人教版八年级上册 Unit2 How often do you exercise 单元检测2(含解析)

【详解】句意:-虽然她每天吃很多,但她一点也不胖。—多幸运啊! A. Because 连词,因为,
引导原因状语从句;B. So 连词,所以,表示结果;C. If 连词,作为“是否”之意,引导宾语
从句; 意为“如果”引导条件状语从句;D. Although 连词,虽然,引导让步状语从句。根据上
下文的含义可知是“让步”关系。故选 D。
【详解】句意:你太重了。我认为你必须尽量少吃肉。固定短语 try to do,努力做某事;more
更多,可作 many/much 的比较级;less 更少,可作 little 的比较级,修饰不可数名词。meat
名词,肉,不可数名词。身体太重,应少吃肉。故选 C。
【详解】句意:-格林先生,你为什么喜欢跑步?-哦,这对我的健康有好处。A. diary 名词,
日记;B. time 名词,时间;C. idea 名词,主意、想法;D. health 名词,健康。体育运动“跑
步”与“健康”有关。故选 D。
【详解】句意:一条小河穿过我的村庄。河里面有很多鱼。A. cross 动词,穿过。横穿或表
面穿过;B. in 介词,在…里面;C. through 介词,穿过,指“纵穿或内部穿过”;D. out 副词,
在外面。goes 动词,此处需要介词。小河从村庄“内部”穿过。故选 C。
【详解】句意:-老太太要我们帮她做家务。-我想我们应该帮助她。A. help 动词,帮助;B.
to help 动词不定式,帮助;C. helps 动词三单,帮助;D. helping 动名词或现在分词,帮助。
want sb. to do sth.,想让某人做某事,动词不定式作宾补。故选 B。
【点睛】英语中,动词不定式作宾补时,有三种形式:1.必须带 to 的动词不定式,如作动词
want/would like/ask/tell 等词的宾语的补足语;2.带与不带 to 都可以的情况,如作动词 help
的宾语补足语;3.必须省略 to 的动词不定式,如作使役动词 make/let/have 等,以及感官动
词 see/hear 等词的宾语的补足语。
【详解】句意:-你看起来很累,苏。-我昨晚几乎没睡。现在我感觉糟透了。A. almost 副词,
几乎、将近;B. hardly 副词,几乎不,否定含义;C. usually 副词,通常;D. always 副词,
总是。根据语境可知需要“否定”含义的“几乎不”。故选 B。
答案第 1 页,共 8 页
【详解】句意:我认为最好的放松方式就是参加户外活动。A. to relax 动词不定式,放松;
B. relaxing 现在分词或动名词;放松;C. relaxed 过去式或过去分词,放松;D. relaxes 动词
三单,放松。本题动词不定式 to relax 作 the best way 的定语。故选 A。
【详解】句意:-下星期天你能和我一起去游泳吗 -对不起,我下周的安排都满了。A. free
形容词,空闲的或免费的;B. good 形容词,好的;C. enough 形容词,足够的;D. full 形容
词,满的、饱的。根据句意可知,本题指“事情都满了”,不能去游泳了。故选 D。
【详解】句意:-我父亲经常在下班后听音乐放松自己。-你妈妈呢?A. listen 动词,听;B.
listened 过去式或过去分词,听;C. to listen 动词不定式,听;D. listening 动名词或现在分词,
听。by 介词,通过,后跟名词/代词/动名词/。故选 D。
【详解】句意:-你爷爷每天下棋多少个小时 —一个小时。A. Once a day 一天一次,表示频
率;B. One 基数词,一,表示数目;C. First 序数词,第一,表示顺序;D. Once 副词,一次。
How many hours 多少小时,询问“小时”的个数。故选 B。
【点睛】How many 多少,后跟可数名词复数,询问可数名词的量,答语应使用基数词回答;
how often 多久一次,后跟一般疑问句,询问“频率”,回答时,使用 every day, once a week 等
11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.A
【分析】试题分析:本文是来一篇来自英国的、关于阅读的调查研究,调查对象为年龄从 8
岁到 18 岁的人。研究表明,英国的孩子在空闲时间阅读时间越来越少。文章最后指出阅读
11.根据第一段第二句 About 32,000 children from different schools in the UK answered the
questions from it.可知,大约 32000 人参与了这项调查。故选 A。
12.根据第二段第一句 The research shows that children in the UK are reading less in their free
time.可知,研究表明,英国的孩子在空闲时间阅读的越来越少。 故选 C。
13.根据语境可知,本句句意为 “我们的研究不仅显示了孩子们阅读量的减少和对阅读的消
极态度,也显示了这与他们在阅读测试中的表现之间的关系”,从而推知 this 指“children are
答案第 2 页,共 8 页
reading less and having negative attitudes to reading”。故选 D。
14.根据第四段第二句 The percentage in 2014 was about 6% and it grew to 12% in 2015 可知,
2014 年,约 6%的英国学生喜欢阅看电子书。 故选 A。
15.根据最后一句 But if they sit down and do some reading, they will find reading is really
interesting and useful.可知,学生应该多读书。 故选 A。
16.A 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.D
16.根据 Miss Wu, an office lady 这一段的第一行 I shop every day.可知,吴小姐每天在网上
购物。故选 A。
17.根据 Li Hui 这一段的后两句 I only surf the Internet on weekends. I often play computer
games and chat with my friends online.可知,他只有周末可以上网,从而推知他每周玩游戏也
就是一两次。故选 B。
18.根据 Mr. Liu, a manager 这一段最后一句 When I am free, I also love to read news online.
可知,刘先生爱在网上看新闻。故选 C。
19.根据 Mrs. Tao 这一段的第二句 I write blogs about my cooking and upload (上传) the photos
of my dishes every day.可知,她每天上传菜肴照片。故选 A。
20.根据 Mrs. Tao 这一段的最后两句 I love reading people’s reply (回复). And I’m happy that
they love my dishes.可知,很多人喜欢 Mrs. Tao 的博客。故选 D。
21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.C
【分析】试题分析:尼克是一个 14 岁的学生,他认为玩电脑游戏是最好的放松方式,当他
21.根据第一段第一句 Nick is a 14-year-old schoolboy.可知,尼克 14 岁了。故选 B。
22.根据第一段最后两句 When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just like that
way, he neither eats nor drinks for several hours.可推知,尼克喜欢玩电脑游戏。故选 C。
23.根据第二段第三行 He was taken to the hospital 可知,没有说明是谁把他送去医院。 故
答案第 3 页,共 8 页
选 A。
24.根据第二段第二、三行 When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He
was taken to the hospital.可知,因为他玩电脑游戏后动不了,才被送去医院的。故选 D。
25.根据最后一段前两句 After coming back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctor's advice.
He often plays soccer with his friends.和最后一句 Now, he lives a happy and healthy life.可知,
尼克应该听从医生的建议多锻炼。故选 C。
26.C 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.A 33.B 34.D
【分析】试题分析:本文介绍了一个 16 岁的男孩迈克,他有许多好习惯,每天早上锻炼,
26.句意:他有许多好习惯。A. orders 名词,订单;B. programs 名词,节目;C. habits 名词,
习惯;D. dreams 名词,梦想。根据后文 He exercises every morning and reads books every night.
可知,本处指“习惯”。故选 C。
27.句意:他学习成绩很好,他最喜欢的科目是科学和历史。A. books 名词,书;B. subjects
名词,学科;C. colors 名词,颜色;D. symbols 名词,象征。根据后文 science and history 可
知,此处指“学科”。故选 B。
28.句意:当迈克四岁的时候,他父亲开始教他游泳。A. started 动词,开始;B. disliked 动
词,不喜欢;C. forgot动词,忘记;D. followed动词,跟随。根据后文After two months of learning,
Mike could swim ______4______ a fish.可知,此处指“开始教他学游泳”之意。故选 A。
29.句意:经过两个月的学习,迈克可以像鱼一样游泳。A. into 介词,在…里面;B. across
介词,穿过;C. over 介词,在…上面;D. like 介词,像…。根据语境可知,此处指“像鱼一
样游泳”。故选 D。
30.句意:每周,迈克至少要花 16 个小时练习。A. practicing 练习;B. drawing 绘画;C. cleaning
打扫;D. driving 驾驶。根据语境可知,本处指“练习游泳”之意。故选 A。
31.句意:他喜欢骑自行车,因为对他的健康有好处。A. or 连词,或者;B. although 连词,
虽然,引导让步状语从句;C. because 连词,因为,引导时间状语从句;D. but 连词,但是,
表示转择。根据句意可知“对健康有好处”,是“喜欢骑车”的原因。故选 C。
答案第 4 页,共 8 页
32.句意:他喜欢看电影,所以他每个星期日都去看电影。A. enjoys 动词,喜欢;B. finishes
动词,完成;C. stops 动词,停止;D. remembers 动词,记住。“他每个星期日都去看电影”
说明他“喜欢”看电影。故选 A。
33.句意:“和朋友一起看电影很放松,”他说。A. tidy 形容词,整洁的;B. relaxing 形容词,
放松的;C. boring 形容词,无聊的;D. difficult 形容词,困难的。根据语境可知,他喜欢看
电影,可推知“与朋友看电影是放松的”。故选 B。
34.句意:在周末当他父母不需要工作时,他们经常去游泳池来鼓励他。A. her 代词宾格或
物主代词,她或她的;B. me 宾格,我;C. you 宾格,你、你们;D. him 宾格,他。本处指
“迈克”所以使用 him。故选 D。
35.句意:“我喜欢游泳,练习可以帮助我在比赛中取得好成绩,”他说。A. uniforms 名词,
制服;B. results 名词,结果;C. rules 名词,规定;D. prices 名词,价格。“练习”与“比赛结
果”有关。故选 B。
36.hardly 37.body 38.twice 39.junk 40.almost 41.together
42.relaxed/ relax 43.Although 44.least 45.Internet
36.句意:我过去几乎没有做任何运动。hardly 副词,几乎不,修饰动词 did;根据后文 So,
I felt tired.可知,本句使用否定副词。故填:hardly。
37.句意:良好健康状况使我的身心健康,帮助我好好学习。body 名词,身体; body and mind
38.句意:我每周来这里两次。two 基数词,二;twice 副词,两次;twice a week 一周两次。
39.句意:我喜欢喝咖啡吃垃圾食品。junk 名词,junk food 垃圾食品。故填:junk。
40.句意:因为我身材庞大,几乎没有人愿意和我交朋友。 almost 副词,将近、几乎。故
填: almost。
答案第 5 页,共 8 页
41.句意:我们经常一起锻炼。together 副词,一起;修饰动词 exercise。故填:together。
42.句意:我认为运动可以使我放松,帮助我学好。relax 动词,放松;relaxed 形容词,放
松的;根据 make sb.+动词原形/形容词(使某人怎么样)可知,其中 “动词原形/形容词” 在
此结构中作宾补。故填:relaxed/ relax。
43.句意:虽然我每天都很忙,但是我在这里至少花上四十分钟。although 副词,虽然、即
44.句意:虽然我每天都很忙,但是我在这里至少花上四十分钟。little 形容词或副词,少;
固定短语 at least,意为“至少”。故填:least。
45.句意:我总是坐在电脑前在网上玩。Internet 名词,互联网,因特网。on the Internet 在
46.No, he didn’t. 47.Once a week. 48.Watching TV. 49.Sixteen/ 16.
50.Basketball and soccer.
【分析】本文叙述了 Mark 是一名 16 岁的学生,在过去他每天除了学习就是玩游戏很少去
46.根据 one year ago, he was not so healthy.可知,一年前他是不健康的,故答案为 No, he
47.根据 He sometimes helped his mother with housework, but only once a week.可知,他帮助
他的妈妈做家务一周一次,故答案为 Once a week.
48.根据 On weekends, he liked watching TV.可知,周末他喜欢看电视,故答案为 Watching TV.
49.根据 Mark is a 16-year-old student.可知,马克 16 岁了,故答案为 Sixteen/ 16.
50.根据 Now, he does sports more often than before, such as playing basketball and soccer.可知,
马克喜欢做运动,例如篮球和足球。故答案为 Basketball and soccer.
【点睛】1. 能简答就简答。如(who,when,where 的问题) 如:2、3、4、5 题。
2. 不能简答的问题需要答题规范,主谓宾齐全,语法正确。
3. 注意回答中避免代词,要还原为文中的名词。
4. 如用文中句子回答抄写齐全不能丢三落四,一句话说完整。
5. 对归纳性问题要从首段或尾段中找提炼中心的句子来回答或自己对文章中心的理解句
答案第 6 页,共 8 页
① 找准相应的段落,节选有用的句子。
51.C 52.B 53.A 54.E 【小题 5】D
51.根据 If you want to be healthy, you should(应该) eat more healthy food 可知,可知,这里叙
述的是要吃健康的食物,选项 C. Enough healthy food.足够的健康的食物。故选 C。
52.根据 Doing exercise is another way to keep you healthy.可知,做锻炼是保持健康的另一种
方式。选项 B. Enough exercise 足够的锻炼。故选 B。
53.根据 Smile(微笑) is the best way to make you healthy.可知,微笑使人们保持健康的最好方
式。选项 A. Enough smiles.足够的微笑。这里是小标题,所以选精炼的选项。故选 A。
54.根据 You should be optimistic(乐观)about life.可知,对生活保持积极乐观的态度,所以
微笑是治疗疾病最好的方法,故选 E。
【小题 5】根据 Don’t stay up! Students should go to bed before 10 o’clock….you must have a
good rest.可知,这段主要叙述要注意适当休息。选项 D. Enough time of rest(休息).足够的时
间休息。故选 D。
55.Nelly is13 years old.She is a junior high school student. She likes sports.She exercises three to
five times a week and drinks milk every day. After school she goes home on time and then does
her homework. After dinner she watches TV for a while. She seldom plays computer games and
never stays up late at home. Last weekend, she went hiking with her classmates and had a good
【分析】这是一篇给材料作文,介绍 Nelly 的个人情况。
Nelly is……,She likes……,She exercises……,She seldom plays……等句式的应用。写作
【点睛】本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了 Nelly 的年龄,是一名初中生,接下来介绍
他喜欢运动和经常做的事,最后上周末她去爬山,玩得开心。此处 every day, on time, for a
答案第 7 页,共 8 页
while, play computer games, stay up late, go hiking, have a good time 等这些词组的运用也让文
答案第 8 页,共 8 页八年级上册测试卷:Unit2 How often do you exercise?
1.-__________she eats a lot every day, she is not fat at all.
-How lucky!
A.Because B.So C.If D.Although
2.You are too heavy. I think you must ___ eat ____ meat.
A.try; more B.try to; more C.try to; less D.try; less
3.-Why do you like running so much, Mr. Green
-Well, it's good for my_____________.
A.diary B.time C.idea D.health
4.A small river goes__________ my village. There are many fish in it.
A.cross B.in C.through D.out
5.-The old woman wants us ___________ her with the housework.
-I think we should help her.
A.help B.to help C.helps D.helping
6.-You look so tired, Sue.
-I__________ slept last night. I feel terrible now.
A.almost B.hardly C.usually D.always
7.I think the best way ____________is taking part in(参加) outdoor activities.
A.to relax B.relaxing C.relaxed D.relaxes
8.-Can you go swimming with me next Sunday
-Sorry, next week is ____________ for me.
A.free B.good C.enough D.full
9.-My father often relaxes himself by __________ to music after work.
-How about your mother
A.listen B.listened C.to listen D.listening
10.-How many hours does your grandpa play chess every day
A.Once a day B.One C.First D.Once
试卷第 1 页,共 8 页
The National Literacy Trust once did some research (调查) on reading. About 32,000
children from different schools in the UK answered the questions from it. These children are
aged from 8 to 18.
The research shows that children in the UK are reading less in their free time. Just over a
quarter of the students said they read outside school. About the same number said their
parents didn't feel that reading was important. Half of those students said they enjoyed
reading "very much" or "quite a lot". About two in five thought reading was "cool", but about
one in three said they only read when they had to.
Jonathan Douglas from the National Literacy Trust said, "Our research not only shows that
children are reading less and having negative attitudes(消极的态度) to reading but also
shows the relationship (关系) between this and their performance(表现) in reading tests.”
The research also finds that many children in the UK like to read e-books outside school. The
percentage in 2014 was about 6% and it grew to 12% in 2015
In today's world, there are so many activities for children to do. But if they sit down and do
some reading, they will find reading is really interesting and useful.
11.How many students answered the questions from the National Literacy
A.About 32, 000 B.About 3, 200 C.About 16 D.About 8.
12.What does the research show
A.Children in the UK do well in their reading tests
B.Parents in the UK think reading is unimportant.
C.Children in the UK are reading less in their free time.
D.Schools in the UK don't give their students much free time
13.The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 3 refers to “__________”
A.the research
B.the National Literacy Trust 2.ebmon
C.many children like to read e-books
D.children are reading less and having negative attitudes to reading
14.About_______ of the students in the UK liked to read e-books in 2014
A.6% B.12% C.40% D.50%
15.The last paragraph tells us that children
A.should do more reading
试卷第 2 页,共 8 页
B.should sit down when they read
C.need to do all kinds of activities
D.like interesting and useful things
What do you usually do on the Internet
I love shopping on the Internet. I sit in front of the computer for hours. I shop every day.
I can always find cheap but good things online. Sometimes I watch movies or listen to songs.
Miss Wu, an office lady
As a student, I'm always busy from Monday to Friday. I only surf the Internet on
weekends. I often play computer games and chat with my friends online.
Li Hui
I can't work without the Internet. I need it to send and receive emails. I write at least
twenty e mails each day. When I am free, I also love to read news online.
Mr. Liu, a manager
I’m a housewife and I like cooking. I write blogs about my cooking and upload (上传)
the photos of my dishes every day. I love reading people’s reply (回复). And I’m happy that
they love my dishes.
Mrs. Tao
16.What does Miss Wu do on the Internet every day
A.She does some shopping.
B.She watches movies.
C.She listens to music.
D.She reads books.
17.How often may Li Hui play computer games
A.Every day.
B.Once or twice a week.
C.Three times a year.
D.Once a month.
18.Who loves to read news on the Internet
A.Miss Wu. B.Li Hui. C.Mr. Liu. D.Mrs. Tao.
19.What does Mrs. Tao upload every day
试卷第 3 页,共 8 页
A.The photos of her dishes.
B.The photos of her games.
C.The photos of her parties.
D.The photos of her friends.
20.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Miss Wu always sells clothes.
B.Li Hui writes emails in the evening.
C.Mr. Liu plays computer games every day.
D.Many people love Mrs. Tao's blogs.
Nick is a 14-year-old schoolboy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays. He
has little free time. He thinks playing computer games is the best way to relax. When he has
free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just like that way, he neither eats nor drinks for
several hours.
Last weekend, he played games in front of the computer again. He was too excited and
didn't want to move. He didn't have anything for six hours. When he had to go to the
bathroom, he found he could not move. He was taken to the hospital. The doctor told him he
should do some different kinds of activities. In other words, he needs more exercise to make
him have a healthy body.
After coming back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctor's advice. He often plays
soccer with his friends. Sometimes he still plays computer games or weekends, but he never
does it for long. Now, he lives a happy and healthy life.
21.How old is Nick
A.13. B.14 C.15 D.16
22.Nick likes__________ in his free time.
A.riding a bike B.playing the guitar
C.playing computer games D.having a school trip E
23.Who took Nick to the hospital
A.We are not sure. B.His mom,
C.His friend. D.His dad.
试卷第 4 页,共 8 页
24.Why was Nick taken to the hospital
A.Because he was too excited.
B.Because he had a cold in the morning.
C.Because he was too nervous of his studies.
D.Because he couldn't move after playing computer games.
25.Nick should follow the doctor's advice to
A.go to the movies
B.listen to music
C.take more exercise
D.play computer games
Mike Tam is a l6-year-old boy. He has many good. 26 -He exercises every
morning and reads books every night. He is doing well in studies and his favorite 27
are science and history.
Both of Mike's parents are good swimmers. When Mike was four years old, his father
28 to teach him how to swim. After two months of learning, Mike could swim 29
a fish.
Each week, Mike has to spend at least 16 hours 30 He spends two hours
practicing swimming every day before school. After morning practice, he goes to school by
bike. He likes riding bikes, 31 it is good for his health.
On Saturday, he gets up at 7:00 a.m. He swims in the swimming pool for four hours.
After that, he goes home to do his homework. He 32 watching movies, so he goes
to the cinema every Sunday. “It is 33 to watch movies with my friends," he said.
His parents often go to the swimming pool on weekends to encourage(鼓励) 34
when they don't have to work.
Mike doesn't mind spending a lot of time practicing.“I love swimming, and practice can
help me get good 35 in competitions(比赛),”he said.
26.A.orders B.programs C.habits D.dreams
27.A.books B.subjects C.colors D.symbols
试卷第 5 页,共 8 页
28.A.started. B.disliked C.forgot D.followed
29.A.into B.across C.over D.like
30.A.practicing B.drawing C.cleaning D.driving
31.A.or B.although C.because D.but
32.A.enjoys B.finishes C.stops D.remembers
33.A.tidy B.relaxing C.boring D.difficult
34.A.her B.me C.you D.him
35.A.uniforms B.results C.rules D.prices
little; although; body; program; two; together; Internet; Hardly; junk; almost; relax; such
Hello! I'm John. I'm in a health club now. I'm interviewing(采访) four students. Here are the
My name is David. I 36 did any exercise in the past. So, I felt tired. Then I come
here to exercise myself, Good health makes my 37 and mind great and helps me
study well. I come here 38 a week. I exercise for thirty minutes each time.
I'm Alice. I was fat half a year ago. I liked eating 39 food with a cup of coffee.
Because of my large body, 40 no one wanted to make friends with me. So I come
here to lose weight(减肥). I have many good friends in the club now. We often exercise
41 . Look! I'm so healthy now.
I'm Ann. I have lots of homework to do every day. I think exercise can make me 42
and help me study well. 43 I am very busy every day, I spend at 44
forty minutes here. I'm Bill. I always sat before a computer and played on the
45 . So I didn't feel well. The doctor asked me to do more exercise. So I come here. I
find that I'm healthy now.
试卷第 6 页,共 8 页
简答 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。
Mark is a 16-year-old student. He has a very healthy life. However, one year ago, he was
not so healthy. From Monday to Friday, he studied every day but hardly did any sports. He
often used the Internet. Although his parents asked him to exercise, he never did. He
sometimes helped his mother with housework, but only once a week. On weekends, he liked
watching TV. Then the bad result came, he became fat and had few friends. One day, the
doctor in his school talked with him. He told Mark to do more sports because it was good for
his body and mind. From then on, Mark decided to change(改变) his habits. Now, he does
sports more often than before, such as playing basketball and soccer. He plays less computer
games. After dinner, he often takes a walk with his parents. Doing exercise helps him become
healthy and study better. Now he also has more friends.
46.Did Mark have a healthy life one year ago
47.How often did Mark help his mother with the housework
48.What did Mark like doing on weekends
49.How old is Mark
50.What kind of sports does Mark do now
阅读短文,从所给的 A-F 六个选项中,选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺、内容完整。
What can we do to keep healthy Here are some tips.(小建议)
51 If you want to be healthy, you should(应该) eat more healthy food, such as
vegetables and fruit. You also drink 500ml milk every day.
52 Doing exercise is another way to keep you healthy. So you should do some
sports after class. Doing sports can make you strong. You’ll have a good figure(身材)if you
do enough exercise.
试卷第 7 页,共 8 页
53 Smile(微笑) is the best way to make you healthy. Try to find the things that
make you laugh and you’ll be happy every day. You should be optimistic(乐观)about life.
54 Don’t stay up! Students should go to bed before 10 o’clock. If you want to have
a good grade(成绩), you must have a good rest. There’s a famous saying , “ Early to bed and
early to rise makes a person healthy.” It tells us enough time of rest is important.
A.Enough smiles.
B.Enough exercise
C.Enough healthy food.
D.Enough time of rest(休息).
E.Remember smile is the best medicine to cure(治疗)your illness.
F.Eating chocolate is healthy.
根据以下信息,写一篇 60 字左右的短文
1. Nelly 今年 13 岁,是一名初中生。
2. 她每周运动 3-5 次,每天喝牛奶。
3. 她很少玩电脑游戏从不熬夜。
4. 上周末,她和同学去爬山了,玩得很开心。
试卷第 8 页,共 8 页



