Unit 4 Do it yourself提优练习 (无答案)

8A Unit 4提优练习
1 ___________ useful advice he got from _________ European story!
A. How; a B. What; an C. What a; an D. What; a
2. ______ it seemed to be impossible for us to win the game, we played with high spirit to the last second.
A. As B. Whether C. Because D. Although
3. —Let’s donate some money and clothes to the poor children in the west.
—Sounds good. But I think what really ______ to them is good education.
A. cares B. minds C. matters D. admires
4. I don’t know if it _______ tomorrow. If it _____, we will go out for a picnic.
A. will rain; won’t rain B. rains; doesn’t rain
C. rains; won’t rain D. will rain; doesn’t rain
5.Gentral Bank digital money has been paid attention to recently. I’m wondering ______.
that it will be safe to use its service to pay online
how soon will it be used widely all over the country
what are its advantages compared (比较) to paper money
if it can be used without an Internet connection
6. The dictionary is ________ to my translation, but that one is ________.
A. great help; helpless B. a great help; of no help
C. important; of few importance D. very helpful; of no any use
7. You'd better_________ that bad tooth __________ out.
A. have; pulled B. to have; pull C. have; pulling D. to have; to be pulled
8. . Could you tell me_______________
A. why were you late B. what wrong is with your teeth
C. what’s happened to you D. who would be recommended as the chairperson
9. The Diary of a Young Girl several languages since then.
A. has translated into B. has been translated into
C. translated into D. was translated into
10. Wars are disasters. A large number of people will lose their homes if a war   .
A. breaks out B. is broken out C. breaks up D. is broken up
1.The music which kept ___________ (影响) the teenagers a lot was from Jay Chou.
2.By now, I’ve never met a __________ (严格的) Maths teacher than Miss King.
3. Many of his valuable ________________ (建议) help us solve all the problems.
4. My father was __________ (被迫) to leave his factory because it closed down.
5. David said nothing, but __________ (只是) smiling, as if understanding perfectly.
6. The car is quite small, _____________(尤其)if you have children.
7.To do or not to do, he found it very hard to make a good ______________ (decide).
8.Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in his ________________ (twenty).
1. —Has Jack finished mending his bike, Tommy
—I am not sure, but he ____ ___(fix) his bike the whole afternoon.
2. It is the first time that I __________ (try) out for the singing competition.
3. The house in which the Nobel Prize winner ________ (live) as a child is now a museum.
4. The song reminds me of my old school days as soon as it ________ (play).
5 Jack told me they __________ (return) to the USA as soon as they finished the project.
1. 这些照片会向你展示我们大学三十年前的样子。
These photos will show you ______________________________________ 30 years ago..
2. 他一改变主意就立刻告知我。
Please let me know ____________________________________________.
3. .通过努力,玛丽成功地得到了大量信息。
Through hard work, Mary _________________________________ information.
4. 我想知道这段优美的曲子使他想到什么。
I wondered what ____________________________________________ the beautiful music.
For years I have noticed that one common characteristic that successful people have is curiosity. Why is curiosity important Because it gives you a fresh perspective(视角)and fresh ideas. Curious people can see things that many other people can’t. So how can you develop curiosity Here are some tips that you can follow:
Expect things to be fun.
Instead of expecting things to be boring, expect them to be fun. This small change in your thinking can make a big difference. Once you do it, it will be much easier for you to find the fun side of almost anything. And also, more doors of chance will be open for you.
Always have questions in your mind.
Whenever you deal with a topic, have questions in your mind. Find the answers and ask new questions. Questions keep your mind engaged (忙于). They can change your learning process from being boring to a treasure hunt.
Take on a new challenge.
By taking on a new challenge, you will want to prove to yourself (and perhaps to others) that you can make it. One good way to do that is to create a competition with your friends to find out who can do something faster or better.
Connect new things with what you’ve already known.
Things will be more exciting if you can connect what you’re learning with what you’ve already known. Why Because that improves your understanding of the world and allows you to see new things that you haven’t noticed before.
Add variety(多样性) to your life.
Find new possibilities by stepping into new topics. Read books in new fields. Meet people from all walks of life. No more experience is enough.
All the advice above can be summarised(概括) in just one phrase: make things fun.
How to develop curiosity
The importance of curiosity Curiosity provides you with a new perspective and new ideas. Curious people can often see 1 things than many other people.
2 on how to develop curiosity Don’t think things are boring, or one more door of chance will be 3 to you. Question things non-stop. Questions make your mind work and make your learning process more interesting. Take on a new challenge, such as creating a test with your friends. You will want to show that you can succeed. Connect what you are learning with what you’ve already known and you will 4 _the world better. Make some changes in your life by 5 different people and experiencing as many new things as possible.
Conclusion Look for the fun in things.




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