
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What is the woman going to do this Saturday
A. Go to see a film with the man. B. Take Jane to the hospital. C. Help Jane clean up her room.
2. How will the speakers go to Chris’s house
A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot.
3. When will the woman reach the school
A. Before 10 o’clock. B. Almost 11 o’clock. C. At 11:30.
4. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Relax at home. B. Have online classes at home. C. Go hiking with the man.
5. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Father and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Where is the man now
A. In a clothes shop. B. In the lab. C. In the woman’s office.
7. What is included in the safety rules in the lab
A. Wearing proper clothes. B. Wearing sunglasses. C. Saying nothing with lab partners.
8. What is the man dissatisfied with
A. The lighting. B. Some dishes. C. The service of the staff.
9. What attitude does the woman take toward baked (烤的) fish in the restaurant
A. Doubtful. B. Critical. C. Favourable.
10. What is the Love Kuching Project related to
A. Looking after cats. B. Visiting the elderly, C. Cleaning up the beaches.
11. What is the woman like
A. Adventurous. B. Warm-hearted. C. Ambitious.
12. What will the woman probably do next
A. Contact a project by e-mail.
B. Call a project to do voluntary work.
C. Call friends to try the Love Kuching Project.
13. What is the woman now
A. A doctor in a clinic. B. A university student. C. A university teacher.
14. What made the woman’s application unique
A. She was more experienced in medicine. B. She was a top student in all courses.
C. She had ever studied languages.
15. What is beyond the woman’s expectation
A. Most teachers handed out materials on each topic.
B. The hospitals always gave students surprises.
C. The doctors usually had no time to help students.
16. How will the woman spend her summer break
A. Do some summer work. B. Get trained at a hospital in Paris. C. Travel to Paris to have a good break.
17. Where is Mountain Kilimanjaro located
A. In America. B. In Africa. C. In Asia.
18. What do we know about Mountain Kilimanjaro
A. It is part of a mountain range.
B. It is the greatest nature wonder in the world.
C. It attracts people to see the glacier-covered (冰川覆盖的) peaks.
19. When was Kilimanjaro Nation Park declared a World Heritage Site
A. In 1889. B. In 1973. C. In 1987.
20. What happens to Mountain Kilimanjaro now
A. Nobody tries to climb it because of worse weather.
B. Disappearance of snow may be reducing the income of tourism.
C. Changing climate makes it disappear gradually.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
A Reminder Bracelet (手链)
The “Within Good” product line was created as a way to encourage positive thoughts and good deeds.
In one simple design concept, it is a wearable reminder to people of all backgrounds that “Within Good, There Is God”—a pure message that no matter what you are going through, you can always do good, and the spirit of love, known as God, is always within us and in the world.
Within Good is not intended to be a religious bracelet. In fact, one of the reasons why the “God” reference appears on the inside of the bracelet is because it is personal to the wearer. The company co-founders say their concept was to go back to the basics of doing good for yourself and others: “At the end of the day, God symbolizes peace, love, connectedness, purpose, and any other word that makes you feel GOOD.”
Over many months, the logo (标识) turned into a symbol represented by the double “o” in Good and interlocking with the G and D. “Within Good” is printed on the top of the bracelet and on the back is printed, “There Is God”. The rope symbolizes strength, and a strong connection between Good and God (always inside us).
Why This Is a Good Gift:
Looks Great: Casual yet classy styling, in a unisex (中性化的) design.
Gift Packaging: Each bracelet arrives inside its own little drawstring bag, ready to give away without wrapping (包装).
Discount: $29.99 $26
Click here to buy the amazing bracelet, and get 10% off Now.
21. What does “the rope” represent
A. Love. B. Peace. C. Purpose. D. Strength.
22. What can we learn about the bracelet
A. It’s only suitable for men. B. It’s a religious bracelet.
C. It’s ready to be given away without wrapping. D. It’s printed with the words “Within Good” on its back.
23. Where can you find the text
A. On a website. B. On a noticeboard. C. In a textbook. D. In a newspaper.
Born in Potsdam (in the Kingdom of Prussia) in 1821, Helmholtz was one of the 19th century’s most knowledgeable scientists, whose name turns up in the histories of multiple scientific fields and specialties. As a youngster, he had an interest in physics, but that seemed a financially unwise career choice. He went to medical school and studied physiology (生理学). instead, because he was drawn to others who promoted the point that physiology should be based on the principles of chemistry and physics, not the“vital forces” that had been popularly emphasized previously.
After earning his medical degree, Helmholtz served as an army surgeon before becoming professor of physiology at the University of K nigsberg. During that time, he composed a groundbreaking paper on the conservation of energy, which made him a good reputation (名声) in science community. His main argument is that all science can be reduced to mechanics. It is emphasized that Newtonian mechanics and Lagrangian mechanics are mathematically equivalent (相等的), so a force can be measured by the Laplace method in terms of the energy transferred by the force or the work done by the force. All of this energy is conserved. While at K nigsberg, he studied the nervous system, optics (光学) and acoustics (声学), especially with regard to the physiology of the senses. Then he moved on to the University of Bonn as professor of anatomy (解剖学) and physiology.
After some time at the University of Heidelberg, where he became interested in philosophy, in 1871 he was awarded the physics chair at the University of Berlin. At last he could focus on physics, emphasizing the importance of the principle of least action for explaining physical phenomena. He also explored the branches of Maxwell’s new theory. By this time, he was recognized as one of Germany’s premier scientists, until his death in 1894.
24. Why did Helmholtz choose to study physiology
A. He was attracted by a different viewpoint. B. He made the choice for economic difficulty.
C. He would like to make himself have more skills. D. He preferred physiology to chemistry and physics.
25. What made Helmholtz popular among scientists
A. His degree in medical science. B. His talent in chemistry and physics.
C. His achievements as an army surgeon. D. His paper on the conservation of energy.
26. What can be inferred about Helmholtz from the last paragraph
A. He proved Maxwell’s new theory. B. He was a famous philosopher.
C. He devoted his rest life to physical research. D. He was a physical professor at K nigsberg.
27. Which words can best describe Helmholtz
A. Energetic and caring. B. All-round and determined.
C. Humorous and courageous. D. Knowledgeable and brave.
Contrary to popular opinion, the scientific pursuit for knowledge is not a predictable and well-defined process. To make new discoveries, researchers need the freedom to be creative, fail, and learn by chance. There is the romantic idea of the scientist who has an Eureka moment (顿悟时刻) and suddenly arrives at new insights. Another impression is that research only involves formal steps. Neither of those ideas is correct.
“Science and art are two different ways to make something understandable or imaginable,” says Biochemistry Professor Dolf Weijers. “From the outside, the research process looks very formal and the artistic process looks somewhat messy. But the scientific process can also unfold (展开) in an unpredictable way. Creative and associative thinking is very important for scientists to gain insight and make connections.”
There is an intersection (交叉点) between science and art. This is why Wageningen scientists look to artists for inspiration and exchange ideas about how to amplify creative freedom. Weijers and his colleague Joris Sprakel, together with other scientists and artists, have designed a plan to learn from each other and to exchange ideas. One example is the recent and special project in which they measured the forces that act on plant cells. A molecular (分子) sensor was used to visualise the different forces. They revealed the results in colourful images, each representing a different force.
What science and art also have in common is that they are topics of discussion in society. There are people who say that they do not value art and people who mistrust science. “It often creates the wrong impression because only the results of scientific studies are presented, and people do not have any insight into the artistic process leading to discovery. As a scientist, you are criticised if you say that something is different a few years later. Then you are viewed as unreliable. But what is often poorly understood is that there are no final results in science,” says Weijers.
28. What is the first paragraph mainly about
A. The views on science research. B. The purpose of science research.
C. The hardship of science research. D. The attitude to science research.
29. What can we know from Weijers’s view
A. Scientists should have creative and associative thinking.
B. The artistic process is too messy to be used in research.
C. The scientific process always unfolds in an unpredictable way.
D. The research process and the artistic process are totally different.
30. What does the underlined word “amplify” mean in the third paragraph
A. Refuse. B. Detect. C. Increase. D. Imply.
31. Why does the author mention Weijers’s research on plant cells
A. To stress the importance of thinking freely. B. To display the beauty of colourful images.
C. To present the findings of his recent project. D. To show the connection between science and art.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has to recall (召回) hundreds of foods every year. Like cookie snack packs with pieces of blue plastic hiding inside, dressing and sauce containing salmonella (沙门氏菌) or various jams containing with lead (铅).
It can take a few months before a recall is issued. But now researchers have come up with a method that might fast-track that process, leading to early detection and, ultimately, faster recalls. The AI system relies on the fact that people increasingly buy foods and spices (调味料) online. And people tend to write review s of products they buy online, which are like bread crumbs (面包屑) to food-safety officials sniffing (嗅) out dangerous products.
The researchers linked FDA food recalls from 2012 to 2014 to Amazon reviews of those same products. They then trained machine-learning algorithms (算法) to distinguish between reviews for recalled items and reviews for items that had not been flagged. And the trained algorithms were able to predict FDA recalls three quarters of the time. They also identified another 20,000 reviews for possibly unsafe foods, most of which had never been recalled. The results are published in Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
The World Health Organization estimates that 600 million people worldwide get sick annually from polluted food, and more than 400,000 people die from it. “So having tools that enable us to detect this a lot faster and hopefully investigate and do recalls faster will be useful not just in the U. S. but in other countries around the world as well.” Study author Elaine Nsoesie of Boston University. She did add one warning: even recalled products can still get five-star reviews. So stars alone don’t tell the whole sickening story. The proof, unfortunately, may still be in the pudding.
32. What will help FDA recall unsafe foods faster than before
A. Efforts of food-safety officials. B. Online reviews of the polluted foods.
C. Lots of online reviews of products. D. New measures of food-safety officials.
33. How does the author introduce the process of the research
A. By asking customers. B. By describing facts. C. By giving examples. D. By making comparisons.
34. What’s Elaine’s attitude towards five-star reviews
A. Doubtful. B. Careless. C. Supportive. D. Unclear.
35. Which may be the most suitable title for the text
A. FDA Detects Unsafe Foods B. AI Sniffs out Unsafe Foods
C. FDA Develops System of Judging Reviews D. AI Helps FDA Judge Reviews much better
How to Turn Your Dreams into a Reality
Do you have dreams, visions or plans about things you’d love to have or achieve Of course you do! We all do. Unfortunately, dreaming is the easy part. 36 The good news is that there are proven techniques that can get you from where you are to where you want to be. Follow this process to bring your dreams to fruition (实现):
Turn your dream into a goal.
When you have a goal, you have a true target. For a greater chance of success, your plan should have a deadline and it must be measurable. 37 Give yourself the gift of setting a deadline and things will start to happen. Make your goal as desirable as possible without being unrealistic. If you feel that your goal is unreasonable, it’s much more difficult to encourage yourself to actually pursue it.
Prioritize (优先化) your goal daily.
38 You give instructions to your brain thousands of times a day. Let your mind know that your goal is something more important than “I feel like eating a ham sandwich” or “I need to stop at the grocery store on the way home”.
Difficult goals can rarely be achieved alone; you’re likely to need some help and guidance. Look at the list you made and see what you already have in your life that could help you on your path.
Track your progress.
Measure your progress each day. Use old fashioned paper and pencil or take advantage of the latest smartphone app. 40 You can only adjust your approach if you know how you’re doing. Consider making a chart if that’s applicable to your goal.
A. Read and write your goal each day.
B. Make a list of negative associations.
C. Classify (将……分类) your available resources.
D. Tracking is critical to making continued progress.
E. Turning those dreams into a reality is the challenge.
F. It has been said that dreams are goals without a deadline.
G. So make a list of all the negative stuff that slip into your mind.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
78-year-old Nora Langdon spends four or five days a week at the Royal Oak Gym, near her home in Michigan. She 41 weightlifting competitions for three hours at a time. She has become a(n) 42 to people of all ages.
At the age of 65, Langdon determined to live a 43 life. In 2007, she weighed over 210 pounds and often 44 to catch her breath while going up the stairs. She knew it was time for a 45 . “On the first day I started going to the gym, I went home and told myself that I’m never going back again because it was too much for me,” Langdon told Good Morning America. “Then I heard a voice 46 , ‘Go back.’ So, I went back and here I am today.”
After 47 the gym and watching her trainer prepare for a weightlifting match, she decided to try it herself. She began with an easy thing—using a broom as a barbell (杠铃) before 48 changing it to a real barbell. It wasn’t long before she discovered weightlifting was her passion.
Although Langdon has 49 twenty of her weightlifting competitions and set state, national and world records, she shows no sign of 50 . Her next goal is to lift over a thousand pounds, according to her trainer. Art Little.
“She’s really 51 to the gym, to me and to the whole weightlifting field,” Little said. “It’s a 52 to see what she’s doing at that age.”
She wants others to know that with motivation and strong 53 , anyone of her age can get into 54 . “You can live actively at an old age,” she said. “Your body was made to 55 and you have to keep it moving in order to stay healthy.”
41. A. waits for B. calls for C. applies for D. trains for
42. A. inspiration B. challenge C. comfort D. warning
43. A. long B. happy C. healthy D. busy
44. A. attempted B. struggled C. pretended D. forgot
45. A. trip B. break C. change D. chat
46. A. shaking B. joking C. whispering D. dropping
47. A. leaving B. joining C. cleaning D. visiting
48. A. secretly B. instantly C. eventually D. suddenly
49. A. researched B. failed C. missed D. won
50. A. continuing B. responding C. improving D. stopping
51. A. friendly B. valuable C. new D. familiar
52. A. pleasure B. shame C. conclusion D. pain
53. A. responsibility B. determination C. interest D. curiosity
54. A. confusion B. trouble C. danger D. shape
55. A. exercise B. follow C. appreciate D. relax
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Sooner or later, you all have to face big decisions regarding your ambitions (抱负) and your future roles in society. That might mean selecting school subjects that will lead to 56 fulfilling career or it might mean deciding what kind of job you think will suit you.
57 (luck), you aren’t restricted (限制) to a choice between academia and the workplace. You might decide to follow a vocational (职业的) course, 58 (get) a qualification (资格) in business, for example. Or you might consider doing in an apprenticeship (学徒工作) and working for an employer who will train you 59 (do) a specific job.
When making decisions, don’t forget to put your hearts into your 60 (strong). You can get a sense of what academic area you are stronger in 61 (base) on your success in assessments.
Dig a little deeper to find out what combination of personality traits (特征) and skills are involved in your past success, and which can 62 (apply) to other areas. Online personality tests which try to match you to a particular job can help you to focus 63 your interests.
Consulting parents and other people as well as gathering information about different options 64 (be) important too. Although it may be possible to change your mind at a later stage, there’s no doubt 65 life is easier if you get it right early on.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Dear Helen, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
Early in my teaching career, I heard countless excuses—most of them fabricated (编造的), many of them amusing—for why students didn’t have their homework. And, yes, “the dog ate it” was one of them. As time passed and I grew less easily cheated, I grew tired of hearing “I don’t have my homework because...”
And so I quit accepting any excuse other than a verifiable (能证实的) death in the family.
When I moved to an inner-city middle school, I took my no-nonsense attitude with me. “No excuses, no extensions!” I warned my eighth graders on the first day of school. I collected homework at the beginning of each class. When a student didn’t have it, I never asked why. Instead, I sighed loudly, shook my head in dramatic dislike and—with the student looking on—recorded a zero in the grade book. I soon gained the reputation I thought I wanted.
Then, one afternoon, shortly after the dismissal bell rang, Anthony approached me. “Could I talk to you a minute ” he asked shyly, not taking his eyes off the floor. “I know you said it doesn’t matter why we don’t have our lessons done, but I don’t want you to think I’m a slacker (偷懒的人) because I come to school without mine so often.”
Anthony looked up at me for the first time, and I could see that his lower lip was quivering (颤抖的). “It’s just that... well, my dad moved out, and my mum waits tables at night, so I have to take care of my little brothers. Sometimes they cry a lot, and it makes it hard to concentrate.”
I put my hand on Anthony’s thin shoulder. “Why are you just now telling me... ” I stopped in mid-sentence. I knew why. So I changed the question. “Would it help if you stayed here in my classroom after school and worked on it before you go home ”
He swallowed (吞咽) hard and nodded. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The things I learned that year weren’t taught in the education classes I’d taken in college. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
1~5: CCAAB 6~10: CABCA 11~15: BABCC 16~20: ABCCB
21. D 细节理解题。根据Description部分最后一段中的“The rope symbolizes strength”可知,手链的绳子代表着力量。
22. C 细节理解题。根据Why This Is a Good Gift部分第二句“Gift Packaging: Each bracelet arrives inside its own little drawstring bag, ready to give away without wrapping.”可知,购买这款手链无需再包装就可以送人了。
23. A 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“Click here to buy the amazing bracelet”中的“Click”的提示可知,这篇文章来自网站。
24. A 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“because he was drawn to others who promoted the point that physiology should be based on the principles of chemistry and physics, not the ‘vital forces’ that had been popularly emphasized previously”可知,Helmholtz选择生理学专业的原因是他被不同于以前的观点所吸引。
25. D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“During that time, he composed a groundbreaking paper on the conservation of energy, which made him a good reputation in science community.”可知,Helmholtz关于能量守恒的论文使他在科学界很受欢迎。
26. C 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一、二句中的“in 1871 he was awarded the physics chair at the University of Berlin. At last he could focus on physics, emphasizing the importance of the principle of least action for explaining physical phenomena”可推断出,Helmholtz把他的余生献给了物理研究。
27. B 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“After earning his medical degree, Helmholtz served as an army surgeon before becoming professor of physiology at the University of K nigsberg.”最后一段第一句“After some time at the University of Heidelberg, where he became interested in philosophy, in 1871 he was awarded the physics chair at the University of Berlin.”可知,Helmholtz是全能的;根据第一段最后一句“He was drawn to others who promoted the point that physiology should be based on the principles of chemistry and physics”,第二段第二句“he composed a groundbreaking paper on the conservation of energy”,最后一段第二句“At last he could focus on physics, emphasizing the importance of the principle of least action for explaining physical phenomena.”可知,Helmholtz从对物理学感兴趣到余生一直研究物理学,可推出他是有决心的。
28. A 段落大意题。作者在文章第一段提到两种关于科学研究的不正确的看法,故第一段主要讨论对科学研究的观念问题。
29. A 推理判断题。由第二段中的“Science and art are two different ways to make something understandable or imaginable.”和“But the scientific process can also unfold in an unpredictable way. Creative and associative thinking is very important for scientists to gain insight and make connections.”可知,科学过程也可以以一种不可预测的方式展开,艺术的创造和联想思维对科学家非常重要,科学家应具备创造和联想思维。
30. C 词义猜测题。refuse“拒绝”;detect“发现”;increase“增加”;imply“暗示”。increase符合上下文语境。
31. D 推理判断题。第三段第一句“There is an intersection between science and art.”和最后一句“They revealed the results in colourful images, each representing a different force.”可知,通过Weijers的研究事例说明艺术与科学之间的交叉融合,表明艺术与科学的联系,强调艺术灵感在科学研究中的价值。
32. C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“And people tend to write review s of products they buy online, which are like bread crumbs to food-safety officials sniffing out dangerous products.”和第三段第一句“The researchers linked FDA food recalls from 2012 to 2014 to Amazon reviews of those same products.”可知,大量的网上关于产品的评论有助于FDA比以前更快地召回不安全食品。
33. B 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,作者是通过描述事实来介绍研究过程的。
34. A 观点态度题。根据最后一段倒数第二、三句“She did add one warning: even recalled products can still get five-star reviews. So stars alone don’t tell the whole sickening story.”可知,Elaine对五星评论持有怀疑的态度。
35. B 标题归纳题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了研究者开发了一种新的AI系统,通过网上对产品的评论快速地筛选出不安全食品。由此可推知,B项“人工智能会嗅出不安全的食物”为标题恰当,符合题意。
36. E 根据上文“Unfortunately, dreaming is the easy part. (不幸的是,有梦想是一件轻松的事情)”可知下文应该是表转折含义的句子,E项的challenge“挑战”与easy是相反的意思,故选择E项“把梦想变为现实才是挑战”。
37. F 根据下文“Give yourself the gift of setting a deadline and things will start to happen. (给你自己设定一个梦想实现的截止日期,然后事情就会逐渐开始进行)”可知F项的“dreams are goals without a deadline (梦想是没有截止期限的目标)”与其相呼应,同时和本段的标题“Turn your dream into a goal. (把你的梦想变成一个目标)”相一致。
38. A 根据标题“Prioritize your goal daily (每天优先考虑你的目标)”可知和A项的“读出并写下你每天的目标”相一致。
39. C 根据本段最后一句“Look at the list you made and see what you already have in your life that could help you on your path.”可知本段建议把可利用的资源列成目录分类,然后看在你生活中所能帮助你的那些资源。
40. D 根据标题“Track your progress.”可知本段主要建议“追踪你的进展”,每天把进步做一个衡量,和D项的“Tracking is critical to making continued progress. (追踪对于取得持续进步是至关重要的)”相一致。
41. D 考查动词短语。根据空后的“for three hours at a time”及下文可知,Langdon为了参加举重比赛,每次训练三个小时。
42. A 考查名词。根据下文内容可知,七十八岁的Langdon为了参加举重比赛刻苦训练,这对于任何年龄的人来说都是一种激励。
43. C 考查形容词。根据空后的“In 2007, she weighed over 210 pounds and often... to catch her breath while going up the stairs.”可知,Langdon六十五岁时身体不健康,她下决心过上健康的生活。
44. B 考查动词。根据空前的“she weighed over 210 pounds”可知,Langdon当时超重,上楼梯时经常挣扎着喘气。
45. C 考查名词。根据空后内容可知,Langdon意识到自己是时候做出改变了。
46. C 考查动词。根据空后的“So, I went back and here I am today”可知,Langdon说自己再也不会去健身房后听见心里有一个声音低声说:“回去健身”。
47. B 考查动词。联系上文可知,Langdon加入了健身房。
48. C 考查副词。与“She began with an easy thing”中的began with形成对照的只有C项,此处强调的是一开始用扫帚,最后用真正的杠铃。
49. D 考查动词。根据空后的“and set state, national and world records”可知,Langdon赢得了20场举重比赛。
50. D 考查动词。根据空后的“Her next goal is to lift over a thousand pounds”可知,她并没有停止举重运动的迹象。
51. B 考查形容词。根据上一段中的“Although Landon has... twenty of her weightlifting competitions and set state, national and world records”可知,Langdon对于她的健身房、教练和整个举重界都是有价值的。
52. A 考查名词。根据上文可知,教练认为Langdon很优秀,因此他说看见她在那个年龄正在做的事情是件令人愉快的事情。
53. B 考查名词。根据上文Langdon的事迹可知,她想让其他人知道,任何她这个年龄的人如果有动力和强烈的决心都能强身健体。
54. D 考查名词。参考上题解析。get into shape塑身。此处可以理解为“强身健体”。
55. A 考查动词。A项的exercise与keep it moving相呼应。
56. a 考查冠词。用不定冠词修饰名词career表泛指,a fulfilling career一个充实的职业生涯。
57. Luckily 考查副词。放于句首单独使用时用副词形式,且首字母大写,故填Luckily。
58. getting 考查非谓语动词。本句话中decide是谓语动词,故本空填非谓语动词形式,get和主语you之间是主谓关系,故填getting。
59. to do 考查非谓语动词。train sb. to do sth.“培训某人做某事”。
60. strength (s) 考查名词。your的后面用名词形式,strong的名词是strength“力量;优势”,同时是可数名词,故也可以填复数形式。
61. based 考查非谓语动词。be based on意为“基于……”。本句话中get是谓语动词,故本空用based作状语。句意:根据你在评估中取得的成功,你可以了解自己在什么学术领域更强大。
62. be applied 考查语态。句意:再深入一点,找出你过去的成功包括哪些性格特征和技能,以及哪些可以应用到其他领域。根据句意可知which指的是上文提到的personality traits and skills,和apply“应用”之间是被动关系,故本空填be applied。
63. on/upon 考查介词。focus on/upon“集中在……上”是固定短语,故本空填介词on/upon。
64. is 考查主谓一致。本句话是动名词形式作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数,故填is。句意:咨询父母和其他人以及收集不同选择的信息也很重要。
65. that 考查固定搭配。There is no doubt that意为“毫无疑问……”,故本空填that。句意:虽然在以后的阶段可能会改变你的想法,但毫无疑问,如果你在早期就做好了,生活会更容易。
One possible version:
Dear Helen,
I am awfully sorry to inform you that I can’t go out sketching with you in the national park this Saturday. As you know, my mother is in a state of poor health. Last night, she suffered a serious heart attack and was sent to hospital. My father is on business abroad and can’t make it back to Beijing for her. I have no choice but to give up our appointment to attend her.
How about going there next Saturday or Sunday How I wish you would accept my apology. I am looking forward to meeting you soon.
Li Hua
One possible version:
He swallowed hard and nodded. The next day, I announced to all my students that I’d be offering an after-school study hall Monday through Friday. Anthony was the first student to show up. A couple of days later, Terrell joined him. Before long, I had a room full of eighth graders who sometimes stayed until five o’clock to work on their lessons. I never asked why any of them were there, but I soon had a large collection of “I don’t have my homework because...” stories. All were very real. None were amusing.
The things I learned that year weren’t taught in the education classes I’d taken in college. I discovered that not all kids come from homes that are safe and warm and dry. Not all kids have a quiet bedroom with a desk and study light and plenty of school supplies. Some don’t have a home where a parent is even around. And some kids really do go to bed hungry. Most importantly, I learned that “I’ll listen” works a whole lot better than “No excuses!” Every student is an angel in my heart, who should be cherished.
(Text 1)
M: Why not go to the cinema with me on Saturday I’ve got tickets.
W: I’d like to, but Jane is sick in hospital these days and I have promised her to help her clean up her room.
(Text 2)
M: There’s a party at Chris’s house tonight. Shall we take a taxi there
W: We can walk there. Chris’s house isn’t too far.
M: OK. And then later we can take a bus back home if we are too tired after the party.
(Text 3)
W: What time are you going to the school sports day tomorrow, Jim
M: Oh, it opens at 11, but I want to help to get everything ready, so I’ll be at the school before 10 o’clock in the morning.
W: My shooting competition is at 11: 30, so I will go early with you to help you before it opens.
(Text 4)
W: Eric invited me to go hiking tomorrow! But I just want to relax for one day. I’ve been taking so many classes this week.
M: Why not simply tell him that you’d like to stay at home He’ll understand.
(Text 5)
W: You were late for school again this morning Didn’t your dad drive you to school We had finished an exercise before you arrived.
M: Sorry. I told him I would ride my bicycle. But it was snowing heavily, so I decided to walk.
W: Then you will have another exercise in my office after school.
(Text 6)
M: Excuse me, are you Lisa Evans Mr Smith said I should come to your office to speak with you before I carry out an experiment.
W: Yes. First time in the lab
M: Yeah, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do.
W: First of all, you can’t joke around, nor will you run or play games with your lab partner. And you need to wear proper clothes in the lab. You must also wear safety glasses. Now let me go over other safety rules in the lab so that you will act properly while you’re there.
(Text 7)
M: I was pleasantly surprised by this restaurant. I felt instantly at home because of the warm lighting and the friendly staff.
W: It’s been considered as the best restaurant for atmosphere. The thing that impressed me most was the price. You get what you pay for.
M: I wasn’t sure about the dishes, though. The roasted chicken wasn’t something I fancied. So I ordered the fried beef. But it was too hard and dry to cut with my fork.
W: It’s incredible. But my baked fish was delicious.
M: Then I will try to order baked fish to see its taste next time.
(Text 8)
W: Adam, our school requires us to do some volunteer work every year. Do you know of any good volunteer programmes
M: Yes. There are lots of programmes, such as visiting the elderly and cleaning up the beaches. Or do you like cats
W: Of course.
M: Then you can try the Love Kuching Project. It is devoted to the rescue and adoption of cats. You can volunteer to play with the cats and clean their cages.
W: That’s fine with me. I love volunteering with a small group of friends. Do you know their phone numbers or addresses
M: No. But if you are interested, you can contact them on the Internet. I’ll send their e-mail address to you.
(Text 9)
M: Louise, you’re studying medicine at university. Was it hard getting into your courses
W: Medicine’s a competitive area, so yes, it was hard. It’s more or less certain that everyone applying had good grades in science and did voluntary work in a hospital or clinic. My courses include training at hospitals abroad. So what made my application stand out was the fact that I’d also studied languages.
M: Now you’ve finished your first year. How did that go
W: Most things turned out as I expected. Our teachers gave us long lists of published materials on each topic. There have been a few surprises too. I didn’t expect the doctors to be so busy. They often didn’t have time to help students.
M: So, any special plans for your summer break
W: Well, I’d like to go on holiday, but I decided to look for summer work. Next term, I’m training at a hospital in Paris, so I’ll need to pay for travelling and accommodation.
(Text 10)
Mountain Kilimanjaro, one of the nature wonders of the world, is located in Tanzania and is Africa’ shighest mountain. It is the largest free-standing mountain in the world, meaning it is not part of a mountain range. The grand snow-capped peaks of Kilimanjaro have long captured the world’s imagination. Thousands have travelled to Tanzania to climb the mountain, or to view its famous glacier-covered peaks. In 1889, German geographer Hans Meyer and Austrian reached the summit. Since then, the mountain has become a popular hiking spot for locals and tourists. In 1973, the mountain and its six surrounding forest roads were named national park in order to protect the mountain’s unique and wonderful environment. The park was declared a World Heritage Site by the United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 1987. But in the last century the snow on the mountain has been disappearing. The loss of Kilimanjaro’s glaciers is removing a source of water from the mountain’s surrounding area. In addition, it would probably decrease the amount of tourism.



