2022-2023河南省项城市高三上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷费选择题两部分。第I卷和第II卷的答案都写在答题卷上。满分120分,虚拟分数满分150. 考试时间110分钟。
第I卷 (三部分,共115分)
第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)
Four Seasonal Best-Sellers Online
Are you among the parents who are seeking books for your children during the coming winter vacation The following seasonal best-sellers may be on your list of choices.
Salt, in which Helen Frost tells a story about friendship between Anikwa and James, was set in a time of war. Anikwa and James spent their happy days together in the forests of the Indiana Territory until facing the cruel war. As a children’s literature, it was once considered as a Kirkus Reviews Best Book in 2013.
Now was set in the present day. This is the final book in Morris Gleitzman’s series that began with Once, continued with Then and Now. In the novel, Felix, a successful man with painful memories of his childhood recalls his time with his granddaughter Zelda. It has been popular with teenagers since it came out. Now is one of Kirkus Reviews Best Children’s Books of 2012.
Die-cut (模切的) pages bring surprise after surprise in this magical new book. How many kinds of green are there in the world Laura Vaccaro Seeger shapes a respect to a single color that will delight and quite possibly shock you. Green was considered as Kirkus Reviews Best Children’s Book of 2012 and a 2013 Caldecott Honor Book.
In this wonderfully creative novel, Louis Sachar makes up a puzzle about Stanley Yelnats, a boy who was sent to juvenile detention center (少年管教中心) Camp Green Lake, and forced to dig a hole a day, five feet across in the hard earth of the dried-up lake bed. It is a darkly humorous tale. The book wins the Winner of the National Book Award and was one of the best sellers among children.
1. Who is the author of the book Salt
A. Helen Frost. B. Anikwa.
C. Stanley Yelnats. D. Louis Sachar.
2. What do we know about the book Green
A. It tells a serious but funny story.
B. It describes different kinds of one color.
C. It talks about friendship in the period of war.
D. It is one of the series by Laura Vaccaro Seeger.
3. What do the four books in the text have in common
A. They are set in modern times.
B. They share the same honor as each other.
C. They don’t sell as well as first published.
D. Their readers are mostly children.
【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D
细节理解题。根据Salt段落下的“Salt, in which Helen Frost tells a story about friendship between Anikwa and James, was set in a time of war.(在《盐》这本书中,Helen Frost讲述了发生在战争时期的关于Anikwa和James之间友谊的故事)”可知,《盐》这本书的作者是Helen Frost。故选A。
推理判断题。根据Green段落下的“How many kinds of green are there in the world Laura Vaccaro Seeger shapes a respect to a single color that will delight and quite possibly shock you.(世界上有多少种绿色?Laura Vaccaro Seeger塑造了这一单一颜色的细节,这会让你感到高兴和震惊)”可知,作者对单一的绿色做了详细的描写,结合前面的问句可推知,本书中将绿色分出了不同的种类。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Are you among the parents who are seeking books for your children during the coming winter vacation The following seasonal best-sellers may be on your list of choices.(在即将到来的寒假里,你也是为孩子们找书的父母之一吗?以下季节性畅销书可能会出现在你的选择清单中)”可推知,后文推荐的四本书都是适合孩子读的书。故选D。
A few years ago, I realized that I had a fear of heights. Sometimes I would feel uncomfortable if I looked down from somewhere high and the higher I got, the worse I felt. However, there were some things that made me nervous when I looked up at them—such as drop towers.
About a month ago, my family and I went on a trip to Marineland—an amusement park with a sea animal theme. One of Marineland’s attractions is a huge drop tower called the “Sky Screamer”. My dad wanted to ride it, and he wanted to take me with him. He kept nagging me, and I finally gave in, because I wanted to face my fears.
Going up was terrible. I got stomachaches from just looking at the tower. When we reached the tower, we lined up and got seated on the ride. When it reached a few feet off the ground, it stopped for a moment, before sending us straight to the top at great speed. I squeezed my eyes shut and I held the handlebar as tightly as I could. A few seconds later my heart was in my mouth and I was screaming my lungs out. At the top, I opened my eyes and looked forward, not down.
I tried to prepare myself for the way down, but it didn’t really help. There I was, with my eyes squeezed shut, holding the handlebar and again, screaming at the top of my voice. In fact, it was even worse than going up! But when I got to the bottom, I felt relieved. I thanked my dad for forcing me to go on the ride, and I was pleased I had faced my fears.
So, was the “Sky Screamer” scary Well, maybe just a little bit.
4. What made the writer finally decide to ride the “Sky Screamer”
A. Her father’s encouraging words. B. Her interest in the ride.
C. Her desire to face her fears. D. Her father’s nagging.
5. What did the writer do during the ride
A. She kept looking down. B. She kept holding the handlebar.
C. She was too frightened to scream. D. She squeezed her father’s hand tightly.
6. What can we learn from the passage
A. The writer volunteered to take the ride because she wanted to face her fears.
B. The writer’s father forced her to ride with him in order to help her with her fears.
C. The ride was less scary on the way down.
D. The ride offered the writer a chance to face and conquer her fears.
7. What is the passage mainly about
A. A trip to Marineland.
B. Facing a fear.
C. A ride to the top of the “Sky Screamer”.
D. A joyful ride on the “Sky Screamer”.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. D 7. B
细节理解题。根据第二段中“He kept nagging me, and I finally gave in, because I wanted to face my fears.(他一直唠叨我,我终于屈服了,因为我想面对我的恐惧。)”可知,作者最终决定乘坐下降塔是因为渴望面对她的恐惧。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“I squeezed my eyes shut and I held the handlebar as tightly as I could.(我紧紧地闭上眼睛,紧紧地握住把手)”和第四段中“There I was, with my eyes squeezed shut, holding the handlebar and again, screaming at the top of my voice.(我就在那儿,紧闭双眼,抓住把手,一次又一次地扯着嗓子尖叫。)”可知,作者在上升和下降的全程都一直握着把手。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第四段中“But when I got to the bottom, I felt relieved. I thanked my dad for forcing me to go on the ride, and I was pleased I had faced my fears.(但当我到达底部时,我感到如释重负。我感谢爸爸强迫我坐过山车,我很高兴自己面对恐惧。)”可知,这次乘坐下降塔的体验给了作者一个面对并克服恐惧的机会。故选D。
主旨大意题。通读全文并结合最后一段内容“So, was the “Sky Screamer” scary Well, maybe just a little bit.( 那么,“Sky Screamer”可怕吗 好吧,也许有一点点。)”可知,文章讲述了有恐高症的作者在一次去游乐园时,为了直面自己的恐惧,乘坐了下降塔,最后作者勇敢地战胜了自己的恐惧。由此可知,文章主要围绕的是面对恐惧。故选B。
Do you get nervous thinking about a coming math test If yes, you are far from alone. Math anxiety has become a common condition among students around the world. Students in countries with higher levels of math anxiety tend to achieve lower math grades, according to a study published by the National Academy of Sciences on Feb 15.
Math anxiety — a negative emotional reaction to the core subject — causes fear, physical suffering and behavior problems among young pupils, according to a University of Cambridge study. Some people also experience physical symptoms such as sweaty palms or a racing heart. They may then try to avoid every situation involving numbers, meaning they are held back from pursuing careers related to this subject, such as technology or engineering, according to The Guardian.
Relief comes from the fact that those with math anxiety aren’t destined (注定的) to be bad at math. “If a child has math anxiety, don’t assume that they’re not good at math. They may have had a really bad experience with math and there are ways to improve math achievement,” Daniel Ansari, the senior author of the study told The London Free Press.
Also, there are ways to manage your stress related to math. If you’re feeling stressed before a math exam, it may help to spend a few minutes exploring those feelings before the exam begins. “It’s about making sure you’re interpreting your feelings correctly,” Sian Beilock, a cognitive (认知的) scientist told the BBC. “Just because you have a fast heartbeat and sweaty palms, that does not necessarily mean you will fail.”
Math doesn’t come easy, no matter how clever you are. Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Italian artist, was a huge fan of mathematics. But his notebooks show that Da Vinci couldn’t do fractions (分数). He could never grasp, for instance, that dividing a number by one-quarter is the same as multiplying by four, resulting in a higher number than the original.
8. What do we know about math anxiety
A. People who are good at math don’t experience math anxiety.
B. It is most commonly seen among teenagers.
C. It can cause unpleasant symptoms both mentally and physically.
D Math anxiety leads to people struggling in their career.
9. What does Daniel Ansari’s study imply
A. Math anxiety may contribute to better grades.
B. Students with math anxiety may have higher cognitive abilities.
C. Math anxiety does not reflect the ability to solve math problems.
D. Bad experience with math can cause cognitive disadvantages.
10. How should you deal with the stress related to math according to the article
A. Practice more before you take math exams.
B. Learn to understand your feelings.
C. Ask cognitive experts for help.
D. Take all nervous energy as a challenge.
11. Why is Leonardo da Vinci’s story mentioned
A. To show that math definitely isn’t easy.
B. To explain why math is a particularly difficult subject.
C. To show da Vinci’s math anxiety is very serious.
D. To suggest a way to solve math anxiety.
【答案】8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A
细节理解题。根据第二段首句“Math anxiety — a negative emotional reaction to the core subject — causes fear, physical suffering and behavior problems among young pupils, according to a University of Cambridge study.(剑桥大学的一项研究表明,数学焦虑——一种对核心学科的负面情绪反应——会导致年轻学生的恐惧、身体痛苦和行为问题)”可知,数学焦虑会在精神和身体上引起不愉快的症状,故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“‘If a child has math anxiety, don’t assume that they’re not good at math. They may have had a really bad experience with math and there are ways to improve math achievement,’ Daniel Ansari, the senior author of the study told The London Free Press.(“如果一个孩子有数学焦虑,不要认为他们不擅长数学。他们可能有过非常糟糕的数学经历,但有一些方法可以提高数学成绩”,该研究的资深作者Daniel Ansari在接受《伦敦自由出版社》采访时表示)”可知,Daniel Ansari的研究表明,数学焦虑并不反映解决数学问题的能力,故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第四段中“If you’re feeling stressed before a math exam, it may help to spend a few minutes exploring those feelings before the exam begins. ‘It’s about making sure you’re interpreting your feelings correctly,’ Sian Beilock…(如果你在数学考试前感到有压力,在考试开始前花几分钟探究这些感觉可能会有帮助。“这是为了确保你正确地理解自己的感受”,Sian Beilock说)”可知,如果你有关于数学的压力,你应该学会理解自己的感受,故选B项。
推理判断题。最后一段首句“Math doesn’t come easy, no matter how clever you are.(不管你有多聪明,数学都不容易学)”提到,不管你有多聪明,数学学起来都不容易,接着文章举了达·芬奇的例子,达·芬奇是数学的狂热爱好者,但他不会做分数,以此来支撑上述观点,说明学习数学不容易。故选A项。
Many people who want to lose weight often choose to go on a diet. But is this really the best way With celebrities (名人) speaking about new diets that have helped them become slim (苗条的) in advertisements (广告), more and more people are turning to dieting. Some shops begin to sell diet products such as diet milkshakes, snack bars and even diet pills. However, such popular products and diets are often found to be extremely unhealthy.
Most of these popular diets work by cutting down on a certain nutrient (营养素) from your food intake (摄入量). For example, some diets work by cutting down on carbohydrates (碳水化合物). This means the body must use its fat reserves for energy. This might help you lose weight. However, by cutting a particular food group out of your diet, you are starving your body of a nutrient that it needs, which could leave you feeling weak, tired or even bad-tempered. Besides, these diets are often unsuccessful in the long run.
Generally, one of the most effective ways of losing weight is to cut down on calories. The recommended (推荐) calorie intake for an adult male is 2,500. If a man consumes more than 2,500 calories each day, then he is likely to gain weight. However, if he consumes less, then he is likely to lose weight.
In fact, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals all play an important role in staying healthy, which is why they all should be included in your meals. Of course, some foods can be eaten in moderation (节制) as an occasional snack. For example, a bar of chocolate every once in a while won't cause you any problems.
So, instead of spending money on popular diet pills or special weight loss foods, try to eat healthy balanced meals containing foods from all food groups. So, next time your friends tell you that they are going on a diet, tell them that eating a healthy balanced diet is a much better choice.
12. What is the author's opinion about the popular diets mentioned in the passage
A. They are useful for losing weight.
B. They are welcomed by celebrities.
C. They are not as healthy as people think.
D. They are replacing people's everyday meals.
13. What is the author's attitude towards the popular diet pills
A. Curious. B. Unfavorable.
C. Unconcerned. D. Supportive.
14. How can we lose weight effectively according to the author
A. By having diet pills. B. By following a strict diet.
C. By taking regular exercise. D. By reducing calorie intake.
15. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Diet products should be limited.
B. Snacking is a big no-no for health.
C. Keeping a diet with various nutrients is ideal.
D. Going on a diet should be stopped immediately.
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. D 15. C
细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“However, such popular products and diets are often found to be extremely unhealthy.(然而,这些受欢迎的产品和饮食往往被发现是极其不健康的)”可知,作者认为文中提到的热门减肥饮食并不像人们想的那样健康。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“So, instead of spending money on popular diet pills or special weight loss foods, try to eat healthy balanced meals containing foods from all food groups.(因此,与其花钱购买流行的减肥药或特殊的减肥食品,不如尝试吃来自所有食物种类的健康均衡的膳食)”可知,作者对于减肥药物是反感、不喜欢的。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Generally, one of the most effective ways of losing weight is to cut down on calories.(一般来说,最有效的减肥方法之一就是减少卡路里摄入)”可知,减少卡路里的摄入是最有效的减肥方法。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“So, instead of spending money on popular diet pills or special weight loss foods, try to eat healthy balanced meals containing foods from all food groups. So, next time your friends tell you that they are going on a diet, tell them that eating a healthy balanced diet is a much better choice.(所以,与其花钱买流行的减肥药或者特殊的减肥食品,不如尝试吃一些健康均衡的食物,包括所有食物类别的食物。所以,下次当你的朋友告诉你他们正在节食时,告诉他们健康均衡的饮食是更好的选择)”可知,保持营养丰富的饮食是最合适的。故选C。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
To keep social distancing and work at home during the pandemic (流行病) has led to less time moving around, and more time sitting and looking at screens. For many office workers, working at home means spending hours sitting at our desk. ____16____. Therefore, exercise experts suggest things must be changed. Some tips here are to help you move more.
Start small
People trying to start exercising often get caught up in an “all or nothing” thinking which means either I do zero or I do two hours. And if I don’t get two hours, then it doesn’t count, or it’s not good enough. ____17____. Going from no activity at all to even a little bit will indeed get some health effects.
Part of developing a good exercise habit is to know yourself well. Knowing what’s possible and what’s not realistic for you. For instance, if you’re not a morning person, don’t plan to exercise in the morning. And if you hate running, don’t run just because someone tells you it’s good for you. ____19____. Arranging with a friend to work out will help you avoid struggling to get started.
Walk whenever you can
Sitting less and walking more will make a big difference. Use your stairs instead of an elevator. And if you don’t have to go out, just walk room to room back and forth to get those extra steps. If you have a meeting, use the break of that meeting to walk around. ____20____
A. Make sure to know yourself well
B. Choose a suitable time for yourself
C. All these steps will count and be helpful
D. That’s a great place for everybody to walk
E. But five minutes is believed to be better than none
F. And it is ruining our health physically and mentally
G. You can think of possible ways for you to start or stick to
【答案】16. F 17. E 18. A 19. G 20. C
【详解】1.由上文“To keep social distancing and work at home during the pandemic (流行病) has led to less time moving around, and more time sitting and looking at screens. For many office workers, working at home means spending hours sitting at our desk.”(在流感大流行期间,保持社会距离和在家工作的做法,导致人们活动的时间减少,更多的时间坐着看屏幕。对于许多办公室职员来说,在家工作意味着在办公桌前坐上好几个小时。)可知,新冠肺炎导致人们在家工作,意味着在办公桌前坐上好几个小时,活动时间减少。结合下文“Therefore, exercise experts suggest things must be changed.”(因此,运动专家建议,必须改变一些东西。)可知,运动专家建议我们要对此做出改变,所以可以推断出,空处应该是承上启下,即人们在家办公,在办公桌前坐上好几个小时,活动时间减少,这会对人们有害,所以我们要对此做出改变,F选项“And it is ruining our health physically and mentally”(它正在摧毁我们的身心健康)符合,和下文构成因果关系,故选F。
2.由上文“And if I don’t get two hours. then it doesn’t count, or it’s not good enough.”(如果我锻炼达不到两个小时,那么锻炼就没有意义,或者这样锻炼不足够好。)和下文“Going from no activity at all to even a little bit will indeed get some health effects.”(从根本不活动到哪怕一点点都会对健康产生一些影响。)可知,空前指出一些人认为长时间的锻炼才有用,短时间的锻炼没有用,空后指出哪怕一点点的活动也有用,所以可以推断出,空处应该是和上文构成转折关系,同时引起下文,E选项“But five minutes is believed to be better than none”(但是五分钟的锻炼也比不锻炼好)符合,故选E。
3.该空是本段的标题。根据下文“Part of developing a good exercise habit is to know yourself well. Knowing what’s possible and what’s not realistic for you.”(养成良好的锻炼习惯的一部分就是要了解自己。知道什么是可能的,什么是不现实的。)可知,本段主要讲我们要了解自己,A选项“Make sure to know yourself well”(确保你很了解自己)符合,故选A。
4.由下文“Arranging with a friend to work out will help you avoid struggling to get started.”(和一个朋友去健身,可以帮助你避免开始锻炼的挣扎。)可知,此处用具体例子指出开始锻炼时要和朋友一起去健身,这样能避免你开始做锻炼的那种挣扎,所以可以推断出空处应该是对下文进行具体概括,G项“You can think of possible ways for you to start or stick to”(你可以想出一些可能的办法让你开始或坚持下去)符合,引起下文,其中“start”和下文“get started”相呼应,故选G。
5.由上文“And if you don’t have to go out, just walk room to room back and forth to get those extra steps. If you have a meeting, use the break of that meeting to walk around.”(如果你不需要出门,就在一个房间里走来走去,多走几步。如果你要开会,利用会议休息时间到处走走。)可知,此处指我们要多走走,这样对身体有好处,空处应该是承接上文,对上文内容做出解释,即我们为什么要多走走,C选项“All these steps will count and be helpful.”(你走的这些步子都是有用的。)符合,故选C。
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)
When I was in primary school, I got into a major argument (争论) with a boy named Tom in my class. I can't____21____what it was about, but I have never forgotten the ____22____I learnt that day.
I was ____23____ that I was right and he was wrong, but he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right. Our ____24____ decided to teach us a very important lesson and____25____ a good idea. She ____26____ both of us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on ____27____. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object (物体). I could____28____ see that it was black. She asked the boy what____29____ the object was. "White," he answered in a _____30_____voice.
I couldn't believe he said the object was white, _____31_____ it was obviously black! Another_____32_____started between my classmate and me, this_____33_____about the colour of the object.
The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed_____34_____, and now she asked me what the colour of the object was. I _____35_____ answer, "White." It was then _____36_____I realised I was wrong. In fact, it was an object with two _____37_____ coloured sides, and from his side it was white. _____38_____ from my side was it black.
My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: You must _____39_____yourself in the other person's shoes and look at the _____40_____through their eyes in order to truly understand their views.
21. A. think B. remember C. forget D. determine
22. A. class B. speech C. text D. lesson
23. A. sure B. told C. afraid D. persuaded
24. A. doctor B. parent C. partner D. teacher
25. A. kept up with B. went on with C. came up with D. got along with
26. A. woke B. brought C. advised D. came
27. A. the other B. other C. another D. others
28. A. clearly B. happily C. luckily D. nearly
29. A. height B. colour C. size D. shape
30. A. sweet B. loud C. fearful D. grateful
31. A. for B. unless C. if D. although
32. A. match B. fight C. argument D. conversation
33. A. day B. time C. chance D. month
34. A. desks B. seats C. attitudes D. places
35. A. hoped to B. needed to C. had to D. was able to.
36. A. when B. before C. that D. since
37. A. loosely B. frequently C. differently D. beautifully
38. A. Still B. Then C. Also D. Only
39. A. sit B. stand C. lie D. put
40. A. performance B. loneliness C. movement D. situation
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. C 36. C 37. C 38. D 39. D 40. D
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不记得是关于什么的了,但我永远不会忘记那天学到的教训。A. think思考;B. remember记得;C. forget忘记;D. determine决定。根据空后“what it was about, but I have never forgotten the ____2____I learnt that day”可知,此处表示不记得争论的内容了。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A.class课堂;B. speech演讲;C. text课文;D. lesson教训。根据空后“I learnt that day”及下文“Our ____4____ decided to teach us a very important lesson”可知,此处表示自己学到的教训。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我确信我是对的,他是错的,但他坚信我是错的,他是对的。根据下文“but he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right”可推知,我应该肯定自己是正确的。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的老师决定给我们上一堂非常重要的课,并想出了一个好主意。A. doctor医生;B. parent父(母);C. partner伙伴;D. teacher老师。根据空后“decided to teach us a very important lesson”可知,应该是老师给我们上一堂非常重要的课。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意同上。A. keep up with赶得上;B. go on with继续;C. come up with想出;D. get along with与……相处得好。根据空后“a good idea”可知,此处表示想出一个好主意。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:她把我们带到教室前面,让他坐在她桌子的一边,我坐在另一边。A. wake叫醒;B. bring带来;C. advise建议;D. come来。根据空后的to可知,此处考查bring…to…的固定用法,表示:将……带到……。故选B项。
考查代词词义辨析。句意同上。A. the other(两者中)另一个;B. other其余的;C. another另一个;D. others其余的(物品/人)。根据上文“on one side of her desk”可知,此处表示桌子的另外一边,用the other。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我能清楚地看见它是黑色的。A. clearly清楚地;B. happily开心地;C. luckily幸运地;D. nearly几乎。根据下文“I couldn't believe he said the object was white”可知,我应该看清楚物品是黑色的。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:她问男孩物品是什么颜色的。A. height高度;B. colour颜色;C. size尺码;D. shae形状。根据下文“White”可知,此处询问颜色。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他大声回答:“白色的。”A. sweet甜美的;B. loud响亮的;C. fearful恐惧的;D. grateful感激的。根据下文“The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed 14 , and now she asked me what the colour of the object was. I 15 answer, "White."”可知,物品的另一面是白色的,因此,男孩应该是大声回答的。故选B项。
考查连接词词义辨析。句意:我不敢相信他说那个东西是白色的,因为它显然是黑色的!A. for因为;B. unless除非;C. if如果;D. although尽管。根据句意,空格后是空格前的原因,for可以表示“因为”。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和同学又吵了起来,这次是关于物体的颜色。A. match比赛;B. fight打架;C. argument争论;D. conversation对话。根据文章第一句“When I was in primary school, I got into a major argument (争论) with a boy named Tom in my class.”可知,此处表示又一次争论开始了。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A.day天;B.time次;C.chance机会;D. month月。根据句意可知,这是另一次争吵。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们交换了位置,现在她问我那东西是什么颜色。A. desks课桌;B. seats座位;C. attitudes态度;D. places地方。根据上文“The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been.”可知,此处是交换了位置。故选D项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我不得不答:“白色的。”A. hope to希望;B. need to需要;C. have to不得不;D. be able to能够。根据下文“It was then  16  I realised I was wrong.”可知,作者意识到自己错了,以为物品是黑色的,但是另一面是白色的,不得不回答是白色的。故选C项。
考查强调句型。句意:就在那时我意识到我错了。A. when当……的时候;B.before在……之前:C. that引导强调句,无实意;D. since自从,因为。此处为强调句型It’s+被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他成分;强调then,应用that。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:事实上,它有两个不同颜色的侧面,从他的角度看,它是白色的。 A. loosely宽松地;B. frequently频繁地;C. differently不同地;D. beautifully美丽地。由前文中两种颜色可知,两面的颜色是不同的。故选C项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:只有我这边是黑色的。A. Still仍然;B. Then然后;C. Also并且;D. Only只有。根据语境可知,此处表示只有从我这边看是黑色的。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天老师给我上了非常重要的一课:你必须设身处地为别人着想,从别人的角度去看问题,才能真正理解他们的观点。A. sit坐;B. stand站;C. lie躺;D. put放。固定短语put yourself in other person's shoe“设身处地为别人想”。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. performance表现;B. loneliness孤单;C. movement运动;D. situation情形。根据上文“You must 19 yourself in the other person's shoes”可推测,我们应该从别人的角度去看当时的情形。故选D项。
With the development of science and technology, our life is becoming much better and more convenient. However, more garbage and pollution____41____(produce) at the same time, which____42____(lay) a heavy burden on our environment. ____43____is known to all, environment plays a vital role in our daily life. In response to the severe situation, we should take effective____44____(measure) to protect the planet where we coexist. It is suggested that we should sort waste____45____(relieve) the situation.
Garbage classification, which is a good way to protect our environment, can’t be overemphasized. It can help separate recyclable waste, which can be____46____(full) used to help save the resources to a large degree. Not only can we make our environment clean and beautiful, but also recyclable waste can be made good use of to benefit us ____47____ return.
As garbage classification is significant, we should take____48____active part in putting it into practice. It’s a must for____49____(we) to learn to sort waste. It is the little things we do today that have a profound influence on the planet. Only if all of us make joint efforts can we make a big_____50_____(different) and have a good environment.
【答案】41. are produced
42. lays 43. As
44. measures
45. to relieve
46. fully 47. in
48. an 49. us
50. difference
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:然而,更多的垃圾和污染同时产生,这给我们的环境带来了沉重的负担。句子描述现在的一般性情况,且结合上下文,句子应用一般现在时,produce与主语more garbage and pollution之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,主语more garbage and pollution是复数,be动词应用are。故填are produced。
考查定语从句。句意:众所周知,环境在我们的日常生活中起着至关重要的作用。as is known to all为固定搭配,表示“众所周知”,as引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句,从句中作主语,表示“正如”,首字母大写。故填As。
考查名词。句意:面对严峻的形势,我们应该采取有效措施,保护我们共存的地球。take measures to do sth.为固定短语,表示“采取措施做某事”,用名词复数表泛指。故填measures。
考查非谓语动词。句意:有人建议我们把垃圾分类以缓解这种情况。结合语意,把垃圾分类是为了缓解这种情况,空处应用不定式形式做目的状语。故填to relieve。
考查介词。句意:我们不仅可以使我们的环境清洁和美丽,而且可回收的废物可以很好地利用,以造福我们作为回报。in return为固定短语,表示“作为回报”,符合句意,故填in。
考查冠词。句意:由于垃圾分类很重要,我们应该积极参与实践。take an active part in表示“积极参与”,active是元音音素开头的单词,前边应用不定冠词an。故填an。
考查名词。句意:只有我们大家共同努力,我们才能有大影响,才能拥有一个良好的环境。make a difference为固定短语,表示“有影响”。故填difference。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
I am a student of the Foreign Language School. After the second classes every Friday afternoon we were used to have time to see an English film. We all took interested in seeing English films. And from this term, it seems that we are having more and more classes in the afternoon. It is impossible for us see English films regular. What is more, we had less time for rest and sports. Which worries us is that it will do harm to our health as well as our study. Would you please give them some support to stop this Looking forward to hear from you soon.
【答案】1. classes→class
2.考查固定短语。句意:每周五下午上完第二节课后,我们常有时间去看英语电影。结合句意表示“过去常常做某事”短语为used to do sth.。故去掉were。
3.考查名词。句意:我们都喜欢看英语电影。结合句意表示“对……感兴趣”可知短语为take interest in。故interested改为interest。
5.考查非谓语动词。句意:我们不可能经常看英语电影。此处为“It is impossible for sb. to do sth.”句型,it为形式主语,不定式为真正主语。故us后添加to。
10.考查非谓语动词。句意:期待您的回复。表示“期待做某事”短语为look forward to doing sth.。故hear改为hearing。
第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)
52. 假如你是李华,你校将组织校内留学生参观中国画展(Chinese Painting Exhibition),请写一则通知发布在校园网上。内容包括:
1. 展览的时间和地点;
2. 展览内容;
3. 参观时的注意事项。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。.
The Students’ Union
In order to promote traditional Chinese culture, our school is to arrange for the exchange students to visit the Chinese Painting Exhibition.
The exhibition will run from Feb. 20 to March. 20 at our school hall. It centers on the history of the traditional Chinese paintings and displays various famous paintings of exceptional beauty from different dynasties, from which you are expected to have a deep insight into the development of Chinese culture.
We are to gather at the school gate at 2:00 pm Feb. 25 and the school bus will take us there. Keep in mind that no photos or food and drink are allowed in the museum.
The Students’ Union
著名的:famous → well-known
安排: arrange→ organize
原句:The exhibition will run from Feb. 20 to March. 20 at our school hall.
拓展句:The exhibition will run from Feb. 20 to March. 20 at our school hall, which is located behind the library.
【点睛】【高分句型1】In order to promote traditional Chinese culture, our school is to arrange for the exchange students to visit the Chinese Painting Exhibition.(运用了不定式作目的状语和表语)
【高分句型2】It centers on the history of the traditional Chinese paintings and displays various famous paintings of exceptional beauty from different dynasties, from which you are expected to have a deep insight into the development of Chinese culture.(运用了介词+which引导的非限制性定语从句)2022—2023学年度上期高三期中考试
本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷费选择题两部分。第I卷和第II卷的答案都写在答题卷上。满分120分,虚拟分数满分150. 考试时间110分钟。
第I卷 (三部分,共115分)
第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)
Four Seasonal Best-Sellers Online
Are you among the parents who are seeking books for your children during the coming winter vacation The following seasonal best-sellers may be on your list of choices.
Salt, in which Helen Frost tells a story about friendship between Anikwa and James, was set in a time of war. Anikwa and James spent their happy days together in the forests of the Indiana Territory until facing the cruel war. As a children’s literature, it was once considered as a Kirkus Reviews Best Book in 2013.
Now was set in the present day. This is the final book in Morris Gleitzman’s series that began with Once, continued with Then and Now. In the novel, Felix, a successful man with painful memories of his childhood recalls his time with his granddaughter Zelda. It has been popular with teenagers since it came out. Now is one of Kirkus Reviews Best Children’s Books of 2012.
Die-cut (模切的) pages bring surprise after surprise in this magical new book. How many kinds of green are there in the world Laura Vaccaro Seeger shapes a respect to a single color that will delight and quite possibly shock you. Green was considered as Kirkus Reviews Best Children’s Book of 2012 and a 2013 Caldecott Honor Book.
In this wonderfully creative novel, Louis Sachar makes up a puzzle about Stanley Yelnats, a boy who was sent to juvenile detention center (少年管教中心) Camp Green Lake, and forced to dig a hole a day, five feet across in the hard earth of the dried-up lake bed. It is a darkly humorous tale. The book wins the Winner of the National Book Award and was one of the best sellers among children.
1. Who is the author of the book Salt
A. Helen Frost. B. Anikwa.
C. Stanley Yelnats. D. Louis Sachar.
2. What do we know about the book Green
A. It tells a serious but funny story.
B. It describes different kinds of one color.
C. It talks about friendship in the period of war.
D. It is one of the series by Laura Vaccaro Seeger.
3. What do the four books in the text have in common
A. They are set in modern times.
B. They share the same honor as each other.
C. They don’t sell as well as first published.
D. Their readers are mostly children.
A few years ago, I realized that I had a fear of heights. Sometimes I would feel uncomfortable if I looked down from somewhere high and the higher I got, the worse I felt. However, there were some things that made me nervous when I looked up at them—such as drop towers.
About a month ago, my family and I went on a trip to Marineland—an amusement park with a sea animal theme. One of Marineland’s attractions is a huge drop tower called the “Sky Screamer”. My dad wanted to ride it, and he wanted to take me with him. He kept nagging me, and I finally gave in, because I wanted to face my fears.
Going up was terrible. I got stomachaches from just looking at the tower. When we reached the tower, we lined up and got seated on the ride. When it reached a few feet off the ground, it stopped for a moment, before sending us straight to the top at great speed. I squeezed my eyes shut and I held the handlebar as tightly as I could. A few seconds later my heart was in my mouth and I was screaming my lungs out. At the top, I opened my eyes and looked forward, not down.
I tried to prepare myself for the way down, but it didn’t really help. There I was, with my eyes squeezed shut, holding the handlebar and again, screaming at the top of my voice. In fact, it was even worse than going up! But when I got to the bottom, I felt relieved. I thanked my dad for forcing me to go on the ride, and I was pleased I had faced my fears.
So, was the “Sky Screamer” scary Well, maybe just a little bit.
4. What made the writer finally decide to ride the “Sky Screamer”
A. Her father’s encouraging words. B. Her interest in the ride.
C. Her desire to face her fears. D. Her father’s nagging.
5. What did the writer do during the ride
A. She kept looking down. B. She kept holding the handlebar.
C. She was too frightened to scream. D. She squeezed her father’s hand tightly.
6. What can we learn from the passage
A. The writer volunteered to take the ride because she wanted to face her fears.
B. The writer’s father forced her to ride with him in order to help her with her fears.
C. The ride was less scary on the way down.
D. The ride offered the writer a chance to face and conquer her fears.
7. What is the passage mainly about
A A trip to Marineland.
B. Facing a fear.
C. A ride to the top of the “Sky Screamer”.
D. A joyful ride on the “Sky Screamer”.
Do you get nervous thinking about a coming math test If yes, you are far from alone. Math anxiety has become a common condition among students around the world. Students in countries with higher levels of math anxiety tend to achieve lower math grades, according to a study published by the National Academy of Sciences on Feb 15.
Math anxiety — a negative emotional reaction to the core subject — causes fear, physical suffering and behavior problems among young pupils, according to a University of Cambridge study. Some people also experience physical symptoms such as sweaty palms or a racing heart. They may then try to avoid every situation involving numbers, meaning they are held back from pursuing careers related to this subject, such as technology or engineering, according to The Guardian.
Relief comes from the fact that those with math anxiety aren’t destined (注定的) to be bad at math. “If a child has math anxiety, don’t assume that they’re not good at math. They may have had a really bad experience with math and there are ways to improve math achievement,” Daniel Ansari, the senior author of the study told The London Free Press.
Also, there are ways to manage your stress related to math. If you’re feeling stressed before a math exam, it may help to spend a few minutes exploring those feelings before the exam begins. “It’s about making sure you’re interpreting your feelings correctly,” Sian Beilock, a cognitive (认知的) scientist told the BBC. “Just because you have a fast heartbeat and sweaty palms, that does not necessarily mean you will fail.”
Math doesn’t come easy, no matter how clever you are. Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Italian artist, was a huge fan of mathematics. But his notebooks show that Da Vinci couldn’t do fractions (分数). He could never grasp, for instance, that dividing a number by one-quarter is the same as multiplying by four, resulting in a higher number than the original.
8. What do we know about math anxiety
A. People who are good at math don’t experience math anxiety.
B. It is most commonly seen among teenagers.
C. It can cause unpleasant symptoms both mentally and physically.
D. Math anxiety leads to people struggling in their career.
9. What does Daniel Ansari’s study imply
A. Math anxiety may contribute to better grades.
B. Students with math anxiety may have higher cognitive abilities.
C. Math anxiety does not reflect the ability to solve math problems.
D. Bad experience with math can cause cognitive disadvantages.
10. How should you deal with the stress related to math according to the article
A. Practice more before you take math exams.
B. Learn to understand your feelings.
C. Ask cognitive experts for help.
D Take all nervous energy as a challenge.
11. Why is Leonardo da Vinci’s story mentioned
A. To show that math definitely isn’t easy.
B. To explain why math is a particularly difficult subject.
C. To show da Vinci’s math anxiety is very serious.
D. To suggest a way to solve math anxiety.
Many people who want to lose weight often choose to go on a diet. But is this really the best way With celebrities (名人) speaking about new diets that have helped them become slim (苗条的) in advertisements (广告), more and more people are turning to dieting. Some shops begin to sell diet products such as diet milkshakes, snack bars and even diet pills. However, such popular products and diets are often found to be extremely unhealthy.
Most of these popular diets work by cutting down on a certain nutrient (营养素) from your food intake (摄入量). For example, some diets work by cutting down on carbohydrates (碳水化合物). This means the body must use its fat reserves for energy. This might help you lose weight. However, by cutting a particular food group out of your diet, you are starving your body of a nutrient that it needs, which could leave you feeling weak, tired or even bad-tempered. Besides, these diets are often unsuccessful in the long run.
Generally, one of the most effective ways of losing weight is to cut down on calories. The recommended (推荐的) calorie intake for an adult male is 2,500. If a man consumes more than 2,500 calories each day, then he is likely to gain weight. However, if he consumes less, then he is likely to lose weight.
In fact, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals all play an important role in staying healthy, which is why they all should be included in your meals. Of course, some foods can be eaten in moderation (节制) as an occasional snack. For example, a bar of chocolate every once in a while won't cause you any problems.
So, instead of spending money on popular diet pills or special weight loss foods, try to eat healthy balanced meals containing foods from all food groups. So, next time your friends tell you that they are going on a diet, tell them that eating a healthy balanced diet is a much better choice.
12. What is the author's opinion about the popular diets mentioned in the passage
A. They are useful for losing weight.
B. They are welcomed by celebrities.
C. They are not as healthy as people think.
D. They are replacing people's everyday meals.
13. What is the author's attitude towards the popular diet pills
A. Curious. B. Unfavorable.
C. Unconcerned. D. Supportive.
14. How can we lose weight effectively according to the author
A. By having diet pills. B. By following a strict diet.
C. By taking regular exercise. D. By reducing calorie intake.
15. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Diet products should be limited.
B. Snacking is a big no-no for health.
C. Keeping a diet with various nutrients is ideal.
D. Going on a diet should be stopped immediately.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
To keep social distancing and work at home during the pandemic (流行病) has led to less time moving around, and more time sitting and looking at screens. For many office workers, working at home means spending hours sitting at our desk. ____16____. Therefore, exercise experts suggest things must be changed. Some tips here are to help you move more.
Start small
People trying to start exercising often get caught up in an “all or nothing” thinking which means either I do zero or I do two hours. And if I don’t get two hours, then it doesn’t count, or it’s not good enough. ____17____. Going from no activity at all to even a little bit will indeed get some health effects.
Part of developing a good exercise habit is to know yourself well. Knowing what’s possible and what’s not realistic for you. For instance, if you’re not a morning person, don’t plan to exercise in the morning. And if you hate running, don’t run just because someone tells you it’s good for you. ____19____. Arranging with a friend to work out will help you avoid struggling to get started.
Walk whenever you can
Sitting less and walking more will make a big difference. Use your stairs instead of an elevator. And if you don’t have to go out, just walk room to room back and forth to get those extra steps. If you have a meeting, use the break of that meeting to walk around. ____20____
A. Make sure to know yourself well
B. Choose a suitable time for yourself
C. All these steps will count and be helpful
D. That’s a great place for everybody to walk
E But five minutes is believed to be better than none
F. And it is ruining our health physically and mentally
G. You can think of possible ways for you to start or stick to
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)
When I was in primary school, I got into a major argument (争论) with a boy named Tom in my class. I can't____21____what it was about, but I have never forgotten the ____22____I learnt that day.
I was ____23____ that I was right and he was wrong, but he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right. Our ____24____ decided to teach us a very important lesson and____25____ a good idea. She ____26____ both of us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on ____27____. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object (物体). I could____28____ see that it was black. She asked the boy what____29____ the object was. "White," he answered in a _____30_____voice.
I couldn't believe he said the object was white, _____31_____ it was obviously black! Another_____32_____started between my classmate and me, this_____33_____about the colour of the object.
The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed_____34_____, and now she asked me what the colour of the object was. I _____35_____ answer, "White." It was then _____36_____I realised I was wrong. In fact, it was an object with two _____37_____ coloured sides, and from his side it was white. _____38_____ from my side was it black.
My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: You must _____39_____yourself in the other person's shoes and look at the _____40_____through their eyes in order to truly understand their views.
21. A. think B. remember C. forget D. determine
22. A. class B. speech C. text D. lesson
23. A. sure B. told C. afraid D. persuaded
24. A. doctor B. parent C. partner D. teacher
25. A. kept up with B. went on with C. came up with D. got along with
26. A. woke B. brought C. advised D. came
27. A. the other B. other C. another D. others
28. A. clearly B. happily C. luckily D. nearly
29. A. height B. colour C. size D. shape
30 A. sweet B. loud C. fearful D. grateful
31. A. for B. unless C. if D. although
32. A. match B. fight C. argument D. conversation
33. A. day B. time C. chance D. month
34. A. desks B. seats C. attitudes D. places
35. A. hoped to B. needed to C. had to D. was able to.
36. A. when B. before C. that D. since
37. A. loosely B. frequently C. differently D. beautifully
38. A. Still B. Then C. Also D. Only
39. A. sit B. stand C. lie D. put
40. A. performance B. loneliness C. movement D. situation
With the development of science and technology, our life is becoming much better and more convenient. However, more garbage and pollution____41____(produce) at the same time, which____42____(lay) a heavy burden on our environment. ____43____is known to all, environment plays a vital role in our daily life. In response to the severe situation, we should take effective____44____(measure) to protect the planet where we coexist. It is suggested that we should sort waste____45____(relieve) the situation.
Garbage classification, which is a good way to protect our environment, can’t be overemphasized. It can help separate recyclable waste, which can be____46____(full) used to help save the resources to a large degree. Not only can we make our environment clean and beautiful, but also recyclable waste can be made good use of to benefit us ____47____ return.
As garbage classification is significant, we should take____48____active part in putting it into practice. It’s a must for____49____(we) to learn to sort waste. It is the little things we do today that have a profound influence on the planet. Only if all of us make joint efforts can we make a big_____50_____(different) and have a good environment.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
I am a student of the Foreign Language School. After the second classes every Friday afternoon, we were used to have time to see an English film. We all took interested in seeing English films. And from this term, it seems that we are having more and more classes in the afternoon. It is impossible for us see English films regular. What is more, we had less time for rest and sports. Which worries us is that it will do harm to our health as well as our study. Would you please give them some support to stop this Looking forward to hear from you soon.
第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)
52. 假如你是李华,你校将组织校内留学生参观中国画展(Chinese Painting Exhibition),请写一则通知发布在校园网上。内容包括:
1. 展览的时间和地点;
2. 展览内容;
3. 参观时的注意事项。
1 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。.
The Students’ Union



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