
听力选择(计20分。每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间。)(一) 听句子,选择恰当的应答语。 句子读两遍。
1.A.The Great Wall.
B.The Nile.
C.The Yangtze River.
C.Sorry,I won't.
3.A.Twice a month.
B.In five years.
C.For five years.
4.A.I was taking a shower.
B.It was raining hard.
C.At a bus stop.
5.A.No problem.
B.It doesn't matter.
C.Sorry to hear that.
(二) 听五段对话和问题,选择最佳答案。对话和问题读两遍。
6. How's the weather now?
7. Where has Mike been?
8. What is Lingling going to do this evening?
A.To take a rest.
B.To have an exam.
C.To go on studying.
9. How long did it take George to finish his book report?
A.For three days.
B.For five days.
C.For a week.
10. Why is Peter's teacher angry with him?
A.Because he was late for class.
B.Because he fell asleep in class.
C.Because he didn't finish his homework.
(三) 听一段对话和问题,选择最佳答案。对话和问题读两遍。
11.(1)Who is the woman Claudia?
A.Jane's friend.
B.Jane's mother.
C.Jane's teacher.
(2)What's the matter with Jane?
A.She doesn't like her job.
B.She argued with her parents.
C.She spends too much on work.
(3)What are Jane's grades?
A.One C and three Ds.
B.One D and three Cs.
C.One A and three Bs.
(4)What is Claudia's advice?
A.Shouldn't work on weekends.
B.Shouldn't work during the week.
C.Shouldn't work from Monday to Sunday.
(5)How does Jane deal with the woman's advice?
A.She follows it.
B.She is strongly against it.
C.She doesn't pay attention to (注意) it.
(四) 听短文和问题,选择最佳答案。短文和问题读两遍。
12.(1)What did Jason's mother do every night?
A.She read stories to him.
B.She made him clothes.
C.She taught him English.
(2)What happened to Jason when he was 12?
A.He got hit by a truck.
B.He gave up his school.
C.He lost his books.
(3)Where did Jason find some books one night?
A.In a room.
B.By the road.
C.In a library.
(4)How many books has Jason collected?
A.About 200.
B.About 2,000.
C.About 20,000.
(5)When is the small library open?
A.Every evening.
B.Every afternoon.
C.Every weekend.
选择填空 (共10小题,计5分)从A、 B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
13.—Mom,must I be a teacher like you when I grow up?
—No,you needn't.You can make your own ________.(  )
A.difference B.decision
C.development D.discussion
14.— When would you like to go to Nanjing Garden Expo (园博园) with me,this Friday or Saturday?
— ________.I am free only this Sunday.(  )
A.Both B.None C.Neither D.Either
15.I'd love to have a good friend __________ we can share our happiness and sadness with each other at any time.(  )
A.so that B.as long as
C.in order to D.although
16.﹣ Do you know that Chongqing is one of_____cities in our country?
﹣ Yes,I do.It also has a_____ population than Chengdu. (  )
A.large,big B.larger,bigger
C.the largest,bigger D.largest;bigger
17. The summer vacation is coming.Don't swim in the river,______ when you're alone.(  )
A. suddenly B. specially
C. mostly D. especially
18._____traveling around during the holiday,most people choose to rest at home to avoid the crowds.(  )
A.In the face of B.Instead of
C.Because of D.According to
19.﹣How about_____our bedroom and giving the old clothes to people in need?
﹣Great idea. Let's do it right now.(  )
A.parting with B.taking down
C.clearing out D.fixing up
20.—Mr.Huang,why are you still here?School is over for about an hour.
—Because I __________ my work yet.I still need ten more minutes.(  )
A. won't finish B. didn't finish
C. haven't finished D. isn't finishing
21.—________ cute panda it is!Do you know its name?
—Yes.Its name is Ya Ya and it returned to China from America in April this year.(  )
A.How B.How a C.What D.What a
22.﹣I think it's difficult for me to learn English well.
﹣___________Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it(  )
A.What a pity! B.Never give up.
C.I hope so. D.That's right.
完形填空 (计10分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。
23.A long time ago,a young prince had a pet lion.They enjoyed spending time together.But the prince didn't let the lion out of the cage.This made the lion feel (1)   ." Why can't I get out of the cage?I'm his (2)   ."
Next to the lion's cage lived a wolf.He hated the lion and the prince because he couldn't have fun with them.One day,the wolf said to the lion, "If you are the friend of this prince,why does he (3)    you in a cage just like me?"
When the lion was going to answer,the wolf cut him off and said, "Because of your big teeth." Hearing their talk,the prince laughed and said, "No,I don't believe the lion will (4)    me.I won't let him out,because I'm afraid he will leave me."
The wolf replied, "Oh,you're wrong,young prince!We feel safe in our cages.We'd never leave.Open my cage and I'll show you." (5)    the young prince opened the cage,the wolf jumped on the prince to eat him. (6)   ,the lion rushed out of his cage onto the wolf.The wolf soon (7)   ,and could never be found again.
The young prince was so thankful.But he was still (8)   , "Lion,how did you get out?" The lion replied, "My prince,my cage is never locked.I've always stayed here because we are friends."
From that day on,the prince kept the cage open.The lion went in or out (9)   .The prince also learned a valuable (有价值的) lesson:A true friendship (10)    trust is not a friendship at all.
(1) A.brave B.sad C.nervous D.honest
(2) A.guest B.servant C.friend D.keeper
(3) A.lock B.hide C.cheat D.hold
(4) A.control B.hurt C.challenge D.beat
(5) A.Although B.As long as C.Unless D.As soon as
(6) A.Suddenly B.Actually C.Carefully D.Mostly
(7) A.walked around B.took down C.ran away D.fell over
(8) A.relaxed B.excited C.lonely D.surprised
(9) A.busily B.properly C.freely D.quickly
(10) A.without B.for C.against D.among
阅读理解(计30分)(一) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中, 选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。
24.(7.5分)Kids Can Cook!
Registration (报名) Time
9 am on June 17,Saturday
Camp Tuition (学费)
Level Ⅰ camp (students aged 6 to 9):
$200 each student
Level Ⅱ camp (students aged 10 to 17):
150 each student
Lesson Time
July 3rd to 8th:8 am—12 pm
July 9th:8 am—1 pm
Join us at Cooking Camp 2023!What students can do:
☆Learn basic (基本的) skills,and learn about kitchen safety and famous cooks.
☆Take part in a group activity and work with others to cook their favorite restaurant dishes with their own menu.
☆Campers will receive a camp T﹣shirt and a cooking kit (成套工具).
☆We will serve breakfast every day.
☆We are happy to invite family and friends to watch and taste the students' creations (作品) on the last day.
Please e﹣mail your registration form to cookingcamp@.For more information,please call 815﹣280﹣5088.
(1)When will the camp be open for registration?    
A.At 8 am on June 17.
B.At 9 am on June 17.
C.At 8 am on July 3.
D.At 1 pm on July 9.
(2)Lucy plans to take part in the Level Ⅰcamp.How old is she probably?    
(3)If Mrs.Green sends her 6﹣year﹣old daughter and 11﹣year﹣old son to the camp,she needs to pay    .
(4)Students can do all the following things except (除……外)    .
A.meeting famous cooks
B.making their own menu
C.learning how to cook safely
D.sharing their cooking with family
(5)What do we learn from the reading?    
A.Three meals a day are provided in the camp.
B.Students need to bring their own cooking tools.
C.People can call 815﹣280﹣5088 to register (报名).
D.The cooking course lasts (持续) for one week.
25.(7.5分)Before New Year,I told my mother that the only gift I wanted for the New Year was a Pogo Stick (弹簧单高跷).However,my mother said that they were so expensive that we couldn't afford one.
On a Saturday before New Year,my family went shopping together.While my mother and I were picking out the gifts,my dad said, "I'll be back soon.I need to see something in the tool area." A moment later,he came back with a long box.I was wondering if there was a Pogo Stick in it.
When we arrived home,my dad put the box in the garage (车库).While my parents were busy with their housework,I quietly walked out to the garage and found the box.I was so happy because I thought as long as I opened that box,my bright Pogo Stick would appear!To my surprise,inside the box there was only an ugly old broom (扫帚).
On New Year morning,I got some nice gifts,but I didn't get the present that I really wanted.After cleaning up the room after dinner,my dad went out.When he came back in,he was carrying a beautiful Pogo Stick.I couldn't believe it!Where did my dad hide it?He kept it to himself and my parents probably got quite a laugh from the joke they played on me.
Although we didn't have much money,my parents gave me the most important gift of all:love and happiness.
(1)What did the father buy as the gift?    
A.A long box with an old broom.
B.A long box with a Pogo Stick.
C.A box with some nice gifts.
D.A box with some tools.
(2)What's the right order according to the text?    
a.My family went shopping together.
b.My parents got a laugh from the joke.
c.My dad put the box in the garage.
d.I found an old broom inside the box.
e.I wanted to get a Pogo Stick.
(3)How did the writer feel after he opened the box in the garage?    
(4)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?    
A.The writer got his favorite gift finally.
B.The writer didn't get the gift he wanted.
C.The writer's families give love and happiness to each other.
D.The writer's parents wanted to give him the gift that he loved.
(5)What's the best title for the text?    
A.The gift of love.
B.A special festival.
C.A big day for New Year.
D.An unforgettable memory.
26.(7.5分)In the South China Sea,there is a group of Jiaoren.Their tears (眼泪) become pearls (珍珠) after they fall.To the north of Kunlun Mountains,there is a monster called Xiang Liu,which has nine heads with human faces but the body of a snake.These magic characters are from the ancient book Shan Hai Jing.
Shan Hai Jing,also known as The Classic of Mountains and Seas,is said to be at least 2,200 years old.It is about culture and geography of China before the Qin Dynasty.The books has eighteen parts,talking about more than 550 mountains and 300 seas.
A famous story in the book is about Zhu Rong,the god of fire.He has a beast﹣like (野兽般的) body and a human face,riding around the sky on two dragons.He had a big fight with Gong Gong,the god of water,and won.But after the fight,the human world came into complete darkness.Then he brought fire to the world and taught humans how to use it.
Although it's not clear who wrote it,Shan Hai Jing is an important ancient book and it is considered as one of the treasures of Chinese culture.People of all ages love the stories in the book.There are also many films,games and artworks made from it.
(1)How does the writer start the passage?    
A.By telling a story
B.By giving two examples.
C.By raising a question.
D.By comparing two facts.
(2)What's the second paragraph mainly about?    
A.The reasons why the book is popular.
B.The writer of the book.
C.The importance of the book.
D.The introduction (介绍) to the book.
(3)What does the underlined word "it" refer to?    
A.The book.
B.The beast.
C.The fire.
D.The water.
(4)Which of the following is TRUE about Zhu Rong?    
A.He is the god of water.
B.He has a human body.
C.He often rides a horse.
D.He has a bad relationship with Gong Gong.
(5)What does the writer think of the book Shan Hai Jing?    
A.Quite difficult.
B.Very expensive.
C.A bit relaxing.
D.Really important.
(二) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项. 使文章意通项、 内容完整。
27.(7.5分)Deng Anqing grew up in a poor village near the Yangtze River in Hubei.When he was 9,his parents went to Jiangxi to work,leaving Deng with his grandpa.(1)   Often,he had to look after himself.
When he felt lonely,he liked reading maps and drawing them.But soon,studying maps couldn't satisfy his curiosity (好奇心) anymore.(2)   One night,he had a dream about a cobbler (补鞋匠) fixing a shoe and he wrote it down when he got up.That was his first short story.At that time,he was a 14﹣year﹣old middle school student.(3)   And it sent a check (支票) to the school.
After students finished doing morning exercises,the headmaster (校长) took out the check and told the whole school that they had someone with talent in writing.(4)   He was in the spotlight (备受关注) for the first time in his life.Then,he dreamed of becoming a writer.
In 2019,he saw a singer on TV perform a song called a River Separated Us Forever.Deng felt there was a book waiting for him to write because he grew up near a long river and knew the people and life nearby.(5)   Its Chinese name is Yongge Yijiangshui.
So far,Deng has written many books.And he's famous both at home and abroad.Deng said, "Writing gives me a life that I like.I couldn't imagine a life like this when I was young."
A.So,he tried writing.
B.That made Deng a star in the school.
C.Suddenly,Deng became a left﹣behind child.
D.To his surprise,a magazine published (出版) the short story.
E.In early 2021,his book A River Separated Us Forever came out.
词汇应用(共 10 小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空. 必要时可加助动词或情态动词。
28.Did you watch the TV play Meet Yourself?In the TV play,the main character Xu Hongdou travels to a village in Yunnan Province.She works at a local coffee shop and gets free(1)   (meal) in return.While people(2)   (watch) the TV play,they fell in love with the(3)   (beautiful) of Yunnan's views (风景).And the new way of traveling,volunteer travel also caught many people's eyes.
What is volunteer travel?During the trip,volunteer travelers often(4)   (provide) free services,such as teaching,(5)   (cook) and animal caring.In return,the travelers will get something for free,like meals,accommodation (住宿) and classes.
People try volunteer travel for several reasons.On the one hand,by being volunteer travelers,they think they can make a big(6)   (different) to the world.They can help many people in need on their trip.On the other hand,volunteer travel brings the travelers a(7)   (real) different life.Some people are sick of city life.This kind of travel helps them experience life in the countryside.What's more,volunteer travel helps travelers save money while they are enjoying(8)   (them).
Volunteer travel is new to us in China,but it is much(9)   (common) in foreign countries.As teenagers,we(10)   (try) it with our parents during the vacation.It must be a great experience in our life!
英汉互译(共5 小题,计10分)阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。
29. The coldest and most difficult place in the world to live is Antarctica(南极洲).It is the land of snow and ice near the South Pole(南极).Most people do not think there is much life in the icy waters around it.They are wrong.Actually,there are more than one hundred different kinds of animals there.The most famous animal of Antarctica is the penguin(企鹅). (1)Halley Bay(哈雷湾) was the world's second largest home for penguins.
However, (2)企鹅现在处于极大危险中。 Recently,scientists found that the number of penguins has dropped quickly.One of the main reasons is that many storms hit Halley Bay. (3)Thousands of baby penguins died from the terrible weather.
Scientists feel worried about this.Halley Bay used to be a safe place for penguins but now it isn't.Luckily,another home of penguins has gotten much bigger.(4)为了保持安全,许多企鹅已经搬到那里了。 Although penguins may have greater chance to keep alive,they are still facing the danger of dying out. (5)Unless we do something,they won't have anywhere to go one day.
30.Nowadays Zibo barbecue is an important part of Zibo's food culture.Zibo also sets up a barbecue association (协会),makes a barbecue map and holds barbecue festivals.The government held the first Zibo Barbecue Festival successfully around May 1 this year.It showed people the famous barbecue stores,wonderful performances and beer exhibitions (展览).
Zibo barbecue is quite different from others.Unlike the northeastern barbecue,Zibo barbecue has its own feature (特点):small skewers (串),small cakes and small onions.This is its special way to eat.We call it "soul eating".The barbecue is still a barbecue,but when the barbecue meets the small onions and the small cakes of Shandong,the feature of Zibo barbecue has become distinctive (鲜明的) enough.The oven represents (代表) the temperature,the small cake represents tolerance (包容),the small onion represents openness.
Give yourself a trip without plans.It's the choice (选择) of many young people today.The earliest to drive Zibo barbecue is the group of college students.Taking the weekend high﹣speed train to Zibo for barbecue has become so popular among them.
The "Zibo barbecue" has become Zibo's new calling card.Zibo also has become a more popular and prosperous (繁荣的) city.
(1)When did the Zibo government hold the first Zibo Barbecue Festival?    
(2)Are there any differences between Zibo barbecue and others?    
(3)What's the special way to eat Zibo barbecue?    
(4)Who drives Zibo barbecue at first?    
(5)Give a proper English title (标题) for the passage.    
书面表达(共2题,计25分)(一) 看图回答问题
(1)What were you doing when Shenzhou﹣16 and Shenzhou﹣15 crews met at China Space Station?    
(2)How long have Shenzhou﹣15 crews been in space so far?    
(3)Have you ever thought about traveling into space?Give your reasons.    
(二) 书面表达 (20分)
32.(20分)Starlight Secondary School每年4月份举办"Starlight Reading Month"活动,为使这项活动能更好地开展,学校的Reading Club做了一个调查。请根据以下调查结果和建议,以"Enjoy Reading,Enjoy Life"为题,谈一下学生们在阅读方面存在的问题以及你对阅读的看法,并给同学们提出一些合理化的建议。
阅读的好处 1:获得知识,使人变得更加聪明;2:使人心情愉悦;3: ……
存在问题 1:一些学生喜欢玩电脑游戏,几乎不读书;2: ……
建议 1:好读书,读好书,让阅读成为一种生活方式;2:……
Enjoy Reading,Enjoy Life
It is really important for us to read books in our daily life.___________
听力选择(计20分。每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间。)(一) 听句子,选择恰当的应答语。 句子读两遍。
(二) 听五段对话和问题,选择最佳答案。对话和问题读两遍。
(三) 听一段对话和问题,选择最佳答案。对话和问题读两遍。
(四) 听短文和问题,选择最佳答案。短文和问题读两遍。
选择填空 (共10小题,计5分)从A、 B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
完形填空 (计10分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。
阅读理解(计30分)(一) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中, 选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。
26.(1)B (2)D (3)C (4)D (5)D
(二) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项. 使文章意通项、 内容完整。
词汇应用(共 10 小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空. 必要时可加助动词或情态动词。
28.(1)meals(2)were watching(3)beauty(4)provide(5)cooking(6)difference(7)really(8)themselves(9)more common(10)can try
英汉互译(共5 小题,计10分)阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。
(2)penguins are now in great danger.
(4)In order to keep safe,many penguins have moved there.
30.(1)Around May 1 this year.
(2)Yes,there are.
(3)Small skewers,small cakes and small onions.
(4)The group of college students.
(5)Zibo barbecue.
书面表达(共2题,计25分)(一) 看图回答问题
31.(1)I was watching TV with my family.
(2)For 186 days.
(3)Yes,I have.Because I'm interested in space and it's my dream to be an astronaut.
(二) 书面表达 (20分)
Enjoy Reading,Enjoy Life
It is really important for us to read books in our daily life.However,some students spend a lot of time playing computer games or chatting online.They hardly ever read books.In fact,reading helps us in many ways.
The more books we read,the more knowledge we will get.Reading can also make us smarter.What's more,it can make us feel happy.It's necessary for us to read good books.Try to make reading become a part of our daily life.We can share our feelings with our parents and friends after reading.It is a happy experience in our life.
I hope the advice above can give you some help.




下一篇:北京市海淀区2023-2024高三上学期期中考试 物理(答案)