
时间:120分钟 满分:120分
Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
( )1. A. stamps B. snacks C. steps
( )2. A. encourage B. include C. increase
( )3. A. September 9th B. September 19th C. September 29th
( )4. A. Bob helps with housework.
B. Bob likes making dinner.
C. Bob made a table for mum.
( )5. A. A teacher is asking a question.
B. A clerk is giving information.
C. A student is asking the teacher for advice.
Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
( )6. A. In the club B. After school C. My friends
( )7. A. In China B. For a long time C. It's him.
( )8. A. 15 days ago B. For 15 days C. On Saturday
( )9. A. Have fun. B. Great idea. C. Let me help you.
( )10. A. Because he looks smart.
B. Because he has short black hair.
C. Because his brother is too noisy.
Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
( )11. How does Max learn English
A. B. C.
( )12. What are they talking about
A. B. C.
( )13. What did Tina use to be like
A. Outgoing. B. Shy C. Popular.
( )14. What does Tina do now
A. She's a teacher. B. She's a singer. C. She's a footballer.
( )15. Where is the hotel
A. On Youth Street. B. On New Street. C. On York. Street.
( )16. How far are the traffic lights
A. About 1 km. B. About 2 km. C. About 3 km.
( )17. How will the man go to the hotel
A. By subway. B. By taxi. C. On foot.
( )18. What's wrong with the man
A. He has sore ears. B. He has a sore back. C. He has sore eyes.
( )19. When did the man start to have the pain
A. This morning. B. Last night. C. This afternoon.
( )20. What is the doctor's advice
A. Go to bed early and get up early.
B. Take some medicine three times a day.
C. Try not to use the smartphone for too long.
Ⅳ. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
( )21. Where is the speaker's house now
A. Across from the bus station.
B. Across from the train station.
C. Across from the subway station.
( )22. What does the speaker think of the house
A. Very quiet. B. Too crowded. C. Too noisy.
( )23. How does the speaker go to work
A. By car. B. By bus. C. By subway.
( )24. When did the speaker go to New York
A. 5 years ago. B. 8 years ago. C. 10 years ago.
( )25. What did the speaker expect to do
A. Keep dogs as pets. B. Go back to the village. C. Get much money.
V. 听短文填空(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分).
The European Chocolate Festival ·People celebrate it in Italy every 26. . ·It's a good chance to 27. on chocolate culture. ·People can buy 28. for their family members and friends. ·There are also 29. and talks with the theme of chocolate. ·All the visitors can enjoy good 30. and Italian culture.
Ⅵ. 单项选择(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
( )31. Rome wasn't built in a day, so we must be and never give up.
A. honest B. proud C. patient D. busy
( )32. As teenagers, we should develop the of solving problems by ourselves.
A. ability B. advice C. hobby D. memory
( )33. You are too thin. You'll look better in this dress if you a little weight.
A. put on B. dress up C. put off D. take up
( )34. Air pollution be a very serious environmental problem, but now it has been improved.
A. used to B. is used for C. was used to D. was used for
( )35. Everyone wants to know who Emily's ring. Surprisingly, it was in her pet parrot's mouth.
A. bought B. made C. beat D. stole
( )36. — me I can't hear you clearly.
—I said we'd better run quickly.
A. Pardon B. Forget C. Welcome D. Lose
( )37. When you ask someone for directions, you need to talk .
A. loudly B. politely C. happily D. quietly
( )38. These old photos have left many sweet memories for me. They will always bring to my heart.
A. warmth B. fear C. sadness D. future
( )39. —I wonder Gina will go to the concert with me.
—Perhaps pot. She often goes to the chess club after school.
A. Where B. whether C. why D. when
( )40. —Could you please tell me
—It's next to the post office.
A. what we can buy in the mall B. why so many people like shopping
C. how we can be healthier D. where the supermarket is
Ⅶ. 完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
An old man lived in a nice house with a large 41 . He took care of his flowers all the time, watering and fertilizing(施肥)them.
One day, a young man went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be 42 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 43 . He was very surprised about this and asked, "You can't see these flowers. 44 are you busy taking care of them every day "
The old man smiled and said, "I can tell you four 45 . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 46 I can't see these flowers, I can touch them. . Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that's 47 .”
"Me But you don't know me," said the young man.
"Yeah, it's true that. I don't know you. But I know that flowers are angels(天使)that everyone 48 . We all like the happiness these flowers have brought us.
The blind man's work opened our eyes and:pleased our hearts, which also made life 49 . It was just like Beethoven(贝多芬), who became deaf(失聪的)in his later life but wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn't 50 his wonderful music, but his music has encouraged millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn't it one kind of happiness
( )41. A. corner B. dessert C. garden D. bathroom
( )42. A. after B. before C. as D. if
( )43. A. blind B. famous C. smart D. friendly
( )44. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Which
( )45. A. stories B. reasons C. excuses D. ways
( )46. A. although B. since C. because D. unless
( )47. A. me B. you C. my mother D. my son
( )48. A. enjoys B. hates C. punishes D. repeats
( )49. A. busier B. luckier C. emptier D. happier
( )50. A. write B. hear C. play D. believe
Ⅷ. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
In China, some places are fantastic in autumn because of different colors. Here are some of the best places to enjoy autumn colors.
Fragrant Hill Parks (香山公园) It's one of the most popular places to enjoy autumn leaves. In early October, the leaves begin to change color. By Mid-October, the mountain is. full of red, orange and purple leaves.
The Yellow Mountain The autumn leaves season begins in October and lasts until early November. Besides the red leaves, many other views are worth seeing, such as the sunrise, rocks, waterfalls and pipe trees(松树). It's known as the most beautiful. mountain in China.
Yangshuo Countryside To visit the Yangshuo Countryside is to get close to nature and experience real farm life in the countryside in southern China. You can ride a bike on the countryside roads to enjoy natural beauty.
( )51. When do the leaves begin to change color in Fragrant Hill Parks
A. In early October B. In mid-October
C. In early November D. In mid-November
( )52. What can you do in the Yellow Mountain
A. See purple leaves B. Ride a bike.
C. Watch the sunrise D. Experience farm life
( )53. A. Where may the text be taken from
A. A health report B. A travel magazine C. A science book D. A research paper
I ran into a stranger as he walked by me.
"Oh, excuse me, please." I apologized(道歉).
He said, "Please excuse me too. I wasn't even watching out for you.”
Later that day, when I was cooking, my daughter was standing too close to me. When I turned to reach for some milk, I nearly knocked her over.
"Move out of the way!” I said in a loud voice.
She walked away. Her little heart was broken. I didn't realize how boorish I was.
While I was in bed that night, my husband said to me, "While dealing with a stranger, you were polite, but with our daughter you love, you were unkind. Your daughter brought you some flowers that she picked herself this afternoon. You' ll find them in the kitchen by the door. Have you seen the tears in her eyes "
I quietly went and knelt(跪)down by my daughter's bed.
"Honey, I'm so sorry,” I said. "Are these the flowers you picked for me ”
She said, "I found them by the tree. I picked them because they're pretty. like you I knew you'd like them, especially the blue ones."
I tearfully replied, "Sweetie, I'm really sorry for the way I acted today.”
"It's okay. I love you anyway,” she said as she kissed me on my cheek.
If we can be polite to strangers, why can't we do the same for the ones we love
( )54. What happened when the writer and the stranger knocked into each other
A. They had a big fight. B. They said sorry to. each other.
C. They didn't do anything. D. They picked up their own things.
( )55. What does the underlined word boorish mean
A. Smart B. careful C. angry D. rude
( )56. The writer's husband thought .
A. the writer shouldn't shout at their daughter
B. the writer should say sorry to the stranger
C. the writer should act rudely to their daughter
D. both he and the writer should apologize to their daughter
( )57. What is the writer's purpose of writing this story
A. She wants to take notes of what her husband said.
B. She wants her daughter to read it when she grows up.
C. She hopes to remind everyone we should be nice to our loved ones.
D. She writes this down to remember how polite she was to the stranger.
As a symbol of Chinese traditional culture, the dragon boat race is known as a traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival in memory of poet Qu Yuan(340 BC-278BC). The traditional festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar Chinese calendar.
Dragon boat races are held:in many parts of China every year. Many dragon boat paddlers(船浆手)have hoped the sport can be one of the Olympic events for a long time.
Everything seems to be moving towards the dream. At the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, the dragon boat race was held as an Olympics demonstration sport(表演项目). Though it's just a ten minute performance for every team at the Sea Forest Waterway, the race is really getting closer to the Olympics. Thomas Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee(IOC), also came to watch the boat race. Just as the race ended, the China Canoe Association gave Bach a model of the dragon boat as a gift.
This is the first time that the dragon boat race showed up at the Olympics. It has greatly introduced ancient Chinese culture to the world.
"I think that for the dragon boat performance at the Tokyo Olympics this time, we have taken a big step forward for the dragon boat to enter the Olympic Games," said Yang Guang, head of the Chinese dragon boat performance team for the Tokyo Olympics.
According to the plans of the International Canoe Federation (ICF), this sport will be spread in many countries. It is believed that the Olympics will treat the dragon boat race as an official sport soon.
( )58. The dragon' boat race is .
A. a symbol of Chinese traditional culture B. a hobby of poet Qu Yuan
C. a custom of the Spring Festival D. an event of the Olympic Games
( )59. Who is Thomas Bach
A. A player. B. The president' of the IOC
C. A dragon boat lover. D. The head of the ICF
( )60. Which of the following statements is TRUB
A Yang Guang doesn't think the boat races will enter the Olympics.
B. The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
C. There was a 5-minute dragon boat performance at Tokyo 2020 Olympics. .
D. Chinese people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival to remember Shen Nong.
( )61. What can you infer from:the last paragraph
A. The dragon boat race has been accepted by most countries.
B. Officials and players won't take the dragon boat race seriously.
C. The dragon boat race may be an event in the Olympic Games soon.
D. The dragon boat race will attract more officials to enjoy the activity.
It is true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs. In other words, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education don't. It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs. But this isn't accepted by all people.
Some people may think that a person should spend the best years of his life in order to get education only for a way of living. This was probably one of the earliest reasons of education. In fact, if education is just a way of making a living, people don't need to spend so much time at school. People can get education for a living in a short time. Subjects like history and geography need not be taught to everyone. Even language and mathematics need not be taught in detail(详细地), either. Here it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.
Education is well rounded and it is mainly for improving a man. It is not only to teach him to speak, read and write, but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilities. After that, it is' to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of human. Education is to make a man lead a better life. Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and most of all take an interest in the world.
I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education, but certainly not the most important or the main reason.
( )62. People with little education usually .
A. spend a long time at school B. have a good chance to get a job
C. spend the best years choosing jobs D. have fewer chances to get a good job.
( )63. The earliest education was probably to .
A. make a man lead a better life B. teach a man to write and think
C. make people get a way of living D. teach people to read good books
( )64. It is expected that educated people will be able to .
A. accept education as a way of living B. take an interest in the whole world
C. develop their abilities to make plays D. learn subjects like language and math
( )65. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage
A. The Way Of Living B. Get Better Paying Jobs
C. What Education Is For D. Listen To Good Music
Ⅸ. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
Would you like to be comfortable talking to other people Holding(保持)conversations may help. Holding conversations may not seem like a skill. After all, everyone talks to other people frequently(频繁地). But talking to new people makes many people nervous. Here are some ways to make conversations more tun and less awkward(尴尬的).
Body language As strange as it may seem, much communication happens without any words. The way you stand and act tells people a lot about you. When you're talking with someone, stand up straight and have eye contact(有眼神交流). This shows that you're confident. And if you're nervous, acting like you're confident can help you feel more confident. When you're listening, look at the other person in the eye. Lean(倾斜)forward to show that you're interested in what they're saying.
Back and forth(双方共同参与)
A good conversation is not a speech, which means that both people need to participate. If you're doing all the talking, pause to give the other person time to speak. If they don't say anything, try asking them a question.
Questions can also help if you're trying to think of something to say. If you ask the other person a question, they'll talk for a while. People are generally trying to find others with similar interests. When you ask questions, try to come up with open-ended(开放的)ones. That means questions where the answer is more than just "yes” or "no." Open-ended questions in English tend to start with who, what, when, where and why.
Don't fear silence
Don't feel worried if the conversation has quiet moments. Every conversation has some. It is a time to change the subject(话题)to something you're interested in. You could also comment on(评论)something you've done recently. Or once again, you can ask a question about the other person.
So if you're shy, be brave, ask a question, and start a conversation. As with any skill, you will improve on holding conversations with time.
66. makes many people nervous.
67. We don't have to if the conversation has quiet moments.
68. Please give a good example of an open-ended question when talking with your friend about the holiday experience.
Ⅹ. 词语运用(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
根据短文内容及所给提示, 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
One day, a little boy named Mike took the bus with bis father to visit his grandparents. On the bus, Mike always put bis head out of the window for fun. At 71. (one), his father told him not to do this. His father said it was 72. (danger), but Mike didn't listen. Then, his father had 73. idea. He took Mike's cap 74. (quiet)and hid it behind his back. "See You are 75. naughty(淘气的)that your cap has flown away, "he said. Mike touched 76. (he)head and it was really gone. The boy began to cry. He wanted to get bis cap back. "Don't worry," said his father. "Close your eyes 77. count to five, your cap will come back." Mike closed his eyes and started counting. His father put the cap 78. Mike's head. "Oh! Great!" Mike got very 79. (excite) and laughed happily. He quickly took his father's cap and 80. (throw) it out of the window. "Now it's your turn to count, Dad!" he said.
Ⅺ. 基础写作(包括A,B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共计20分)
81 can, read, we, groups, word
82. need, don't, you, to, rush
83. he, did, to, wear, use, glasses
84. moon, is, how, beautiful, the
85. you’ll, more, the, on, know, read, the, more
86. 近年来,在很多国家都出现了学汉语的热潮。假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Ben将要来中国学习,请根据他的信件内容,写一封英文回信。
Dear Li Hua,
How are you doing You just had your Mid-Autumn Festival and along National Holiday, didn’t you What did yow do Was it fun
I am getting more and more interested in your culture and I want to go to China to learn Chinese. Although I have learned a little pinyin(拼音), I still can't read many Chinese words. Can you offer one or two good ways to learn Chinese
Hope to see you soon.
要求:1. 表达准确语句通顺:2. 词数80左右。
Dear Ben,
Thanks for your letter.
Li Hua




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