广东省茂名市信宜市2023-2024八年级上学期期中英语试题(含答案 )

八年级 英语
1. 全卷共8页,满分为120分,考试范围:Module 1—Module 4,考试用时为90分钟。
2. 答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔在答题卡的指定区域填写自己的镇别、学校、姓名、考场号、座位号和考号。用2B铅笔把对应该号码的标号涂黑。
3. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的信息点涂黑,需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。
4. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。
5. 考生务必保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束时,将答题卡一并交回。
( ) 1. The river is about 600 metres wide.
A. [wid] B. [wi:d] C. [waid]
( ) 2. Remember to write down the correct answers next to the mistake.
A. [k rekt] B. [k rekt] C. [k ret]
( ) 3. What’s the matter
A. [ meit ] B. [ m t ] C. [ ma:t ]
( ) 4. They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game.
A. [ laudli] B. [ l udli] C. [ lu:dli]
( ) 5. Liming booked a hotel before he set off for Xinjiang.
A. [buk] B. [bukd] C. [bukt]
6. The population of Shenzhen is over ten __________ (百万).
7. Zou Jiaqi and Qiu Xiuping __________ (打败) other teams and won the first gold of the Hangzhou Asian Games.
8. Walking is a cheap, safe and __________ (使人放松的) form of exercise.
9. I __________ (忘记) to ask him for his address yesterday.
10. I saw several road __________ (交通事故) last month.
11. 托尼住得离学校远,所以他必须乘坐地铁。
Tony lives __________ __________ school, so he has to take the underground.
12. 为了有时间热身,我们队所有成员都尽可能早地到达。
Our team all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to __________ __________.
13. 我们家乡因为美丽的自然风光而出名。
My hometown is __________ __________ the beautiful sightseeing.
14. 当你遇到困难的时候,请记得求助。
When you have difficulties, remember to __________ __________ help.
15. 我同意你,我们应该保护森林。
I __________ __________ you that we should protect the forest.
四、连词成句。(本大题共有5小题, 每小题2分,共10分)
16. the, speaks, teacher, carefully (.)
17. English, we, speak, always, in class, should (.)
18. cheapest, the, is, coach, way, by (.)
19. taller, it, buildings, many other, than, is (.)
20. the, Jack, is, in, tallest, our class (.)
I was on vacation in Hangzhou with my family last summer holiday. Hangzhou is 21 famous city. We stayed there for a week and had a good time.
The weather in Hangzhou is usually sunny, and it is 22 than Guangzhou. So people can enjoy 23 . However, on the first day of the trip, it was rainy. I was unhappy. 24 I couldn’t go out and we had to stay at the hotel. On the second day, it was fine. 25 rode the bikes to the West Lake. There were many people 26 all over the world. They wanted 27 a look at the beautiful West Lake. Some people took the boats on the lake. In the evening, we 28 tired and left the garden for dinner in a restaurant. I looked out of the restaurant, some people hurried to the bus stop. 29 did they go Oh, they were on their way home from work. 30 beautiful and busy city!
I am looking forward to visiting it for a second time.
( ) 21. A. a B. an C. the
( ) 22. A. cool B. cooler C. the coolest
( ) 23. A. they B. them C. themselves
( ) 24. A. and B. but C. because
( ) 25. A. We B. Our C. Us
( ) 26. A. for B. from C. on
( ) 27. A. have B. to have C. having
( ) 28. A. are feeling B. feel C. felt
( ) 29. A. Where B. What C. How
( ) 30. A. How B. What a C. What an
One day an elephant walked into a forest to look for friends.
He saw a 31 . “Will you be my friend ” asked the elephant. The monkey answered, “You are too big. You can not swing (荡) from 32 like me.” 33 , the elephant met a frog. “Will you be my friend ” he asked. The frog said, “You are too big to jump like me.” The elephant was very 34 .
The next day, the elephant saw all the 35 in the forest running for their lives. The elephant asked. “What’s the matter ” The monkey cried, “There is a tiger in the forest. He’s trying to eat all up!” The animals all 36 to hide (藏).
The elephant decided to 37 everyone. He walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals.” “Mind your business (事情)!” shouted the tiger. The elephant had no choice but to give the tiger a heavy kick (踢) . The tiger ran for his life 38 .
The elephant went back into the forest to tell the 39 news to everyone. All the animals 40 the elephant. They said, “You are just the right size to be our friend”
( ) 31. A. forest B. man C. tiger D. monkey
( ) 32. A. rivers B. trees C. buildings D. lakes
( ) 33. A. Then B. However C. Really D. Once
( ) 34. A. happy B. sad C. clever D. kind
( ) 35. A. monkeys B. frogs C. animals D. friends
( ) 36. A. ran away B. looked up C. took off D. got into
( ) 37. A. see B. correct C. train D. help
( ) 38. A. easily B. happily C. slowly D. quickly
( ) 39. A. bad B. good C. sad D. shy
( ) 40. A. thanked B. smiled C. passed D. missed
There are more than 100 festivals in Yunnan. If you are planning to visit Yunnan, please see our Festival Tours.
The Torch (火把) Festival Date: July/August (days 24 to 26 of the sixth lunar month) Location (位置): Lijiang. Festival: The Torch Festival is a traditional festival among the Yi, Naxi and Bai people. The Torch Festival should last for 3 days, and every family should light a big torch in front of their doors. Recommended (推荐) Tour: 4-Day Tour of Lijiang
The Water Splashing (泼) Festival Date: April 13 to 15. Location: Xishuangbanna Festival: The Water Splashing Festival is the most important festival among the Dai people. People splash water as a blessing (祝福). It lasts for 3 days. Recommended tour: 6-Day Tour of Xishuangbanna
The Horse Race Festival Date: May/June (5th of the fifth lunar month) Location: Shangri-La Festival: The Horse Race Festival is the biggest gathering of Tibetans (藏族). It usually lasts for about 3 days. You can watch horse racing. Recommended tour: 7-Day Tour of the Nu River and Tengchong
( ) 41. Where is the Torch Festival celebrated
A. In Lijiang. B. In Xishuangbanna.
C. In Shangri-La. D. In Tengchong.
( ) 42. Who celebrate the Water Splashing Festival
A. The Yi People. B. The Naxi People.
C. The Dai People. D. The Bai People.
( ) 43. How do Tibetans celebrate the festival on 5th of the fifth lunar month
A. Splash water. B. Have a party.
C. Light a torch. D. Have a horse race.
( ) 44. How long does the tour of of the Nu River and Tengchong last for
A. Three days. B. Four days.
C. Six days. D. Seven days
( ) 45. What is the purpose (目的) of this passage
A. To introduce Yunnan. B. To introduce some tours.
C. To tell funny stories. D. To celebrate festivals.
I remember my first camping trip. It was terrible. Ten years passed. I learned many lessons. Now I am a good camper (露营者). I want to share my advice with beginners.
For beginner campers, choosing a popular camping place is the most important thing. It should be close to your home. And it’s better to choose a camping place with bathroom. And you will feel better when you set up your tent (帐篷) near other campers.
About what to wear, you need to think about the weather and the season. You also need to think, “how long will you stay ”, and “What will you do ”, like going boating or hiking. It’s always smart to take several clothes, especially when camping in the mountains. The temperatures (温度) there can change a lot.
About what to eat, most of the time, I get away from cooking while camping. I always pack foods. The foods are “ready-to-eat” foods. Sometimes I prepare the food at home, and take it with me, like salad. That means less cooking time and I can bring fewer things, and do not leave much litter.
( ) 46. Where is this passage most probably from
A. A storybook. B. An art magazine.
C. A guidebook. D. A science magazine.
( ) 47. Beginners should not set up tents _________.
A. close to their home B. near other campers
C. in a place with bathrooms D. only in the mountains
( ) 48. In Paragraph 3, the advice is about ________.
A. what to do there B. who to go with
C. how to choose clothes D. how to get there
( ) 49. What does the underlined word “pack” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. take away B. buy for C. write down D. look up
( ) 50. Which can be the best title for the passage
A. Types of camping. B. Advice for camping safely
C. What to wear when camping. D. A Terrible camping trip.
( ) 51. Clark’s daughter always stays at home. He wants her to know how beautiful the nature is. ( ) 52. Laura and her children are busy these days. They want to enjoy some quiet time this weekend. ( ) 53. Jill’s son asks her to help him with his science homework. She plans to find a place to learn some science. ( ) 54. Dave’s children like the singer Jay Chou a lot. They hope to watch his show one day. ( ) 55. Peter’s child needs to write a diary about animals. He has to help him. A. Take your family to the zoo. Kids love to see cute animals or learn something about them. B. Take your kids to visit the science museum. Be sure to play some science games there. C. Is Jay Chou your favourite He is a very popular singer to most children. Why not take your children to his show D. Parks are for every member of the family. When you have time, try some friendly family games at the park! E. Movies can be enjoyable! People can relax, and enjoy some quiet time. Besides, who can say no to the popcorn (爆米花) F. Enjoy the nature with a bike in the country, and give your children a nature lesson. There are flowers, trees, and birds everywhere. G. Biking is a perfect outdoor sport. It is good for us and good for the environment (环境).
make and be well idea off early take kind often breakfast that
A new rule (规定) in Beijing says, people can’t eat food or drink on the subway (地铁).
Many people think it is a good 56 , because they don’t like the smell of food on the subway. “I take the subway home from school every day. I 57 feel tired and hungry at that time. If people eat food next to me, the smell will 58 me feel bad,” says Sun Run. “And there 59 always a lot of people on the subway. If the food falls on the floor, how can we keep the ground nice 60 clean ”
But some people don’t like the rule. “I go to school by subway. It always 61 me a long time. So I need to get up 62 in the morning. Sometimes I has my 63 on the subway, so I can save time. This rule is really not 64 to me,” says Zhao Xin. “If someone feels thirsty (口渴的) on the subway, does he or she need to get 65 the subway to have a drink I think they can drink water.”
What do you think of the rule
Last week, students at Rosie Bridge School worked hard to make their English Week a big success.
There was an English book fair (集市) in the library. There was also a speaking competition (竞赛). The students had to speak in English for two minutes. We spoke to the winner, Henry. “I won the game. I’m so happy.” he said. “I advise people to speak slowly. If they wan to be good speakers, they’d better speak clearly.”
We also spoke to several other students about English Week. One of them was Amy. “I really enjoyed English Week. It gave me a chance to learn new words. I think every school should have an English Week.” she said.
On the last day of English Week, the head teacher gave a talk to the whole school. He gave students some suggestions on how to improve their English. “You should talk with your friends in English. You should read English books, and watch English television programmes (节目),” he said.
66. Is English Week successful
67. Who won the speaking competition
68. Why did Amy enjoy English Week
69. When did the head teacher give a talk
70. How many suggestions did the head teacher give students
71. B. 书面表达。(本题15分)
据调查,越来越的外国学生开始学习汉语。假设你是李明,你想向某学生英文网站投稿,以“How to Learn Chinese Well”为题,分享如何学习汉语的方法。请你根据以下思维导图内容提示,用英文写篇短文。
How to learn Chinese Well
By Li Ming
Chinese is more and more popular around the world. ________________________________________________
一、语音辨析。1-5 CABAC
6、million 7、beat 8、relaxing 9、forgot 10、accidents
11、far from 12、warm up 13、famous for 14、ask for 15、agree with
16、The teacher speaks carefully.
17、We should always speak English in class.
18、The cheapest way is by coach.
19、It is taller than many other buildings.
20、Jack is the tallest in our class.
五、语法选择。21-25、ABCCA 26-30、BBCAB
六、完形填空。31-35、DBABC 36-40、ADDBA
七、阅读理解。41-45、ACDDB 46-50、CDCAB 51-55、FEBCA
56、idea 57、often 58、make 59、are 60、and 61、takes 62、early
63、breakfast 64、kind 65、off
66、Yes, it is.
67、Henry won the speaking competition./Henry .
68、Because English Week gave her a chance to learn new words./
Because it gave her a chance to learn new words.
69、The head teacher gave the talk on the last day of English Week./
He gave the talk on the last day of English Week./
On the last day of English Week.
70、There are three suggestions./Three.
71. B. 书面表达。参考范文:
How to Learn Chinese Well
Chinese is more and more popular around the world. By learning Chinese well, we can understand China better. It is also easier to make friends or work with Chinese.
Here is my advice on how to learn Chinese well. First, it is helpful to read some good Chinese newspapers and magazines. In this way, we can improve our reading ability. Second, listening to Chinese songs is an interesting way to improve our listening. Third, try to speak Chinese as much as possible. The more we speak, the better our spoken Chinese will be.
I hope my advice is useful,and more people start to learn Chinese.



