江苏省宿迁市沭阳怀文中学 2023-2024九年级上学期9月英语练习(含答案及听力音频无听力原文)

第I卷 选择题(85分)
第一部分 听对话回答问题。
( )1.What is Jack’s animal sign
( )2.What are they going to do
( )3.What did Andy do last night
( )4.What is the man doing
( )5.What does the woman think of the dress
A.She doesn’t like it at all. B. She doesn’t like this color. C. The dress isn’t a little small for her.
( )6.Where are the speakers
A.In a hospital. B.On a beach. C.In a street.
( )7.Where is the tall man running
A. In the park. B.In the street. C.On the playground.
( )8.What isn’t Mary allowed to do
A.Eat out on weekends. B.Choose her own school. C.Go out on school nights.
( )9.What are the speakers doing
A.They’re climbing a mountain. B.They’re celebrating the man’s birthday.
C.They’re celebrating the woman’s birthday.
( )10.What does the man want to do
A. Buy a new car. B. Drive his car to work at once. C.Change a wheel (轮子) for his car.
第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题。听一段对话,回答11—12小题。
( )11.Why does the woman call the man
A. To book tickets. B.To check the date. C.To invite him to a show.
( )12.When will the woman go to see the show
A.On Friday. B.On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
Name: Lucy Age: Twelve
Birthplace: ___13 Living place: China
School name: No.5 Secondary School Class: ___14
Hobbies: Walking, drawing, swimming
Appearance(外貌): wear glasses, ___15
( )13.A.England B.the USA C.France
( )14.A.Class 7, Grade 8 B.Class 6, Grade 8 C.Class 6,Grade 7
( )15.A.tall and strong B.slim and tall C.slim and strong
( )16.How did Richard go to work at first in his dream
A. By car. B.By taxi. C.On foot.
( )17.What happened on Richard’s way to work in his dream
A. Nobody answered his phone. B.He lost his phone. C. He got lost.
( )18.In fact, where did Richard sleep
A.In a workshop. B.On a road. C.In a taxi.
( ) 19.What was the weather like that day
A.Rainy. B.Sunny. C. Cloudy.
( )20.What is Richard’s job
A.An actor(演员). B.A director(导演) C. A teacher.
( ) 21.SuNing was unhappy with her job as accountant, so she started to work for the sales department in big company five years ago.
A. a ; a B.an ; an C.a ; an D.an ; a
( ) 22.The new coat look nice Sandy because she looks nice blue.
A.on ; in B.in ; on C.for ; on D.to ; in
( ) 23.The film Us And Them will start in ten minutes. Let’s hurry, we may miss the beginning of it.
A.and B.but C.or D.so
( ) 24.If you don’t know how to the problem, please ask your classmates for help.
A.deal with B.do with C.catch up with D.get on with
( ) 25. Kate is a hard-working girl. her classmates her teacher likes her.
A. Both; and B.Neither ; nor C.Not only ; but also D.Either ; or
( ) 26. To protect the environment, she would rather to school than take a bus.
A.to walk B.walk C.walking D.walked ( ) 27.—Jack, it’s 11:30 p.m. Stop studying and go to bed now.
—The monthly test is coming. I work too hard.
A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t
( ) 28.He made it for people a happy life by improving the environment.
A.easy ; live B.easier ; to live C.easier ; living D.easily ; to live
( ) 29. It’s wise of us to new challenges bravely any time.
A.put up B.put on C.take on D.take away
( ) 30.The interesting film is worth . And I have seen it twice.
A.to watch B.be watched C.watching D.watch
( ) 31.—Are you going to Shanghai to enjoy the party this Friday
—I’m not sure. It the weather.
A.takes B.depends on C. stands for D.carries on
( ) 32.We want to know we’ll go back tomorrow.
A.weather B.when C.that D.whether
( ) 33.I prefer in the classroom to outside.
A.to read ; running B.reading ; to run C.reading ; running D.to read ; run
( ) 34.—Do you know I’m going to see him.
—Sorry, I don’t know.
A.where does Mr.Wang live B.that Mr.Wang lives here
C.if Mr.Wang lives here D.if does Mr.Wang live here
( ) 35.—I hear that your friend Tom is always very energetic.
—. He often feels sleepy in class.
A.I couldn’t agree more B.Yes,that’s true
C.That’s not the case D.That’s right
Once upon a time, there was a little prince. He was used to having everything he wanted. He was very proud. He wouldn’t let anybody have a new toy___36 he didn’t have it first. So, if any child in the land wanted a new toy, he 37 buy two and give one to the prince.
One day, a 38 toy-maker, who invented(发明) the most wonderful toys, came to hiscountry. The prince liked his toys and 39 to give him much money if he made a new toyevery day. After being invited to 40 a whole year in the palace, the toy-maker set just 41 condition(s),“My toys are very special and need an owner who will play with 42 ,”he said.“Will you be able to spend a little time on each toy every day ”
“Of course, I will,” the little prince replied 43 .
From then on, every morning the prince received a new toy. And the toy-maker became rich.The prince seemed very happy. 44 he later found there were too many toys to play with. Heslept very late every day. Soon the prince became very tired and 45 because he had to playwith one extra toy within(在…之内) the same length of time every day. He even didn’t have 46 to enjoy playing. He only had time to go from one toy to 47 one, eating as he played,talking as he played, and even wanting to go to sleep as he played.
This happened every day until months later, the toy-maker advised the prince to make a 48 . The prince thought about it, and then he had an idea. He invited the children and askedthem to play with him and 49
his toys. Now the prince could enjoy 50 without having toomany toys to play with. Even better, he had new friends and he was happy to play with others.
( ) 36.A. while B.why C.whether D.if
( ) 37.A.must B.may C.can’t D.shouldn’t
( ) 38.A.foreign B.local C. ancient D.rich
( ) 39.A.punished B.cost C.promised D.took
( )40.A. pass B.pay C.cost D.spend
( )41.A. one B.two C.three D.four
( ) 42.A.him B.himself C.them D.themselves
( )43.A.slowly B.quickly C. wisely D.sadly
( ) 44.A.And B.But C.Or D.So
( ) 45.A.interested B.excited C.energetic D.sleepy
( )46.A.hope B.sense C.time D.money
( ) 47A.other B.others C. other’s D.another
( )48.A.calendar B.celebration C.change D.chance
( )49.A.buy B.sell C.make D.share
( )50.A.his B.himself C.him D.he
In recent years, Shuyang has become popular with more and more tourists. There are notonly colourful tourism festivals during the year but also interesting activities, such as fruitpicking, going on sightseeing tours and visiting amusement parks. At present, Shuyang is hometo around 60 tourism spots, offering tourists a lot of choices to enjoy the fun of peaceful countrylife.
Are you interested in fruit picking in the countryside If your answer is “YES”, please readon.There are several choices open to you.
Fruit Picking time Phone number Address
Blueberry May 1st-August 31st 0527-83566828 Xinhe Town
Watermelon May 1st-October 31st 13511778029 Tongyang Town
Grape July 1st-October 31st 18881901055 Shizi Town
Dragon fruit August 1st-October 31st 13811380807 Qianji Town
Strawberry October 1st-November 30st 13951524888 Maowei Village
( )51.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph
A.Shuyang is a popular tourist center. B.People like picking fruit in Shuyang.
C. Too many tourists visit Shuyang. D. It is much fun picking fruit in Shuyang.
( )52.Dragon fruits in Qianji Town can be picked by tourists for____months every year.
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
( )53.What fruit can Andy pick if he goes to Shuyang in November
A.Blueberries. B.Grapes. C.Strawberries. D.Watermelons.
Parents are often surprised at their children’s ability to use technology. A five-year-old childmay easily find and use apps on a smartphone. A ten-year-old child can move up through thelevels of a video game easily. Their parents may think their children were born geniuses(天才).
Natural geniuses, however, are not common. But your parents are right if they think are yousmarter than them. Most children are born smarter than their parents. This has been proved on IQtests around the world recently. These tests have shown that over the last 100 years, newgeneration(代)has become smarter than the older ones. In other words, you are smarter thanyour parents and your parents are smarter than your grandparents.
This increase(增长)in intelligence is called the“Flynn Effect”(弗林效应). It was namedafter James Flym. Flynn is a university professor in New Zealand. He first noticed this in 1980.According to his research, with each new generation, average IQ scores would increase by 20percent.
But why are people getting smarter Flynn and many other researchers believe this hassomething to do with technology(技术). New technologies have further developed our brains.They have made us think better. So we may be better at completing the missing parts of apuzzle(拼图) than our parents.
But being smart doesn’t make you wise. Wisdom comes with age and experience. A highscore in a computer game will not help you solve the everyday problems of life. For that, a smartkid will turn to the wisdom of his parents and grandparents.
( )54.How do parents often feel about their children’s ability to use technology
A.Surprised. B.Worried. C.nervous. D.bored.
( )55.What has been proved on IQ tests around the world these days
A.Children easily use apps on smartphones.
B.Most children play video games better than their parents.
C.Children are born with a high IQ.
D.Most children are born smarter than their parents.
( )56.What caused the “Flynn Effect”according to the passage
A.Better education. B. New technologies. C.A better environment. D.New experiences.
( )57.The following facts are the “Flynn Effect”EXCEPT _______________.
A.a child may easily find apps on a smartphone
B.a child may be good at completing the missing parts of a puzzle
C.a high score in a video game won’t help solve the problems in life
D.a ten-year-old child can move up through the levels of a video game easily
Some people live to climb the highest mountains. Some people onlythink about it while others avoid climbing at all. But one thing is certain thatall people come across mountains in their life.
When I was a little girl, my parents moved us to the tiny village ofOtongo, Hidalgo, Mexico. This town was built at the bottom of a bigmountain.
One day after school, while exploring(探索) the green woods of this mountain, I cameupon a lot of stairs. What could these steps lead to Could this be the way to the top
I was so curious that I started climbing up those mysterious(神秘的)steps.
I climbed and climbed, but still there was nothing in sight. It was getting really dark, andI wasn’t even close to the top.
The voice of reason told me to hurry back home and try again the next day. I ran backhome in the dark while trying not to get too afraid. I didn’t tell anyone about what I found thatnight. I went to bed, dreaming about what I would find at the top of this magical mountain welived on. Could there be a handsome prince, treasure or ghosts up there
Ah…such childhood fantasies (想象)! Those were the days when we could dream. We coulddo crazy things. We believed! I’ve all grown up now, and life has shown me a beating at times.I did live on a mountain in a town as described, but I created this childhood fantasy to makemy days so much more fun as a kid. This story is a good metaphor(比喻) for life today.
You might ask,“What was at the top of that mountain ”I ask you,“What would you havewanted to find ”
Dream about what’s at the top of your mountain. What do you want out of life
Tomorrow is another day, and still, you must climb. Whatever you do, never give up onyour dream! Never let anyone tell you,“You can’t.”
( )58.Which word is the best to describe the writer as a child according to the article
A.Honest. B.Friendly. C.Humorous. D.Imaginative(富有想象力的).
( )59.What do paragraphs 2-7 mainly talk about
A.How the writer reached the top of a mountain.
B.A childhood story told by the writer.
C. Advice the writer gave on climbing a mountain.
D.What the writer’s favorite mountain was like.
( )60.What does the underline word“reason”in Chinese
A.理由 B.理智 C.理解 D.理论
( )61.What is the writer’s purpose in writing this article
A.To encourage people to follow their dreams.
B.To share her childhood memories with readers.
C.To explain the advantages of climbing mountains.
D.To show how adults think differently from children.
The children stayed away from the railway station after the adventurewith the coal. They did not, however, stay away from the railway. Theywatched all the trains go by and give them names. They know the time ofeach train. They even gave names to the trains that rushed byduring the night.
They called one of the trains The Green Dragon. It went to London. Anold gentleman often travelled on this train. One day, they waved to the trainas it passed by.
The old gentleman waved back. The children wondered if the old gentleman knew theirfather. He was in London, too, they thought.
The children’s mother was still writing every day. Sometimes she was happy when aneditor(编辑)bought one of her stories. Sometimes she was sad when the stores came back toher.
When she sold a story, she gave the children money to buy buns for tea. One day, Peterwalked into the village to buy some buns. He met the station master.
The station master spoke to him. He was very friendly. Peter was surprised,“Do you knowwho I am ”he asked.
“You’re the boy who stole(偷)the coal,” the station master said.“Aren’t you still angry withme ”Peter asked.
“No,The past is the past, Where are you going now ”
“I thought you were a poor family,” the station master said.
“We are, but when Mother sells a story, we have buns for tea,”Peter explained.
“Are you proud to have such a clever mother ” the station master asked.
“Oh, yes,”Peter replied.
The station master said,“Come and visit the station any time,”and he continued on his way.Peter bought the buns and went home.
( )62.Who did the children wave to
A.The station master at the station. B.Mrs. Viney.
C.The old doctor in the village. D.An old gentleman on the train.
( )63.How did the family usually get money
A.The porter gave it to them. B.The children helped to paint some of the trains.
C.Peter stole it from the station. D.Mother sold stories to an editor.
( )64.Why was Peter walking to the village
A.To buy a green notebook. B.To visit the old gentleman.
C.To sell his mother’s story. D.To get some buns for tea.
( )65.Which of the following can be inferred from the story
A. The boys did something that made the station master angry.
B.The boys’father knows the old gentleman on the railway.
C.The boys worked at the station so they knew the time of each train.
D.The boys called one of the trains The Green Dragon because they liked dragons.
Taking stress out of exams
Pre-exam stress is one of the biggest problems in students’lives. It makes you feel bad andstops you from
thinking clearly. So here are some tips to help you lower the stress of exams.
66 The best way to deal with exam stress is to have a good study plan.Decide which subjects to study every day and how much time to spend on each one. And don’twait until the last minute to study everything.
67 When we don’t understand something, we feel stressed. It’s normal (正常的).But don’t worry about it, do something about it! Ask your teacher for help. You may find ithard to believe but all teachers want their students to do well in exams.
68 Your body needs exercise for your brain(大脑)to work better. So don’tstudy all the time. It can just make you more stressed. Do some sport, go to the sports centre orjust go for a walk but get up and move!
69 It’s important for your brain to rest, so try to get eight hours’ sleep everynight. Eat a healthy diet and avoid drinks with caffeine that can stop you from sleeping well.
70 If you have followed all these suggestions and you still feel stressed, thendon’t keep it a secret. Talk to someone, your mum or your dad, a friend or a teacher and tell themhow you feel. We all need help sometimes.
A.Don’t be late. B.Be organized and start early. C.Healthy body, healthy brain. D.Make it interesting. E.Don’t keep your stress in your mind alone. F. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. G Eat and sleep well.
第II卷 选择题(35分)
71.We all think Lucy draws well and is a (天生的) artist.
72.I stayed (醒着的) until 12 o’clock last night because it was too noisy outside.
73.Children like watching a (彩虹) in the sky after the rain in summer.
74.All of us shouldn’t (怀疑) that we can finish schoolwork if we try his best.
75.We have no (选择) but to work hard when we are young.
76.The powerful red and the calm white are a very good (相配,般配).
77.He made many mistakes in the exam because of his c, so he was very sad.
78. I can h believe what you said until I hear it with my own ears.
79.People in cold areas prefer warm colours to (produce) a comfortable feeling.
80.Thank you for offering me some (very useful or important) advice.
Color therapy can be used on the body in a number of ways to help you relax and calm down. It can even help treat some illness. It first (81)(appear) in India thousands of years ago. This type of therapy used seven (82) (color) of the rainbow to keep a balance in the mind and body.
Color therapy can (83) (practise) by people in the following ways.
Color gazing (注视): Looking at a blue light can make the blood pressure (84) (come) down, while a red light makes it go up.
People feel good in (85) (them) by wearing their favorite colors. These colors have a good influence on their (86)(mood). The use of pleasant colors in(87) (day) life also has a good influence.
Color imagination(想象)can bring a sense of (88)(happy). Imagine yourself in the color that you wish and let it create a nice (89)(feel) in your body.
Color breathing exercises can be done when you are lying or (90) (sit)down. Look at the colors and choose one. It will really help you to relax.
There are no known bad influences from normal use of color therapy.
姓名 Simon(一名九年级的学生)
品质 1. 有条理,他总是保持他所有东西井然有序; 2. 乐于助人,他经常给同学提供宝贵的建议,还帮助缺课同学辅导功课。 3. ……。
喜好 1. 最喜欢黄色,因为黄色象征智慧; 2. 喜欢听音乐,因为音乐……。
愿望 1. 有些业余时间顾及他的爱好,像排球和足球等; 2. 他也希望在课业和爱好之间获得平衡。
要求:1. 必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥;
2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;
3. 词数90左右,短文开头已经写好,不计入总词数。
Dear Mr Zhao,
I’m writing to recommend Simon as our new monitor. I think he has some strong qualities for this position.
I think Simon is the most suitable person to be our monitor. I hope you can agree with me.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Zhao,
I’m writing to recommend Simon as our new monitor. I think he has some strong qualities
for this position.
Simon is well organized. He keeps all his things in good order. He never forgets the things he needs to do.He is helpful and he often valuable suggestions to his classmates.Besides,He often listens to ou worries and tells me not to give up. He always helps us with all kinds of different problems.He is confident. He thinks he can do anything if he tries his best. He isn’t afraid of making a speech in front of many people.
His favourite colour is yellow. Because yellow is the symbol of wisdom.He often listens to music because i t can make feel relaxed.
Simon hopes that he can have some free time for his hobbies,such as volleyball and football.What’s more,he hopes that he can keep the balance between his lessons and his hobbies.
I think Simon is the most suitable person to be our new monitor.I hope that you agree with me.
Yours sincerely.



