新疆乌鲁木齐市沙依巴克区三校联考2023-2024高三上学期10月月考 英语试卷(含解析)

乌鲁木齐市沙依巴克区三校联考 2023-2024学年
高三上学期10月月考 英语试题
总分120分 考试时间120分钟
Online Money Earning
Yes you can earn money online without any investment or without anytime limit. I have many useful easy methods for earning easy money while we all spend our useful time on the Internet by surfing, chatting, downloading and other work. There is no need to stop any other work. We can earn with or without our daily routine. Here I tell you the complete method for online earning.
First Method
Earn money with “Bux. to”. You can earn money through “Bux.to” by clicking on ads on “Bux. to” site. First you need to open an account at “Bux. to”.
“Bux. To” is a new international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ads on our “Surf Ads” page. An exact calculated percentage of all advertising income is paid to our members. “Bux. to” makes money through advertising.
How you make money
You view websites in 30 seconds through the “Surf Ads” page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you’ll either get a green tick sign or a red “x”. The green tick sign means you’ve earned $0.01and the “x” means you have not earned money for the visit. You’ll get red x’s when you have more than one websites from the “Surf Ads” page open. When this happens, you get no credit.
Earnings example
You click 10 ads per day =$0.10
20 referrals(转送) click 10 ads per day =$2.00
Your daily earnings =$2.10
Your weekly earnings =$14.70
Your monthly earnings =$63.00
How to get paid
If you have at least $10.00 accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your states area and it will meet your request. At present, it only makes payments through “AlertPay”. It will soon be using other methods of payment.
AlertPay is the payment processing solution that we use to pay members. Your AlertPay address is the e-mail address you use to register with AlertPay. You can get a free AlertPay account at alertpay.com.
Method 2 will publish soon…
1.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage
A.To tell an interesting story
B.To introduce a surprising way to earn money
C.To solve a puzzling problem
D.To present an exciting research
2.You can earn money by .
A.chatting online
B.advertising some products
C.clicking on advertisement
D.choosing green ticks or x’s
3.What can we know from the passage
A.You’ll earn $0.10 if you click 1 ad
B.You’ll get many green ticks if you have many websites open
C.You can get your payments through AlertPay
D.Your AlertPay account is not for free
Lots of animals play. But the behavior is best known in mammals (哺乳动物) and birds. Now the scientists at London’s Queen Mary University report that bumblebees (大黄蜂) know the same thing. But before this, there were no reports of insects playing.
Dr. Lars Chittka began to wonder if bumblebees played during an earlier test. In that test, Chittka guided bumblebees to move balls into a goal for food. He noticed that some bees were rolling (滚动) balls even when they weren’t given food. He wondered if they were playing.
To test the idea, the scientists at his lab set up a new test. First, they numbered 45 young bumblebees between one and 23 days old. The numbers let them follow bumblebees’ behavior. Then, they set up a clear pathway from the bumblebees’ home to a feeding area. On either side of the open pathway, the researchers placed small colored wooden balls. On one side of the path, the balls couldn’t move. On the other side, the balls could roll around. For three hours a day, over 18 days, the scientists opened the pathway between the home and the feeding area. The bumblebees never had to leave the pathway to find food, but they left anyway. They weren’t interested in the side where the balls didn’t move, but they made lots of visits to the side with the rolling balls.
Catching the balls with their legs, the bees would move their wings to pull on the balls, causing them to roll. The 45 numbered bumblebees did this 910 times during the test. Though some only did it once, others did it a lot. The younger ones liked to spend more time rolling balls while the older ones showed less interest in it. One bee was recorded rolling balls 44 times in a single day. One was seen rolling balls 117 times over the whole test.
The test raises important questions about how the insects’ minds work and whether they have feelings.
4.What did Chittka want to do about bumblebees in the earlier test
A.Discover if they played. B.Train them to move balls.
C.Make them learn to relax. D.Find out if they’d share food.
5.What did the scientists do to bumblebees before the new test
A.They named each of them. B.They let them interested in balls.
C.They had all of them go hungry. D.They marked them one by one.
6.What can we say about the older bumblebees’ behavior in the new test
A.They held their attention for longer. B.They understood simpler numbers.
C.They were less active in rolling balls. D.They helped the young pull on balls.
7.What’s the best title for the text
A.Bumblebees Are First Insects Known to Play B.Two Tests Prove Bumblebees Expect to Play
C.Bumblebees Are the World’s Smnartest Insects D.Scientists Make Bumblebees Work for Them
Over the next 20 years, we are going to send more and better robots to Mars. Those robots will send back better pictures, maps, samples, and weather reports. There is a limit to what robots can tell us, though, so eventually we will have to send people to study the planet. Before people can visit Mars, we need to invent a spaceship that can take us there. Mars is very far away. Depending on where Mars and Earth are in their orbits (轨道) around the sun, it could take between six months to a year to get there.
The moon is much closer, and we were there, 25 years ago. Over the next 10 years, we are going to work on building a new spacecraft that can go to the moon. Using this craft, we will practise the skills we need to go to Mars.
Once we get to the moon, we are going to build a station so that people can live and work on the moon for months at a time. This is important so that we have a place to start from when we want to visit Mars, but it is also important because it gives us practice with living away from Earth.
By the time you are old enough to be an astronaut, we will have people spending months on the moon. By the time you are old enough to be a commander of a space mission we will be taking trips to Mars. By the time your kids are old enough to be astronauts, we may have people living on Mars. Wouldn’t it be cool to get a postcard from someone who was building a house on Mars Wouldn’t it be cooler if it was you who sent the postcard
8.We eventually have to send people to Mars because_________.
A.the pictures that robots have sent back are not very clear
B.robots can’t tell us all we want to know
C.robots are controlled by us humans
D.the samples robots have sent back are not good enough
9.From the first paragraph we can see the distance between Earth and Mars________ .
A.is not always the same
B.is nearly the same
C.is unchangeable
D.never changes very much
10.A space station on the moon is important because________ .
A.people can learn to adapt to living on other planets
B.people can practise planting crops in it
C.the new spacecraft can only land in it
D.astronauts can practise skills they need to go to Mars
11.The author of the passage________.
A.thinks that trips to the moon are an unrealistic dream
B.encourages kids to be astronauts
C.hopes to receive a postcard from Mars
D.is sure people’s dream of living on Mars will come true
Humans sweat to keep cool. But did you know that besides them, only a small percentage of the world’s animals keep cool by sweating In fact, animals have a variety of ways to beat the cruel heat, some of which you might say are even a little bit strange.
We know that giraffes live in a particularly dry, hot environment, but they don’t sweat. How do they stay cool The answer lies in their beautiful skin pattern, which is like a large network with a very complex vascular (血管) system under each patch (斑块). A giraffe’s special blood flow can force heat out of its body. Because of their rather large skin surface, this is a more-than-effective way to escape the heat.
As the largest land animal on earth, elephants rely on their huge pair of ears. Simply by tapping their ears, elephants can lower their body temperature by 12℃ or more. Moreover, elephants often open their ears when facing the wind to reach this cooling effect.
The dog’s way of escaping the heat is probably the most common in our daily lives--sticking their tongues out. By breathing heavily, dogs quickly force the heat from their body and breathe cooler air in, which enters their lungs and cools their entire body.
Koalas are well-known for their “laziness”, so it’s natural to see one lying on a branch and think it’s just being its lazy self, but that’s not the case. Researchers say that the koalas select their trees very carefully, looking in hot weather for tree bark that is cooler than the air temperature. By getting into the cool surface of the bark, koalas can stay relatively comfortable during Australia’s powerful heat waves.
12.How do dogs beat the heat
A.By choosing the suitable tree skin. B.By putting their tongues out.
C.By moving their ears. D.By flowing blood.
13.Which of the following animals uses their habitats to cool
A.Giraffe. B.Elephants. C.Dogs. D.Koalas.
14.What do four animals have in common
A.They live lazily. B.They don’t sweat.
C.They don’t stay cool. D.They live comfortably.
Top Tips for the Flu Season
It’s coming. I can feel it in the air. On the subway every time someone coughs, I look up to see if I can move a little further. As I exit the train, I immediately reach for hand wash to remove any of the dirt on my hands. 15
If you are young and healthy, it’s most likely that you will just feel uncomfortable for a week or two, miss some work or study. If you are elderly, have medical problems, or are a young child, you may not be so lucky. 16 Depending on the year, between 3,000 and 49,000 people die.
The best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated (接种疫苗). 17 However, it still offers considerable protection. In adults , the vaccine is 59 percent protective on average. For children the story is better. Clearly, we need better vaccines but it’s still a really good idea to get vaccinated.
Can the flu shot give you the flu You may have an arm pain or a little fever, but the injection does not contain a live virus and cannot give you the flu.
18 It isn’t clear how long protection lasts and if the vaccine protects against different flus for only one year.
Finally, here is some advice for what to do if you get the flu.
Stay at home until your fever has been gone for at least 24 hours. That will reduce the number of people you give this to.
Cover your coughs and sneezes.
Keep your hands clean. Use soap and water or hand wash frequently, especially after coughing or sneezing.
Drink plenty of water.
Best wishes for a happy flu season!
A.Flu season is here, and I take it seriously.
B.If you got the flu shot last year, do you need it this year
C.Each year more than 200,000 people are staying in hospital due to the illness.
D.If you have the symptoms, call your doctor early to see if he wants to prescribe some medicine.
E.Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly and frequently and include high fever, cough, sore throat and body aches.
F.Oftentimes doctors’ offices have special rooms set up in the fall just for giving flu shots, so its fast , easy and effective.
G.You may have heard about a new study on flu vaccines, and it found that the flu vaccine didn’t work as well as we thought or would like.
It was Cameron Aulner’s first day working at Walmart in Westminster, last September. The man, 22, in a wheelchair, who had lost the use of his 20 eight years earlier in a fall from a roof, had a few butterflies in his 21 . Still, he was almost 22 he’d do a good job. An hour into his shift, 23 , a man started shouting, “ Stop that guy!” from another part of the store. Aulner thought there must be a thief.
Chris Belvin, 42, was 24 with his young son. As a former security guard, he immediately 25 a guy in a baseball hat walking quickly down the aisles (通道). The guy didn’t look like he was shopping. Then Belvin overheard the cry of a young woman: “ Somebody help me! My purse!” He got close to her hurriedly and was 26 it was the guy he just met. Without thinking twice, he 27 to find him.
About 30 yards ahead, he spotted the man walking 28 toward the exit. As Belvin 29 him, the guy started running. Belvin 30 , “Stop him! A thief! ” And then he saw Aulner, who just appeared at the perfect time, 31 quickly toward the checkout aisles. The guy crashed into him, and Aulner 32 out of his wheelchair. Belvin and two other men ran over, while Aulner 33 to hang on to the suspect, whom he’d dragged to the floor as he went down. Belvin swiftly brought the suspect 34 with the store’s security guard. Meanwhile, one of the other men helped Aulner back into his 35 .
After taking back the purse, the lady showed her 36 to Belvin and Aulner. For months, Aulner received handshakes and 37 from Walmart staffers and shoppers who heard the story. He says he just acted on instinct (本能), adding ,“ I don’t think of myself as a 38 . I just did what’ s 39 .”
20.A.hands B.legs C.nerves D.senses
21.A.lung B.heart C.stomach D.organ
22.A.certain B.doubtful C.disappointed D.concerned
23.A.fortunately B.unluckily C.cheerfully D.suddenly
24.A.playing B.searching C.shopping D.waiting
25.A.noticed B.watched C.felt D.observed
26.A.warned B.informed C.reminded D.learned
27.A.kept off B.gave off C.broke off D.took off
28.A.slowly B.rapidly C.quietly D.frustratedly
29.A.approached B.caught C.left D.spotted
30.A.murmured B.yawned C.whispered D.yelled
31.A.walk B.wheel C.rush D.wander
32.A.fell B.ran C.lost D.jumped
33.A.hurried B.struggled C.climbed D.struck
34.A.under control B.at ease C.under pressure D.in sight
35.A.position B.aisle C.wheelchair D.situation
36.A.preference B.apology C.warmth D.gratitude
37.A.rewards B.awards C.praises D.prizes
38.A.leader B.master C.hero D.policeman
39.A.vital B.great C.true D.right
China's icebreaker Xue Long will set sail from Shanghai to the Antarctic. Its captain Zhu Bing said that the icebreaker would first travel to the to-be-built new station before 40 (make) a short stop at Zhongshan station. One of its main tasks is to build another research station in the Antarctic.
Once 41 (complete), the new station would be the country's third year-round station in the Antarctic and the first to be lying 42 the border of the Pacific Ocean. 43 other two stations, the Great Wall Station and the Zhongshan Station, 44 (build) in the 1980s. “This time around, we will build a 206-square-meter temporary base, which includes rooms for workers and a platform for large engineering 45 (machine), to improve future construction work,” said Zhang Tijun of the Polar Research Institute of China, 46 is the assistant leader of the expedition.
Sun Bo, the deputy director of the institute, was 47 (confidence) to say that the construction of the station, which will 48 (certain) meet international criteria for environmental 49 (protect), will be finished as early as 2022.
I was walking on the pavement when a bus racing by took me back to a memory of the priceless gift given by a complete stranger five years ago.
It was a warm March evening, and I’d just taken a seat on the bus that would take me home. It was nearly 6:00 p.m., but the bus was not yet full. A middle-aged woman took a seat opposite me. She was crying. Not speaking to anyone in particular, she tearfully narrated her story. She had come to the city to visit her daughter. On the way to the terminal, a thief had snatched one of her bags. It had contained half of the money she’d brought with her. The other half was rolled in a handkerchief and hidden under her shirt, so she fortunately still had some money left. The driver and other passengers listened to her tale. After a few minutes, she stopped crying, removed some cheese bread from her bag, and began to eat, worry still knitting her brow.
An old man in worn clothes got on the bus. He sat in the seat directly in front of the woman.
After a few minutes, all seats were taken. The driver collected tickets and began asking us where we were getting off. When he came to the old man’s seat, he became suspicious and asked the old man whether he had any money. The old man admitted that he did not. He explained that he had spent all his money this morning when he’d accidentally got on the wrong bus and now he was trying to go home. Upon hearing this, the driver ordered the old man to get off the bus. The old man was almost in tears as he begged the bus conductor to let him take that bus so he could get home before dark.
The woman seated behind the old man was also listening and observing the incident. When the bus driver raised his voice at the old man, she interfered, “Stop forcing him! Can’t you see he’s only trying to get home ”
“He doesn’t have any money!” the driver shouted.
“Well, that’s no reason to throw him off the bus,” she insisted.
Then she said, “How much is his fare ”
Everyone stared surprisingly at the woman, who, just minutes before, had been crying over the money she’d lost.
1.B 2.C 3.C
【分析】试题分析: 现在人们可以在网上赚钱了!无需邀请,也没有时间限制,本文就详细介绍了一种网上通过浏览广告赚钱的方法。
1.A 目的意图题。根据Online Money Earning可知这篇文章主要讲网上赚钱的方法。再根据Here I tell you the complete method for online earning可知作者在这篇文章中主要给读者介绍了一种在网上赚钱的具体方法。故选A。
2.C 细节题。根据You view websites in 30 seconds through the “Surf Ads” page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you’ll either get a green tick sign or a red “x”. The green tick sign means you’ve earned $0.01可知读者可以通过点击浏览网站上的广告赚钱。故选C。
3.C 细节题。根据At present, it only makes payments through “AlertPay”.可知作者介绍的这个网站只能通过AlertPay对浏览广告的人支付酬劳。故选C。
4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A
4.细节理解题。根据第二段的“Dr. Lars Chittka began to wonder if bumblebees played during an earlier test.(Lars Chittka博士想知道在早期的一次实验中大黄蜂是否在玩耍)”可知,Chittka想知道大黄蜂是否玩耍。故选A项。
5.细节理解题。根据第三段的“First, they numbered 45 young bumblebees between one and 23 days old. The numbers let them follow bumblebees’ behavior.(首先,他们给45只1到23天大的小黄蜂编号。这些数字让他们可以跟踪大黄蜂的行为)”可知,科学家们在实验前给蜂编号是为了做标记区分这些蜂。故选D项。
6.细节理解题。根据第四段的“The younger ones liked to spend more time rolling balls while the older ones showed less interest in it.(较小的蜂喜欢花更多的时间滚球,而较大的对此兴趣不大)”可知,在滚球的这个活动中,较大的蜂不如小的蜂活跃。故选C项。
7.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Now the scientists at London’s Queen Mary University report that bumblebees (大黄蜂) know the same thing. But before this, there were no reports of insects playing.(现在,伦敦玛丽女王大学的科学家们报告说,大黄蜂也知道同样的事情。但在此之前,没有昆虫玩耍的报道)”以及下文内容可知,本文主要介绍了大黄蜂是第一种被发现会玩的昆虫。因此A项“大黄蜂是已知的第一种会玩耍的昆虫”可以作文本文的最佳标题。故选A项。
8.B 9.A 10.A 11.D
8.细节理解题。根据第一段的第三句“There is a limit to what robots can tell us, though, so eventually we will have to send people to study the planet.(然而,机器人能够告诉我们的信息是有限的,所以我们最终还是要将人类送上火星,研究火星)”可知,我们之所以需要将人类送上火星,是因为仅凭机器人,我们所掌握的信息是有限的。故选B项。
9.推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句“Depending on where Mars and Earth are in their orbits (轨道) around the sun, it could take between six months to a year to get there.(按照火星和地球围绕太阳时的轨道,到达火星需要6至12个月的时间)”可知,从地球到火星需要6至12个月的时间,由此可知,火星和地球之间的距离是不定的。故选A项。
10.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句“This is important so that we have a place to start from when we want to visit Mars, but it is also important because it gives us practice with living away from Earth.(月球空间站很重要,如此一来,当我们想要访问火星时,我们就有了一个开始的地方,不过还有一点也很重要,是空间站给人们提供了离开地球生活的实践经历)”可知,空间站可以给人们提供离开地球生活的实践经历,说明人们在空间站可以学会适应其他星球上的生活。故选A项。
11.推理判断题。根据最后一段的第三句“By the time your kids are old enough to be astronauts, we may have people living on Mars.(等你的孩子足以成为航天员时,我们可能会有些人在火星上生活)”可知,作者认为到了后代,会有人在火星上生活,说明作者相信人类在火星上生活的梦想终会实现。故选D项。
12.B 13.D 14.B
12.细节理解题。由文章Dogs部分第一句“The dog’s way of escaping the heat is probably the most common in our daily lives--sticking their tongues out.(狗狗逃避炎热的方式可能是我们日常生活中最常见的——伸出舌头)”可知狗通过伸出舌头来逃避炎热。故选B项。
13.细节理解题。由文章Koalas部分最后两句“Researchers say that the koalas select their trees very carefully, looking in hot weather for tree bark that is cooler than the air temperature. By getting into the cool surface of the bark, koalas can stay relatively comfortable during Australia’s powerful heat waves.(研究人员说,考拉选择树木非常仔细,在炎热的天气里寻找比气温低的树皮。通过进入凉爽的树皮表面,考拉可以在澳大利亚强大的热浪中保持相对舒适的状态)”可知通过进入凉爽的树皮表面,考拉可以在澳大利亚强大的热浪中保持相对舒适的状态。故选D项。
14.细节理解题。由文章Giraffes部分“A giraffe’s special blood flow can force heat out of its body.(长颈鹿特殊的血液流动可以迫使热量排出体外。)”可知长颈鹿通过特殊的血液流动散热;由文章Elephants部分“Simply by tapping their ears, elephants can lower their body temperature by 12℃ or more.(只要轻拍耳朵,大象就能将体温降低12℃甚至更多。)”可知大象通过拍耳朵散热;由文章Dogs部分“The dog’s way of escaping the heat is probably the most common in our daily lives--sticking their tongues out.(狗逃避炎热的方式可能是我们日常生活中最常见的——伸出舌头。)”可知狗通过伸出舌头来散热;由文章Koalas部分“Researchers say that the koalas select their trees very carefully, looking in hot weather for tree bark that is cooler than the air temperature. By getting into the cool surface of the bark, koalas can stay relatively comfortable during Australia’s powerful heat waves.(研究人员说,考拉选择树木非常仔细,在炎热的天气里寻找比气温低的树皮。通过进入凉爽的树皮表面,考拉可以在澳大利亚强大的热浪中保持相对舒适的状态。)”可知卡拉通过栖息地散热。由此四种动物都不流汗,都是通过其他方式散热。故选B项。
15.A 16.C 17.G 18.B 19.D
15.根据On the subway every time someone coughs, I look up to see if I can move a little further. As I exit the train, I immediately reach for hand wash to remove any of the dirt on my hands.可知,在地铁上别人咳嗽,作者会离远一点,下了火车会立刻洗手。这些都说明了,在流感季节到来的时候,作者非常重视。故A选项“流感季节到了,我很重视”切题。故选A。
16.根据前句If you are elderly, have medical problems, or are a young child, you may not be so lucky. 老人和小孩容易感染,和后句Depending on the year, between 3,000 and 49,000 people die.流感死亡的人数,可知,此句是列出每年因流感而住院的数据。故C选项“每年有超过20万人因为这种疾病而住院”切题。故选C。
17.根据前句The best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated (接种疫苗). 和后句However, it still offers considerable protection.中的关键词get vaccinated和后面的转折词However提示可知,虽然流感疫苗并不像我们想的那样有效,但它仍然提供了相当大的保护。故G选线“你可能听说过一项关于流感疫苗的新研究,它发现流感疫苗并不像我们想的那样有效 ”切题。故选G。
18.根据后句It isn’t clear how long protection lasts and if the vaccine protects against different flus for only one year. (目前还不清楚这种保护能持续多久,以及这种疫苗是否只能预防不同的流感仅一年。)可知,此回答是针对问题的回答。故B选项“如果你去年打过流感疫苗,今年还需要吗?”切题。故选B。
19.根据上文Finally, here is some advice for what to do if you get the flu.(最后,这里有一些建议,如果你得了流感怎么办)可知,此处是得了流感,作者的一些建议。故D选项“如果你有这些症状,早点打电话给你的医生,看看他是否需要开一些药”切题。故选D。
20.B 21.C 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.D 31.B 32.A 33.B 34.A 35.C 36.D 37.C 38.C 39.D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是坐轮椅的男子Cameron Aulner协助Chris Belvin制服小偷的故事。
20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这名22岁的男子坐在轮椅上,8年前他从屋顶上摔下来,双腿不能动了,心里七上八下的。A. hands手;B. legs腿;C. nerves神经;D. senses意识。由上文的“in a wheelchair”可知,他坐轮椅,所以是摔断了腿,腿不能动了,故选B。
21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这名22岁的男子坐在轮椅上,8年前他从屋顶上摔下来,双腿不能动了,心里七上八下的。A. lung肺;B. heart心脏;C. stomach胃;D. organ器官。由上文的“in a wheelchair”可知,他是坐轮椅的,所以对上班这件事感到心里七上八下,have butterflies in one’s stomach意为“忐忑不安”。故选C。
22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,他几乎肯定自己会做得很好。A. certain确定的;B. doubtful怀疑的;C. disappointed失望的;D. concerned担忧的。Still表转折,因此句子表示“尽管如此,他几乎肯定自己会做得很好”,故选A。
23.考查副词词义辨析。句意:换班一小时后,一个男人突然喊道。A. fortunately幸运地;B. unluckily不幸地;C. cheerfully高高兴兴地;D. suddenly突然。由后文的“a man started shouting”可知,一个男人突然喊道,故选D。
24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:42岁的Chris Belvin和他的小儿子一起购物。A. playing玩儿;B. searching搜索;C. shopping购物;D. waiting等待。由后文的“The guy didn’t look like he was shopping”及第一段的“at Walmart”可知,Chris Belvin是和儿子在Walmart购物,故选C。
25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一名前保安,他立即注意到一个戴着棒球帽的人快速走过过道。A. noticed注意到;B. watched观看;C. felt感觉;D. observed观察。由后文的“a guy in a baseball hat walking quickly down the aisles”可知,他是注意到一个戴着棒球帽的人,故选A。
26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他匆忙靠近她,被告知是他刚认识的那个人。A. warned警告;B. informed告知;C. reminded提醒;D. learned学习。由上文的“He got close to her hurriedly”可知,她走近那个女士,所以女士是告诉他谁是小偷,空格处是“告知”。故选B。
27.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他不假思索地跑去抓他。A. kept off远离;B. gave off发出(光等);C. broke off中断;D. took off离开,起飞。由上文的“Without thinking twice”可知,不假思索地跑去抓他,空格处是“离开”,故选D。
28.考查副词词义辨析。句意:在前面大约30码的地方,他看到那个人正快速地向出口走去。A. slowly缓慢地;B. rapidly快速地;C. quietly安静地;D. frustratedly泄气地。由第6空后的“a guy in a baseball hat walking quickly”可知,那个人正快速地向出口走去,故选B。
29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Belvin走近他时,那人开始逃跑。A. approached接近;B. caught抓住;C. left离开;D. spotted发现。由后文“the guy started running”可知,句子表示“Belvin走近他时,那人开始逃跑”,空格处是“接近”。故选A。
30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Belvin喊道:“拦住他!一个小偷!”A. murmured轻声地说;B. yawned打呵欠;C. whispered低语;D. yelled大叫。由后文的““Stop him! A thief!””可知,在那个场合下,要抓小偷,肯定要大声叫,故选D。
31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他看到了Aulner,他出现的时机正好,快速地推着轮椅走向收银台。A. walk走路;B. wheel推轮椅;C. rush冲;D. wander漫游。由后文的“out of his wheelchair”可知,Aulner是推着轮椅走向收银台。故选B。
32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那家伙撞了他,Aulner从轮椅上摔了下来。A. fell摔倒;B. ran跑;C. lost失去;D. jumped跳。由上文的“The guy crashed into him”可知,那人撞到了Aulner,所以Aulner从轮椅上摔了下来。故选A。
33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Belvin和另外两名男子跑了过来,而Aulner挣扎着抓住嫌疑人,他摔倒时把嫌疑人拖到了地上。A. hurried匆忙进行;B. struggled努力;C. climbed爬;D. struck打,撞。由后文的“hang on to the suspect”可知,Aulner是坐轮椅的,他要抓住嫌疑人,肯定要努力着做这件事,故选B。
34.考查固定短语辨析。句意:Belvin迅速和商店保安控制住了嫌疑人。A. under control处于控制之下;B. at ease安逸;C. under pressure面临压力;D. in sight看得见。由上文的“Belvin swiftly brought the suspect”可知,Belvin迅速和商店保安控制住了嫌疑人,也就是控制住了嫌疑人,故选A。
35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,另一个人扶着Aulner回到轮椅上。A. position位置;B. aisle过道;C. wheelchair轮椅;D. situation情况。由上文的“Aulner _____13_____ out of his wheelchair”可知,另一个人扶着Aulner回到轮椅上,故选C。
36.考查名词词义辨析。句意:拿回钱包后,这位女士对Belvin和Aulner表示了感谢。A. preference偏好;B. apology道歉;C. warmth温暖;D. gratitude感激。由上文的“taking back the purse”可知,钱包拿回来了,女士肯定对Belvin和Aulner表示了感谢,故选D。
37.考查名词词义辨析。句意:几个月来,听到这个故事的沃尔玛员工和购物者都和Aulner握手,赞扬他。A. rewards回报;B. awards奖品;C. praises表扬;D. prizes奖品。由上文的“Aulner received handshakes”和后文的“from Walmart staffers and shoppers who heard the story”可知,沃尔玛员工和购物者听说这个事情后肯定是表扬Aulner,故选C。
38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不认为自己是英雄。A. leader领导;B. master大师;C. hero英雄;D. policeman警察。由上文的“he just acted on instinct”可知,Aulner说不认为自己是英雄,只是出于本能做了这个事情,故选C。
39.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我只是做了正确的事。A. vital至关重要的;B. great伟大的;C. true真正的;D. right正确的。由上文的“I just did what’s”可知,他帮忙抓小偷是正确的事情,故选D。
40.making 41.completed 42.on 43.The 44.were built 45.machines 46.who 47.confident 48.certainly 49.protection
41.考查非谓语动词。the new station与complete之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,应用过去分词作状语。故填completed。
42.考查介词。此处指科考站位于太平洋的边界处。on the border of sth.“在……的边界”。故填on。
44.考查时态和语态。句意:另外两个科考站,长城站和中山站,建于20世纪80年代。根据时间状语“in the 1980s”可知,此处描述发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时;又因为句子的主语The other two stations与build之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填were built。
46.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,且空处在从句中作主语,先行词是Zhang Tijun,指人,故用关系代词who.故填who。
50.Dear Tracy,
I learned from the WeChat that you had a quarrel with your roommate because she always throws things everywhere, which really makes you angry. In my opinion, it’s no use quarreling without taking action to make peace. You should have a talk with her face to face, making her realize what she does can make the room messy. Tell her that it is necessary for her to develop a good habit of not throwing things everywhere. I hope my advice can be helpful and I’m sure she will make some changes if you talk with her in a polite way.
采取行动:take action→do the deed
意识到:realize→be aware that
原句:In my opinion, it’s no use quarreling without taking action to make peace.
拓展句:In my opinion, what is no use is to quarrel without taking action to make peace.
51.One possible version:
Then she said, “How much is his fare ” The bus driver murmured the amount. “Fine,” said the woman. She reached inside her shirt, took out her remaining money, and handed the fares to the bus driver. “Here is his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a hard time.” The driver took the fares and went back to his seat to roll the bus out of the terminal. Then, the woman gave the old man who was constantly expressing his gratitude her cheese bread and a dollar.
Everyone stared surprisingly at the woman, who, just minutes before, had been crying over the money she’d lost. “It’s only money.” She added, “Everyone will get stuck in trouble occasionally.” She rolled the rest of the way home wearing a smile of peace and grace, and the money she’d lost earlier was forgotten. On the road of life, the help and smile of a stranger can lighten our loads and lift our spirits. That is the priceless gift during the journey.
①由第一段首句内容“然后她说:“他的车费是多少? ”可知,第一段可描写妇女给他支付了车票后的一些举动。
①回到座位:went back to his seat/return to his seat
③困住:be stuck in/be trapped in
①感激:expressing his gratitude/grateful



上一篇:江苏省苏州市区2023-2024四年级上学期数学期中调研试卷二 苏教版(含答案)
