2023-2024广西南宁市高三(上)摸底英语试卷(含解析 无听力音频 无听力原文)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分7.5分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.(1.5分)Where is the woman probably from?
2.(1.5分)What will the man try next?
A.Hot pot.
B.Peking roast duck.
3.(1.5分)How many students got the prize in the competition?
4.(1.5分)What do we know about the woman?
A.She got a cold during her trip.
B.She will head to Canada.
C.She wants to find a job in Canada.
5.(1.5分)Why was the man carrying the bottles at first?
A.He wanted to recycle them.
B.He had just bought them.
C.He was going to throw them away.
第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.(3分)(1)What problem did the woman have?
A.She couldn't afford a ticket.
B.She couldn't find the museum.
C.She thought the exhibition was free.
(2)What will the woman do next?
A.Buy a ticket.
B.Go up the stairs.
C.Prepare for a flight.
7.(3分)(1)Why was the woman late for the interview?
A.She went back home to get her bag.
B.She didn't find the right place first.
C.She stopped to buy some water.
(2)How does the woman feel after her interview?
8.(6分)(1)What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Former classmates.
(2)What is the party celebrating?
A.Maria's new book.
B.Maria's graduation.
C.Maria's new job.
(3)What does the women like best about her current job?
A.Her co﹣workers.
B.Her job content.
C.Her office.
(4)What subject does the women probably write about now?
A.Home decoration.
C.Teenage development.
9.(6分)(1)Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.At an art college.
B.At the woman's office.
C.At a museum.
(2)Why doesn't the woman sign up for the oil painting class?
A.It is too advanced for her.
B.The time of the class doesn't suit her.
C.She is not interested in oil painting.
(3)When does the Introduction to Modern Art class end?
A.At 7:00 p.m.
B.At 8:00 p.m.
C.At 9:00 p.m.
(4)What will the woman do next?
A.Pick her daughter up from school.
B.Buy some tickets.
C.Fill out a form.
10.(4.5分)(1)What activity will volunteers do in the Bangor Island?
A.Clean up the beach.
B.Observe lion﹣fish.
C.Remove dolphins.
(2)What is the North Sea famous for?
A.Vivid marine lives.
B.A scientific research base.
C.The perfect spot for water sports.
(3)What is the main purpose of the volunteer project?
A.To conduct research on marine life.
B.To protect marine environment.
C.To support environmental conservation.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分37.5分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
11.(7.5分) Let's face it:Life is hard.But it doesn't have to be,especially if you have the following products.From a workout mirror to a water purifier,your day to day routine is about to get a lot easier.
Tempo Move
Tempo makes exercise truly convenient from your own home.You may recognize it as one of the many workout mirrors on the market,but the new tempo move system allows you to easily connect your phone and their apps to a TV,and follow along with all their wonderful classes.
$499 AT
Vive goggles will bring an extremely accessible and refreshing approach to the VR world.The Vive goggles are,well,a pair of goggles not unlike something you'd wear to snowboard.They're extremely lightwei ght with a lightning fast set﹣up that's suitable for things like watching Netflix,or meditation(冥想).It's the calmest headset I've ever worn and uses cameras to let you control everything with just your hands.
Hisense 75''U 80 X0 GR 8 K ULED Roku TV
$1,800 AT BEST BUY
8 K sounded like a luxury,but now that brands like Hisense,which focus on a more affordable version,have got some time with the tech.You can finally bring the deep color output and astonishing de tail into your living room.Calling it"affordable"may be a little overstate,but compared to most 8 KTVs which all run over $5,000,it's the most cost﹣efficient version of the tech we've got.
LARQ Water Purifier
$139 AT
Larq just made your water cleaner with light technology.The best part is that it some how manages to taste clean and fresh too.And while I thought it may be a trick,I've forced friends,family,and strangers to compare,and they all agree.Even if you don't care about clean water,you'll care about that,right?
(1)What can be inferred about Vive Goggles?    
A.They are user﹣friendly.
B.They help keep track of weight.
C.They are intended for snowboarders.
D.They can control everything.
(2)What is special about Hisense 8 K TV?    
A.Its look is luxurious.
B.Its tech is advanced.
C.It is economical.
D.It features deep color.
(3)Where is the text probably taken from?    
A.A consumer review.
B.A science report.
C.An online advertisement.
D.A product introduction.
12.(10分) When a group of college students put their sorrows into action,they never imagined the project would fuel a nationwide movement to help deal with hunger and control on food waste.
But that's exactly what the Farmlink Project has done since 2020,bringing together hundreds of young volunteers to rescue nearly 77 million pounds of excess food and deliver it to those in need.The organization's efforts help farmers,the environment,and people struggling to feed their families all at once.
"In the United States,40 million Americans don't have enough food to eat.They don't know where their next meal is going to come from," said Aidan Reilly,who co﹣founded Farmlink. "Meanwhile,in the United States,we're throwing out over 100 billion pounds of food every year."
Back in 2020,Reilly and his childhood friend James Kanoff were reading and watching news about food shortages,and they learned that area farms were forced to destroy excess produce that they couldn't sell,especially with restaurants,schools and hotels closed.Reilly,Kanoff and a core group of friends worked together over Zoom,texted and e﹣mailed to contact farms coast to coast."We didn't really set out to start a nonprofit,"Reilly said. "We just thought, 'There're so many people suffering,if we can figure out one way to help,then that'll be great.'"
In California,they found a farmer who had 13,000 eggs that could be donated,and Reilly offered to do the pickup and delivery himself.That was the first of many more deliveries.With"we'll come to you"as their catchphrase(标语),the group rented U﹣Haul trucks and attempted to do all the food pickup and deliveries themselves.
"We had a lot of small problems in the beginning," Reilly said."We broke axles(车轴),loaded in 40,000 pounds of potatoes in a wrong way and had to try to drag them out by using another truck and a rope.But we made it work."
"Farmlink has worked with more than 100 farms and 300 communities in the US,rescuing and moving enough food to distribute more than 64 million meals," Reilly said.
(1)What can we learn about Farmlink Project from the text?    
A.It was launched by some college students.
B.It helps relieve American poverty.
C.It cooperated with the farms worldwide.
D.It is supported by the government.
(2)Why did some farms waste the produce left?    
A.The produce was of poor quality.
B.Nobody came to purchase the produce.
C.The farmers refused to sell it at a low price.
D.Food shortages were no longer a problem globally.
(3)What difficulty did the students encounter in the start﹣up phase?    
A.They were lacking in experience.
B.They overloaded the supply.
C.Their navigation aids didn't work.
D.The vehicles were inadequate.
(4)What is the text mainly about?    
A.Americans faced a food shortage crisis.
B.Farmers in poor areas worried about food waste.
C.Volunteers delivered farm produce to those in need.
D.Students took action to tackle hunger and food waste.
13.(10分) Tariq Qaiser,an architect,is trying to protect mangroves(红树林).The trees could save Pakistan's largest city Karachi,sitting on the Arabian Sea,from natural disaster.He comes to BundalIsland several times a week to document the illegal cutting of mangro ve trees.Very often, "You can't hear a single bird because the chain saws are so loud.The trees are cut down illegally for firewood,"he says,shaking his head.Besides,developers clear the mangroves to make room for construction.
Karachi has a hot climate,and its concrete buildings and paved roads make it even hotter.Offshore,there are islands where mangroves grow.They could be the key to slowing climate change.Mangrove forests pull carbon dioxide out of the air,holding four times as much of the planet﹣warming gas as other forests can.They support diverse ecosystems.As sea levels rise with global warming,the trees could play a big role in protecting coastal cities like Karachi from flooding.Karachi's mangroves are disappearing.But its numbers are rising in other parts of Pakistan.With replanting efforts,the country has tripled(三倍于) its mangrove coverage over the past 30 years.
Qaiser's work may have worked.Recently,a court in Karachi declared Bundal Island's mangroves to be protected forests.But unforested parts of the island remain unprotected,and developers want to build there.City officials say this could provide much﹣needed housing and bring in billions of dollars.They claim that some of that money could be used to plant mangroves in other parts of Pakistan.
Ecologist Rafiul Haq appreciates Qaiser's " extraordinary work " educating the public about mangroves.But he wishes Qaiser would look at the bigger picture. "Only 7% of Pakistan's mangroves are in Karachi," Haq says.He thinks it's wrong to focus on the losses in 7% of the country while ignoring the success in 93% of it.But Qaiser believes it's important to protect every bit.
(1)What do we know about Karachi's mangroves?    
A.They occupy the building land.
B.They're home to various birds.
C.They're primarily being used as firewood.
D.They protect the city from climate catastrophe.
(2)Why are efforts made to conserve the mangrove trees?    
A.Their birthplaces meet crisis.
B.They boast huge diversity.
C.Their bonds with nature are close.
D.They grow at a rapid speed.
(3)What does the Karachi government plan to do?    
A.Grow mangroves in other areas.
B.Destroy buildings to grow mangroves.
C.Build more mangrove reserves.
D.Use mangroves to make profit.
(4)What does Haq think of Qaiser's work on Karachi's mangroves?    
14.(10分) It's well﹣known that humor can benefit us both physically and mentally.The idea that laughter is the best medicine has been around since ancient times.In his 1905 book,Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious ,Sigmund Freud argue d that humor is the highest of the psyche's defense mechanism(机制),capable of turning anxiety into pleasure.
There are four humor styles.Affiliative humor refers to jokes about things that might be commonly considered funny,which is usually employed to improve relationships or make others laugh.If you've ever shared a funny picture with a coworker,you've used affiliative humor.Self﹣enhancing humor involves being able to laugh at yourself,often used as a way for you to deal with stress or difficulties and feel better as a result.Aggressive humor is laughing at the expense of others ,which often involves sarcasm(讽刺),teasing,and criticism.Self﹣defeating humor is the art of putting yourself down to gain favor from your peers,which is possibly used by someone who's targeted by bullies.
Each style of humor actually carries a different influence,when it comes to mental health.Julie Aitken Schermer,a psychological researcher at The University of Western Ontario,says people using self﹣enhancing humor are less likely to show signs of loneliness and poor relationships with others.By contrast,both aggressive and self﹣defeating humor styles can hint at trouble. "We find that self﹣defeating humor is the most concerning style as it is also linked with loneliness and feelings of not mattering.Those with an aggressive humor style may not experience loneliness as much,however,since they rely on group dynamics(群体动力) in order to make fun of their peers,"says Schermer.
Even if you tend to favor more negative humor styles,there's no reason to lose heart.Schermer says people can develop a positive,self﹣enhancing humor style by concentrating on the lighter and more humorous aspects of life.As author Kurt Vonnegut once wrote, "Laughter and tears are both responses to worries and anxieties.I prefer to laugh,since there is less cleaning up to do afterward."
(1)Why is Sigmund Freud's book mentioned in Paragraph 1?    
A.To show the importance of mental health.
B.To stress the role of humor.
C.To persuade people to stay positive.
D.To introduce ancient jokes to us.
(2)According to the text,which kind of humor may you use to relieve pressure?    
A.Affiliative humor.
B.Self﹣enhancing humor.
C.Aggressive humor.
D.Self﹣defeating humor.
(3)What does the underlined phrase" hint at"probably mean in the third paragraph?    
(4)Which of the following will Kurt Vonnegut probably agree with?    
A.Humor is difficult to control.
B.Crying is a good way of relief.
C.Humor is a double﹣edged sword.
D.Laughter is the best cure for stress.
第二节 (共1小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
15.(12.5分) Humanities departments(人文院系) in America are once again being cut down.Earlier this month,the State University of New York(SUNY) Stony Brook announced a plan to abandon several of the college's well ﹣known departments for lack of fund.The University of Pittsburgh has cut its German and classics.(1)   .In the UK,Middlesex University decided to gradually get rid of philosophy department.In June 2015,the Japanese minister of education sent a letter to the presidents of the national universities of Japan,suggesting they close their graduate and undergraduate departments in the humanities and social sciences and focus on something more practical.
These are hard times.Instead of Shakespeare or French,there will be(perhaps there already are)college classes in how to cut corporate spending.(2)   .But the only opportunity has been lost if they are denied the opportunity to study foreign languages,the classics,literature,philosophy,music,theater and art in the university.When else in their busy lives will they get that chance?
(3)   .Essays explain why we need these subjects,and what their loss will mean.These areas of learning provide us with the ability to think critically and independently;to see both sides of an issue;to look beneath the surface of what we are being told;to appreciate the ways in which language can help us understand one another more clearly.
I don't believe that the humanities can make you a decent person.(4)   .Studying philosophy teaches us about those who have gone before us.A foreign language brings us closer to those with whom we share the planet.The humanities touch those aspects of awareness that we call intellect and heart. (5)    .
A.These subjects are under attack
B.Students need practical skills to find jobs
C.Defenses of the humanities have appeared
D.This problem has also arisen internationally
E.Therefore,courses in the humanities are beneficial
F.It helps us learn how to think and live in a harmonious society
G.But they can expand our sense of what humans can accomplish and create
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
16.(15分) At the school Art Festival,I was asked to design the costumes for three school plays.Everyone was(1)   to see the actors wear my costumes on stage.This experience has made me realize that I am really good at(2)   and have a talent for fashion design,which has inspired me to(3)   fashion design as my job.That way,I can(4)   work with my interests and strengths.To find out how to(5)   the field of fashion design,I did some(6)   about what kind of education and skills I might need.I(7)   that many premier fashion designers studied at fashion design institutes in London,Paris or Milan.I also keep a(n)(8)   on job ads for the fashion industry to see what abilities or (9)   designers should have.
After much thought,I decided to (10)    these skills and get the right qualifications by studying art at university.While I am there,I would like to work part﹣time for a fashion design company in order to(11)    from other designers.Actually I don't have to wait until I go to university to swing into(12)    as there will be a workshop in my city next month which I am hoping to(13)   .
After graduation,I will (14)    a job as a fashion designer.One day,I hope to start my own (15)   company.
(1) A.determined B.amazed C.awkward D.expected
(2) A.drawing B.acting C.sculpture D.communication
(3) A.challenge B.admire C.pursue D.aid
(4) A.provide B.compare C.create D.combine
(5) A.get into B.get through C.get over D.get from
(6) A.training B.research C.quiz D.schedule
(7) A.checked B.persuaded C.recognized D.forecasted
(8) A.head B.eye C.back D.foot
(9) A.flexibility B.standards C.drawbacks D.qualities
(10) A.apply B.demonstrate C.improve D.acquire
(11) A.learn B.result C.benefit D.obtain
(12) A.motion B.action C.position D.operation
(13) A.attend B.equip C.design D.organize
(14) A.conduct B.submit C.land D.perform
(15) A.accounting B.consulting C.cleaning D.clothing
第二节 (共10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
17.(15分) The famous historical painting"Emperor Taizong Receiving the Tibetan Envoy(使团)",created by remarkable painter Yan Liben(601–673),(1)   (shine) brilliantly in the Palace Museum on April 29,2023.
The painting(2)    (vivid) displays the scene(3)   Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty received a team from Tibetan Tubo Kingdom in 641.On behalf of their King,they came to Chang'an(4)    (propose) a marriage to Tang Princess Wencheng.
Princess Wencheng(5)    ( appreciate) by Tibetan people soon after she arrived at Tibet,because she taught the locals farming techniques,greatly (6)    (improve) the yield(产量) of the land.What's more,the Princess brought not only Tang Dynasty customs and practices,but also a large group of (7)    (craftsman),which had a stimulating impact(8)   the Tubo tribal culture.As a result,on the basis of mutual benefit,the Tang Empire and Tubo maintained a good relationship for a considerable period.
In addition to this painting,the exhibition showcased(9)   total of 108 cultural relics,including 13 items from(10)   (variety) units of the Cultural Heritage Bureau of the Xizang Autonomous Region,as well as 95 items from the Palace Museum.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分15分)第一节 (满分15分)
18.(15分)你校将以"I Like Travelling"为主题举办英语征文比赛。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
(1)写作词数应为80 左右;
I Like Travelling
第二节 (满分25分)
19.(25分)When I was little,I lived in a house with a beautiful garden full of all kinds of flowers,and roses were the most beautiful of them.There was nothing I enjoyed more than sitting in the garden with my mother as she read stories to me.When I was in primary school and old enough to read,I enjoyed reading stories aloud to her.
I will never forget one day when I was in the third grade.I had been picked to be the princess in the school play,and for weeks my mother had rehearsed (排练) my lines so hard with me.But no matter how easily I acted at home,as soon as I stepped onstage,every word disappeared from my head.Finally,my teacher took me aside.She explained that she had written a narrator's (旁白、解说员)part to the play,and asked me to change roles.Her word,kindly expressed,still hurt,especially when I saw my part go to another girl.
I didn't tell my mother what had happened when I went home after school that day.But she sensed my pain.Instead of suggesting we practice my lines,she asked if I wanted to take a walk in the garden.
It was May and roses were blossoming and,under the trees,we could also see yellow dandelions (蒲公英) in the grass,as if a painter had painted our garden with red,yellow and green.I watched my mother casually bend down by one dandelion. "I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds," she said,pulling it up by its roots. "From now on,we'll have only roses in this garden."
"But I like dandelions," I protested. "All flowers are beautiful —— even dandelions."
My mother looked at me seriously. "Yes,every flower is beautiful in its own way,isn't it?" She asked thoughtfully.I nodded,pleased that I had won her over. "And that is true of people too," she added. "Not everyone can be a princess,but there is no shame in that." Relieved that she had guessed my pain,I started to cry as I told her what had happened.She listened and smiled reassuringly.
"But you will be a beautiful narrator," she said,_______________
After the play,I took home the flower._______________
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分37.5分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
11.【分析】这篇文章主要介绍了四种可以使生活更便捷的产品。首先是Tempo Move,一种可以在家中方便锻炼的设备,可以通过手机和电视连接并参与各种课程。其次是VIVE Flow,一种轻便且易于设置的VR眼镜,适合观看Netflix或进行冥想。接着是Hisense的75英寸8 K电视,相比其他品牌的8 K电视,其价格更为亲民。最后是LARQ水净化器,使用光技术清洁水源,使水味更加清新。
【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据VIVE Flow部分Vive goggles will bring an extremely accessible and refreshing approach to the VR world.The Vive goggles are,well,a pair of goggles not unlike something you'd wear to snowboard.They're extremely lightwei ght with a lightning fast set﹣up that's suitable for things like watching Netflix,or meditation(冥想).It's the calmest headset I've ever worn and uses cameras to let you control everything with just your hands.(Vive眼镜将为虚拟现实世界带来一种非常方便和令人耳目一新的方式。Vive护目镜,嗯,是一副护目镜,和你戴在滑雪板上的东西没什么不同。它们非常轻,设置速度极快,适合看Netflix或冥想。这是我戴过的最平静的耳机,它有摄像头,让你只用手就能控制一切。)可知Vive Goggles对用户很友好。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据Hisense 75''U 80 X0 GR 8 K ULED Roku TV部分Calling it"affordable"may be a little overstate,but compared to most 8 KTVs which all run over $5,000,it's the most cost﹣efficient version of the tech we've got.(说它"经济实惠"可能有点夸张,但与大多数售价超过5000美元的8台KTV相比,它是我们所拥有的技术中最具成本效益的版本。)可知海信8 K电视的特别之处是经济实惠。故选C。
(3)文章出处题。根据第一段Let's face it:Life is hard.But it doesn't have to be,especially if you have the following products.From a workout mirror to a water purifier,your day to day routine is about to get a lot easier.(让我们面对现实吧:生活是艰难的。但它并不一定是,特别是如果你有以下产品。从健身镜到净水器,你的日常生活将变得容易得多。)可知这篇文章主要介绍了四种可以使生活更便捷的产品。所以会出现在产品介绍中。故选D。
12.【分析】这是一篇说明文,讲述了一群大学生如何通过创立Farmlink项目,将农场的过剩食物捐赠给需要的人,从而解决饥饿问题并减少食物浪费。文章提到,自2020年以来,Farmlink项目已经吸引了数百名年轻志愿者,共救援了近7700万磅的过剩食物。文章还提到了Farmlink项目的创始人Aidan Reilly和他的朋友们是如何开始这个项目的,以及他们在项目初期遇到的一些挑战。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。文章第一段中提到When a group of college students put their sorrows into action,they never imagined the project would fuel a nationwide movement to help deal with hunger and control on food waste.(当一群大学生将他们的悲伤付诸行动时,他们从未想到这个项目会推动一场全国性的运动,帮助解决饥饿和控制食物浪费。) 由此可知这是由一些大学生发起的项目。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。文章第四段中提到they learned that area farms were forced to destroy excess produce that they couldn't sell,especially with restaurants,schools and hotels closed.(他们了解到,该地区的农场被迫销毁卖不出去的多余农产品,尤其是在餐馆、学校和酒店关闭的情况下。) 由此可知有些农场浪费剩下的农产品?是因为没有人来购买农产品。故选B。
(3)推理判断题。文章倒数第二段中提到"We had a lot of small problems in the beginning," Reilly said. "We broke axles(车轴),loaded in 40,000 pounds of potatoes in a wrong way and had to try to drag them out by using another truck and a rope.But we made it work."("一开始我们遇到了很多小问题,"赖利说。"我们弄坏了车轴,用错误的方式装了4万磅土豆,不得不用另一辆卡车和一根绳子把它们拖出来。但我们成功了。") 由此可知学生在创业阶段遇到的困难是他们缺乏经验。故选A。
(4)主旨大意题。这是一篇说明文,讲述了一群大学生如何通过创立Farmlink项目,将农场的过剩食物捐赠给需要的人,从而解决饥饿问题并减少食物浪费。文章提到,自2020年以来,Farmlink项目已经吸引了数百名年轻志愿者,共救援了近7700万磅的过剩食物。文章还提到了Farmlink项目的创始人Aidan Reilly和他的朋友们是如何开始这个项目的,以及他们在项目初期遇到的一些挑战。文章第一段开篇点题When a group of college students put their sorrows into action,they never imagined the project would fuel a nationwide movement to help deal with hunger and control on food waste.(当一群大学生将他们的悲伤付诸行动时,他们从未想到这个项目会推动一场全国性的运动,帮助解决饥饿和控制食物浪费。)由此可知这篇文章主要讲的是学生们采取行动解决饥饿和食物浪费问题。故选D。
13.【分析】建筑师塔里克 凯瑟正在努力保护红树林,这些树木可能会保护巴基斯坦最大的城市卡拉奇免受自然灾害的侵袭。他每周都会去布达尔岛记录非法砍伐红树林的情况。红树林能够吸收大量的二氧化碳,对缓解气候变化起着关键作用。近年来,卡拉奇的红树林正在消失,但在巴基斯坦的其他地方,红树林的数量正在增加。凯瑟的工作可能已经取得了成效,卡拉奇的一家法院最近宣布布达尔岛的红树林为保护林。然而,生态学家拉菲乌尔 哈克希望凯瑟能看到更大的问题,他认为凯瑟过于关注卡拉奇的红树林,而忽视了全国93%地区的成功。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段The trees could save Pakistan's largest city Karachi,sitting on the Arabian Sea,from natural disaster.(这些树木可以使位于阿拉伯海的巴基斯坦最大城市卡拉奇免遭自然灾害。)可知我们对卡拉奇的红树林的了解是它们保护城市免受气候灾难的影响。故选D。
(2)推理判断题。根据第二段They could be the key to slowing climate change.Mangrove forests pull carbon dioxide out of the air,holding four times as much of the planet﹣warming gas as other forests can.They support diverse ecosystems.As sea levels rise with global warming,the trees could play a big role in protecting coastal cities like Karachi from flooding.(它们可能是减缓气候变化的关键。红树林从空气中吸收二氧化碳,其吸收的温室气体是其他森林的四倍。它们支持不同的生态系统。随着全球变暖导致海平面上升,这些树木可以在保护卡拉奇等沿海城市免受洪水侵袭方面发挥重要作用。)可知要努力保护红树林是因为它们与自然的联系很紧密。故选C。
(3)推理判断题。根据第三段City officials say this could provide much﹣needed housing and bring in billions of dollars.They claim that some of that money could be used to plant mangroves in other parts of Pakistan.(市政府官员表示,这可以提供急需的住房,并带来数十亿美元的收入。他们声称,其中一些钱可以用来在巴基斯坦其他地区种植红树林。)可知卡拉奇政府计划在其他地区种植红树林。故选A。
(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段He thinks it's wrong to focus on the losses in 7% of the country while ignoring the success in 93% of it.But Qaiser believes it's important to protect every bit.(他认为,只关注全国7%的人的损失,而忽视93%的人的成功是错误的。但是Qaiser认为保护每一处都很重要。)可知哈克对凯泽在卡拉奇红树林的工作的看法是片面的。故选D。
【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段It's well﹣known that humor can benefit us both physically and mentally.The idea that laughter is the best medicine has been around since ancient times.In his 1905 book,Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious ,Sigmund Freud argue d that humor is the highest of the psyche's defense mechanism(机制),capable of turning anxiety into pleasure.(众所周知,幽默对我们的身心都有好处。笑是最好的良药这一观点自古以来就存在。西格蒙德 弗洛伊德在他1905年出版的《笑话及其与无意识的关系》一书中认为,幽默是心灵的最高防御机制,能够将焦虑转化为快乐。)可知第一段提到了西格蒙德 弗洛伊德的书是为了强调幽默的作用。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段Self﹣enhancing humor involves being able to laugh at yourself,often used as a way for you to deal with stress or difficulties and feel better as a result.(自我提升的幽默包括能够自嘲,通常是你处理压力或困难的一种方式,结果感觉更好。)可知根据文章,用来缓解压力的是自我提升的幽默。故选B。
(3)词义猜测题。根据第三段Julie Aitken Schermer,a psychological researcher at The University of Western Ontario,says people using self﹣enhancing humor are less likely to show signs of loneliness and poor relationships with others.By contrast,both aggressive and self﹣defeating humor styles can hint at trouble. (西安大略大学(The University of Western Ontario)的心理学研究员朱莉 艾特肯 谢默(Julie Aitken Schermer)说,使用自我增强幽默的人不太可能表现出孤独和与他人关系不佳的迹象。相比之下,咄咄逼人和自我挫败的幽默风格都可能暗示出麻烦。)可知划线词意思是"暗示"。A.Signal.暗示;B.Explain.解释;C.Prevent.阻止;D.Solve.解决。故选A。
(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Schermer says people can develop a positive,self﹣enhancing humor style by concentrating on the lighter and more humorous aspects of life.As author Kurt Vonnegut once wrote, "Laughter and tears are both responses to worries and anxieties.I prefer to laugh,since there is less cleaning up to do afterward."(Schermer说,人们可以通过关注生活中更轻松、更幽默的方面来培养一种积极、自我提升的幽默风格。正如作家库尔特 冯内古特曾经写道:"欢笑和泪水都是对担忧和焦虑的反应。我更喜欢笑,因为笑完之后要做的清理工作少了。")可知库尔特 冯内古特可能会同意的是:笑是治疗压力的最好方法。故选D。
第二节 (共1小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据上文Humanities departments(人文院系) in America are once again being cut down(美国的人文学科再次被削减),及The University of Pittsburgh has cut its German and classics.(美国匹兹堡大学削减了德语和古典学课程)。根据下文In the UK,Middlesex University decided to gradually get rid of philosophy department(英国的密德萨斯大学决定逐步废除哲学系),还有日本文部大臣建议关闭人文和社会科学学科。因此,空处应承上启下,说明人文学科被削减这个问题在国际上其他国家也同样存在。选项D.This problem has also arisen internationally(这个问题在国际上也出现过),符合语境。故选D。
(2)推理判断题。上一段介绍人文学科被削减的情况,及空后But the only opportunity has been lost if they are denied the opportunity to study foreign languages,the classics,literature,philosophy,music,theater and art in the university.(但是,如果他们被剥夺了在大学学习外语、古典文学、文学、哲学、音乐、戏剧和艺术的机会,那么他们就失去了唯一的机会。)介绍我们需要人文学科的原因,因此空处应承上启下,维护人文学科,且与上段形成对比,同时引出下文。选项C.Defenses of the humanities have appeared(对人文学科的辩护出现了),符合语境。故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据下文Essays explain why we need these subjects,and what their loss will mean.(文章解释了我们为什么需要这些主题,以及它们的损失意味着什么。)可知,空处上下文均在介绍学习人文学科对我们的好处,因此,空处应承接上下文,也介绍学习人文学科的好处。选项F.It helps us learn how to think and live in a harmonious society(它帮助我们学习如何在和谐社会中思考和生活),符合语境。故选F。
(4)推理判断题。根据上文I don't believe that the humanities can make you a decent person(我不认为人文学科会让你成为一个正派的人),及下文Studying philosophy teaches us about those who have gone before us.A foreign language brings us closer to those with whom we share the planet.(学习哲学让我们了解那些在我们之前走过的人。一门外语让我们更接近那些与我们共享地球的人。)可知人文学科让我们了解前人,一门外语让我们更接近与我们共享这个星球的人。因此空处应与空前形成转折关系,表明人文学科的好处。对比选项,选项G.But they can expand our sense of what humans can accomplish and create(但是它们能关注并扩大我们对人类成就和创造的认识),符合语境。故选G。
(5)推理判断题。根据上文The humanities touch those aspects of awareness that we call intellect and heart(人文学科触及意识的那些方面,我们称之为智力和心灵),可知人文科学不一定会让你成为正派的人,但是它们能给你带来其他好处,由此可知,人文科学是有益的,空处承接并总结了上文,也是对全文的总结。选项E.Therefore,courses in the humanities are beneficial(因此,人文科学的课程是有益的),符合语境。故选E。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节 (共15 小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
【解答】(1)考查形容词及语境理解。A.determined 下定决心的;B.amazed惊讶的;C.awkward令人尴尬的;D.expected预料的。句意:看到演员们穿着我设计的戏服上台表演,每个人都很惊讶。根据"This experience has made me realize that I am really good at(2)and have a talent for fashion design,"可知,每个人都很惊讶。选项B符合题意。故选B。
(2)考查名词及语境理解。A.drawing 绘画;B.acting表演;C.sculpture雕像;D.communication 交流。句意:这个经历使我意识到我很擅长绘画。根据上下文语境可知,作者喜欢设计,而设计和绘画有关。选项A符合题意。故选A。
(3)考查动词及语境理解。A.challenge挑战;B.admire 钦佩,赞赏;C.pursue追求,从事D.aid 援助。句意:这启发我把服装设计作为我的工作。根据上下文语境可知,作者想要从事服装设计工作。选项C符合题意。故选C。
(4)考查动词及语境理解。A.provide 提供;B.compare比较;C.create 创造;D.combine 使结合。句意:那样,我可以把我的工作与我的兴趣和长处结合在一起。根据上下文语境及常识,选项D符合题意。故选D。
(5)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.get into进入;B.get through 通过,度过;C.get over 克服;D.get from从...处得到。句意:为了查明如何进入服装领域,我做了一些关于我可能需要什么样的教育和技能的研究。根据上文可知我想从事服装设计,所以我会查明如何进入服装领域。get into the field of...进入......的领域。选项A符合题意。故选A。
(6)考查名词及语境理解。A.training训练,培训;B.research研究;C.quiz小测验;D.schedule 计划表。句意:为了查明如何进入服装领域,我做了一些关于我可能需要什么样的教育和技能的研究。根据上文"To find out how to..."可知,此处为做了一些研究。选项B符合题意。故选B。
(7)考查动词及语境理解。A.checked查看,查明;B.persuaded说服;C.recognized辨认出;D.forecasted预测。句意:我查了一下,许多顶级时装设计师都是在伦敦、巴黎或米兰的时装设计学院学习的。根据上文"I did some(6)about what kind of education and skills I might need."可知,此处是查了一些内容。选项A符合题意。故选A。
(8)考查名词、固定搭配与语境理解。A.head头;B.eye眼睛;C.back 后背;D.foot 脚。句意:我总是关注有关服装产业的工作广告,去看看设计者应该拥有什么能力和素质。根据语境及短语keep an eye on...关注...可知,选项B符合题意。故选B。
(9)考查动词及语境理解。A.flexibility灵活性;B.standards标准;C.drawbacks缺点;D.qualities品质,素质。句意:我总是关注有关服装产业的工作广告,去看看设计者应该拥有什么能力和素质。根据语境及上文"and 和ability"可知,此处应用qualities。故选D。
(10)考查动词及语境理解。A.apply申请;B.demonstrate证明;C.improve改进,提高;D.acquire获得;句意:经过深思熟虑,我决定通过在大学学习艺术来获得这些技能并得到合适的资格。根据上文"to see what abilities or (9)designers should have.及语境可知,此处应该是获得一些技能。故选D。
(11)考查动词及语境理解。A.learn 学习;B.result导致;C.benefit使受益;D.obtain获得。句意:当我在那里的时候,我想为一家时装设计公司兼职,以便向其他设计师学习。根据语境及短语learn from...向......学习,故选A。
(12)考查名词及语境理解。A.motion运动;B.action行动;C.position位置;D.operation操作。句意:事实上我不必等到上了大学才开始行动,因为下个月我所在的城市有一场我想要去参加的研讨会。根据上下文语境及短语 swing into action积极行动起来 ,故选B。
(13)考查动词及语境理解。A.attend出席,参加;B.equip装备;C.design设计;D.organize 组织。句意:事实上我不必等到上了大学才开始行动,因为下个月我所在的城市有一场我想要去参加的研讨会。根据上下文语境及短语attend a workshop参加研讨会,可知A项正确,故选A。
(14)考查动词及语境理解。A.conduct实施;B.submit提交;C.land 成功获得。D.perform表演。句意:毕业后,我将找到一份服装设计师的工作。根据上下文语境理解,作者毕业后会找一份服装设计师的工作,而 land 有成功得到,赢得(尤其指许多人想得到的工作)之意,故选C。
第二节 (共10 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
【解答】(1)考查动词时态。句意:2023年4月29日,著名画家严立本(601﹣673)创作的历史名画《唐太宗迎藏》在故宫博物院大放异彩。根据时间状语on April 29,2023,可知描述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时态,故填shone。
(4)考查动词不定式。句意:他们代表国王来到长安,向唐文成公主求婚。此处为动词不定式作目的状语,故填to propose。
(5)考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:文成公主到西藏后不久就受到西藏人民的赞赏,因为她教给当地人耕作技术,大大提高了土地的产量。描述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时态,appreciate和主语之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,主语为专有名词Princess Wencheng,所以谓语用第三人称单数形式,故填was appreciated。
(7)考查可数名词的复数。句意:更重要的是,公主不仅带来了唐朝的风俗习惯,还带来了一大批工匠,这对吐蕃部落文化产生了刺激的影响。前面有a large group of,所以用名词复数,故填craftsmen。
(8)考查介词。句意:更重要的是,公主不仅带来了唐朝的风俗习惯,还带来了一大批工匠,这对吐蕃部落文化产生了刺激的影响。have an impact on"对……有影响",为固定搭配,故填on。
(9)考查冠词。句意:除了这幅画,展览还展出了108件文物,其中包括西藏自治区文物局各单位的13件文物,以及故宫博物院的95件文物。a total of"总数为",为固定搭配,total是以辅音音素开头的,故填a。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分15分)第一节 (满分15分)
18.【分析】高分句型一:On October 1st,I went to Tian'anmen Square with my parents,where we watched the flag﹣raising ceremony.
高分句型二:Standing on the Great Wall,I felt very proud.
分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语Standing on the Great Wall作状语。
I Like Travelling
Traveling benefits us quite a lot.When we travel around,we'll get close to nature and broaden our horizon.We might meet many interesting things and people,helping us make more new friends there.(你喜欢旅行的原因)
My dream of visiting Beijing came true during National Day this year.On October 1st,I went to Tian'anmen Square with my parents,where we watched the flag﹣raising ceremony.【高分句型一】As I watched the flag rising slowly,I sang the national anthem,feeling extremely excited.Then we went to some other famous tourist attractions,like the Great Wall.Standing on the Great Wall,I felt very proud. 【高分句型二】Although I was tired,I really had a good time.(描述你的一次旅游经历和感受)
第二节 (满分25分)
高分句型一:Time went to so fast that it reached the performance day.
高分句型二:At first I was still nervous,but it was at that very moment that I found a dandelion in my pocket.
【解答】Paragraph 1:
"But you will be a beautiful narrator," she said.Encouraging and comforting me as always as she did.My beloved mom,wearing a shining smile on her scarlet face,added. "The narrator's part is important,too."Thanks to her encouragement,which calmed me down gradually,and I began to accept the narrator part was of vital significance.Time went to so fast that it reached the performance day. 【高分句型一】At first I was still nervous,but it was at that very moment that I found a dandelion in my pocket. 【高分句型二】I knew my mom passed the flower to me,which meant to be in company with me.(妈妈的鼓励让作者接受旁白的角色,妈妈放在作者口袋的蒲公英让作者在表演的时候冷静下来)
Paragraph 2:
After the play,I took home the flower.Mom carefully gazed at the dandelion,gently pressed it into the dictionary and grinned happily as she did."We were perhaps the only people who would press such a sorry﹣looking weed."Though decades have passed,I constantly recall our precious lunchtimes being together,clinging to each other,bathed in the soft midday light.For this,I am forever grateful,because smiles on mother's face and her kind act foster a man like me now!And all those inspiring words like"Cease to struggle and you cease to live." have been echoing in my mind as fresh as a daisy.(作者将蒲公英带回家,妈妈将蒲公英夹在字典里面,多年后作者总是回忆起妈妈)



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