Unit 6 Shopping 通关检测卷(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

题 号 听力(40分) 笔 试( 60分) 总分
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
得 分
Part I 听力部分(40分)
( )1.A. glove B. scarf C. skirt
( )2.A. umbrella B. under C. uncle
( )3.A. cheap B. expensive C. pretty
( )4.A. nice B. coat C. carrot
( )5.A. dress B. short C. shirt
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. They are _________ .
A. at home B. at school C. at the shop
( )2. What size are John’s shoes
A. Size 6 B. Size 7 C. Size 8
( )3. They want to buy a _________ .
A. shirt B. skirt C. scarf
( )4. The skirt is _________ .
A. pink B. yellow C. red
( )5. It is very _________ .
A. nice B. expensive C. cheap
( )1.A. It’s nice. B. It’s 30 yuan.
( )2.A. Sure. B. It’s so cheap.
( )3.A. I like blue. B. 7 dollars.
( )4.A. That is mine. B. I have two.
( )5.A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, it is.
Part II笔试部分(60分)
( )1. born A. orange B. sorry C. fork
( )2. warm A. farm B. arm C. war
( )3. sister A. girl B. nurse C. under
( )4. horse A. world B. for C. work
( )5. like A. people B. table C. let
A. gloves B. scarf C. socks D. sunglasses E. sweater
F. shorts G. coat H. dress I. skirt J. T-shirt
( )1. I like this dress. But it’s _______ expensive.
A. two B. too C. to
( )2. Can I try it _______
A. in B. at C. on
( )3. _____________
-No, they’re too small.
A. Are they OK B. Is that OK C. Is this Chen Jie’s
( )4. Sorry! They are not _______ sale.
A. off B. at C. for
( )5. _______ are the sunglasses - _______ 45yuan.
A. How many, They are B. How much, They are
C. How much, It’s
( )6. He _______ a nice umbrella.
A. have B. has C.is
( )7. The gloves are pretty and _______ .They are only 10 yuan.
A. expensive B. cheap C. small
( )8. It’s cold. So I put on my _______ .
A. shorts B. sunglasses C. scarf
( )9. 当有顾客走进店里的时候,营业员会说:.
A. What can do you want to buy B. Can I help you
C. Can you help me
( )10.当你在决定买这把雨伞时,你会说:
A. I want this umbrella. B. I will take this umbrella.
C. I like this umbrella.
Who What How much
Wu Yifan a blue scarf 25
__________ a nice _______ 60
Mike an expensive ____ _______
Miss White a red umbrella 50
25 60 135 50
例:Wu Yifan has a blue scarf. It’s 25 yuan.
1. Chen Jie has a nice . It’s 60 yuan.
2. Mike has an expensive .It’s .
3. has a red .It’s .
Mum: Mike. It’s time to get up.
Mike: _____________
Mum: It’s 6:30.
Mike: _____________
Mum: It’s sunny and hot.
Mike: Can wear my new T-shirt
Mum: _____________
Mike: I like it very much.
Mum: It’s 60 yuan.
Mike: Thanks, Mum.
Mum: _____________
十、阅读 ( http: / / www.5ykj.com / shti / " \t "_blank )短文, 完成任务。(10分)
任务一:阅读短文,判断正“T”误 “F”。(4分)
( )1. All the scarves are fourteen yuan today.
( )2. The sunglasses are cheap.
( )3. They have many shoes and shirts in the shop.
( )4. The clothes are not expensive.
1. What color are the scarves
Some are brown, some are _______ and some are _______and more.
2. Are the sunglasses expensive _______________________________.
3. Is the shop on sale today _______________________________.
二、15 yuan 22 yuan 30 yuan 25 yuan 14 yuan
三、1.CB 2.BAB
Who What How much
Wu Yifan a blue scarf 25
Chen Jie a nice skirt 60
Mike an expensive bag 135
Miss White a red umbrella 50
1.skirt 2.bag 135 yuan 3.Miss White umbrella 50 yuan
任务二:1. red, yellow
2. No, they aren’t.
3. Yes, it is.
1. glove 2. umbrella 3. expensive 4. carrot 5. shirt
1. The hat is 15 yuan.
2. The scarf are 22 yuan.
3. Look at the umbrella, it is 30 yuan.
4. The gloves are very good. They are 25 yuan.
5. The sunglasses are nice. They are 14 yuan.
1.A: Can I help you
B:Those shoes are nice. Can I try them on Size 6, please.
A: Of course. Here you are.
A: Are they OK
B: No, they are too small.
A: OK, let’s try size 7.
B: They are just all right.
2.A: Wow, that pink skirt is very nice.
B: Can I help you
A:How much is the skirt
B: It’s 89 yuan.
A: Oh, it’s too expensive.
1. How much is it
2. Can I try them on
3. What colour do you like
4. How many do you have
5. Do you like it
学校 班级 姓名 座号
装 订 线
A. What time is it
B. How much is it
C. You are welcome.
D. What’s the weather like today
E. Yes, you can.
Today all the scarves are forty yuan! We have many scarves-brown, red, yellow and more.
The sunglasses are cheap, too. They are all twenty yuan. And we also have many shoes and clothes. They are not expensive.
Come and see us today!



