
1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C
7. When he was six.
8. She used to be really shy.
9. (To) the school gym.
10. She learned to fly a kite.
11. Her grandparents.
12. She rode horses and played with her dog.
13. Possible version:
I’ve got some ideas on having a good laugh. It’s important to us. ①It helps reduce stress. Also, ②it is good for our health. So how can we have a good laugh We can ③read some interesting stories. We can ④watch comedies (in our free time). We can also ⑤play fun games (with our families and friends)! I hope all of you can have a good laugh every day.
1. 内容完整。上面5条信息中缺少①④,每个扣1分;缺少②③⑤,每个扣2分。
2. 语言准确。语法及拼写错误3-5个扣1分,6个以上扣2分,语言最多扣2分。
3. 只要转述合理,人称不做要求。大小写、标点有错误,不扣分。
14.C 15. C 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. D
23. B 24. C
25. C 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. D
33. B 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. B
42. A 43. A 44. C 45. B
46. By using an independently developed 5G robot./ The operation was done by a medical team operating the robot from the Zhongshan Eye Center in Haikou.
47. It is a special arm (that makes accurate remote control possible).
48. Within half a year.
49. 本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。
Possible version1: Yes, I’d like to. It is more accurate than the common way and since even the young doctors can perform eye surgery with 5G robot’s help, it is more convenient for us to have an eye surgery without waiting for too long.
Possible version2: No, I won’t like to. Although this technology is promising, I am not sure if it is safe enough for people. Besides, maybe it will cost more money as it is a new technology with 5G robot’s help.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China. I am writing to ask some information about our school reading club.
I take a great interest in this club for the following reasons. Reading helps me gain much knowledge and broaden my horizon. Besides, if I take part in reading club activities, I can meet a lot of like-minded friends.
I would be grateful if you let me know the details of the reading club. Could you please tell me the timetable and the place of the club activities Also, it would be really helpful if you could inform me of the requirements for joining the club. I can meet you personally if possible or be reached at 90899320.
Thank you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua
Go Beyond Ourselves
It’s important for us to go beyond ourselves when facing a challenge. I used to be poor at spoken English. I tried many times but found it hard for me to speak in front of people.
I decided to try my best to go over the difficulty. At first, I found a friend to be my language partner. We practiced spoken English together whenever possible. Later, I turned to my English teacher for help. I listened to her advice and started to watch English movies and learn to sing English songs. It really worked. Now, my spoken English has improved a lot and I am able to give an English speech in front of my class with confidence.
I’ve learned a lot from this experience. When we face a challenge, we should never limit ourselves to reach beyond. Instead, we should keep trying. What’s more, we can always ask for help from those who can bring the best in us.
听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有两个小题, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。
W: Hi, Peter. You look great in your new shirt. M: Oh, really Thank you. W: When did you buy it M: My mom bought it for me last week. It feels soft. W: What is it made of M: It’s made of cotton. W: Wow! I’d like to buy one for my little brother. M: I think he will like it.
M: Hi, Claire. You seem worried. What’s wrong W: Hello, Mark. I’m taking Mr. Brown’s history class this term, but I find it really hard. M: Why is that W: I am interested in history, but there’re too many history facts for me to take down. M: But you don’t have to write everything down. Notes are just a few words that help you understand. W: What do you mean M: Look at my notes. I just write down key words. Sometimes I draw mind maps. W: Wow, you do know how to take notes! M: Maybe you can start by writing down key words. W: You’re right. I’ll try it next class.
M: Good morning, everyone! I’m your tour guide for today’s trip in town. At around 9 a.m, we’ll get to the town and take a guided tour of the Sunville University there. Then, we’ll visit the boat museum two blocks away. It attracts many visitors every day. After lunch, we’ll go to the wildlife park. We need to stay on the bus while we are touring around because some animals can be dangerous. And you’re not allowed to feed animals. We’ll leave the wildlife park at 5:30 p.m. The journey back takes about an hour. So there’ll be half an hour to rest before dinner at 7 p.m. at the hotel. Let me know if you have any questions.
W: Hi, Mario! You speak English so well! M: Thank you. I’ve been learning it for many years. W: When did you start learning English M: When I was six.
M: Kate has changed a lot! W: Oh, yeah Why do you say that M: She used to be really shy. But now she’s quite outgoing. W: People sure change.
M: Excuse me, Miss Molly, could you tell me where the school gym is W: Sure. It’s just next to the dining hall. M: How can I get there W: Just walk along and turn right at the second crossing. It is on your left.
M: Hi, Laura. How was your vacation W: It was great! I went to Weifang in Shandong. M: Did you go to the international kite festival W: Yes. It was great. And you know what I learned to fly a kite!
M: Hi, Lisa. You grew up on a farm, didn’t you W: Yes. I did. M: Who did you live with W: I lived with my grandparents. M: What was it like growing up on a farm W: It was the best. I used to have so much fun. M: Really What did you do then W: I rode horses and played with my dog. M: Sounds like you spent a lot of time outdoors. W: Sure I did.
W: Hello, everyone. Today I’d like to talk about having a good laugh. Laughing really matters to us. Why It’s easy to understand that it helps reduce stress. Also, according to doctors, laughing is good for our health. It can help sick people get better more quickly. So how can we have a good laugh We can read some interesting stories. Watching comedies in our free time can surely bring a lot of laughs. We can also play fun games with our families and friends! I hope all of you can have a good laugh every day.



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