
21. —How do you know about the young boy standing over there
—Oh, I heard that he dreamed of being NBA player when he was university student.
A. a ; an B.an ; a C.the ; a D.an ; the
22. Jane asked me for my about how to achieve a balance between hobbies and schoolwork.
A. position B.suggestion C.attention D. introduction
23. your father is well again, you no longer have anything to worry about.
A.Since B.Before C.Although D.While
24. an actor, Zhang Songwen playing in the the play The Knockout.
A. As ; is famous for B. Like ; is famous for C. As ; is famous as D. Like ; is famous as
25. —Which would you like, a cup of coffee or a bottle of orange, Jane
— . I’d just like a cup of tea.
A. Either B.Both C.None D. Neither
26. The award music by Tan Dun was played when medals to the winners.
A. wrote ; were presented B. was written ; presented
C. written ; were presented D. written ; presented
27. The brave man saved an old lady out of the river. great courage he showed!
A. What a B.What C. How a D.How
28. Our PE teacher thought of us at the sports meeting because we jumped very .
A. high ; highly B. high ; high C.highly ; highly D. highly ; high
29. Believe it or not, the old building still the same after the strong earthquake.
A.refused B.remained C.required D. reminded
30. —When can I go to the playground
—As soon as the sports meeting tomorrow.
A. is taking place B. will take place C. is held D. will be held
31. —Mum, my computer doesn’t work. It needs .
—OK, I will have it .
A. repairing ; repaired B. to repair ; repair
C. be repaired ; repairing D. being repaired ; to repair
32. When a big forest fire in Chongqing, many volunteers from different areas joined the firemen putting out the wild fire.
A. came out B. broke out C. cut out D. found out
33. — will the discussion end
— we reach an agreement.
A. How long ; Not until B. When ; Not until C. How long ; Until D. When ; Until
34. —What did Mary say to you just now, Alan
—She asked .
A. if I could go to the museum with her tomorrow
B. why I am so sad today
C. who did I play volleyball with after school
D. what will I do on the weekend
35. —Thank you for sharing your ruler with me.
— . That’s what friends are for.
A. With pleasure B. It doesn’t matter C. Don’t mention it D. Never mind
Have you ever run a race Each of us wants to come first in the race. Simon, a 36 from Kenya, had taken part in the Okpekpe 10-kilometer road race twice. In 2016 he got the first place and in 2018 he came second. This time he wanted to become the first runner to win two 37 medals in this race.
It was the last round. Simon was about to cross the finishing line when he 38 another Kenyan runner named Kenneth fall down. Without thinking too much, Simon 39 to Kenneth to lift him up. However, Kenneth could 40 stand straight, let alone(更不用说,更别提) continue running by himself. Seeing the finishing line just a few meters away, Simon made a 41 to carry Kenneth to the finishing line.
The pair moved 42 to the finishing line. Other runners ran past 43 one by one.
Simon failed in winning the gold medal, 44 he won people’s hearts. “This is what is called sportsmanship,” a race officer said. “He is a true 45 .”
When asked 46 he stopped to help, Simon explained, “My dad told me, when you meet a person in trouble, help him. Don’t leave him alone. That was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw Kenneth
47 on the ground.” Running is not 48 . Running brings unity (团结), love and peace. If more people think like Simon, we’ll have a much friendlier and more 49 world!
Life is like a 50 . It’s truly not about whether we win or lose, but about how we run.
36.A.walker B. runner C.lifter D.swimmer
37.A.gold B.silver C.wood D.glass
38.A.felt B.dreamed C.noticed D.watched
39.A.rushed B.walked C.jumped D.danced
40.A.only B. easily C. hardly D.simply
41.A.difference B.speech C.decision D.wish
42.A.slowly B.quickly C. angrily D.happily
43. A.us B.you C.them D.themselves
44. A.so B.and C.or D.but
45.A.winner B.speaker C.loser D.officer
46. A.how B.why C.when D.where
47.A.walking B.standing C.moving D.lying
48. A.war B.project C.experience D.plan
49.A.successful B.careful C. useful D.peaceful
50.A. mirror B.race C.poem D.book
After-school club Come and have fun together! Time: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 3:15 p.m.—5:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays:3:15 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Place: Mondays, and Fridays: Room 201 Tuesdays and Thursdays: Room 203 Activity: Cooking, painting, reading, computing, games or just come and hang out with your classmates. *Free snacks and drinks Fee: 3:15 pm—4:30 pm $5 3:15 pm—5:30 pm $9 Tips: Ten students for each session(场). If you are interested, please book ahead or before 2:00 p.m.on the day. To know more about the club,call 01338766 or email us at weclub@.
51. When does the club activity begin every day
A.At 3:15 p.m. B.At 4:15 p.m. C.At 4:30 p.m. D.At 5:30 p.m.
52.How much should John pay each week if he goes to the club on Monday and Tuesday
A.$5. B.$10 C.$14. D.$18.
53.What do we know from the poster
A.All the chub activities take place in Room 201.
B.It’s okay to book at 1:30 p.m.if you want to go.
C.The club helps students know more about their school.
D.Students should be good at something to join the club.
A bystander (旁观者) in Montana took a touching picture of a fireman reading a book to a little girl in the street. He was trying to take her mind off the sadness of their family’s car accident.
It was nighttime about a month ago when the firemen hurried to the two-car accident. While the other members of the team and the girl’s parents were busy dealing with the accident and police reports, fireman Ryan Benton took a book out of his bag and started reading to her in the street. “This allowed her to keep quiet and allowed the parents to pay attention to dealing with their broken car with the police and the driver of the other car,” said a fire department spokesperson. “Sweetest thing ever!” wrote Allie Marie Schmalz, the bystander, on Facebook (脸书) when she posted her photo of the 26-year-old fireman.
We’ve learned after news reports that the firemen always carry book bags to give to children in nervous situations. In the bags, there is a toy animal, a book about firemen, and other books that can make a young child’s mind peaceful.
Julie Angle later wrote on the Billings Fireman Facebook page,and she said how thankful she was for the moving practice. “A few years ago we experienced the firemen giving my kids toy animals after a fire. My girls remember that more than the fire. It was surely something we will always be thankful for!”
54.Who read a book to a little girl in the street
A.A bystander B.Ryan Benton. C.Allie Marie D.Julie Angle
55.According to the passage, the little girl ______________ just after the car accident.
A.lost her parents B.experienced terrible things
C.received toy animals from the fireman D.kept quiet when listening to a book
56.What is the main purpose of writing the passage
A.To give some tips to overcome difficulties.
B.To give us some knowledge of the firemen.
C.To show us how the firemen gave the kids the peace in the accidents.
D.To show us how people deal with cars with the police in the accidents.
57.What do you think of the firemen according to the passage
A.Warm. B.Nervous. C.Polite. D.Careless
Are you shy If you are, you are not alone.In fact,close to 50 percent of people are shy. Almost 80 percent of people feel shy at some point in their lives. Now, scientists are trying to understand shyness. They have some interesting ideas about why people are shy.
Is it possible to be born shy Many scientists say yes.They say 15 to 20 percent of babies behave shyly. These babies are a little quieter and more watchful than other babies. Interestingly, these shy babies usually have shy parents. As a result, scientists think that some shyness is genetic.
Family size might cause people to be shy as well. Scientists at Harvard University studied shy children. They found that 66 percent of them had older brothers and sisters. The scientists said that these children were often bullied (欺负) by their older brothers and sisters. As a result, they became shy. At the same time, children with no brothers and sisters may be shy as well. Growing up alone, they often play by themselves. They are not able to learn the same social skills as children from big families.
You may also be shy because of where you were born. When scientists studied shyness indifferent countries, they found differences. In Japan, most people said they were shy. But in Israel, only one of three people say so. What explains the difference One scientist says the Japanese and Israelis have different opinions about failure. In Japan, when people fail, they feel bad about themselves. They blame (责备) themselves for their failure. In Israel, the opposite is true. Israelis often blame failure on outside reasons, such as family, teachers, friends or bad luck. In Israel, freedom of opinion and risk taking are strongly supported. This may by why Israelis worry less about failure and are less shy.
For shy people, it can be difficult to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can get over your shyness. They suggest trying new things and practicing conversations. And don’t forget-if you are shy, you are not the only one.
58. What is the passage mainly about
A.Happiness. B.Shyness. C.Kindness. D.Loneliness.
59. What does the underlined word “genetic” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A.Passed down from parents. B.Learned from friends.
C.Taught by teachers. D. Made up by brothers.
60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Most little babies are born shy and quiet.
B. If you are shy now, you will be shy forever.
C. Many shy children have older brothers and sisters.
D. Most Israeli people are shy of expressing opinions.
61.We can learn from the passage that may cause shyness.
A.genetics, grownups and birthplace B. genetics, family size and birthplace
C. family size, grownups and failure D. genetics, family size and freedom
I soon saw two pirates lying on the deck at the back of the ship.One was dead. The other, Israel Hands, was injured and calling for rum. The cabins were broken and dirty. I found some food, a bottle of rum and some water. I drank the water and gave Hands the rum. As he drank it, the colour returned to his cheeks.
“I am taking over this ship, Mr Hands,” I said. “You will treat me as your captain Jim.”
He looked at me sourly, but he could do nothing. I then took down the Jolly Roger flag and threw it into the sea.
“I imagine,” said Hands, “you want to get ashore. Now you need my help. Give me some food and drink, and something to tie up my wound. Then I’ll tell you how to sail the ship.”
“I want to get to North Inlet.”
Hands agreed to help me, and the Hispaniola was sailing easily along the coast of Treasure Island. I found a handkerchief to help Hands tie up the knife wound in his leg. After eating and drinking, he sat up and looked better.
We soon arrived at the North Inlet. Hands was very good at guiding me in and I followed his instructions perfectly. We turned into the beach, and came easily to have a rest.
I was busy bringing the ship in safely and forgot to watch Hands.When I turned around, Hands was standing behind me, his knife ready. I jumped away and ran along the deck. It amazed me how quickly he could move with his wounded leg. I quickly climbed up the ropes and prepared both my guns.
“One more move, Mr Hands,” I said, “and I’ll kill you!”
Suddenly, one of his hands went back, and a knife flew through the air. I felt a sharp pain.Both guns fired, and fell into the sea together with Israel Hands.
Then I climbed off the ship and swam ashore. When I arrived at the fort, everything was quiet. I opened the door and walked in when my foot touched someone’s leg. Someone was sleeping on the ground. He moved but did not wake. Then all of a sudden a shrill voice called out in the darkness:
“Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!”
It was Long John Silver’s parrot, Captain Flint!
“Who is it ” Silver cried.
I turned to escape (逃跑), but someone closed his arms around me and held me tight.
-Taken from Treasure Island
62.Where did Jim want to go
A.Home. B.The cabin. C.The North Inlet. D.The sea.
63.Why did Jim help Hands tie up the knife wound in his leg
A.Because Hands needed a bottle of rum.
B.Because Jim took pity on Hands.
C. Because Hands would be the new captain.
D. Because Hands could guide Jim how to sail the ship.
64.Which is the correct time order according to the story
a.A knife hurt me and Hands fell into the sea.
b.We turned into the beach, and came to have a rest.
c. I looked for some food, rum and some water in the cabins.
d. I climbed up the ropes with guns quickly to shoot Hands.
e. I climbed off the ship and swam ashore.
A.a-b-c-d-e B.c-b-d-a-e C.c-d-b-a-e D. b-a-e-d-c
65. What can we infer from the story
A. Hands looked better after eating and drinking.
B. Hands arrived at the fort with Jim at last.
C. Jim was one of the pirates in this story.
D. Jim was caught by Long John Silver at the fort.
In classes, your teachers will talk about topics that you are studying. The information they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests. 66
Here are three stages(阶段)of taking notes and what you should do during each stage.
Before Class
Review your notes you have taken before you come to class. 67 Get you ready to understand new information your teacher will provide.
During Class
68 And you should pay attention to “the signal word” that tells you what your teacher is going to say and it is important to write in your notes. Be sure to include in your notes information that your teacher repeats or writes on the blackboard. Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviations(缩写)such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short sentences.
After Class
69 You can change abbreviations into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences. Use them to answer your questions. 70
A.If necessary, ask your teacher or classmates for help.
B. It’s good for remembering what you studied.
C.Rewrite your notes to make them more complete and accurate(准确的).
D.It’s very helpful to read aloud in class.
E. Keep your attention on what your teacher is saying.
F.So you must be able to take good notes from what your teachers say.
G.Be sure to get to class on time.
71.Traffic lights are ______________(控制) by a central computer.
72.The task was so difficult that we had to do a lot of ______________(研究) on it.
73.Those talented _______________(音乐家) works sound really great.
74.Reading English ______________(大声地) is a good way to improve our oral English.
75.You can’t imagine how much difficulty he has ______________(解决) the problems.
76.Tom ______________(成功) in breaking a record in the school sports meeting yesterday.
77.I’m strongly a______________ smoking because it may cause cancer.
78.To everyone’s s______________, the young boy could carry such a heavy bag.
79.What ______________(be important) most is not the result but whether you have tried your best.
80.These flowers are very ____________(not special). You can see them everywhere in my town.
People send birthday greetings by 81 (use) cards in both Eastern and Western countries. It is 82 (know) when and where exactly the tradition began. It is said that it might begin in England in the early 83 (nineteen) century. In those days people 84 (send) birthday cards when they couldn’t wish somebody a happy birthday in person.
In 1840 the first stamp 85 (use) in Britain and sending birthday cards became easier, cheaper and
86 (popular). The development of color printing processes (工艺流程) in the1930s also helped to increase sales of birthday cards.
Today cards are often given with a present,even when people can express 87 (they) wishes face to face. In recent times e-cards 88 (become) popular. Many people are starting to use e-cards instead of traditional cards because they are free, environmentally friendly and easy 89 (arrive). So will e-cards take place of paper cards completely in ten or twenty years Probably not. For example, for kids and old people, they don’t use e-cards very often.
If your birthday comes soon,do you wish that at 90 (little) one person could congratulate you with a beautiful card then
人生如旅,在你的成长过程中,许多人感动着你,影响着你,如:父母、老师、朋友、故事人物……,最近我校正在举办以“The person who has influenced me most”为题的中学生英语征文活动,你的母亲深深地影响着你,请根据表中的内容要点完成征文。
基本情况 1. 四十多岁,在当地一家银行工作; 2. 对音乐感兴趣,喜欢拉小提琴;
优秀品质 富有耐心,操持家务,照顾家人; 充满爱心,乐意帮助他人…… 参加慈善,捐钱捐物……
对我的帮助 帮助我的学业,倾听烦恼,告诉我不放弃……
我的感受 ……
The person who has influenced me most
The person who has influenced me most is my mother. ____________________________________________
71.controlled 72.research 73.musicians’ 74.aloud 75.solving
76.succeeded 77.against 78.surprise 79.matters mon
81.using 82.unknown 83.nineteenth 84.sent 85.was used
86.more popular 87.their 88.have become 89.to arrive 90.least



