
一 、完形填空
1-5 BCDAA 6-10 BCDAB
二 、阅读理解
11-15 DCBDC 16-20 CCABB 21-25 CACBB
三 、任务型完型填空
26-30 lived loved invited kept goodbye
31-35 chatting singing cut afraid leave
四 、任务型阅读理解
38. We wake up every day and decide how we will feel that day.
39. We may feel more tired and bored.
40.Because the temperature there is the best for humans.
五 、词汇考察
41-45 to improve leaves leading importance making
46-50 is heated Italian death impolite pronunciation
六 、作文
要求:文中必须包括表格中全部内容要点,正确使用used to do 结构,可适当发挥
字数80字左右2023——2024 学年第一学期联片办学期中考试初三年级英语学科试卷
(满分:90 分 考试时间:90 分钟)
— 、完形填空。(共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10 分)
People all over the world celebrate the new year. However, not all countries celebrate in the same way, and in some countries, the new year doesn’t begin on the 1 date ever year.
In many countries, the new year begins on 1st January, but people start celebrating on 31st December, New Year’s Eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square. 2 they’re waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 o’clock, everyone 3 down from 10: 10, 9, 8… As soon as it’s 12 o’clock, everyone shouts very 4 , “Happy New Year!”
New Year’s Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a 5 .
On New Year’s Day, many people make resolutions(决心)for the new year. They 6 a list of
things, such as “I will help out more with housework. I will work 7 at school than others.” or “I won’t spend so much time playing video games.” When they have made 8 list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to 9 their resolutions.
So it doesn’t matter how they celebrate, 10 people in countries all over the world, it’s a time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new.
( )1.A.similar B.same C.important D.normal
( )2.A.If B.Even though C.When D.Before
( )3.A.comes B.turns C.looks D.counts
( )4.A.loudly B.quietly C.sadly D.safely
( )5.A.walk B.secret C.job D.treat
( )6.A.put on B.write down C.take away D.look after
( )7.A.quickly B.hard C.harder D.hardly
( )8.A.its B.his C.her D.their
( )9.A.achieve B.make C.do D.give
( )10.A.by B.for C.with D.from
二 、阅读理解。(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分)
On a cold early morning, an old woman was carrying a big basket of cabbages on her head to the market. She hoped to sell them to the people in the town.
The mountain road was narrow( 狭 窄 )and the old woman was walking carefully,
because she did not want to lose cabbages. Suddenly she heard a loud bell and a bicycle came. It passed her and went very fast down the hill.The old woman had to jump up to one side of the road so quickly that the basket of cabbages nearly fell into the valley( 山谷 ).She looked up, and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle. He was riding on without even looking around to see whether the old woman was all right.
The old woman began to shout,"Come back,young man! You dropped something!"
When he heard this, the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he nearly fell off. "What is it "he asked."What did I drop ""Little boy,"the old woman answered,"you dropped your manners."
11.What was the old woman carrying
A basket of eggs. B.A basket of pears.
C.A basket of apples. D.A basket of cabbages 12.Why did the woman go to the town
A.Because she went to see her son B.Because she went to buy cabbages. C.Because she went to sell her cabbages. D.Because she went to buy a bicycle. 13.What was the mountain road like
A.The mountain road was wide. B.The mountain road was narrow C.The mountain road was long. D.The mountain road was untidy. 14.Which one is RIGHT according to the passage
The boy stopped to buy some cabbages.
The boy stopped to take the old woman to the town
The boy stopped to pick up the cabbages.
The boy stopped to ask the old woman what he dropped. 15.What did the boy drop
A.The boy dropped his cabbages. B.The boy dropped his money. C.The boy dropped his manners. D.The boy dropped his books.
Find the Beatles Tour
a tour you’ll never forget! The two-hour tour takes visitors to get on a colorful bus to see many places that have to do with the Beatles! People will see where John, Paul,George and Ringo,members of the band, grew up and
Adults:$ 18.95 Students: $15 Children under 6: $10
The LFC Stadium Tour
No trip to the city is complete
without a visit to Anfield Stadium, home to Liverpool Football Club.The LFC Stadium Tour is a truly unforgettable experience for all.Whether
of the club.
Open from 11:00 am. to 5:00 p.m, Monday to Friday. Adults:$20 Students:$12 Children under 6: Free
Knowsley Safari(
Start your day with a tour of the 550-acre
Safari Drive and make friends with more than 700 wild animals, including baboons
camels, wildebeest
( 牛羚)
and rhinos
all from your car window.
Knowsley Safari promises a safe and enjoyable day. Adults: $18 Students:$10 Children under 3: free
( )16.What can you learn from the Beatles Tour
A.Popular sports in Liverpool B. A number of wild animals. C.Members of a music band. D.many fans.
( )17.How much do a student and her parents spend on the Knowsley Safari Drive A.$30. B.$36. C. $46. D.$54.
( )18.When can you go to Anfield Stadium
A.3:00 p.m. on Fridays. B.6:00 p.m. on Mondays. C.9:00 am. on Wednesdays. D. 11:00 am. on Saturdays.
( )19.If you want to learn the history of Liverpool, which program should you join
A. Find the Beatles Tour. B.The LFC Stadium Tour.
C. Knowsley Safari. D. All of these programs. ( )20.Where is the text probably from
A.a school notice B.A travel website C.a personal diary D.a TV report
Beijing Opera(京剧) is our national opera. It came into being after 1790 and has a history of over 200 years. Its music and singing came from Xipi and erhuang in Anhui and Hubei.There are four main roles in Beijing Opera:Sheng, Dan ,Jing and Chou.Beijing Opera is full of famous stories, wonderful gestures and fighting.Some of the stories are from history books, but most are from famous novels.The
people in the stories usually can't agree with each other.They become angry,unhappy,sad and lonely. Sometimes they are frightened and worried. Then they find a way to make peace with each other.Everyone is usually happy in the end.
Beijing Opera is an important part of Chinese culture.In China it used to be popular with old people but young people didn't like it. However, more and more young people are becoming interested in it now. And more people around the world are learning about Beijing Opera's special singing and facial paintings.
How many years does Beijing Opera have in 2023 A.203 B.213 C.233 D.237
Beijing Opera’s came from Xipi and erhuang in Anhui and Hubei.
A.music and singing B.acting and fighting C.music and acting D. singing and fighting 23.What's the end of each story in Beijing Opera
A.Angry. B.Sad C.Happy. D.Frightened and worried. 24.Which of the following is TRUE
Beijing Opera used to be popular with old people and young people.
More people are interested in Beijing Opera now.
Beijing Opera isn't a part of Chinese culture.
There are five main roles in Beijing Opera. 25.What's the best title of the passage
A.The History of Beijing Opera B.Beijing Opera
C.The Roles of Beijing Opera D.The Changes of Beijing opera
三 、任务型完型填空。(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)
Once there 26 a rich man called King. He 27 chatting ( 聊 天 ) very much. Every day he had his wife do all the housework, so he had enough time to chat with others.
One summer afternoon, his friend Bruce 28 him to his birthday party. King 29 on chatting at table. Later, all the other friends had left, but he didn't notice it. Bruce was worried, because he had just received a call from his sister and he would go to the station to meet her. But King didn't say 30 to him, and he went on 31 . At that time. King's wife came in and asked her husband, "Would you like a roast(烤制的) bird, dear "
"Of course, " King answered, "but where is it "
"I heard a bird 32 in the big tree outside just now," said the woman. "I want it to be the last dish. I'll 33 the tree down. . . "
"But I'm 34 it will fly away when you begin to cut the tree," said King.
"Don't worry about it, dear," the woman said with a smile. "It is a stupid bird. It doesn't know when to 35 . "
26. _____________27.____________28._____________29._______________30.________
四 、任务型阅读理解。(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分) 阅读下面短文并按要求完成下列各题。
Have you found that on grey, rainy days, your mood( 情 绪 ) is usually lower than on bright, sunny days Is this a coincidence (巧合), or is there any science behind this
According to a recent study, there is a connection①b weather and moods. Going to a warm place in winter can make our moods better. Good weather can improve moods and memory. However, hot weather can make us feel more tired and bored.
The best temperature for humans is about 22.2 ℃ . That explains why people in southern California are happy all the time. ②To improve his or her moods, a person must spend at least 30 minutes outside in warm, sunny weather.
Maybe only the activities connected with being outside affect( 影 响 )our moods. Warm weather is connected with the beach, fun outdoor sports and so on. It brings back childhood memories of playing outside all day. Who doesn’t love that
④我们每天醒来,并决定那天的感觉是怎样的。If it’s rainy, that won’t make us happy. We will just have to take our umbrellas out and cheer up those who are feeling sad.
根据首字母提示,在①使句子完整36. ①
How may we feel on extremely hot days
Why are people in southern California happy all the time
五 、词汇考察。(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)
Watching moves is a good way (improve) your English.
Autumn is coming and (leaf)are turning yellow.
In order to be polite, sometimes you need to spend time (lead)in to a request. 44.Do you know the (important)of sharing and giving love and joy to people 45.Please avoid (make)such mistakes again.
If ice (heat), it will change into water.
The (Italy) restaurant isn’t open on Monday mornings.
Her cat’s (die)made her sad.
It’s (polite)to speak to the old man so loudly.
The teacher’s (pronounce) is very good. Everyone likes her class.
六 、书面表达。(满分15 分)
假如你叫韩梅,刚转到一所新学校。你的英国朋友Candy 希望了解你最近的经历和变化。请根据下面表格中的信息,以韩梅的身份写一封信,告诉她你的变化。
过去 现在
有很多朋友,性格开朗 几乎没有朋友,变得沉默寡言
花很多时间和朋友一起玩 多数时间用在功课上
对功课没有兴趣,成绩不好 变得爱学习了,成绩提高很快
语言流畅,内容连贯,书写规范,卷面整洁,短文词数不少于 80。



