”
The book says you can control you feelings e 70 — all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.
The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry frequently. Here are the top three:
*Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry so often.
*Ask your friends to s 71 talking to you when you get angry. Leave you alone. This will teach you not to be angry.
*Do something d 72 . When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh.
D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (7分, 第83题2分)
  When Julia eats her favorite food, she feels bad.She knows that chocolate can have a lot of fat and sugar.But Julia says she loves chocolate so much-once she starts eating it, she can’t stop.
  Julia isn’t the only one who loves chocolate.It is a favorite food for people all over the world.People prefer chocolate over ice cream, cakes, and cookies.
  The idea of eating chocolate didn’t begin until the 19th century.Before that, people drank chocolate.When the liquid(液体)chocolate was brought to Spain in the 1500s, people thought it was medicine because it had a medicine taste.In fact, the people who made chocolate into drinks were doctors.
  Then people discovered that mixing chocolate with sugar made a wonderful drink.King Ferdinand of Spain loved this drink so much that he put out an order:anyone who talked about chocolate outside the court(法庭)would be killed.For about 100 years, chocolate was a secret in Spain.
  Finally, people found out about chocolate, and it became a popular drink in Europe.Later, the Swiss mixed milk and chocolate.Today, most Americans prefer milk chocolate, while most Europeans prefer dark chocolate.
  New research shows that chocolate is actually good for us.“Chocolate has different kinds of vitamins, ” says a researcher in France.“It has more than 300 different chemicals.People who feel good when they eat chocolate are actually healthier.Feeling pleasure is important for health and can protect against illness.”“Good chocolate doesn’t have much fat or sugar.You can enjoy it if you eat a little at a time!” says Tara Berish, another chocolate lover.
73. When did the idea of eating chocolate begin
It began____________________________________________________________ .
74. What did people discover then
People discovered that_________________________________________________ .
75. Most Americans prefer dark chocolate, don’t they
__________, __________________________________________________________ .
76. How many different chemicals does chocolate have
____________________________________________________________________ .
77. Who, in fact, made chocolate into drinks at that time
____________________________________________________________________ .
78. Do you like chocolate Why or why not
____________________________________________________________________ .
VII. Writing (写作) (共11分)
79.Write at least 50 words on the topic “The trip I enjoyed most” (以“我最喜欢的一次旅行”为题写一篇不少于50个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)
A. Listen and choose the right picture. (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)
1. My sister wants to be a policewoman in the future.
2. Before having dinner, I usually read English newspapers for a while.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Brown has moved into a new flat in a big housing estate.
4. Every morning, we raise the national flag in the school.
5. The blind man is trying to cross the road. Let’s go and help him.
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)
6. M: What colour do you like best, Sandy
W: Blue. And most of my clothes are blue.
Q: What’s Sandy’s favourite colour (Please listen again)
7. M: Morning, Mum. What’s for breakfast
W: What do you want to have, pizza, bread, noodles or dumplings
M: I prefer noodles to all the others.
Q: What does the boy want to eat for breakfast (Please listen again)
8. W: Hello, Tommy, why are your parents so worried
M: Because our pet dog Sam has broken his leg.
Q: Who has broken the leg (Please listen again)
9. W: Mr. Black, where are you leaving for
M: Yes. I’ll fly to Qingdao tonight. I must get everything ready before 6 o’clock.
Q: How will Mr. Black go to Qingdao (Please listen again)
10. W: Can I help you
M: I want to buy some stamps. I’m going to post some letters.
Q:Where are they talking (Please listen again)
11. M: The bus left 5 minutes ago. How often does it come
W: Every 20 minutes.
Q: How long will the man have to wait (Please listen again)
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F ”表示)
People from a lot of different countries live in Water Bay. On the street you hear a lot of languages. People here don’t have a lot of money, but they are very friendly and happy. For example, Mr. Lee, the Chinese grocer, doesn’t speak a lot of English, but he always says, “Can I help you ” to his English-speaking customers. People in Water Bay also celebrate a lot of holidays. In February, a lot of people go to celebrate the Chinese New Year. And no one does a lot of work at Christmas, a western holiday. Come to Water Bay and you can experience a lot of different cultures in one afternoon. (Please listen again)
Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)
Hi, class! Everyone wants to do well in exam. Though you work hard every day, still you need to know something as follow.
Don’t write your answers before you read over the whole exam paper.
Choose the problems that seem easy to you and do them first.
Don’t spend too much time on the problem which is too hard for you. Think about it for a minute or two. If nothing comes to you, just leave it there and go on to another problem. You may later have time to think about it and find a way.
Sometimes you may feel nervous. If so, put down your pen, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.When you feel better, go back to work.
If you have time before handing in your paper, check your answers, correct the mistakes you find and make sure that you can’t do any better.
Do remember to write as clearly as possible.
Wish you all success in the exams! (Please listen again)
1-5 E A D F C
6-11 D A B B A C
12-17 T F T F T F
18-21 your answers nothing leave have time clearly possible
22-36 A D C A B D A D B C B A B A C
37-41 D E A B C
42-48 Canadian safely broken shelves yourselves danger unkind
49-54 Could swim What did didn’t they How often both and
Which country have you read about in magazines
55-60 B A D B C C
61-66 B A C B A C
67-72 lose happen habit easily stop different
73. in the 19th century.
74. mixing chocolate with sugar made a wonderful drink.
75. No, they don’t.
76. More than 300.
77. Doctors.
78. 略



