2022-2023福建省莆田重点中学高三上学期期中考试英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)

(满分150分 考试用时120分钟)
1. How much will the man pay for the watch
A $75 .B. $60. C. $15.
2. Where are the speakers
A. At a store. B. In a restaurant. C. On a plane.
3. What does the woman mean
A. She wants to tour the city by bike. B. She prefers the relaxed pace of life.
C. She is tired of the guided tour.
4. What do we know about the woman
A. She lives in Spain now. B. She comes from America.
C. She will go to Mexico.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A camera. B. A computer. C. A film.
听笫6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. What is the woman dissatisfied with
A. The kitchen. B. The bedroom. C. The living room.
7. What does the man think of the living room
A. Big and bright. B. New and modern. C. Small but well-furnished.
听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。
8. Why is the man unsure about going to the club
A. He can't swim there. B. He hates to exercise indoors. C. He thinks it expensive.
9. Where will the man go this afternoon
A. To his classroom. B. To a health club. C. To a swimming center.
听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
10. What is wrong with the man's booking at first
A. The woman has mistaken another booking for his.
B. There is something wrong with the date.
C. No empty room is available.
11. Why does the woman offer the man a cheaper price
A. He is a regular customer.
B. A honeymoon room is on special today.
C. Their service has brought inconvenience to him.
12. How much should the man pay
A. $100. B. $90. C. $75.
听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
13. What was the weather like when the woman stayed in New York
A. Cool. B. Snowy. C. Warm.
14. What do New York and Tokyo have in common
A. They are both busy. B. They are both dirty. C. They are both expensive.
15. When does the man plan to go to Rome
A. In March. B. In May. C. In June.
16. What does the woman say about Rome
A. Exciting but dirty. B. Expensive but interesting. C. Clean but crowded.
听笫10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
17. Which competition can the listeners take part in
A. The high level. B. The middle level. C. The low level.
18. What is the topic for this year
A. Change. B. Weather. C. Travel.
19. What does the speaker suggest the competitors do
A. Ask Maria for her advice. B. Read last year's winning poem.
C. Turn to the teacher for better ideas.
20. What will the school spend the prize money on this year
A. The library. B. The computers. C. The lab.
Reading on the go
A standard reading app for eBooks and audiobooks, FReader supports a variety of formats. The program is very pleasant to the eye and is adjustable to various spectrums (光谱). Apart from being a reading app, FReader has an integrated translator for five languages (English, Russian, German, French, and Ukrainian), making the app attractive to people across the world. You can also select a section of the page you are reading and share it via social networks, Bluetooth, SMS and other methods.
Although it can read every type of book, AlReader is specially designed for Sci-Fi lovers. The app doesn’t support iOS but you can open many book formats on your Android phone. This app has enhanced graphical (图解的) features and a wide range of customization options that focus on providing the best quality for fictional book reading.
Nook is strongly integrated with the online store Banes & Noble, where you can find over a million free books on their website or purchase new titles for the price of as low as $0.99. You can also buy you eBooks anywhere and they will automatically appear in the Nook library. The app supports most eBook formats.
Scribd has come a long way from the document-reading app it was initially. Today, it is one of the most famous programs with over a million titles in its library. Upon registration, you get a 30-day demoaccount that lets you read all the books you want for free! Apart from books, Scribd provides comic books, audiobooks articles, scientific studies, court cases and uncommon genres that no other app offers. You can even publish your own book on this platform.
1. Why is FReader attractive to international readers
A. It doesn’t harm your eyes.
B. It has many customization options.
C. It has a powerful integrated translator.
D. Users can share what they read via social networks.
2. What can you do with AlReader
A. Buy Sci-Fi books. B. Enjoy great graphics.
C. Read on an iOS device. D. Publish your own writing.
3. Where can you read books from Banes & Noble for free
A. FRcader. B. AlReader.
C. Nook. D. Scribd.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. C
推理判断题。根据文章FReader部分的“Apart from being a reading app, FReader has an integrated translator for five languages(English, Russian, German, French, and Ukrainian), making the app attractive to people across the world.(FReader除了是一款阅读应用外,还集成了五种语言(英语、俄语、德语、法语和乌克兰语)的翻译器,使该应用程序对世界各地的人们都具有吸引力。)可知FReader对国际读者很有吸引力,因为它有一个强大的集成翻译器。故选C。
推理判断题。根据文章AIReader部分的“This app has enhanced graphical(图解的) features and a wide range of customization options that focus on providing the best quality for fictional book reading.(此应用程序具有增强的图形功能和广泛的自定义选项,专注于为虚构书籍阅读提供最佳质量。)”可推知使用AIReader,我们可以欣赏出色的图形。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章Nook部分的“Business model:Free app.With the partnership with Banes & Noble, you can find over a million free books on their website or purchase new titles for the price of as low as s0.99.(商业模式:免费应用程序。通过与 Barnes & Noble 的合作,您可以在他们的网站上找到超过一百万本免费书籍或以低至0.99 美元的价格购买新书。)”可知您可以在 Nook上免费阅读Barnes & Noble的书籍。故选C。
Nowadays, many of us spend about 10 hours a day in front of a computer or other electronic devices and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors. The result is that our brain easily feels tired. We need to give the brain a rest, but how
David Strayer is a professor of psychology at the University of Utah. He claims that camping may be just what a tech-tired brain needs. His argument finds strong support from Carl and Kate, two experienced campers. Carl, who works for a mobile phone company, says that being outdoors makes him feel relaxed. It also prepares him for the work he must do. “Camping gives us a chance to be in touch with nature and it’s very relaxing. When you return to work on Monday, you’ re in a better state of mind. I really like the way I feel on Monday.” Kate is a senior editor. She says camping brings her some peace she couldn’t have otherwise. She even finds herself more creative.
David Strayer explains that camping allows close contact with nature and being in nature calms the brain and helps it to focus. When people go camping, they need to learn about animals and natural environments; they have to deal with the weather, learn to stay dry in the rain or warm in the snow and have to keep the feet in good condition when hiking and walking.
Some might say that taking a long walk in the woods or by the ocean or in a city park is wonderful, too. But camping requires that one spend more time in nature and it can test him in different ways. And it brings more health benefit as well.
4. How does Carl feel after camping
A. Warm. B. Calm. C. Relaxed. D. Peaceful.
5. Why does the author take Carl and Kate as examples
A. To share a good camping site. B. To share their work experiences.
C. To show their interest in camping. D. To show advantages of camping.
6. Which of the following is the benefit of camping
A It helps protect the environment. B. It helps us learn more about nature.
C. It teaches us to keep warm in the rain. D. It teaches us to avoid difficult situations.
7. What is the author’s attitude towards camping
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Uninterested. D. Doubtful.
【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A
【导语】本文为一篇说明文。过度使用电子设备的后果是我们的大脑会感到疲劳。David Strayer认为露营可能正是厌倦科技的大脑所需要的,Carl和Kate就是最好的例证,露营不但使人可以亲近大自然,了解大自然,还能使人放松下来,以更好的状态投入工作。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“Carl, who works for a mobile phone company, says that being outdoors makes him feel relaxed. It also prepares him for the work he must do. (在一家手机公司工作的卡尔说,在户外让他感到放松。这也为他必须做的工作做好准备。)”可知,露营后卡尔感到放松。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“He claims that camping may be just what a tech-tired brain needs. His argument finds strong support from Carl and Kate, two experienced campers. (他声称,露营可能正是厌倦科技的大脑所需要的。他的观点得到了卡尔和凯特两位经验丰富的露营者的大力支持。)”可知,作者之所以以卡尔和凯特为例主要是为了展示露营的好处。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“When people go camping, they need to learn about animals and natural environments; they have to deal with the weather, learn to stay dry in the rain or warm in the snow and have to keep the feet in good condition when hiking and walking. (当人们去野营时,他们需要了解动物和自然环境;他们必须应对天气,学会在雨中保持干燥或在雪中保持温暖,在徒步旅行和步行时必须保持脚良好状态。)”可知,露营的好处是它帮助我们更多地了解自然。故选B项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“But camping requires that one spend more time in nature and it can test him in different ways. And it brings more health benefit as well. (但是露营需要一个人花更多的时间在大自然中,它可以在不同的方面考验他。它还能带来更多的健康益处。)”可知,作者对露营的态度是“积极的”。故选A项。
Like many other five-year-olds, Jeanie Low of Houston, Texas, would use a stool (凳子) to help her reach the bathroom sink. However, the plastic step-stool she had at home was unstable and cluttered up the small bathroom shared by her whole family. After learning of an invention contest held by her school that year, Jeanie resolved to enter the contest by creating a stool that would be a permanent fixture in the bathroom, and yet could be kept out of the way when not in use.
Jeanie decided to make a stool attached to the bathroom cabinet door under the sink. She cut a board of wood into two pieces, each about two feet wide and one foot long. Using metal hinges (铰链) Jeanie attached one piece of the wood to the front of the cabinet door, and the second piece to the first. The first piece was set just high enough so that when it swung out horizontally from the cabinet door, the second piece would swing down from the first, just touching the ground, and so serving as a support for the first piece of the wood. This created a convenient, strong platform for any person too short to reach the sink. When not in use, the hinges allowed the two pieces of wood to fold back up tightly against the cabinet, where they were held in place by magnets. Jeanie called her invention the “Kiddie Stool”.
Jeanie’s Kiddie Stool won first place in her school’s contest. Two years later, it was awarded first prize again at Houston’s first annual Invention Fair. As a result, Jeanie was invited to make a number of public appearances with her Kiddie Stool, and was featured on local TV as well as in newspapers. Many people found the story of the Kiddie Stool inspiring because it showed that with imagination, anyone can be an inventor.
8. Why did Jeanie Low invent the Kiddie Stool, according to the passage
A. Many other five-year-olds had problems reaching the bathroom sink.
B She did not think that plastic stools were tall enough for her.
C. The stool in her bathroom was not firm and often got in the way.
D. She was invited to enter an invention contest held by her school.
9. Which of the following statements is true about how the Kiddie Stool works
A. The Kiddie Stool will swing out only when the cabinet door opens.
B. It uses hinges and magnets to keep the wooden pieces in place.
C. It swings from left to right to be attached to the cabinet door.
D. The platform is supported by two pieces of metal.
10. What are the characteristics of Jeanie’s Kiddie Stool
A. Permanent and foldable. B. Fragile and disposable.
C. Conventional and portable. D. Convenient and recyclable.
11. Which of the following sayings best captures the spirit of Jeanie Low’s story
A. Failure is the mother of success.
B. Necessity is the mother of invention.
C. Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
D. Invention requires both disciplines and wild imagination.
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. A 11. B
细节理解题。根据第一段“However, the plastic step-stool she had at home was unstable and cluttered up the small bathroom shared by her whole family. (然而,她家里的塑料踏脚凳不稳定,把她全家共用的小浴室弄得乱七八糟)”可知,珍妮想要发明踏脚凳的原因是,塑料凳子不稳定,还把她全家共用的小浴室弄得乱七八糟。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Using metal hinges (铰链) Jeanie attached one piece of the wood to the front of the cabinet door, and the second piece to the first. (珍妮用金属铰链把一块木头固定在橱柜门的前面,把第二块木头固定在第一块上)”和“When not in use, the hinges allowed the two pieces of wood to fold back up tightly against the cabinet, where they were held in place by magnets. (当不使用的时候,铰链允许两块木头紧紧地叠起在柜子上,它们被磁铁固定在合适的位置)”可知,珍妮发明的踏脚凳使用了铰链和磁铁固定。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Jeanie resolved to enter the contest by creating a stool that would be a permanent fixture in the bathroom, and yet could be kept out of the way when not in use. (珍妮决定参加比赛,她设计了一个凳子,这个凳子将永久安装在浴室里,而且在不使用的时候也不会妨碍到别人)”和第二段“When not in use, the hinges allowed the two pieces of wood to fold back up tightly against the cabinet, where they were held in place by magnets. (当不使用的时候,铰链允许两块木头紧紧地叠起在柜子上,它们被磁铁固定在合适的位置)”可知,珍妮发明的踏脚凳具有永久和可折叠的特性。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Like many other five-year-olds, Jeanie Low of Houston, Texas, would use a stool (凳子) to help her reach the bathroom sink. However, the plastic step-stool she had at home was unstable and cluttered up the small bathroom shared by her whole family. After learning of an invention contest held by her school that year, Jeanie resolved to enter the contest by creating a stool that would be a permanent fixture in the bathroom, and yet could be kept out of the way when not in use. (像其他许多五岁的孩子一样,德克萨斯州休斯敦的珍妮·洛会用一个凳子帮助她够到浴室的水槽。然而,她家里的塑料踏脚凳不稳定,把她全家共用的小浴室弄得乱七八糟。在得知学校那年举办了一场发明比赛后,珍妮决定参加这场比赛,她发明了一种凳子,这种凳子将成为卫生间里的固定装置,而且在不使用的时候也可以不受干扰)”可知,通过珍妮的故事我们可以知道,发明来源于我们的需求。故选B。
Several days ago Spanish fashion brand Zara sparked a fierce debate after releasing its latest campaign featuring a Chinese model with freckles (雀斑). Actually, there are some different beauty standards between the East and the West.
In East Asia, freckles might be considered a “destructive weakness” for celebrities, especially actors or singers. Although normal people don’t care that much, subconsciously they might prefer a “clean” face. Generally speaking, freckles are more likely to appear if people are out in the sun frequently, and most East Asian women avoid the sun as best they can.
Having freckles, instead, is a trademark for unconventional beauty in the Western world, and some call freckles “angel kisses”. For most westerners, having freckles is no longer just something you have to live with; instead, it is something to be desired. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to have freckles.
When it comes to eye shapes, it seems Western and Chinese beauty standards don’t see eye-to-eye. Many Chinese think girls with big eyes are the most beautiful. If their eyes have a double-fold eyelid, that is considered perfect. However, most foreigners seem to prefer Chinese girls with slanted (斜的) and narrow eyes and eyebrows. Chinese known model Lyv Yan is often considered the country’s most beautiful by foreigners, while quite a few Chinese people think her appearance doesn’t fit with traditional beauty standards.
Young, girly feature or hot and mature feature Zhao Liying from China, Aragaki Yui from Japan and Lim Yoon-A from South Korea enjoy high popularity in Asia, as they boast bright faces with warm smiles, which win them lots of male fans. The three young celebrities represent Asia’s beauty standards: women with cute, girly features. Most women in Asia try their best to stay young accordingly. Unlike Chinese girls, Western girls think a more mature look shows independence and uniqueness. The superhero Wonder Woman is an ideal type for most.
As ties continue to grow between China and the West, it is unavoidable that these beauty standards develop. But one thing’s for sure-no matter how you look, you are who you are, and that should be satisfaction enough.
12. What do most western people think of having freckles
A. It is something unbearable. B. It is a destructive weakness.
C. It is something to wish for. D. It is a symbol of traditional beauty.
13. What do the underlined words “see eye-to-eye” mean in Paragraph 4
A. Have the same opinion. B. Recognize their strengths.
C. Misunderstand each other. D. Argue against one another.
14. Why do western girls prefer to appear mature
A. They think this beauty standard is better. B. They want to look independent and unique.
C. They hope to have high popularity in Asia. D. They admire Wonder Woman very much.
15. What does the text mainly talk about
A. What Zara’s beauty standard is. B. Why Chinese people don’t like freckles.
C. What causes the different beauty standards. D. How easterners and westerners think of beauty.
【答案】12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D
细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句“For most westerners, having freckles is no longer just something you have to live with; instead, it is something to be desired.(对于大多数西方人来说,长雀斑不再是一件必须忍受的事情;相反,它是人们渴望的东西。)”可知,大多数西方人认为有雀斑并不是一件要忍受的事,而是一件非常盼望的事。故选C项。
词句猜测题。根据第四段二、三、四句“Many Chinese think girls with big eyes are the most beautiful. If their eyes have a double-fold eyelid, that is considered perfect. However, most foreigners seem to prefer Chinese girls with slanted (斜的) and narrow eyes and eyebrows.(许多中国人认为大眼睛的女孩最漂亮。如果他们的眼睛有双眼皮,那就被认为是完美的。然而,大多数外国人似乎更喜欢中国女孩倾斜的和狭窄的眼睛和眉毛。)”可知,有关眼睛的形状问题,很多中国人和西方人看法不同,从而可推知该词组意思是“看法相同”。故选A项。
细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段倒数第二句“Unlike Chinese girls, Western girls think a more mature look shows independence and uniqueness.(与中国女孩不同的是,西方女孩认为更成熟的外表显示出独立和独特。)”可知,西方女孩更喜欢看起来成熟是因为她们想要以更成熟的外表来显得独立与独特。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据文章第一段最后一句“Actually, there are some different beauty standards between the East and the West.(事实上,东西方之间有一些不同的审美标准。)”并结合下文介绍的东西方审美的不同可知,本文主要介绍了东西方在雀斑、眼型、清纯,成熟等方面的审美观的不同。故选D项。
Creating a good study environment takes a little planning. It is well worth the time as the end result will be much productive study time. Many people fail to do this and wonder why they cannot concentrate. After a couple of times of studying the right way, most people will be surprised at how much they can actually enjoy studying. ____16____
Know that concentration is the key. Reduce every possible distraction. Turn off the television and go in an area where you will not be interrupted by people. ____17____ If you are studying on your computer, don't get distracted by emails and social networking sites.
____18____ If it is a little dark, your eyes will be strained and leave you tired and wanting to close your eyes. Sun is a light that naturally wakes you up and helps you think.
Choose a comfortable seat. ____19____ Now a couch can work just fine for this as long as you don't find yourself laying flat after a few minutes. The whole point of studying is to be able to concentrate on the study matter and not on a sore back.
____20____ Now this is for the person who needs some background music to tone out all the little noises of life going on. If you find yourself thinking about the song then maybe silence is better for you.
Keep something to drink and snack on close by to keep your blood sugar stable. Obviously sugary foods will give you a quick rush but you will also have a quick low afterwards.
A. Turn on some music.
B. Find a place that is proper to read.
C. If you can, turn off your cell phone.
D. Learn more to make study environment different.
E. It should have a good back support and a good feeling.
F. Some people can study with lots of activities going on.
G. Read on to learn how to create a good study environment.
【答案】16. G 17. C 18. B 19. E 20. A
分析可知本文是一篇总分结构的文章,第一段是文章的中心段,而第一段的最后一句又是该段的中心句。下面的段落都是围绕“学着如何创造一个良好的学习环境”来展开的。根据下面第二段的第一句话"Know that concentration is the key(明白专心是关键)"、第四段的第一句话"Choose a comfortable seat(选择一个舒适的座位。)"和第六段段的第一句话"Keep something to drink and snack on close by to keep your blood sugar stable(放一些饮料喝小吃在旁边,以保证血糖的稳定)",可以推理得知G选项“继续读下去,学着如何创造一个良好的学习环境”切题,故选G。
第二段的第一句话,“Know that concentration is the key(明白专心是关键)是该段的主旨句”,再根据横线前面的“Reduce every possible distraction.Turn off the television and go in an area where you will not be interrupted by people(减少任何可能分散注意力的东西,关掉电视,进入一个你不会被人们打扰的区域)”和后面一句的“If you are studying on your computer,don't get distracted by emails and social networking sites(如果你在电脑上学习,不要被电子邮件或者社交网站分散注意力)”,可以推理得知C选项“如果可以,关掉你的手机”切题,与上下文话题一致,都是保持注意力集中的方法。故选C。
横线处位于段落的句首,通过上面的分析可知,此处是该段的主旨句。根据下文“If it is a little dark, your eyes will be strained and leave you tired and wanting to close your eyes. Sun is a light that naturally wakes you up and helps you think(如果光线有点暗,你的眼睛会感到紧张,让你感到疲倦,并想闭上眼睛。太阳光是一种可以让你提神醒脑的自然光源)”可以得知,本段的建议是找一个合适的地方,最好有自然光。B选项“Find a place that is proper to read(找一个适合阅读的地方)”切题,故选B。
第四段的第一句话"Choose a comfortable seat(选择一个舒适的座位)"是该段的主旨句,根据下文的“Now a couch can work just fine for this as long as you don't find yourself laying flat after a few minutes. The whole point of studying is to be able to concentrate on the study matter and not on a sore back(如果能保证几分钟以后不躺下睡着,躺椅也是一个不错的选择, 只要不让背痛影响学习,就怎么舒服怎么来)”可知,空处可能陈述怎样的座位算是好的座位。E选项“It should have a good back support and a good feeling(它应该有一个好的靠背和一个好的座位)”切题,故选E。
横线处位于段落的句首,通过上面的分析可知,此处是该段的主旨句。根据下文“Now this is for the person who needs the background noise to tone out all the little noises of life going on. If you find yourself thinking about the song then maybe silence is better for you(这适用于那些需要背景噪音来屏蔽生活中细微噪音的人士。如果你发现自己一直把心思放在歌曲上,那么安静点更好)”可知,本段的建议是可以听一些有助于集中精力学习的音乐。A选项“Turn on some music(打开音乐)”切题,故选A。
We live in a world increasingly dominated by science. Since elementary school, I have always ____21____ subjects like science and math. To me, these subjects, full of discoveries and ____22____, seem to play more significant role in human progress than humanities. And I always ____23____ thought of these subjects as more solid and serious than classes like English. If there was no right ____24____ I thought, why bother But recently I had an ____25____ that taught me my academic interests are more flexible than I had thought: I took my first philosophy class.
Before I entered the classroom, I was ____26____. I waited outside with the other students and wondered what exactly philosophy would involve. I imagined getting into pretty long and boring conversations ____27____ intended to reflect on the meaning of life. But what I got was something quite ____28____.
A young man in jeans, Mr. Jones — “but you can call me Rob” — was far from the white-haired, buttoned-up old man I had ____29____. Rather than pulling us into dull arguments about difficult-to-understand philosophical points, Rob_____30_____ us on our level. To talk free will, we looked at our own _____31_____. To talk morals, we looked at dilemmas we had faced ourselves. By the end of class, I’d discovered that questions with no right answer can turn out to be the most _____32_____ ones.
It _____33_____ me that if I let go of my _____34_____, I can actually get a lot out of the subjects I once thought little of. The class taught me — in more ways than one — to look at things with a(n) _____35_____ mind.
21. A. chosen B. evaluated C. favored D. avoided
22. A. formulas B. puzzles C. challenges D. innovations
23. A. automatically B. consciously C. accurately D. impatiently
24. A. reason B. answer C. method D. direction
25. A. surprise B. experience C. incident D. adventure
26. A. hopeful B. confident C. doubtful D. nervous
27. A. supposedly B. mistakenly C. naturally D. previously
28. A. unique B. common C. different D. strange
29. A. mentioned B. encountered C. expected D. missed
30. A. engaged B. tested C. persuaded D. invited
31. A. choices B. abilities C. obstacles D. doubts
32. A. objective B. effective C. encouraging D. appealing
33. A. confused B. struck C. warned D. convinced
34 A. pride B. concern C. assessment D. prejudice
35. A. open B. strong C. sharp D. ready
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. C 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. A
考查动词词义辨析。句意:从小学开始,我就一直喜欢科学和数学。A. chosen选择;B. evaluated评估;C. favored喜欢;D. avoided避免。根据下文“To me, these subjects, full of discoveries and ____2____, seem to play more significant role in human progress than humanities.”可知,作者认为科学和数学这样的学科对人类进步的作用更大,因此喜欢科学和数学。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我看来,这些充满发现和创新的学科似乎比人文学科在人类进步中发挥着更重要的作用。A. formulas公式;B. puzzles谜题;C. challenges挑战;D. innovations创新。根据上文“full of discoveries”可知,作者认为这些学科充满发现,空处和discoveries并列,innovations“创新”符合语境,和discoveries更相关。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我总是下意识地认为这些学科比英语之类的课更扎实、更严肃。A. automatically下意识地;B. consciously有意识地;C. accurately准确地;D. impatiently不耐烦地。根据下文作者参加了哲学课程,然后意识到人文学科非常有意义可推知,此处表示作者下意识地认为这些学科比英语之类的课更扎实、更严肃,从而将这一下意识的想法和后来的有意识的想法形成对比。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果没有正确答案,我想,为何对此费心呢?A. reason原因;B. answer答案;C. method方法;D. direction方向。根据下文“By the end of class, I’d discovered that questions with no right answer can turn out to be the most ____12____ ones.”可知,作者从哲学课堂上发现了没有正确答案的问题的吸引力,此处指这类人文学科没有正确答案,answer和下文的answer是同词复现。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但最近有一个经历教育了我,我的学术兴趣比我想象的要灵活得多:我第一次上哲学课。A. surprise惊喜;B. experience经历;C. incident事件;D. adventure冒险。根据下文作者去上哲学课的具体叙述可知,此处指的是这样的经历。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在我走进教室之前,我很怀疑。A. hopeful有希望的;B. confident自信的;C. doubtful怀疑的;D. nervous紧张的。根据下文“I imagined getting into pretty long and boring conversations ____7____ intended to reflect on the meaning of life.”可知,作者对于哲学课的想象是冗长的谈话,认为这种课是枯燥的,毫无期待的,因此对这门课有怀疑。故选C。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我想象着进行一场无聊而冗长的谈话,自然而然地以此来反思生命的意义。A. supposedly据说;B. mistakenly错误地;C. naturally自然地;D. previously以前地。此处作者在描述自己想象中哲学课的样子,是一种刻板印象,根据上文“pretty long and boring conversations”和下文“intended to reflect on the meaning of life”可推知,刻板印象中长而无聊的谈话是不灵活的,自然而然地以此中讨论结果去反思生命的意义。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我得到的却是完全不同的东西。A. unique独特的;B. common普通的;C. different不同的;D. strange奇怪的。根据下文作者去上哲学课的具体叙述可知,课堂实际上和他想象的不一样,因此是得到不同的东西。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个穿着牛仔裤的年轻人,琼斯先生——(他说)“但你们可以叫我罗布”——远不是我预期中的那个满头白发、沉默寡言的老人。A. mentioned提到;B. encountered遇到;C. expected预期;D. missed错过。此处作者在叙述去上哲学课的具体经历,上文谈到作者想象中的哲学课,由此推知,这里表示哲学老师的形象不是他之前预期的那种样子。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:罗布没有把我们拉进关于难以理解的哲学观点的无聊争论中,而是从我们的角度吸引我们。A. engaged吸引;B. tested测试;C. persuaded说服;D. invited邀请。根据上文“Rather than pulling us into dull arguments about difficult-to-understand philosophical points”可知,罗布实际的做法并非让学生去争论难以理解的哲学观点,由此推知,他从学生的角度出发,吸引学生的兴趣,对问题进行探讨。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:谈到自由意志,我们审视了自己的障碍。A. choices选择;B. abilities能力;C. obstacles障碍;D. doubts怀疑。根据下文“To talk morals, we looked at dilemmas we had faced ourselves.”可知,哲学课上的教学是从自身出发,将哲学问题与自己面临的困难联系起来,道德问题与大家面临的困境相关,自由意志则与追求自由遇到的障碍相关。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:到课程结束的时候,我发现没有正确答案的问题往往是最吸引人的。A. objective客观的;B. effective有效的;C. encouraging鼓励的;D. appealing吸引人的。根据作者去上哲学课的具体叙述可知,他对哲学这类人文学科的想法发生了变化,结合上文“Rather than pulling us into dull arguments about difficult-to-understand philosophical points”可推知,原本作者以为哲学很枯燥乏味,最终发现其中的问题是非常吸引人的。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我突然意识到,如果我放下偏见,我实际上可以从我曾经很少想到的科目中得到很多东西。A. confused使困惑;B. struck突然想到;C. warned警告;D. convinced使确信。根据下文“if I let go of my ____14____, I can actually get a lot out of the subjects I once thought little of”可知,经过哲学课,作者的想法发生了变化,由此推知,这是他突然意识到的事情,It struck sb. that…是固定句型,意为“某人突然想到”。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我突然意识到,如果我放下偏见,我实际上可以从我曾经很少想到的科目中得到很多东西。A. pride自豪;B. concern担忧;C. assessment评估;D. prejudice偏见。根据上文“And I always ____3____ thought of these subjects as more solid and serious than classes like English.”可知,作者之前对英语这类人文学科有偏见,认为它们不如科学和数学这类学科,此处指放下偏见。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这门课教会了我——在很多方面——以开放的心态看待事物。A. open开放的;B. strong坚强的;C. sharp敏锐的;D. ready准备好的。根据上文“if I let go of my ____14____, I can actually get a lot out of the subjects I once thought little of”可知,作者现在认为不能轻视人文类学科,由此可知,此处指要用开放的心态去看待事物。故选A。
阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Ballet is a formal kind of dance performance with a rich and interesting history. The word “ballet” comes from the French language. Ballet’s early roots began in Italy in the late 1400s. But it was in France ____36____ ballet developed into the form we know today.
The French ruler Louis the Fourteenth had a big influence ____37____ the direction of ballet in its early history. He ruled France for seventy-two years, ____38____ (start) in 1643. He started dancing as a boy and worked hard daily.
Louis the Fourteenth turned ballet into a form of dance that reflected ____39____ (he) power and influence. Ballet’s many rules and ____40____ (extreme) detailed movements expressed a person’s power and social relations. The king made sure that ballet became ____41____ requirement for the people of his court. He was also the ____42____ (found) of the Royal Academy of Dance, an institution ____43____ important people could learn this art. The aim of this dance was self-control, order and perfection.
Ballet slowly changed from a dance at the king’s court to one ____44____ (perform) by professional dancers. When Louis the Fourteenth died in 1715, ballet ______45______ (bring) to other parts of Europe and was developing in other ways.
【答案】36. that
37. on 38. starting
39. his 40. extremely
41. a 42. founder
43. where 44. performed
45. was brought
考查强调句。句意:但是在法国,芭蕾舞发展成了我们今天所知道的形式。分析句子可知,句子为强调句,句式为“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分”,被强调部分是地点状语in France,所以空格处应用that。故填that。
考查介词。句意:法国统治者路易十四在早期历史上对芭蕾舞的发展方向产生了很大影响。分析句子可知,句中涉及固定短语have a big influence on…,意为“对……有很大影响”,所以空格处应用介词on。故填on。
考查时态和语态。句意:1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾舞被带到了欧洲其他地区,并以其他方式发展。根据句中“When Louis the Fourteenth died in 1715”可知,句子陈述的是过去发生的事,ballet和bring为被动关系,所以句子应用一般过去时的被动语态,ballet是单数,所以空格处应填was brought。故填was brought。
46. 假如你是李华,你的网友英国交换生Vivian将于明年来厦门大学学习汉语。她发邮件向你诉说了她的担忧:请给她回复邮件,内容包括:
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Vivian,
I understand your concerns about coming to Xiamen University to study Chinese next year. After all, There are some differences between China and your country. For example, Chinese etiquette may differ from what you are familiar with in the UK. But don’t worry too much.
Here are some tips for you. First, I suggest that you arrive China early and take some time to familiarize yourself with the language and culture. Besides, make some friends. They can share their hobbies and ideas with you. I am confident that you will quickly learn to appreciate the unique characteristics of Chinese culture and make new friends in China.
Looking forward to your coming!
Li Hua
此外:besides → what’s more/ in addition
不同:differ from→ be different from
原句:Besides, make some friends. They can share their hobbies and ideas with you.
拓展句:Besides, make some friends, who can share their hobbies and ideas with you.
【点睛】【高分句型1】For example, Chinese etiquette may differ from what you are familiar with in the UK.(运用了what引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】First, I suggest that you arrive China early and take some time to familiarize yourself with the language and culture.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The young woman was feeling a little sad on that Sunday in May. After all, it was Mother’s Day and 800 miles separated her from her parents in Ohio.
She had called her mother that morning to wish her a happy Mother’s Day, and her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was with spring arriving. The young woman could almost smell the fragrance of purple lilacs (丁香花) hanging on the big bush outside her parents’ back door.
Later, when she mentioned to her husband how she missed those lilacs, he said, “I know where we can find all you want.”
So off they went with the kids, driving along the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day—only mid-May can produce.
Where they stopped, there wasn’t a lilac insight. “Come with me,” the man said. “Over that hill is an cellar (地下室) hole, from somebody’s farm of years ago, and there are lilacs all round it. The man who owns this land said I could hang around here anytime. He won’t mind if picking a few lilacs.
Before they got halfway up the hill, the fragrance of the lilacs drifted down to them, and the kids started running. Soon, the mother began running, too, until she reached the top.
There were the towering lilacs bushes with beautiful flowers. The woman walked among the lilacs. Carefully, she picked some lilacs.
Finally they returned to their car for the trip home. When they were within three miles of home, she suddenly shouted to her husband, “Stop the car. Stop right here!”
The man stopped the car. The woman was out of the car and running towards the top of the hill with lilacs still in her arms. At the top of the hill was a nursing home. The parents were outdoors walking with relatives or sitting on the porch (门廊). The young woman went to the end of the porch, where an elderly patient was in her wheel chair, alone, head bowed.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The young woman lifted the elderly patient’s head, and smiled.
The next day the man purchased many young lilacs bushes and he planted them around their yard.
【答案】One possible version:
The young woman lifted the elderly patient’s head,and smiled. For a few moments, the two women chatted with each other happily. The flowers were given away to the elderly patient, the young woman turned and ran back to her family. As the car pulled away, the woman in her wheelchair waved, with the lilacs in her hand. The kids asked why the woman had given her their flowers. The mother replied it was Mother’s Day and the old woman seemed alone and she needed those flowers more than they did.
The next day the man purchased many young lilacs bushes and he planted them around their yard. Every May with fragrant lilacs surrounding the yard. It looked more beautiful. And every Mother’s Day their family would gather purple flowers and send them to the nursing home at the top of the hill. And each time they would see a smile on the lonely old woman’s face. Not only did the family’s kindness put the smile there, but also it inspired their kids to become kind people.
①聊天:chat with / talk with
②返回:ran back to /return
③购买:purchase /buy
①.高兴地: happily/ merrily
【点睛】[高分句型1]. The kids asked why the woman had given her their flowers.(由连接词why引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]. Not only did the family’s kindness put the smile there, but also it inspired their kids to become kind people.(Not only置于句首引导的倒装句)莆田第二十五中学2022-2023学年上学期期中考试卷
(满分150分 考试用时120分钟)
1. How much will the man pay for the watch
A. $75 .B. $60. C. $15.
2. Where are the speakers
A. At a store. B. In a restaurant. C. On a plane.
3. What does the woman mean
A. She wants to tour the city by bike. B. She prefers the relaxed pace of life.
C. She is tired of the guided tour.
4. What do we know about the woman
A. She lives in Spain now. B. She comes from America.
C. She will go to Mexico.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A camera. B. A computer. C. A film.
听笫6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
6. What is the woman dissatisfied with
A. The kitchen. B. The bedroom. C. The living room.
7. What does the man think of the living room
A. Big and bright. B. New and modern. C. Small but well-furnished.
听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。
8. Why is the man unsure about going to the club
A. He can't swim there. B. He hates to exercise indoors. C. He thinks it expensive.
9. Where will the man go this afternoon
A. To his classroom. B. To a health club. C. To a swimming center.
听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
10. What is wrong with the man's booking at first
A. The woman has mistaken another booking for his.
B. There is something wrong with the date.
C. No empty room is available.
11. Why does the woman offer the man a cheaper price
A. He is a regular customer.
B. A honeymoon room is on special today.
C. Their service has brought inconvenience to him.
12. How much should the man pay
A. $100. B. $90. C. $75.
听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
13. What was the weather like when the woman stayed in New York
A. Cool. B. Snowy. C. Warm.
14. What do New York and Tokyo have in common
A. They are both busy. B. They are both dirty. C. They are both expensive.
15 When does the man plan to go to Rome
A. In March. B. In May. C. In June.
16. What does the woman say about Rome
A. Exciting but dirty. B. Expensive but interesting. C. Clean but crowded.
听笫10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
17. Which competition can the listeners take part in
A. The high level. B. The middle level. C. The low level.
18. What is the topic for this year
A. Change. B. Weather. C. Travel.
19. What does the speaker suggest the competitors do
A. Ask Maria for her advice. B. Read last year's winning poem.
C. Turn to the teacher for better ideas.
20. What will the school spend the prize money on this year
A. The library. B. The computers. C. The lab.
Reading on the go
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1. Why is FReader attractive to international readers
A. It doesn’t harm your eyes.
B. It has many customization options.
C. It has a powerful integrated translator.
D. Users can share what they read via social networks.
2. What can you do with AlReader
A. Buy Sci-Fi books. B. Enjoy great graphics.
C. Read on an iOS device. D. Publish your own writing.
3. Where can you read books from Banes & Noble for free
A. FRcader. B. AlReader.
C. Nook. D. Scribd.
Nowadays, many of us spend about 10 hours a day in front of a computer or other electronic devices and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors. The result is that our brain easily feels tired. We need to give the brain a rest, but how
David Strayer is a professor of psychology at the University of Utah. He claims that camping may be just what a tech-tired brain needs. His argument finds strong support from Carl and Kate, two experienced campers. Carl, who works for a mobile phone company, says that being outdoors makes him feel relaxed. It also prepares him for the work he must do. “Camping gives us a chance to be in touch with nature and it’s very relaxing. When you return to work on Monday, you’ re in a better state of mind. I really like the way I feel on Monday.” Kate is a senior editor. She says camping brings her some peace she couldn’t have otherwise. She even finds herself more creative.
David Strayer explains that camping allows close contact with nature and being in nature calms the brain and helps it to focus. When people go camping, they need to learn about animals and natural environments; they have to deal with the weather, learn to stay dry in the rain or warm in the snow and have to keep the feet in good condition when hiking and walking.
Some might say that taking a long walk in the woods or by the ocean or in a city park is wonderful, too. But camping requires that one spend more time in nature and it can test him in different ways. And it brings more health benefit as well.
4. How does Carl feel after camping
A. Warm. B. Calm. C. Relaxed. D. Peaceful.
5. Why does the author take Carl and Kate as examples
A. To share a good camping site. B. To share their work experiences.
C. To show their interest in camping. D. To show advantages of camping.
6. Which of the following is the benefit of camping
A. It helps protect the environment. B. It helps us learn more about nature.
C. It teaches us to keep warm in the rain. D. It teaches us to avoid difficult situations.
7. What is the author’s attitude towards camping
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Uninterested. D. Doubtful.
Like many other five-year-olds Jeanie Low of Houston, Texas, would use a stool (凳子) to help her reach the bathroom sink. However, the plastic step-stool she had at home was unstable and cluttered up the small bathroom shared by her whole family. After learning of an invention contest held by her school that year, Jeanie resolved to enter the contest by creating a stool that would be a permanent fixture in the bathroom, and yet could be kept out of the way when not in use.
Jeanie decided to make a stool attached to the bathroom cabinet door under the sink. She cut a board of wood into two pieces, each about two feet wide and one foot long. Using metal hinges (铰链) Jeanie attached one piece of the wood to the front of the cabinet door, and the second piece to the first. The first piece was set just high enough so that when it swung out horizontally from the cabinet door, the second piece would swing down from the first, just touching the ground, and so serving as a support for the first piece of the wood. This created a convenient, strong platform for any person too short to reach the sink. When not in use, the hinges allowed the two pieces of wood to fold back up tightly against the cabinet, where they were held in place by magnets. Jeanie called her invention the “Kiddie Stool”.
Jeanie’s Kiddie Stool won first place in her school’s contest. Two years later, it was awarded first prize again at Houston’s first annual Invention Fair. As a result, Jeanie was invited to make a number of public appearances with her Kiddie Stool, and was featured on local TV as well as in newspapers. Many people found the story of the Kiddie Stool inspiring because it showed that with imagination, anyone can be an inventor.
8. Why did Jeanie Low invent the Kiddie Stool, according to the passage
A. Many other five-year-olds had problems reaching the bathroom sink.
B. She did not think that plastic stools were tall enough for her.
C. The stool in her bathroom was not firm and often got in the way.
D. She was invited to enter an invention contest held by her school.
9. Which of the following statements is true about how the Kiddie Stool works
A. The Kiddie Stool will swing out only when the cabinet door opens.
B. It uses hinges and magnets to keep the wooden pieces in place.
C. It swings from left to right to be attached to the cabinet door.
D. The platform is supported by two pieces of metal.
10. What are the characteristics of Jeanie’s Kiddie Stool
A. Permanent and foldable. B. Fragile and disposable.
C. Conventional and portable. D. Convenient and recyclable.
11. Which of the following sayings best captures the spirit of Jeanie Low’s story
A. Failure is the mother of success.
B. Necessity is the mother of invention.
C Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
D. Invention requires both disciplines and wild imagination.
Several days ago Spanish fashion brand Zara sparked a fierce debate after releasing its latest campaign featuring a Chinese model with freckles (雀斑). Actually, there are some different beauty standards between the East and the West.
In East Asia, freckles might be considered a “destructive weakness” for celebrities, especially actors or singers. Although normal people don’t care that much, subconsciously they might prefer a “clean” face. Generally speaking, freckles are more likely to appear if people are out in the sun frequently, and most East Asian women avoid the sun as best they can.
Having freckles, instead, is a trademark for unconventional beauty in the Western world, and some call freckles “angel kisses”. For most westerners, having freckles is no longer just something you have to live with; instead, it is something to be desired. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to have freckles.
When it comes to eye shapes, it seems Western and Chinese beauty standards don’t see eye-to-eye. Many Chinese think girls with big eyes are the most beautiful. If their eyes have a double-fold eyelid, that is considered perfect. However, most foreigners seem to prefer Chinese girls with slanted (斜的) and narrow eyes and eyebrows. Chinese known model Lyv Yan is often considered the country’s most beautiful by foreigners, while quite a few Chinese people think her appearance doesn’t fit with traditional beauty standards.
Young, girly feature or hot and mature feature Zhao Liying from China, Aragaki Yui from Japan and Lim Yoon-A from South Korea enjoy high popularity in Asia, as they boast bright faces with warm smiles, which win them lots of male fans. The three young celebrities represent Asia’s beauty standards: women with cute, girly features. Most women in Asia try their best to stay young accordingly. Unlike Chinese girls, Western girls think a more mature look shows independence and uniqueness. The superhero Wonder Woman is an ideal type for most.
As ties continue to grow between China and the West, it is unavoidable that these beauty standards develop. But one thing’s for sure-no matter how you look, you are who you are, and that should be satisfaction enough.
12. What do most western people think of having freckles
A. It is something unbearable. B. It is a destructive weakness.
C. It is something to wish for. D. It is a symbol of traditional beauty.
13. What do the underlined words “see eye-to-eye” mean in Paragraph 4
A. Have the same opinion. B. Recognize their strengths.
C. Misunderstand each other. D. Argue against one another.
14. Why do western girls prefer to appear mature
A. They think this beauty standard is better. B. They want to look independent and unique.
C. They hope to have high popularity in Asia. D. They admire Wonder Woman very much.
15. What does the text mainly talk about
A. What Zara’s beauty standard is. B. Why Chinese people don’t like freckles.
C. What causes the different beauty standards. D. How easterners and westerners think of beauty.
Creating a good study environment takes a little planning. It is well worth the time as the end result will be much productive study time. Many people fail to do this and wonder why they cannot concentrate. After a couple of times of studying the right way, most people will be surprised at how much they can actually enjoy studying. ____16____
Know that concentration is the key. Reduce every possible distraction. Turn off the television and go in an area where you will not be interrupted by people. ____17____ If you are studying on your computer, don't get distracted by emails and social networking sites.
____18____ If it is a little dark, your eyes will be strained and leave you tired and wanting to close your eyes. Sun is a light that naturally wakes you up and helps you think.
Choose a comfortable seat. ____19____ Now a couch can work just fine for this as long as you don't find yourself laying flat after a few minutes. The whole point of studying is to be able to concentrate on the study matter and not on a sore back.
____20____ Now this is for the person who needs some background music to tone out all the little noises of life going on. If you find yourself thinking about the song then maybe silence is better for you.
Keep something to drink and snack on close by to keep your blood sugar stable. Obviously sugary foods will give you a quick rush but you will also have a quick low afterwards.
A. Turn on some music.
B. Find a place that is proper to read.
C. If you can, turn off your cell phone.
D. Learn more to make study environment different.
E. It should have a good back support and a good feeling.
F. Some people can study with lots of activities going on.
G. Read on to learn how to create a good study environment.
We live in a world increasingly dominated by science. Since elementary school, I have always ____21____ subjects like science and math. To me, these subjects, full of discoveries and ____22____, seem to play more significant role in human progress than humanities. And I always ____23____ thought of these subjects as more solid and serious than classes like English. If there was no right ____24____ I thought, why bother But recently I had an ____25____ that taught me my academic interests are more flexible than I had thought: I took my first philosophy class.
Before I entered the classroom, I was ____26____. I waited outside with the other students and wondered what exactly philosophy would involve. I imagined getting into pretty long and boring conversations ____27____ intended to reflect on the meaning of life. But what I got was something quite ____28____.
A young man in jeans, Mr. Jones — “but you can call me Rob” — was far from the white-haired, buttoned-up old man I had ____29____. Rather than pulling us into dull arguments about difficult-to-understand philosophical points, Rob_____30_____ us on our level. To talk free will, we looked at our own _____31_____. To talk morals, we looked at dilemmas we had faced ourselves. By the end of class, I’d discovered that questions with no right answer can turn out to be the most _____32_____ ones.
It _____33_____ me that if I let go of my _____34_____, I can actually get a lot out of the subjects I once thought little of. The class taught me — in more ways than one — to look at things with a(n) _____35_____ mind.
21. A. chosen B. evaluated C. favored D. avoided
22. A. formulas B. puzzles C. challenges D. innovations
23. A. automatically B. consciously C. accurately D. impatiently
24. A. reason B. answer C. method D. direction
25. A. surprise B. experience C. incident D. adventure
26. A. hopeful B. confident C. doubtful D. nervous
27. A. supposedly B. mistakenly C. naturally D. previously
28. A. unique B. common C. different D. strange
29. A. mentioned B. encountered C. expected D. missed
30. A. engaged B. tested C. persuaded D. invited
31. A. choices B. abilities C. obstacles D. doubts
32. A. objective B. effective C. encouraging D. appealing
33. A. confused B. struck C. warned D. convinced
34. A. pride B. concern C. assessment D. prejudice
35. A. open B. strong C. sharp D. ready
阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Ballet is a formal kind of dance performance with a rich and interesting history. The word “ballet” comes from the French language. Ballet’s early roots began in Italy in the late 1400s. But it was in France ____36____ ballet developed into the form we know today.
The French ruler Louis the Fourteenth had a big influence ____37____ the direction of ballet in its early history. He ruled France for seventy-two years, ____38____ (start) in 1643. He started dancing as a boy and worked hard daily.
Louis the Fourteenth turned ballet into a form of dance that reflected ____39____ (he) power and influence. Ballet’s many rules and ____40____ (extreme) detailed movements expressed a person’s power and social relations. The king made sure that ballet became ____41____ requirement for the people of his court. He was also the ____42____ (found) of the Royal Academy of Dance, an institution ____43____ important people could learn this art. The aim of this dance was self-control, order and perfection.
Ballet slowly changed from a dance at the king’s court to one ____44____ (perform) by professional dancers. When Louis the Fourteenth died in 1715, ballet ______45______ (bring) to other parts of Europe and was developing in other ways.
46. 假如你是李华,你的网友英国交换生Vivian将于明年来厦门大学学习汉语。她发邮件向你诉说了她的担忧:请给她回复邮件,内容包括:
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
The young woman was feeling a little sad on that Sunday in May. After all, it was Mother’s Day and 800 miles separated her from her parents in Ohio.
She had called her mother that morning to wish her a happy Mother’s Day, and her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was with spring arriving. The young woman could almost smell the fragrance of purple lilacs (丁香花) hanging on the big bush outside her parents’ back door.
Later, when she mentioned to her husband how she missed those lilacs, he said, “I know where we can find all you want.”
So off they went with the kids, driving along the country roads of northern Rhode Island on the kind of day—only mid-May can produce.
Where they stopped, there wasn’t a lilac insight. “Come with me,” the man said. “Over that hill is an cellar (地下室) hole, from somebody’s farm of years ago, and there are lilacs all round it. The man who owns this land said I could hang around here anytime. He won’t mind if picking a few lilacs.
Before they got halfway up the hill, the fragrance of the lilacs drifted down to them, and the kids started running. Soon, the mother began running, too, until she reached the top.
There were the towering lilacs bushes with beautiful flowers. The woman walked among the lilacs. Carefully she picked some lilacs.
Finally they returned to their car for the trip home. When they were within three miles of home, she suddenly shouted to her husband, “Stop the car. Stop right here!”
The man stopped the car. The woman was out of the car and running towards the top of the hill with lilacs still in her arms. At the top of the hill was a nursing home. The parents were outdoors walking with relatives or sitting on the porch (门廊). The young woman went to the end of the porch, where an elderly patient was in her wheel chair, alone, head bowed.
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The young woman lifted the elderly patient’s head, and smiled.
The next day the man purchased many young lilacs bushes and he planted them around their yard.



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