
One Day University
One Day University was founded by Steven Schragis in 2006. He came up with the idea after he dropped his daughter off at college in upstate New York. The school had about a dozen professors giving short talks about a variety of subjects. All the parents had the same reaction: “I wish I were the one going to college!”
One Day University creates fascinating days of learning designed to inspire your mind. We work with over two hundred professors from the country’s top colleges to create events. No matter what you love, you’ll find that every One Day U event is filled with exploratory talks that will challenge you as if you were a student in college once again! And just like your college days, you’re sure to meet new friends who share the belief that learning is a rewarding lifelong process. At One Day U, there’s no homework and no grades. Just learning for the sake of learning!
SATURDAY, JULY 21; 9:30 am—4:00 pm Lisner Auditorium at George Washington University; Washington. DC
LITERATURE 9:30 am—10:35 am The Lost Indian Culture Jeremi Suri/University of Texas Distinguished Teaching Award
SCIENCE 10:50 am—11:55 am How the Brain Works John Hall/University of Wisconsin-Madison William H. Kiekhofer Distinguished Teaching Award
MUSIC 12:10 pm—1:15 pm The History of Jazz Anna Celenza /George-town University Teacher-Scholar Award
Lunch break 1:15 pm-2:30 pm
PSYCHOLOGY 2:30 pm—4:00 pm Genius, Creativity and Depression Jessica Payne/University of Notre Dame Bok Center Award for Teaching Excellence
Live Event Full price: $125
Visit or call 800-300-3438.
1、What do we know about One Day U
A.It aims to reward college students.
B.It was founded by Steven Schragis and his daughter.
C.It is intended to help its participants get excellent grades at college.
D.It is in cooperation with hundreds of top universities' professors
2、Who will give talks about The History of Jazz
A.George town. B.Jeremi Suri. C.Anna Celenza. D.Jessica Payne.
3、What’s the main purpose of the text
A.To show the history of One Day U.
B.To advertise One Day U events on July 21.
C.To explain how to learn at One Day U.
D.To stress the great influence of One Day U.
Patriotic Zhang Weili won her historic fighting championship in Shenzhen on August 31,2019. The 30-year-old fighter from Hebei Province produced a huge upset to knock out Brazilian Jessica Andrade and became China's first UFC world champion.
Zhang entered the straw weight bout as a big loser to Andrade,who is tied with the most UFC wins(11) by a woman. However,after a series of devastating knee kicks and punches(重拳),Andrade was floored in the 42nd second of the first round and the challenger was declared winner by TKO. “Last year in Beijing I vowed(发誓)to become the first Chinese champion, and I did it!” said Zhang. “As a Chinese, I feel so proud. Today,I want to dedicate this victory to my motherland,” she added.
UFC boss Dana White declared Zhang “the most vicious woman on the planet right now” and revealed he is already planning the new champion's next fight in the United States. Zhang appealed to White to smooth out some reasonable concerns she has about a US fight. “Please make sure all my corners can come because last time they couldn't come for visa issues,” she said. “But all my coaches are here with me, supporting me and I won the belt.”
With six years' experience in UFC, Andrade has a reputation for crucially seeing off opponents. But Zhang,who is known for her fierce “buzz saw” attacking style,never allowed Andrade to get going. “I think the keys to my win were my calm mindset and the strategy defined by my coaches. All the strategies were practical and predicted every move to help me seize every opportunity,” Zhang said.
She was the first Chinese fighter to even get a title shot from the UFC,which is now pushing hard into a Chinese market where interest in MMA is growing rapidly. Afterwards,Zhang hoped to inspire more young Chinese women to take up MMA and to be a source of inspiration for women, both in MMA and everyday life.
4、What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A. Andrade is a great opponent. B. Andrade has 9 UFC wins so far.
C. Zhang owed her victory to her efforts. D. Zhang was afraid of Andrade's attacks.
5、What does the underlined word “corners” mean?
A. Opponents. B. Coaches. C. Relatives. D. Friends.
6、Zhang's win can be owed to ___________.
A. strict teaching of her coaches
B. support from her coaches and friends
C. her strong body shape and enthusiasm
D. her mindset and strategies developed by her coaches
7、Which of the following may Zhang agree with according to the last paragraph?
A. Women can make a big difference as well.
B. Women should not ignore their appearance.
C. Women should compete with men to show their abilities.
D. Women can change their fate by winning UFC.
A dozen years after the disaster at the Fukushima(福岛) nuclear plant, it still casts a covering over life in Japan. Many of over 100,000 residents moved from around the nuclear plant at the time of the accident remain displaced. Abroad, Fukushima’s legacy(遗留问题) is now worsening the region’s infamous and disputatious(有争议的) geopolitics.
The enormous task of making the damaged plant safe continues. At the heart of the cleanup is a question of what to do with the polluted water used to cool melted fuel and fuel pieces— or which has fallen as rain, or flowed into the site as groundwater. An advanced filtration(过滤) process known as ALPS removes 62 of 64 radionuclides (放射性核素)from the water to acceptable levels. Of the two remaining radionuclides, the main concern is tritium(氚), which can damage DNA. But TEPCO, the Fukushima plant’s operator, says the levels are very low. It wants to release 500 Olympic-sized pools’ worth of the water into the ocean over three decades. Japan’s government backs it.
So what’s the problem Local fishermen and tourism operatives fear another knock to the old Fukushima brand. Even as it is, China and South Korea ban seafood from Fukushima and neighbouring areas. If the water release goes ahead, China, the biggest importer of Japanese seafood, may go further—and impose a total ban on Japanese seafood imports. One Chinese hothead has said releasing the water would amount to “crimes against humanity”. The government’s chief spokesman accuses Japan of treating the ocean as its “private sewer”. In South Korea, the issue is more complicated. The conservative government of Yoon Sukyeol, which is committed to rebuilding South Korea’s unfriendly ties with Japan, is playing down the risks. Worried South Korean consumers are meanwhile panic-buying sea salt.
Yet even in Japan there is precious little trust in the nuclear industry, which has a history of messes and covers. Even after post-disaster reforms, TEPCO was forced in 2018 to admit its ALPS system had failed to work and the water would need to be reprocessed. And trust, notes Jeff Kingston of Temple University in Tokyo, is “not a renewable resource”. At home the nuclear industry lacks it. Abroad so does Japan.
8、What can we learn from paragraph two
A. ALPS is capable of removing main radionuclides from the water to acceptable levels.
B. Japan’s government support TEPCO’s releasing processed polluted water into the ocean.
C. According to ALPS, tritium won’t damage DNA and it isn’t a concern at all.
D. The polluted water is used to cool melted fuel and fuel pieces in broken plant.
9、What is the South Korean government’s attitude towards the polluted water release
A. optimistic B. pessimistic C. supportive D. seriously
10、Why does Jeff Kingston comment “trust is not a renewable resource”
A. Japanese people are accepting of releasing Fukushima water.
B. The nuclear industry lacks trust from Japanese people with a series of trouble.
C. Japanese government can earn trust from international community with its water release.
D. The polluted water needs to be reprocessed
11、What’s the best title of the passage
A. How to cope with Fukushima nuclear wastewater
B. The Fukushima’s radiological impact on humans and the environment
C. East Asia’s disagreement about Fukushima nuclear wastewater turns poisonous
D. New international regulations are on the way
Invasive(入侵的) species are costing the world at least $423bn every year and have become a leading threat to the diversity of life on Earth.
Leading scientists say the threat caused by invasive species is under appreciated, underestimated and sometimes unacknowledged, with more than 37,000 alien species now known to be introduced around the world and about 200 establishing themselves each year. While not all will become invasive, experts say there are significant tools to mitigate their spread and impact, protecting and restoring ecosystems in the process. The assessment, produced by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the leading UN body on biodiversity science, was produced by 86 experts over four and a half years, and was approved by governments this weekend in Bonn.
The expert assessment found that there were a wide range of options to prevent the spread and impact of invasive species. Eradication programmes on islands, which are disproportionately affected by the spread of invasive species, have had a 88% success rate. Examples include Redonda, a mile long rock that is part of Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean, where native vegetation, birds and reptiles burst back into life once invasive black rats and feral goats were removed in 2017, transforming the barren grey rock into a green island once again.
But experts said the emphasis had to move towards the prevention of the spread of invasive species instead of costly eradication programmes. “We want to highlight that the thing that works the best is prevention. It’s much more cost-effective to prevent the introduction of invasive species such as taking bio-security measures, border controls and risk analysis of non-native species that are being introduced intentionally,” said Pauchard, the leading researcher.
The report found that despite the recent UN global target on controlling invasive species spread, 84% did not have specific national legislation or regulations. Some countries do have ambitious policies on the issue, such as New Zealand, which is aiming to get rid of all invasive species from its islands by the middle of the century.
12、The underlined word “ mitigate” can best be replaced by________
A. cancel B. control C. conduct D. connect
13、Why is Redonda mentioned in paragraph 3
A. An example of how hard to fight invasive species.
B. An explanation of the process of fighting invasive species.
C. An implication of how successful the Eradication programmes are.
D. A summary of how effective the expert assessment is.
14、What can we learn from Pauchard’s words
A. It’s prevention that should be emphasized.
B. Eradication programmes are too expensive.
C. Risk analysis of non-native species is necessary.
D. Controlling invasive species is pressing.
15、What’s the best title of the passage
A. Invasive species: a common phenomenon around the world.
B. Invasive species: ambitious policies.
C. Invasive species: eradication programmes.
D. Invasive species: urgent to be wiped out.
16、Having a goodnight’s sleep allows your body to function at its best. We found some lesser-known ideas that are well worth a try.
People in China Wash Their Feet Before Bed
Foot massages and spa treatments that are focused on the feet are widely practised across China. ①_______ The routine is done right before bed, so that after you dry your feet, they are still warm when you sleep.
In Germany, couples have solved the problem of one of them waking up cold whenever their partner rolls over and takes the sheets with them. ③_______ Not only does that make it less likely that your partner will disturb your sleep when they move around, but you can each customize the amount of bedding you use to stay as warm or as cool as you prefer at night.
Guatemalans Rely on Worry Dolls
Guatemala has a longstanding tradition of parents putting “worry dolls” under their kids’ pillows to comfort them if they are afraid of the dark. Plus, children can tell the tiny dolls their worries before they go to sleep. ④_______ Adults in that country and in Mexico are increasingly relying on the dolls, too. Expressing your worries before bed can help—so why not tell them to a doll
The British Sleep Naked
Thirty percent of people in the United Kingdom sleep naked, or at least they did when the most recent global poll (民意调查)on the subject was done. ⑤_______ “The biggest one is thermo-regulation. It’s easier for ‘hot sleepers’ to be comfortable.”
A. Germans Use Separate Duvets
B. Many American Couples Sleep Separately
C. But it’s no longer a ritual just for children.
D. Not wearing clothes to bed might be beneficial for several reasons.
E. Automatic foot spas are almost everywhere in Chinese households.
F. The ritual(习惯) is so beloved that many people perform a DIY version at home before bedtime each night.
G. While it’s typical for partners to share a bed, each chooses their own single-sized sheets and a separate duvet(羽绒被).
Desmond Jumbam grew up in a poor family in Yaoundé, the capital city of Cameroon. His mother worked 1 as a cleaner and cook for an organization to 2 him to school in Yaoundé.
“It was not always easy but my mother sacrificed a lot to 3 that I got the best education. In 2010, I 4 Harvard University with enough money for only one semester. My mother took a huge 5 for that.”
With the help of family, scholarships and a job as a private teacher, Desmond was able to afford school fees for a “very 6 first two years” in the US. But having achieved so much in the country, Desmond has now returned to Cameroon to 7 his knowledge and skills there.
Desmond couldn’t have got as far as he has without the 8 of his family. He said: “I will avoid common advice like ‘don’t 9 ’ and ‘follow your dreams’. At the risk of sounding 10 , I would advise anyone with big dreams to expect severe adversity (逆境) ahead.”
Everyone faces some 11 in getting to their goals and dreams, especially for those from 12 communities. Desmond was one of those children. He hopes his story will 13 children to know that it is completely 14 to achieve the dreams which may seem beyond their 15 , despite the severe adversities ahead.
17、A. quickly B. tirelessly C. hardly D. carelessly
18、A. send B. take C. pull D. put
19、A. imagine B. ensure C. agree D. promise
20、A. sponsored B. attended C. left D. reported
21、A. finance B. blow C. loan D. credit
22、A. fearful B. colorful C. stressful D. meaningful
23、A. learn B. improve C. obtain D. apply
24、A. arrangement B. warning C. support D. permission
25、A. catch up B. give up C. stay up D. hurry up
26、A. familiar B. strange C. funny D. pessimistic
27、A. probabilities B. opportunities C. barriers D. losses
28、A. old B. poor C. remote D. civilized
29、A. allow B. urge C. force D. inspire
30、A. fair B. right C. possible D. suitable
31、A. ability B. control C. reach D. comprehension
32、A recent short video series Escape from the British Museum, ①______ tells the story of how a Chinese cultural relic escapes from the British Museum and finds its way back to China, ②______ (take) the Chinese Internet with its touching narrative and creative storytelling.
Directed by two Chinese vloggers, the three-episode series, spanning just under 10 minutes each, talks about the personification of a Chinese jade teapot, which escapes from the British Museum and embarks on (开启)a hard journey ③______ (reunite) with her family in China.The female vlogger who plays the role of the jade teapot comes across a Chinese journalist in London where she believes to be her long-lost family and asks him to take her back home.
The vloggers wrote in ④______ post that this work is a promise, a testament to the passion of independent content creators, a result of the agreement among young ⑤______ (individual), a display of steady dedication regardless of costs. And above all, it represents the ⑥______ (determine)within Chinese to prove ⑦______ (they). Just as the vloggers have expressed, they want their voices ⑧______ (hear) through this video in this fast-paced information age. It also demonstrates that the content of short videos can be more than just humorous; it can be ⑨______ (profound) inspiring. The series not only entertains but also touches on a powerful message - the importance of cultural heritage ⑩______ the longing for repatriation.
33、假定你是李华,你校英语社团计划创建一个英文公众号 (English official account)。请你给社团负责人Ryan写信推荐一个栏目,内容包括:
1. 栏目名称;
2. 栏目内容;
3. 推荐理由。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Ryan,
Li Hua
It had been a long, tiring day because 48-year-old taxi driver Carl had worked for 8 hours. He’d been picking up and dropping off passengers the whole day. He wanted to get home then, but he noticed a panicky (恐慌的)woman getting off a taxi with a child in her arms.
“Why is she shouting at the driver ” Carl slowed down near them. He realized that the woman was begging the driver not to leave her there. The boy was having difficulty breathing, and his arms and legs were shaking uncontrollably. Carl realized the boy was having a seizure (疾病发作)and asked the woman to get into his taxi.
Carl drove as fast as he could. The hospital was several miles away, so he had to race against time to save the boy. Meanwhile, he grew concerned about why the previous driver had dropped them off during such an emergency. The woman told Carl that she and her four-year-old son, Tyler, returned from the park. She told the driver she would pay him once she got home because she didn’t take her purse. But then her son suddenly had a seizure, so she asked the driver to take them to the hospital instead. But the driver refused.
Half an hour later, they arrived at the hospital. Tyler was rushed inside for treatment as his mother waited outside the ward, crying. Carl was hungry and tired but stayed back. An hour later, the doctor said, “Tyler is out of danger now. But it could have been fatal (致命的)if you hadn’t made it here on time.”
Mrs Thomas immediately looked at Carl and cried in tears, thanking Carl for saving her son’s life. Carl was glad Tyler was out of danger. Later, he dropped them off at home, and when Mrs Thomas came out to pay him, he refused. “I have a policy. NO FARES for those making trips to the hospital!” said Carl,“I just did what any good human being would do. And please convey my regards to Tyler!” Mrs. Thomas was moved by his kindness. Carl never changed his policy of dropping off passengers at hospitals for free.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Paragraph 1:
18 years later, 66-year-old Carl booked a taxi to the hospital.
Paragraph 2:
The driver said all the trips he made to the hospital were free.
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段One Day University was founded by Steven Schragis in 2006. He came up with the idea after he dropped his daughter off at college in upstate New York.(2006年,史蒂文 施拉吉斯(Steven Schragis)创办了"一天大学"。他在纽约州北部送女儿上大学后提出了这个想法。)可知,One Day U被成立是因为Schragis女儿的学习。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。根据The History of Jazz这部分的Anna Celenza/George-town University(安娜 塞伦扎/乔治镇大学)可知,Anna Celenza将谈论爵士乐的特点。故选C。
解析:写作目的题。根据最后三行Live Event Full price: $125 Visit One Day U.com or call 800-300-3438.(现场活动全价: $125访问One Day U.com或拨打800-300-3438。)可知,文章的目的是为7月21号的One Day U活动做广告。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“Zhang entered the straw weight bout as a big loser to Andrade, who is tied with the most UFC wins(11)by a woman.(张伟丽 以安德拉德的大输家的身份进入了草量级比赛,安 德拉德是UFC中获胜最多的女性(11场)”可推知,安 德拉德是一个强劲的对手。故选A项。
解析:词句猜测题。根据划线词上一句“Zhang appealed to White to smooth out some reasonable concerns she has about a US fight.(张伟丽向怀特呼吁消除她对美国这一战的一些合理担忧)”及划线句“Please make sure all my corners can come because last time they couldn't come for visa issues(请确保我所有的corners都能来,因为上次他们因为签证问题不能来)”可知,这是上一句提到的呼吁的具体内容,她担心下一次美国的比赛她的corners来不了。结合 下—句“But all my coaches are here with me, supporting me and I won the belt.(但我所有的教练都在这里,支持我,我赢得了腰带)”可知,她认为本次她的教练都在,所以她发挥的很好,赢了比赛。 所以她要确保下一次在美国进行的比赛她的教练们能够到场,所以推测corners指教练们。故选B项。
解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“I think the keys to my win were my calm mindset and the strategy defined by my coaches. All the strategies were practical and predicted every move to help me seize every opportunity.(我认为我获胜的关键是我冷静的心态和教练们制定的策略。所有的策略都是实用的,并预测了每一步,帮助我抓住每一个机会)”可推测,张伟丽把她的取胜归功于她冷静的心态和教练们研发 的策略。故选D项。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“Afterwards, Zhang hoped to inspire more young Chinese women to take up MMA and to be a source of inspiration for women, both in MMA and everyday life.(之后,张伟 丽希望激励更多的中国年轻女性学习综合格斗,并在综合格斗和日常生活中成为女性的鼓舞激励的来源)”可知,张伟丽认为女性也可以有一番作为,做出对社会的影响。故选A项。
解析:细节理解题。第二段最后三句提到“But TEPCO, the Fukushima plant's operator, says the levels are very low. It wants to release 500 Olympic-sized pools' worth of the water into the ocean over three decades. Japan's government backs it.”(但福岛核电 站的运营商东京电力公司表示,辐射水平非常低。 该公司希望在30年内将相当于500个奥运会泳池的水 排放到海洋中。日本政府对此表示支持。)东京电力公司表示核辐射水平非常低,并且将在30年间持续排放核污水,而且日本政府也支持该做法。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。第三段最后两句提到“In South Korea, the issue is more complicated. The conservative government of Yoon Sukyeol, which is committed to rebuilding South Korea's unfriendly ties with Japan, is playing down the risks. Worried South Korean consumers are meanwhile panic-buying sea salt.”(在韩国,这个问题更为复杂。尹锡烈(Yoon Sukyeol)领导的保守派政府正在淡化风险,该政府致 力于重建韩国与日本的不友好关系。与此同时,忧 心忡忡的韩国消费者正在恐慌性地购买海盐。)由于日本和韩国地理位置相邻,很容易受到核污水的 影响,而韩国政府正致力于恢复和日本的不友好关系,由此可知韩国政府对于核污水的排放问题是非 常严肃的。A.optimistic乐观的;B.pessimistic悲观的;C.supportive支持的;D.seriously严肃。D项符合文意,故选D。
解析:推理判断题。最后一段第一句提到“Yet even in Japan there is precious little trust in the nuclear industry, which has a history of messes and covers. ”(然而,即使在日本,人们对核工业的信任也少得可怜,核工业有过混乱和掩盖的历史。)在日本本身就存在对核工业的信任危机,同时东京电力公司 本来对于核污水处理就能力不足,且最后一句提到“ At home the nuclear industry lacks it. Abroad so does Japan.”(在国内,核工业缺乏这种能力。在国外,日本也是如此。)无论是国内外,日本都缺乏处理该问题的能力,因此核污染问题的前车之鉴,加上今年日本对于核污水处理的方式,使得全球范围不再信任日本在核问题处理方式。故选B。
解析:主旨大意题。文章第一段最后一句提 到“Abroad, Fukushima's legacy(遗留问题) is now worsening the region's infamous and disputatious(有争议的) geopolitics.”(在国外,福岛核事故的遗留问题 使得该地区越发臭名昭著,并且成为争议不断的地 缘政治。)福岛核电站事件使得该地在国际层面产 生了非常坏的影响,第二段提到了日本政府对向太 平洋排放核污水这一政策的支持,第三段提到了日 本排放核污水对中国和韩国造成的影响,并且提到 了中国和韩国针对日本排放核污水采取的相应措施,同时最后一段提到了因为福岛核污水的排放, 使得国内和国际环境对日本处理核问题的方法也不 再信任。由此可知,全文讲述了福岛排放核污水行 为在东亚地区所造成的不良影响。C项“East Asia's disagreement about Fukushima nuclear wastewater turns poisonous”该项符合文意。故选C。
解析:词义猜测题。根据文章第二段“While not all will become invasive, experts say there are significant tools to mitigate their spread and impact, protecting and restoring ecosystems in the process.(虽然并非所有物种都将成为入侵物种,但专家表示, 有重要的工具可以mitigate它们的传播和影响,在此 过程中保护和恢复生态系统)”以及第三段“The expert assessment found that there were a wide range of options to prevent the spread and impact of invasive species.(专家评估发现,有多种选择可以防止入侵物 种的传播和影响)”可知,专家根据实验推测找到可 以防止生物入侵的工具,这些工具是为了控制生物的入侵速度影响。由此可知,划线词mitigate与control“控制”意思一致。故选B项。
解析:推理理解题。根据文章第三段“The expert assessment found that there were a wide range of options to prevent the spread and impact of invasive species. Eradication programmes on islands, which are disproportionately affected by the spread of invasive species, have had a 88% success rate.(专家评估发现, 有多种选择可以防止入侵物种的传播和影响。岛屿上的根除计划受到入侵物种传播的不成比例的影 响,成功率达到88%)”可知,本句是本段中心句,表明根除计划的结果,而且后面使用“Examples include Redonda”举例说明。由此推知,在第三段提到 Redonda是为了暗示根除计划是多么成功。故选C项。
解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“We want to highlight that the thing that works the best is prevention. It's much more cost-effective to prevent the introduction of invasive species such as taking bio- security measures, border controls and risk analysis of non-native species that are being introduced intentionally.(我们想强调的是,最有效的方法是预 防。采取生物安全措施、边境控制和对有意引进的 非本地物种进行风险分析等措施来防止入侵物种的引入,成本效益要高得多)”可知,Pauchard表达的重点就是指预防生物入侵。故选A项。
解析:文章大意题。根据文章第一段“Invasive (入侵的) species are costing the world at least $423bn every year and have become a leading threat to the diversity of life on Earth.(入侵物种每年给世界造成至少4230亿美元的损失,并已成为地球生物多样性的 主要威胁)”以及第三和四段首句“The expert assessment found that there were a wide range of options to prevent the spread and impact of invasive species.(专家评估发现,有多种选择可以防止入侵物 种的传播和影响)”以及“But experts said the emphasis had to move towards the prevention of the spread of invasive species instead of costly eradication programmes.(但是专家说,重点必须转向防止入侵 物种的传播,而不是昂贵的根除计划)”可知,生物 入侵会造成巨大损失,是地球生物主要威胁,专家 评估建议解决生物入侵的方法最好是防止。由此可知,D. Invasive species: urgent to be wiped out(入侵物 种:迫切需要消灭)适合作本文最佳标题。故选D项。
解析:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一些不太为人所知 的有助于睡眠的想法。
①根据上文“Foot massages and spa treatments that are focused on the feet are widely practised across China.(以脚部为中心的足底按摩和水疗在中国各地 都很普遍)”可知,此处介绍了中国人常使用的方 法。由此可知,F. The ritual(习惯)is so beloved that many people perform a DIY version at home before bedtime each night.(这个习惯是如此受人喜爱,以至于许多人每晚睡前都在家里自己动手做一个)能够衔接上文,符合语境。选项中的The ritual指代上文中 的Foot massages and spa treatments。故选F。
②根据下文“In Germany, couples have solved the problem of one of them waking up cold whenever their partner rolls over and takes the sheets with them. (在德国,情侣们已经解决了这样的问题:当伴侣翻 身并带走床单时,其中一人会因为寒冷而醒来”可 知,此处在讲述德国人的做法。由此可知,A. Germans Use Separate Duvets(德国人使用单独的羽绒被)能够引领下文,适合作本段小标题,符合语境。故选A。
③根据上文“In Germany, couples have solved the problem of one of them waking up cold whenever their partner rolls over and takes the sheets with them. (在德国,情侣们已经解决了这样的问题:当伴侣翻身并带走床单时,其中一人会因为寒冷而醒来)”可知,德国情侣们找到了解决共用一张床时,有人会 被冻醒的方法。由此可知,G. While it's typical for partners to share a bed, each chooses their own single- sized sheets and a separate duvet(羽绒被).(虽然伴侣共用一张床是很典型的,但每个人都选择自己的单尺寸床单和单独的羽绒被)能够衔接上文,同时引起下文“Not only does that make it less likely that your partner will disturb your sleep when they move around, but you can each customize the amount of bedding you use to stay as warm or as cool as you prefer at night.(这不仅可以减少你的伴侣在走动时打扰你睡眠的可能 性,而且你们可以根据自己的喜好定制床上用品的 数量,以保持温暖或凉爽)”。故选G。
④根据上文“Guatemala has a longstanding tradition of parents putting "worry dolls" under their kids' pillows to comfort them if they are afraid of the dark. Plus, children can tell the tiny dolls their worries before they go to sleep.(危地马拉有一个悠久的传统,父母会把“忧虑娃娃”放在孩子的枕头下,如果他们害怕黑暗,就会安慰他们。此外,孩子们可以在睡觉前告诉小娃娃他们的担忧)”及下文“Adults in that country and in Mexico are increasingly relying on the dolls, too.(这个国家和墨西哥的成年人也越来越 依赖娃娃”可知,此处在讲述危地马拉孩子们保持 的一个传统,而这个习惯已经不在局限于孩子,一些成年人也开始这么做了。由此可知,C. But it's no longer a ritual just for children.(但这已经不再是孩子 们的习惯了)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选C。
⑤根据本段小标题“The British Sleep Naked (英国人裸睡)”及上文“Thirty percent of people in the United Kingdom sleep naked, or at least they did when the most recent global poll(民意调查) on the subject was done.(英国有30%的人裸睡,至少在最近的一项全球调查中是这样的)”可知,本段在讲述英国人裸 睡的问题。由此可知,D. Not wearing clothes to bed might be beneficial for several reasons.(不穿衣服睡觉 有几个原因可能是有益的)能够衔接上文,符合语境。故选D。
解析:根据下文“my mother sacrificed a lot”可知,他的母亲不知疲倦地打工,为的是送他去读书。 故选B。
解析:2010年,“我”在哈佛大学上学,学费只 够一个学期。故选B。
解析:根据上文“with enough money for only one semester”可知,为此,“我”妈妈借了一笔巨额贷款。 故选C。
解析:在家庭、奖学金的帮助下,以及做家庭教师打工挣钱,Desmond能够负担起学费,度过了在美 国“压力很大的前两年”。故选C。
解析:但在这个国家取得如此多的成就后, Desmond现在已经回到喀麦隆,在那里运用自己的 知识和技能。故选D。
解析:每个人在实现自己的目标和梦想时都会遇到一些障碍,但这些障碍尤其针对那些来自贫 困社区的人。根据句意和上一段中的“adversity”可知,应选C项。
解析:根据下文“Desmond was one of those children.”以及上文的描述可知,Desmond来自穷苦家庭。故选B。
解析:他希望自己的故事能激励孩子们认识到,尽管面临着严峻的逆境,但完全有可能实现那些 看起来遥不可及的梦想。故选D。
解析:解析同13题。beyond one's reach意为 “够不着,遥不可及”。故选C。
32、答案:①which②has taken③to reunite④a⑤individuals⑥determination⑦themselves⑧to be heard⑨profoundly⑩and
Dear Ryan,
I’m really excited to be informed that we are going to start an English official account, which is definitely a wonderful idea. As for proposals, I’d like to recommend “Students’ Voice” as a distinctive column.
As studying is always students’ top priority, we students are under great pressure and lack opportunities to be listened to. Why not help students express their inner feelings and have a good mood to embrace the tough yet bright future This column, I promise, is bound to be a precious outlet and a stepping stone to communicating fluently in English.
That’s all for my advice! Thank you!
Li Hua
原句:As for proposals, I’d like to recommend “Students’ Voice” as a distinctive column.
拓展句:As for proposals, I’d like to recommend “Students’ Voice” as a distinctive column, which is beneficial to students.
【高分句型1】I’m really excited to be informed that we are going to start an English official account, which is definitely a wonderful idea. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型2】Why not help students express their inner feelings and have a good mood to embrace the tough yet bright future (运用了why not句型以及非谓语动词不定式作目的状语)
18 years later, 66-year-old Carl booked a taxi to the hospital. He had developed health issues due to old age. He was going to the hospital for some tests. He was waiting outside his house when a taxi pulled over. Carl waved at the young driver. He got in and told the driver to drop him off at the hospital. The driver replied and continued driving. They didn’t talk much during the half-hour drive. Arriving at the hospital, Carl asked the driver how much he should pay.
The driver said all the trips he made to the hospital were free. Carl was surprised and asked why. The driver smiled, “Because when I was little, I had seizure on the road, and a kind taxi driver drove me to the hospital for free and saved my life. My mother told me the driver never charged for trips to the hospital. His kindness inspired me, so I do the same!” Carl’s heart felt lighter and happier and asked the young man’s name. The driver said, “My name is Tyler.” Carl spoke no more, and tears of joy filled his eyes.
①停车:pull over/stop
③到达:arrive at/reach/get to
[高分句型1]Arriving at the hospital, Carl asked the driver how much he should pay.(运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2]Because when I was little, I had seizure on the road, and a kind taxi driver drove me to the hospital for free and saved my life. (运用了because引导的原因状语从句)



