
2022-2023 学年度第一学期期中学业水平测试八年级英语试题
1、本试题分为第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,45 分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,55 分;共 100 分。考试时间为 120 分钟(含听力 20 分钟)。
第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共 45 分)一、听力选择(共 15 小题,计 15 分)
(一) 请听录音中八组短对话。每组对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片或能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(每组对话读两遍)
Where did the boy go last month
B. C.
What’s the girl’s hobby
A. B. C.
Which cartoon does the boy like best
A. B. C.
What does Li Jun plan to watch this evening
Beijing Opera. B. Animal World. C. CCTV News.
Who is more hard-working
Lucy’s friend. B. Andy. C. Lucy.
Who lives in New York
Bob. B. Bob’s grandma. C. Bob’s uncle.
How was the man’s trip
Terrible. B. Expensive. C. Interesting.
What does Sarah like doing
Reading books. B. Listening to the radio. C. Doing sports.
(二) 请听录音中两段较长的对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(每段对话读两遍)
听第一段较长的对话,完成第 9 至第 11 三个小题。
How long was Bob’s vacation
Five days. B. Six days. C. Seven days.
What does Bob think of his vacation
Exciting. B. Interesting. C. Boring.
What did Bob buy for Sally
A hat. B. A bag. C. A skirt.
听第二段较长的对话,完成第 12 至第 15 四个小题,
How far is it from Linda’s home to Rose Store
Five minutes’ walk. B. Ten minutes’ walk. C. Twenty minutes’ walk.
Which store is the closest to Linda’s home
Green Store. B. Park Store. C. Rose Store.
What does Linda say about the things in Rose Store
The cheapest. B. The most expensive. C. Not bad.
How often does Linda go to Park Store
Hardly ever. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
注意:请同学们翻到第Ⅱ卷第三大题,继续做听力填词。二、阅读理解(共 15 小题,计 30 分)
阅读下面短文,从每小题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。
I am sitting on a beach on this hot summer day and watching two children, a boy and a girl, playing in the sand. They are working hard at building a sandcastle (沙堡). Just when they are successful, a big wave (波浪)
comes along and puts it down.
I think the children may cry because all their hard work turns to nothing, but they surprise me. They run up away from the water, hand in hand, and sit down to build another one.
They really teach me a lesson. We can’t always be successful. Being sad is doing no good. What we need to do is to start again, hand in hand with our friends.
Who is playing in the sand
Two children. B. Four children.
C. Two children and the writer. D. It’s not mentioned.
What do the children do after a big wave puts down the sandcastle
They cry sadly. B. They just sit on the beach.
C. They start to build another one. D. They start to sing.
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
The writer is a teacher.
The wave destroys (毁坏) the sandcastle.
The write knows the children.
The children are sad because they’re not successful.
What’s the main idea of the passage
Friends are always there with you. B. Children know more about life.
C. All of us want to be successful. D. We have to start again.
【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D
【导语】本文主要讲述作者在沙滩上看到一个男孩和一个女孩在堆沙堡,沙堡被突如其来的大浪推倒了。 出乎作者意料之外的是,这两个小孩非但没有哭,反而手牵手地又另堆了一个沙堡。这件事让作者感悟到:悲伤毫无用处,我们需要做的是与朋友一道共患难,重新开始。
【1 题详解】
细节理解题。根据“…watching two children, a boy and a girl, playing in the sand”可知,两个孩子正在沙滩上玩耍。故选 A。
【2 题详解】
细节理解题。根据“They run up away from the water, hand in hand, and sit down to build another one.”可知,他们开始堆另一个沙堡。故选 C。
【3 题详解】
细节理解题。根据“They are working hard at building a sandcastle (沙堡). Just when they are successful, a big wave (波浪) comes along and puts it down.”可知,大浪把沙堡推倒了。故选 B。
4 题详解】
主旨大意题。根据“What we need to do is to start again, hand in hand with our friends.”并结合全文可知,文章通过作者在沙滩上的所见所闻,告诉我们:当我们遭遇失败的时候,悲伤是徒劳的,重新开始是最好的方法。
故选 D。
I went to Xi’an with my friend. We visited the Terracotta Army and had a great time. We tasted delicious food, too. Xi’an is a big and nice city. I like it a lot. Helen
My parents took me to Hong Kong by plane. We went to Disneyland. It’s just like a fairy tale kingdom (童话王国). And we bought many special things. Most of them weren’t expensive at all. Jason
Last summer, my family went to Hainan. The weather was sunny and hot. We went swimming and boating. They were exciting. Later, we tasted some seafood. It was very delicious! Diana
My uncle works in Tibet (西藏). Last summer, I took a train to visit him. There I saw lots of tall and clean mountains. Many people there are good at singing and dancing. Bruce
What did Jason do on vacation
He tasted delicious food. B. He went shopping.
C. He went boating. D. He saw some mountains.
Who are good at dancing and singing
People in Xi’an. B. People in Hong Kong.
C. People in Hainan. 7. How did they feel about their vacations D. People in Tibet.
A. Sad. B. Bored. C. Terrible. D. Happy.
Which of the following is TRUE
Helen went to Xi’an with her sister. B. Jason liked boating on the sea.
C. Diana visited Disneyland. D. Bruce visited his uncle in Tibet
【答案】5. B 6. D 7. D 8. D
【5 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第二个表格中“And we bought many special things. Jason”可知,詹森去购物了。故选 B。
【6 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第四个表格“My uncle works in Tibet(西藏). Many people there are good at singing and
dancing.”可知,西藏人擅长唱歌和跳舞。故选 D。
【7 题详解】
推理判断题。根据“Xi’an is a big and nice city. I like it a lot. Helen”、“It’s just like a fairy tale kingdom (童话王国). And we bought many special things. Most of them weren’t expensive at all.”、“We went swimming and boating.
They were exciting. ”、“There I saw lots of tall and clean mountains. Many people there are good at singing and dancing.” 介绍口吻可知,他们觉得假期很快乐。故选 D。
【8 题详解】
细节理解题。根据“My uncle works in Tibet. Last summer, I took a train to visit him. Bruce”可知,布鲁斯去西
藏看望了他的叔叔。D 选项表述准确。故选 D。
Welcome to San Francisco Zoo
As the Northern California’s largest zoo, lots of people come to visit here every day. I’m sure you can enjoy seeing 250 different kinds of animals here.
What can visitors do in the zoo
They can tease the animals in the zoo.
They can take their pets with them.
They can feed the animals on the Family Farm in the Children’s Zoo.
They can buy tickets and enter the zoo at 7:30 p.m.
What is the best way to get all the information when you are at the Main Gate
To get the zoo map. B. To call the Main Office clerk.
C. To ask the security guards. D. To report to the zoo officers.
Mr. Green took his 12-year-old twin (双胞胎) sons and five-year-old daughter to visit the zoo. How much did he have to pay
A. $75. B. $100. C. $125. D. $150.
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
San Francisco Zoo is the largest zoo in America.
Children aged 14 and under can visit the zoo alone (独自).
You can phone the Main Office clerk at 10 a.m. on Saturday.
Disabled guests can use the wheelchairs to visit the zoo.
【答案】9. D 10. A 11. B 12. D
【9 题详解】
细节理解题。根据文中“Open daily, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Last ticket is sold one hour before closed time.”可知,游客可以买完票在晚上 7:30 进入动物园,故选 D。
【10 题详解】
细节理解题。根据文中“All the information is on the zoo map. Get it at the Main Gate.”可知,当你在正门时,得到所有信息的最好方法是通过地图,故填 A。
【11 题详解】
推理判断题。根据文中“Price of Tickets: Adult: $50 Child (from 6 to 16): Half price Child (under 6): For free”可知,格林先生带着他 12 岁的双胞胎儿子和 5 岁的女儿去参观动物园,需要支付 50+(50+50)/2=100,故选 B。
【12 题详解】
细节理解题。根据文中“Guests with disabilities can use our wheelchairs.”可知,残疾客人可以使用我们的轮
椅参观动物园,故选 D。
What comes to your mind when you hear the word "twins" Born on the same day Looking almost the same Or having the same hobbies Well, I have a twin brother who was born on a different day from me. We do not look very much alike and we are always interested in different things.
Twelve years ago, my brother, Wayne, was born at eleven fifty-eight on the night of May 28. Five minutes
later, I was born on May 29. Since we were born, I have always been heavier and stronger than Wayne, so people usually think I am the older brother.
But Wayne is always smarter than me. He loves reading and learns many things quickly. He knows a lot about animals, although he does not spend much time with our dogs and birds. He knows a lot about bicycles, but never likes to ride bikes as much as I do.
Though we are very different, I love my brother very much. I hope both of us can have a happy life in the future.
What time was the writer born
A. 11:58. B. 00:03. C. 00:05. D. 00:12.
Which is most likely the picture of the twins in the passage
A. B. C. D.
What do you think of Wayne
He is better at his lessons. B. He is too lazy to do sports.
C. He isn't so clever as his brother. D. He is not kind enough.
【答案】13. B 14. C 15. A
【13 题详解】
推理判断题。由第二段句子“...my brother, Wayne, was born at eleven fifty-eight on the night of May 28. Five minutes later, I was born on May 29.”可知,作者的哥哥在 11:58 出生,作者 5 分钟后出生,应该是 00:03,故选 B。
【14 题详解】
推理判断题。由第二段句子“Since we were born, I have always been heavier and stronger than Wayne, so people usually think I am the older brother.”可知,作者比哥哥更健壮,看起来更像哥哥,故选 C。
【15 题详解】
推理判断题。由倒数第二段句子“But Wayne is always smarter than me. He loves reading and learns many things quickly.”可知,Wayne 更聪明,学习东西快,因此更加擅长功课。故选 A。
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共 55 分)
三、听力填词(共 5 小题,计 5 分)
请听下面一段独白。根据所听到的内容,写出可以填入下表 1~5 空格处的适当单词,每空限填一词。(独白读两遍)
四、单词拼写与运用(共 8 小题,计 8 分)
Look at this old b . It is our library. It has a history of more than 100 years.
【详解】句意:看看这座老建筑。这是我们的图书馆。它已经有 100 多年的历史了。根据“It is our library.”及首字母提示可知,这里是指这座老建筑,building 意为“建筑物”,又由 this 可知,此处应单数形式,故填(b)uilding。
Sue likes writing very much and hopes to be a w like Mo Yan in the future.
【详解】句意:苏非常喜欢写作,希望将来能成为莫言那样的作家。根据“Sue likes writing very much”及 “like Mo Yan in the future”可知,是希望成为一名作家,writer 意为“作家”,不定冠词 a 后跟单数名词,故填(w)riter。
Jack ate l bread this morning than before. Is he hungry now
【详解】句意:杰克今天早上吃的面包比以前更少了。他现在饿了吗?根据下文“Is he hungry now ”及首字母可推出此处用形容词 little,表示“少”。由空后的“than before”可知此处用比较级形式 less。故填 less。
My schoolbag is s to Jane’s. They are both green and have a big sunflower on them.
【详解】句意:我的书包和简的相似。它们都是绿色的,上面有一朵大向日葵。根据“They are both green and have a big sunflower on them.”及首字母提示可知,我的书包和简的相似,be similar to 意为“和……相似”,故填(s)imilar。
I had to stay at home because my mother didn’t want me to go (任何地方).
【详解】句意:我不得不待在家里,因为我的妈妈不想我去任何地方。anywhere“任何地方”,go 为动词,后接副词。故填 anywhere。
They (到达)Beijing at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.
【详解】句意:昨天下午 4 点 30 分他们到达了北京。到达:reach,动词,由时间状语“yesterday afternoon”
可知,此处用动词过去式“reached”。故填 reached。
Mike doesn’t do his homework as (小心地、细致地) as his sister.
【详解】句意:迈克不像他姐姐那样认真地做作业。“小心地、细致地”为 carefully,副词在句中修饰动词 do,故填 carefully。
He got better grades than we (预料、期待).
【详解】句意:他的成绩比我们预料的好。“预料、期待”是动词 expect,因为前面用的一般过去时,所以此处也要用一般过去时,expect 的过去式是 expected。故填 expected。
五、语法填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分)
Josh is a kind boy. Last month, he went back home by train. Before he left the train, he found 24
iPhone on the train. Maybe 25 lost it there. He decided to take it to the train office. Then the phone rang and
he answered, “Hello.” A woman said, “Hi, this is Michelle. You 26 (use) my phone. I left it on the train.” Josh said, “Yes, I found it. And I am taking it to the train office.” “Oh, that’s very nice of you. If you leave your address, I would like 27 (post) you 20 to thank you.” Josh said no problem. When the woman came, she got her iPhone and a piece of paper. Josh left it for her. She thought it was his address, 28 it wasn’t. On the paper she found “Don’t worry about the money. Just do something nice for others.”
【答案】24. an 25. someone
are using
to post
【24 题详解】
句意:在他离开火车之前,他在火车上发现了一部苹果手机。iPhone 是可数名词单数,首字母发音为元音,此处表示泛指,用不定冠词 an。故填 an。
【25 题详解】
句意:也许有人把它遗失在那里了。根据“lost it there”可知,此处推测有人把手机丢了,该句为肯定句,此处使用 someone“某人,有人”。故填 someone。
【26 题详解】
句意:你正在用我的手机。根据“A woman said, ‘Hi, this is Michelle.’”和“Josh said, ‘Yes, I found it. And I am taking it to the train office.’”可知,乔希接听了对方的电话,说明他正在使用这部手机,使用现在进行时(be doing),主语是 you,be 动词使用 are。故填 are using。
【27 题详解】
句意:如果你留下你的地址,我想寄给你 20 英镑以表示感谢。would like to do sth.“想要做某事”,所以此处使用动词不定式。故填 to post。
【28 题详解】
句意:她以为那是他的地址,但那不是。根据“She thought it was his address”和“it wasn’t”可知,前后意思转
折,用连词 but“但是”符合语境。故填 but。
It was March the 29 (three), Saturday. It was a sunny day. I 30 (buy) a pair of shoes for myself. I 31 (put) the shoes in the living room after getting home. Then I went to Alice’s house to do my homework.
When I came back home, I couldn’t find the shoes. Just then, Mom came in. She was wearing the shoes. She thanked me 32 my surprising gift. And she said it was 33 (good) gift she got. She even showed
the gift to Aunt Chen, our kind neighbor. Then I remembered that day was Mom’s birthday. I was sorry to hear that. I would never forget Mom’s birthday.
【答案】29. third
30. bought 31. put
32. for 33. the best
【29 题详解】
句意:那是三月三号,星期六。结合语境,表示“某月某日”,其日期需用序数词形式,即 third,故填 third。
【30 题详解】
句意:我给我自己买了一双鞋子。根据“It was a sunny day.”可知,此句是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,故填 bought。
【31 题详解】
句意:回家后我把鞋子放在客厅里。根据“It was March the…(three), Saturday”可知,此句是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,put 的过去式是 put,故填 put。
【32 题详解】
句意:她感谢我送给她的礼物。根据“thanked”可知,thank sb for sth 表示“感谢某人某事”,故填 for。
【33 题详解】
句意:她说这是她收到的最好的礼物。结合空后“gift she got”可知,空缺处应填形容词最高级形式 the best
表示“最好的”,故填 the best。
六、完形填空(共 7 小题,计 7 分)
阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当 词语填空。方框中有两个词语为多余选项
Are you a football fan If yes, you must know Lionel Andres Messi.
Messi is one of the 34 football stars in the world. He was born in Rosario, Argentina 35 June 24, 1987. His father is a worker and his mother is a part-time cleaner. He has two brothers and one sister. Messi didn’t
start playing football for a local club 36 he was five years old. Every day he practiced more than seven hours. He was full of energy (精力) and ran 37 . He soon showed great talent in 38 football.
Messi never stops even if he loses matches or meets difficulties. In 2006, he got his foot hurt (受伤) 39 ,
but he came back three months later and got three goals (进球) in a match against Real Madrid. His fans all stood up and cheered him loudly. Why could he become so 40 He said, “I’m always working hard to be my best, first for my team, for the fans, and to try and win. Playing football is part of my life.”
【答案】34. greatest
35. on 36. until
37. fast 38. playing
39. badly 40. sucessful
【34 题详解】
句意:梅西是世界上最伟大的足球明星之一。根据“Messi is one of the...”可知此处考查 one of+the+形容词最高级+名词的复数形式,意为“……中最……的之一”,备选词 great 符合语境,故填 greatest。
【35 题详解】
句意:他于 1987 年 6 月 24 日出生于阿根廷罗萨里奥。根据“born in Rosario, Argentina...June 24, 1987”可知考查具体的日期前的介词用法,应用介词 on。故填 on。
【36 题详解】
【37 题详解】
句意:他精力充沛,跑得很快。根据“Every day he practiced more than seven hours.”和“He was full of energy”,可知他每天练习 7 个多小时,他精力充沛,可推测跑得很快。故填 fast。
【38 题详解】
句意:他很快就在踢球方面表现出了巨大的天赋。空缺处前“in”为介词,后面跟动名词作宾语;后有“football”可知考查 play football“踢足球”,故填 playing。
【39 题详解】
句意:2006 年,他的脚受伤严重,但三个月后他回来了,并在对阵皇家马德里的比赛中踢进了三个球。空缺处应用副词修饰动词 hurt“受伤”,此处考查 hurt badly“伤得厉害”。故填 badly。
【40 题详解】
句意:为什么他会变得如此成功?根据“His fans all stood up and cheered him loudly.”可知此处是指“为什么他
会变得如此成功?”。此处是形容词,故填 successful。
七、阅读表达(共 5 小题,计 10 分)
Do you like watching television It is an interesting and fun activity. Televisions are often called TVs.
The first television program appeared in Australia in 1956. Back then, the pictures on TV were black and white only. Still, TV was quite popular.
Today TV has changed (改变) a lot. You can watch many different programs about different kinds of things on TV. They are news, sitcoms, cartoons, talk shows, and soap operas.
There are many different channels (频道) on TV. TV guides tell people what programs are on which channel,
which day and at what time.
Most programs on TV are parts of a series (系列节目). These parts usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. On the weekend there are often movies on TV that you can watch. It means you don’t need to go to the cinema to watch them.
You can learn a lot from watching TV, but you should not watch too much, or it will hurt (伤害) your eyes.
Where and when did the first television program appear (no more than 4 words)
What can happen if you watch TV too much (no more than 5 words)
How long do the parts of a series usually last (no more than 11 words)
【答案】41. In Australia in 1956.
It will hurt your eyes.
They usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour.
电视指南告诉人们哪个频道、哪一天、什么时间有什么节目。 45. TV
【导语】本文主要介绍了电视节目 起源,如今电视节目的众多的类型,以及对人们提出的建议。
【41 题详解】
根据第二段“The first television program appeared in Australia in 1956 ”可知,1956 年,澳大利亚出现了第一
个电视节目,故填 In Australia in 1956.
【42 题详解】
根据最后一段“but you should not watch too much, or it will hurt your eyes”可知,过多看电视会伤眼,故填 It will hurt your eyes.
【43 题详解】
根据倒数第二段“Most programs on TV are parts of a series. These parts usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour.”可知,这些节目持续的时间是 30 分钟或一个小时,故填 They usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour.
【44 题详解】
“TV guides”意为“电视指南”;“tell people”意为“告诉人们”;“what programs”意为“什么节目”; “on which channel”意为“在哪个频道”;“which day”意为“哪一天”;“at what time”意为“在什么时间”,故填:电视指南告诉人们哪个频道、哪一天、什么时间有什么节目。
【45 题详解】
根据第一段“Do you like watching television It is an interesting and fun activity. Televisions are often called TVs.”可知,本文主要讲述了有关电视的一些问题,所以 TV 符合文章主题,故填 TV。
八、写作(共 1 小题,计 15 分)
假如 Li Ping 是你的好朋友,请你根据下面提供的信息,写一篇短文介绍你和你的好朋友 Li Ping 在一起的生活情况。
Li Ping 比你更开朗。
上周 Li Ping 带你去了Town Cinema 看了 the Battle at the Lake Changjin (《长津湖》),很精彩,让人兴奋。你觉得这是最好的电影院,有最舒适的座位,最好的音响。
80 词左右。
My good friend Li Ping and I have a great time together.
Li Ping is more outgoing than me. We both enjoy sports, so after school, we play basketball every day. We also share a common interest in music and action movies. However, Li Ping likes to watch the news as well because he believes it helps him understand what is happening in the world. Unlike him, I’m not a fan of soap operas.
Last week, Li Ping took me to Town Cinema to watch the Battle at the Lake Changjin. It was an amazing movie that left us thrilled. I think Town Cinema is the best movie theater with comfortable seats and excellent sound system. We had a great time together and made lasting memories.
第一步,表明写作意图。介绍 Li Ping 是好朋友;
第二步,具体阐述写作内容。介绍 Li Ping 的性格、爱好等;具体阐述上周看电影的活动;第三步,书写结语,表达感想。
①lasting 长久的
②unlike 不像
③amazing 惊人的
①It was an amazing movie that left us thrilled.(定语从句)
②However, Li Ping likes to watch the news as well because he believes it helps him understand what is happening in the world.(原因状语从句)2022- 2023 学年度第一学期期中学业水平测试八年级英语试题
1、本试题分为第Ⅰ 卷和第Ⅱ 卷两部分。第Ⅰ 卷为选择题,45 分;第Ⅱ 卷为非选择题,55 分;共 100 分。考试时间为 120 分钟(含听力 20 分钟)。
第Ⅰ 卷 选择题(共 45 分)一、听力选择(共 15 小题,计 15 分)
(一) 请听录音中八组短对话。每组对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片或能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(每组对话读两遍)
Where did the boy go last month
B. C.
What’s the girl’s hobby
A. B. C.
3 Which cartoon does the boy like best
B. C.
What does Li Jun plan to watch this evening
Beijing Opera. B. Animal World. C. CCTV News.
Who is more hard- working
Lucy’s friend. B. Andy. C. Lucy.
Who lives in New York
Bob. B. Bob’s grandma. C. Bob’s uncle.
How was the man’s trip
Terrible. B. Expensive. C. Interesting.
8 What does Sarah like doing
A. Reading books. B. Listening to the radio. C. Doing sports.
(二) 请听录音中两段较长的对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(每段对话读两遍)
听第一段较长 对话,完成第 9 至第 11 三个小题。
How long was Bob’s vacation
A. Five days. B. Six days. C. Seven days.
What does Bob think of his vacation
A. Exciting. B. Interesting. C. Boring.
11 What did Bob buy for Sally
A. A hat. B. A bag. C. A skirt.
听第二段较长的对话,完成第 12 至第 15 四个小题,
How far is it from Linda’s home to Rose Store
A. Five minutes’ walk. B. Ten minutes’ walk. C. Twenty minutes’ walk.
Which store is the closest to Linda’s home
Green Store. B. Park Store. C. Rose Store.
What does Linda say about the things in Rose Store
The cheapest. B. The most expensive. C. Not bad.
How often does Linda go to Park Store
Hardly ever. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
注意:请同学们翻到第Ⅱ 卷第三大题,继续做听力填词。二、阅读理解(共 15 小题,计 30 分)
阅读下面短文,从每小题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。
I am sitting on a beach on this hot summer day and watching two children, a boy and a girl,
playing in the sand. They are working hard at building a sandcastle (沙堡). Just when they are successful, a big wave (波浪) comes along and puts it down.
I think the children may cry because all their hard work turns to nothing, but they surprise me. They run up away from the water, hand in hand, and sit down to build another one.
They really teach me a lesson. We can’t always be successful. Being sad is doing no good.
What we need to do is to start again, hand in hand with our friends.
Who is playing in the sand
Two children. B. Four children.
C. Two children and the writer. D. It’s not mentioned.
What do the children do after a big wave puts down the sandcastle
They cry sadly. B. They just sit on the beach.
C. They start to build another one. D. They start to sing.
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
The writer is a teacher.
The wave destroys (毁坏) the sandcastle.
The write knows the children.
The children are sad because they’re not successful.
What’s the main idea of the passage
Friends are always there with you. B. Children know more about life.
C. All of us want to be successful. D. We have to start again.
I went to Xi’an with my friend. We visited the Terracotta Army and had a great time. We tasted delicious food, too. Xi’an is a big and nice city. I like it a lot. Helen
My parents took me to Hong Kong by plane. We went to Disneyland. It’s just like a fairy tale kingdom (童话王国). And we bought many special things. Most of them weren’t expensive at all. Jason
Last summer my family went to Hainan. The weather was sunny and hot. We went swimming and boating. They were exciting. Later, we tasted some seafood. It was very delicious! Diana
My uncle works in Tibet (西藏). Last summer, I took a train to visit him. There I saw lots of tall and clean mountains. Many people there are good at singing and dancing. Bruce
What did Jason do on vacation
He tasted delicious food. B. He went shopping.
C. He went boating. D. He saw some mountains.
Who are good at dancing and singing
People in Xi’an. B. People in Hong Kong.
C. People in Hainan. D. People in Tibet.
How did they feel about their vacations
A. Sad. B. Bored. C. Terrible. D. Happy.
Which of the following is TRUE
Helen went to Xi’an with her sister. B. Jason liked boating on the sea.
C. Diana visited Disneyland. D. Bruce visited his uncle in Tibet
Welcome to San Francisco Zoo
As the Northern California’s largest zoo, lots of people come to visit here every day. I’m sure you can enjoy seeing 250 different kinds of animals here.
Phone: Main Office (415)753- 7080
The Main Office clerk (职员) is on duty from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Monday- Friday)
Something to Remember:
◎Please Do Not Feed the Animals!
Our animals have proper food, and some animals are on strict diets for healthy reasons. It is very important that you shouldn’t feed them with the food or drinks in your hands. You can only feed the animals that are on the Family Farm in the Children’s Zoo.
◎Animals Do Not Like to Be Teased!
We ask you not to tease (逗弄) or shout at the animals. And please do not throw food or anything else to them.
◎No Other Pets Are Allowed!
Disability Access (疾人通道):
Guests with disabilities can use our wheelchairs (轮椅). Our Main Gate is for all visitors. All the information is on the zoo map. Get it at the Main Gate.
Please report them to zoo officers. They will help you. You can also turn to security guards (保安) who are on zoo grounds 24 hours a day to make sure the safety of our visitors and our animals.
Price of Tickets: Adult: $50 Child (from 6 to 16): Half price Child (under 6): For free Opening Hours:
Open daily, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Last ticket is sold (售卖) one hour before closed time. Children aged 14 years old and under must go with an adult (成人).
What can visitors do in the zoo
They can tease the animals in the zoo.
They can take their pets with them.
They can feed the animals on the Family Farm in the Children’s Zoo.
They can buy tickets and enter the zoo at 7:30 p.m.
What is the best way to get all the information when you are at the Main Gate
To get the zoo map. B. To call the Main Office clerk.
C. To ask the security guards. D. To report to the zoo officers.
Mr. Green took his 12- year- old twin (双胞胎) sons and five- year- old daughter to visit the zoo. How much did he have to pay
A. $75. B. $100. C. $125. D. $150.
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
San Francisco Zoo is the largest zoo in America.
Children aged 14 and under can visit the zoo alone (独自).
You can phone the Main Office clerk at 10 a.m. on Saturday.
Disabled guests can use the wheelchairs to visit the zoo.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word "twins" Born on the same day Looking almost the same Or having the same hobbies Well, I have a twin brother who was born on a different day from me. We do not look very much alike and we are always interested in different things.
Twelve years ago, my brother, Wayne, was born at eleven fifty- eight on the night of May
28. Five minutes later, I was born on May 29. Since we were born, I have always been heavier and stronger than Wayne, so people usually think I am the older brother.
But Wayne is always smarter than me. He loves reading and learns many things quickly. He knows a lot about animals, although he does not spend much time with our dogs and birds. He knows a lot about bicycles, but never likes to ride bikes as much as I do.
Though we are very different, I love my brother very much. I hope both of us can have a happy life in the future.
What time was the writer born
A. 11:58. B. 00:03. C. 00:05. D. 00:12.
Which is most likely the picture of the twins in the passage
A. B. C. D.
What do you think of Wayne
He is better at his lessons. B. He is too lazy to do sports.
C. He isn't so clever as his brother. D. He is not kind enough.
第Ⅱ 卷 非选择题(共 55 分)三、听力填词(共 5 小题,计 5 分)
请听下面一段独白。根据所听到的内容,写出可以填入下表 1~5 空格处的适当单词,每空限填一词。(独白读两遍)
四、单词拼写与运用(共 8 小题,计 8 分)
Look at this old b . It is our library. It has a history of more than 100 years.
Sue likes writing very much and hopes to be a w like Mo Yan in the future.
Jack ate l bread this morning than before. Is he hungry now
My schoolbag is s to Jane’s. They are both green and have a big sunflower on them.
I had to stay at home because my mother didn’t want me to go (任何地方).
They (到达)Beijing at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.
Mike doesn’t do his homework as (小心地、细致地) as his sister.
He got better grades than we (预料、期待).
五、语法填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分)
Josh is a kind boy. Last month, he went back home by train. Before he left the train, he found 24 iPhone on the train. Maybe 25 lost it there. He decided to take it to the train office. Then the phone rang and he answered, “Hello.” A woman said, “Hi, this is Michelle. You 26 (use) my phone. I left it on the train.” Josh said, “Yes, I found it. And I am taking it to the train office.” “Oh, that’s very nice of you. If you leave your address, I would like
27 (post) you 20 to thank you.” Josh said no problem. When the woman came, she got her iPhone and a piece of paper. Josh left it for her. She thought it was his address, 28 it wasn’t. On the paper she found “Don’t worry about the money. Just do something nice for others.”
It was March the 29 (three), Saturday. It was a sunny day. I 30 (buy) a pair of shoes for myself. I 31 (put) the shoes in the living room after getting home. Then I went to Alice’s house to do my homework. When I came back home, I couldn’t find the shoes. Just then, Mom came in. She was wearing the shoes. She thanked me 32 my surprising gift. And she said it was 33 (good) gift she got. She even showed the gift to Aunt Chen, our kind neighbor. Then I remembered that day was Mom’s birthday. I was sorry to hear that. I would never forget Mom’s birthday.
六、完形填空(共 7 小题,计 7 分)
Are you a football fan If yes, you must know Lionel Andres Messi.
Messi is one of the 34 football stars in the world. He was born in Rosario, Argentina
35 June 24, 1987. His father is a worker and his mother is a part- time cleaner. He has two brothers and one sister. Messi didn’t start playing football for a local club 36 he was five years old. Every day he practiced more than seven hours. He was full of energy (精力) and ran 37 . He soon showed great talent in 38 football.
Messi never stops even if he loses matches or meets difficulties. In 2006, he got his foot hurt (受伤) 39 , but he came back three months later and got three goals (进球) in a match against Real Madrid. His fans all stood up and cheered him loudly. Why could he become so
40 He said, “I’m always working hard to be my best, first for my team, for the fans, and to try and win. Playing football is part of my life.”
七、阅读表达(共 5 小题,计 10 分)
Do you like watching television It is an interesting and fun activity. Televisions are often called TVs.
The first television program appeared in Australia in 1956. Back then, the pictures on TV were black and white only. Still, TV was quite popular.
Today TV has changed (改变) a lot. You can watch many different programs about different kinds of things on TV. They are news, sitcoms, cartoons, talk shows, and soap operas.
There are many different channels (频道) on TV. TV guides tell people what programs are on which channel, which day and at what time.
Most programs on TV are parts of a series (系列节目). These parts usually last for either 30 minutes or a full hour. On the weekend there are often movies on TV that you can watch. It means you don’t need to go to the cinema to watch them.
You can learn a lot from watching TV, but you should not watch too much, or it will hurt (伤害) your eyes.
Where and when did the first television program appear (no more than 4 words)
What can happen if you watch TV too much (no more than 5 words)
How long do the parts of a series usually last (no more than 11 words)
八、写作(共 1 小题,计 15 分)
假如 Li Ping 是你的好朋友,请你根据下面提供的信息,写一篇短文介绍你和你的好朋友 Li Ping
Li Ping 比你更开朗。
上周 Li Ping 带你去了 Town Cinema 看了 the Battle at the Lake Changjin (《长津湖》),很精彩,让人兴奋。你觉得这是最好的电影院,有最舒适的座位,最好的音响。
80 词左右。



上一篇:2023-2024广东省深圳市重点中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版)
