Unit 8 When is your birthday 学习任务单(6份打包)

课题 Unit 8 When is your birthday 情境中的语法学习——关联序数词与日期
By the end of this class, you will be able to 1. identify ordinal and cardinal numbers; 2. tell the difference between “in” and “on”; 3. talk about birthday information.
1. 复习上一节课的任务单和笔记; 2. 跟读序数词和月份,会正确地进行朗读。
【学习任务一】 Challenge: Complete the form. onefirsteighttwoninethreetwelvefourtwenty-sixfivethirty
【学习任务二】 Application 1: Describe the exact position of each month. 1. The month of the year is March. 2. The month of the year is April.
3. The first month of the year is . 4. The month of the year is February. 5. The month of the year is May. 6. The sixth month of the year is . 7. The month of the year is September. 8. The month of the year is August. 9. The seventh month of the year is . 10. The tenth month of the year is . 11. The month of the year is December. 12. The eleventh month of the year is . 【学习任务三】 Complete the dialogue with when, how old, March 12th, in or on. Bill: are you, Grace. Grace: I am twelve. Bill: And is your birthday Grace: My birthday is on . How about you and Tom Bill: Well, my birthday is July 5th, and Tom’s birthday is December. 【学习任务四】 Challenge yourself:Lineup Eric’s group from the youngest to the oldest. NameEricJaneLucyFrankAgeBirthday
【学习任务五】 Group work: Can you line up from the youngest to the oldest in your group NameAgeBirthday课题 Unit 8 When is your birthday 听说能力培养——询问并描述生日信息
By the end of this class, you will be able to 1. identify months and dates; 2. get specific birthday information; 3. give birthday information.
复习 7 单元的基数词。
【学习任务一】 1b. Listen and number the conversations [ 1-3]. 【学习任务二】 2b&2c. Listen and answer the questions. 1. Who is Mr. Smith talking to
2. What questions is Mr. Smith asking __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Listen again. Match the names, months and dates. 【学习任务三】 Group Work: Interview Please ask your group members about their birthdays and fill in the group birthday calendar. 【学习任务四】 Please complete the passage according to 2e. 【学习任务五】 Please add your family members’ birthdays in your calendar.课题 Unit 8 When is your birthday 阅读能力培养—— 了解日程与安排
By the end of this class, you will be able to 1. locate information about school activities and dates; 2. describe school activities.
1.复习上一节课的任务单和笔记; 2. 复习基数词和序数词以及日期的表述。
【学习任务一】 Listen and answer the question. What questions is John asking Sally ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Listen again and fill in John’s school calendar.
【学习任务二】 Read the notice and tick √ Bill’s school activities. 【学习任务三】 Read our notice and tick √ our school activities and then match the activities with dates. 【学习任务四】 Group work: 1. What do you think of our school activities _______________________________________________________________ 2. What sentence structures can we use when we talk about the school activities _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________课题 Unit 8 When is your birthday (Period 6)
By the end of this class, you will be able to 1.talk about birthday information; 2.introduce school activities; 3.summarize some Chinese birthday customs.
1. 复习生日相关词汇及月份的表达方法。 2. 复习学校活动的相关单词、词组及描述学校活动安排的相关句型。 3. 复习中国生日习俗相关材料。
【学习任务一】 I. Tom and his group members 1. Read and fill in the chart. NameFavorite activityThe reasonDate
2. Read and fill in the blanks. *1. How old is Linda She is . *2. What is Linda ’s lucky number Why
It ’s because her birthday is . *3. Which school activity does Linda like best Why She likes best because she can watch some wonderful . 3. Read and underline. How do you know Bruce is a sports lover Bruce is 13 years old. His birthday is in September. He is good at sports. His favorite school activity is the soccer game. It ’son October 12th. Playing soccer makes him feel happy and relaxed. He sometimes plays volleyball with his classmates. 【学习任务二】 II. Our school notice Read and answer the questions. 1. What is the students’ favorite activity 2. How many students celebrate their birthdays together 3. What do they do at the birthday party 【学习任务三】 III.Chinese birthday customs 1. What birthday customs are mentioned 2. Read and answer. (1). What is the special custom on the 1st birthday (2). Why do people usually send old people longevity peaches (3). Why do they never cutup the noodles on their birthdays
1. 2.课题 Unit 8 When is your birthday (Period 4)
By the end of this class, you will be able to 1.know about different Chinese birthday customs (习俗); 2.express how to celebrate birthdays properly.
1. 复习上一节课的任务单和笔记; 2. 查询中国生日文化的相关资料。
【学习任务一】 Custom 1: Special Birthdays in China I. Read and fill in the chart. Special custom
II. Read the do the memory challenge. (1) . What does the 18th birthday mean Turning 18 means they are .
They should be responsible for their . (2) . Why do teenagers want to celebrate their 18th birthdays Because they can make their own and take the responsibilities. III. Read and fill in the blanks. Special customFamilies and friends prepare longevity , long-life noodles and for the birthday person.MeaningPeople usually think that the person begins a after the 60th birthday.
【学习任务二】 Custom 2: Birthday food Read and answer. *1.What do Chinese people eat on their birthdays *2. Why do people never cutup birthday noodles in China 【学习任务三】 Custom 3: Birthday gifts Read and answer. *1. What gifts do we usually send to the birthday person *2. Why do we send the birthday person gifts Discussion *1. What can you do when your families’ birthdays come *2. What will you do when your birthday come
1. 2.课题 Unit 8 When is your birthday (Period 5)
By the end of this class, you will be able to 1.write a note with structures and expressions learnt in this unit; 2.summarize the steps of writing a note.
1. 复习上一节课的任务单和笔记; 2. 复习学校活动,日期等单词,短语。
【学习任务一】 I. Number the sentences in order. On September 21st, we have ...
This is a really busy term! Have a good
Next month, we have ... It’s on November 3rd ...
We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.
October is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have …And on December 3rd, we have a book sale ...
【学习任务二】 II. Our school notice Dear students, I’m glad to introduce some fun activities to you this term. There is a soccer game on September 22nd. The Reading Week is from November 21st to November 27th. During it, students have no classes and they just read by themselves. December is a great month. On the 13th and the 14th, we have a flea market (跳蚤市场). What a busy term! Come and enjoy yourselves. 1.Read and underline. (1) What is the topic sentence (2) What is the conclusion (3) What is the expectation (4) What are the school events 2.Find out the expressions to introduce school events. 【学习任务三】 III.Write a note to invite your schoolmates to join in the activity. 1.Write the first draft. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Revise the first draft. ____________________________________________________________________
1. 2.



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