人教版七年级上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil?测试卷(含答案、听力原文无音频)

人教版七年级英语上册Unit 3 Is this your pencil 测试卷
A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将会有10秒钟 的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
( )1.Whose jacket is red
A. Anna’s. B. Cindy’s. C. Helen’s
( )2.Who lost the watch in the classroom
A. Bob. B. Bill. C. Tom.
( )3.Where are the girl’s books
A. In the bag. B. In the box. C. In the photo.
( )4.What is in the pencil box
A. An eraser. B.A pencil. C.A pen.
( )5.What are they talking about(谈论)
A telephone. B. A watch. C. A computer.
B) 请听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
( )6.Whose pencil box is it
A. Peter’s. B. The girl’s. C. Tom’s
( )7.What’s in the pencil box
A. A pen, two pencils and an eraser.
B. A pencil, two pens and two rulers.
C. A ruler, two pens and a pencil.
( )8.What does the woman lose(丢失)
A. A pencil. B.A dictionary. C.A key.
( )9.What color is the watch in the lost and found case
A. Yellow. B. Blue. C. Red.
( )10.What’s Mary’s telephone number
A.258-6858. B.852-6585. C.258-6585.
( )11.Whose is the baseball
A. Grace’s. B. Mike’s. C. Mary’s.
( )12. What color is the box
A. Black . B. Brown. C. White.
( )13. What is in the schoolbag
A. A watch and a dictionary.
B. A pencil box and an English book.
C. A dictionary and an English book.
( )14. Whose is the watch
A. Anna’ s. B. Jack’s. C. Jim’s.
( )15. How many pencils are there in the pencil box
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
C) 请听下面1段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。
16. The boy’s name is_______.
17. He lost a_______.
18. It is green and_______.
19. There is a pen, a pencil, a _______and an eraser in it.
20. Peter Green found a _______on the playground.
(  )21.This is ______ eraser.That is ______ ruler.
A.an;an    B.a;a    C.an;a    D.a;an
(  )22.—Is this his pen
—______.It's her pen.
A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn't
C.No,it is D.Yes,it isn't
(  )23.—______ do you spell “baseball”?
A.What B.What's C.How D.How's
(  )24.Please ______ Mary ______ 687-8068.
A.say;at B.call;to
C.call;at D.telephone;for
(  )25.—Is this ______ dictionary
—No,it isn't.It is ______.
A.you;he B.your;he
C.your;his D.your;mine
(  )26.—What's this in English
A.Yes,it's an ID card B.It's an ID card
C.No,it's a ID card D.It's a ID card
(  )27.—______,is this your pencil
A.OK B.Excuse me
C.Thank you D.Hello
(  )28.—______? —Yes,it's my pen.
A.What's this in English B.How do you spell “pen”
C.Is this her pen D.Is that your pen
(  )29.A computer game(电脑游戏) is ______ the school library(图书馆).
A.in B.for C.at D.of
(  )30.I often(经常) ______ your parents.
A.find B.lost C.say D.call
(  )31.That's ______ keys.
A.a set B.set of C.a set of D.a
(  )32.My book is in my ______.
A.pencil box B.dictionary C.schoolbag D.ruler
(  )33.—Thank you for your help,Tom. —______
A.How are you B.I'm OK.
C.You're welcome. D.OK.
(  )34.—I ______ a watch.Is it yours,David
—No,it isn't.It's hers.
A.lost B.found C.see D.help
(  )35.If(如果) you lost a pen,please ask the teacher ______ it.
A.for B.at C.of D.In
Look at the lost and found notice(布告).__36__ that?It's __37__ eraser.I think(想) it's Tom's __38__.And I lost a __39__ of __40__.I write(写) a notice.If(如果) __41__ find the keys,please __42__ me __43__ 555-6741.__44__ name is Maggie White.__45__ you!
(  )36.A.What B.It's C.What's D.Is
(  )37.A.the B.a C.an D./
(  )38.A.pen B.eraser C.keys D.notice
(  )39.A.photo B.set C.nice D.good
(  )40.A.eraser B.ring C.keys D.cup
(  )41.A.I B.you C.he D.she
(  )42.A.call B.meet C.found D.lost
(  )43.A.in B./ C.at D.of
(  )44.A.My B.His C.Her D.Your
(  )45.A.See B.Thank C.Meet D.Call
Things in the Lost and Found Notice
Owner(主人) Thing Color
Alice notebook yellow and green
? watch white and red
Ann dictionary red and blue
? pencil blue and yellow
Amy school ID card /
Lucy schoolbag black and white
(  )46.The underlined word(画线的词) “Things” means “______” in Chinese.
A.货物 B.物品 C.盒子 D.礼物
(  )47.Is the notebook Alice's
A.No,it isn't. B.Yes,it is.
C.No,it's Ann's. D.We don't know(不知道).
(  )48.What color is Lucy's schoolbag
A.Blue and yellow. B.White and red.
C.Red and blue. D.Black and white.
(  )49.Amy's ______ is in the lost and found notice.
A.watch B.dictionary
C.school ID card D.pencil
(  )50.The dictionary is ______.
A.Ann's B.Alice's C.Lucy's D.Amy's
Lost:My new(新的) computer game(电脑游戏)
I lost my new computer game this morning.It's blue.My name is David.Please call me at 132-4879.Thank you.
Found:A watch
I found a watch this afternoon.It's black.Is that your watch?Please call Mary at 387-0987.
Found:A notebook
Is that yours?It's new.It's yellow.My name is Jim.My QQ number is 741721832.My phone number is 390-8760.And my WeChat number is 13571289325.
Lost:My baseball
I lost my baseball.It's white.I must find it.Please call Tony at 390-8123.Thank you.
(  )51.If(如果) you found a baseball,you can call ______.
A.132-4879 B.387-0987 C.390-8123 D.390-8760
(  )52.If you lost a notebook,you can call ______.
A.132-4879 B.387-0987 C.390-8760 D.741721832
(  )53.______ lost a computer game.
A.David B.Mary C.Jim D.Tony
(  )54.Mary found a ______.
A.computer game B.watch
C.notebook D.baseball
(  )55.The notebook is ______.
A.black B.white C.yellow D.red
Hello,I am Kate.My phone number is 453-8890.This is my green notebook.This is a ruler,but it isn't mine.It's Jim's.His ruler is blue.His phone number is 432-0912.That's Gina's black schoolbag.Her phone number is 422-0957.
Names Kate 56.________ Gina
Phone Numbers 453-8890 432-0912 57.________
Things 58.________ ruler 59.________
60.________ green blue black
John:Hello!I'm John Smith.61.______
Ann:My name is Ann Green.Nice to meet you.
Ann:Look,what's this in the picture
John:It's a baseball.
Ann:How do you spell it,please
John:Yes,it is.It's mine.
John:It's 659-7963.And what's your telephone number
John:Thank you.Good-bye!
A.John,what's your telephone number
B.My telephone number is 659-9076.
C.What's your name
D.Nice to meet you,too.
E.I'm fine,thank you.
F.What's that in English
G.Is this your baseball
66.________     67.________     68.________
69.________     70.________
71.Are these her ________(box)
72.Two ________(set) of keys are here.
73.This is my ring.Where is ________(you)
74.________(be) those your schoolbags
75.I must ________(find) it.
76.This is my pen.(改为一般疑问句)
________ this ________ pen
77.—Are these her books?(作否定回答)
—No,________ ________.
78.It's a__notebook.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ in English
79.That is her watch.(改为同义句)
That ________ is ________.
80.Is this his pencil box?(改为陈述句)
________ ________ his pencil box.
Name:Jim GreenTelephone number:456-5632 Name:Lisa BrownE-mail address(电子邮箱地址):lisagz@
____________________________ Found____________________________
1--5 BABAB
6--8 ACC
9--11 BCA
12--15 CCAB
16--20 Tom Green school yellow ruler watch
.21.C eraser以元音音素开头,前用an;ruler以辅音音素开头,前用a。
22.B 由It's her pen(是她的钢笔)可知,答语应为“No,it isn't”。
23.C 根据答语知,how(怎么样)符合句意。
24.C call sb. at+电话号码,拨打电话号码找某人。
25.C 第一空修饰名词,用形容词性物主代词,排除A;第二空用于句尾做表语,用名词性物主代词,排除B。D项不符合逻辑。故选C。
27.B 打扰别人应说“Excuse me”。
28.D 由答语可知问句为一般疑问句,且由答语中“my”可知选D。
29.A in the school library 在学校图书馆。
30.D find找到,lost丢失,say说,call打电话。根据句意选D。
31.C a key一把钥匙,a set of keys 一串钥匙。
32.C 书在书包里,故选C。
33.C 对别人的感谢用You're welcome回答,故选C。
34.B 捡到用found,故选B。
35.A ask sb. for sth.向某人要某东西,故选A。
36.C What's that?那是什么?
37.C eraser是以元音音素开头的单词,前用an。
38.B 由上一句“It's an eraser”可知。
39.B a set of 一串……
40.C 由后两句可知。
41.B 句意应为“如果你捡到了这些钥匙……”
42.A call me打电话给我。
43.C call sb. at+电话号码,拨打电话号码找某人。
44.A 由“I lost a…”可知用第一人称。
45.B Thank you.谢谢你。
A)46—50 B B D C A B)51—55 C C A B C
C)56.Jim 57.422-0957 58.notebook 59.schoolbag 60.Colors
61—65 C D G A B
A)66.pencil 67.ruler 68.dictionary 69.eraser 70.watch
B)71.boxes 72.sets 73.yours 74.Are 75.find
76.Is,your 77.they aren't 78.What's this/that 79.watch,hers 80.This is
I lost my black watch.
My name is Jim Green.
Please call me at 456-5632.      
Is this your black watch
My name is Lisa Brown.
Please e-mail me at lisagz@.
A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将会有10秒钟 的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1. M: Anna! Your mother’s red jacket is very nice.
W: But she’s my aunt, Cindy. That is my moth-er, Helen. Hers is green.
2.W:Tom,is that your watch in the classroom
M: No, my watch is in my bag. That watch is Bob’s.
3.W:Where are my books
M: In the box.
4.W:What is in the pencil box
M: Is it a pencil
W: No, it is an eraser.
5.W: Is this a telephone in English
M: No, it isn’t. It’s a watch.
B) 请听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
W: Excuse me, Peter. Is this your dictionary
M: Yes, it is. And this is my pencil box.
W: What’s in your pencil box
M: Two pens, a pencil and a ruler.
W: Oh, I can’t find my key. I must find it.
M: Let me help you.
M: Excuse me, Grace. Is your watch in the lost and found case
W: Oh, Mike, what color is it
M: It’s blue.
W: Oh, I think it is Mary’s My watch is yellow.
M: Do you know her telephone number
W: Yes, It’s 258-6585.
M: Thank you. And is this your baseball
W: Yes, it’s mine. Thank your very much.
M: That’s OK.
This is a white box in the classroom. A black watch, a yellow pencil box and a brown schoolbag. Three pencils and an eraser are in the pencil box. A dictionary and an English book are in the schoolbag. The watch is Anna’ s. The pencil box is Jack’s. Whose is the schoolbag Oh, it’s Jim’s. His name is on the book.
C) 请听下面1段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。
My name is Tom Green .I am in Class Two, Grade Seven. I lost my schoolbag, It’s green and yellow. There is a pen, a ruler and an eraser in it. Please call me at 875-9587.
I’m Peter Green. Is this your watch I found it on the playground. My phone number is 872-9845.



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