江苏省南通市海安市高级中学2023-2024高三上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案 含听力音频及听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.Why does the man need a map
A.To tour Manchester. B.To find a restaurant. C.To learn about China.
2.What kind of mask is the man wearing
A.A N95 mask. B.A cloth mask. C.A KF95 mask.
3.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Husband and wife. B.Mother and son. C.Colleagues.
4.How does the woman sound
A.Pleased. B.Touched. C.Anxious.
5.What are the speakers talking about
A.A video. B.A singer. C.A program.
6.Where does the conversation take place
A.In an office. B.In a restaurant. C.Over the phone.
7.What will the man do tomorrow morning
A.Deliver a suit. B.Attend a meeting. C.Pick up someone
8.What is the woman's plan for tonight
A.Learning to bake. B.Reviewing for a test. C.Attending a party.
9.What dessert does the woman like best
A.Tea ice cream. B. Banana cupcakes. C.Strawberry pancakes.
10. How does the woman sound
A.Satisfied. B. Unhappy. C. Excited.
11. What does the woman probably do
A She's a lawyer. B. She's a doctor. C.She's a salesperson.
12.When will the woman take her holiday
A.In the summer. B.In the fall. C.In the winter.
13.What is the woman doing
A.Hosting a show. B.Giving a lecture. C.Having a class.
14. How did Steven's mother influence him
A.By sending him to poetry classes.
B.By teaching him to write business plans.
C.By asking him to read from early childhood.
15. What does Steven find most difficult in writing
A.Finding the right words.
B. Choosing a suitable topic.
C. Describing real experiences.
16. What is Steven's opinion on his own writing ·
A.Creative. B. Successful. C. Encouraging.
17.What is the rate of the average global temperature increase
A.0.15 to 0.20°C per year.
B. 0.15 to 0.20°C every five years.
C.0.15 to 0.20°℃ per decade.
18. At what average temperature will coral reefs begin to die
A.35℃. B.37℃. C.38℃.
19. What will happen if the average temperature reaches 39°Cto 41°℃
A. Sunflowers won't survive anymore.
B. Most countries will be drowned.
C.Sea animals will die massively.
20. What does the speaker mean in the end
A.We should make some changes.
B. We have lost our last chance.
C.We can stop global warming
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The London Book Fair
Time and Location
The London Book Fair will take place 18-20 November, 2023, Olympia London.
Children's & Young Adult
Our Children's & Young Adult section traditionally welcomes the leading names in the field to exhibit. These companies enjoy noisy passageways full of visitors and benefit from the opportunity to increase brand awareness. However, any children under 16 are not allowed to be at The London Book Fair.
Authors & Self-Publishing
Author HQ, which consists of a theatre and networking area, is one of our most popular features,attracting great interest from the self-publishing community. Meanwhile,our Author of the Day programme helps bring writers face-to-face with bestselling authors who will share their journey to publication during a special series of talks at the fair.
Technology and Publishing Solutions
All the new ways to treat content are found in the Tech area at LBF, situated in the National Gallery of Olympia. Whether it is an app, game, mobile development or enhanced eBook- or a development not yet launched-the Tech area is its home. To keep the creativity flowing, there is a dedicated Buzz Bar in the heart of the Tech area for those all-important networking meetings.
BA Members
BA Members attend the fair for FREE and receive a number of key benefits, making the fair a more accessible, cost-effective and highly relevant event for booksellers. Simply click here to find out more about becoming a BA member and take advantage of this offer.
If you have any further difficulties, please contact our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.
21.Who will be welcomed by the London Book Fair
A.A mother with a kid. B.A green hand writer.
C.A primary school student. D. A visitor getting to London in July.
22. What should we do to gain more benefits on the fair
A. Apply for BA members. B. Attend networking meetings.
C. Increase brand awareness. D.Contact Customer Services team.
23. Where is this text probably taken from
A.A textbook. B.A newspaper.
C.A website. D.A fashion magazine
For several years, “fly on the wall” was Esther Ruth Mbabazi's approach to photography.Be invisible. Don't influence the scene. Then, in 2019, the 28-year-old Ugandan had an opportunity to do just the opposite.
That when Mbabazi learned of the Gulu for Women with Disabilities Union (GUWODU), a professional and social center in a small city in Uganda's north. There, she partnered with seven women on a portrait series that was a celebration of individuality and personal expression. “I was tired of the images I was seeing out there,especially here in Uganda, where people with disabilities are robbed of their personalities,” said Mbabazi.“They're photographed as people who can't do anything. I didn't want my images to look like that.”
Over one years, she made four trips to Gulu and photographed women she met, including a land mine survivor missing a leg, a deaf mother of four, and a blind musician. They posed in custom dresses, created by a Kampala-based designer,against backdrops(背景幕布)of art and handiwork they had made. When Mbabazi asked the women how they wanted to be seen,they told her: as capable, equal, intelligent. In other words, the dignity that Ugandans with special needs often are denied.
Joyce Auma, 25, who uses wheelchair, chose a blue patterned top and skirt that contrasted beautifully with the vibrant green and blue backdrop. Another, Laker Irene Odwar, who lost her leg in a land mine at age 16, chose a pale blue blazer and a shirt with a smart silk scarf.
On her last trip to Gulu, Mbabazi delivered large, framed copies of the portraits to those who posed for them. As Mbabazi explains,“They said, 'This shows me as I am in my full existence, my full body, as I am.'” Mbabazi hopes the photos will be exhibited publicly,to help change how the women are seen, and treated, by others.
24. The underlined words “fly on the wall" in the 1st paragraph means a photographer who_.
A. takes photos without being noticed
B. takes photos with careful arrangements
C. makes a great difference with photos
D.uses advanced technology in photographing
25.What do the models Mbabazi chose have in common
A. They are good at making dresses.
B.They are eager to become famous.
C.They are disabled to some degree.
D. They are into bright, vibrant color.
26. Which of the following can best describe Mbabazi's photographs
A.Dull and conventional.
B. Distinctive and expressive.
C.Dreamlike and attractive.
D. Unrealistic and creative
27.We can infer that the purpose of Mbabazi's photographs is to
A. celebrate the individuality of Uganda women
B.show the real life of women with disabilities
C. display the beauty of women in custom dresses
D.challenge the way the world sees disabled women
Scientists in Switzerland have used lasers (激光) to change the path of a lightning strike.The experiment was carried out on Santis mountain in Switzerland, near a radio and TV tower hit by lightning about 100 times a year. Using a special laser, the researchers were able to guide the lightning strike.
Scientists have been trying to find a way to protect buildings from lightning for a long time. At present, the best way to protect buildings from lightning is by putting metal rods(杆)on the buildings. These rods are connected to the ground. The lightning is attracted to the rods,which safely guide the electricity into the ground. But lightning rods can only protect a small area. If a building is very large, it needs a lot of lightning rods. But some buildings-such as airports-are so large that it's difficult to protect the whole building using lightning rods.
Another idea is to use lasers to guide lightning. The idea of using lasers to guide lightning isn't new. Scientists have been working on the idea for over 20 years. They've successfully guided lightning with lasers inside a Laboratory. But until 2021, scientists guided lightning with lasers outside. Using a powerful laser that can fire about 1, 000 times a second, scientists in Switzerland were able to guide lightning bolts for 164 feet (50 meters).
The heat from the laser creates a path of air that is less thick than the air around it. The path also has a special charge. The lightning can follow this path almost as if it were a lightning rod. In the past, experiments with lasers that fired more slowly didn't work.
Managing to guide the lightning in an outdoor environment is a very big step. But despite the progress, the laser still isn't a good choice when it comes to protecting large buildings.
28. To stop a building from being stricken by lightning, it is best to.
A. equip it with metal rods
B. position it away from airports
C. build it on low-lying open ground
D.keep it away from any kind of metal
29.What enables the laser to guide the lightning
A. Its color. B. Its brightness.
C.Its speed. D. Its concentration.
30.What will the paragraph following the text probably talk about
A.How the laser should be improved to protect large buildings.
B. When the laser will be widely used to protect large buildings.
C. Why it is unnecessary to use the laser to protect large buildings.
D.What prevents the laser from being used to protect large buildings.
31.What is the best title for the text
A. Scientists Find a New Use of the Laser
B. Scientists Guide Lightning with the Laser
C.A New Idea Has Been Tested to Guide Lightning
D.A New Way to Protect Buildings Has Been Found
The human brain is the most complex and poorly understood biological structure known to man. Our human brain is relatively large for our body size and wrinkled in comparison to other animals' brains. Across species, brain size and wrinkle number is related to intelligence.
University of Copenhagen researchers have made an incredible discovery seeking to learn more about the mammalian(哺乳动物的)brain.A vital enzyme, a special material, allows brain signals to be transmitted or transported. The enzyme is randomly turning on and off,even taking hours-long “breaks from work." These discoveries could have a significant impact on our understanding of the brain and the development of medicines. The discovery is featured on the cover of Nature.
Millions of neurons(神经元)are constantly communicating with one another, shaping thoughts and memories and allowing us to move our bodies at will. Neurotransmitters are transported from one neuron to another by a unique enzyme when two neurons meet to exchange a message.
This process is necessary for neuronal communication as well as the survival of all complex organisms (extremely small living things). Until now, researchers all over the world assumed that these enzymes were constantly active, transmitting vital signals. However, this is not the case.
It is almost impossible to understand that the extremely critical process of loading neurotransmitters in containers is carried out by only one cell per container. Especially when we find that 40% of the time these cells are switched off.
Using a new method, researchers from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen closely examined the enzyme and discovered that its activity switches on and off at random periods of time, contradicting our previous understanding.
“Contrary to popular belief, and unlike many other proteins, these enzymes could stop working for minutes to hours. Still, the brains of humans and other mammals are miraculously able to function,” says Professor Dimitrios Stamou, who led the study from the research center at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Chemistry.
32.What is implied in the second paragraph
A. The enzyme is continuously turning on and off.
B.Enzyme does not affect the transmission of brain signals.
C. No enzyme has been found in the mammalian brain so far.
D. Scientists used to think the special enzyme does not take a break.
33.How could we move our bodies as we like
A.The communication between neurons happens without stop.
B.We shape our thoughts though we may not have good memories.
C. The newly found unique enzyme is at the most time switched off.
D. Neurotransmitters transport a unique enzyme from one neuron to another
34.Why do the scientists think the discovery unbelievable
A. There is enzyme in mammalian brains.
B. Mammalian brains function as human's.
C. One cel1 can have such an important function.
D.40% of the critical cells are actually switched off.
35.What can be the best title for the passage
A.A Surprising Significant Finding about Mammalian Brains
B.A Very Important Research Led by Professor Dimittrios Stamou
C. Researches on Brains of Animals Being Carried out by Scientists
D.A Completely New Method Employed by the Department of Chemistry
Although being famous might sound like a dream come true, today's stars, feeling like zoo animals, face pressures that few of us can imagine. 36 Paparazzi(狗仔队)camp outside their homes, cameras ready. Newspapers and magazines all snap up to publish thrilling stories about their personal lives.
According to psychologist Christina Villareal, famous people worry constantly about their public appearance. 37 Eventually,they see themselves the way their fans imagine them, not as the people they were before everyone knew their names.
38 In the 4th century B.C. painters followed Alexander the Great into battle,hoping to picture his victories for his admirers. When Charles Dickens visited America in the 19th century, his sold-out readings attracted thousands of fans, leading him to complain about his lack of privacy. Local magazines and newspapers published his thrilling stories about his personal lives. They did much the same way that modern tabloids and websites do.
Being a public figure today, however, is a lot more difficult than it used to be. Superstars cannot move about without being photographed or interrupted for a signature. 39Then there is always the media to spread the news in minutes and keep their “story” alive forever.
If fame is so troublesome, why aren't all celebrities running away from it The answer is there are still ways to deal with it. Some stars stay calm by surrounding themselves with trusted friends and family or by escaping to remote places away from big cities. Others actively contact related social media or websites to keep the public informed of their views in time when suffering from the pressure of public opinions. 40
A. Over time, they feel separated and alone.
B. They are at the center of much of the world's attention.
C.These celebrities start to lose track of who they really are.
D.Actually, the calmer they keep, the less trouble they will run into.
E. The phenomenon of tracking famous people has been around for ages.
F. For example,they accidentally say something silly or do something ridiculous.
G. Inadequate social recognition makes it much harder for stars to keep a positive image
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
One spring evening, I was incredibly worn after a long day of school. I wished for 41but I had to drag my heavy feet to the violin studio.
I was playing Moldau to Kate, my teacher. I simply couldn't play with42 though. While I followed all the 43on the sheet music, I still 44 to make music describing spring with full-blown flowers sound like flowers dying bitter deaths. Kate 45attentively and then frowned, asking me what the piece's mood was. I stared at her,46
Pulling out paper and a pencil, she asked,"Can you 47 an image of what you think a typical day in the forest during spring would look like ” Hesitantly, I started to let my 48fly. Soon a scenic forest full of life was49 in my mind.
Minutes later, I completed my drawing. “Now, play the piece again with this 50imagery in your mind,” Kate said. I closed my eyes and began to play, just as its theme was introduced, with 51expression I had never done before.
As I 52 the piece, there followed a short silence before Kate said, "That's the best playing I've ever heard from you.” Her eyes were shining. “Who knew painting out the scenery would help you better 53 the music Sometimes all we need is to use our creativity and try different methods when facing difficulties."
The 54 violin lesson taught me more than just music. I also learned a valuable 55 skill, which I applied to my daily life.
41.A.care B. relaxation C.freedom D. motivation
42.A.courage B. concern C.wisdom D. emotion
43.A. numbers B. standards C.notes D.lines
44.A.failed B. desired C.managed D.offered
45.A.watched B.listened C.performed D. prayed
46.A.blankly B.angrily C. enviously D. gratefully
47.A.shoot B. evaluate C. sculpt D.draw
48.A.personality B.imagination C.ambition D.curiosity
49.A.pictured B. replaced C. identified D.explored
50.A.messy B.amusing C. vivid D.strange
51.A.common B. brief C. childish D.exceptional
52.A. wrapped up B.noted down C. reflected on D. set about
53.A.preserve B.spread C. interpret D.compose
54.A.inspiring B. confusing C. shameful D. adventurous
55.A. information-sorting B.problem-solving C.critical-thinking D.decision-making
Loulan,56 ancient city on the Silk Road, brings back 57 (image) of mystery and romanticism even as it disappears into the mists of history.
Shiji,or Records of the Grand Historian, the foundational text of Chinese history 58(date) back to the first century BC, records that before the 2nd century BC,Loulan was already famous in Xiyu. 59, it collapsed in about the 5th century. In 1900,Swedish explorer Sven Hedin discovered the site of ancient Loulan.
60 (locate) in Lop Nur, a former salt lake which 61 (dry) up to a large extent now, in Ruoqiang county, Bayingolin Mongol autonomous prefecture,Xinjiang, the Loulan site covers an area of about 120,000 square meters, 62 extremely harsh environment ensured that few people set foot on this area. In the 1990s, when mummies were discovered in this area, grave robbers noticed the wealth of cultural relics. 63 (tackle)the situation, a Loulan cultural relics protection station was built in 1998. At first it was 64(season), and later became permanent in 2003.
Over the years, five stations have been built in Lop Nur, and altogether 20 people 65(work) at them safeguarding heritage, according to Feng Jing, director of Loulan Museum in Ruoqiang.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Yours regards,
Li Hua
Melati and Isabel deeply love their home on the island, surrounded by tropical rain forests,green fields, and a vast ocean. Enjoying a swim at their local beach was once a daily pleasure for them. But when Melati was fifteen, and Isabel just ten, the sisters started to lose their enthusiasm for swimming in the waters near their home. More often than not, plastic bags would be around them as they swam and some were scattered on the beach. They got really upset about that.
Melati didn't think much about it until one day her teacher gave a lesson on some world heroes. Each of those people had sparked movements of positive changes in the world. They believed in the impact they could have and they did inspire more people to do something meaningful. After school, Melati walked home slowly in silence, concerned about the vast amount of plastic rubbish on the beach. The heroes crossed her mind. If they could do it, we could do it too, she thought. The idea lit her up. She couldn't wait to share what she thought with Isabel and quickened her pace.
“So many plastic bags around! The beach is dirty and messy! It's so terrible! We have lost the clean and beautiful beach. Can't we do something to get it back ” Melati said heartily.Isabel felt a bit puzzled at what to do, but she also had a strong desire to do something.Picturing a beach as fascinating as before in mind, the pair jumped with joy.
They talked a lot, anxious to know how Dad and Mom would respond to their ideas. That night when the family sat by the dinner table, the sisters eagerly got their ideas across. While Mom and Dad listened to the girls carefully, their eyes shone. “How amazing that would be!We are so proud of you!” Dad exclaimed. Mom came up, gave them a thumb up and hugged the sisters.
Melati and Isabel decided to make a positive impact straight away.
One month later, Melati received a call from the local newspaper.
1-5 BBACA 6-10 CBBAB 11-15 ACACA 16-20 CCBCA
21-25 BACAC 26-30 BDACD 31-35 BDACA
36-40 BCEFD
41-45 BDCCB 46-50 ADBAC 51-55 DACAB
56.an 57.images 58.dating 59.However
60.Located 61.has dried 62.whose 63.To tackle
64.seasonal 65.are working/have been working
Version 1
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am Li Hua, a Chinese high school student, feeling so lucky to have visited your museum which left a good impression on me. I am writing with the intention of telling you the discovered some errors on your signs.
During the visit, I found that some Chinese on your signs are improperly used and there are even some spelling mistakes, which will contribute to misunderstandings for visitors. To make matters worse, the misuse will especially
upset Chinese tourists, making them unwilling to have a return visit. Consequently, the fame of your museum will be ruined. So I do hope you can turn to Chinese experts for help for the sake of finding out the mistakes and correcting them as well. It would be better if you could take my proposal into due consideration.
Your faithfully,
Li Hua
Version 2 (by ChatGPT)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my concern about the improper use of Chinese signage in your museum. As a Chinese tourist studying in Australia, I noticed that some of the Chinese signs in your museum are poorly translated, which could cause confusion and misunderstanding for Chinese visitors like me.
For instance, the sign next to the Aboriginal art gallery reads "Primitive Art" in Chinese, which is offensive and disrespectful to the Aboriginal culture. Moreover,some of the translated phrases are grammatically incorrect, making it difficult for Chinese visitors to understand the exhibits.
To improve the situation, I suggest the museum hire a professional Chinese translator to revise all the Chinese signage, ensuring that the translations are accurate,culturally sensitive, and grammatically correct. This will not only benefit Chinese visitors but also enhance the museum's reputation as a culturally inclusive institution.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Li Hua
Melati and Isabel decided to make a positive impact straight away. They took advantage of their spare time to pick up rubbish on the beach. However, it was soon that they realized that they couldn't solve the problem on their own for there was so much plastic. After discussions and preparations, they started an organization to spread their idea among youth, involving more youths i the movement, which proved to be a hit. More and more teenagers took part. In a month, they altogether collected and recycled 2.5 tons of plastic, recovering the beautiful beach.
One month later,Melati received a call from the local newspaper. The two girls were invited to an interview in which they were asked what inspired them to start the organization, what the biggest challenges are and what advice they have for young people who want to make changes in this world. They said a team is what keeps them going on the challenging days and added, “keeping our team engaged and motivated has been a challenge and we are happy to have a positive influence." Melati and Isabel are heroes who make a big difference to our world.
M:Jane, do you have a map of Manchester I want to find a good place to eat.
W:Why not try Chinatown There are plenty of good Chinese restaurants, and it's near here.
W:Sorry, sir. The university now requires that all students, staff, and faculty wear surgical, N95, KN95, and KF95 masks. Cloth masks are no longer permitted.
M: But I was vaccinated.
W: Sorry,this policy includes vaccinated people.
W:What about going to Europe this summer My company gave me a week off.We are under too much pressure recently. We can leave our kids with Mom.
M:Great! Oh, I've just remembered something! I have to apply for a visa.
W:What a memory I have! I wrote down the number on a sheet of paper when I answered the phone this morning. But now,the paper has disappeared.
M: Don't worry. I will be seeing Mr. Brown in an hour.
M: Mary, I posted my singing video on the Internet. Look! It got 20,000 likes.
W:Wow, really It's incredible. It may be a big hit in the future.
W: ⑥Hello.Reception...
M: ⑥Hi, I need to get my suit cleaned. It's urgent. Do you have a dry-cleaning service
W:Yes,we do.
M: ⑦I need my suit cleaned for tomorrow. Will that be a problem
W:Not at all. If you use our express service, we can deliver it to you by 8:00 am.
M: That's great. That way, I'll have it before breakfast. ⑦I have an important meeting in the morning.
W:OK,I'11 send someone to pick it up
【Text 7】甜点之夜
W:Why,Frank ⑧Actually I'm planning to go to the City Library to do some study for my coming history exam.
M:Oh,what a pity! Then you're going to miss our Dessert Night.
W:What night
M:The Dessert Night. Our baker has invented some new stuff, and we'd like to invite some customers to have a try.
W:Like for free
M:Yeah, it'll be on the house. You know, banana cupcakes, strawberry pancakes...⑨Oh,they'll also have your favorite.
W: ⑨Tea ice cream No way. I'll come.
M: But what about your plan
W: Well, I can always set another time for it.
【Text 8】想换工作
M: Long time no see. I heard you were changing jobs.
W: (10)I was going to leave my job, but they promoted me instead. At first,I was excited, but now I think I made the wrong decision.
M:Why is that
W: Since my pay raise, they've been making me work longer hours.
M: That's why I work for myself, so I can set my own schedule. You can always come to work for me selling cars.
W: (11)I should have become a doctor like my father. They're much more respected than lawyers.
M:Well,I respect you. You know what You should plan a trip for the summer. It'11give you a chance to relax.
W:(12)I'd love to, but I'm saving up all my vacation time for Christmas.You know, I love snow and winter sports.
【Text 9】采访作家
W: (13)Welcome to this edition of Writer. Toniht we have Steven Dauthy with us.Congratulations on your book Life and Everything in Between, Steven. It's such a success.
M:Thank you.
W:This is your first try at poetry Did you ever try it before Did you take any classes in poetry
M: Well,my only real experience was writing business plans. Other than that, I have zero experience, where writing is concerned. (14)I've always had a good understanding of English language thanks to my mom who started me reading when I was very little.
W:What is the hardest thing of creating your work
M: (15)Definitely finding the perfect words to fit what I wanted to say. There's always a word or two that I might still rewrite if given the chance.
W: Will there be more collections of poetry from you
M: There will be more of something I suppose, but maybe not poetry. I really don't see myself as a poet. Rather, (16)I see what I wrote is a kind of writing that might inspire people in some way.
【Text 10】气候变暖的后果
W:The world is getting warmer. Starting from 2015,these years have been the hottest period in human history. What's worse, it shows no sign of stopping. According to an analysis by NASA scientists, (17)the average global temperature increases roughly at a rate of 0.15 to 0.20°C every ten years.
What is going to happen if our planet continues to heat up Well, normally,(18)the average global temperature should be around 35°℃ during summer time.When it gets 2C higher, the crop output will start to decrease, people will become easy to feel sick, (18)and mass deaths of coral reefs will begin to occur in oceans. (19)When it comes to 39°℃ to 41°℃, sea water will drown most of the island countries, people will have to choose to grow sunflowers which can survive in salty soil, (19)and oceans will be crowded with dead bodies of sea creatures.At the average global temperature of 42°℃, people will get almost nothing from land anymore, and therefore the remaining orders of the modern society will break down eventually. So is it still possible to save us human species from dying out Well, I don't know, (20)but if we could begin to do things like using fewer private cars, unplugging the unused 10 electrical devices,protecting the forests, etc. From now on, maybe we still have a chance



