2022-2023山西省晋城市高一上学期期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版无听力音频及听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. How much will the man pay in total
A. $20. B. $36. C. $40.
2. What does Lisa think of skating
A. Fun. B. Difficult. C. Dangerous.
3. What does the woman think Edward should do
A. See a doctor. B. Find a new job. C. Avoid overworking.
4. What is Susan probably doing
A. Doing her homework. B. Doing some shopping. C. Looking for something.
5. Why has Tom changed his plan
A The weather will be bad. B. No good movie will be on. C. He will have to do the cleaning.
6. When did Daisy come to New York
A. Three months ago. B. Six months ago. C. Nine months ago.
7. What is Daisy now
A. An actress. B. A waitress. C. A student.
8. Why did Linda go to Thailand last year
A. To study abroad. B. To travel around. C. To visit her grandparents.
9. What kind of volunteer work does Linda often do
A. Caring for the old. B. Cleaning beaches. C. Teaching drawing.
10. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. In a school. B. In a travel agency. C. At Martin’s house.
11 Why does Cindy want to move house
A. Her house is poorly located. B. Her neighbour is too noisy. C. The rent is high.
12. What does the recommended apartment have
A. A small kitchen. B. Three bedrooms. C. One big bathroom.
13. What will Henry probably do next
A. Make an appointment. B. Find a phone number. C. Look at an apartment.
14. What was the weather like in the town in the past week
A. Hot and dry. B. Cool and dry. C. Hot and wet.
15. What trouble did beetles cause
A. They ran into people. B. They bit people. C. They attacked animals.
16. What made adult beetles flood into the town
A. The food waste. B. The streetlights. C. The warm sunlight.
17. How did the locals’ fight against beetles turn out
A. Successful. B. Worrying. C. Unpleasant.
18. What did the speaker realize at about 8 am
A. He lost his way. B. He forgot his cellphone. C. He had no camping equipment.
19. What happened to the speaker later
A. He was helped by his friend. B. He found some food to eat. C. He followed the dog home.
20. What is the speaker mainly talking about
A. His knowledge about hunting. B. His relationship with a dog. C. His special experience.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Hope Book Club A book club is a small group of persons that are reading the same book in order to share different feelings and opinions about the book. The book club meets once a month for an hour of lively discussion. All students (3+), teachers and parents are welcome! Here you can discover a new world, learn new ideas and make new friends! What you should do: ★You will read the book on your own and then discuss your reading in the book club. ★You must keep up with your reading so that you can join as a part of your group. The book club will decide what pages or chapters you will read. ★You should take down notes and thoughts as you read. ★Everyone in the book club is expected to join in the discussion. More tips: ★Keep our place clean. ★No pets and no smoking. ★Take good care of books and return them on time. ★You must ask for leave if you cannot join in the discussion. Fees: Kids from 3—7: Free; Kids from 8—18: 10 dollars a month; Adults: 15 dollars a month. If you are interested, call 487-256-656 or 487-266-545, send an email to hopebook@ or visit our website at www..
1. How much should a couple with a 6-year-old son pay for being in the club for two months
A. 30 dollars. B. 60 dollars. C. 75 dollars. D. 90 dollars
2. How many ways are mentioned here to get more information about the club
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
3. Which of the following is true according to the text
A. Books aren’t allowed to be taken out of the club.
B. Joining in the discussion is encouraged in the club.
C. You can choose your favourite books to read in the club.
D. The members in the club don’t have to finish what they need to read.
Like any new ninth-grader on the first day of school, Joemar Class had ninth-grader- emotion (情绪). He’s not used to school in Hartford. He’s used to going to school in his home town of Florida, used to seeing his friends, used to having class in Spanish.
“Nervioso,” he said in Spanish.
We first met Joemar in mid-October in the San Juan Airport. His father, Guillermo Class, had sold his car to buy plane tickets to get his kids and fly them up from Puerto Rico. The island was almost destroyed (毁坏) by the deadly storm—Hurricane Maria.
Now, they are settling into their new home in Hartford’s South End. A week later, using his wife’s car, Class drove 16-year-old Joemar to his first day at Bulkeley High School. After a short ride, he got out in front of his new school. Inside, he met Gretchen Levitz—the school’s program director.
“I see you have new uniform,” Levitz said. “You look great. Are you ready for a good first day ”
Then he met couple of teachers.
“Hello” they each said in Spanish. They asked where he was from, and told him they were happy to see him. Then Levitz took him on a quick tour of the school before classes began — to her office, the school store, the library, and the dining hall.
A total of 19 languages are spoken in Bulkeley High School. “We have so many new students coming here from other countries every single day,” Levitz said. “So it’s not like he’s the only one who has that feeling.”
“You could tell he’s little worried,” Guillermo said as we left. “But, at the same time, he’s expecting it.”
4. What kind of feeling did Joemar have on his first day of school
A. Nervous B. Excited C. Annoyed D. Amazed
5. Why did Joemar leave Florida
A. His old school closed down.
B. He wanted to see his mother.
C. He expected to have a new life.
D. His town was hit by a terrible storm.
6. What did Joemar do before he walked into his new classroom
A. He had a long talk with his father.
B He said hello to some of his classmates.
C. He learned some simple Spanish words.
D. He had a short look around his new school.
7. What can we learn about Bulkeley High School
A. It has no library.
B. It is an international school.
C. It plans to open Spanish classes.
D. It requires all students to wear uniforms.
Suddenly one Sunday in August, the streets are filled with colour. A procession (队列) of bands and dancers makes its way slowly through the city. Every evening, crowds of people walk up to the top of the Royal Mile, looking forward to a show of military music. On every shop window and noticeboard, posters have appeared, promoting everything from poetry readings to children’s theatre, art exhibitions (展览) to concerts. It’s festival time.
From its beginning in 1947, the Edinburgh International Festival (the “official” festival) has become a world-famous cultural event. The city turns into a huge arts centre, with its music, dance and exhibitions, all by world-famous artists. Every year more than twenty nations perform (表演) to audiences from all over the world in theatres, halls, schools, churches and the streets of the city. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo adds to the choice of entertainment, with its marching (游行) and military bands in Edinburgh Castle.
The Festival Fringe (the “unofficial” festival) is the biggest event of its kind in the world, with more than 900 shows to choose from and over 6,000 writers and performers taking part. It gives people a first-class opportunity to see many works performed for the first time—several of which go on to successful performances elsewhere.
The Film Festival gives fans an opportunity to widen their knowledge of films. And to show that there is something for everyone, the Jazz Festival has become very popular in recent years. You can hear the very best of music all over the city at this time.
There is no more exciting place to be than in Edinburgh at festival time!
8. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. The history of the Edinburgh International Festival.
B. The growth of the Edinburgh International Festival.
C. The festive scene of the Edinburgh International Festival.
D. The coming events of the Edinburgh International Festival.
9. Where is the Edinburgh Military Tattoo held
A. In churches.
B. In Edinburgh Castle.
C. In theatres.
D. Along the Royal Mile.
10. What can we learn about the Festival Fringe
A. It has become an official event.
B. Most artists taking part in it are well-known.
C. It is as big as the Edinburgh International Festival.
D. Some performances can be watched for the first time.
11. Where does this text probably come from
A. A tourist guide. B. An official report.
C. A history paper. D. A geography textbook.
The wide use of Internet technology has made our lives easier but causes a big challenge to senior citizens, who are not always comfortable with smartphones and so many new apps.
Only a few senior citizens are able to enjoy the benefits that new technologies offer. According to the figures of the National Bureau, the number of people aged 60 and above was 253.88 million in 2019, about 18.1% of China’s population. But only 23% of the senior citizens were able to use the Internet. That means more than three—fourths of the elderly can’t enjoy the digital benefits.
Many senior citizens who can’t use smartphones are facing difficulties during this pandemic (流行病). Even with a smartphone in hand and Internet available, many of them still feel helpless. They don’t know how to call a taxi through the apps. There have been reports of many shops refusing the elders because they don’t know how to pay using smartphones, instead of letting them pay with cash. What’s worse, as they don’t know how to get the Internet—based health code (健康码), they are refused to enter many public places. Showing personal health code is part of the epidemic prevention (防疫) and control measures.
New technologies become popular because they are often of great use in our daily lives. But many senior citizens, especially those living in the countryside, are not able to use the Internet or smartphones, either because of financial (经济的) problems or because they cannot learn new things. The digital gap between the elderly and the young is becoming more obvious. However, the senior citizens should not become a silent group deprived (剥夺) of digital benefits. It is our responsibility to help them bridge the digital gap, and be patient with them when they face difficulties catching up.
12. What do the figures show in Paragraph 2
A. There are a small number of senior citizens in China.
B. Only 23% of the senior citizens can use the computer.
C. Three fourths of the elderly dislike to use smartphones.
D. Many elders fail to enjoy the convenience of the digital devices.
13. What does the author try to tell us according to Paragraph 3
A. Cash is no longer accepted in most shops.
B. It’s a must for everyone to have a health code.
C. Most elders need help on how to use the apps.
D. Many shops now refuse to offer service to the elderly.
14. The elderly can’t enjoy digital benefits for the following reasons EXCEPT ______.
A. their living areas
B. their financial conditions
C. their relationship with children
D. their difficulty in learning new things
15 What is the author’s advice to change the current situation of the senior citizens
A. They should not use modern technology.
B. The young should help them patiently.
C. The young should ask them to pay with cash.
D. They should keep silent using digital products.
I’m studying English at a school in the UK at the moment and having a wonderful time, meeting new friends and getting to know the country. We have the chance to go on lots of trips and recently we visited the famous town of Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. ___16___ Our English teacher wanted us to do more than that.
Before we went, we prepared for the trip. ___17___ Some students did one on the environment, while another group wrote some questions about hobbies and interests. There were five groups altogether. I’m really interested in business studies and my group had questions to ask local businesspeople and shopkeepers.
We were there for the whole day and we all thought it would be best to do the research in the morning. ___18___ When we arrived in Stratford, each group went off around the town to ask local people their questions. It was really good fun. We had the chance to practice our English and the local people were very friendly and helpful. In fact, they told our teacher how polite they thought we all were.
Stratford is a lovely town and we spent the afternoon enjoying the sights. After lunch we looked around Holy Trinity Church, and of course we visited the house where the world’s most famous playwright was born and grew up. ___19___ I got home feeling tired but I had had a fantastic day out.
Besides being fun, it was a great way to practice our English, and not only because we were able to speak to local people. ___20___ We took it in turns to stand up and explain to the other groups what our questions were about and the things we found out. We all enjoyed it so much that we’re hoping to repeat it later in the year in a new location.
A. However, many of the shops were closed.
B. We could then relax in the afternoon and have a tour.
C. In class the next day we presented the results of our surveys.
D. But we didn’t just walk around the town taking photographs.
E. On the other hand, the weather was better than we had expected.
F. That was followed by some fun boating on the river before we left.
G. We worked in teams and created some surveys on different subjects.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
A long time ago, there lived a girl named Lilly.When she started going to school, she was___21___. All her classmates bullied(欺侮) her for her shy behavior. If the teacher asked any questions, she wouldn’t answer because of her shyness. But she was a___22___student and she knew all the___23___.
Out of all the subjects, her favorite subject was sports. She always___24___to be a football player on her school team. But the students always made fun of her. ____25____, she didn’t care what her___26___would say as she wanted to____27____that she could be a football player.
So during the day, Lilly____28____her school, and at night, she would practice football at her home. Her mother installed(安装) some more lights in their garden so that her daughter could____29____properly .
Finally, the selections for the inter-school for football competition came. Lilly, without a thought, ______30______to go for it. Her classmates______31______her, and said, “Boo! you will not make it. Back off ! ” But Lilly decided not to______32______their words.
As she began to play, everybody was_______33_______ her excellent skills.The judges were so wowed by her confident_______34_______that they not only selected Lilly but also made her the captain. Now, everybody wanted to become Lilly’s friend and soon she became the_____35_____girl in the school.
21. A. friendly B. bored C. shy D. patient
22. A. young B. bad C. new D. bright
23. A. answers B. titles C. orders D. examples
24. A. wanted B. hated C. required D. agreed
25 A. Instead B. However C. At last D. As usual
26. A. classmates B. parents C. teachers D. teammates
27. A. suggest B. warn C. prove D. believe
28. A. visited B. attended C. closed D. supported
29. A. research B. rest C. study D. practice
30. A. decided B. learned C. helped D. forgot
31. A. comforted B. protected C. laughed at D. knew about
32. A. introduce B. consider C. say D. copy
33. A. thankful for B. satisfied with C. proud of D. surprised by
34. A. voice B. behavior C. smile D. thought
35. A. simplest B. strangest C. most popular D. most beautiful
Being able to speak a language is not related____36____how smart you are. Anyone can learn how to speak any language. This is a proven fact by everyone in the world. Everyone can speak at least one language. You are able____37____(speak) one language whether you are intelligent, or lacking some brain power.
This____38____(achieve) by being around that language at all times. In your country, you hear and speak your language every day. You can____39____(fluent) speak. You will notice that many people who are good English speakers are the ones____40____study in an English speaking school. They can speak English not because they have been to an English speaking school,____41____because they are in an environment where they can be around English-speaking people often.
You don't have to go anywhere to become a fluent English speaker. You only need to sur-round____42____(you) with English. You can do this by____43____(make) rules with your existing friends that you will only speak English. You can also carry around an MP3 player and constantly listen to English____44____(sentence). As you can see, you can achieve results by changing your surroundings. Devote yourself to English and you will learn several times_____45_____(fast) than before.
46. Governments cannot ignore the ______ (strong) of public opinion.(所给词的适当形式填空)
47. Young people have the ______ (power) ability to change the world today. (所给词的适当形式填空)
48. I lost a bag ______ (contain) a lot of important things. (所给词的适当形式填空)
49. How are the children settling ______ their new school (用适当的词填空)
50. There are many students in the park, whose ages range ______ 12 to 18. (用适当的词填空)
51. I ______ (approach) by a woman who asked for the time. (所给词的适当形式填空)
52. The situation ______ (improve) in recent years. (所给词的适当形式填空)
53. Doing well in the Olympics is a matter of ______ (nation) pride. (所给词的适当形式填空)
54. A teacher’s most important ______ (responsible) is to help her students. (所给词的适当形式填空)
55. The play was perfect in all ______ (respect). (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(满分25分)
56. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Leslie最近来中国某中学交换学习,她来信告诉你她不知道如何跟新同学相处,请你给她回一封信,内容包括:
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. How much will the man pay in total
A. $20. B. $36. C. $40.
2. What does Lisa think of skating
A Fun. B. Difficult. C. Dangerous.
3. What does the woman think Edward should do
A. See a doctor. B. Find a new job. C. Avoid overworking.
4. What is Susan probably doing
A. Doing her homework. B. Doing some shopping. C. Looking for something.
5. Why has Tom changed his plan
A. The weather will be bad. B. No good movie will be on. C. He will have to do the cleaning.
6. When did Daisy come to New York
A. Three months ago. B. Six months ago. C. Nine months ago.
7. What is Daisy now
A. An actress. B. A waitress. C. A student.
8. Why did Linda go to Thailand last year
A. To study abroad. B. To travel around. C. To visit her grandparents.
9. What kind of volunteer work does Linda often do
A. Caring for the old. B. Cleaning beaches. C. Teaching drawing.
10. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. In a school. B. In a travel agency. C. At Martin’s house.
11. Why does Cindy want to move house
A. Her house is poorly located. B. Her neighbour is too noisy. C. The rent is high.
12. What does the recommended apartment have
A. A small kitchen. B. Three bedrooms. C. One big bathroom.
13. What will Henry probably do next
A. Make an appointment. B. Find a phone number. C. Look at an apartment.
14. What was the weather like in the town in the past week
A. Hot and dry. B. Cool and dry. C. Hot and wet.
15. What trouble did beetles cause
A. They ran into people. B. They bit people. C. They attacked animals.
16. What made adult beetles flood into the town
A. The food waste. B. The streetlights. C. The warm sunlight.
17. How did the locals’ fight against beetles turn out
A. Successful. B. Worrying. C. Unpleasant.
18. What did the speaker realize at about 8 am
A. He lost his way. B. He forgot his cellphone. C. He had no camping equipment.
19. What happened to the speaker later
A. He was helped by his friend. B. He found some food to eat. C. He followed the dog home.
20. What is the speaker mainly talking about
A. His knowledge about hunting. B. His relationship with a dog. C. His special experience.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Hope Book Club A book club is a small group of persons that are reading the same book in order to share different feelings and opinions about the book. The book club meets once a month for an hour of lively discussion. All students (3+), teachers and parents are welcome! Here you can discover a new world, learn new ideas and make new friends! What you should do: ★You will read the book on your own and then discuss your reading in the book club. ★You must keep up with your reading so that you can join as a part of your group. The book club will decide what pages or chapters you will read. ★You should take down notes and thoughts as you read. ★Everyone in the book club is expected to join in the discussion. More tips: ★Keep our place clean. ★No pets and no smoking. ★Take good care of books and return them on time. ★You must ask for leave if you cannot join in the discussion. Fees: Kids from 3—7: Free; Kids from 8—18: 10 dollars a month; Adults: 15 dollars a month. If you are interested, call 487-256-656 or 487-266-545, send an email to hopebook@ or visit our website at www..
1. How much should a couple with a 6-year-old son pay for being in the club for two months
A. 30 dollars. B. 60 dollars. C. 75 dollars. D. 90 dollars
2. How many ways are mentioned here to get more information about the club
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
3. Which of the following is true according to the text
A. Books aren’t allowed to be taken out of the club.
B. Joining in the discussion is encouraged in the club.
C. You can choose your favourite books to read in the club.
D. The members in the club don’t have to finish what they need to read.
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B
细节理解题。根据Fees部分中“Kids from 3—7: Free;Adults: 15 dollars a month.(3到7岁儿童:免费;成年人:一月15美元)”可知,一对有6岁儿子的夫妇在俱乐部呆两个月要付(15+15)×2=60美元。故选B。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“If you are interested, call 487-256-656 or 487-266-545, send an email to hopebook@ or visit our website at www..(如果您感兴趣,请拨打487-256-656或487-266-545,发送电子邮件到hopebook@或访问我们的网站www.)”可知,提到了三种方法来获得更多关于俱乐部的信息。故选C。
细节理解题。根据What you should do部分中“Everyone in the book club is expected to join in the discussion.(读书俱乐部的每个人都应该参加讨论)”可知,B选项“俱乐部鼓励参加讨论”正确。故选B。
Like any new ninth-grader on the first day of school, Joemar Class had ninth-grader- emotion (情绪). He’s not used to school in Hartford. He’s used to going to school in his home town of Florida, used to seeing his friends, used to having class in Spanish.
“Nervioso,” he said in Spanish.
We first met Joemar in mid-October in the San Juan Airport. His father, Guillermo Class, had sold his car to buy plane tickets to get his kids and fly them up from Puerto Rico. The island was almost destroyed (毁坏) by the deadly storm—Hurricane Maria.
Now, they are settling into their new home in Hartford’s South End. A week later, using his wife’s car, Class drove 16-year-old Joemar to his first day at Bulkeley High School. After a short ride, he got out in front of his new school. Inside, he met Gretchen Levitz—the school’s program director.
“I see you have new uniform” Levitz said. “You look great. Are you ready for a good first day ”
Then he met couple of teachers.
“Hello” they each said in Spanish. They asked where he was from, and told him they were happy to see him. Then Levitz took him on a quick tour of the school before classes began — to her office, the school store, the library, and the dining hall.
A total of 19 languages are spoken in Bulkeley High School. “We have so many new students coming here from other countries every single day,” Levitz said. “So it’s not like he’s the only one who has that feeling.”
“You could tell he’s little worried,” Guillermo said as we left. “But, at the same time, he’s expecting it.”
4. What kind of feeling did Joemar have on his first day of school
A. Nervous B. Excited C. Annoyed D. Amazed
5. Why did Joemar leave Florida
A. His old school closed down.
B. He wanted to see his mother.
C. He expected to have a new life.
D. His town was hit by a terrible storm.
6. What did Joemar do before he walked into his new classroom
A. He had a long talk with his father.
B. He said hello to some of his classmates.
C. He learned some simple Spanish words.
D. He had a short look around his new school.
7. What can we learn about Bulkeley High School
A. It has no library.
B. It is an international school.
C. It plans to open Spanish classes.
D. It requires all students to wear uniforms.
【答案】4. A 5. D 6. D 7. B
细节理解题。由第一段第二句“He’s not used to school in Hartford(他不习惯哈特福德的学校)”以及最后一段第一句的“he’s a little worried(他有点担心)”可知,到新学校的第一天 Joemar感到紧张不安(Nervous)。故选A项。
细节理解题。由第一段最后一句的 “his hometown of Florida(他的家乡佛罗里达州)”和第三段二、三句的 “fly them up from Puerto Rico. The island was almost destroyed by the deadly storm(让他们从波多黎各坐的飞机,因为这个小岛被剧烈的暴风雨几乎全部摧毁)”可知,Joemar的家乡弗罗里达州遭遇了飓风的袭击,因此他离开了。故选D项。
细节理解题。由倒数第三段最后一句的“Then Levitz took him on a quick tour of the school before classes began (在课程开始之前,Levitz带他快速地在学校转了一圈)”可知,Joemar走进教室之前在 Levitz的指引下简单参观了一下学校。故选D项。
推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的 “A total of 19 languages are spoken in Bulkeley High School…have so many new students coming here from other countries every single day(在Bulkeley高中,同学们说的语言有19种……每天有来自于不同国家的新同学)”可推知,该校是一所国际学校。故选B项。
Suddenly one Sunday in August, the streets are filled with colour. A procession (队列) of bands and dancers makes its way slowly through the city. Every evening, crowds of people walk up to the top of the Royal Mile, looking forward to a show of military music. On every shop window and noticeboard, posters have appeared, promoting everything from poetry readings to children’s theatre, art exhibitions (展览) to concerts. It’s festival time.
From its beginning in 1947, the Edinburgh International Festival (the “official” festival) has become a world-famous cultural event. The city turns into a huge arts centre, with its music, dance and exhibitions, all by world-famous artists. Every year more than twenty nations perform (表演) to audiences from all over the world in theatres, halls, schools, churches and the streets of the city. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo adds to the choice of entertainment, with its marching (游行) and military bands in Edinburgh Castle.
The Festival Fringe (the “unofficial” festival) is the biggest event of its kind in the world, with more than 900 shows to choose from and over 6,000 writers and performers taking part. It gives people a first-class opportunity to see many works performed for the first time—several of which go on to successful performances elsewhere.
The Film Festival gives fans an opportunity to widen their knowledge of films. And to show that there is something for everyone, the Jazz Festival has become very popular in recent years. You can hear the very best of music all over the city at this time.
There is no more exciting place to be than in Edinburgh at festival time!
8. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. The history of the Edinburgh International Festival.
B. The growth of the Edinburgh International Festival.
C. The festive scene of the Edinburgh International Festival.
D. The coming events of the Edinburgh International Festival.
9. Where is the Edinburgh Military Tattoo held
A. In churches.
B In Edinburgh Castle.
C. In theatres.
D. Along the Royal Mile.
10. What can we learn about the Festival Fringe
A. It has become an official event.
B. Most artists taking part in it are well-known.
C. It is as big as the Edinburgh International Festival.
D. Some performances can be watched for the first time.
11. Where does this text probably come from
A. A tourist guide. B. An official report.
C. A history paper. D. A geography textbook.
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. A
主旨大意题。由第一段中的“Suddenly one Sunday in August, the streets are filled with colour. A procession (队列) of bands and dancers makes its way slowly through the city. Every evening, crowds of people walk up to the top of the Royal Mile, looking forward to a show of military music. On every shop window and noticeboard, posters have appeared, promoting everything from poetry readings to children’s theatre, art exhibitions (展览) to concerts. (八月的一个星期天,街道突然变得五颜六色。一队乐队和舞蹈演员缓慢地穿过城市。每天晚上,成群结队的人走到皇家英里的顶端,期待着军乐表演。每家商店的橱窗和布告栏上都贴满了海报,宣传从诗歌朗诵到儿童戏剧、艺术展览到音乐会的一切)”可知,第一段主要讲爱丁堡国际艺术节的喜庆场面。故选C项。
细节理解题。由第二段中的“The Edinburgh Military Tattoo adds to the choice of entertainment, with its marching (游行) and military bands in Edinburgh Castle. (The Edinburgh Military Tattoo在爱丁堡城堡设有游行乐队和军乐队,增加了娱乐的选择)”可知,The Edinburgh Military Tattoo在爱丁堡城堡举行。故选B项。
细节理解题。由第三段中的“It gives people a first-class opportunity to see many works performed for the first time—several of which go on to successful performances elsewhere. (它为人们提供了一个一流的机会,让他们第一次看到许多作品的演出,其中一些作品将继续在其他地方进行成功的演出)”可知,Festival Fringe中的有些剧目是第一次演出。故选D项。
推理判断题。由第二段中的“The city turns into a huge arts centre, with its music, dance and exhibitions, all by world-famous artists. (这座城市变成了一个巨大的艺术中心,音乐、舞蹈和展览都是由世界著名艺术家创作的)”和最后一段“There is no more exciting place to be than in Edinburgh at festival time! (没有比爱丁堡节日更令人兴奋的地方了!)”可知,本文通过介绍爱丁堡国际艺术节来吸引游客,因此文章可能来自一个旅游指南。故选A项。
The wide use of Internet technology has made our lives easier but causes a big challenge to senior citizens, who are not always comfortable with smartphones and so many new apps.
Only a few senior citizens are able to enjoy the benefits that new technologies offer. According to the figures of the National Bureau, the number of people aged 60 and above was 253.88 million in 2019, about 18.1% of China’s population. But only 23% of the senior citizens were able to use the Internet. That means more than three—fourths of the elderly can’t enjoy the digital benefits.
Many senior citizens who can’t use smartphones are facing difficulties during this pandemic (流行病). Even with a smartphone in hand and Internet available, many of them still feel helpless. They don’t know how to call a taxi through the apps. There have been reports of many shops refusing the elders because they don’t know how to pay using smartphones, instead of letting them pay with cash. What’s worse, as they don’t know how to get the Internet—based health code (健康码), they are refused to enter many public places. Showing personal health code is part of the epidemic prevention (防疫) and control measures.
New technologies become popular because they are often of great use in our daily lives. But many senior citizens, especially those living in the countryside, are not able to use the Internet or smartphones, either because of financial (经济的) problems or because they cannot learn new things. The digital gap between the elderly and the young is becoming more obvious. However, the senior citizens should not become a silent group deprived (剥夺) of digital benefits. It is our responsibility to help them bridge the digital gap, and be patient with them when they face difficulties catching up.
12. What do the figures show in Paragraph 2
A. There are a small number of senior citizens in China.
B. Only 23% of the senior citizens can use the computer.
C. Three fourths of the elderly dislike to use smartphones.
D. Many elders fail to enjoy the convenience of the digital devices.
13. What does the author try to tell us according to Paragraph 3
A. Cash is no longer accepted in most shops.
B. It’s a must for everyone to have a health code.
C. Most elders need help on how to use the apps.
D. Many shops now refuse to offer service to the elderly.
14. The elderly can’t enjoy digital benefits for the following reasons EXCEPT ______.
A. their living areas
B. their financial conditions
C. their relationship with children
D. their difficulty in learning new things
15. What is the author’s advice to change the current situation of the senior citizens
A. They should not use modern technology.
B. The young should help them patiently.
C. The young should ask them to pay with cash.
D. They should keep silent using digital products.
【答案】12. D 13. C 14. C 15. B
细节理解题。根据第二段“According to the figures of the National Bureau, the number of people aged 60 and above was253.88 million in 2019, about 18.1% of China’s population. But only 23% of the senior citizens were able to use the Internet. That means more than three—fourths of the elderly can’t enjoy the digital benefits. (根据国家统计局的数据,2019年中国60岁及以上人口为25388万人,约占中国人口的18.1%。但只有23%的老年人能够使用互联网。这意味着超过四分之三的老年人无法享受数字带来的好处)”通过这些数字可知许多老年人不能享受数字设备带来的便利。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Even with a smartphone in hand and Internet available, many of them still feel helpless. They don’t know how to call a taxi through the apps.( 即使手里有智能手机,可以上网,他们中的许多人仍然感到无助。他们不知道如何通过应用叫出租车)”可知许多老人需要如何使用应用程序的帮助和指导,故选C。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“But many senior citizens, especially those living in the countryside, are not able to use the Internet or smartphones, either because of financial (经济的) problems or because they cannot learn new things.( 但许多老年人,特别是那些生活在农村的老年人,不能使用互联网或智能手机,要么是因为经济问题,要么是因为他们无法学习新事物)” 可知,居住环境、财务状况和学习新事物有困难是老年人不能享受数码带来的好处的原因,C项“他们和孩子的关系”不是其原因。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“However, the senior citizens should not become a silent group deprived(剥夺) of digital benefits. It is our responsibility to help them bridge the digital gap, and be patient with them when they face difficulties catching up.( 然而,老年人不应该成为被剥夺数字利益的沉默群体。我们有责任帮助他们跨越数字鸿沟,并在他们面临困难时给予耐心)” 可推知,作者建议年轻人要耐心的帮助老年人。故选B。
I’m studying English at a school in the UK at the moment and having a wonderful time, meeting new friends and getting to know the country. We have the chance to go on lots of trips and recently we visited the famous town of Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. ___16___ Our English teacher wanted us to do more than that.
Before we went, we prepared for the trip. ___17___ Some students did one on the environment, while another group wrote some questions about hobbies and interests. There were five groups altogether. I’m really interested in business studies and my group had questions to ask local businesspeople and shopkeepers.
We were there for the whole day and we all thought it would be best to do the research in the morning. ___18___ When we arrived in Stratford, each group went off around the town to ask local people their questions. It was really good fun. We had the chance to practice our English and the local people were very friendly and helpful. In fact, they told our teacher how polite they thought we all were.
Stratford is a lovely town and we spent the afternoon enjoying the sights. After lunch we looked around Holy Trinity Church, and of course we visited the house where the world’s most famous playwright was born and grew up. ___19___ I got home feeling tired but I had had a fantastic day out.
Besides being fun, it was a great way to practice our English, and not only because we were able to speak to local people. ___20___ We took it in turns to stand up and explain to the other groups what our questions were about and the things we found out. We all enjoyed it so much that we’re hoping to repeat it later in the year in a new location.
A. However, many of the shops were closed.
B. We could then relax in the afternoon and have a tour.
C. In class the next day we presented the results of our surveys.
D. But we didn’t just walk around the town taking photographs.
E. On the other hand, the weather was better than we had expected.
F. That was followed by some fun boating on the river before we left.
G. We worked in teams and created some surveys on different subjects.
【答案】16. D 17. G 18. B 19. F 20. C
空后说“Our English teacher wanted us to do more than that.(我们的英语老师要我们做的不止这些。)”,D选项“But we didn’t just walk around the town taking photographs.(但我们不只是在镇上四处走动拍照。)”说明了我们不只是去拍照,和空后英语老师要我们做更多形成呼应,因此D选项符合语境,故选D。
空后说“Some students did one on the environment, while another group wrote some questions about hobbies and interests. There were five groups altogether.(一些学生做了一个关于环境的问题,而另一组写了一些关于爱好和兴趣的问题。总共有五组。)”,说明我们是分组行动,然后做一些不同题目的研究,G选项“We worked in teams and created some surveys on different subjects.(我们团队合作,针对不同的主题做了一些调查。)”说明我们是分成小组的,且也说明了进行的调查是针对不同主题的,其中的“teams”和后文的“five groups”相呼应,“different subjects”和空后的“one on the environment”及“questions about hobbies and interests”相呼应,因此G选项承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
空前说“We were there for the whole day and we all thought it would be best to do the research in the morning.(我们在那里待了一整天,我们都认为最好在早上做研究。)”,空格处应说明做完研究后干什么,B选项“We could then relax in the afternoon and have a tour.(然后下午我们就可以放松一下,游览一番。)”说明了做完研究后在下午可以做什么事情,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选B。
空前说“Stratford is a lovely town and we spent the afternoon enjoying the sights. After lunch we looked around Holy Trinity Church, and of course we visited the house where the world’s most famous playwright was bomn and grew up.(斯特拉特福德是一个可爱的小镇,我们整个下午都在欣赏风景。午饭后,我们参观了圣三一教堂,当然,我们还参观了这位世界上最著名的剧作家出生和长大的房子。)”,空后说“I got home feeling tired but I had had a fantastic day out.(我回到家感觉很累,但我在外面度过了美好的一天。)”,空格处应说在那天所做的其他事情,F选项“That was followed by some fun boating on the river before we left.(在我们离开之前,我们在河上划船。)”说明了在那天做的其他事情,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
空后说“We took it in turns to stand up and explain to the other groups what our questions were about and the things we found out.(我们轮流站起来向其他小组解释我们的问题和我们的发现。)”,说明这是在汇报研究结果,C选项“In class the next day we presented the results of our surveys.(第二天,我们在课堂上公布了调查结果。)”说的是作者和同学们公布调查结果,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选C。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
A long time ago, there lived a girl named Lilly.When she started going to school, she was___21___. All her classmates bullied(欺侮) her for her shy behavior. If the teacher asked any questions, she wouldn’t answer because of her shyness. But she was a___22___student and she knew all the___23___.
Out of all the subjects, her favorite subject was sports. She always___24___to be a football player on her school team. But the students always made fun of her. ____25____, she didn’t care what her___26___would say as she wanted to____27____that she could be a football player.
So during the day, Lilly____28____her school, and at night, she would practice football at her home. Her mother installed(安装) some more lights in their garden so that her daughter could____29____properly .
Finally, the selections for the inter-school for football competition came. Lilly, without a thought, ______30______to go for it. Her classmates______31______her, and said, “Boo! you will not make it. Back off ! ” But Lilly decided not to______32______their words.
As she began to play, everybody was_______33_______ her excellent skills.The judges were so wowed by her confident_______34_______that they not only selected Lilly but also made her the captain. Now, everybody wanted to become Lilly’s friend and soon she became the_____35_____girl in the school.
21. A. friendly B. bored C. shy D. patient
22. A. young B. bad C. new D. bright
23. A. answers B. titles C. orders D. examples
24. A. wanted B. hated C. required D. agreed
25. A. Instead B. However C. At last D. As usual
26. A. classmates B. parents C. teachers D. teammates
27. A. suggest B. warn C. prove D. believe
28. A. visited B. attended C. closed D. supported
29. A. research B. rest C. study D. practice
30. A. decided B. learned C. helped D. forgot
31. A. comforted B. protected C. laughed at D. knew about
32. A. introduce B. consider C. say D. copy
33. A. thankful for B. satisfied with C. proud of D. surprised by
34. A. voice B. behavior C. smile D. thought
35. A. simplest B. strangest C. most popular D. most beautiful
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. C
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当她开始上学时,她很害羞。A. friendly友好的;B. bored厌烦的;C. shy害羞的;D. patient耐心的。根据“All her classmates bullied(欺侮) her for her shy behavior.”可知,莉莉很害羞。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但她是一个聪明的学生,她知道所有的答案。A. young年轻的;B. bad坏的;C. new新的;D. bright聪明的。根据“If the teacher asked any questions, she wouldn’t answer because of her shyness.”和“and she knew all the___3___.”可知,莉莉知道所有的答案,所以她很聪明。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但她是一个聪明的学生,她知道所有的答案。A. answers答案;B. titles标题;C. orders命令;D. examples例子。根据“But she was a___2___student”可知,莉莉知道老师所有问题的答案。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她一直想成为校队的足球运动员。A. wanted想要;B. hated憎恨;C. required要求;D. agreed同意。根据“____5____, she didn’t care what her___6___would say as she wanted to____7____that she could be a football player.”可知,莉莉想要成为一名校队的足球运动员。故选A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,她不在乎同学们会怎么说,因为她想证明自己可以成为一名足球运动员。A. Instead代替;B. However然而;C. At last最后;D. As usual像往常一样。根据“But the students always made fun of her.”和“she didn’t care what her___6___would say as she wanted to____7____that she could be a football player.”可知,前后句之间为转折关系。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,她不在乎同学们会怎么说,因为她想证明自己可以成为一名足球运动员。A. classmates同班同学;B. parents父母;C. teachers教师;D. teammates队友。根据“All her classmates bullied(欺侮) her for her shy behavior.”可知,莉莉坚持自己的梦想,不在乎同学们会怎么说。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,她不在乎同学们会怎么说,因为她想证明自己可以成为一名足球运动员。A. suggest建议;B. warn警告;C. prove证明;D. believe相信。根据“she could be a football player.”可知,莉莉想证明自己可以成为一名足球运动员。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以白天,莉莉去上学,晚上,她在家练习足球。 A. visited参观;B. attended参加、上学;C. closed关闭;D. supported支持。根据“and at night, she would practice football at her home.”和常识可知,白天,莉莉去上学。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的母亲在花园里多装了几盏灯,好让她的女儿能适当地练习。 A. research研究;B. rest休息;C. study学习;D. practice练习。根据“and at night, she would practice football at her home.”可知,母亲支持女儿的梦想,装灯让女儿能适当地练习。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:莉莉想都没想就决定去做了。A. decided决定;B. learned学习;C. helped帮助;D. forgot忘记。根据“Finally, the selections for the inter-school for football competition came.”可知,校际足球比赛选拔来了,莉莉不假思索决定放手一搏。故选A。
考查动词(短语)词义辨析。句意:她的同学嘲笑她说:“嘘!你不会成功的。放弃吧! ”A. comforted安慰;B. protected保护;C. laughed at嘲笑;D. knew about了解。根据“Back off !”可知,莉莉的决定受到同学们的嘲笑。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是莉莉决定不去考虑他们的话。A. introduce介绍;B. consider考虑;C. say说;D. copy复制。根据“Her classmates_____11_____her, and said, “Boo! you will not make it. Back off ! ””可知,对于同学们的嘲笑,莉莉决定不去考虑他们的话。故选B。
考查短语词义辨析。句意:当她开始踢的时候,每个人都对她出色的技巧感到惊讶。A. thankful for对……感激;B. satisfied with对……满意;C. proud of对……骄傲;D. surprised by对……惊讶。根据“The judges were so wowed by her confident______14______that they not only selected Lilly but also made her the captain.”可知,每个人都被莉莉出色的表现所惊讶。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:评委们被莉莉自信的表现所折服,不仅选了她,还让她当了队长。A. voice声音;B. behavior表现、行为;C. smile微笑;D. thought想法。根据“they not only selected Lilly but also made her the captain.”可知,莉莉的表现很出色。故选B。
考查形容词最高级词义辨析。句意:现在,每个人都想成为莉莉的朋友,很快她就成了学校里最受欢迎的女孩。A. simplest最简单的;B. strangest最奇怪的;C. most popular最流行的、最受欢迎的;D. most beautiful最漂亮的。根据“Now, everybody wanted to become Lilly’s friend”可知,莉莉现在成为学校里最受欢迎的女孩。故选C。
Being able to speak a language is not related____36____how smart you are. Anyone can learn how to speak any language. This is a proven fact by everyone in the world. Everyone can speak at least one language. You are able____37____(speak) one language whether you are intelligent, or lacking some brain power.
This____38____(achieve) by being around that language at all times. In your country, you hear and speak your language every day. You can____39____(fluent) speak. You will notice that many people who are good English speakers are the ones____40____study in an English speaking school. They can speak English not because they have been to an English speaking school,____41____because they are in an environment where they can be around English-speaking people often.
You don't have to go anywhere to become a fluent English speaker. You only need to sur-round____42____(you) with English. You can do this by____43____(make) rules with your existing friends that you will only speak English. You can also carry around an MP3 player and constantly listen to English____44____(sentence). As you can see, you can achieve results by changing your surroundings. Devote yourself to English and you will learn several times_____45_____(fast) than before.
【答案】36. to 37. to speak
38. is achieved
39. fluently
40. who 41. but
42. yourself
43. making 44. sentences
45. faster
考查介词。句意:能否说一门语言与你有多聪明无关。be related to“与……有关系”。故填to。
考查不定式句意:任何人都可以学习如何说任何语言。be able to do sth“能够够做某事”。故填to speak。
考查时态语态。句意:这是通过始终围绕该语言实现的。主语this与achieve为被动关系,且句子在强调事实,为一般现在时的被动语态。故填is achieved。
46. Governments cannot ignore the ______ (strong) of public opinion.(所给词的适当形式填空)
47. Young people have the ______ (power) ability to change the world today. (所给词的适当形式填空)
48. I lost a bag ______ (contain) a lot of important things. (所给词的适当形式填空)
49. How are the children settling ______ their new school (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查介词。句意:孩子们在新学校适应得怎么样?由new school可知,句子表示“孩子们在新学校适应得怎么样”,settle into是固定短语,意为“适应”,因此空格处是介词into,故填into。
50. There are many students in the park, whose ages range ______ 12 to 18. (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查介词。句意:公园里有许多学生,年龄从12岁到18岁不等。表示“从A到B的范围”短语为range from A to B,故填from。
51. I ______ (approach) by a woman who asked for the time. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】was approached
【详解】考查时态语态。句意:一个女人走过来问我时间。主语I与谓语approach构成被动关系,根据后文asked可知为一般过去时的被动语态,谓语用单数。故填was approached。
52. The situation ______ (improve) in recent years. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】has improved
【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:近年来情况有所改善。由in recent years可知,句子时态是现在完成时,主语situation是不可数名词,因此空格处是has improved。故填has improved。
53. Doing well in the Olympics is a matter of ______ (nation) pride. (所给词的适当形式填空)
54. A teacher’s most important ______ (responsible) is to help her students. (所给词的适当形式填空)
55. The play was perfect in all ______ (respect). (所给词的适当形式填空)
【详解】考查名词。句意:这出戏在各方面都很完美。in all respects固定搭配,意为“在各个方面”,名词作宾语。故填respects。
第四部分 写作(满分25分)
56. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Leslie最近来中国某中学交换学习,她来信告诉你她不知道如何跟新同学相处,请你给她回一封信,内容包括:
【答案】Dear Leslie,
I’m glad to know that you have come to study in China. As for the problem of how to get along with new classmates, here is my advice.
First, you should try to communicate with your classmates actively. Second, you should care about your classmates and offer help to those in need. Finally, you should take an active part in different kinds of class activities so that you can build close relationships with your new classmates.
I hope my suggestions will be helpful to you. Wish you a good time in your new school.
Li Hua
关心:care about→be concerned about
参加:take part in→participate in
原句:First, you should try to communicate with your classmates actively.
拓展句:First, you should try to communicate with your classmates actively, which can help you understand each other better.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Finally, you should take an active part in different kinds of class activities so that you can build close relationships with your new classmates.(运用了so that引导的目的状语从句)
【高分句型2】I hope my suggestions will be helpful to you.(运用了省略that的宾语从句)




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