2023-2024北京101中学教育集团八年级(上)期中英语试卷(含解析 无听力音频 无听力原文)

1.(3分)(1)Why does Mary like Lisa?
A.Because they look similar.
B.Because Lisa is a good listener.
C.Because Lisa is better at singing.
(2)What's the difference between Mary and Lisa?
A.Lisa is quieter than Mary.
B.Mary is smarter than Lisa.
C.Lisa is taller than Mary.
2.(3分)(1)Where did Nelly spend her National Holiday?
A.At her home.
B.At Children's Hospital.
C.At Children's Home.
(2)What did Nelly do there?
A.She fed the children.
B.She cleaned their rooms.
C.She sang songs for children.
3.(3分)(1)Why did people set up the club?
A.To provide young people with useful advice.
B.To help older people learn computer knowledge.
C.To make young people and older people get closer.
(2)What can people do in the club on weekends?
A.They can watch films and tell stories.
B.They can share experience after cooking classes.
C.They can play computer games and do housework.
4.(2分)How often does Claire have piano lessons?
5.(2分) Why does Tara think 97.9 FM is the best radio station?
6.(2分) What does the girl think of John Brown's concert?
7.(2分) What shows do they decide to watch finally?
8.(4分)(1)How will Steve go to London?
(2)Where does Lucy's cousin live?
I've got some information from Judy about_________.
10.(1分)﹣﹣Did your brother do anything fun yesterday?
﹣﹣Yes,he went to the zoo with______ friend.(  )
A.her B.his C.your D.their
11.(1分)______July the 18th,we will travel to the beach to enjoy a day of sea,sand and swimming.(  )
A.On B.In C.At D.To
12.(1分)﹣﹣I'm really nervous about the talent show.
﹣﹣Don't worry.You ______ do it!You've prepared well and I believe in you.(  )
A.might B.need C.can D.should
13.(1分)Titanic is one of ________ movies in the world .(  )
A.popular B.the most popular
C.most popular D.the more popular
14.(1分)The sick boy is getting ______ day by day.His parents stop worrying about him.(  )
A.well B.better C.badly D.worse
15.(1分)—_____ is it from your home to school?
—About fifteen minutes' walk.(  )
A.How long B.How many C.How far D.How often
16.(1分)The teacher ______ the prize to the winner for her wonderful act in the talent show yesterday.(  )
A.give B.gives C.giving D.gave
17.(1分)She always______ about the health of her students,trying her best to make them live a happy life.(  )
A.cares B.cared C.will care D.is caring
18.(1分)We were wet and hungry because of the heavy rain,______ we didn't give up climbing the hill.(  )
A.and B.but C.so D.or
19.(1分)﹣﹣How do you like the movie?
﹣﹣______.It's really boring.(  )
A.I don't think so
B.Yes,I'd like to
C.I like it very much
D.I can't stand it
20.(6分)I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.It was (1)   (sun) and hot,so we (2)    (decide) to go to the beach near our hotel.My sister and I tried paragliding.I felt like I was a bird.It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special﹣﹣Malaysian yellow noodles.They were delicious! (3)    the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Georgetown.There are a lot of new buildings now,but many of the old (4)   (building)are still there.In Weld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.I wonder (5)   life was like here in the past.I really enjoyed (6)    (walk) around the town.
21.(12分)Pete Rose was a great baseball player.Though I have never met him,he taught me something valuable that changed my life.
Pete was being (1)    in spring training the year he was about to break Ty Cobb's all﹣time hits record.Suddenly one reporter asked him,"Pete,you only need 78 hits to reach your nearest (2)   .How many at﹣bats(击球) do you think it'll take you to get the 78 hits?"Without thinking twice,Pete just stared at the reporter and said,"Ah,come on,you don't think you'll get 78 hits in 78 at﹣bats,do you?"
Mr.Rose calmly shared his philosophy(人生哲学) with the reporters who were anxiously waiting for his reply."Every time I step up to the plate(击球区),I (3)   to get a hit!Unless I have it in mind,I have no right to step into the batter's box!It is (4)    expectation that has enabled me to get all of the hits in the first place."
When I thought about Pete Rose's idea and how it made a difference to everyday life,I felt a little embarrassed.As a business person,I was hoping to increase my (5)   .As a father,I was hoping to be a good dad.As a married man,I was hoping to be a good husband.The truth was that I was a fairly good salesperson(6)    a father,and I was an okay husband.I immediately decided that being okay was not enough!I wanted to be a great salesperson,a great father and a great husband.I(7)    my attitude to a positive one,and the results were amazing.I was lucky enough to win a few sales trips,I won Coach of the Year in my (8)    baseball league,and I share a loving relationship with my wife,Karen
(1) A.admired B.interviewed C.watched D.trained
(2) A.decision B.record C.level D.goal
(3) A.seem B.fail C.expect D.compete
(4) A.educational B.positive C.social D.simple
(5) A.sales B.skills C.experiences D.experiments
(6) A.wise B.kind C.mean D.bad
(7) A.showed B.added C.changed D.set
(8) A.son's B.wife's C.friend's D.customer's
七、阅读理解。(一) 信息匹配。
What makes a good reader?You can find the answer in Readers' Club.Today,we have some books for e and join the fun!
AThe Old Man and the Sea was written by Hemingway who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.The book is generally considered by many to be his greatest achievement.The leading character in this book is a person who can face difficulties and never gives up.★Hardback:¥22.70★Paperback:¥14.60 BHear,written by Edmondo De Amicis from Italy,is a diary of an Italian boy Eric.In his diary,for the society,and also teachers' love,parents' love,children's love.★Hardback:¥27.20★Paperback:¥16.40
CPeter Pan,was created by Scottish novelist J.M.Barrie.Peter Pan is a young boy who spends his never﹣ending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland,playing happily with children both inside and outside Neverland.★Hardback:¥22.70★Paperback:Y 14.60 DCelebrity Biography,also known as "Three Giants",written by Romain Rolland,Michelangelo and Leo Tolstoy.They all suffered a lot in body and spirit,but never lost confidence.★Hardback:¥26.20★Paperback:¥15.80
(1)Mike hopes to read a book about childhood adventures.    
(2)Lily is a big fan of Hemingway.    
(3)Tom wants to learn about the greatest love in the world.    
23.(6分)When I was a young girl in 8th grade,my classmates told me how they met new friends and even chatted with celebrities on the Internet.I was fascinated and wanted to experience these exciting things.I opened an online account;this was the beginning of my journey through the virtual world.As time went by,chatting with friends and sharing my life with them.Social media was a source of happiness and more so,it brought a sense of satisfaction,and frustration.
My newfound interest started influencing my schoolwork.Instead of checking my school notes in time as usual,I checked social media more often to see what was happening with my friends' lives.But I later discovered that by becoming more aware of other people's lives,I became less in tune with myself.I was more focused on the illusions social media presented than the realities of my life.Thus,jealousy and hatred as a result of comparing my life with others.And I became much like what the people in the virtual world expected of me.
Luckily,my phone went missing and my mother refused to get me a new one.I felt sad and lonely.However,her refusal led to something more meaningful to my life.Within a month
Away from social media also made me realize that social media had been influencing my study habits and my private life.For example,I had no privacy.Anyone who was allowed to see my social media profiles could easily find out where I lived.Moreover,I sometimes spent 15 hours looking through social media without doing anything meaningful.
After examining my use of social media,I decided not to completely quit social media,but to change the way I use them.I unfollowed sites that were not positive or educational to me.I only use social media to spread positive messages and connect with others.Social media is not bad in itself
(1)Away from social media made the writer    .
A.unfollow educational sites
B.forget her account
C.focus more on her studies
D.develop new hobbies
(2)According to the passage,the writer might agree that social media    .
A.destroys people's life and should be quit
B.challenges people's self﹣control ability
C.plays an important role in people's life
D.helps to broaden people's minds
(3)What is the passage mainly about?    
A.A personal experience with the virtual world.
B.Disadvantages of phones outweigh benefits.
C.A hard fight in the days without phones.
D.Ways to get away from social media.
24.(6分)Funny action,Chinese kung fu,and the Monkey King:If you want to re﹣experience the adventures of Journey to the West《西游记》,a 2 D action game by Magic Design Studios(MDS) in France
"Creating a game based on the novel,Journey to the West,has actually been my dream since I started working,CEO and creative director of MDS."It is a very dramatic tale set in a big,imaginary world.Every character is described vividly."
"Everyone in China knows the story,but in European countries or the US,few people know about Journey to the West.I think such a fascinating story should be introduced to more people
Released in January,Unruly Heroes has received an 80 percent positive reaction on STEAM.The game features a unique story and cast of characters,where players can change among four characters:Wukong,Kihong and Sandmonk.
The creative team combines many Chinese cultural elements with the art design,building an immersive(沉浸式) world of art,and be accepted by players from different cultural backgrounds,"Lu said.
Set against lush(华丽的) environments and a hand﹣drawn art style,Unruly Heroes updates the Journey to the West classic tale into an adventure that is more colorful,the game is quite different compared with the original story."For example,we reimagined White Bone Spirit as the owner of a beauty salon
Lu believes that Chinese culture has strong potential to reach a wider audience,but it needs the efforts of more companies and creative minds.
"We can add Chinese cultural elements into products that are easy for people around the world to understand.Video games,film and TV series,and other cultural and entertainment products resonate(共鸣),"he said.
"I am not a scholar;I simply want to do what I can to present a story I love to more people far and wide,"Lu added.
(1)The writer mentions the example of White Bone Spirit in order to    .
A.show how Unruly Heroes modernizes the story in Journey to the West
B.compare the story in Unruly Heroes with that in Journey to the West
C.explain why Unruly Heroes changes the story in Journey to the West
D.blame Unruly Heroes for changing the story in Journey to the West
(2)What can we learn from the passage?    
A.Journey to the West is famous in Europe and the United States.
B.Many traditional Chinese stories need changing as they are too old.
C.Unruly Heroes avoids Chinese cultural elements to attract more players.
D.With more creativity,Chinese culture will be more widely accepted.
(3)What's the best title of the passage?    
A.Unruly Heroes:A Tale that Continues to Develop
B.Unruly Heroes:A Game that Takes Chinese Culture Abroad
C.Unruly Heroes:A Story that Makes a Difference
D.Unruly Heroes:An Effort that Creates Traditional Culture
25.(8分)The connection between people and plants has long been the subject of scientific research.Recent studies have found positive effects.A study conducted in Youngstown,Ohio,for example,employees were shown to be 15%more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants.
The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) have taken it astep further﹣﹣changing the actual composition(构成) of plants in order to get them to perform different(传感器) printed onto their leaves to show when they're short of water and a plant that can detect chemicals in groundwater. "We're thinking about how we can engineer plants to change the functions of the things that we use every day," explained Michale Strano,a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.
One of his latest projects has been to make plants glow(发光) in experiments using some common vegetables.Strano's team found that they could create a weak light for 3.5 hours.The light,about1000th of the amount needed to read by,"Strano said, "could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self﹣powered street lamps."
In the future,the team hopes to develop a kind of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves only once but would last the plant's lifetime.The engineers are also trying to develop an on and off "switch" where the glow would slowly disappear when the day breaks.
Lighting accounts for about 7%of the total electricity used in the US.Since lighting is often far removed from the power source﹣﹣such as the distance from a power plant to street lamps on a remote highway﹣﹣a lot of energy is lost during transmission(传输).
Glowing plants could reduce this distance and therefore help save energy.
(1)What is the first paragraph mainly about?    
A.A new study of different plants.
B.Benefits from green plants.
C.A big fall in crime rates.
D.Employees from various workplaces.
(2)The underlined word "detect" in Paragraph 2 probably means    .
A.put up
B.give out
C.find out
D.slow down
(3)What can we expect of the glowing plants in the future?    
A.They might help reduce energy use.
B.They will speed up energy production.
C.They may transmit electricity to the home.
D.They could take the place of power plants.
(4)What's the best title of the passage?    
A.Can we grow more glowing plants?
B.How do we live with glowing plants?
C.How are glowing plants made pollution﹣free?
D.Could glowing plants take the place of lamps?
To Have a Not﹣to﹣do List
Like most people,you probably have a to﹣do list to help you finish a task.However,I would also suggest you make a not﹣to﹣do list.This list works well with the to﹣do list and it might be even more important.Let me explain.
This is Mike.He loves video games and plays them every day.But he also has an important exam coming up.So Mike puts studying on his to﹣do list.That day,Mike picked up the books and studied for half an hour.Then he took a short break and played some games.However,he got so into the game that he played for three hours.
The next day,Mike took on the challenge of studying in a different way.He decided to make a not﹣to﹣do list as well.And what he wrote down was,"No video games until 7:00pm."Mike went to study,and then took a break.However,he didn't get on his computer like the day before because he didn't allow himself to play at that time.Instead
Mike realized that having no restrictions(限制) was the problem.He was always choosing between work and free time.Because enjoying himself was an easier choice,hardly any work got done as a result.So Mike made a not﹣to﹣do list.
Sometimes what you choose not to do matters more than what you decide to do.We shouldn't just limit our"bad"behaviors but our "good"behaviors as well.For example,practicing the piano could be considered a good habit.But when you have other more important things in the moment,the piano becomes nothing more than a distraction(注意力分散),there's one thing that should never end up on your not﹣to﹣do list.That is to learn something new every day.
(1)What did Mike write on his not﹣to﹣do list?
(2)How long did Mike study the next day?
(3)According to Paragraph 4,what problem did Mike realize?
(4)Would you like to make a "not﹣to﹣do list"?Why or why not?(At least two reasons.)
九、文段表达。 从下面两个题目中任选一题。
What is Peter like?
What influence(影响) does he have on you?
What do you think of friendship?
提示词语:action movie,actor,show
What's the name of the movie?
What does the movie mainly talk about?
Why do you recommend(推荐) this movie?
【解答】on用于具体的某一天或者具体某一天的上/下午/晚上;in用于年/月/季节或泛指的某一天的上午;at用于具体的钟点前,向。根据所给空后面的"July 18th"可知。
【解答】A.可能;B.需要;D.应该 prepared and I in ,我相信你!
【解答】结合选项分析句子可知,此句使用了结构:one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数;popular"受欢迎的",其最高级是most 。
【点评】掌握形容词最高级用法,牢记:one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数,表示"最……之一"。
【解答】A.好地,副词,比较级,原级,比较级 parents worrying him.(他的父母不再为他担心,那个生病的男孩一天天好起来了。
【解答】How long多长时间;how far多远 many表示"多少"。How often多久一次 fifteen walk.""步行约十五分钟。",特殊疑问词是how far?"。
【解答】cares是第三人称单数形式,是一般现在时,是一般过去时 care是一般将来时 caring是现在进行时,此句现在一直发生的事情,主语是第三人称单数。
【解答】A.和;B.但是;D.或者 didn't up the 。
【解答】I don't so"我不这样认为",I'd to"是的;I like very ;I can't it"我不能忍受" really 。)可知,选项D最符合语境。
20.【分析】作者和家人一起来到马来西亚的槟城度假。他们在阳光明媚的天气下去海滩玩耍,尝试了滑翔伞,并在午餐时品尝了美味的马来西亚黄面。下午,他们骑自行车去了乔治城,参观了一些新旧建筑,并在 Weld Quay 看到了一百年前的中国商人的房子。作者对过去的生活充满了好奇,并非常享受这次的城市漫步。
(3)考查介词。句意:下午。根据In the afternoon下午,故填:In。
(4)考查名词。句意:现在有许多新建筑。根据many ,故填:buildings。
21.【分析】这篇文章主要讲述了作者从棒球运动员皮特身上学到的宝贵经验,并将其应用到自己的生活中,从而实现了改变。皮特坚信每次上场都能击中球,这种积极的心态使他打破了Ty Cobb的全场最高击球记录。作者受到启发,决定改变自己的态度,不再满足于平庸,而是要成为优秀的销售员、父亲和丈夫。结果令人惊喜,他赢得了几次销售之旅,成为了他所在棒球联盟的年度最佳教练,并与妻子凯伦享受着幸福的婚姻生活。
【解答】(1)考查动词。句意:皮特在即将打破泰 科布创下的历史记录的那年春训中接受了采访;B.采访;D.训练 one asked ,(突然一名记者问他,是接受采访。
(2)考查名词。句意:皮特。A.决定;C.水平。reach one's goal"达到某人的目标"。故选D。
(4)考查形容词。句意:正是这种积极的预期使我能够在第一时间获得所有的点击率;B.积极的;D.简单的 I have in ,I have right step the box,否则我没有权利走进击球区)可知。故选B。
(5)考查名词。句意:作为一名商人。A.销售额;C.经验。根据As a person(作为一名商人)可知。故选A。
(6)考查形容词。句意:事实是,我不是一个糟糕的父亲。A.明智的;C.吝啬的。根据I decided being was enough!)可知。故选D。
(8)考查名词所有格。句意:我很幸运地赢得了几次销售旅行,我与我的妻子凯伦有着恩爱的关系!A.儿子的;C.朋友的。根据I to a great ,a great and a husband.(我想成为一名伟大的销售人员。)和I lucky to a few trips,)以及and I a loving with wife,with I am to the of life,我决心与她共度余生,是在儿子的棒球队中赢得了"年度教练"的称号。
七、阅读理解。(一) 信息匹配。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据表格左下Peter Pan is a young boy who spends his never﹣ending childhood having adventures on the mythical island of Neverland,他在梦幻岛的神话中度过了他无尽的童年。)可知C是关于冒险的书。)可知C符合题意。
(2)细节理解题。根据左上The Old Man and the Sea was written by Hemingway who won the Nobel Prize for Literature. (《老人与海》是诺贝尔文学奖得主海明威的作品,又根据Lily is a big fan of Hemingway.(莉莉是海明威的忠实粉丝。故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据右上 In his diary,for the society,classmates' love,children's love.(在他的日记里,对社会的爱,对同学的爱,对孩子的爱,又根据Tom wants to learn about the greatest love in the world.(汤姆想了解世界上最伟大的爱。故选B。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段Within a ,I became concerned other lives more on lessons.And I more to and ,我不再那么关心别人的生活。我有更多的时间学习和睡觉,远离社交媒体使作者把更多的精力放在学习上。
(2)推理判断题。根据最后一段Social is bad itself it terrible we addicted it.(社交媒体本身并不坏,它就变得可怕了,社交媒体容易让人沉迷。故选B。
(3)主旨大意题。通读全文 opened online ;this the of journey the world.As went ,I got to social more lost in media with and my with ,这是我虚拟世界之旅的开始,我习惯了更频繁地查看社交媒体,和朋友聊天。)和第三段Luckily phone missing my refused get a new felt and ,her led something meaningful my a month,I less about people's and focused my I had time study sleep.(幸运的是,我妈妈拒绝给我买一个新的。然而。一个月之内,而是更专注于自己的功课。)及最后一段Social is bad itself it terrible we addicted it.(社交媒体本身并不坏,它就变得可怕了,本文主要讲述了作者从过度沉迷于社交媒体到醒悟再到理解社交媒体的真正意义的过程。
24.【分析】文章主要介绍了法国魔法设计工作室(MDS)开发的2 D动作游戏《非常英雄》。这款游戏以中国古典小说《西游记》为背景,创新地将中国文化元素与艺术设计相结合,为玩家提供了一个充满艺术、动画和中国民间音乐风味的沉浸式世界。MDS的CEO和创意总监陆阳表示,他希望通过这款游戏将《西游记》的故事介绍给全世界的人,他相信中国文化有很大的潜力能够吸引更广泛的受众。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第六段Set lush(华丽的) and a art ,Unruly updates Journey the classic into adventure is colorful and to in times.(《非常英雄》以郁郁葱葱的环境和手绘艺术风格为背景、幽默和吸引现代人的冒险故事。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据第七段和第八段Lu that culture strong to a wider ,but needs efforts more and minds."We add cultural into that easy people the to games and series other and products easily ,"he ,中国文化拥有强大的潜力,但它需要更多公司和创意头脑的努力,让世界各地的人们容易理解、电影和电视剧以及其他文化和娱乐产品很容易在国际上引起共鸣。)可知我们知道了有了更多的创造力。故选D。
(3)标题归纳题。根据第一段If want re﹣experience adventures Journey the ,then Heroes《非常英雄》,a 2 D game Magic Studios(MDS) France for game an where talent traditional culture.(如果你想重新体验《西游记》的冒险经历。这场比赛是国际人才与中国传统文化相遇的一个例子 D动作游戏《非常英雄》,创新地将中国文化元素与艺术设计相结合、动画和中国民间音乐风味的沉浸式世界,他希望通过这款游戏将《西游记》的故事介绍给全世界的人。所以D项最适合做文章标题。
(1)段落大意题。根据第一段A conducted Youngstown,for ,discovered greener of city less another were to 15%more when workplaces decorated houseplants.(例如,城市绿化区域的犯罪率较低,当员工的工作场所装饰有室内植物时。)可知。故选B。
(2)词义猜测题。根据第二段These plants have onto leaves show they're of and a that detect in ,当它们缺水时,还有一种植物可以……地下水中的化学物质,这种植物可以发现地下水中的化学物质。find out。故选C。
(3)推理判断题。根据第三段."The ,"Strano , "could day used light rooms even turn into street ,"斯特拉诺说,甚至把树木变成自供电的路灯,我们预计这些发光的植物将来有可能有助于减少能源的使用。
(4)标题归纳题。根据第三段One of his latest projects has been to make plants glow(发光) in experiments using some common vegetables.Strano's team found that they could create a weak light for 3.5 hours.The light,is just a start. ,"Strano said,让植物发光,他们可以制造出持续2.5小时的弱光。光,只是一个开始,"斯特拉诺说,甚至把树木变成自供电的路灯,文章主要介绍一种会发光的植物可能代替路灯 glowing take place lamps?)符合语境。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段He decided to make a not﹣to﹣do list as well.And what he wrote down was:No video games until 7:00 pm.(他还决定列出一份不做的清单。)可知。故填No video games until 7:00 pm.
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段Mike went to study。)及Then he returned to studying for three hours more on that day(那一天。)可知。故填Three and a half hours.
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段Mike realized that having no restrictions 。)可知。故填Having no restrictions was the problem.
(4)观点表达题。可肯定回答也可否定回答,I would.Because ,I would.Because
九、文段表达。 从下面两个题目中任选一题。
If we have time,we often play basketball together on the playground after class.如果我们有时间,我们经常下课后一起在操场上打篮球。if引导的条件状语从句。
I think our friendship is the best gift in my life.我认为我们的友谊是我一生中最好的礼物。I think+宾语从句。
【解答】Peter is my good friend.He is very tall and wears glasses.He is hard﹣working and helpful. (性格)He is better at learning than me.He often helps me and those in need.Both of us enjoy playing basketball.If we have time,we often play basketball together on the playground after class.【高分句型一】(对我的影响)I think our friendship is the best gift in my life.【高分句型二】Friendship is a kind of human relations and it is important in our life,we need friends to offer us help and encouragement,we also need friends to share our joys
Though they have lived together for many years,they still can't stop fighting.尽管他们住在一起很多年了,但是他们仍然不停地打架。句中"Though they have lived together for many years"为让步状语从句,句中短语有"stop doing sth 停止做某事"。
I like this cartoon best because it is funny and it makes me feel relaxed.我最喜欢这部卡通片,因为它很有趣并能让我觉得放松。句中"because it is funny and it makes me feel relaxed"为原因状语从句。
【解答】 Many children like to watch cartoons,I also liked to watch them.(开篇点题)
In this cartoon.They are the cat Tom and the mouse Jerry,but he never succeeds,Jerry laughs at Tom because Tom is in trouble,they still can't stop fighting,they still can make peace with each other in some cases
I like this cartoon .【高分句型二】(为什么推荐)



上一篇:苏科版九年级上册《13.3.2 探究串、并联电路电流的特点》2023年同步练习卷(含解析)

下一篇:Unit 4 My day 强化练习 牛津译林版英语七年级上册(含答案)