人教版(PEP)小学英语四年级上册期中测试卷(无答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

1.(  ) 2.(  ) 3.(  ) 4.(  ) 5.(  )
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
(  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  )
(  )1. A. One blackboard and some desks.
B. Clean the classroom.
C. They are black.
(  )2. A. It's near the computer. B. It's a picture. C. It's a book.
(  )3. A. It's a notebook. B. It's orange. C. Here you are.
(  )4. A. It's my schoolbag. B. They're black.
C. It’s black and yellow.
(  )5. A. His name is Peter. B. He is Bob. C. She is Mary.
Hello! My name is Amy. I am an American girl. I am a student. I am 1.______________ and thin. I have curly yellow 2. _____________. I have two big eyes and a small mouth. I am quiet. I have a nice 3. _____________________. There is an English book, four 4. ________________, three toys and four 5.____________ in it.I like my schoolbag.
五、选词填空:用 is、 are 、或 am 填空。(10分)
1. She___ a girl. 5. She ___ tall and strong.
2.I ____ Amy. 6. He ____ quiet .
3. We ____ friendly. 7. Mike___ thin.
4. The cat_____ white. 8. My mother ___ short and thin.
(  )1. A. body B. lost C. rose
(  )2. A. five B. six C. ice
(  )3. A. face B. apple C. cat
(  )4. A. hot B. home C. hope
(  )5. A. kite B. rice C. big
1. clean Let's teacher's the desk
2. have We new a classroom
3. in schoolbag What's your
4. The orange is door
5. the fan Where is
(  )Who is he Zhang Peng
(  ) A boy or a girl
(  ) Yes. You are right.
(  )A boy. He's tall and thin.
(  )Hi, John. I have a good friend.
Hello! I'm Ann. I’m tall and thin. I 1. __________________ (have/has) black glasses and red shoes. Look, she is my friend. 2. _____________________ (His/Her)big eyes and a 4._______________ (small/strong) nose. She is 5. _______________ ( friend/friendly) and strong. Look at her desk. 6. _______________ (It/It’s) near the window. Her schoolbag is on her desk. A maths book and 7.___________________ (a/an) English book are in it. Oh, no!8. ________________ (Where/Where’s) her Chinese book I can’t find it. But I find three 9. ____________________ (toy/toys).They are nice. They are blue 10._______________ ( and/with) white.
I am Lily. I have two new friends. They’re Tom and Linda. Tom is a strong boy. He is quiet. He has short hair. He has three storybooks in his schoolbag. He likes Chinese very much. Linda is a friendly girl. She has a red schoolbag. She has some candies in it. She is tall and thin. She likes maths. I like English very much. I have an English book, three keys and a toy in my schoolbag.
(  )1. Lily has two new friends. One is a boy and one is a girl.
(  )2. Tom is strong and quiet.
(  )3. Linda has some candies in her pink schoolbag.
(  )4. Linda is not fat.
(  )5. Lily likes English very much.



上一篇:2023-2024东师附中新城学校初三10月月考 (无答案)
