
There are days when even the best writers need a little assistance getting into their creative flow. So, when one of those days strikes, you may need a toolkit of the best apps to rely on. Here are some choices.
ChatGPT is a great tool for sparking inspiration and outlining ideas-just ask it a question, or command it to write something, and see what it generates. ChatGPT can assist in producing high-quality content that’s grammatically correct and coherent. It also processes and analyzes information quickly, generating text much faster than a human. This can be especially useful if you need to write a large amount of content in a short amount of time.
Scrivener is a must-have tool for long-form writers. Both an “outliner” planning tool and a word processor, Scrivener allows you to plan your novel or screenplay by breaking your writing into sections and outlining what each bit will include. You can also organize notes, concepts, research, and whole documents into its “Binder” for easy access and reference.
Daily Prompt
Daily Prompt encourages you to got creative every day with a new prompt every 24 hours. It provides you with a prompt every day, or you can browse existing prompts for different genres, such as horror and adventure. A creative prompt can encourage you to continue the story or “writing obstacles” with an instruction designed to challenge you to write more creatively.
Wordtune is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you improve your writing by providing real-time feedback on grammar, punctuation, and style. It can be used for everything from academician writing to business emails and blog posts. It can also help on word choice by highlighting words used in the wrong context and replacing them with suitable words or phrases. Most importantly, it is totally free.
1. Which app is suitable for a novelist
A. ChatGPT. B. Scrivener. C. Daily Prompt. D. Wordtune.
2. What is an advantage of Wordtune
A. It has a free trial period for students.
B. It can provide you face-to-face feedback.
C. It can highlight your beautiful expressions.
D. It can be used for different writing purposes.
3. What is the common feature of the apps
A. They can spark creativity.
B. They can offer regular instructions.
C. They can ask and answer questions.
D. They can correct grammatical mistakes.
These days, seemingly everyone is creating their own business. People are talking about entrepreneurship as if once you start your own business, everything will flow smoothly for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case.
My story of building resilience (承受力) in business began when I was an employee years ago, tired of working for someone else. I wanted to start my own business, so as a musician myself, I came up with the concept of helping other musicians with their business.
It was not an easy time. I had to count pennies to feed myself. But slowly, through word-of-mouth spread, not only among musician, but small businesses as well, I was developing a client base. After years of hard work, eventually my company now serves Fortune 500 companies.
As a musician, I decided to create a music and film project called X: The Human Condition. It was my message in a bottle—you are not alone. I wanted to inspire people who felt disconnected, alienated, different.
I had to fund it myself because out of all the people I approached in the entertainment industry, they all said it would be impossible and nobody wanted to invest. But I was determined to prove them wrong. Over 12 years, I struggled to get the project off the ground. I almost went broke and became so ill that I nearly lost my vision permanently. I overcame every obstacle that was put in front of me, and after 12 years we were able to release the project successfully. The experiences with adversity led me to create the website, Rise Up, a community of people from all over the world overcoming difficulties and sharing their stories to inspire others.
When it comes to entrepreneurship, expect the unexpected. Regardless, be aware that there is no shortcut to building resilience. Mastering adversity is one that must be learned through trial and error. But the important thing to note is that when you do go through adversity, never think of it as your enemy, think of it as your ally.
4. What can we learn about the author
A. He was a successful musician. B. He longed to be a boss.
C. He changed his career path. D. His business ran smoothly.
5. Why did the author start the project X: The Human Condition
A. To send a message in a bottle. B. To fund the homeless people.
C. To promote musical films. D. To encourage those in adversity.
6. What is the biggest challenge for the author to start his business
A Health problem. B. Financial difficulty.
C. Lack of experience. D. Community objection.
7. What would the author say to new businessmen
A. Try to make some errors. B. Get used to your expectation.
C. There is no shortcut to success. D. Difficulties can make you tougher.
To observe your mind in automatic mode, glance at the image below.
Your experience as you look at the woman’s face combines what we normally call seeing and direct thinking. As surely and quickly as you saw the young woman’s face, you knew this angry woman is about to say some unkind words, probably in a loud and harsh voice. What she was going to do next came to mind automatically and effortlessly. It was an instance of fast thinking.
Now look at the following problem:
You know immediately that this is a multiplication problem, and probably knew that you could solve it, with paper and pencil. You would quickly recognize that both 12,609 and 123 are not possible. Without spending some time on the problem, however, you would not be certain that the answer is not 568. If you do the computation, you experienced a slow thinking process: conscious, effortful, and orderly.
The computation was not only an event in your mind; your body was also involved. Your muscles tensed up, your blood pressure rose, and your heart rate increased. While you tackled this problem, your pupils would be wider and larger than usual. They came back to normal size as soon as you ended your work.
Psychologists have been interested for several decades in the two modes of thinking. They have offered many labels for them. I adopt terms originally proposed by the psychologists Keith and Richard and will refer to two systems in the mind.
·System 1 operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control.
·System 2 gives attention to the effortful mental activities that demand it. The operations of System 2 often require attention and are disrupted when attention is drawn away.
The labels of System 1 and System 2 are widely used in psychology, but I go further than most in this book, which you can read as a psychodrama with two characters. You will be invited to think of the two systems as agents with their individual abilities, limitations, and functions.
8. Why does the author use a picture at the beginning
A. To compare slow and fast thinking.
B. To stimulate the readers’ fast thinking.
C. To illustrate the features of fast thinking.
D. To emphasize the impact of fast thinking.
9. How would your body react when doing calculations
A. Your heart would beat slower.
B. Your pupils would be enlarged.
C. Your mind would be refreshed.
D. Your muscles would be built up.
10. What does the underlined word “them” refer to
A. The psychologists.
B. The thinking minds.
C. The terms in the book.
D. The two thinking systems.
11. Which of the following is an example of System 1
A. Get the answer to 2+2=
B. Understand a complex sentence.
C. Tell others your teachers’email account.
D. Look for a woman with white hair in a crowd.
Record sea ice loss caused a mass die-off of emperor penguin chicks in part of Antarctica last year, strengthening predictions that the world’s largest penguin will soon be in danger of extinction.
Unlike other penguins, emperors breed (繁殖) on sea ice rather than land.Male emperor penguins hatch the eggs during the Antarctic winter. The furry grey chicks need stable sea ice until December to grow their black waterproof feathers and gain enough muscle to swim. If they go into the water before they develop feathers, chicks can drown or freeze to death.
In February, the area of sea ice around Antarctica reached the lowest extent ever observed. After much of the ice began breaking up late last year, four out of five habitats in the hard-bit central and eastern Bellingshausen Sea suffered a total breeding failure, with no chicks surviving to the feather growing period. In mid-November, the sea ice there broke up, forcing the penguins to abandon the habitat and most if not all of their chicks.
A research team from Oxford Brookes University monitored populations by spotting penguin faeces (排泄物) in satellite photos. Emperor penguins tend to stay close, walking in a tight group to stay warm in temperatures as low as -60°C.The buildup of the habitat’s faeces stains the ice so brown that it can be seen from space. Once a habitat has been identified, researchers can count the individual penguins in very high-resolution satellite images.
The observations add weight to modelling predictions that 90 percent of emperor penguin habitats could be extinct or past the point of no return by 2100 if current rates of warming continue. While habitats can lose chicks in heavy storms or when severe winds break up the sea ice, this is the first-time widespread breeding failure has been linked to disappearing ice.
“Failure is the norm, but complete failure across a whole region, that’s not normal,” says Tim at Oxford Brookes University. “Will this impact the population It really depends on how often it happens.”
12. What was the result of the ice breaking last year
A. The area of the sea reached the lowest point ever.
B. Emperor penguins left the habitats with their chicks.
C. Emperor penguins had to search for food themselves.
D. Most emperor penguins chicks studied failed to survive.
13. How did the team identify a habitat in satellite images
A. By counting the penguins.
B. By making the images clearer.
C. By spotting brown stained ice.
D. By collecting penguins’ faeces.
14 What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs
A. The area suffered breeding failure for the first time.
B. Severe storms caused the extensive breeding failure.
C. The total failure has made emperor penguins extinct.
D. The frequency of ice breaking needs to be controlled.
15. What is the passage mainly about
A. The main causes of global warming.
B. The exlinet emperor penguin habitats.
C. Emperor penguins’ severe breeding failure.
D. Health problems of emperor penguin chicks.
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Are you longing to spend a perfect romantic weekend in Scotland Here is our pick of the most romantic hotels there. Just don’t blame us if you get home and find you’ve left your heart there.
Gleneagles Townhouse
9/10 Rating
With a dramatic restaurant, a state-of-the-art gym, and a luxurious rooftop bar, the hotel is a combination of country house and modern style. Bedrooms are all soft light colours, with classic furniture and thick carpets. The best rooms overlook the City Hall in St Andrew Square, but you may wish to avoid if bothered by the trams (电车) passing below.
The Three Chimneys
8/10 Rating
Stretching on the shore of Lake Dunvegan, the restaurant keeps much of its modest character, with stone walls and low ceilings. The rooms, in another building, are airy, high-ceilinged and contemporary. Staff greet you with tea and home-baked cakes in the hall with a wood-burning stove, and telescopes for birds, sea lions and star-spotting.
Inverlochy Castle Hotel
9 /10 Rating
Queen Victoria said she “never saw a lovelier or more romantic spot” than Inverlochy Castle in 1873, and it remains as impressive as ever, lying at the foot of Mountain Ben Nevis. Dinner begins with a drink by the fire in the Great Hall, followed by a five-course menu. In this old country house, you can feel a sense of time suspended.
Kylesku Hotel
8 /10 Rating
This delightful small hotel, parts of which date from the 17th century, offers stylish accommodation and splendid local seafood on a tiny island looking out across Lake Glendhu. It’s located in a beautiful, remote region of the Scottish Highlands, making it perfect for those who love hillwalking, wild swimming and bird-watching.
1. How is Gleneagles Townhouse different from the other hotels
A. It is known for its delicious food. B. It is located in the downtown area.
C. It provides rooms in modern style. D. It hosted famous people in history.
2. Which hotels will attract bird lovers
A. Gleneagles Townhouse & The Three Chimneys
B. Inverlochy Castle Hotel & Kylesku Hotel
C. Gleneagles Townhouse & Inverlochy Castle Hotel
D. The Three Chimneys & Kylesku Hotel
3. What is the writing purpose of this passage
A. To recommend some good hotels in Scotland.
B. To rank the Scottish hotels in order of quality.
C. To introduce the history of old Scottish hotels.
D. To select the most romantic hotels in Scotland.
It is the eighth time this summer that Guo Xiunan has failed to grow vegetables without chemical pesticides (杀虫剂). After trying various homemade bug sprays (喷剂), such as plant ash, mixtures of pepper, vinegar, alcohol and water, there are still lots of holes in the leaves chewed by beetles .
“I will not give up trying and I will go on with my experiments,” the 29-year-old engineer-turned-farmer says.
Covering 0.67 hectares (公顷) of farmland and 1.33 hectares of woodland and wetland, his farm is located in the suburbs of Hefei, East China’s Anhui province. He is trying to turn it into an organic farm, growing fruits and vegetables with the same flavor of those from his childhood memories. “Growing tasty and healthy food has been my dream since I was a teenager. I know how difficult it can be, but if you take the soil seriously, I believe it will pay off,” Guo says.
He adds that farming is not a business that can make money in a short time, but for him, it became an urgent issue when his father suffered stomach cancer last year, ringing an alarm bell over food safety. Recalling spending time on the farm with his parents as a child, Guo believes the overuse of chemicals in farming is not only damaging the soil, but also people’s health.
After investing more than 100,000 yuan ($13,700) since he rented the farmland last year, and reading many books on agriculture, Guo is in the early stages of fighting the various challenges through trial and error. Meanwhile, he has to develop marketing channels for his products. In March, he uploaded his first post on short-video platform Douyin to introduce his business. His account now has nearly 6,000 followers, which is way above his expectations.
“Maybe it is because I’ve realized their dream life, one that they dare not pursue,” Guo says.
4. What can we know about Guo Xiunan from the passage
A. He became a farmer after graduation.
B. He spent his childhood on the farm.
C. He’s learning farming from his father.
D. He has made money from his farm.
5. How did his father’s illness influence Guo
A. He invested in treating the illnesses.
B. He became eager to grow healthy food.
C. He realized the importance of health.
D. He was encouraged to face challenges.
6. What attracts Guo’s followers on Douyin according to him
A. His agricultural products.
B. His talent in business.
C. His life-choice of farming.
D. His influence of success.
7. Which of the following can best describe Guo
A. Ambitious and competitive.
B. Traditional and stubborn.
C. Intelligent and adventurous.
D. Determined and hardworking.
Popular destinations have seen an increase in incidents involving tourists in recent years. Reports of a man damaging the Colosseum in Rome (罗马圆形大剧场) show that behavior has worsened even in places that rarely had problems in the past.
What’s behind these acts One answer is social media. Instagram and TikTok have made it easy to find “hidden diamond” restaurants and discover new destinations to add to your travel list. But this way of travel planning has had other consequences.
It is known as social proof when we look to the behaviors of others to justify our own actions. Now, travelers also look to social media for proof of how others behave while they go pleasure-seeking on vacations. If others are throwing caution to the wind while on vacation, this can cause a domino(多米诺) effect of bad behavior.
Besides, because tourists are often sheltered in hotels away from local communities, they might wrongly think that traveling to a place far from home is an opportunity for consequence-free bad behavior. They underestimate or ignore the effect their actions can have on local communities.
In response to tourist misbehavior, the island of Bali, a famous tourist destination in Indonesia, introduced new guidelines for visitors in June 2023. These include rules about proper behavior in the protected temples, around the island and with locals, and respecting the natural environment.
Tourists now need a license to rent motorbikes, and can not set foot on any mountain or volcano in Bali due to the nature-protection laws. Besides, travelers must only stay in registered hotels, which will impact a number of Airbnb properties.
Other destinations have taken similar steps. Iceland, Hawaii, and Costa Rica have required visitors to obey local laws and custom. Where such efforts aren’t successful, some places such as Thailand’s famous Maya Bay have taken it further and fully closed to tourists, at least temporarily.
8. What is a reason behind what tourists have done in recent years
A. They misjudge the results.
B They needn’t obey the rules.
C. They’re misled by the locals.
D. They can’t accept the custom.
9. What does “throwing caution to the wind” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Acting immediately. B. Exploring bravely.
C. Wandering aimlessly. D. Behaving wildly.
10. What can tourists do in Bali from June 2023 on
A. Visit a temple with respect.
B. Climb up the volcano.
C. Rent motorbikes as wished.
D. Stay in an Airbnb house.
11. Why do the tourist destinations take measures against the tourists
A. To reduce the influence of social media.
B. To set a limit on the number of visitors.
C. To restrict tourists’ improper behavior.
D. To prevent tourists from being injured.
Back in 2020, when schools were still virtual and citizens were living their lives in masks, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, emerged as one of the earliest critics of remote work. “There’s a huge value to working together in terms of cooperation and creativity and training the younger people,” he said.
Three years later, Dimon’s opinion is unchanged. The difference now is that it has gone mainstream. With the pandemic declared over, most American companies seem to have settled on the idea that some in-person time is beneficial — even necessary — for workplaces.
Studies have found people get more feedback when they’re in the same space as their coworkers, leading to more opportunities for advancement. And while findings on productivity are mixed, there’s evidence that fully remote workers encounter more friction when trying to convey information quickly.
After making remote work possible for millions of people, Zoom is now telling some of its own employees to show up in person. The company has decided that employees who live within 50 miles of a Zoom office are required to work in-person two days per week in the office.
However, many office workers who enjoyed greater autonomy while working from home are not readily giving that up, even as their employers step up demands for them to come back. Hired by Microsoft as a senior training associate, Garcia Espejo works from home most of the time, scheduled as she sees fit. For Garcia Espejo, who’s been caring for her elderly parents, it will be painful to lose this flexibility.
“Post-COVID for the first time ever, people are being told when and where to show up, and it just is causing this reaction from people like, ‘Wait a minute. I’m not ready!’” says Debbie Lovich, managing director at the Boston Consulting Group.
Still, the trend is coming. A recent survey of 1,500 office workers, conducted by Boston Consulting Group, found 85% working in “a hybrid mode,” and only 8% fully remote.
12. What problem with remote work do the studies confirm
A. Decline in the output at work.
B Lack of cooperation in the team.
C. Difficulty in communication.
D. Failure to train young workers.
13. What does the author want to say with Garcia Espejo’s example
A. It’s necessary to force workers back to the office.
B. Working from home does harm to the companies.
C. Many people don’t want to give up remote work.
D. The pandemic has changed people’s life forever.
14. What does an office worker in “a hybrid mode” do
A. Work fully from home.
B. Go to the office every weekday.
C. Look for a job everywhere.
D. Return to the office regularly.
15. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage
A. Companies Push Employees Back to Office
B Studies Found Problems with Remote Work
C. Zoom Took the Lead in the Changing Trend
D. Critics of Remote Work are Under Pressure
第一节 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Are you tired of staying in a hotel when exploring a foreign city Do you want to feel the real life in a local community If so, you may log onto Airbnb for a good pick if you are planning for your next week-long holiday in Toronto.
* * *
Homey and Lovely Downtown Condo Next to CN Tower
Entire rental unit hosted by Duan
2 guests * studio * 1 bed * 1 bath
Directly located in front of the CN Tower, Ripley’s Aquarium and Rogers Center, minutes away from Union Station.
Safe, secure and easy self-check-in procedures with 24/7 building security.
Completely private space. The entire unit is yours to enjoy. There isn’t anyone else to share the space with you.
Other things to note
We observe Airbnb’s new pilot program in Toronto that requires guests to be 25+ to book entire homes. We will regrettably not be able to host your stay if your group is mostly under 25.
* * *
Comfy Bedroom + Stunning View Downtown!
Room in a unit hosted by Attilio
1 queen bed * dedicated bathroom * host and other guests may be here
This accommodation consists of a bedroom with a private bathroom — you will be also able to use the kitchen and living room (shared), plus all the apartment facilities.
Start the day with a workout in the fully equipped gym. Explore downtown from this modern, comfy apartment. In the evening, stretch out on the nice sofa and admire the city lights from the window.
Other things to note
Check-in time will be any time after 4PM and check-out time by 11AM.
1. In which aspect are the two units different from each other
A. Number of guests to host. B. Bathroom for private use.
C. Distance to the downtown. D. Space to share with others.
2. Who will most probably become Duan’s guests
A. Backpackers wanting to meet other guests.
B. Teenagers on a high school graduation trip.
C. A family in search of separate rooms and beds.
D. A couple needing a place close to the landmarks.
3. In which way does Attilio’s room have advantage over Duan’s
A. Check-in time. B. Price. C. Service. D. Privacy.
Jasmine Charbonier’s heavy drinking started in college. By her early thirties, she was downing up to eight cocktails daily, several days each week. Last year she tried to quit and was surprised when she suffered from withdrawal symptoms (症状).
Unlike hard drugs, alcohol is generally viewed as a less dangerous way to reduce stress, says Dhruti Patel, a specialist at the University of Miami Medicine School. “It’s legal, readily available, and not so forbidden in society, so women feel less worry drinking,” she says.
That was certainly the case for Charbonier, a 35-year-old CEO and blogger in Florida. Drinking made nights out and travel more fun, enabling her to meet new people and dance excitedly. Last year, she temporarily gave up alcohol to lose a few pounds and was horrified by the withdrawal symptoms: strong desires for alcohol, heightened anxiety, and trembling hands sometimes. “I was completely shocked,” she says. “I didn’t think I had an addiction until then.”
Recent researches have confirmed the belief that even small amounts of wine, beer, or cocktails endanger health. Last year, the global non-profit World Heart Federation challenged the widely held idea that a daily glass of red wine is good for you. Any amount increases the risk for heart disease and stroke (中风), the group stated.
Compared with men, women who drink are more susceptible to its negative effects. Experts point out that women’s body composition, which has more fatty tissue and less water than men of similar weight, leads to higher blood-alcohol concentration. Therefore, women who drink will develop a greater number of medical problems at much lower alcohol levels than men.
Federal guidelines recommend that women consume no more than five ounces (盎司) of wine a day. But from a health perspective, less — actually none — is a better target, Patel says.
Reducing consumption starts with replacing alcohol in social situations. Charbonier now orders sparkling water, or a soft drink at happy hour, which gives her a glass to hold when others do. She tells her friends that she’s no longer drinking.
4. What’s the cause for Charbonier’s alcohol addiction mentioned in the passage
A. Her trouble from work. B. Her family’s influence.
C. Her health condition. D. Her ignorance of its danger.
5. Which of the following is a withdrawal symptom of the addicts
A Feeling very nervous. B. High blood pressure.
C Long lasting thirsty. D. Walking unsteadily.
6. What does the underlined word “susceptible” in paragraph 5 probably mean
A. Emotional. B. Adaptable. C. Exposed. D. Welcoming.
7. What advice would Patel give to Charbonier if asked
A. Giving up drinking completely. B. Drinking modestly every day.
C. Reducing drinking step by step. D. Seeking help from her friends.
Ever looked at the dirty smog caused by air pollution and thought, “Hey, this could be art ” Sounds silly, right But with Air-Ink, the silly is becoming a reality, in a process that turns air pollution into ink.
Anirudh Sharma, then a graduate student of MIT, noticed a wall blackened by car exhaust during his studies on a trip to India in 2012. He saw potential in the pollution. So he began working on the idea with his colleagues and set up Graviky Labs. “Our goal is to collect and transform the tiny particulate matter, known as PM2.5 which results from burning fuels, into high grade inks that everyone can use and express themselves with through art or writing.”
The trial and error of attaching equipment to cars for collecting PM2.5 led to the invention of KAALINK, a small device that can be fixed to exhaust pipes (排气管). This device can collect 95 percent of PM2.5 in the exhaust without any negative effect on engine performance. Then the particulate matter is purified, ground to a standard size, and liquefied (液化) in a Graviky Labs process. The result is a heavily colored, free-flowing “Air-Ink,” which can be loaded into our daily used pens and printers.
The Air-Ink idea has been attracting increasing public attention. A number of Indian companies have contacted Graviky Labs to deal with PM2.5 that otherwise could end up in a river or reach our lungs. Singapore-based Tiger Beer partnered with Graviky Labs for an art campaign, making Air-Ink available to artists in more cities such as Hong Kong, Berlin and London.
Since 2016, Graviky Labs has cleaned 1.6 trillion liters of air and produced more than 1,200 liters of Air-Ink. With more doubts to beat and support to win, and more Air-Ink available in market, Sharma and his colleague would be able to breathe a little easier. And so would we.
8. What did Anirudh Sharma intend to do
A. To enter the art field. B. To be a great inventor.
C. To apply polluted air. D. To stop burning fuels.
9. What is the function of KAALINK
A. It liquefies PM2.5 in the air. B. It provides cars with power.
C. It arrests PM2.5 in exhaust. D. It protects the car engine.
10. Why does the author mention Tiger Beer in paragraph 4
A. To present an example. B. To beat a doubt.
C. To stress the opinion. D. To ease the tone.
11. Which is the most suitable title for the text
A. Smarter Carbon Footprints, Easier Breath Care
B. More Air-Ink on Pages, Less Pollution in the Air
C. Braver Trials in Ink, Stronger Expressions in Art
D. More High-tech Support, Fewer Printing Barriers
Nile crocodiles are uniquely sensitive to the cries of painful primate (灵长类) babies, according to a new study — and the more anxious the cry, the more interested they become. To make the find, Nicolas Grimault, a scientist at the University of Lyon, and his colleagues visited a zoo in Morocco, which houses more than 300 Nile crocodiles. The researchers set up loudspeakers alongside four ponds where, at each, as many as 25 crocodiles sunbathed on red rocks. The speakers played a series of cries expressing varying levels of pain from primate babies. The cries were recorded in different situations to find out which aspects of the voices interest the crocs most.
Many of the crocs, male and female, responded to the cries by suddenly turning their heads, seeking out the source of the sound, rapidly approaching the loudspeaker and sometimes even biting it. One individual even showed protective behavior by positioning in front of the speaker as if to defend it from others. Interestingly, their response depended on the characteristics of the cries they heard: crocs were more likely to react to recordings with acoustic (声音的) features closely related to very upset babies, such as sudden changes and disharmony in frequency, smoothness and tones.
When the researchers asked human volunteers, all of whom had experience with human babies, to listen to the same recorded cries and estimate the level of pain, the participants used different features than the crocs did to evaluate the sounds, basing their decisions largely on the pitch of the cries — how high or low a sound is. But it varies among individuals and across species. That makes it less reliable and accurate than the alternative acoustic clues picked up on by crocodiles.
The findings of the study raise the possibility that emotion may be communicated across species lines in more ways than scientists thought. As Grimault puts it, “If crocs can do it, probably many other animals can do it, too.”
12. Why are the cries collected from different situations played
A. To discover which crocodiles are smart. B. To identify what appeals to crocodiles.
C. To develop how to protect crocodiles. D. To record when crocodiles interact.
13. How do most of the crocodiles respond to baby’ cries
A. Guarding the speakers. B. Sunbathing on the rocks.
C. Attacking other crocodiles. D. Moving towards the sound.
14. Which of the following belongs to “alternative acoustic clues” in paragraph 3
A. The volume of sound. B. The source of the cries.
C. The evenness of tone. D. The pitch of the voice.
15. Which statement would Grimault probably agree with
A. Humans are sensitive to voices of other species.
B. Emotions may be shared beyond species borders.
C. Crocs tend to be friendly to babies of any species.
D. Cross-species communication is an unfading skill.
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分37. 5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
You don’t need to master Chinese to appreciate these local literary centres in the city. Here are four local bookstores worth visiting.
This Chinese bookstore chain has been a success mainly for its interior designs, which is a huge draw for the selfie natives. It houses an endless maze of books packed on shelves that go along the walls and even suspended from the ceiling. It’s a wonderful place for parents as it has a reading area for kids. You might as well get some photos posted on social media here.
Spring Whispers Book Club
You may wonder how the owners decided on its name. It apparently attempts to describe the slight wind created when one flips (翻阅) a magazine page. The Book Club is a beautiful magazine library, offering a wide range of magazines that are free for visitors to flip through at their leisure. It is also a great place to step out of crowds, featuring tall glass windows and abundant natural-lit seating.
Quanmin Changdu Bookstore
Nestled inside a park, this bookstore is a thriving community space for artists. It has regular literary and lifestyle events that range from fine dining to indoor concert although you will need some proficiency in Chinese to participate. It has a wonderful glass ceiling letting in natural light and its space is divided up into smaller rooms that bookworms can hole up in for hours.
Insight Books
Insight Books is a 1, 000 sqm space full of books in a warehouse-like setting. Though mostly packed with hip publications in Chinese, its wooden stair seating area encourages visitors to grab a book and relax. It also has a cafe that serves up food and drink so that you can hang out there all day. Because it's huge and quiet, it is a great place to do work that requires your total concentration.
21. Which is the shared feature of Spring Whispers Book Club and Quanmin Changdu Bookstore
A. Dining services. B. Various lifestyle events.
C. Exposure to natural light. D. Access to free magazines.
22. Which bookstore is recommended for photography lovers
A. Zhongshuge. B. Spring Whispers Book Club.
C. Quanmin Changdu Bookstore. D. Insight Books.
23. Who are the intended readers of the text
A. Foreign visitors. B. Local citizens.
C. Bookstore designers. D Parents with kids.
I am not alone while I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The stars awaken a certain respect and amazement, because though always present, they are inaccessible; but all natural objects make a similar impression, when the mind is open to their influence.
When we speak of nature in this manner, we have a distinct but most poetical sense in the mind. To speak truly, few adults can see nature. Or, at least, they have a very shallow seeing. The sun shines light only on the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. in the presence of nature, not the sun or the summer alone, but every hour and season brings delight; for every hour and change brings a different state of the mind.
Strolling across the fields and woods delights me. And the greatest delight is the suggestion of ad magical relation between man and the vegetable. I am not alone and unacknowledged. They nod to me, and I to them. The waving of the branches in the storm is new to me and old. It takes me by surprise, and yet is not unknown. Its effect is like that of a higher thought or a better emotion coming over me, when I considered I was thinking justly or doing right.
Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight does not exist in nature, but in man, or in a harmony of both. It is necessary to use these pleasures with control. For nature does not always wear holiday clothes, but the same scene which yesterday breathed perfume is filled with solemnity (庄重) today. Nature always wears the colours of the spirit.
24. What is the difference between adults and children in seeing nature
A. Children prefer to explore nature.
B. Children have less access to nature.
C. Adults often overlook the beauty of nature.
D. Adults are more knowledgeable about nature.
25. Why is "the waving of the branches in the storm" mentioned in paragraph 3
A. To tell a new and exciting experience.
B. To describe a familiar yet surprising sight.
C. To illustrate the power and beauty of storm.
D. To show nature's effect on man's mind or feeling.
26. What kind of feelings did the author have when he went into nature
A. Pleased and proud. B. Amazed and inspired.
C. Lonely but delighted. D. Shocked but respectful.
27 Which would be a suitable title of this essay
A. Being Truly Alone B. Nature Is Wonderful
C. What Nature Can Bring to Our Lives
D. How to Become Young Again Through Nature
As you enjoy the companionship of your pets at home, have you ever thought about the more meaningful things they can do Wu Qi, a pet trainer in his 30s, has demonstrated their enormous potential, as his team has trained over 300 dogs, most of them pets, to help people in need.
On a recent day at a support center for elderly people with cognitive (认知的) disorders in Shanghai, seniors warmly greeted the adorable therapy (治疗) dogs upon their arrival. Assisted by devoted volunteers, the dogs participated in a range of interaction and activity-based recovery training. These sessions included exercises tailored to aid in muscle recovery and enhance communication skills and self-expression among the elderly. Autistic (自闭的) children, seniors with cognitive disorders, people with disabilities and those with mental health disorders are all target clients of the therapy dog team.
According to a report on China's pet industry in February, last year alone, urban people had more than 50 million pet dogs. "I hope to reach out to the vast population of pet owners and encourage them to participate in our initiative. Their pet dogs have enormous potential in making a difference and helping others, " Wu said. His team has now prepared a set of comprehensive training courses designed to enhance the pets' sociability, obedience and interactive skills, while also reducing potential overreactions.
Many pet owners are willing to extend a helping hand to assist those in need. Jin Pei, a 75-d year-old grandmother from Shanghai, is among the generous pet lovers. Her dog Biubiu is now a frequent visitor to local nursing institutions for the elderly, recovery organizations for children with developmental disabilities, and hospitals. "On the New Year's Eve, I welcomed Biubiu, a stray dog, into my home, and since then, she has become an essential part of my family. The dog healed me with its companionship and support, and so I would like her to become a therapy dog and cure more people, " Jin said.
28. How did the team train the pet dogs
A. By involving them in healing activities.
B. By guiding them to entertain the patients.
C. By instructing them to greet the target clients.
D. By assisting them to enhance self-expression skills.
29. Which of the following people can benefit from the programme
A. The voluntary children. B. The disabled adults.
C. The beloved pets owners. D. The committed volunteers.
30. What is Jin Pei's attitude towards the programme
A. Objective. B. Unconcerned. C. Skeptical. D. Approving.
31. What is the best title of the text
A. Team Calls on People to Assist the Elderly
B. Dogs Are the Best Friends of Human Beings
C. Team Trains Pets for Animal-assisted Therapy
D. Pet Owners Are Willing to Extend a Helping Hand
Energy-storing concrete could, in the future, be used to hold electricity in houses and other buildings.
In a study published earlier this summer, it was demonstrated that a basic mix of concrete and fine charcoal (木炭) can create a low-cost and efficient energy storage system. This could allow homes to store a full day's worth of renewable energy. This interesting mix of ancient materials demonstrated in testing that it could charge and discharge in over 10, 000 cycles. Small handheld lithium-ion batteries(锂电池) can recharge in cycles up to 1, 000 times, with the large-scale batteries powering high-end electric vehicles touching near 1, 500.
As promising as this new technology sounds, replacing our energy facilities with it is not so simple, since it would require a complete change in how we approach modern architecture and lay down roadworks. The chemical required to carry electrical charge through the design would also mean parts of the structure would have to constantly remain wet, and would carry its own additional maintenance (维护) challenges. Nevertheless, our existing energy storage is far from perfect and an urgent maintenance is needed. Electricity from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, all produce power at unstable rates. Wind will change direction frequently, clouds can form unpredictably, and water flow is often chaotic minute-to-minute. These variable times of output mean that the question of how power is stored for a consistent output is a huge issue. Current lithium-ion batteries used for this purpose are expensive, and rely on limited supplies of the precious element itself.
Meanwhile, calculations suggest that a simple cube of charcoal concrete sized just 3. 5 meters across could hold 10 kilowatt-hours of energy, enough to supply the average household's electricity needs for the day. The prospect of using such cheap and readily available ancient materials to fulfill this role is extremely promising, though it may be a while before you see it on a building site near you.
32. How did the author explain the benefits of energy-storing concrete
A. By giving definition. B. By making contrasts.
C. By presenting data. D. By analyzing causes.
33. What is one disadvantage of the new technology
A The chemical involves regular replacement.
B. All parts of the structure should be kept wet.
C. Replacing facilities with it requires transformation.
D. The batteries used are expensive and can't last long.
34. What does the underlined word "chaotic" in paragraph 3 mean
A. Strengthened. B. Disordered. C. Existent. D. Consistent.
35. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. We need to be patient to wait for a building site near our houses.
B. The researchers give a suggestion based on the promising future.
C. Energy-storing concrete can be introduced to building the houses.
D. A simple cube of concrete is enough to supply the electricity needs.
Most Scenic Train Rides in the World
The Jacobite Steam Train,Scotland
Starting in the Scottish Highlands town,this train journey winds through green hills,crystal blue lakes,deep valleys,and odd villages.A highlight of the trip is the crossing of the 21-archedGlenfinnan Viaduct(高架桥)with its graceful curves and towering columns,overlooking theJacobite monument.Harry Potter fans will recognize this view as well as the steam engine andcarriages which became the Hogwarts Express.The Jacobite Steam Train runs from April to
Grand Canyon Railway,United States
This round-trip journey begins about 30 miles west of Flagstaff and heads north tothe Grand Canyon National Park.On the way,passengers are encouraged to get into the OldWest spirit with musical entertainment,cowboy characters,and other surprises.In addition to thebreathtaking landscape,guests might spot wildlife that includes mountain lions.deer,owls,etc..The daily departure time is 9:30 a.m.,and the trip takes two hours and 15 minutes.
Kuranda Scenic Railway,Australia
This journey takes guests through one of the world's oldest rainforests in Oueensland.Thetwo-hour trip begins in Cairns and passes scenery that includes trees,waterfalls,mountains,andvalleys.Barron Gorge,one of Queensland's most popular national parks,can be viewed from thetrain or by driving a short distance from Kuranda at the end of the train line.
Kandy to Ella,Sri Lanka
This seven-hour trip takes passengers through remote villages,past waterfalls and lushgreen hills,and through the tea plantations for which the country is known.The train is a
favorite way to explore the country,view the varied scenery,and observe villages and localpeople along the way.Kandy is located in central Sri Lanka with sacred Buddhist temples andscenic Kandy Lake.
21.Which ride would appeal to Harry Potter fans
A.Grand Canyon Railway.
B.Kuranda Scenic Railway.
C.Kandy to Ella,Sri Lanka.
D.The Jacobite Steam Train.
22.What can guests do on the Grand Canyon Railway trip
A.Visit Buddhist temples.
B.Appreciate odd villages.
C.Enjoy the Old West feel.
D.Watch underwater life.
23.Which attraction lies near the Kuranda Scenic Railway's endpoint
A.Barron Gorge.
C.Jacobite monument.
D.Kandy Lake.
Wu Lidi,a 48-year-old cleaning lady at a student dormitory,was deeply moved by a specialexhibition held by students in front of the entrance of a canteen in the Nanjing University.The exhibition,titled“A Cleaning Lady's Spring,”displayed Wu's paintings on ablackboard hanging on the dormitory's first floor where she works.Her artwork ranged frombreathtaking natural landscapes and the colorful university campus to an imaginarful world,"and“I hope you will stick to what you love.”
Wu's artistic journey began modestly.She never received any professional training inpainting.Her interest in painting dates back to her youth when she often crry world.During the exhibition,many students left handwriten messages of appreciation,gratitude andwishes to her.The messages included“Thank you for your blackboard paintings that haveaccompanied me through four years of my youth,""You have painted a wondeeated blackboarddesigns for her class.
After becoming a cleaner at Nanjing University,her enthusiasm for painting wasreawakened when she volunteered to enrich a blackboard with pictures.Initially,only a fewcharacters“Welcome Home”were presented on the blackboard and it needed some color and life.Little did Wu know,this seemingly small effort marked the beginning of her extraordinaryjourney of life in the university.
Wu has since become increasingly devoted to blackboard art,improving her skills withonline resources in her spare time.Her paintings evolved from simple flowers and plants tocomplex landscapes,and her techniques shifted from chalk drawings to watercolor masterpieces.Her dedication earned her widespread popularity among the students who often lovingly referredto her as “a cleaning lady who could have become an artist.”
Despite her demanding responsibilities for cleaning an entire building,she still managed tospare time for her paintings.As she put it,“I take pleasure in painting,so I'm happy to do it.”Moreover,every student passing through the building could glimpse her creations.Wu hoped to bring a touch of happiness to the students'life through her art.
Wu was grateful to the students who held the exhibition for her,acknowledging that theirencouragement fueled her passion.She said she would continue creating more paintings for thelovely students.
24.What happened at the painting exhibition in front of the canteen
A.Students showed their painting skills.
B.Wu's artworks raised a lot of money.
C.Students displayed their gratitude to Wu.
D.Wu created different artworks on the spot.
25.What can we know about Wu's painting journey
A.She had a humble beginning.
B.She painted to release pressure.
C.She started painting as an adult.
D.She improved skills with students'help.
26.Which word best describes Wu Lidi based on the passage
A.Shy and talented.B.Passionate and artistic.
C.Devoted and cautious.D.Creative and humorous.
27.What would be the best title for this passage
A.A cleaner who never gave up her career
B.A cleaner who brightened her campus
C.The evolution of a cleaner's painting skills
D.The impact of a cleaner's blackboard paintings
Only a“cloud”away is how residents at the Dzilam reserve in Mexico think of the distancebetween Latin America and China,despite their geographical remoteness.
The “cloud”isn't the one hanging up in the sky.What the residents refer to is in fact cloudtechnology,which has been applied to wildlife conservation in this Mexican reserve.
In recent years,with cloud technology,technicians and ecologists from China and itstrans-Pacific partners have been able to work hand in hand under the Belt and Road Initiative toprotect endangered species and their habitats in Mexico.
Home to many endangered species in Mexico,the Dzilam reserve.known for itsbiodiversity-rich habitats,has started to witness ecosystem degradation(衰退)over the yearsdue to human activities and climate change.In 2002,the jaguar,the only big cat left in thereserve,was listed as"Near Threatened"on the IUCN Red List.
Local communities and environmentalists have tried to track the habitat of iaguars,but havefound it rather difficult:These animals are often hidden in vast forests,rarely leaving obvioustraces,making it hard to observe them under natural conditions.
To better protect wild animals and biodiversity,the Tech4Nature Mexico project waslaunched in the Dzilam reserve.The project collects video data from cameras recording 24 hoursa day in the Dzilam reserve to monitor the biodiversity of the area and uses acoustic(声学的)technology to understand the existence of species and the health of ecosystems.The researchteam would use Huawei's AI model to identify the areas where the big cat appeared by
identifying sounds,studying their living habits and developing management plans to protect thespecies.In addition,when a threat is detected,the system immediately sends a real-time alarmwith the location to local forest guards through an app for rapid intervention.
From September 2022 to May 2023,local experts,with the help of Huawei Cloud,haveidentified 119 species in the Dzilam reserve,including 88 species of birds,22 species ofmammals,five species of reptiles and four species of amphibians,of which 34 species are on theIUCN Red List of Threatened Species.They have also spotted at least five jaguars in the reserve.Omelia Trejo,a resident of the Dzilam community,said their dream is“protecting jaguarsfor a lifetime,”but they worried that in the future,children might only see jaguars in photos.
“Thanks to this project,our dream has come true.”
28.What does the underlined word "cloud"in paragraph 1 refer to
A.A typical weather phenomenon.
B.A networked computing technology.
C.The cloud above the Dzilam reserve.
D.The distance from Mexico to China.
29.What makes it difficult to track jaguars in the Dzilam reserve
A.Lack of local community's support.
B.Disapproval from environmentalists.
C.A few clearly recognizable tracks.
D.Challenges in natural observation.
30.What does the writer intend to convey in paragraph 7
A.The urgent need for conservation.
B.The challenges of species protection.
C.The success of Tech4Nature Mexico project.
D.The diversity of species in the Dzilam reserve.
31.What is the resident's attitude towards the Tech4Nature Mexico project
For centuries,bigger brains has been considered as a sign of our species’uniqueintelligence.The last two million years of our evolution witnessed a significant four timesincrease in brain volume.
But growing evidence suggests our brains recently changed in an unexpected way.Theydiminished in size sometime after the end of the last Ice Age.This reduction was notinsignificant.The loss of brain tissue is equal to the volume of an egg.
The precise timing of that brain shrink has remained a mystery until now.Initially,manyScientists had believed the changes happened with the development of farming and a shift fromhunting about 10,000 years ago.But a group of researchers,led by DeSilva,used a mixture offossil and modern subject data to discover that this loss of gray matter happened between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago.The more-recent dates from DeSilva's group point to booming of ancientcivilizations in North Africa,the Middle East and South America as a potential factor.
Researchers proposed that human societies got so cooperatively organized in the past 3,000years that they began relying on collective intelligence."It is the idea that a group of people is smarter than the smartest person in the group,"said James Traniello,one of DeSilva's co-authors.This inspiration came from insects such as ants.Ants form highly cooperative societies in whichdivision of labor has favored smaller-brained individuals due to an advanced level of socialorganization.
The researchers also suggested that as highly social beings,we no longer needed expansivebrains to store all information about food,social relationships,and the environment.Thisreliance on social networks and external sources of information,including books and the internet,reduced the demand on individual brains.
While human brain volume had remained roughly constant for the past 150,000 years,itrapidly dropped by around 10%in recent millennia(几千年).The research said it's crucial not toconfuse brain size with smarts.Instead,it suggests that our brain became more efficient withbetter neural connections in a smaller form.“Like,computers used to be the size of a room,andnow they fit in your pocket,"said DeSilva.
32.According to the new research,when did human brains decrease in size
A.It still remains a mystery.
B.During the end of the last Ice Age.
C.Approximately 10,000 years ago.
D.Between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago.
33.Which of the following best explains “collective intelligence”in paragraph 4
A.Humans in groups are less intelligent.
B.Groups outperform the smartest individual.
C.Individual smarts beat group intelligence.
D.The smartest person handles all group problems.
34.Which is one reason for the reduction in brain size
A.Humans learned to hunt for food.
B.Humans became more independent.
C.The natural environment changed greatly.
D.Information could be stored externally.
35.Which of the following views would DeSilva probably support
A.Bigger brains are more efficient.
B.Bigger brains are a sign of intelligence.
C.Brain size and intelligence are not directly related.
D.The smaller the brain,the higher the intelligence.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据Scrivener部分中的“Both an “outliner” planning tool and a word processor, Scrivener allows you to plan your novel or screenplay by breaking your writing into sections and outlining what each bit will include.(作为一个“提纲”计划工具和文字处理器,Scrivener可以让你通过将你的写作分成几个部分并列出每个部分将包括的内容来计划你的小说或剧本。)”可知,Scrivener可以将写作分成几个部分,并列出每部分包括的内容来计划你要写的小说或剧本,由此可知,Scrivener适合小说家。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据Wordtune部分中的“It can be used for everything from academician writing to business emails and blog posts. It can also help on word choice by highlighting words used in the wrong context and replacing them with suitable words or phrases.(它可以用于从学术写作到商业电子邮件和博客文章的所有内容。)”可知,Wordtune可以用于学术写作,商业电子邮件以及博客文章的写作,由此可知,Wordtune可以用于不同的写作目的。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据首段中的“There are days when even the best writers need a little assistance getting into their creative flow. So, when one of those days strikes, you may need a toolkit of the best apps to rely on. Here are some choices.(有时候,即使是最好的作家也需要一些帮助才能进入他们有创造力的流程。所以,当那些日子来临时,你可能需要一个最好的应用程序工具包来依赖。这里有一些选择。)”可知,最好的作家也需要一些帮助进入有创造力的流程,本文介绍的四个应用程序可以供作家们去选择,由此可知,这四个应用程序的共同特征是它们能激发创造力。故选A项。
【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“My story of building resilience (承受力) in business began when I was an employee years ago, tired of working for someone else. I wanted to start my own business, so as a musician myself, I came up with the concept of helping other musicians with their business.(多年前,当我还是一名雇员,厌倦了为别人工作时,我就开始了在商业中培养韧性的故事。我想自己创业,所以作为一名音乐家,我想出了帮助其他音乐家创业的想法。)”可知,作者以前是给别人工作,想自己创业,有了帮助其他音乐家创业的想法,由此可知,作者改变了职业道路。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第四段“As a musician, I decided to create a music and film project called X: The Human Condition. It was my message in a bottle—you are not alone. I wanted to inspire people who felt disconnected, alienated, different.(作为一名音乐家,我决定创作一个名为《X:人类状况》的音乐和电影项目。那是我装在瓶子里的信息——你并不孤单。我想激励那些感到被孤立、被疏远、与众不同的人。)”可知,作者决定创作一个音乐和电影项目,想激励那些感到被孤立、被疏远以及与众不同的人,由此可知,作者创立该项目是为了鼓励那些处于逆境中的人。故选D项
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“I had to fund it myself because out of all the people I approached in the entertainment industry, they all said it would be impossible and nobody wanted to invest.(我必须自己投资,因为在我接触过的所有娱乐圈人士中,他们都说这是不可能的,没有人愿意投资。)”可知,作者接触的娱乐圈的人士都说,没有人愿意投资,所以作者自己投资,由此可知,作者遇到的最大的困难是资金困难。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据尾段中的“When it comes to entrepreneurship, expect the unexpected. Regardless, be aware that there is no shortcut to building resilience. Mastering adversity is one that must be learned through trial and error.(说到创业,要预料到意想不到的事情。无论如何,要意识到建立复原力没有捷径。)”可知,作者认为,创业一定要预料到一些意想不到的事情,要建立复原力没有捷径可走,也就是,要想成功是没有捷径的,由此可知,作者相对创业的人员说的是成功没有捷径。故选C项。
【答案】8. B 9. B 10. D 11. A
推理判断题。根据首段“To observe your mind in automatic mode, glance at the image below.(为了观察你在自动模式下的思维,看一下下面的图片)”可知,为了观察在自动模式下的思维,作者提供了一幅图片让读者观察,结合第二段中的“Your experience as you look at the woman’s face combines what we normally call seeing and direct thinking.(当你看女人的脸时,你的体验结合了我们通常所说的“看见”和“直接思考”)”和“It was an instance of fast thinking.(这是快速思考的一个例子)”可知,在你看一下图片后,大脑就会直接思考。由此推知,作者提供这幅图让读者观察,是为了激发读者的快速思维。故选B 项。
细节理解题。根据第五段中的“While you tackled this problem, your pupils would be wider and larger than usual. (当你解决这个问题时,你的瞳孔会比平时更宽更大)”可知,在解决这个问题的时候,瞳孔会比平时要宽要大。由此可知,在计算时,你的瞳孔会变大。故选B项。
词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“Psychologists have been interested for several decades in the two modes of thinking.(几十年来,心理学家一直对这两种思维模式感兴趣)”可知,心理学家一直对这两种思维模式感兴趣,them指代的是上文中的the two modes of thinking。由此可知,them应指代的是“两种思维模式”。故选D项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“System 1 operates automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control.(系统1自动快速运行,很少或根本不需要努力,也没有自主控制的感觉)”可知,系统1的特点是快速运行,不费力,也没有自主控制的感觉,而得到2+2=?的答案不需要努力,而且可以快速得到答案。由此推知,A选项是系统1的例子。故选A项。
【答案】12. D 13. C 14. D 15. C
细节理解题。根据第三段中的“After much of the ice began breaking up late last year, four out of five habitats in the hard-bit central and eastern Bellingshausen Sea suffered a total breeding failure, with no chicks surviving to the feather growing period. (在去年年底大部分冰开始破裂后,在硬硬的别林斯高森海中部和东部,五分之四的栖息地遭遇了完全的繁殖失败,没有一只雏鸟存活到羽毛的生长期)”可知,去年的破冰结果是造成了大多数被研究的帝企鹅幼崽都没能存活。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第四段中的“A research team from Oxford Brookes University monitored populations by spotting penguin faeces (排泄物) in satellite photos.(牛津布鲁克斯大学的一个研究小组通过在卫星照片中发现企鹅粪便来监测种群数量)”可知,研究小组是通过卫星照片中企鹅粪便来监测种群的数量,结合下文中的“The buildup of the habitat’s faeces stains the ice so brown that it can be seen from space.(栖息地的粪便堆积将冰染成棕色,从太空中都能看到)”可知,栖息地的粪便把冰染成棕色。由此可知,该团队是通过发现棕色的冰在卫星图像中确地栖息地的。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“The observations add weight to modelling predictions that 90 percent of emperor penguin habitats could be extinct or past the point of no return by 2100 if current rates of warming continue.(这些观察结果为模型预测增加了权重,即如果目前的变暖速度继续下去,到2100年,90%的帝企鹅栖息地可能会灭绝或超过无法恢复的临界点)”可知,如果按照目前气候变暖的速度继续,到2100年90%的帝企鹅栖息地将可能灭绝或处于临界点,结合尾段中的“Will this impact the population It really depends on how often it happens.(这会影响帝企鹅的数量吗?这真的取决于它发生的频率)”可知,帝企鹅的数量是否会受影响取决于破冰发生的频率。由此推知,帝企鹅的数量要想不受影响,破冰的频率需要控制。故选D项。
主旨大意题。根据首段“Record sea ice loss caused a mass die-off of emperor penguin chicks in part of Antarctica last year, strengthening predictions that the world’s largest penguin will soon be in danger of extinction.(去年,创纪录的海冰融化导致南极洲部分地区的帝企鹅幼崽大量死亡,这进一步证实了世界上最大的企鹅即将面临灭绝的预测)”及下文内容可知,研究者发现随着气候变暖造成海冰减少导致帝企鹅的栖息地减少,进而造成帝企鹅繁殖失败。由此可知,本文主要讲述的是帝企鹅繁殖的严重失败。故选C项。
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
推理判断题。由文章第二段中“The best rooms overlook the City Hall in St Andrew Square, but you may wish to avoid if bothered by the trams (电车) passing below. (最好的房间可以俯瞰圣安德鲁广场的市政厅,但你可能希望避免被下面经过的有轨电车打扰。)”可知,Gleneagles Townhouse位于市中心,其它酒店都不在市中心。故选B。
细节理解题。由文章第三段中“Staff greet you with tea and home-baked cakes in the hall with a wood-burning stove, and telescopes for birds, sea lions and star-spotting. (工作人员在大厅里用茶和自制蛋糕迎接您,大厅里有一个烧木头的炉子,还有鸟类、海狮和观星望远镜。)”和第五段中“It’s located in a beautiful, remote region of the Scottish Highlands, making it perfect for those who love hillwalking, wild swimming and bird-watching. (它位于苏格兰高地一个美丽而偏远的地区,非常适合那些喜欢爬山、野外游泳和观鸟的人。)可知,The Three Chimneys 和 Kylesku Hotel都吸引鸟类爱好者。故选D。
推理判断题。由文章第一段中“Are you longing to spend a perfect romantic weekend in Scotland Here is our pick of the most romantic hotels there. (你渴望在苏格兰度过一个完美浪漫的周末吗?这里是我们挑选的最浪漫的酒店。)”可知,本文是为了推荐一些苏格兰的好酒店。故选A。
【答案】4. B 5. B 6. C 7. D
细节理解题。根据第四段“Recalling spending time on the farm with his parents as a child, Guo believes the overuse of chemicals in farming is not only damaging the soil, but also people’s health.(回想起小时候和父母一起在农场度过的时光,郭认为,在农业中过度使用化学品不仅会破坏土壤,还会损害人们的健康)”可知,郭秀南他的童年是在农场度过的。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据第四段“He adds that farming is not a business that can make money in a short time, but for him, it became an urgent issue when his father suffered stomach cancer last year, ringing an alarm bell over food safety.(他补充说,农业不是一项可以在短时间内赚钱的业务,但对他来说,去年他父亲患胃癌后,这成为了一个紧迫的问题,敲响了食品安全的警钟)”可推知,父亲的病敲响了食品安全的警钟,让他开始渴望种植健康食品。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段““Maybe it is because I’ve realized their dream life, one that they dare not pursue,” Guo says.(“也许是因为我实现了他们的梦想生活,一个他们不敢追求的生活,”郭说)”可知,他认为是他实现了他们的梦想生活。由此推知,他的生活吸引了抖音上郭的粉丝。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第一段“It is the eighth time this summer that Guo Xiunan has failed to grow vegetables without chemical pesticides (杀虫剂).(这是今年夏天郭秀南第八次种植不使用化学农药的蔬菜失败)”以及第二段““I will not give up trying and I will go on with my



