
We need to know how much of what food to eat to be healthy. There are six different food groups and we need to eat a certain number of servings from each group every day. Each food group has different things that we need for a healthy diet.
Here is a list of the food groups and why they are good for us.
Food group Food Why our bodies need it How many servings in a day
Carbohydrates Bread, cereal, rice, potatoes and pasta Give us energy Six to eleven
Proteins Meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dry beans and nuts Repair the body Two to three
Vegetables Green beans, peas, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli,tomatoes, lettuce, etc. Help our bodies grow and develop Three to five
Fruits Apples,pears,bananas, peaches, oranges, lemons, etc. Help our bodies grow and develop Two to three
Dairy Milk, yoghurt, cheese Give us calcium to build strong teeth and bones Two to three
Fats Oil,margarine, butter, mayonnaise, tomato sauce, chocolate, candy, etc. Give us energy. But too much is not good. Two to three
It is important to understand how food is used. There are many people who do not eat enough of the right food. This could be because they are too poor to buy the right food. These people may have what we call malnutrition. Children who have malnutrition do not grow properly and they cannot concentrate at school. If things are very bad, they can become sick and die. Malnutrition is a great problem in the poor parts of Asia and Africa.
If we want to have minds and bodies that work properly, we need to make sure that we eat correctly.
1、What can help people’s bodies grow and develop
A. Meat, chicken and nuts. B. Green beans, peas and milk.
C. Apples, pears and tomatoes. D. Pumpkin, oranges and oil.
2、What do Proteins and Dairy have in common
A. They will be enjoyed to repair the body.
B. They will be tasted to give us calcium.
C. They will be cooked to build strong bones.
D. They will be eaten in the same servings.
3、What does malnutrition result in
A. Children won’t focus on the study.
B. Children will become energetic and active.
C. Children will die immediately.
D. Children won’t grow up to be an adult.
There are not only strange animals in the world; there are also some crazy plants.
Cactuses grow in places that have very little rain. These plants don’t have leaves because plants lose water through their leaves. Cactuses want to keep water inside their bodies. If you are ever stuck in a desert, you can get water by cutting a cactus. The water is not very nice because it tastes bitter. Sharp thorns protect cactuses. This is why desert animals won’t eat them. Their roots are spread out very close to the top of the sand.
Venus flytraps got their name because they trap and digest small insects in their leaves. They grow in wet places where the soil does not have the right food for the plants, so the plants have to catch their own food. Venus flytraps are small plants that have little white flowers.
Mangrove trees are trees that are able to grow in salty water. As a mangrove gets taller, it grows roots from its branches. When it is fully grown, hundreds of roots hold the leaves above the salty water. Mangroves grow mainly in the shallow water of rivers, close to where the river runs into the sea. Trees do not need much salt and mangroves have special ways of releasing excess salt, to stop it damaging the tree. Other mangroves send the salt to be stored in the oldest leaves on the tree, so that when they drop off, the tree gets rid of all unwanted salt.
Plants are able to change so that they can live in certain environments.
4、What’s the tone of the article
A. Terrifying. B. Thrilling. C. Serious. D. Frightening.
5、What does the underlined word “excess” mean
A. Poisonous. B. Costly. C. Extra. D. Bitter.
6、Where can the text be found
A. In a science fiction. B. In a biology book.
C. In a fashion magazine. D. In a novel.
7、What’s the title of the article
A. Unique plants. B. Wet plants. C. Shallow plants. D. Salty plants.
Arriving in Yunhe, a small county in Lishi city, Zhejiang province, you can’t help but wonder if you’ve just stepped into a dream-like painting, with the Oujiang River winding through its misty mountains, hills and valleys.
But there is more than natural beauty in Yunhe. It is also a treasure trove of wooden toys. Wooden toy-themed cultural and amusement parks line the main roads, shops and stores selling wooden toys are everywhere, children play with locally made toys and board games in kindergarten as part of preschool education, hotels and homestays are often featured with wooden toys, and even street lamps, bus stops and the country’s highway tollgates are built in the shape of wooden toys and castles.
“My grandfather, who was then 44 years old, went to Shanghai in 1972 in search of a market for wooden toys, and when he returned, he brought back several samples,” said He Bin, head of Zhejiang Hexin Toys and who is also 44 years old, stating the time his grandfather He Shouzhen earned Yunhe’s first export order. After a year and a half of repeated trials in his simple workshop, He Shouzhen successfully produced a batch of spinning tops, castanets and yo-yos, which were then sold through a trading company in Shanghai to Japan for a total of 4,000 yuan ($570).
Last year, Yunhe’s wooden toys created the income of 9. 19 billion yuan, and over 31,000 people—roughly a quarter of its population—were employed in the country’s manufacturing companies.
Known as the “Hometown of China’s Wooden Toys”, Yunhe boasts 1,093 manufacturers, producing thousands of wooden playthings every year. In fact, 56 percent of China’s wooden toys and 40 percent of the world’s are made in Yunhe. These toys are exported to 76 countries and regions including the United States and Europe.
8、What are the characteristics of Yunhe
A. Education and wooden toys. B. Colorful and attractive kindergartens.
C. Wooden gun-themed amusement parks. D. Natural beauty as well as wooden toys.
9、Why did He Bin mention his grandfather in Paragraph 3
A. Because his grandfather was a well-known businessman.
B. Because his grandfather had been to Shanghai for business and made it.
C. Because his grandfather simply produced some wooden castanets and yo-yos.
D. Because his grandfather was a success on account of making wooden toys.
10、Which of the following words best describes the future of Yunhe’s wooden toys
A. Ambiguous. B. Optimistic. C. Critical. D. Negative.
11、What can be the best title of the passage
A. Small wooden toys realizing dreams of prosperity.
B. A small county importing plenty of wooden toys.
C. A successful craftsman making small wooden toys.
D. Amusement parks concentrating on wooden street lamps.
During the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, foreign journalists not only enjoyed the Chinese athletes' excellent performance, but experienced “the speed of China” in the development of high-speed rail.
On Feb. 14, 57 journalists from 36 Chinese and foreign media groups were invited by the 2022 Beijing Media Center to visit the city's rail transit command center to explore the “secret” of Beijing's high-quality development in the field.
Beijing has formed a safe, convenient, efficient and green rail transit system. It now consists of 27 metro lines, increased from two in 2001 when Beijing won the bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Last year, the city's metro lines together handled nearly 10 million passenger trips per working day, accounting for 57 percent of the total number carried by urban public vehicles.
Compared with car travel, each subway passenger can reduce 77 percent of their carbon emissions, which means the total reduced carbon emissions can reach 7. 38 million metric tons a year. This is equal to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by 410 million trees, experts said. In addition to efficiency and ecological protection, the city's urban rail transit is becoming more intelligent. For example, the west part of Metro Line 11 is known as a line serving the 2022 Winter Olympics, which features a fully automated driving mode under staff supervision at the beginning of the train's operation.
Although China was behind developed countries in high-speed railway development, it t has accumulated abundant experience in constructing all types of railways, including high-speed and railways at high altitudes and carrying heavy loads. The country also has the longest high-speed rail mileage, which accounts for more than 66 percent of the world's total.
“China's high-speed trains run across rivers and mountains to reach all directions, from forests and snowy fields in the north to wetlands south of the Yangtze River, and from the desert in the west to the East China Sea,” said Zou Wu, a senior engineer at the China State Railway Group. “The country's high-speed railway network covers 92 percent of the cities each with a population of more than 500, 000 people.”
12、Why did journalists visit Beijing's rail transit command center
A. To enjoy the Chinese athletes' excellent performance.
B. To visit Beijing Media Center with some foreign tourists.
C. To figure out Beijing's rapid development of high-speed rail.
D. To explore the “secret” of the cultural development of Beijing.
13、What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph
A. Car travel's carbon emissions are reduced by 77 percent.
B. The total carbon emissions are increased because of the railways.
C. Passengers completely control their carbon emissions by subway.
D. Taking a subway will be beneficial to the environment of the city.
14、What can we learn from Zou Wu's words
A. China's high-speed trains reach everywhere.
B. China's high-speed trains are applied widely.
C. China's high-speed trains promote the forests' growth.
D. China's high-speed trains run from the desert in the east.
15、What's the main idea of the passage
A. High-speed railway depresses Olympics' journalists.
B. High-speed railway impresses Olympics' journalists.
C. High-speed railway improves Olympics' quality efficiently.
D. High-speed railway influences Olympics' athletes' careers.
16、The “Three Rs” of Environmental Protection
Last time you drank a soda in an aluminum can or water in a plastic bottle, what did you do with the can or bottle when you were finished Did you know both could be recycled To recycle something is to make it into something else. Pollution is the introduction of harmful chemicals into the environment that can hurt people and the earth. Pollutants can come from garbage that isn’t recycled. ①_______ These pollutants can make us and animals very sick. It is a big problem in our world today.
Is there something you can do about it There sure is. ②_______
First, reduce. Something simple like turning off the lights when you leave a room or turning off the water faucet while you brush your teeth can make a big difference. ③_______, and even using a cloth towel rather than a paper towel when you spill something in the kitchen can help our planet.
When you don’t want a toy you have anymore, don’t just throw it away. Find a friend who might want it. That is reusing. Clothes you have grown out of can be donated for others to wear. A plastic cup you drank out of can be cleaned and used to store small toys in your room. ④_______
⑤_______ Look on the bottom of plastic cups and containers. If you see a recyclable symbol, you can recycle the item. Newspapers, school papers, even glass jars and bottles can be recycled. Most neighborhoods have garbage trucks that just pick up recyclable items. Ask your parents if there is one in your area and use it.
We only have one planet to live on. Be someone who makes an effort to take care of it.
A. Garbage can be recycled and made into something new
B. Many of the items that are thrown away could be reused
C. Countless things can be recycled
D. Pollution affects living things other than animals
E. You can help by “reducing”, “reusing” and “recycling”
F. Pollution can also be caused by smoke and exhaust (废气) in the air and chemicals we put in the water
G. Walking or riding a bike rather than driving a car
A man being called a “hero” rescued a 7-year-old girl Wednesday evening, who was 1 wandering alone in Englewood neighborhood. 46-year-old Tony Taylor 2 the girl near 59th Street and Halsted at approximately 5 p. m. without a coat or shoes.
“I did what anyone should have done,” Taylor said. “I jumped out of my 3 in traffic, stopped traffic, took my coat off, 4 and I called 911. Her feet were 5 and she was just crying and crying trying to walk through the snow. I asked the girl her name and she couldn't 6 . I Her mouth was 7 so badly.”
Taylor put the 8 in his car to warm up next to his 5-year-old daughter, and his daughter hugged the girl, 9 her they were going to pray for her. “She just looked at me and said, ‘Mister I love you’ and I said ‘I love you too.’ I said ‘you will be 10 and I called help and help is 11 .’ And she just said. ‘Thank you,’” Taylor said.
The 7-year-old told Taylor she did not want to return home because she said her parents 12 suddenly. The girl said she had left her 13 home, according to officials. Police said the girl was transported to Comer Children's 14 for body check. Taylor 15 praise from people across the community for his 16 .
“This could have been a total 17 situation. We could have been standing here today offering rewards for a 18 child. But 19 we are standing here praising Taylor and his wife,” community police officer Early Walker said. Taylor and his wife said Thursday that they are interested in 20 the 7-year-old girl once she is out of the hospital.
17、A. found B. got C. appeared D. neglected
18、A. looked B. listened C. spotted D. smelt
19、A. bus B. car C. house D. hospital
20、A. took her down B. got her off C. gave her away D. picked her up
21、A. cold B. warm C. broken D. bad
22、A. talk B. cry C. answer D. see
23、A. moving B. crying C. shivering D. laughing
24、A. girl B. official C. police D. daughter
25、A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling
26、A. excited B. safe C. worried D. upset
27、A. no way B. by the way C. in the way D. on the way
28、A. missed B. disappeared C. wandered D. Returned
29、A. empty B. happy C. satisfying D. lovely
30、A. School B. Community C. Hospital D. Neighbourhood
31、A. accepted B. received C. refused D. stopped
32、A. proposals B. thoughts C. supports D. actions
33、A. similar B. complete C. different D. normal
34、A. missing B. gone C. losing D. disappearing
35、A. still B. already C. yet D. instead
36、A. praising B. adopting C. receiving D. welcoming
37、 A photography exhibition ①_______(title) Blooming in the Sun is currently running at the September Art Gallery in Shenzhen and ②_______ (last) until September 30, 2022. The exhibition features ③_______ (photograph) of the Xihaigu area in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region. It is ④_______ largely mountainous region that ⑤_______ (identify) as the “ most unfit place for human settlement’’ by the United Nations in 1972, due to its barren and dry land and fragile ecological environment.
The pictures on display are from four photographers — Xie Hong, Li Qiang, Hai Yang and Hu Guoqing, ⑥_______ were once schoolmates majoring ⑦_______ photography at Wuhan University. They use cameras to record this remote and impoverished area from different angles, ⑧_______ (give) this place a new life. The drought brings harsh ⑨_______ (nature) conditions, but people still live ⑩_______ work here, just like the sunflowers blooming in the sun.
38、假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
Dear Jim,
Long time no see. Knowing that you will come to Beijing to study, and I recommend you an useful APP in our life—WeChat.
WeChat has become a big part of our life. It is very convenient for people to express our feelings instant at any time. Besides, it provided a chance for people release inner stress. By showing their heartfelt emotions on WeChat, their friends may know about their conditions and can offer timely comfort. WeChat is also one of the most convenient and safe ways to pay. We rarely need to carry a wallet or cash at all. So, never will we worry about get fake notes or having to count changes.
I hope my recommendation can be in help to you. Wish you good luck.
Li Hua
Dear John,
Li Hua
解析:查找“How many servings in a day”对应的这一竖栏的内容可知。
解析:根据倒数第二段“Children who have malnutrition do not grow properly and they cannot concentrate at school.”可知。
解析:根据倒数第二段“...to stop it damaging the tree. Other mangroves send the salt to be stored in the oldest leaves on the tree, so that when they drop off, the tree gets rid of all unwanted salt.”可知。
解析:依据第二段的第一句和第二句“But there is more than natural beauty in Yunhe. It is also a treasure trove of wooden toys.”可知。
解析:根据第三段中“...in search of a market for wooden toys...” “...he brought back several samples...” “...successfully produced...” “...sold through a trading company in Shanghai to Japan...”可知。
解析:根据文章最后一段“In fact, 56 percent of China’s wooden toys and 40 percent of the world’s are made in Yunhe. These toys are exported to 76 countries and regions including the United States and Europe.”可知。
解析:依据第二段“... to explore the ‘secret’ of Beijing's high-quality development in the field.”可知。
解析:依据最后一段“... run across rivers and mountains to reach all directions...”“... covers 92 percent of the cities...”可知。
解析:①设空位于段中。根据设空处上文中的“Pollutants can come from garbage that isn’t recycled.”(污染物可以来源于没有被回收的垃圾);再根据设空处下文中的“These pollutants can make us and animals very sick.”(这些污染物会使人类和动物生重病);且根据文中句式及运用上下文所重现的关键词,结合选项推断,与此相吻合的为F项。故正确答案为 F 项。
②设空处位于段尾。根据设空处上句“Is there something you can do about it There sure is.”的设问及简答, 再根据设空处下文三段分述的内容可知, 该句应为“You can help by ‘reducing’ ‘reusing’ and ‘recycling’.”(你可以通过“节约”“再利用”和“回
③设空位于段中。根据设空处下文中的“and even using a cloth towel rather than a paper towel when you spill something in the kitchen can help our planet”可推测,设空处应为与“and”并列的ing形式作为“can help our planet”的主语。结合选项Walking or riding a bike rather than driving a car的结构可推知,与此相吻合的为G项,故正确答案为G项。
④设空位于段尾。根据本段分述的主要内容为“Reusing”。选项“Many of the items that are thrown away could be reused”中“reused”与上文中的“reusing, used”有用词上的关联,“Clothes..., A plastic cup...”与“items”相照应。故正确答案为B项。
⑤ C 设空处位于段首。根据本段分述的主要内容“recycling”可知,备选答案“Countless things can be recycled”为主旨句最为贴切。故正确答案为C项。本题容易误选A。
解析:on the way意为“在来的路上”。(no way意为“没门”;by the way意为“顺便说一下”;in the way意为“挡住了某人的去路”)
37、答案:①titled②will last③photographs④a⑤was identified⑥who⑦in⑧giving⑨natural⑩and
②“is currently running”正在举行,“until September 30, 2022”将持续到2022
④“a largely mountainous region”一个多山的地区。
⑦固定短语 major in“主修……”。
Dear Jim,
Long time no see. Knowing that you will come to Beijing to study, I recommend you useful APP in our life—WeChat.
WeChat has become a big part of life. It is very convenient for people to express our feelings at any time. Besides, it a chance for people release inner stress. By showing their heartfelt emotions on WeChat, their friends may know about their conditions and can offer timely comfort. WeChat is also one of the most convenient and ways to pay. We rarely need to carry a wallet or cash at all. So, never will we worry about fake notes or having to count .
I hope my recommendation can be help to you. Wish you good luck.
Li Hua
解析:①去掉and 前面是非谓语,后面是句子,不能并列。
②an改成a “useful”的第一个音为辅音。
③our改成their 主语是“people”, 再根据下文“By showing their heartfelt emotions on WeChat”可知。
④instant改为instantly 修饰“express”。
⑤provided改为provides 一般现在时态,主语为“it”。
⑥release前加to “provide a chance for somebody to do something”。
⑦safe改为safest “and”前面为最高级“the most convenient”。
⑧get改为getting 前面为介词“about”。
⑨changes改为change 零钱不可数。
⑩in改为of 固定搭配“be of help”。
Dear John,
How is everything going Learning that you are interested in my life in Senior Three, I am writing to share it with you.
With Gaokao approaching, my life in high school is very busy and fulfilling. It can't be denied that study is my priority, so I must spend most of my time and energy on it. There are a number of examinations, which make me frustrated or even drive me crazy, but I can adjust my moods to enjoy my life. When I do well in my study or make progress, I get a sense of achievement and feel extremely happy. My teachers care much about us students both in study and life, and classmates are always friendly to each other. Every day I devote half an hour to exercising. All of these make up my fruitful life in high school, which I will cherish forever.
Such is my life in Senior Three. In a word, it is hard, but exciting and meaningful.
Li Hua
解析:高分句型一:With Gaokao approaching,my life in high school is very busy and fulfilling.
高分句型二:There are a number of examinations,which make me frustrated or even drive me crazy,but I can adjust my moods to enjoy my life.



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