人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 1 Teenage life 单元测试卷(含答案)

2023-2024学年 人教版(2019)必修一 Unit 1 Teenage life 单元测试卷
Finally came Wednesday! I walked onto campus feeling nervous even though I had walked these same grounds for two years because my junior high school is next door. Everything looked and felt different now that I was in senior high.
I looked at my schedule. First period — German. Our German teacher was very friendly and I liked her from the beginning. What I didn't like, though, was that I was surrounded by students from other grades, with only five familiar faces.
Then I had to walk all the way across campus and up three flights of stairs to get to my second period—biology. Our teacher's name is peau, and I think that she will teach us a lot this year because she is very to the point. She also has her unique way of saying “be quiet,” she says “alligator.” She explained that she is the king, or should I say queen, of the class because alligators are the “king of the swamps(沼泽).”
My third class was English. After surviving two periods without too much of a challenge, I began to feel good. However, the third period changed everything. Mr. V., my English teacher, told us that we would have to write 40 essays(文章) and read AP-level books such as The Odyssey this year. I love reading and writing, but 40 ESSAYS AP-level books Now I was scared. He also talked about how important it was to be focused. Last year was not a very “focused” year for me. While doing homework, I was often talking on the phone, or busy with a conversation on Facebook. I planned on stepping it up this year because I wanted to stay an honor student.
1、What did the author mainly write about in this passage
A. Her new teachers. B. Her plan for the new year.
C. Her first day of senior high. D. Her schedule for Wednesday.
2、What should students do when peau says "alligator"
A. Sit still. B. Stop talking.
C. Listen to the teacher. D. Look at the blackboard.
3、How did the author find her first two classes
A. Unattractive. B. Informative. C. Very tiring. D. Pretty easy.
4、Why did the author feel scared during the third period
A. Because she couldn't focus on her work. B. Because she found the class demanding.
C. Because she didn't like the teacher. D. Because she did poorly at school.
5、 Each fall brings a lot of opportunities that attract you to your school community. ①_____
②_____ Clubs are probably the easiest and most direct route to getting involved. Typically, high schools have clubs that focus on a wide variety of topics. Do you have a great affinity(喜爱) for German films ③_____ If you answer "yes", then you are in luck! There are probably clubs for that. Usually, the best way to join a club is attending an after-school fair at the beginning of the school year.
Try out for a sports team! If you have any interest in a sport your school offers, there is absolutely no harm in having a try. The worst that can happen is that you don't make it and have to try next year. Sports teams are a great way to make friends with people who have similar interests. ④_____ Sports provide a boost(帮助) to physical and emotional health.
Volunteer! ⑤_____ It could be answering phones in the main office at school or travelling abroad to provide international aid. My point is that volunteer work could be an incredible way to discover passions and shape your personality.
All in all, if you're looking for a fresh start, now is the time! Choosing to get involved in your school community by joining a club, trying out for a sports team, or volunteering is undoubtedly something you will not regret.
A.Join a club!
B.Here are a few ways to get involved.
C.Volunteer work comes in many forms.
D.What about a desire to go into medicine
E.There are various benefits of volunteer work.
F.It will also help you share hobbies with others.
G.They are also the perfect source of daily exercise.
6、 For the past two years I have been travelling and living abroad. 1 has become more of a feeling than a place. 1 feel at home 2 I am with my family in London, but I 3 feel at home in Italy with friends I 4 , or in Spain with my partner. Home is no longer a picture of a 5 with a front door and some windows. It is more 6 than that.
This is one of the reasons that 7 the New Year has become very important for me. New Year's Eve has become my time to reconnect with the 8 that make me feel at home. Every year we try to reunite, no matter where the world has 9 us, and remember a time when we knew each other so 10 that we felt like a family. It is a moment to reconnect and get to 11 each other again. Last year, we 12 to a cottage( 舍)in Ireland 13 we had no Internet and no neighbours.
In the middle of the 14 , away from our big and constantly changing lives, we were able to become like a little 15 again.
This year, we went to Barcelona. It was a very big change. We were 16 by culture and joy. There were bars and parties. It was 17 , but one thing stayed much the same—I felt at home and we felt like a family 18 .
Two hours into 2019, I realized that I was 19 enough to be with people who didn’t mind and just wanted to 20 the first day of the New Year with me even if it was on a sofa watching TV!
1.A. Mind B. Life C. Home D. Advice
2.A. since B. until C. before D. when
3.A. also B. either C. never D. ever
4.A. meet B. love C. help D. touch
5.A. temple B. tower C. house D. castle
6.A. interesting B. wealthy C. difficult D. complicated
7.A. celebrating B. decorating C. congratulating D. making
8.A. classmates B. friends C. relatives D. workers
9.A. invited B. brought C. taken D. attracted
10.A. seriously B. easily C. closely D. well
11.A. notice B. hear C. know D. find
12.A. travelled B. led C. belonged D. submitted
13.A. how B. why C. where D. which
14.A. city B. countryside C. capital D. river
15.A. organization B. team C. group D. family
16.A. refused B. surrounded C. buried D. connected
17.A. different B. grateful C. normal D. lost
18.A. already B. yet C. just D. again
19.A. wrong B. lucky C. clever D. cool
20.A. spend B. pass C. admire D. approach
7、Some patients________ (actual) got worse after receiving the treatment.
8、My younger brother is fluent ______ French, although he has only learned it for less than a year.
9、The holding of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics ______ schedule is quite a great achievement.
10、The more ______(advance) robots become, the more likely they are to free themselves of our control.
11、During the flood many students volunteered ______ (work) at the weekend, giving out food and water to the people in the disaster area.
12、From his ______ look, I can say this is a ______ situation for him. (confuse)
13、As a teacher, I really know what my students ______ (actual) need when they meet challenges.
14、 假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Ann发来邮件说她在新学校与朋友相处方面遇到了一些问题。请你根据以下提示给她回一封邮件。
1. 表示理解;
2. 提出建议;
3. 表达祝愿。
注意: 1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Ann,
I am sorry to hear that you’re having trouble in getting along with your friends in your new school.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
解析:主旨大意题。根据文章中作者对一天课程的介绍,结合"Finally came Wednesday!(终于到了星期三!)" "Everything looked and felt different now that I was in senior high.(现在我上高中了,一切看起来和感觉起来都不一样了)"可知,本文主要讲述的是作者的第一天高中生活。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第二句"She also has her unique way of saying "be quiet, " she says "alligator..."(她也有自己独特的方式说"安静",她说"鳄鱼")"可知,当Compeau老师说"alligator'"时,就表明她在要求大家安静,同学们就应该停止说话。故选B。
解析:情感态度题。根据最后一段第二句"After surviving two periods without too much of a challenge, I began to feel good.(前两门课都没有太大挑战性,我感觉还不错)"可知,作者感觉前两门课不难。结合选项:A.Unattractive.没有吸引力的;B.Informative.信息丰富的;C.Very tiring.非常累人的;D.Pretty easy.很容易的。故选D。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第三句"Mr. V., my English teacher, told us that we would have to write 40 essays(文章) and read AP-level books such as The Odyssey this year.(我的英语老师V先生告诉我们,今年我们要写40篇论文,还要读《奥德赛》等AP级书籍)"可知,作者担心这门课的原因是这门课的要求很高。故选B。
③细节句。设空处与前后文构成的语意结构为:通常高中有聚焦各种各样主题的社团。你喜欢德国电影吗 →_____→如果你的回答是肯定的,那么你很幸运!可能会有那种社团。D项(进入医学界的愿望怎么样 )和前一句都是问句,举了两个社团的主题的例子,并且照应后文提到的“回答”,故选D项。
④细节句。根据段首的“Try out for a sports team!”可知本段主要在讲运动。设空处上文提到体育运动队是与志趣相投的人交朋友的好方法。G项(它们也是日常锻炼的最佳来源。)承接上文,都在讲体育运动队的好处,G项中的“They”指的是前一句提到的“Sports teams”,故选G项。
⑤过渡句。根据段首句可知本段在讲做志愿工作。后文提到这可能是在学校总办公室接听电话或者是到国外提供国际援助。C项(志愿工作有多种形式。)承上启下,符合语境,下一句中的“It”指代C项中的“Volunteer work”。故选C项。
6、答案:1-5 CDABC 6-10 DABCD 11-15 CACBD 16-20 BADBA
解析:1.由该句中的“a place”可知,C项(Home)正确。
2.当作者在伦教和家人在一起时,感觉很自在:故D 项正确。
3.作者和家人在一起很自在,但是,和朋友们在一 起也很自在。因此,A项正确。
4.由句意 “与朋友们在一起有家的感觉”可知应该 是和自己喜欢的朋友在一起,故选B项。
6. complicated复杂的。
10. 由该空后面的“we felt like a family”可知, “我们”彼此非常了解,感觉就像一家人。well很,相当,非常,因此D项正确:,
11.新年前夕,大家重聚,再次了解彼此。know 了解,认识。
12.去年,我们旅行到了爱尔兰的一个村舍。 travel 旅行。
13.分析句子结构可知, “ 13 we had no Internet and no neighbours” 是定语从句,修饰 a cottage, 引导词在从句中做地点状语,应用关系副词where,故C项 正确。
14.由上一句中的“a cottage in Ireland”可知,作者他们住在乡村。countryside乡村。
15.由第二段中的“that we felt like a family”可知,作者感觉和朋友们在一起,就像一家人。
16.今年,作者和朋友们去了 Barcelona,不同的文 化和快乐围绕着他. surround包围,围绕。
17.由上文中的“It was a very big change.”和下文中的 “one thing stayed much the same” 可知,这次经历和 以前的不同. different不同的。
18.由上一段最后一句中的“we were able to become like a little 15 again”可知,作者和朋友在一起,再次有了 “家”的感觉。again又,再。
19.2019年刚刚过去两个小时,作者感觉自己非常幸运,可以和那些朋友们度过新年的第一天. lucky幸运的。
解析:actual"实际的",副词actually(实际地)修饰动词got。故填: actually。
解析:考查介词。句意:我弟弟能流利地说法语,尽管他只学了不到一年。be fluent in...是固定短语,意为"在……方面流利"。
解析:考查固定搭配。句意:如期举办2022年北京冬奥会是一项非常伟大的成就。 on schedule"按预定时间"。
解析:advance先进,动词; advanced 先进的,形容词,作系动词become的表语。
11、答案:to work
解析:考查volunteer的用法。句意:在洪灾期间,许多学生自愿在周末工作,为灾区的人们发放食物和水。volunteer to do sth.意为"自愿做某事"。
12、答案:confused; confusing
解析:第一空指的是"他感到疑惑的表情",使用confuse的形容词形式confused"感到疑惑的",常用于修饰人;第二空用来修饰situation,使用confusing"难解决的,难对付的",用来修饰事物。故答案为: confused; confusing。
Dear Ann,
I am sorry to hear that you’re having trouble in getting along with your friends in your new school. Many students have the same problem when they go to a new school, so don’t worry about it too much. I’m writing to offer you some useful advice.
First, you should listen to others patiently when they are talking to you, because this will make them feel that you respect them. Second, communicate with your classmates more often and take an active part in discussions held in your class, because it is a good way for you to get on well with your friends. Third, help others when they are in trouble, which can bring you closer together.
I hope you’ll find my suggestions helpful.
Yours truly,
Li Hua




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