
临海市第五中学2023学年第一学期第一次作业检测 九年级英语
第一部分 听力部分
1.What does the man mean
A.Yunnan is beautiful.
B. Visiting Yunnan is boring.
C. The Water Festival is great.
2.Where is the man going for Christmas this year
A. To his grandparents’ home.
B. To Hong Kong.
C. To England.
3. Which bus should the man take
A. Bus No.8.
B. Bus No. 18.
C. Bus No.80.
4.What did the woman do
A.She had a match.
B. She called her friends.
C. She watched a match.
5. Who madevthe beautifiil kite
A.Jack' s uncle.
B.Jack' s father.
C. Jack ' s aunt.
6.Why does the boy call English Help Center
A.Hewants to join the English ciub.
B.He has some problems with English.
C.He wants to help others with their English.
7. What is the boy weak in
A. Speaking and writing.
B. Speaking and listening.
C.Listening and writing.
How Iong haven't they seen each other
For 2 years.
For 4 years.
Since 2 weeks ago.
9. What did the man use to wear
A. Uniforms. B. T-shirts. C. Jeans.
10.Where does the man work now
A. In a bank.
B. In a school.
C. In a company.
11.When did Li Hua start to learn English
A.8 B.7 C. 15
12.How did he use to learn English
A.By watching English movies4
B.By joining the English club.
C.By doing many exercises.
13.What does he do after school on Monday
A.goes to the English club.
B.wntes e-mails in English.
C.watches English movies.
14 When does he watch English movies
On Monday
On Wednesday and Fridays.
C On Weekends
15.Where is his pen pal from
A.Britain B.Australia C.the USA
Andy was throwing an empty box when a woman and her daughter ran over. "You smell __16__!”Andy said to the woman.
The woman said, "I just want you to __17__ me the box. It's how my daughter and I survive (生存)”.
“But it's just trash (垃圾)," said Andy.
“One person's trash is another person’s __18__,” the woman said, reaching out her hand,“Can I have it ”
“__19__ you want it, just take it out ofthe trasb bin by yourself.” Andy replied __20__.
Then he threw the box and walked towards his mother's car. The woman didn't say anything and took the box.
Andy told his mother about the dirty woman. His mother said in a __21__ voice, “Andy, not everyone has good __22__. Your father left us when you were two years old. We lived a hard life.
I couldn’t find a __23__, so we had to live on the streets. One day, I met a lady and she __24__ me to make money by recycling boxes. I __25__ her suggestion and our life changed after that...”
Hearing this, Andy got out of the car and __26__ to the lady. “I am sorry for what I did. You're right One person's trash is another person’s treasure.” Then his mother came over and was __27__ to find the woman was just the lady who helped them out of trouble a few years ago. She said to the woman with __28__, “You did so much for us. It's my turn to __29__ you. I would like you and your daughter to come and stay with us." The girl and her mother were moved to tears.
There are always some people who give us unexpected __30__. So wherever we are, be kind to people around us.
16.A.sweet B.nice C.terrible D smoky
17.A.buy B.give C.show D.lend
18.A.pride B.support C.power D.treasure
19.A.Though B.Unless C.Befbre D.If
20.A.impolitely B.gladly C.nervously D. hopefully
21. A. funny B.soft C.cold D.strange
22.A.luck B.famet C.nature D.behavior
23.A.reason B.dream C.job D.hobby
24.A.allowed B.ad vised C.needed D.sent
25.A.checked B.questioned C.fbllowed D.fbrgot
26.A.cIimbed B.rushed C.rode D.jumped
27.A.surprised B.afraid C.relaxed D.worried
28.A.fear B.interest C.sadness D.iov
29.A.teach B.understandC.praise D.help
30.A.success B.pleasure C.warmth D.pride
A TRUE Tale of how Christy Reaches the Top(Second Editon) Elizabeth A. Conard www. Hardback $27.99 Paperback $13.99 E-book $3.99 Christy's dream is to become the best junior rider, in America by winning the top horse riding competition every year. From age three to eighteen, she has to learn to deal with all kinds of horses, training skills, choices of trainers, bad weather, and horse showing challenges. It takes bravery and patience to become an excellent rider, but she keeps trying. Read about her journey and see if she succeeds as she wishes.
The Vicissitudes of Lite Henry Krauss www. Hardback $26,99 Paperback $18.99 E-book $3.09 We all face challenges in life, like the boat in the sea on the book cover. From Dusk to Dawn shares a lot of ooerrrs about how people overcome illness, war and stress.
Alena Hmic www. Paperback $13.99 E-book $3.99 This children's book describes what the writer has learned about the meaning “home”. Through her own experience, the writer created a story that allows you to talk to your children about displacement (流亡),homelessness and so on.
31 .The texts are probably ______________.
A.stories B. news C.ads D.notices
32.According to the texts, we can know______________.
A. prices of the three E-books are different
B.From Dusk to Dawn is a book about the sea
C.Christy tries her best to become a top horse rider
D.Alena writes about the school life of her young children
33.From the texts,we can infer (推断) "Xlibris” ls a ______________.
A.website selling books B.factory priming books
C.school sharing books D.cofTee shop offering books
“BANG!”the door caused a reverberation (回声). It was just standing there, with Father standing on one side, and I on the other side.
We were both in great anger "Jack! Never set fooVin this house again! shouted Father. With tears ijn my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.
The street lights were shilling, causing my feeling of sadness. I walked about, knowing nowhere to go.
A young father who held a child in his ami walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree (与忧无虑).
But now.. I don't know whether it is because I have grown up or because Dad is getting old. We are just like two persons coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened. I walked in tlie streets. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. I walked on. There were fewer and fewer people on the streets. When I finally reached the apartment block in which I lived, I saw that light was still on.
I thought to myself, "Is father waiting for me or is he still angry with me ”
In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, Dad was throwing away some of his old stamps. Perhaps he thought They were useless. I never had the coinage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.
All the fights were off except Father's.
Dad was always like this. Maybe he didn't know how to express himself. After shouting at me, he neveryshewed any moments qf regret. However after an argument he haslhe habit of tucking me in while I am sleeping. He has benn a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.
The light was still on. "Am I wrong " With the key in hand. I was as nervous as I had ever been. At last. I decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, tearsjan down my cheeks I suddenly realized that icon door that I have imagined between us did not exist at all. Love-it it Second to none.
34. Jack felt _____________ while walking alone on the streets.
A. lonely and sad B. nervous and bored
C. worried and tired D. afraid and weak
35. The underlined sentence shows that _____________.
A.its Fathers way to express his regret and love
B.Father felt worried about his son
C.Father couldn't lall asleep after the argument
D.Father didn't care what his son thought
36. Which of the following is the ri^ht order
a.I opened the door and went into the house.
b.Sadly I ran out into the street.
c.I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit.
d.I walked about in the streets without any aim.
A.bcda B. bdca C. bacd D. bcad
37. From the passage we can learn that _____________.
A. Father didn't agree with Jack's stamp collection
B.the story happened on a very cold evening
C. Father is actually kind to his son in his heart
D.Jack had a failed and unhappy childhood
Six children were in the hospital. They were very sick, but (he doctors didn't know what to do. They called Dr. Richard Besser, an expert on strange illnesses.
Finding a Cause
First, Dr. Besser needed to find the cause of the illness. He looked for germs (病菌) in the children's bodies. In every child, Dr. Besser found the sapie type of the bacteria (细菌) E.coli. He then looked at the bacteria's DNA. lt showed him that this type of E, coli was dangerous.
Dr. Besser knew E. coli could move from animals to humans. Had the children touched animals that carried the bacteria Besser found other E. coli cases in the area where the children lived. But it wasn't erioligh.
Besser then made a list of what the sick children had eaten. They had all eaten cheese, apple juice, and fish. He then made a list of what healthy children in the area had eaten. They had eaten the cheese and fish, but not the apple juice.
Case Closed
Besser went to where the apple juice was made.He saw animals around the apple trees. He also saw the workers using dirty apples that had fallen on the ground. More importantly, he saw that the apples were not washed before the juice was made, and that the juice was not heated. Doing these things would kill the bacteria. Besser then knew it was the apple juice that made the children sick.
Besser's E. coli case had a happy ending. The children got better. And what Besser learned that day now helps keep others safe.
38. Which of these tilings happened first
A.Dr. Besser found out the illness was caused by E.coli
B.Dr. Besser made arlisl of what ihe heaithy children ate
C.Dr. Besser went to where the apple juice was made
D.Dr. Besser made a list of what the sick children ate
39. Which of the following is NOT true about E. coli
A. It contains DNA
B. It can rtiake people
C. There is oniy one type.
D.E. coli could move from animals to humans.
40. What made the chiidrensick
A.old fish B. dirty apples
C. smelly cheese D. apple trees
41. What advice would Dr. Besser probably agree with
A. Never eat apples,they may have bacteria.
B.Stay away ftom animals that live near trees. They will make you sick.
C.Don't eat fruit stfafighi from the ground. Wash the fruit before you eat it.
D.Never drink apple juice from a supermarket. You should make it yourself.
When Leon Martir asked for his parents' advice on how to become a UX designer (设
计师), they both went silent.,fIn fact.I had no idea what he was talking about,” said Anna, his mother. "I don't know whether he was talking about designing clothes, computer programs of a fancy brand of bike.”
Even when her 18-year-old son explained that it was something about "behind the scenes' online design, his mother was still a bit felt like I had totally failed as a parent." she said. “My job as a parent is to open doors so my children can achieve their potential(潜力), but now can I do that when I don't even understand what their dreams are ”
____▲____ Research has found that more than 2/3 of parents in England are-now facing the problem that, when their children express interest in new education and job choices, they may know nothing about them. More than 75% of parents feel it is almost impossible to offer their children good advice in such a fast-changing job market.
Micheel Rea did a survey of over 2,000 parents of High school students in England.She found that many parents were afraid their children hardly follow them.
"We all know that parents’ opinions and suggestions play an important role in shaping and influencing their children's career (职业)dreams,” she said. "But we usually depend much on our own experiences. And things have changed so much since most of us were at school.”
Bryony Mathew, writer of the Awesome Career Books, said the world was changing so rapidly that parents should noi try io decide on certain careers for their children.
42.What should a successful parent be able to do according to Anne
A.Bccome a great UX designer.
B.Do an excellent job online.
C.Develop their children's potential.
D.Realize.their children's dreams.
43.Which of tlie following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 _____▲______
A.Anne is not alone. B.Anne has bad luck.
C.This is very strange. D.This is very interesting.
44.What did Michelle Rea's survey mainly show
A.Most of the parents in England were facing trouble in accepting new jobs.
B.Parents feared that their children would refuse to share their career dreams.
C.A lot of parents found it difficult to help their children with their education.
D. Children's career future depend a lot on their parents’ working experiences.
45. What couId be the best title for the passage
A.How can children make career choices
B.How can parents become career advisers
C.Should children take Their parents' career advice
D.Should parents choose a career for their children
whom paint admire pride die
46.My broiher take up _____________ as his hobby.
47.I hear his dog has been _____________ for more than a month.
48.People like to _____________ the full moon on the Mid-Autumn night.
49.She takes great _____________ in her children's success.
5O.The expressions might depend on _____________ they are speaking to.
B. 根据中文提示完成短文。
Years ago, if a person had some problems in his life, he might write them m the diary. But now a __51__ (青少年)may go online and write his daily feelings in a micro blog (微博)Diaries and micro blogs both __52__(提醒)the writers of what happened to them on a certain day. But what makes micro blogs different from diaries
One of the biggest differences is that micro blogs attract more __53__(注意力), while diaries are too __54__(私人的). Nowadays people are __55__(积极的)in writing micro blogs because they want others to read the thjngs about ihem as much as possible. Also, a few special or interesting online micro blogs can be __56__(传播)and become famous. As they write more micro blogs, their fans may __57__ (增加)as well. Therefore, some people may show the moments when they feel happy, some may share the do __58__(幽默的)stories or experiences, and some even write __59__(小说)in their micro blogs.
If people are caring about what they write and whom the readers may be, micro blogs are without __60__(疑问)a good way to write about their life.
American football started in the United States back in 1869 and is one of __61__(popular) sports in the US today. According to a survey in 2017, football __62__ (stay) at the number one sport since 1985.
In the game, there are two learns trying to get the ball, and they can either kick the ball through the goalposts (球门柱)__63__ run the ball into the goal. Players must wear football helmets (头盔)to protect __64__ (them). There are a lot of __65__ (rule), which can be very hard to follow __66__ you don’t know them. The team that scores more goals is the __67__(win).
Football in the United States is not just a sport because it plays __68__ important part in American culture. On Thanksgiving, families will get together, eat and give thanks, but it’s also known __69__ a day to watch football. At that time, professional football teams bring the whole nation together every year for the Super Bowl. Everyone can't wait __70 __ (enjoy) the exciting moment!
阅读下面材料,从下面所绐的A-E五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项) 将其序号填入1-4题,并回答5题。
Making your school 2 belter place will make everyone around you happier and will get you more excited to go every day. Besides, a better place will also make you more productive. The fb!lowing are some of the ways to make vpur school a better place.
__71__ Do not stay silent when you see another student getting hurt by others. Speak up confidently and tell them to stop. This will help create a better atmosphere(气氛)at school. Try to deal with arguments between other kids. When you see other students in an argument, you can help deal with the problem.
__72__ After all,many arguments in scliool are just misunderstandings between two people.
__73__ If you know that other students have difficulty learning a subject that you're good at, you can help them by teaching them in that subject. Helping other students to improve their grades will help create a positive atmosphere in school.
Make friends with lonely students. If you notice a student who doesn't have many friends or sits alone at lunch, make it a point to become their friend.
__74__ So why not encourage other people to became frieiids with them
Encourage your classmates to talk to each other.
B. Friendship.wil| make them less lonely.
C. Teach other students if you can.
D.You may get into troube.
E. Mand up bravely. .
75.What else would you like to do to make your school better (回答不少于 5 个单词)
In the past How Now
经常熬夜玩手机 游戏,上课打瞌睡; 对学习不感兴趣;不 听老师和家长的话; ...... 老师、同学一直帮助和 鼓励我,开始意识到自 己不能再这样下去了; 每天早睡早起,上课认真听讲、 做笔记,各科成绩提高,尤其英语; 每天早晨通过记单词及大声朗读 来学英语。 ......
参考词汇:play games on the mobile phone, feel sleepy, be interested in, encourage, realize, can't go on like this anymore, take notes, especially, learn...by...
How time flies! Two years has passed quickly. Now fm a Junior Three Student and ....
And I'm sure that 1 can get into a good senior high school.
临海市第五中学2023学年第一学期第一次作业检测 九年级英语
听力 略
词汇运用 painting dead admire pride whom
中文提示teenager reminded attention private active
spread increase homourous novels doubt/question
语法填空 the most popular;has stayed;or;themselves;rules;if;winner;an;as;to enjoy
书面表达 略




下一篇:NT2023-2024第一学期10月高三阶段测试卷 物理(全国卷)试题