
2023-2024 学年山东省东营市利津县六年级(上)第一次月考英语试卷
听力选择(共 20 小题,计 20 分)(一)听句子,选出你所听到的单词,每个句子读一遍。(5 分)
1.(1 分)A.computer B.cup
2.(1 分)A.ruler B.key
3.(1 分)A.bag B.cake
4.(1 分)A.Apple B.bike
C.orange 5.(1 分)A.bike
(二)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。
(5 分)
6.(1 分)A.Good morning!
B.Good afternoon!
C.Good evening!
7.(1 分)A.Thank you!
B.It's a pen.
C.That is a pen.
8.(1 分)A.M﹣A﹣P.
C.It's a map.
9.(1 分)A.D﹣O﹣G.
C.It's a dog.
10.(1 分)A.Good.
B.Good afternoon,Dale!
C.Spell it,please.
(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(5 分)
11.(5 分)(1)How is Helen?
A.She is fine.
B.She's good.
C.She's not fine.
What's this in English?
It's a pen.
It's a jacket.
It's a ruler.
Is this Helen's ruler?
Yes,it is.
Yes,I am.
No,it isn't.
What's that in English?
It's a pen.
It's a key.
It's a quilt.
Is that Helen's key? A.Yes,it is.
B.No,it isn't.
C.Yes,I am.
单选题。(共 20 小题,计 20 分.)
12.(1 分)Bob and Peter my good friends.( )
A.be B.am C.is D.are 13.(1 分) There is "s"and "r" in "sure".( )
A. a;an B. an;a C. an;an D. a;a 14.(1 分)以下单词画线部分发音与其他三个不同的选项是。( )
A. jacket B. map C. name D.am 15.(1 分)—What's in English?
— a bag.( )
A. this;It B. this;It's
C. these;It's D. that;It
16.(1 分)— ?
—It's a pen.( )
A. Is it white
B. Is this a pen
C. What color is it
D. What's that in English
17.(1 分)英文缩写"CD"的意思是 。( )
A. 铅笔 B. 不明飞行物
C. 光盘 D.千克;公斤
18.(1 分)下列各组字母中,不符合字母顺序的为 。( )
A. C;D;E B. D;G;J C. L;M;N D. H;I;J 19.(1 分)下列各项中含有相同元音音素的一项是 。( )
A. Aa;Gg B. Bb;Ff C. Ee;Hh D.Mm;Nn 20.(1 分)全是辅音字母的选项是 .( )
A.Bb,Cc,Ee B.Aa,Ee,Gg C.Cc,Ff,Hh D.Ee,Dd,Ff 21.(1 分)当别人夸你英语说得好时,你应说" ".( )
A.Good B.OK C.Thanks D.Fine 22.(1 分)What's that Chinese?( )
A.in B.to C.on D.at 23.(1 分)﹣ do you spell it?
﹣R﹣I﹣N﹣G.( )
A.Where B.What C.How D.Who 24.(1 分) ﹣﹣Thank you for your help.
﹣﹣ . ( )
A.I am fine,thanks B.I am OK
C. Good evening D.You are welcome 25.(1 分) a ruler.( )
A. This's B. What's C. It's D. I'm 26.(1 分)下列选项中含有相同音素的是 。( )
A. F,C B. P,Y C. H,J D. A,C 27.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣ is your father,Tony?
﹣﹣﹣Thank you.He's very well.( )
A.Where B.Who C.What D.How 28.(1 分)选出和 cake 含有相同元音音素的单词 .( )
A.what B.Grace C.that D.jacket 29.(1 分)下列字母所含元音音素与字母 B 相同的一组是 。( )
30.(1 分)﹣ ?
﹣Yes. B﹣A﹣S﹣E﹣B﹣A﹣L﹣L.( )
What's that
Is this your baseball
How do you spell it
Can you spell it
31.(1 分) This is pen. pen is red.( )
the;A B. a;A C. a;The D. the;The
阅读理解(共 20 小题,计 30 分)
32.(7.5 分)Good morning,class!My name is Li Lei.I'm your English teacher.I'm very happy to see you,Can I know your names?This is Jim.He is English.Oh,please,Thank you.
It is in the . A.morning B.afternoon
C. evening D.night
Li Lei is a . A.student
teacher C.boy D.girl
Jim is a . A.student
B.teacher C.girl D.baby
Jim is . A.English B.Chinese C.American
Li Lei,Jim and Kate are now.
at home
at school
in the park
in the market
33.(7.5 分)Look at this.What's this in English?Ah,it's a photo.Who's that in the photo?It's Li Yan.Li Yan is my good friend.She is a beautiful girl.Who's the boy in black?It's Jim.He is an English boy.He is very cool.He is my friend, too.We are all in the same school.I like Jim and Li Yan.
Li Yan is .
A.a good boy
B.a cool boy
C.a beautiful girl D.an English girl
What color is Jim in?
Jim is my .
A.cousin B.sister C.friend D.brother
How many people are there in the photo?
Which is TRUE(正确的)?
The writer(作者) and Li Yan are in the same school but Jim isn't.
The writer,Li Yan and Jim are in the same school.
The writer and Jim are in the same school,but Li Yan isn't. D.Li Yan and Jim are in the same school,but the writer isn't.
34.(7.5 分)
What's in Helen's schoolbag(书包)? A purple ruler. Two green cups. An orange notebook. What's in Grace's schoolbag? A white jacket. A brown cup. Four blue pens.
What's in Tom's schoolbag? A yellow ruler. Two green pens. A blue key. What's in Eric's schoolbag? A white jacket. Four yellow notebooks. A blue basketball.
What color is Helen's ruler?
What color is Grace's cup?
Tom has(有) pens.
A.Two B.three C.four D.five
Eric has notebook(s).
A.one B.two C.three D.four
have(有) white jackets.
Helen and Grace
Grace and Tom
Grace and Eric
Tom and Eric
35.(7.5 分)Ms Hu:Good morning,boys and girls!I'm Ms Hu and I'm your English teacher(老师).
Boys and girls:Good morning,Ms Hu! Ms Hu:Are you Dave?
A:No.I'm Bill.
Ms Hu:OK.Now,Bill,what's this in English? A:It's a ruler,Ms Hu.
Ms Hu:What color is it?. A:White.
Ms Hu:Right.And what color is this pen?
A:It's blue.I like blue because(因为)I like the sea(大海). B:No.The pen is green.And I like green.Look!My jacket is green. Ms Hu:Great!
is the English teacher. A.Dave
C.Ms Hu
D.Mr Hu
The boy is . A.Bill
B.Dave C.White D.Blue
The ruler is .
A.blue B.green C.white D.black
The jacket is .
A.white B.green C.blue D.brown
The is blue.
sea C.pen D.jacket
(四)录音中有一篇短文,听录音两遍后,根据所听到的内容补全表格中所缺的单词。(5 分)
36.(5 分)
A picture We can see many things in(1) .
This is a (2) .It is green.
This is a (3) .It is good.
That is a(4) .
And that is a(5) .
Can you spell them?
动词填空。(共 10 空,计 10 分)
37.(10 分)Good morning!I (1) (be) Cindy.I'm English.What's this?It (2) (be)a quilt.It isn't my quilt.It(3) (be) Grace's.What can you (4) (see) on the quilt?Some letters
(一些字母) and an orange (5) (be) on the quilt.What's this?It's O.What color (6) (be) it?It's red.And this (7) (be)R.It's blue.And this is A.It is yellow.And what's this?It's N.It's purple.G is orange.What's that?It's E.It's green.Now please(8) (spell) orange!O﹣R﹣A﹣N﹣G﹣E.What color
(9) (be) the orange?It(10) (not be) orange.It's green!
综合填空(共 10 空,计 10 分)
38.(10 分)A:Good (1)m ,Alice!
B:Good morning,Frank! A:(2)H are you?
B:I'm fine, (3)t .And you?
A:I'm (4)O . (5)W is this in English? B:(6)I is a cup.
A:(7)S it, (8)p .
A:What's (9)t in English? B:It's a (10)c .
A:How do you spell it? B:C﹣O﹣M﹣P...,sorry,I can't.
阅读短文,根据要求完成下面的各小题。(5 分)
39.(5 分)Hello!I'm Helen.This is my classroom.This is my desk(桌子).It's yellow.What's that in English?It's a map.
3.It's a map of China(中国).What color is it? 4.It's blue and white.Where(哪里)is it?It's on the wall(墙上).Look at the pen.It's black.It's on the desk.
What color is the desk?
Where is the pen?
根据要求完成句子。(5 分)
40.(1 分)This is a ruler.(对划线部分提问)
41.(1 分)I am Gina Smith.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
42.(1 分)那个用英语怎么说?
What's that ? 43.(1 分) is,this,English,in,?
44.(1 分) I have a j ,it is brown.
阅读表达(计 20 分)
45.(20 分)根据提示编写对话。
郭阳和英国男孩.Bob 是同学。他们下午在放学回家的路上遇到了,并且相互问好。郭阳忘了钢笔用英语怎么说,于是向 Bob 询问,郭阳表示感谢。
2023-2024 学年山东省东营市利津县六年级(上)第一次月考英语试卷(五四学制)
听力选择(共 20 小题,计 20 分)(一)听句子,选出你所听到的单词,每个句子读一遍。(5 分)

(二)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。
(5 分)

(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C 中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(5 分)

单选题。(共 20 小题,计 20 分.)
13.a 不定冠词,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,用于以元音音素开头的单词前,所以第一个空应填 an,所以应填 an。
jacket/ d k t/;map/m p/;name/ne m/;am/ m/。根据单词的读音。故选:C。
第一个空,this 这;that 那?"这个用英语怎么说。第二个空;It's 它是,用 It's。
铅笔 HB。不明飞行物 UFO。千克。根据"CD"可知。故选:C。
ABC 答案都是连续的,B 不连续。
Aa/e /;Gg/d i /;Ff/ef/;Hh/e t /;Nn/en/,D 项中两个字母含有相同的音素。故选:D。
考查英文字母的分类,元音字母 5 个,a、e、i、o、u,b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x yz.故选:C。
Good 好的;OK 好的;Fine 很好,应该表示感谢。故选:C。
根据题干可知此处询问那个用汉语怎么说,其中 in+语言.故选:A.
答案:C.考查疑问副词?﹣﹣﹣R﹣I﹣N﹣G,对地点提问;how 怎样,问某人.可知是问你怎么拼写它.
24.I am ,thanks 我很好;I am OK 我很好;You are welcome 不客气 you your ,可知此处应回答"不客气"。故选:D。
This's 语法错误;What's 什么是;I'm 我是 ruler 可知,be 动词用 is。故选:C。
Ff/ef/;Cc/si /;Yy/wa /;Jj/d e /。由字母音标可知。故选:C。
Where 在哪里;Who 谁;How 怎么。"可知?"填 How。故选:D。
cake 的音标是 [ke k];what 的音标是 [w t];that 的音标是 [ t],Grace 和 cake 含有相同元音音素。故选:B。
选项 A 中字母的发音分别为 E:/i:/,F:/ef/;选项 B 中字母的发音分别为 A:/e /,D:/di:/,F:/ef/;选项 D 中字母的发音分别为 C:/si:/,G/d i:/,因此与字母 B 有相同元音音素/i:/的选项是选项 D。
考查一般疑问句.根据 Yes 可知这是对一般疑问句的回答,因此可以排除,C 项 Can spell ?符合题意.故选:D。
31.a 不定冠词,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,表特指,第一个空泛指"钢笔",所以应填不定冠词a,第二个空特指前句提到的"钢笔",句首首字母大写。
阅读理解(共 20 小题,计 30 分)
32.(1)A.细节理解题。根据"Good ,class,故选 A。
(2)B.细节理解题。根据"My is Lei.I'm English 。故选 B。
(3)A.细节推理题。根据"I'm English very to you I know names is 。故选 A。
(4)A.细节理解题。根据"This Jim.He English."可知吉姆是英国人。
(5)B.细节推理题。根据"Good ,class name Li your teacher.I'm happy see ,Can I your ?This Jim.He English.Oh Kate.Sit ,please you."可知李雷。故选 B。
33.(1)细节理解题。根据 Li is good is a girl.(李燕是我的好朋友。)可知李燕是一个美丽的女孩。
细节理解题。根据 Who's the boy in black?这是吉姆。故选 D。
细节理解题。根据 He my ,too.(他也是我的朋友。故选 C。
细节理解题。根据 I Jim Li 。)可知照片里有两个人。
细节理解题。根据 We all the school.(我们都在同一所学校、李燕和吉姆在同一所学校。 34.(1)细节理解题。根据第一个图中提到 A purple ruler.(一个紫色的尺子)可知,故选 D。
细节理解题。根据第二个图中提到 A brown cup(一个棕色的杯子)可知,故选 C。
细节理解题。根据第三个图中提到 Two green pens.(两支绿色的笔)可知,故选 A。
细节理解题。根据第四个图提到 Four yellow notebooks.(四个黄色的笔记本)可知,故选 D。
细节理解题。根据第二和四个图提到 A white jacket.(一件白色的夹克)可知,故选 C。 35.(1)细节理解题。根据第一段 I'm and your teacher.(我是胡女士。)可知胡女士是英语老师。
细节理解题。根据第四段 A:No Bill.(A:不。)可知男生的名字叫比尔。
细节理解题。根据 6﹣8 段 A:It's a ,Ms Hu:What is ?.A:White.(A:胡。胡:它是什么颜色的。)可知尺子是白色的。
Mr.Hu;What is ?Student 。故选 C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段 My is 。)可知夹克是绿色的。
细节理解题。根据倒数第三段 It's 。)可知钢笔是蓝色的。
(四)录音中有一篇短文,听录音两遍后,根据所听到的内容补全表格中所缺的单词。(5 分)
动词填空。(共 10 空,计 10 分)
37.(1)考查 be 动词。句意:我是辛迪,主语为第一人称 I。故填 am。
考查 be 动词。句意:它是一条被子,主语 it 为单数。故填 is。
考查 be 动词。句意:它是格蕾丝的,主语 it 为单数。故填 is。
考查动词。句意:你能在被子上看到什么,动词应使用动词原形 see。
考查 be 动词。句意:被子上有几个字母和一个橘子,主语 some letters and an orange(一些字母和一个橘子)为复数。故填 are。
考查 be 动词。句意:它是什么颜色的,主语 it 为单数。故填 is。
考查 be 动词。句意:这个是 R,主语 this 为单数。故填 is。
考查动词。句意:现在请拼 orange,因此动词应使用原形。
考查 be 动词。句意:橘子是什么颜色的,主语 the orange(橘子)为单数。故填 is。
考查 be 动词。句意:它不是橙色的 green!)可知。故填 isn't。
综合填空(共 10 空,计 10 分)
38.(1)考查名词。根据下文"Good ,Frank,弗兰克,爱丽丝,名词。
考查疑问副词。根据下文"I'm ,"(我很好,因此用固定句型:How are you。
考查名词。根据上文"I'm ,"(我很好,因此这里应表示感谢,可知 thanks"谢谢"符合题意。
考查形容词。根据上文"And ?"可知是询问对方身体状况如何,可知此处应是说"我很好。故填:OK。
考查疑问代词。根据"...is in ?"结合首字母提示?"因此这里表达的是"什么"。
考查代词。根据上文问"这个用英语怎么说 ...in ?"及首字母提示?"that"那,符合题意。
考查名词。根据下文"C﹣O﹣M﹣P...,I can't."(C﹣O﹣M﹣P……,我不能。"computer"电脑"。故填:computer。
阅读短文,根据要求完成下面的各小题。(5 分)
39.(1)细节理解题。根据文中 This my yellow.(这是我的桌子。)可知,故填:It's
细节理解题。根据文中 Look the black.It's the 。它是黑色的。)可知,故填:It's the
英译汉题。根据文中英文"It's a map of China."可知;It's 它是;a of ;根据英译汉习惯整理成句子即可。
英译汉题。根据文中英文"It's and ,句子是简单句;blue white 蓝白相间的,故填:它是蓝白相间的。
标题归纳题。根据文中 Hello Helen.This my 。这是我的教室,本文主要介绍了 Helen 的教室,故填:My 。
根据要求完成句子。(5 分)
根据划线单词可知用 what 引导特殊疑问句,be 动词用 is。故答案为:What is this?
一般疑问句 be 动词提前,人称由 I 变成 you。故填:Are you Gina Smith ?
in English 用英语故答案是 in English
this is 这是,一般疑问句 be 动词在前即 Is this,in English 用英语。故填:Is this a key in English?
根据"我有一件棕色的 "及首字母提示可知,应该是"夹克"。
阅读表达(计 20 分)
Guo Yang:Hello ,Bob!
Bob:Hi,Guo Yang!
Guo Yang:How are you?
Bob:I'm fine,thanks.How are you?
Guo Yang:I'm OK.What's this in English?【高分句型一】 Bob:It's a pen.
Guo Yang:Spell it,please.【高分句型二】
Guo Yang:Thanks.



