
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What are the speakers talking about
A. Italian food. B. A trip. C.The weather.
2. How will the speakers probably get to the restaurant
A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot.
3. What does the woman think of the film
A. Exciting. B.Boring. C. Touching.
4. What was the woman expecting last night
A. A phone call. B. A text message. C. A party invitation.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Co-workers. B. Brother and sister. C. Classmates.
6. Where did the woman meet her new friend
A. In a cafe. B. In a park. C. In a museum.
7. What will the woman do tomorrow
A. Visit Mary. B. Play with Tina. C. Work with her mom.
8. What's the man's favorite sport
A. Climbing mountains. B. Swimming. C. Playing basketball.
9. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Go to sleep earlier.
B. Have a walk after lunch.
C. Drink coffee in the morning.
10. Why did the woman stay up late last night
A.To welcome her parents.
B.To wait for her brother.
C. To have a party.
11.Who gave a family speech last night
A.The woman. B. The woman's father. C. The woman's mother.
12. What is the woman's brother
A. A student. B. A cook. C. A teacher.
13.When will the visitors come
A. In March. B. In April. C. In May.
14. How many visitors are coming
A.8. B.10. C.12.
15. What will the visitors do on the second day
A.Visit schools. B. Go to a party. C. Go sightseeing.
16. Where will the visitors go on the final day
A. To London. B. To the coast. C. To Scotland.
17. How long did the speaker work a day
A. For 9 hours. B. For 10 hours. C. For 12 hours.
18. What made the speaker feel interested
A. Taking people to restaurants.
B. Meeting interesting dressers.
C. Showing tourists the city.
19. Which trip brought the speaker the most money
A. The one to the club.
B. The one to the theatre.
C. The one to the airport.
20. Why did the speaker give up the job
A. He was tired.
B. He lost interest in it.
C. He moved to Vancouver.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
If Indian food is your cup of tea, please come to some food festivals in India.
National Street Food Festival
This is the most popular food festival in India. All of the mouthwatering goodness comes together to New Delhi for this festival, where visitors can make a pig of themselves with much-loved street delicacies (美味佳肴) from all over the country. Taking a walk around the city can be just like dining in a five-star restaurant.
Goa Food and Cultural Festival
The southern state of Goa is famous for its spicy fish, curries, cashew nuts and cold Kingfisher beer. It's easy to add a Goan beach vacation on to a winter foodie tour. The annual food festival has more than 70 stalls(货摊) set up in an open-air market in the capital city, just a half-hour drive from the sunshine state's beautiful coast.
The Great Indian Food Festival
With more than 75 food stalls from 12 different states, this is perhaps the mother of all food festivals in India in terms of national variety. It takes place in early November, and features not only food from all over India, but various activities such as eating contests(竞赛), cooking shows and cultural performances.
International Mango Festival
Who doesn't love mangos In India, more than 500 varieties of its national fruit exist. Mango harvest is celebrated at the annual International Mango Festival every summer. Visitors who come to celebrate this event can expect activities such as mango-eating contests, mango carving and taking a bite of everything with mangos from stalls.
21. What can you do at National Street Food Festival
A. Eat as many mangos as possible.
B. Get a feeling of eating in a grand restaurant.
C. Walk along the sunshine state’s beautiful coast.
D. Enjoy the celebration of good harvest of the year.
22. Which festival is suitable for spicy fish lovers
A.National Street Food Festival.
B.Goa Food and Cultural Festival.
C.The Great Indian Food Festival.
D. International Mango Festival
23. What do the last two festivals have in common
A.They provide cooking performances.
B. They are famous for various fruits
C.They hold food eating contests.
D. They are held in November
When I was a kid, my family farmed 200 acres with mules (骡子), and the most naughty one was Tobe. It'd frequently jump out and run around. But when asked why he liked it, Dad would say, " When it comes to farm work, Tobe comes up to standard. "
Dad died when I was 11, and we had to sell the farm. Those were hard years, but Mom managed to give me my first music lesson. Before long our neighbors liked my songs so much that I decided to make a career in singing.
At 17 I left home for a radio station in Jackson and this job made me discover how inexperienced I was. I made up my mind that I would practice until I came up to standard. I took a job as a driver. With 8 hours spent in the car, I could spend the rest of the time practicing. Finally, when I was good enough, I began playing for audiences nationwide.
By now, I had two kids and I knew what a family was without a dad, so I quit the performances and entered the most depressing(令人消沉的) years of my life with all the clothing, homework, and duties around the house. That was when I thought about Tobe. It was self-willed, but in the field, where it mattered, Tobe came up to standard. So I started listening and made a discovery. My kids' lifestyle may be different. But where standards are concerned(涉及) - for things like honesty and courage - they often do better than some of us.
Not long ago my son Dick told me he was going to apply for a job at a TV station. " I know the general manager. I'll put in a good word for you,"I said. "I'd rather go alone," he replied. "If I'm not good enough yet to do the job, I shouldn't get it." Then I realized he wanted to be up to standard. I felt proud the minute he came home shouting, " Dad, I got the job!"
24.Why did the author's father like Tobe
A. It was full of life. B. It was good at farm work .
C. It enjoyed farm work very much. D. It set the standard for others.
25. What made the author realize his inexperience in music
A. Performing for audiences. B. Taking the job as a driver.
C. Working in a radio station. D. Having his first music lesson.
26. What did the author discover about his kids
A. They led a healthy lifestyle. B. They were good at listening.
C. They were concerned about standards. D. They had their own shining points.
27. How did Dick react to the author's offer of help with the job
A. He thought it useless. B. He was proud of the chance.
C. He turned it down. D. He sought further advice.
Jon Pedley is making a big change. He is giving up his life as a businessman for a life of helping others. He is trading his beautiful farmhouse in England for life in a mud hut(小屋) in Uganda, East Africa.
Pedley said that he had not always led a very positive life. At times he drank too much and got in trouble with the law. "I had always put the pursuit(追求) of money in front of everything else. As long as I was all right, I didn't care who I was hurting, " said Pedley.
But a visit to Uganda in 2007 gave Pedley a new outlook on life. He was amazed at what he saw and how much the people there appreciated(感激) the work he was doing. "I worked there for a few days and these people who have nothing were thanking me by giving me bags of potatoes, which are a fortune for them," he said.
Now Pedley is selling his business, his $1.5 million farmhouse, and his expensive car — and moving into a hut made of mud and boards in a small Ugandan village. There he will help run an organisation that aims to improve the quality of life for people in the village of Kigazi. He will help to build schoolrooms for children and tanks to hold clean water for villagers. Today, people in Kigazi must walk two miles to a hospital, so Pedley will help to build doctor's offices, too.
Pedley's organisation will also work with English teenagers who are in trouble. The teens will be sent to a "camp" in Uganda that Pedley will run. The teens will live in mud huts and help to build water, health, and education facilities(设施) for kids in Kigazi, many of whom have lost their parents to poverty or disease. Pedley hopes the teens will see a side of life that might help them turn around their own lives and set them on a new and more positive path.
28. Which of the following best describes Pedley in the past
A. Well-educated. B. Creative.
Independent D. Cold-hearted.
What will Pedley do in the small Ugandan village
A. Do business with the local people.
B. Help farmers increase potato output.
C. Assist villagers with building work.
D. Introduce tools to improve English teaching.
30. Why will Pedley work with English teenagers in trouble
A. To encourage them to make friends with locals.
B. To inspire them to live a more positive life.
C. To train them to become doctors in the future.
D. To make them learn about different cultures.
31. What is the best title for the text
A. From millionaire to mud hut
B. Life-changing business
C. A rich man becoming homeless
D. More money, more worries
Over the past few decades, children have been taking part less in free play and more in organized sports. While doing organized sports has both social and physical benefits for young children, worries about safety and benefits increase,
Though most children are naturally likely to be physically active, not all kids are wiling to get up and move. Soccer coach Joseph Luxbacher says, " Every kid has the possibility of being a good sportsman in different kinds of sports. Participating(参加) in organized sports such as the school soccer team introduces direction to children's physical activities. Following a team schedule gives kids a set time and place to exercise. As a result, kids can be safe from accidents and be protected against physical harm. "
What's more, participating in organized sports gives children time to communicate with others and shows good sportsmanship. For young children who may still be very self-centered, participating in team, sports teaches them to think about the group and encourages them to be glad about the success of their teammates. Kids can also benefit from spending time with their coach and having a chance to develop a positive(良好的) relationship with an adult other than their parents, especially if the coach is both skilled and devoted(全心全意的) to being a positive instructor.
Playing organized sports requires a lot of time for practice and games, so it would seem that this could influence students’ study. Actually it can ameliorate students' test performance. That's because to play organized sports well, players have to memorize information, do repetitive actions, and learn from teammates. All these types of learning skills can make students score higher.
Since stress can come from many different sources --- parents, coaches, teammates or themselves ---many children who participate in organized sports feel pressured to succeed. While a little stress can be helpful in leading children to perform with increased focus and strength, too much stress will leave young kids feeling very tired. Organized sports are more likely to put the right amount of pressure on them.
32. What can we learn from Joseph Luxbacher's words
A. Organized sports can help develop kids' talents.
B. Most children prefer free play to organized sports.
C. Most children have a set time and place to exercise.
D. Organized sports can better protect kids from injuries.
33. What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. Ways to attract kids to organized sports.
B. Standards of a good organized sports coach.
C. Social skills developed by playing organized sports.
D. Positive parent-child relationships built by doing sports.
34. What does the underlined word " ameliorate" mean in paragraph 4
A. Score. B. Record. C. Check. D. Improve.
35. What is the best title for the text
A. How organized sports can benefit children
B. How to coach children in organized sports
C. How organized sports put pressure on children
D. How to be a good teammate in organized sports
As teenage students, you may feel stressed in the holidays for many reasons. Whatever the reason is, it's important for you to take care of your mental health(精神健康). 36
Keep up your healthy habits. Staying physically healthy is your best way to fight holiday stress. You should keep your good habits as usual. Play a variety of sports. Try to eat a balanced diet(均衡饮食) every day. Don't overeat or fill up on sweets at dinner parties.
Calm your mind. Buying something simple and inexpensive with your family will help you have peace of mind through the holidays. 37 You can also color or draw with him or her to deal with stress.
Practise gratitude. Having gratitude means expressing thanks for what is good in your life. Remember to often show your thanks. Before meals, give thanks to the ones who cook them. 38 When you practise gratitude, you may also spread it. In this way, your mind will be at peace.
Set aside time for joy. What kind of thing can bring you joy Washing clothes for your parents or volunteering in your community. Even sharing a plate of cookies with a neighbor is a choice. 39
Make time for yourself. Maybe you need time for yourself after being with family for a long time. 40 Or you can find a quiet place and practise meditation(冥想)for a while. Even a little break can make a big difference when it comes to reducing pressure.
A. Try holding some parties.
B. Here are a few suggestions to consider.
C. Write a note to let them know you are grateful for it.
D. You may spend one hour listening to your favorite music alone.
E. Reading a book with your best friend can make you calm down.
F. You just do something right to help others to make yourself happy.
G. Before you say goodbye, invite everyone to share their favorite holidays.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympie Games, once said, "All 41 for all people. " Sports were also a big part of Jim's life. Jim was always on the team. And his favourite sport was football.
One day in practice, something went terribly 42_. Jim got seriously hurt. Doctors had to cut off his right leg below the knee. After weeks of 43 , Jim got a man-made leg. "I felt like a baby, because I had to learn how to 44 again," he said. However, Jim never lost his courage to 45 . "I took it just as a 46 ," he explained.
One goal kept Jim 47 . "I was determined(决心) to get back and play football," he said. His coach and teammates visited him, offering their 48 .
When Jim returned to school, he was in a wheelchair. Jim's school had a top football team. Would Jim be able to play at such a competitive level At first, no one was sure. 49 , it turned out there was no need to worry. Before long, Jim mastered the use of his new 50 . He was back on the football field and soon became one of the most 51 members of the team.
Jim also 52 playing wheelchair basketball and wheelchair football. He took part in weightlifting (举重) events for people with disability as well.
Jim always says, " Don't try to be something you're not, be the 53 you can be." Jim's performance turns out to be better than anyone could have 54 . Now he holds a world record for weightlifting. And he hopes to 55 in the Paralympics(残奥会).
41.A. honours B.sports C. stress D. strength
42.A.strange B. unique C. typical D. wrong
43. A. experiment B. treatment C. organization D. application
44.A.quit B.hike C. defend D.walk
45.A.fight B.respond C.share D.win
46.A. request B.lifestyle C. challenge D.duty
47.A. worrying B.going C.asking D. searching
48.A. support B. service C. inspiration D. energy
49.A. However B.Besides C. Therefore D. Instead
50.A.lesson B.arm C.leg D.tool
51.A. patient B. valuable C. unusual D. expensive
52.A. imagined B. hated C.forgot D.began
53.A. easiest B. tallest C.best D. wisest
54.A. explored B. realized C.expected D. provided
55.A. volunteer B. cheer C.sweat D. compete
It's well known that the China women's volleyball team has been the 56. (nation) pride since it first won the championship in 1981. Whenever they had a 57. (compete), people across the country would cheer for them. But few knew how hard they worked 58.
(make)their success look so easy.
A movie, 59. hit the big screen in 2020, tells us the story behind the team. It shows several generations 60. volleyball players and their journey of becoming an international powerhouse.
What attracted people most were not only the impressive skills of 61. (athlete) but also the mental strength they showed. To win matches, China's ladies trained hard, 62.
(live) a dull life of never-ending practice. They even refused to quit working even after the stadium lights had gone out.
The road to the championship is not 63. smooth one. The China women's volleyball team once fell to the ground. It is their spirits of never giving up and the strong determination that
(lead) them to go through ups and downs in the past years. It has
65. (gradual) become a legend in the hearts of Chinese people.
I first started playing soccer on a Wednesday three years ago. My cousin played soccer every Wednesday at the park and he dragged me into playing with him that day. My cousin played soccer really well, which made me want to learn how to play soccer so that I could fit in with him.
Growing up without my father, I wasn't so interested in sports. But that day as soon as I started playing soccer, I realized I had a new interest. So for almost a year I was playing soccer at the park every Wednesday with adults. However, I didn't make much progress. I started thinking, “If I keep playing with adults, I might not get better because I could never get the ball."
However, one day when I felt depressed for what had happened to me, I came across a special soccer payer, a lame man(跛脚的人)who was about 45 years old. Unexpectedly, his disability didn’t affect his skills, desire and courage to play although many people frequently laughed at him. No matter when it was windy or rainy, he always played soccer alone on the court next to our building, without a smile on his face forever. Maybe he and I couldn’t be accepted by a team.
Having no choice but to practice more, I played soccer on his court for ten days. And we almost had no communication. Day after day, my skills were still bad, so I was absent for playing for a long time. Then, I returned to the court without any aim and thought. Amazingly, it was he who asked me actively why I had been absent. We talked a lot. And I realized that a large number of factors affected my playing, such as skills, mood, teamwork,will and courage, etc. At the moment, I knew I was sick in mind and my unfitness seriously impeded(阻碍) the development of my sports.
To be honest, sometimes I had an idea to give up soccer, but I couldn’t when I met the special person.
No pains, no gains. At last, my skills on playing soccer allowed me to join a professional soccer team and I attended a soccer competition.
高一年级 英语 共12页,第1页高一第一学英语期中考试参考答案
6-10 ABABC 11-15 CAABA 16-20 BABCA
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
21-23 BBC 24-27 BCDC
28-31 DCBA 32-35 DCDA
36-40 BECFD
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
41-45 BDBDA 46-50 CBAAC 51-55 BDCCD
56 national 57 competition 58 to make 59 which 60 of
61 athletes 62 living 63 a 64 have led 65 gradually
第四部分 写作:第一节
Dear Tom,
How is everything going It has been almost two months since I entered my new senior secondary school. I'm writing to share something about my new school with you.
I love my new senior secondary school. It’s much bigger and more modern than my junior secondary school, with all kinds of facilities. What’s more, the courses at senior secondary school are more difficult and challenging than those at junior school. In class, we are encouraged not only to share our opinions with group members, but also to solve problems by ourselves. I do enjoy it. The teachers here are not only dynamic and intelligent, but also patient with us. I prefer English, for our English teacher is very organized and treats us kindly and she is always ready to help me whenever I meet with challenges. And My classmates are extremely friendly. Although I have some trouble adjusting to the new school life, I will try my best.
How about your new school life Looking forward to your reply.
To be honest, sometimes I had an idea to give up playing soccer, but I couldn’t when I met the special person. Although he had disability in the body, his strong will made him be a powerful and persistent person who could persue his goal of becoming an outstanding player, ignoring others’ laughing and prejudice. It was his behavior that made me make up my mind to continue to play soccer no matter what happened. Luckily, he was willing to teach me how to pass and shot a soccer, and how to cooperate with other members. He always accompanied me, and at the moment there wasn’t any word in the world that could describe my appreciation to him. However, there was no doubt that he was my teacher indeed forever.
No pains, no gains. At last, my skills on playing allowed me to join a professional soccer team and I attended a soccer competition. My wonderful performance on the court won audience’s continuous cheers. To my amazement, our team defeated the opponents by 6 points and we won the first prize. After the game ended, I hugged my teacher tightly with tears full of my eyes. “ I am grateful for you forever.” I said excitedly. As for me, I realized that what had happened to me recently taught me a valuable lesson. Psychological fitness is the fundamental to be an excellent player, and overcoming the fear in mind is to make you powerful forever. Where there is a will, there is a way.



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