Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.校本分层作业基础版(无答案)2023-2024仁爱版九年级英语上册

2023年秋Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A校本分层作业基础版
班级 姓名 座号
I. 翻译下列短语
1.习惯于(做)某事 ____________________ 2.事实上,其实 _______________________________
3.大量,数以百万计 ____________________ 4.亲自看… ___________________________________
5.来参观 ______________________________ 6.代表 _______________________________________
Ⅲ.根据句意用 for 或 since 填空
1. They have learnt English _____________ about six years.
2. Mr. Green has been in China ____________ three years ago.
3. Great changes have taken place _____________ you left.
4. We have waited for John _____________ two hours.
5. It's over two years _____________ we met last time.
6. He has been here __________ two hours.
7. The old man has lived in the town _______ 1993.
8. My father has been away ______ two days.
9. Kate hasn’t heard from him ______ he left China.
10. I have known him _____ he came to the city.
(   )1. His father has worked in this factory _________ he came here in 1980.
A. since B. for C. when
(   )2. Lucy and Lily _________ China for five months.
A. have been to B. have gone to C. have been in
(   )3. - What do you usually have for breakfast
- I used to _________ dumplings, but these days I'm used to _________ bread and milk.
A. eating; having B. eat; having C. eating; have
(   )4. -- Is the film interesting - I thought it would be. But _________ , it's very boring.
A. In a word B. As a result C. As a matter of fact
(   )5. - I still haven't find my pet dog. - I'm sorry to hear that. You _________ be very sad.
A. can B. should C. must
(   ) 6.---How long have you lived here -- 2006.
A.For B.Since C.Before D.Until
(   )7.Jack Xinhui Two years ago, he for two years.
A.leaves; has left B.left; has been away C.left; has left
(   ) 8.Lily sat in the front row(前排) hear the teacher clearly.
A.so that B.in order that C.in order to
(   ) 9.The supermarket all kinds of food us.
A.provide; for B.provide; with C.provide; to
(   )10.----Have you practiced your spoken English ____ ----Yes, I have. I’ve____practiced it.
A. already, already B. already, yet C. yet, already
(   ) 11. Doing eye exercises works well in _____ our eyesight.
to protect B. protecting C. protect
2023年秋Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B校本分层作业
班级 姓名 座号
1.数百的,成百上千的 _______________________ 2.重返工作岗位 ___________________________
3.过正常的生活 _____________________________ 4.在贫困中 _______________________________
5.决定某事 _________________________________ 6.以便…,为了… __________________________
7.自我感觉良好 _____________________________ 8.陷入困境 _______________________________
9.(开车)接人 _______________________________10.为某人提供某物(两种) ____________________
(   )1. - How long have you worked here - _________ 1998.
A. in B. for C. Since
(   )2. – When shall we have our fashion show - Well, let's think it over and ___ the time and date.
A. depend on B. decide on C. work on
(   )3. Lily turned on the light _________ she could see who it was.
A. in order to B. so that C. because
(   )4. - Bad luck! It's too late! - It doesn't matter. The movie _________ for only two minutes.
A. began B. has begun C. has been on
(   )5. - How long has he _________ this book - For seven days.
A. borrowed B. bought C. kept
(   )6. - Is it interesting to play computer games
- Yes, ______ you are interested in playing computer games, you’ll have trouble giving it up.
A. once B. as soon as C. as
(   )7. - What does the supermarket provide customers _________ - Plastic bags for free.
A. for B. with C. of
(   )8. When I asked Kate what the word means, she _________ me a dictionary.
A. offered B. took C. provided
(   )9. His father ______ the Party since 1978.
A. joined B. has joined C. has been in
(   )10. —How long have you _____ here —About two months. 
A. been B . gone C. come
(   )11. Hurry up! The play _____ for ten minutes.
A. has begun B. began C. has been on
(   )12. My parents _____ Shandong for ten years.
have been to B. have been in C. have gone to
(   )13. His uncle ______ for more than 9 years.
has come here B. has started to work C. has lived there
2023年秋Unit 1 Topic 3 Section C校本分层作业
班级 姓名 座号
1.故意,有意地 __________________________ 2.据…所说 _______________________________
3.短时间 ________________________________ 4.人类基本的需求 _________________________
5.赚足够的钱 ____________________________ 6.抚养孩子 _______________________________
7.把…视为… ____________________________
(   )1. Now, people think of drinking tea _________ a culture more than a habit.
A. of B. with C. as
(   )2. - I'm sorry I didn't step on your foot _________ . – Not at all.
A. on time B. on purpose C. in fact
(   )3. - Hello! Could I speak to Mr. Liu, please - Sorry. He _________ for a month.
A. has been away B. was left C. left
(   )4. - How long _____ you _____ the bike - For one year. My father _______ it for me last year.
A. have; had; has bought B. have; had; bought C. have; bought; bought
(   )5. It _________ ten years since my father _________ to America.
A. has been; has gone B. has been; went C. is; has gone
(   )1.My father doesn’t want me to play football, but my mother________me all the time.
A.visits B.supports C.chooses
(   )2.My parents work hard ____ improve our life.
A.in order to B.be able to C.belong to
(   )3.Paul always makes trouble, and his parents ________him as a big problem.
A.think of B.thanks to C.stand for
(   )4. Tom’s grandma _____ for two years.
A. died B. has been dead C. dead
(   )5. How long can I ____ this book
borrow B. borrowed C. keep
(   )6. The film ____ for fifteen minutes.
A. began B. has began C. has been on
(   )7. He’s ________ the book for two days.
A. bought B. buy C. had
(   )8. --____have you lived there ---Since I came here in 2001.
A.How soon B. How long C. How often
(   )9. Five years ______ since his father _____ to Paris.
A. have past, went B. has passed, went C. passed, has gone
2023年秋Unit 1 Topic 3 Section D校本分层作业
班级 姓名 座号
I. 翻译下列短语
1.承担…教育的费用 _______________________ 2.为…做贡献 _____________________________
3.现代意识 _______________________________ 4.结果;因此 ______________________________
5.没有…的帮助 ___________________________ 6.…的重要性 _____________________________
7.继续某人的学业 _________________________ 8.用这些钱 _______________________________
( )1.—How long has he_____from home —For eight days.
left B.leave C.be away
( )2.His father has worked in this factory _____ he came here in 1980.
A.since B.for C..how long
( )3.Project Hope has made important contributions ____the education.
for B.of C.to
( )4. You may _____ my book but you can’t _____ it to others.
A. borrow, lend B. lend, borrow C. borrow, borrow
( )5. I ______ stay up late but now I _____ going to bed early.
A.used to, get used to B. get used to, used to C. used to, used to
( )6.---Have you _____ been to Beijing ----No, _____.
ever, ever B. yet, never C. ever, never
( )7. My mother asked me _____ do that again.
A. not to B. don’t C. didn’t
( )8. _____ the money, he can finish his education.
A.Under B. As C.With D.Because
( )9. ---What was wrong with Lucy yesterday ----An accident _____ her.
A. happened B. was happened to C.happened to
( )10. Have you _____ Han Hong, a famous singer
A. listened to B. heard of C. heard



